r Shjecl, \\ fl l\l:UlI :xlre:u1v upon, nr, ulln alone I Ll I `. .... 5 ` 140' ` JOB I 1{1NTI.\'G my ,-lylc (Mary do- I. I'H[N'1`lI\'G: (LL13!) . V Size tliil not. resist liim, but us .l1`. again [Jl'O>.'.il}(l his burning lips to hers, she lnulm :i\v;iy, snyiiig: _ [ will siiig you :1 song. They tell me tli.-it my motlier sang this snn}_v,s:1il slit: to l`I-Lniore, my motl1crK:1li, the _v_rip. ; - zmal in Spzuiisli so corrupt, that but for lisi inen:- s lung rmialence in Spain he could nnL lmvo V 11nlur. it, zmrl with .1 lim- t:us'.i: zunl \\'(!ll'1l ziccompaninient upon mi `>l'l :m \'ur_yIn11~*ic:1l gixitzir, she Silllg` in .1 \'nl'r) ml" the l'l.`ll0>`l, r:ire. llm inmt en; . .. - - ' .....I L_ J`. A A ..`..l .'\l\v:l_\'< n.\'n-119.4 111_\' :ul11111':111o11; \v11:-11101` 11, 1s .-!m1'l11'1g;p1' art, oli :t11l1l<-tic] ]au1'. or 111- t1qm11*1:u11. or w mt not. 10 is at least; uhlu 1..-1 |>::1sL1l':L 1:--11ui11u o11jn_V111o11l. To he ]1ul`- lccl. lI.Sl1UlIl1l he l11111p1ly_co11l1':u:lt-_l with lhv roguh\r p111's11l_Ia ol`l11s`l1lv._ :15; to givo 11 ])l`H])l,`l'. 1'1.-l:1.\':1.l1on to lug l':101l1tiv.<. W1` rm-`nll movo o1'l('.<~1111 the pnsmuli oi -thnae n1`Ll.=;u1.< \vl1u.~'1` ]1l1'y.~'1c:1ll1':1111o.< nre lay nnv .~'l11'L',ll\1 l:imloI'l_11l1u1', null. lil~. 1|.m_ `am in `.\':111l1ol . to (':.-.ll 11 li",`.-1~1-11'. wt, of 11111.` 09. 11 lysucn or r-pirilnnl. into play. llul o111u c-11](srg-.=iic pursuit ils 11! all ovm11.< 11111035- mg: um nuli 11;: 111-6111.: ass wise l.!1:111 tn ridi- culn ll1o.s'cwl1ol1xu':-. hit upon so111.- plml-`I11'v`. l1o\1'u\'c1'1111i11lvlligil1lu_1o lhv 1' -~:l 0l'1::~111?~;iml. \\'h1cl1 may fill H1011` 101911":-, l101u . l,T11l11cl 11111st.pc9pl-. are stupid. l-.v(-1-_v -,-1-n111_m-. `.ml,ly Ia ipec-.d1ql`_v Slln'0llndUd]l)_\' 11 oroml ot 111rc`.(:11-- lic -9., he m:111 who 1m1t.<:m<`. lilu-.~a it. 1154; .\I1'. Tl'0ll()pulI1\5ltOl'illS. is L-n1'111lc1'l`-ilt-ll by nnmhors wl1oh11nt.nml il.~ 0111- on- tl1nsia\st goes to 11 picL111'c-;:allc1'y. l1r.`c'.1.11.'~'o3 he loves n1't,ti11(ll'|ty|1cc;111su llwyl11I.vc5.11c('(cdm1 111 pers11m mg 1 ionm-. was that they low it.- l'Iull't.l1o nccuplod cm-mls in the world am not \vl1utpenplu believe, hutwluut tl10yl1uliu\'o that they lmlnuva. ()tl1e1'f1-usts than the l(`(1tl'l0I1~l are madcol` pm-atolpoanl Llis-1l1o.~z, with guests qunlllnr,; deep dmuglits of omptmcss lroxu tiusul cuns. - - qnmuug um tinsel cups. 1'(UlL'lU|l I UUllIo She si;_rhe.1 softly, and locker] again into the eyes that were bad eyes, though as hlue=':1s In,-:wcn. ` ~ lie kissed her upon the mouth, passion- 11t3l_)'. V xi... .1:.1 VI1\` -n-:... l ..1__ 1.- H5 Inn mu... pl uni xu1_'_<.-1lr:lUl'lcl." , But I mu no angel. Rita. I warn you, and there \vus smm.-thing mocking in the laugh that again rung through the oak- palmlexl room. RI... eh.-I..,.l ..,J.I.. ....! I_,1;.u - LOUII; ' Tun first brought from China. to Europe 1501. ' n- ..1 4:... at Idnnfl 113:.-snrnrn hv 'nm`\' '1) PL .._ en-I: 1.501. V . . , Circulation of blood discovered by IIm'voy in 1610. - ~ Nowspn.po1- rst ostuhlishori in 1629. ` 1 -n.1nlun1 clocks 1'st_ii1\'(-Iitmi in 1630. Steam engine invented in 16-l'.|. Breudmaulc will: yeast in 113.30. Cutton plaultvd in the United States in 1759. Fire engine invcntovl in` 1685. . ' stereotyping invented in Scotland in 1785. '1`i:lvgi-upli iumnted by Mo1'se.in 1S:}'. .. 182310 Ii1`s_L daguerruotypo made in 1~`rai1ce in L4. um, uuu nIuIlIlI_!,',' HIS- <-fn nting eyes of'Es'tu1e1e, who tossed back. his _ Apollo-like curls, anal Izulghcnl` :1. w'rnninf_: l:l1lg`ll. `-Ya<, like the picture in my f'uLhcr s room pf :11: An-_v;ul (}:1bricl. V H Hut T ..m . .1 ha. 1-, N -:_:- Glass windows were used for light in 1180. Chimneys llrst put up in houses in 1236. Tallow candies for lights, 1290. ' Spectacles invented by an Italian in 1240. Paper made from lim-n,`1302. - Woollen cloth made in England, 1241, Art. of printing from movonhlo typo. 14-L0. Watches first made in Germany. 1447. Telescopes invented by 1 o1'ta. nud Janson. 1590-. 7 - m , n_._n I ...... ...1.4 P.-nm (`Minn in T-`nrnnn in `rue 1839. LU-HI. Y:-1'so21,c1mpter vii., of Ezm, contalqs. every letter of the English alphabet. It . IS- porhups. not so we11'knoWn that verse 9. chap- loriii..ofZcph:1niuh, contains every letter, including limlls of "the Hebrew, as well as every vowel sound, and also` the different form of the She-va. ' ' JJaLIllL'l'U ll]. , l7nr-slieliad ansxverod his-love-letters tlunf_;` into her hedcl1:1niher, and weighted with little slmies,,:1nd written in mixed (Jormnn and French. She spoke Sp:mish, not pure, but corrupt ` Sp.'mi. like that mingled with the gipsy t_nir;Iie , -l'l\':iIi,:1nrl heside this some li'enrtlx-~ Hwrni.-"m, ofcolirse, `being hred in lIe1del- - lII'l'g.`--:ll1 even a little Eiiglisli, which she had ;;:tthered from the lips of a ti`:-'4 . mer housekeeper to l)o(-tor` Cssil. an old , wmn.-m who had. succeeded Kali in that ll)L'lll:ll eupzteity mid \\'z1s now (lv-ml.` Estmere bounded ' into Rita's ne(`us- tomed abiding place, the room that looked upon the street. It \\`;lSIllf_{l1t. lle knelt at her feet and looked up into her face with passionate :1rlmir:tti-n- at her siini-hmlmric, seilii-aiigt-lie bounty. She was strangely, irre. lo\'el_\' DOW, in :1 long robe of delit-ale ' g:uize-like`silk, yellow in hue, and with l:t_rg;(e hztvigiiig sleeves. A girdle of gold.w:is her only .orn:unent. " llmv beautiful you are, Rita! And you!" Imirmurerl she looking,` down into the hhin eyes, the smiling,- fus- 1-fniting curls, . L I - ........;., mun 01 prune, tncn.ns sot`. nun! wnoingxs 1:is"own, till nL last the il-')or. of the hmxsre, now `void of Aiuxy luumm ':ro.s:-nee but her own (named and let. I` _ . . ustxncrc 1n. 1:`....,1,AL I '- ` I U...` ulmu our battle-Ii try, during the war. ,'I`IuL~ I..;..,\ ~-V him upon ( t.Y\'. llilrinnr T Interesting Fa1(:ts.( SCOII ? ________.___....._.. 1 our battle-'cld`,' tlmt of his conn- IQ` Um \v.-n- ~ ` BARRIE, COUNTY OF SIMCOE, TlxcvMililm`y Council of Reversion nt Gard- nnnu (1Zonchcsdu-Rhone) recently discovered II. sing;l1Inx'l'r:uItl to o. scrvicein the army. l"_our conscripts smcccssivoly pl`(`S(`lllt`(] them- selves for the dncdicnl visit. all npp:u'L-ntly hliml 01' one cyo, the pupil of which was enor- mously tlilnlt-(1. Three of the young men were cxclllptwl, hut. on tho fourth [)p('fll'illg the coincidence .\'U(9ll1(`(l . that the Inolnln-rs 01 the council (1l}('I\`1il)!1("(l him_clo.~cly. u|u\4\I- and hccoming 0111l):u'1'-.\s.~:mi he at last ztcknow-' l('llg(.'(1t.hM) thc appau-cm. >:1ITi1'nmy had been p1'U(lllc(` by ruhlnng Lhc yo that morning with n punnmlo 01' In-llaulonnn. A singulzxr fact was that there had lwull. no concert Imtwccn tln-,youngn1vn, nntljlmt the 0[)('l'.0l)S haul In on pcI'l'u1'n1<-(I by liIll_-rent persons, who appeal- to make a lnulo ofsuch frauuls. All the pu|'ti(-s hal\'(' siuuo l)L`L`ll])1 UScU.lllc(I. und `the young mun I1:l\'- hucll how each S0l1lL`l1C(`(1 lo om- xn(Jl1lh'.~`ilIl;I1`isI)Inm-Ill.1110-u])cl`:\t0l` toono your 01' the .<:unc mI1i. c1'.`x'un.<\vl10 - 1 ]|:l.\'U acted as illlx-run- to` three months 0:11-11. ' l`llC'l)lll'llglll;.'.' ll'il(ll." llllll Ull(.'Ul\lll{.{ LIIU HI.\Vll.'.`.Vl spirit. of (In: pt-opl--. l 1inco l{as.~.'a, with such an ntl\'i.~`Urnml ;.rom-.ral, may inako a nanio l'oi'hin1soli'i11' the cast. , .2 V The munial pi-osoixlatioii oi` l]1I'(l{\lS to the loyal Canadian llillos for long service and good conduct, took place at. Kingston on Mon- day at tho Tnto do Pout barracks. in the whole ro;,_;in1(-.ni. Tho. fortininto recipients wcro s c1-gt-:1nL Clmrlos Osborne. privates Davis and Colleen.` Livut.-Col. Ilibhort, in presenting them, stated how happy he was to nd so many so l'o1'tunu.lo to obtain thoni, &c., and~shuok hands with each of these good tunltrno sol-' diets. Sergeant G. Osborne served with the 'l`hir in tho Crimoan war, for which he has this medal and clasps, and also the 'l`n1'k-isli medal. He was in India during the Indian mutiny in 1858. and also S0l\'0d during the campaign in China in 1860. The veteran has now four medals on his breast. n1I._ n_.'-u,-_ -m-:_I n___u. -.... L... 1..`I..,. LIUVV Iuux I.I.lU\.l(|lD uu Luz nuuumv. The Qliebco oicial Gazelle appears to be swelling to such monstrous proportions that even oicinls do not excuse-tho jobhery. The Montreal Ifcrald says `everything `that can be rlmggeul into its net. is sh. It is much larger thzm the Dolninion 01' ()ntm`io -I.: r,1:`u!Iv. one 01' lho'pI~.1ns mloptud for incrv.-:Lsing the emolu- lm`nt=hciug11m i1xso1'ti0x1 ol` the notices ru- q11i1';t1Iu_v the Insolvent. .Ar:t.. As! those are -.m1_\-1-.~qui1'cd to he iusm-tud in the Dmniniou Ollicinl (:`a.:nHc. unless lhu, :u1vm'ti. is for the .~al(-. of 1:u1d.<. c1'edit01:sshfou'ld rt-xse to sillow the cluugu for uny.suclx notics in that oicialjounml. This is probably the only way . to put it stop to tho ubuso. rv - - ,_:..._ 4..`I....... .. 4..!..1 .041... cm..." u; ru- Spain is going to']mve_n trial of*tho Seven Bislmps. , Tlxoru will be some (1iffL'J'(.`nC9, how- ever, between the qu0;~rtiou at issue in the Spanish trial nml that in the famous English r::1u. which .\Incm1l:1y dc-. ns the most. .. ..._I. Spanish Y-l'l1l.l {mu man In 1u_u Ianmus Lungusu 0:11:50, Macaulay us ilnportmxt 1'cco1'd.-ml in u` lgistox-_v 01' England. In the Spanish case the cause of fret-doln will he repro.~entml 1'athc1' by the Govornxm-rt, . wlm pI'n!~'(`ClllL`S Seven Bishops I'uX`1'(`:`l.~Il'ulCc `of the ."-ocular auth01'iI_v. than by the prcluu-SA who are to bu .pl-uced on their <`u-'[1\nce. It somns to us n`guml_ omen when they venture to put Dlshops on mal for unylhingiu Spain. cm s xnu-.1'o.s'u-I in liighcr udncauinn; and .l u.1-limm.-uh they would be mcutiouccl only be cumlmnm- . m. ,.-....' ` .. .- - - |)1'o]m.=lIl 0I'_-g1-cal. xnmlcrzttiun and nclmmv- ll)llg4'(l\\'iS(10lll provml abortive lust sessiolu ytlnrough tho pml'iuml uuLip;1Lh_v of 1 au'IizumeuL. to apply ]n1l'lic nmnqy to Untlmlic um-.=. 'l`hu 111':-sum pl'()[)I)>':ll.s' -`urn-. ulmixl, us hl)])l'lL`.".`.1 me any Ilmt crmltl be prnpolunlvd. ljlnglauul and AScnthuulwillvnut. listen: to lh('lll. Even in _l.I'l`l:lll(I tlwy will not command the (1S.~`(`llt of clu.~`.~'<-,5 irltt-.1`o.s'tL-I in liighcr udncauinn; in ,I"J.l`:1lll(.`llL tlwv \\'(mll lm n`mntimm.l nnlv 4.. 1 to oxocnk -My at very vnsyltcrms of IARRIAGE --s_u,-;,u ,, -y ux .1I`<:1IIn1.~'11()1vUullcn -must _pr0\'0k0 1'1-.~'ux1lnmnt. The]n'c1mIsi<.ms of Ihu Jhnuan Cutlmlic _hicr:1rch_y l0\\':u`ds the _St:uu are illl.0l`('l':U)l('. 'J`hurL- is not om-.o1'th<-ir 1`u:40Ive.~! on c(lncul.in_.)n which t.lm1n-opli will not cm- 1)hzlti('.:|1|yl:('pI1 and which, if |n'0lI,-gill In-I1:-c Parlizuncnt, willnobbe rt-jvcted. The l\`>`.<()llS 01 the pusL,L'\\'o years seem lost on those pr-vl:|lvs.~ 'l`lw_y have not understood. how. :1 ])1'o]m.=1|l 0l"_-g1-cal. xnmlcrzttiun lc1l;:-(l\visl01u l)l'()\'(-cl nhnrlivn lam ul)k`L`:txI| uuunuu-xn.~':1s 1m1mv. U:mIinul Gullnjnie 1:1:-`t pu~'tur.1I. :1n forth by the Rmnnn Cutlmlic Jiishops of Iltclund. 'l`lm_v (lcmunrl 1114- m`('1'lh1'0\\' 01' common cnlucatiou and (In,-1-.\'ult:1lim1 nl' tlvnmninatlimmlism. The la_I1gt1:1gc 01' AI'<:hhi.~'lmp Cullen Them'c1mIsi<.ms liuumn f_," lU Zlll llllh`, ll(!,Ull:_"lH.1I) IIK` LIN.` KHUI. U] n ilIl])I'\,`.<.\' lhu-, lmll`-suv:1;_rn `mtg-nI:m~s of min; and his 1'oc1-nt lotlvr >'lI0\\'cIl that ; ul_i\'u to the ilIl]\0l'L:lIICO 01' op:-ning up 01' t:mmunni`caliun will the (:n:1~:.l. oi 'ugin;.: (1-aulu, uml checking the lawless: ml` 'i.<(-rum] ;;cm-.ra11, mum nm-H` in- tho cast. - uu uy nu.-__L\\'0 lluunhs, m\vo1.~x. We ;_r:1tho1* than mxu-tic systa.-n1 ul signs` is nuuths' practice is said to - to follow lhumo. ` \\ uu11gl1t msny that M. ['1l(l(.`l'S it HIll\l`l`l' in \ u1'm'u Ivy! final com '|:v Hm 1 nnm cw 'l;y the '01s. \\` snm':<.--The f[']n1g=,s- l'(IiI1:ll(`.nH:-n`e lam _y IIIU nun Jll.\'m1:l11ls,. __L\\'o lluunhs, :\ (l"I I Inn. 1|... o 1V[a:r 1{iag"e0L"censes. ,. all rzligs & 00 nd (,a](.ru.i.. , .. I4 nussxon Agent 101- we S2110 01 HUUBJLD. I.ANl)S, FAR)! S'1`OCl{,. HOUSEHOLD FUR.\'['l`URB. Goods, \V:}l'(.'S, &c. Also for the collection or` . nnurnn \u|vI1IV:< |\'l\ Arsnnivnvuu 1.1;.` gm, uu ...3.. ._-...r .-uuvun1 3 Cash. Aclvanes maria on G'n0(lS Iqft for Sale. - Sula I{o9111,co1'ner Of Collier nud.M:n'kel. Sts., B:1l`l'l0. ` 11.tf \.g Highest REFERENCES givcngg 7 IIE public `are mspectfully requested Vto lukc notice that the` . ~ Sluul;l_v .13uSine.~`-s Hitlmrtnconnnctml_wilh this -stablishmcnl will be discontinlu- from this date. V ' I). V.~\N'T`.VT3`,RY V BINGHAM BROTHEHRS`, , Burcnms rm) Gmmsn. Pcmmons, _ muucur STALL no. 1, .B.1}1.'!E, _ l `AVE constantly on hand n._ good supply of FRESH MEAT, 1"0\V-L. G.-U11-`I. &c.,' of as choice quality as tho_n1arkcts a'urd. and offer the smne at very xnuclerulc priyct-.==. . Corned Beef, Smxsu-gc.= 9.11:1 Lard, togotlxer with :\v:u`ich' of other n: commodities, can ll.~`lI1ly:1)"(`v1!f1 at No. 1 Stall. V` - ME .-X11 nxxrchnsvz: dv.:1ivc1'L`u1 in nnv nart. of u.=u:tlly.b(`. mm at A0. 1 Mall. ` m{f?'A"1lfpc1xrc1;nsi~3dzzlivcm-.1in my part, c ow r 00 c mrgro. . ' 'C.~1SII P111171-`OI: C'.A1T_TTJZ'!' I . A-. nr_xum.\x_. Mr V J, m_\-cu, (Late Clerk in County llcgish'y (wnximfy OXVEYANC ER. C0111I{1is; in Que}-n's ` . Bunch, A1lcti0l'1L'.L'1`, Appraiser. and Com- mission Agcnt- for the sale of H()U.SES. LANDS. STOCK. . HOUSE-IH()I."l) ,;5x`;\uxu'Unn sum un- uLLcm`.m1 to in-omplly, um Issuer of `Marriage Licenses`, ar)n1c.s'1'<)n*.\`. V o D. VR-LUNB.` ' ` FORMERLY O F C 0 OK S '1` O W N, \ Late of the City of Toronto, .3 7`/nrA\v I: run, Q;-I mun am mun r An-rs` Law 0 B *"}.,ifi m` k _ __,.., ull umc. 1n: oxn nnv "' , DR. J. L!ZARS `LIZARS. . 1` .E;\II}ICRul"IIu-. Royal (lulh-g.;L*.~' of Stu`- guuns, Lldinburgh and Jiugluml. . C()NSUL'I`lZ\'G ;\:()I I-II1.`\'l`I_.\'G SURGEON. (-)|.\pn-1."--_R'v\rr\`O Um: V'I".....\._. . \ .A vuuuu u I I -.w u u, ur 1'.1L.'\ l'l_.\ U 5p HUISU _OH=n'1<:`:V-I{in,r._r St. \\'u.=.?, Toronto, b(-twt-- 1011: uml . T 47 ` unnvlca U. IVIUHKUW, TTOI?..\'I'1Y-.\'[`-LAW. fiwlicilnx` "ct.-r_vj ;\'0t:uy: I nh1ic.` Cull Gmnmiss'i0n0r in I}. 11.. &c., &c. _U( .\'iS(`L! Claims (-xudzltx-11.. ()l.`I.'nu.~ , In `Y ' ,, n .... May 23111. 1867. ..; \ .u.\.u|L'I|.. - --In .\Ixu':'n*.'.".s' Ilniiuliilgs. west Of 1.110 .1-'ircn .'an .< U-._1lI, Comer .~,`l1m-1. J;'.uu:m..,` _______._________, , `U|:i':\:}'.:i`NUt}Tus AN]! ACCOUNT. A 1............ .....v.7.. A`. I1.-..7.. 1.4`: 4'-.. n 1 VANEVERYS ` Livery Etabies. "'WfE*TRo}ik,` M.o.: /\/*/./\/*.-_\/xx/* / /\_/~-~-\ -/\-\ ,-. xx/x. THOMAS `r. A. BOYS.` D.-XRRISTER -A`.\'D .\TTOIL\'EY-AT-LAW , -`.'0CitO1' in (llmnm-rv, (".nn\::'-tnnr-nr .\'-n .-uuubflali ~.-\.\U .\TTO1i.\'EY-.-KT-LAW ` Solicitor (Jhuncury.Cuz1vy:u1cer, Ate. ` cuoxisn.-\v.\'. ` t'<'H In lhu pulnlfc |'t`[HIl 4'tI 10 (MW ul lru can furnirh. JOSEP|_-l`~R0 GERS,_A 1 ..s..ru,... .. ' O III-INR ' lIAI`1 ]R. u.*3i:xc`.5'.-3 4;!irrrto:-5;. A./\/\ ,-_\/\/- ,\../-~-\/- /x- \ "~-` `JAMES c. MORROW, [},_\']<}Y..\ {`.7, UV u,.1:,.:M v. nu. vu} ul I Ul'Ul0, - I C()L.["L'l'I:D AT 'l'HI'I>LATE oucu of HI`. I.`- :, uun>L uI'I:U A . _]tn.=.-". 'CHl7J_ICIIlIH.L. , I nuxn gun. S5111`: Unmulbgvlnnit Hm Cnunj,y` nplly, and on lil.-L-rul teI`1n.~`. ' ` T 4:;.1r 3, ONTARIO, BRITHISH FREEDOM AND COLONIAL RIGHTS. (ms unto. D. .V.-XNEVERY [0 ms ._..4.., V . '.Su1iciInx-in Chan- Ht` - (Ynn\'-In-An:-nu mw*_v:1nC(`l'. I_Iuu`- and` .:`.-r:{; x/ "' u pv ~` Vy . , $3., Queen s, V ` ` -cui-b`:i?i`lLwn3}'1./r'/I5L"" - -_- - - - Propriet H1111 1*` H0\`.' co1nfv>x'tabk- rnrnuc {'. n- m. 1`m'ni.< am pl:-,4 :!`l(l (`S _'1 ms wt-H Rum`-` Ilnt-rgrnn \'r-1'3 ; .adtlilim'i hn'.'in;_r-1\ cw-.:~:1-1 uccnmmm l`m*1'r-ial tx".1v(-H:-r;~' Choice liquors Stabling :u1(l'Shv( .1] ,. - - .", ?}?".\'cVzr the I?r:.'Izr Depot. mi. 111. m-I:0i;r.-.u.I., This cnmmodimx.=. hotel lms'j `F lnn] u n:.u- -"nrv~<`.I|'d tl.1'I') 1':1o:\L-is s'r0.\71I J`. I . RYLT-l\'. . lx`nrum-`u-Xu ..a' II.. '.I.`.-.1-nus I nmnufnclurea Ill'lliIt'H all the uruln, including be Iuid on vclrg DOMINION I-Ious AVGU "*73"\ `Am. nu. 7?;-. 72rrIv 77nnr)(. `Tluis Ilolu` innn-n.-....... TIITS i: the rst Hotel '.n the pL'1c(f, . and :1ll'ur ; all the mn\'o_nim1cL-s` and com- forts of :1 li1'.~'1` <-1:1.-<.-z hou. . Stugt-s (l0[):1l't 1'1-(inn and arrive at the hole]. Cmn'0_v:tnc('s to unul from the Steamer. . 2/:'}" L;_I`1'1';/ t,`t)iL:/I-t,`[('(l wil/1.1/Le I1ou.s'e. _JB Ligensccl ;`112ctio)1cc7'_for- the .(.;:>uzz1y of Sz'nu.'0c: ' Valuator, g'c., dc. V 36-ly |'l`.\I 1 . QULVN, Mrs. E. MARKS, Proprietress. JOHN McWATT, Superintendent, '.:$"The Tra\`clling'C0mmunit-y will ndvthis us 4 lplislmlvnt Sllllifll to their 1-cq11ircuu-nts um] (11 V rring 0|` tlH'll' pal:-un:Igu. 1 23*` Sample Rooms for Commercial Travel. ers. w......u....; s..1.1:....',............;...1 ...:u. n.,. n,...... . WILUXM PARKINS, V IN NKEE1 E`1t, COOK`STOW1\". {AILWAY II()'l`EL, .\1')JcINIxG TH!-1 s'r.\'r_10L\', c0LLI.\`uWOoD. FR1\SER'S EXCHANGE I`IOTEL, FL. ` r...'I-\IY . `rm.-.'...,... C'I.rl.'.-us 7):/nlnn EL. 1 n good Farm wrest 8 pct` I7.v1I2l.`II~.', C'0UN 1'Y 0FVbv'1J1U0E, 0.7V.` Hers. , Excellent Stalrlingconncctetl with the House EEEFEHOTE-L, Cor: Iv. . mmnmws 1 .% llington Hotel $'TI1: A 131:: :17 nmvr T1I_HllbF.Cl'i1J(_`x` lu-gs to acqxxnint his friends and the public \\'i!l)'Llm1':1nt, that he has re- nWV_ "L'v.m1 .\ll:nm1:xlL- to the brick jxrmniscs sitna fasmm-u. nnd1`('c0I1tIy occnpin,-d as :1 Tom ncc Hotel. which he has opened and ting up for the accommodation of the _ 07-1.. -Elli-.~:;I"0l{J), A..`'1`QDDARS, - - - 3 sAM7:._ BROLLEY,- . M4n1{sAH:% s 1T1.o1 1E1 f5i:E , O~p'l-,0`\_l_ Ian Dun licilllr. ( 0., ' Brndtbrtl 124! ~____.-. :.uxn1'.l. - - - - -' l'[l0!`I?.H'ITOI`.. `m'1nI.-'1-1y 01' the RoY.n. Uwrx-:1.. l{:1miItnn. ____________ . CANADA, THURSDAY; SEPTEMBER 16,` Bl{.-\.')I"OlU). ` ihtazeio fro-zen, 33_BAR1ifE, ONE M15`. In____I ll and g'.1wI 0Ult5. silo Um J?aI3:cr/1} Slatibn, Dunlap SL, BARRiE'HOTEL. \/Au: Jul 7 ~~~~~ ~1 _`_Qf Dunlap .9. I:l}'ll(`.M Streets. --j:_______. `l'.~', .\-c. in stock. Commodious was convement to the house. .?___.__. KOWAT. 12 wn --t:1!I]islnnont has I`ocm1tIy ;:I'vnl im'1>1'ov.-1|||nl-:1 large; In-on msuie to it. ;'i\`ing in- ulution to the public and `com a has `I.<'u~d throw H -mntn 'I`c<~nfly nI1I1m',':m1o oxfonsim 11u'\\':1_\'_u1 mv>xn_v :ul II: -ur-nnlnunndvunn in unu- IIS HCCOIHIH`. Il`l:ll1]('. `TIN. rfulllhl in N10 .L`rz_z(/W11 Slrcd, Jlarric,` Ont; M l':u'nI'ito old ITnt'-1 h`:1s 1'4-nnr [mi um! Iinml ..... /1 7 T0, FL 05', ONT. `-all H1`. ' `y 1-_ml('u.\'r>1' clion and rent]- l<-sl of itszolzws in . A 1IiHi:u'rll :u']nr '1':-nl p:u'l;~' Io2u`(- the H'.l'lll` um lll)l(`l 11:15 mic-d and li1'to1'np .- cn1nI'u1't nf'{_rm-sts; Hm! 1-mu-v lulllllltlvnr =.' j nit hen roctod. ongghnut in 3 mos? ` `$11.4 the host smnple T1,.-,-I `,5'nn\: pup Ina I/`,,'|Y1.A nnnn Proprietor. l 1'0priefor i`.x:omm:'ror:. P1101` xugzron. Proprietor, 1 nomm-Iron . ' Proprietor. .j `47-1yr. : lg IHL` 49-tr 1-15' vuI.vl. .ni'l|`.l_L'y (`;\T`.RI.\GH J`l{!.\I.\H'IH. nuvl Go L !'I!m.s'!`I-:I?I*n. 01':-..m-'1'). Gr: | . n - II:ml\\`m-.- \v '1; Bomrn" Dar-rin. 1 ,_~ `H-11?. hum ` 12:u'1'lc, 1;). 2 DryG0ods,Groceries;Provisions,` /V" 1 _ _, rr ,1 , .v...I....... /' .. .. . .. \\ 0I`lmZ1Dl1RC 111117`-UL'X'. -' ']'hankfu1 for mat f:u'or:= 1:0 rcsprrctfully rc- ` qm-st n. cnntinuuncv ol`puMi_c patrennrrt-. |-D ';?" Satisfnctnr_v ra-rr-nco given, if required; J3:u'rio. April 1. 1869. ' {Hy an l8.l`_L{1`. mm. no 1:; [Irt-1)ul'0 o1'dr:1's in Hue line pruxnplly, workmanlikc mzmm.-x-. TI:-:nL-f'u1 {hr nnaf Kn-rm: Ln .1. w. BRIDCMAN. . . ) 1 .\1.\"1'151:,' 39 King Street 1 Wu-st. 'l'u1juntn. `I17-y .. .... . 3--u puu:n:1.~`u or not. ?."S.-17 I, .-1UTI(I.\' G U21 I'. ;1A"/ 1'.`.E.'fJ"'-'.';T,I: Toronto, July 20. 1.~'6!l. 2.3- 'i`-III . sub.c:'i IIIIA|IIr"l1|K r F\'IlI-JY .t; ,< >`\ ]H'0l(`.`..~'l,`S 10 DC lHUTUH_`.|H_\' i\L`1||l H10"). and is dc: of i:1f_unni1) at la1'g_qv.'tl1aLl1c is pr:-1u1`I'-(1 1: "0111 Q in Hue line munnnllv. mu" -..,.-.-.. _-.,.V. -V..._J- L:\.\'D .\.\'D.. I;\ .%LTI`..\.\'CL-I AGI-I.\'T. ANGUS, --V - - - V - ONT. -,--- o-- ;;mlu--mo .a4vIL'.~1 . `Valuations r-zm-fn]I;v r on-r_\v dwucripiion 1-.`;x-cm dCS]):l[P}l. ` ` John Mellanby, Hume,LSim1 and Carriage Painter, GRAINER, GLAZIER, A N D Plain and Decorative Paper-Hanger, 4 _\'0:u- the io1nui1'y - _- - IMIHRIE. --.--(ll"-'* '_D.rugs, Medicines, CH MICALS. PA TNTQ __ 7 _.._-:`.u-nsrnanaily MICALS, PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES, BRUSHES, .-\I{TIS'l`S. .\I.\ l`EllI.-`\L.%. &r.; &c., _ .-\tI0\\' rulvs for (`u,~'h. Cull when you Visit gl'(CH_\':_Il.~`|)(`('tlhtjvtli:l|H1lt':lI`llUmln-in-we vv~-_.- .. ..-u. -..,_ v n.-, iProvincia|. Land Su-rveyor, Y.u\\'h .\\'D I\ I'I? \\'(`.I-`. .\(1I-`\"T` 1... mm !%&S`EjF?Hf[$i%tE wwvl 'fri-mls,x and the nnhlic. 1.x I Inn 1 um: um . u .. .n.uuu.uu, unuuuu, Is propnrovd to draw up l)n-oI.~', M01'tgages.' Bonds, Wills. &c., to make `.al'C])('S in the llt-;:istx'y Ollice, and to r<-cmvc atppliczionsz for]nsI1r:,u|c:-s, (Fire and Life.) upon n-u. uhh-.11-rnls. anal S|It`i|.~` the pntronzngc nl his .x.n.uJ. 1I|u_t:t.'[FTF, No. East, Toronto, OIl'c1' for 5:110 :Llu1':.r<: and vm-Em] nu-:r..-o..m... .-. . . .....b V. Ef1]L`K|.1:lI'"1} : B Accident Insurance Company, I.\' THE POST 01"!-'[(`l-I IIL'ILDI.\'H. IIAILIHE. 1dI._\-I1, nu Idnllllvs separate Sxliivs for 1),, ` " `. ` - . 3` -3-|InpIgeRmn;_=1,, The Bar will nlu-.. ,1u.3m'W and cmnmr 1 near the Lake Slum-r View 01 the surrrmndin_:; um largo. 1:ulsnm-]_v 1 lutt-1.1, und fd!lli]il'S C21 scri.'1mt- suit.-u rm n.. up nalxnplgelmrnnzsI?u"Cmnxm-1`ci:11 'I'm\'( Bar will :\l\v:1ys he f'unnv,l replete liquors and ciy_v:u'.~' of mu host hrnnr]. G:)`o(1Sti1hlix1g:xI1 ,,,_.-.-~---r\JAI AL\JUQn4, (Lzyte StuH'n1'd 1101151-.) OR1LLI:L, C `V JXIIES Jo1I.\`so.\', - - . I`1zor1m:'roI:. `HIS new and Cm1m1r:t1i(ms110101 is: situnfr-d Slmw. and r~nnmmm].< :1 1i1_`m_ the s1n'rnnndin_:;so:-11:-1'3`. The mums: hmulsnmc-]_v fnrn .. um vvn" . ,. , . . .. , 'C_C7A/IVE V,1A/C};/, am, .,.,........~.u;u u u\'('l1Cl`S and o1uo1's.furni.< with colmsnivnt and amplenccmnml:1lion. v Choice Winvs, Izirlnnrs and Ci3.':x1'< in st( .\p:n'lm<-his lot tn }u-iw:1~t(- 1'-.unilw:'. _>fx`3."GH(>l] Sheds and Smbling with altcnl scr\':uxIs. > tux.-1 5' now F(`in_'_1` his um lnuuuv ' 111-in 1 HILL: cumnxunlty U-'1 hotel in the ph- I20! 111* an}! 2! `Orillia, and is niuw 1`-'r(-pr accommud:1t- .-_rmgsts. > Ctmnnr.-1'ci:Ll trm'(-llox`s :1 amp] Pluninz. \ - | ~' [am~vwa ve.. .' H`. v nul `U ml... The proprietor of 11,1 meutbcgstu-in1'urn1 his lint: Cmmnllnitv Hun 1.. _._._.._ utrlsn and (,21lcnu.s'. ORILLIVA HOTEL, A.LV.~\ DOOLITTLE, Pnormm (Z7urn1e_rI_z/qfllzr" Iu"t.-'/'m./(rl I/nlwl, _I; c/l .I;'u:/1` ' fY`L,.__-- ` - ""' __ _, -...a.'~...- 1 JOSEPH r2oc;E;~:s, 1 mn=.1-* (},().\".~"[`.\I)LE. Cmxnly or Sivnmn. 1 ln:L~n-u- m.nr..-inn Hm \lm-Z.-no I2. -:.. C)'r_;'kcri , (:7!/.: 5'1-. _ IOTICE J ` A M 1:: D w A J; D s, .3zt5i}:x:.s';s :i{u7vt-i5cz1ica:t:~ . - ~,\4<.\~.> . . ., ,...~- ,,...,....~\..~v.-~.-.v. )AI1\_ITIN_G. EEHNSON HOUSE, (Talia Rt-.u'....1 n...... . \ /IARGACII, ANI)ERSON &'CO., V (Ifonm-1I_v J. L. )[ax'g:xch,) \\'lI0l.E.`l.\I,F. AND 1!!-IT.\IL llI{['(H -'IFTF, ;Au:u` - him satin.- s and others *8 or-Swine, uled to dur- I cases wiil ncca glvon `.l('I'H1.. Zlllil $lII||.`l|.\' miss the public. JOHN cuLvawELL, T9177 \f'L` n'Il\t\r1u.. {E .=nb.=vci`ih(-r 11:1\'in;_:-I`-';]1o'.\'o(1 the above I l;1'a\1ncl:4-.< of his bu 1'01` many yr-at-5: sin lm Hmrnmrlulv u.- nI...l u-hi. .:.__;\pI'!I. 1\i}f.` . IHUIVIAS S TUNt, ...,.v T`. l`.V , v }`m,\`n.~hIp Fins. I-Sn.` -\.|OSEP.I-;A!;g'JPE,. C-.E. , III lf\ aurs lUl` (`$1,411. ,V iI1. : II iixko pl(':l!~IIlFO \'h(-lhm` vuu mm-h ~ um... -4., `Min; stock :1_t prions as low. 'c1',' tl_1-.m the szum-.g0mls cm] be had posts can 1500, at a air orders Z T0. DEBTORS. 330. Sauldlcr and tn` ar:qn:1int~`a11 I ) n".' I . ~.v_.u.v n'ge .\':11-iod :_1ss0rtment --.-- (I l"-`-- ,,,, _ .-.-.. ' 2 wIn'v,_ [I(l7'(]L'(l7'( , .170. . J-c.. l1'J(`I`.sdl"u' UICIY I'U:'lI(.`Cl1\ >`.rix:;1 fu'111nvith. .15. BEMRO SE. 174 m- mm lntralilxy vill L ] ~1'op:1n-d 10 recon ls. .' 1:1~:<:r[~`'rr:.\n) mm wuon visit I\' :uul1t':u`n thc1>|'ic('s. ) in slnuwing goods, :h:1sc or not . S and 0111013` . fnrnis} mlu nccmnr.dm:..n . " / \\'('-kl-1_0\`\ I`l O.~'_mMi. h-ix-ml; and tho t:':wcl- ` 112:" I(':l>`~,`l1 H10 :1`u\-L- rial l|t~:1H!n- 1-Illn .. 1' mm: at . Imllco. umn:_V or mum 2 .\lari Bn1'1`i<-. 'r1II'.:/ (1 V]I\ ..... Harness Maker. imlcbtod to him, j.` their rcspt.-ciivc nthwith. I mm 1111 : 'x|L`qll'-H!lU'(l \VlIH `l !Ili{1jJ,'.lll( public :1 1n ox:cuL(-, all amL_in. a. most u-rcnu '|`rm'(-III`. S. mmd wllh. : 1! min] TI':1\'('Hnr, mm! nmlmn . 1. 'u.-\\ 4'1l.\'(*nll- x-rupplit.-11 with x.1_::u-.<. 1n stock. '-.uniliv:<. ,' altt-11tive v rlllfuslc (I. u .1 \'IIv-1-A11: & SCOTT. 1:: I`) 1! m1Survoyinf_>; 0] I1 acclu`:u-,_v and ma.) y , Pnorrm-:1~or:. I 13.4: 1.`.-. I - I H10 :1? villagn '1-rm?`-.. .. .ulUH. stock. ' 11-1y um-3|` (II Ave and . 11-Iy ishcd ml I he lmnyu: fwm sale. "In /."I made to_on1 Bradford. (mt. Illl IN \\ ll rim` .-\.\ rant for thirty dnys=. .\ II .\ "(W l1\\`9I'l`flY thirty lays. V A _.\_~:-9 xxnwrnmnfnul from supormr mnkors 110 can svll :15: chr-2-.1) us any nah--I hnu. in Town. AXES JUMPED .............o...1 r...- tm an It .~`!_rm. I, .., ......, um: -_,IH;I.'(Ii_// A`!/)l'(`.S` }[ 2}`GAlil)}*I.\' }X(INl`IS___. PLATFORM 3:. COUNTER SCALES; ,-00,11; oz/,. .c-c.,-4-., j DL'.\'LOI' ST!!!-il-.1`, . .__j__ ESSA _W(3E)LLIC.\' M i L ; I G. UPTON % DI'(`!ml'|-cl tn l`\'n;-`I r\.\'I' IIII L-"0.z',.J (n'Iur, /Fl//V. cl-(.;1_.;]n':_{ urlllullu nxmmfactnru. hnsx dock of Burn-ll's_. .-:.u- .\\' lHnf \\` .\l;\Nl.l";\(}T['liEl (IF ' EN, SHEET-IRON JAPANNED I 2 an ('1 (",(111~;-\n1v `ETA sun DU1\Ii:E)v15' 'i:`15;E`v'l:,H1'3;X11RIE. .....,...x on l'....H..|.} ..... rm Sa`u3.3:_3"i133. ,&.'i ml _ . . in :1 style \\*:u`r:\nL<-d lo ,'._:iw,- .-':ui. was->lvI.`1 ,\ll_`l\'! .' X alum-in :1 vsm-7; In it ruqnr Hulltulu-L u; ,.A,..~,.-... .. _ C,% .IIT".I ;\._l[{l.\'G: 3'17-., dam: in :1 like mzumcr. , Harri:-. .\ugu.=l 19!. ].~('.f!. flies. _ ___._______;____ GEORGE PLA .\'.'J'().\', )L\N l.'I"A(."J'l'lU'Il rnw--rr ....___ H C...m:aI.u.':i` "ll":W}llX(:.i ]u'.\ '.-IJIELLJ-.'I) Ll-.'.l'I'I/I;`I. /'LO'l'IlS, ((1-. .`l:1nII.'2Lclu1`a~1`.< u1' A ... l\ .u . ._. lsddles, E 6`ii'Eh'a Trunks] fnr tho 'I'r;u1t-. Sadd1es& Harness, Next door to l/no ].uu~ ()__//`:':~r' q;'fr:s.s'r.s-. .McC arl/L}/ (C .JIc(.'(1rl//A//, 'I"\1'I"I1"" /\1-1 r~4rn1\1'11-,In1 "rs A `I-|'!\'r'I' ., .. .. ...v... .. .. ......_.._. ._ , ..------f._. He is pm-p:lr(~rl tn ('f\'I'I`lH(` urtlv-I`sl'u1'Ii_1:ht and heavy single and clmnbla,-.~',-1&4 of II.v\l{Nl'JL~,'>,': _.-. ... - -nl-I1 A A 1- : B rzllemlcd LEVI R. VVARN ER, 3 ANUI"AC'I'L'IH .Ii 01' . n'.x_d D H:xl'lw:<:~`,nt` :lll_!;.`ml<. .\':v.hl1t-.~'. Jir \\"hip.=. lllunlu-L~`_. Ito! ~ (,` Trunlce D$" I. rmn'1-{mo 1 ..I . . 1. 2 l ks Ilarncss (6 7'rr/n/1' ffr.2AHf?,Ic`fn7`_7./ , NEXT DOOR TO m.\'n.< x:1:(>.~:.1'1;.-um; ......nu.~., mm H m lJ\'1`r""2 111'Cll In un lustoln Carding, I ~ . 1*`uH 2 113,-, .x:II|n:ng_3;, _ .DYEING AN1)` (`L()'HI DRESSLVG, . ' .\L. .\x.\.\'I'I<`.\("H'|:Ix; Cloth, J"/uuzml /ml, I, /ml-r[.<-_ * CU.\ A`: SU.\J CO'I`T. Innisl. Jn1y.'). 1869. 2.-;.1y ._} MP. . V Barrio, Oct., 1`55=3. IHAI:1nx;__u~v... J um pml axes nip. ' 31110. SIHISC1'H)(`l`.~' 1.1-gm that thoy are mm mm)? tlxolxlsclvcs, and will be IV - 4 SADDLf; U211 Slc . V1\'I_ IIJI4 I)ICI{ ,,,.._I -... 41.. .-Lnv-01.;-1 nil n \VH.i)l.Ui `BI MA IUWI`) T n-nunnaz-..\s'..`.. " NEW sA1)1T)1,1`:}1:.yfz Anni:-1m .vi:~.nz>'\\;\1:E , 1 IH\'!"."n` -l ` The sI1h. hnf Hum um. um ALE. 1`I:1:J-3.ss'1"<)'"a;3. ;\.I|:C')i:\J:T<`.\!T 2N J;S (L:\'rE 'I).\' \\' [NNISFIL WOOLLEN FA CTORY. :JOBER'l_`- M1-K11`) .\'ElY, ']'(_)3l 1} ~....4.u.a;. J.4.uL/:1 UDIILJ and Copgzes Y/Vare, ,\\-n...-H... . MANUF/1.\C">l'}JR\!Ij.V -v\...~/\-.~.. . \ l7.\\'I!)-' \\'hu1A.~. 114 1 uz\.\J U.\, BIAN[II-`A(fT['liEl ] 1:"DI'I'I TT\r\`rr 1- 1 1-`. A XI-I .S:`U-1\E'MERSETT -r --AA \A LL 1<`IIlln,c_`_-, '\-1\- Hr ,. t iInpo:~'. tn Inmet 1111- in- l for AXE." 01' HIS ()\\'.\' sn-ct-nlly innpnrtcd n largo 3, .\locock'.-=,, and llxm-,.< supr- which he -is prcp:u"5d to Wur- VF. ; HEAD .~_='ri).\`1;.~ 5.`; "{i5a`.\')' r.1<;,\ t,:'.`_r1.:;\" 1T`;x',` Jamal ;xnt1y' kept on hand for *;;:m-om. 'H}$.z53JAHE, IU IAII 'J'1':u1c. unau`. J HHHC.` w1;!_1/ uml _m'~ ..-.s ..|..lJ.I, and D'm;mr- llritilc-;<, ullv - '1 n!-.. l - uI.>u\'(' Al"'.\ct .u'c1 lo llI!(1x'.l`l:l1i(! 1 I " 0HIi'7 St()e".s` r\'nn .`'9.\7: `. .t `1`.'rl.s`{_ .~ nu n_nuu|, I hunvl l[::- Cham )h_1achine. wlivich finch us Ht)n'v':4_ `x In: n.;..ln...... One Dollar per Annum, ':1 II 141- rm. ALEX. Ir.-nnr.'TI>,\', ll. .17....l L`.-.1. r I11-:o.\"Iu\I:m : !*~'ll.\.\"1H "U\H'.\ I I(-.`: J09. ROGER`. ..\;;:rnt1t I2:u'I'i ' _[4|nnu|-\' '! mi) ma; 7979 V ' T . H V or 11:7,-'g; $35 I` ' -< `.' SUI _. 1 1-,,_,_ 'rllI|]v.'n .:- l"`.X ,`|HlI\ VI G1'0ce1`ies, Pgfnrisions, 650 v. f12E]) //[L1/.\', '/.',:!C"),\"(' 1 0]31\', (H3 |'|.'!\Ii~' ml \' 11".`! ?`ALT FYI). T"J'ZIZ"'>] F101`: 1` 3%;-.1 Jorium I Now c>1*.*;N.J R`. PO s'V:ELL 5`$`E?E_\J1/ STORE! /3,/,_.-,,,, /5...--,". 4, ,I ~' ..I ...u, 1' .. .~- ..:' Soda W.zL'ef` 2?.l`_d_.C}70iCG- S_yru_p5, 43 41-: _-_. _ H? umlls \': ST1.`.\'I3EnYHl':> . .|'lN]`} .\,l l'l.l .K"l`\'l . * (H25: IUC!}\IE'T`IC.\LT.Y Fl?!-`.\`t`.II < um PICKLES, s-A Uh 1:: `till-`I4 U'l_'l'l\V\ llox'scI'o1i(l':s Se? v... - .. ... u -..,...1....-J, QU-I}~2NS' :z:. AND 1.11:2, V IIv:\1i:9::i%;$' w;.1%!zxVEN Car1ada%Fa1m; . . n;::.ana 6511195111 f\YY.L..` . ` 1': 1!] IN Y I I71.` 13.1121.-:;1* .s:1:`z:z-:|l;':";',wA"' . - Vmmm, MRS- MANAHAN, Is m__"' daily rC"iVl'f;' NH .~:-:1snn:|hI- I-`nu-I-hm L. HUI L? (;];(l._s'{lw J",- HARPER: "|C`\ Ham 1. K... ._ - r:lV\.l I \A 1.\'\'1'm Tm-: .-\":"l'[..\"i'l0\' - '1'::.\m:-,-.;'m:A: if?-` Conto11ts 01" 1.200 E , _.. .1...-... .\'u-.\' m --u7 New \'J u :._n |_ur\L I.\'\'I 1`I-2, ` 'rrv A II-`rvsh C:1`n :.;1iv-.111 , ,._._...,. 's nnv: rocv-i and I)om(-slic F11 an. Hi?%5[aAl ZEL?%{I=E?&*iHE '1 33* IN9i`_l'I(," ll u-u;,- ;v:~':xx.~ \\H|i Hnnliltnn. `.'0lh ` Hlll(' II. H:-:1m- ' with 4 mm ..4 :2, ,\ .\ I) GENE"Fi"/\"I._F`x5,\.?;|` CY GOODS .\'v1'r1-:_ .-\"m.~<':~m\- An.` v.:'. um'u;.\I.I.\' I-I\L 1~`l .l5.\ (`-H .<.\Ithl.\'I-:.~ I.UI:.~2Tl-2l:.~', tux ! :\':'I 1`5ro_ . li0\\'1 \l"hi\ \`.'u 1.1 ::l.(l 9111151 -, AICIIHI, l'.q.4 . \`-'u]](en, 31,; . n ulunu, 4 Springl-1 n|;]'~'. "'(.`rH.-\ H1 zxxmzn "5 man um .<:<\v, --.`. t&I?t :.\L'_\' I`:1Cll: K-. (.`O., 1\ vU.\IBF.R '33. .\,1'1'|.1`..~'_ .*'I`Z\'ll.l.E I L`! n1, strictly in Advance, t.`&:i`i1`1l's`l` -!-.`\'V\'l l`I;`.-D! _;;.;v Ivl..'. HI-'\I , ',\a:|-:\"r. , &c., in Variety. ".V:It(-1-loo. 36-1 yr :1:o\\', I-ll) (:oon.=., lulu`. `.` \ 1-I(.'}'I'I'.-U`.LES. I 0Il.\.\'Cf I.`XU.\'>'. .\ id-fl-T}-I.QII.\l]"7I\"[` ll In:x.~ [mm L.4IL`.'('.`4 :.\1.1~' .'mm.m.\' an .11.~'i;1 1 Feed. V 1.(.\fm_>N .s:_ \II-\\'\'_ ,\.\'1) O.\"r. nmI_v of BM--.:d Pre- v: 1'11-.514" 3; M01]. In I . nu A m.&.O Trosidrnt . I'M-1.5:` v 1 ad] :=o:\.=0n- r ( CC. ' Hr . n-alter in all ki [)0()/cc P" \- UUn Proprietrou. and dc-nlcrs in :o.\' and Cooking [0 Yllilllllfztv-III-n I-`.4 \-I. VI "/0 ' and 'r`.rlm .~'lnv-pipes nuvl. JI U'( uu;.'h.- I [u1'~i ,`)d`li`l:s'0 promptly ; SULLIVAN. ..'1'L /1 1-13 - t']':`. (Initi- -i- I lows, Iuchinvn, I-n I! farm- Ix.-n.-ivu m (In. .. . us:-d, entire 1-y can In; 1-l_l'ccli\'cl_v u woll.~4 to n I Inml1'c Feet. at likely to gctlult of pH` Tum. is -1. : euls, wants on time. 1"! I.` n - nl1Il'l` sultl `cl y , _ V _ --:uu|.:|L: "urn, um HL':ll'lr," 15 H10 '11? ]vlIr:1 is, to Him Essi], while she in x':7`V -'1:-`S lost her soul to him. Noble Est1nere'w:1s a bad and selsh 11U1- He had ulmost unlimited com- umnd of money through the successive in- heriuuwe of three fortunes, `a rare occur- rlxiucc in any lill---oue was through Eng- lush x'e1:1tir>I|s11ip---ruul n 1'e8idt!nC0 Of Cu...` ofscienco the means of prolongin uucl occult. And while the old doctor still clelnanclgd 0 lute, of rosI1. the (letll-;,Kll9 `"_"l ." of linsliug tlle plnilosophex-'.~s_stone and pe1'p-_-t11:ulNotion, with otlwr and clzlI'l Ill_\'.s'[0l'leS interwoven with l?1`t`l Svlsulncs, Hit.-1 S1lt41l.t,lll' WlU\l0 `md em lJrr>ltlcI'ml. \'..II.I`- ' - |.\V l` Cd?` Fgoii WORKS. _ - ~ mrII|\3hIllll:" IHIIHH. HHU. UVII UVUH 111 11-:r .~'ll\'C`l'-U)lh.`xl \'niu,(2. ' ' .. I 110 lnlmlsmnu, g_;r:u1-I-ln<)kin"_;', patriarch- Ii0Il=wtov'l1:1.l luv:-xl this woman intensely. IL \\':\:'. nnurmuru-l in Ilcululberg that (hl`:l'n. hm] hm. .. : ., , , A L 7. u. xrns. n11u'1:1urcl `"` tlmrc hml been :1 lIl:ll`|'i(lf_'," u 9"'tv__becm1-so oftlm l]l)lI10,Ll|<\llg`]L far-oil` kin at .DOCt0ll` .ESsi1,WhO9C-lllllle was Von Essnl, 9-"1 I who was not born in IIeidc1be_l`- . , -, 'sit- 'J has house was one ulmll ]lZl(1`fGW Vtlher nrs, oxcnpt, occmiormlly, suvrms trom O ' l:ml.~.- .l`h_eru wzu vast wealth in the doc- ,oxi9 knew, and tor's luuuls, palrtly illhefitedo how no` pm-Lly gamed by 11165111. \\'l1icl1the I 1ciclelber'gi:u1s `chose to.c0D: elder occult. _ 1 , ~ Ann!---L3` " " I V umnl-.3I`eLl. NIIl)1x! 1 `mm ]!hr:1= `.'1'/.irm- IM -4...u_'_;nuI':()LIS slurnnslnng, a burst. or sham }`mLrioLism'and selsh valor that brought um. IhILK:n1il|:1u1 :VL.~',`w;LI1'_~;::s|11i_lc on her lco when she l:Lil the Malnlu on the palm of her pferll-ct lmml, LIHIL .s`uon1ml lnoldell in dusky w:1.\', :u1-,1-nxuttcred` olld words to J1ursr:|t'in the gipay tou_r_~;\ia,`tl1e sound of` \vh1nh luul sm:mLlnin;;' Inn-s11 and "evil oven in '|`l. . u - - ,1 III! "Il.'l'l ' H:iiMl)L' 7 011 Kim. C1. '.'| H1 H1 n| hml :1 I'...| lmumz. T|ll lL,\'hu' .,-'. 2 . T 'm "5, ms. Eltc iIllIi}1%IF%I` 1.%`?%,T j?--"* ' [,--'`:-`-T-.*_* ",;~m. 1;.\-:1n1`1n<:r.A >'l .\I(}()J .-\I)VOCATE >-" {published very_ Thursday Morning. \ OLU.\IE VI. )CuU.\"rY or . ;.xm'oc.-ma. -_--u luv xuu nu;-nu, ullu uuuuu .> sun the uxzslxv.-zthcd l>l:ul0, knew, \|u 3 1`:Sl`n\c1_'e lost his hem't.,'as the r:1 in I.`::.. 1?.=.:1 ...I.:1.. -1 :.. V-THE Joys; or ; mu U ~n'ri]>liIm -nI' \l.\' .\.\'l) ()[i.\'.\.\`|l'l.'\"l_',.'\L ..~:1<'1: ` . '``"`'```'\'I III 1l.\ZI|lUIl7UIx`_ UIIl|lI x11:1r|'ing., secret, becnu_szc 1._t1I kin of" Doctor 90 mum: and I01 IIeidc1be_rg. `S0 W mm \vI|nh hm] l"nw viuilt. T5nM< \1`1)~.`l` JIIHU [REY an co.. `Iu'} T{:I*x..\`f" `bu: A u. ., slllill lI\'lZl{\" 1:x.\.\1L\'1cu 01-_`1'n-)~:. lSm'r'u:, ( .-I H IIUIII mu: IIIIIIIU Ul the [`rlmin"'-+:|l`t (la-lln. Sctliu",---lI:'u1 nf In.-r lL-:u\t_\' and of u-m_ir,-cl constantly in I11.-)l.lnnknu] nut. nnnn -:1 realms- 1|. - 'LlFI.l Ll ght` rh (lay, 1H,`. I'ilX'( -;Ill(' HP in . V, ;-1' g 'u. .'iIighHmur.~1