TRADING on THE Pr.Ams.-With their whisky the Cheyennes proceeded to the . Kiowa. village, exhibited their bottles, and dispensed smells from their uncorked bot- tles of corn jnice--giving a judicious shake or two to the bottles, that the aroma should be more entirely appreciated by their friends the Kiowa-9. The smells were freely taken, and produced an un- common desire to know more of the Chey- ennes: pipes were proposed and duly smoked; after which the visitors announ- ced their- willingness to trade. They had not brought much whisky, as they did not know that their brothers the Kiowa would like to see it. The little -which they had with them was good, and -very strong; when the Kiowas had tasted of it they would see. The Cheyenne was liberal; he would give so muchfor a V robe.(holdmg up the bottle and marking 4 - too few Kiowas who were loud in their l ' exhibited the quantity of re-water, mark- yperpetruted inthe British House of Com- _-which had leen passed on him, he said with the thumb something like half an inch of the whisky). - But seeing that the Kiowns were not in haste to trade, the Cheyennes would smoke with them. Meanwhile a kindly-disposed bottle- lioldf was dispensing smells of the whisky . announcements of the number offine robes which they possessed. This second smoke was quickly nished, and the Cheyenne ing it as before by the location of the F thumb on the bottle. A general exclam- ation t`ollowed-the position of the thumb V was to the Kiowa's eyes so very much higher on the bottle. But Cheyenne had no more consideration than a New York landlord, if the accommodation offered `looked small for the price. The trouble was with the eyes of the Kiowa, which could not be expected to see big like those of a Cheyenne. Another smelling time took place, and produced an instantaneous I exhibition of tin cups and robes on the part of the Kiowas. During the pouring _ out of the promised grog the position of thevthumb was regarded with too close a scrutiny on the earl of the robe-sellers to permit of any shoving up of the guage, and it is only justice to the bottle-handlers to say that when they held up the bottle for exhibition after each pour, no Indian we could detectany variation of the line of the whisky and the point indicated by the bag position of the guaging thumb.-T/zeodore R.-Davis, in Harper : Jfagaziue. --Since the days of Sir Boyle Roche no . happier specimen of the Irish bull has been inons than the following by Mr. Synan: Defending Col. French from some remarks 80], W` 1 che sale I His right honorable friend had retained his seat between thirty and forty years, and was likely, if he lived sslong, to retain it .53 the period ofhis natural life. Q bwly 07:e `1V -2-z'oe, and that the Lowest. 0 NEWMARKET g ` FOR ~.a.a4:1L' `Ll ` enabled to o',er' to the public at prices 3 ' with WEST OF MONTREAL .-:u-O----- . . u`Un1\l . 1: . Opposite the Red Lion, Dzmlop-Street. at, 1869. [ |@%E~'KEWA mm Qmsswmg -I-uvvv-um. _...__.._ _:"7 V .vvv- -7~vv `J WE} HAVE NOW on HAND.-A FULL ASSORTMEMT or NEW` PRICE Lfsr. - V. uuprr A - ` ' "O r J V` . 'over, together with other Field & Garden Seeds Which they will sell at a low _gu;'e. V V '-`0`*?- - WINES & LIQUOR?) A la1'{`e {ind .We]}-seIpn+m1 a+m.1, A`. n.r..u ' an AA .. unuu any U.`1 1'1` of all kinds, and the` Nlnrlmn .._..__o Just opening out the Largest and Best 4 f they cannot offer you greater you can` get elsewhere in town.. JUST RECEIVED, c6sIs'rING or 343:1: ll ll: PURCHASE YOUR STOCK OF L :.`4g4 . -.'. 50c. Fine Imperial 'I'ea,. .`. -.`. . 75c .-_ . 600. [ Extra Fine Young Hyson- 80c. _\ . .1 80c. 1'c9_. unequalled fof strength and avor. ---0 (1. McMaster,?J_;. 4__-. EVER" OFFERED IN BARRIE. Setts, W. Granite do., Toilet Sets, n rm lace---corner .s*to7'e-1z n, 1)u'/zlop Street. I invstofe a \;(/ary large atock of FOR assortment of ' LAMPS, CIIIRINEYS. SIIADES, 80-, . g- IN BARBIE. _33_ --:.- _\J.n..U 3.1 4-- `FROM . 4.a.J.vJH, that cannot be competed WTREAL. :a Supply of _ |"'!_l,I o A MSPEAR .9 JACKSON S . and MARS.H S MAKE_ German, Eagle-Rolled ` 7 and Toe Caulking Steels. cast, Spring -nem-ly opposite the --..... .. wmyu-nu uocx OI PAINTS & OILS VARNIQWUQ IVY Ann VI-O--" ,, V - _ of Ma1t,L induements than [51-tf] s, and $1.-<)'c> 1.00 1.50 _ , ___.__...D, ..-anus r-auu. .l. uubu1g', IN ALL THEIR BRANCHES. Promptly executed at the Lowest Remunerat- ins .1 .r.ic`:*!~ ` "L'- Promptly`;x .w .P.r.ic`:*!- runs. 1u_Ks, azc., kc. Bookbinding, Ruling and Printing, THEQE BIEANOHEB. D_.___LI~ ~ 1 : rs, Chimney Prints, Borden,'&_c., inVeVV:e-l'-y sly e. The latest designs regularly received.` Plain and fancy Writing Papers, Envelopes, School and Account Books,_ Bibles, Prayer Books, Church Services, Hymns, Engravings and Lithographs, Drawing Papers, Pencils, Pens. Inks, &c., kc. `Rnn`Irl..'...1:..... D..1:_.. _.,:I -n - -- no1'A_l5hlSHMENT in Barrie, atv3s;lVxi_3i1'si-I'x`g'l;3 or double conveyances can be had at all times 011 moat regsonable terms. DAVID VAN EVERY. ' ' Prnnohlnm - -__,........5 u -wuuulul assortment of 'Fancy Articles- angldn I`... ,, .-- .........u-3 um: unveiling C011)- .I. mumty that he is now running a Daily Line of Mail Stages to Penetanguiaheue,- Leaving Barrie on the arrival of the morning train going north, and returning leaves Pene . tanguishene at seven o clock, a.m. The Subscriber has also a first class LIVERY ESTABLISHMENT at which single times -.... uuuxsUl'lDel` lntorms the travellin 1 munity I Liue_of Penetauguial In going leaves at smmn n nl.-ml, .. ... , ....- . u-g-s-q-will-IVE ' .j.-_ ' HE Subscriber informs the travelling ham- 3 L M l 1`1rIl!:fy2'_ t-l(1_x`1.t nqw running Dailv T0 ANd. F. Brendon, Branlfbrd, 1 the Canadas. - , ` _- -.... ' Daily Line or Mail Stages I - __ __ ___-,__. -.- -- -u nuluiillllli Afe all that can be desired. One trial will convince the most sceptical PERSONS lroubled with diseases of the liver and stomach may rest assured these Pills. will give relief. - ` For sale hv PASS S I ugar-Coated Q a f`.a.II1onl>In An .... A Barrio. Oct 8 1866. ___________ [Second to Nonej `BOIIEMIAN TOILET SETS, VASES, LADIES COMPANIONS, NEEDLE CASES Comprising .1 ben.uN'nl .......a....--A -- run: 6 I:UVV.I\l_1b'. HE Agent here for this old establishvdand reliable Company, `is now prepared to take risks as low as any other first-class oice. Barrie June. 1867. vIIUV\IVI .5. AL LIA) ;J(?a;hartic or an A Iterative 1.} ..n .1.-. .., v [YAl`lNSU_B_[ wmr'v.I ruumus b"1`ERLlNG. Tho disbursement of this enormous sum over a. wide area. has. without doubt. contri- buted to the establishment of `this Institution. in the condence of I I:nLic Com-oxwrross. MERCHANTS. IloL'ssuoLm:us, and business men generally. wherever it is represented; In its lst yenr.1S36.*.lne Fire Premiums * . ' alone amounted to ............ .. 9,970 In its.l0th year, 1846, 47363 20th year, 1856,` . 222.27!) 30th year, 1866, 739.332 One year later, 1867. 818,055 The Fire Reserve Fund is now $4.727,-164 The Life Reserve Fund is now $9.282.41;8 The Company is represented throughout Ontario and Quebec by inuential Agents. to whom application for Insurance may be made. G. F. C. SMITH, Resident Secretary, - Mo.\"r1u-:u, JOS. ROGERS. Agent at Barrie. . -Tnnnurv- 1368. Lu 0 u nan` Lin UUM1 Ai_\' Y, IIAS BEEN in existence Thirty-two years, and during that petiotl has paid Losses exceeding FIVE AND A HALF MILLION POUNDS STERLING. diabum-nmno. no` 41.: ........ .- ante risks low an; The Liverpool & London`&Globe. INSURANCE COMPANY, T7 to nnnu V AND RELIANCE LIFE. Barrie. January 20th, 1869. 4 gun-_`2:;N$' FIRE AND Lu-`E,_` OME OF NE W HAVEN AND DIN YA\?!"lZV v Ivy.` ENGLISH CHEMICAm: - `/sa\z\A\z\. .....v\...\,..vvv~-. Alexander Morrow, ~` AGENT F011 ` Canada Farmers Insurance Company, QUEENS` FIRE 'lJ'l'IIII"| l\1'.I `T13 (Ir -our n Crouc- ua. ICUUHKS. A :5 `audio DJJHUILI l/'.`lb'1l._&U REFERENCES :-'I`hc following gentlemen can. with condence recommend Dr. Porter, mall requirim_.-, Denlnl aid:- Rev S. 8. Strong, I).l)., Bondhcad; '1` C. Scholeld, M.D., Bundln.-ad; J. W. Norris, M.D., Cookatown; 11. Lund. M.D. Cookatown; G. D. Morton, M.D., Bradford j , - UIzi!tlren s Teeth. ' I A: Dr. Porter resides in Holland` Landing during the time he is not serving other appointments, all lol- tcrs addressed to him there will receive prompt care and attention. . 'r3- Am.a..In _____ ..; .. .. ,. .'~. - -[ uuu n I.u:uuuu. ' [7 A Trial Rcqneed. Parties nttcndd in their own residences if I'(. Hired. Please be pnrtlculm-in observing the tlme an place of ouch appointment. l!3'TERJ[S ."I'Iur.v'rrv rm err mu ucuu. Especial Allenon ( C'h1'Irr4 v uuuuv Ml-:1) IIUBDER. And-a Perfect Fit warranted, on no chnrg willhc made. Parties desiring can have Teeth inserted on Rubber, without extracting the roots. Dr. Porter is now prepared to insert. Teeth on the New Com- bined Auru Vulcanized Rubber Plute-a method never before ndnptcdin this part of the country ; and one that is sure to give unlversnl sntlsrnr.-lion. Tooth Filled so as to Preserve their Color. and Rectan- ,,,,, , ......... .... is [five unlversinl Color, and Restore as near as possible to their former Strength and uscmi neaa. ._ ._.. ...., ...........,, 9... will attend on ti1e'fol`i')vlu2 diff. All operations performed in the most. skilmi maner, on the most approved principle, and 11...... 1...; n;_--:_ 1: . --1 n s uu we umsl. upprozu principle, and ' N one but Gnuin Matrial Used. "I`EE'1`l{ INsER'l`1:l) on nm.n, gn,vr:.u rm 1 uue prlce. 1* Barrie, Nov. 10th, 1868,. LIV-I-I0 uuu LIULIULU mabrlal U880. Q TEETH INSERTEI) ON GOLD, SILVER 01! ' VULCANIZED RUBBER. And.n Val-fan! 1.-n \v.............u .. .... -.___~.._....'.,. A1131.` .l.'.l.E3'.I.`. BelI moat res ectfully to annnunce that he will be RADFOR . at the North American Hotel, eve: Manda , from 10 4 p. m., excepting when Mr day ml 8 on an appointment elsewhere. BONDHEAD. - - - - on the 28th of every Mon NEVHIAICKET, - - on the 24th " SHARON, -. - - .- - on thcfllith ` LEFROY - - - - - on the 9th ` scuomnimq. . . . on the m u `- CUOKSTOWN, . . . onthe 4th N I- When he will be pre `ax-ed nnd most happy to w4\lt on those who may requ re lnle services. _\_I_ hen army or the nppolntmeuta {all an Snndnv. hp rqufre life services: - r, uv u an vu when appointments full on Sunday, he . will the following day. V opcraylous pcrfqrmcd manner. uvwvu wt cc./cry case, 07` 1V0 Unarqe! REFERENCES. BY PERMISSION. '1`. D. Mccnxxav. Esq._. M. P. P.; G. Loam. Esq`.. County Registrar: 3. W. Surrn, Esq., Sheriff: J. R. Co'r-nan, Esq., County Attorney; W. M. NlCHOL80.\', Esq., Publisher ofE:canu'ne: I April 22. 1867. - 2' ll] BDHOY. R%`0'onszd(ation Free, and satisfaction gum `mmd in every case,` or No Oharqel ' RF!I`l'`.RI`.\'nI:*a nv Dnnnncarnx-r branch OJ ms rroiession. cnn he waited upon. I TEETH inserted on Gold or Silver Plate, or that justly celebrated material--Vulcaniz- ed Rnbber-and in such a manner as to afford ease and comfort in chewing and masticating food, and giving to the patient at ihe same time; that natural expression of countenance, which is_ a very important point in the oper- ation of inserting Articial Teeth. TEETH Filled with Gold. Cement, and White Filling. ' TEETH Extracted with the least possible pain, and particular attention given to the Regulation of Chiidren s Teeth. 38' All work arm-mm! :n n.. nuns} ..1.m-..1 \I\IlJlJL41\.lI1\l\lAlg? _ ` at R?ley's Hotel, . DUN'l ROON, - -' - 22nd- N 1 CREISMORE. - - - 23rd ' ` Where all those requiring bib services -in 5 branch of his Profession. he waited up: TEETH inserted nn tznm m. an"... `PL. mu. Hug um um: um: pmce or onch appointment. 'TERJ{S STIUCTL Y (}'ASI1'._3 EF`l'JRENCES:-'I`he fnllnwinn m-mh-mnn Ann .3. DB. McGAUSLA'_ND, ` m:.\7'ns'r. AY be consulted in all bunches ofhis .profession,`from the In to the 13th of each and every month, at his Olce, Dunlap Street East, opposite the Barrie Hotel, Barrie (C)z[1II(;}I!IURgT. ionJtl1e 15th of euh month. A 0 ca 11 . Slaven a,DrugStore, 3 16": ' %??.fi c`wdo5 ' ' 2 a*%33`'33 D H" u where all. those ranlrina` his nnlvuinnu 3.. ...... JAVME _E5w.Aus,' E Acent hum fnr thin nm m.o..m:..|. _._ -----uvo-LAID` I7 .'.l'I..lJJ.lo DUN LOP STREET, Marty Opposite tlze Rail Road Station ` B A R R I E _ MESSRS. ALENDER 4; 0 T. 4:41 . -1 0 m gxve tenet`. For sale by _ A T.F`.1 nv. m.\', April wgumuou ox unuuren's Teeth. All work executed in the moat skilful nannor. jj FROM PENETANGUISHENE gyamtrnntrt. me ny ALEXANDER & CO., ma ronmn, ' DEN 1'15 st. rnsnentfnllv tn nnnnnnnn mo I. nfion aid (0, the Chi! ren Teeth. I (oxides in Holland- r0HN`EDWARDS, Im- porter and Deafer in nnnu DAIIEHQ` -..vnz.n41.Ia \o UU-, B.umnI.' , Wholesale Agen t for`. 20-6m. ._.____________. ]A1=o1'nEcAnY's DUNLOP R'l`n`mMv `gutists. y\I\I\r\-I\a\I\I\I\I\I N r.` y M: Y . Proprietor. ` 35-If F secretary, Max-uu:.u.. l.lll8l'8$- 12-13 I 818,055 4-ti wow and silver Breast Pins, GOLD 5: PLKTED LOCKETS, .CHlI.nn`mwe (`V .1 hnr . nv uvuu null IQILVLH _UHR1Us, Gold and Silver Brooches and Earringi. GOLD {ND SIL V_ER RINGS, Gold and Silver" Breast n 1. PI `A`l'l.'l'| I Ann:---x _ .9 ..- w - \-I \4 \J I7 Gold and save; Watches, GOLD AND SILVER cmms,` Gold RI1l].q`iI1;uv n........|..... ..-.1 ____ ___- : -2 j `Inll: VARNISHES, GLASS. PUTTY. HORSE AND CATTLE MEDICINE` If kidl. and Hm` lnlnnnb ....I .'u..._.. Rnsmo Pouumv yon M AaKn1'.-E.F ,_ V. Arch St;', asks : `- Where can I nd some one that is engaged in raising poultry for the ma rket? I intend going into the business. Poultry-raising is a branch of business usually followed on the farm, and you can hardly go amiss of good poultry` than in any farming district. It is seldom 1 followed as adistiuct business, and when- ever attempted has generally failed, main- ly, we think. through too close crowding. A thousruul hens, turkeys, ducks and ' geese ought to have at least twen- ty acres of land, `partly covered with wood and brush. Ducks, geese, and turkeys are very extensively raised about Narragan- sett Bay. in R. I., and it would pay a man who wishes to raise water fowl to visit Tiverton and Little Compton in that State to learn how it is done. :_:______ LEANDER S. SAN DER `A WnI9'3MA'S.E3sn4_JEWELLER I nu V4.1 11:xL\U smims gsmygg, sure; mm... l\lC l`HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID FOR SHIPPING 1 Toronto. April 1869. ` V 1 _ \ Lure on latest N1-ZW Yon: STYL;-:5 or SILK 115179;`--` A Laroe Assortment of Ladies Furs at very Low Prices. . A McCROSSON (S5 C0. PAID SHIPPING FURS. Toronto. Anril 1869. [sPR1;1_\;{& SUMMER STYLES oe we most substantial Mill, at `prcsllnt He has the largest Lathe on this side 18 feet long; so that parties need not g steam. Engines, Mills, Mill Gee1'ing, Castir Sugar Kettles, Stoves, &c., &c., kept He would invite particular attention to his make of Ci which will satisfy all as to thv.-_ir superiority, as they are t be the most substantial present in use. Toronto. and mm cuvi I6 I , 1 I ~ '1-nu rroprlewr 0! we lie]! la'\v:u't Fountlry and llacliinc past patronage. begs to solicit :1 continuance of the 1 best endeavors will be put lortli to give salislncun. (1. 1-.` . __... __... _ , Ben Eiggrt `mmaryanamachineshgg. , T _- - u n 1! 33 3 suitable for Ohristmqs and New Year : Presents. ..-___- Also a complete atbck 0 Ii - Din`:-- - " ` I ......u ALLIII .a..ux1.1Lu1L We think it no :rouble, but it is a 1 1 any won. :1... yuan my a.o.I.a.I.-5a.vvI5.l.L' =5 K103185- Gold and Silver Bur S0up;.a very nice article in Blnclcli-ad. THE l)().\lE," clu.-aper, goes ' - ` farmer. and givc-s :1 much In-Hm-_pnlis|) than any other. 3%"/1LL 0F }VI11L'Il IVILL'l1I'} I7I.'~'P().\'EI) (IF A7 A l EI{YLOH'F1G' L-`RE. _g:: ..._.__}._..;..____._____... .Bel| Ewart, Dec. 5,1868. __ . __..-- .u.v..4 A.ab.JI.J\/LIaLLl1J.JL\.L \JJ.' .l\J1)21L Both in chewing and Smoking. They ar as follows: S.\10xr.\'u-So1acc. Clcuputriaz. and other brands. C111-.'\\'l.\'G--0ll\`0. Navy, Dark Sweet. and Mustard. Salt in glass jars, and :1 supply of superior FRESH L0 BSTERS 5,, , an in ---- 90c., I HAM Ht`-Univ nu, it uztrqe mock 01 Uuk and Hickory Spokes Hub s, Rims, Shafts, Poles, Seat Rail, &c. 2136/... 1-):\K Iron and Steel. Smmr K:-HI:-a 1.! nn c-..._: uauncs u nung uesks, LADIES _ COM PANIONS`, Ladies Pocket Books, .u mo Asuvsu _cuAms, .;3 Id andsilver ' "3 D Walking Sticks, SP E C T A C L E S` I Concave and Convex. TELESCOPES, SA TOIIELS, . Barrie. April 8 1868. ~- -- xvs/u=\lI EU `CIELIILE-l`u"LJ Consisting of a very large stock of first class Canadian tactm-y. together with :1 choice assortment of English nnd American Cheese; all of which has been selected with grunt care, and may be depended upon us being ol `the very best quality. - _ > u$`REMEMBER THE ADDRESS:_gu flll Il\II hllnn Illnl ...- 'E%;EINGAM & SHEFFIELD HOUSE HAS ON HAND Anna: -A-- `HE Proprietor ofithe Bell Ewart Foundry Machine Shop, . pas} parron:1g;._ same. 2: .-,;.-..1 .-. r.J `JILL 5:. And Gent s Frnishing Goods, (\`t\~r\i-'n`m-I-`Imp 1;`. 77".... .`l C} Constantly on I-Iand. Barrie, March 17th. 1869. .- lmgar `mwE` @L}3&i5i2mam@,] HATS. CAPS. L-mu) @u.m:1nL:c3; OLD STAND, \ Comer zy` Dim/op Sfreet mm Razz /road Square, Barrz'e CAUTION.-Pu.rties wishing to purchase Instruments will nd it to their advantage to send direct to the above Factory. and not buy of Toronto or Bradford agents, as they can save 15 or 20 per cent. and get a better instrument. Newmarket, August, 186 . 27' -TThe Chapst and Best ' Me1odeons3,ndJ Cabinet Organs AT PHILIPS , NEWMARKLT. . Aer "" "I `*9 : Con s't'~' tf.: 1',`..s . ~.-. T. ' ml the Very 73953 9-3 $1. I-if113.1:-olaitiL:3?n;1:F:.i`E-133::-:[)c" me. me. me`: A VQTRV Nnws` Auennrmuvvrn /xn rl`r\n . t'\r`ur\r` um-uumnnn. 'l'I11`J ADDRESS:_ TKiTe's ENGLISH BUN Hou_s"_g. Barrie. D1-r-nmhnn `lane 1 ...., ... 5... Jam, uuu u sllpply ul supenor A"l(l'Jb'll I.()BSTEIlS and SA -`O`;osse & Blackvvels Pickles. `nd Soup;. 11. vmiv Blnckli-nd_ u THI.` mm I.` n A. ` ;end direct to lhn nhnun < -4.-u, ll\l\4I, uuu., up I Zcaxluid i-Svzkn}11}}1El':`u:ii};;:,.E) n;; olsmv re. A VERY NICE ASSOR 1`MEN'1` OF TOBACCOS, nhn\\'innr and .Q....-`L-L... .... .. r.I|._.___ CALL AND EXAMINE BEFORE come I;LSE\\ IIERE it nn frnnhln hut it in u ..l............ 5,. .... ... ..|.,.... -.._ , JUST RIEEFED, .. Lmge suffr z.;a Hickory 1:111:11 1...1'l-.. 11.1.. (V, `A 9` A upe7'z'0r Class of Clot/as, x I ! 1 now: Anna. 4.....- &EEM VERY NICE SELECTION or GROCERIES, ., _---\,7 . . __-..~`_/ .-.4\1u..u\, :Spa1los. Shovels. I{:\L'<-3. I uck-.t and` _"I lutcd -Wu-rt-, always on hand. 3 -Bu :"l"lUl\4v3y k,'I\\ l|lu" JXIIVIAP, V |1_'L'~s uQl`o\Sy 'l'n1)S : ()1ls, VVlut4e Lead,G1ass 350 II....1-..L ,. .. -_. . nhm Qhru-nle Dal,-..= .....1r m, 1 u 5. ....-_, an: as n.vuU\\':s: c.uoKI.\'u->.'olacc. Fig. Dominion, ls. other lmmds. , LOBSTERS SAI{DI.\'I-I5 a `ll !-,..-.1.--.....1!1a._. 712.11 I MERCHANT TAILOR . -.. UKI uuuu: Ul ulrclllal` anw Mills. an inspoction o r the heaviest, and acknowledged to present. is Toronto. and can swing ti six foot wheel. or turn :1 Shaft I go past Bell Ewart. with 11 big job, orfor ht-nvy castings. A, ':w`r1r\v1v\ .. . _._-. -.__._.., --....u..u-u, -. vaauv, uvwu .LIaa;1.l DAR Stew.-I. Su.:xu'Kut1Ic-=. of nll sis-1-r~'. Spring I Thimblcs. Skcms, Anvx!.~', Vices, BL'Hou`s, Taps u `.1 uwvu . 3, I869. ...... V... \4-\/AA.\\.l uuuu vvxlnllh. l pleasure to us to show our goods to intending pnrchasors. From the best makers in Europe. such as Christy, Lincoln .{; Bennett. and others; also his own manufac- ture of latest. Nrzw Yon: Hus. .I ginc Cnno at ------ ' - " ' nuns puu:uu:I.'I'S. EDWAID<`.il{W:AVER. H|.H' English Bgn House , , ---., .-. 1, vuuoua.uLA)' U1] :6 Circular Saw Mills. -iority, they hem-imu nntl - Hg. Castings of all kinds, Plcnughs &c., constantly on 1mnd_ `r of Cirnnlnr Qn... \:n.. _, . u......u-uu uecepuon 7:12rp pfARRANTEb._ no in thanking the Public fox 9 same, and to assure them that his I xx ; AIUFUOJUIV UF nzsmmasrsgg Ladies Writing` Dnnlen __ - .. u. u... \. U: `C: 3 Writing` Desks, ADIES nnlu nnmnm Kutllvca nll Sp ::ixxVgg, Axle Vic:-_s, um; we Ax:-:1] (,`1`l.._\_-, D isix Shaft xbig or for ALEXANDER MACBEAN. 45.16` : of all the nwesl: Cheese Cheese ! _ . _-_..,~..w _.--x/, " i'ublu Cutlery. E1:-ctro I`, TORONTO, . 0.Ckn0\rlm]np In ix. Dominion. I nlhnr lwuna ' 99-" ` 12-LY any.-HV. 45~If 1.1.5: 1U-If ulpce, name; or bruise .!.:1'.1.5.k<>.k.;' NEEDLE CASE Comprising 9'. beautiful assortment of `W01 Apply to SAMUEL Lo.UN'r.' R61 T, Oice, Barrie; or to _C. W. LOUN bridge. Muskokn. Sunnidale . Medonte . .. U manta; with interest: ICK of following es 9! 83 P '"'v I $50 cash; balance in th_rqe 1_Il]||,.`,l `.`"`,4 Yhbwnshi . North Ori |ia.. (In [In Lands for Sale Cheap] or to __. EST part of the North half of Lot N07 _ _ 20, let Con.. Vc.-apra, Coujity Simm- wnlnn 7 miles of the Town of Bmie. 4' CITE: 25 of which are cleared and underculll vnuun, all good hardwood land, wltb I 10` stream running through it. Therslufrl" and log house on the lot. The lot. in 1' I lenced. For further particulars enquired _) A A D\',| 1 I. I`m,. mum wnu ' Fgaur, Bran, Shorts. Oats, Peas. I the very bust quality andm rensmin __.,..--..--.u-44.31: .LA\J&Jl-"J In the Village of Lcfroy. and now doii` thiriving business is olfcred for sale on X! sonuhle terms. V A nnlv tn ,do..... Pain: mnno )1" `-__. -..` \,I.l.I.. _$$afLl_J..[D5 ANADA COMPANY LEASE of Wei? _ half Lot 11 in the Seventh Con. 0.1. Simcou County. Ont. About Fifwon acres Fall Wheat and RW -eighteen acres plowed . For furtlier parlia- lars n pl to > [1 y `D DDM".' March 16, 1869. _.__.__?_.___. In:-H1 nu-3 7'own.-zh ,._ `...... I\\4U- uI;l\v('l`ll we RllW{`._',' and the Mill. nnd me in a fnvm'all.- . ' pm ;. husmcss. 'lhey are L; acre lots. ur.-:1 mo: tlwm corm-r lots. Also, lor snle,zwoLo13i1 1 Bows Block. Barrie ' 'l`l-.`l.\l.\.':--One-third of the purchase moi! 7, to be pnidduwn; the balance in [W0 arm. ' instulnxc-nu For further particulars zxppiy Mr. I uL'k O Cohnnr, Angus. or to MICIIAEI. nrnmcnn ' OTS Nos. 124. 125. 126 and 127, i J tlourislling Village of Anll. an offered for sale cheap. These lots are :~x'1 on Queen stn-ct. bclw(-(-n the Rnilwz~._';E pa `business. acre lotrs. : Hm... m\........ I-.. - I Forkt HOTEL. in Man Villnnn -0 v . 1 VIVHE subscrllu.-"r would rcspeolmll acqunlnt the people of Barrie and t 0 public generally. of-the fact that he has commenced business in his new building, one door east at the Post Ollica, where he is prepared to supply them with t||`___ '|)_____ (I! . A - - - Ilpply I0 LAIDLAW dz FRASEIP Lofroy, Nov. Illtb. 2868. 4141 j 18 \\'(*ll wnlcerod, and there Me on it :1 d'.`.c-II: h0u.=e-. 21 frame burn, and 11 thriving _!'(rL ort-hxml. For further particulars, apply at the oice this paper, if by letter. pre-paid. Barrie. October 7, lsms 3'7-n Acrvs of t'.\'C1'u,-Ill Land for sale. My . Enst hnlfuf l.ut2-1. in the 4111 C1! ce-ssiozn ol'()ro,'(-x,v;ht miles from Barrie. TM are about lhirly-livu acres cleared. The Lt. is well watered, ad _ 11 burn. nn n n...:..:-.. October 7. 1868. IV/TIQIIJABLEV FARM for 8%.! IN THE TOWNSHIP URO. .--... xv: nu nun llllltll-Jullllll cuquuvw A. ARNALL, E50-r Queens Hbtel, `! ALBERT VERRALL,` Tlarrunin I"n-an MK " I u I LHKAL l:|ll'K0 VED FARMSf. 53!! the vicinity of Burn ;-. .-H930. cum" of Town Lots, with and willmni Mi`.'liS" Apply to - n .\\\\. zap` HE!) FR. Barrio. March. _lMi4. ___..____%____ FOR SAL143! `1AN.-\l).A\ nnmxuvv nmap -1` _. pr es. ` - u"Goods delivered in any part of th: town mo of charge. THOMAS nnnnxcnu POTATOES Manurum wmx Lx.wns.- Mucli on the principle of raising potatoes under straw. S, of Snlem, N. C., says that one of the best potato growers` in North Carolina practices covering the Q) o tutoes with 8 to 12 inches of leaves. ruises tl1e,snme crop year after year, and makes no other return to the soil, yet has noticed no. falling off. Others put on the leaves after the first plowing, when the plants me well up. D`______-n___ .. --- Iunle u-rma. Apply to gsxuuune workshop. For further p2_crticuIx tor. on the prcmxses. Farm for Sale, -- v-- -on u!-IS." EING the Son: -Iinst half of Lo'.\'o. in the 7th cox1cossic1x of 111-: to: E Oro, containing I-`1l< l`Y-1"I\"rI AC 51 Good Land. nll clean-L-I. with snr`.-am! Frame House. Burn and .St,:.?u'es, ahneyg Orchard, and an r-xcclla.-11: well ofpnre M On the promises urc er:-ct-.>d a good S.u-.`:}. with circular saw, in full 0peru.Lio:1,\'-| `suitable workshop. _ [ Dnrlimllnrn nnnhy 9. n... ..m vv1uu1. L\.l THO.`-IPS-3,` * On thePr::J DAVID MORROW, -- Examiner Oice, Barrie. April 28th, 1868. " I.)- .__;...;__._..----Z 01' which are fallow; nearly :-1 _1_` ----_. For Sale. the North 1; ofL I ' . the 13th Con., oftlie/Townsliip/$139: 100 acres mom or less. There "` _ an IE! acres cleared. There is on the J! attened log house. latlied and side, 20> 17 new _ `C, wliich is looking very well: ' ' the remainder of lcloamncu ii. in gig spring crop. Also for sale the xmg ,_,-, East lialfof Lot 5). in the 1. : "' _ _ _ _ Ch Coi:.. cf Township, containing :20 t!Or( .=--ul;.ig;aH _ 1 Cl10pped-; 150 of very good land. siliime about `.`~ .. from Alli.-ndnle Station. This is a veg able iarm, being well Vo't1lcl'!:(l. by a creek which runs lliroiigli pxms all ,; It is only about ball` a mile from !\'. 0[,; - Mills. 'l`liL- crops and all, with stock, r, {sold and lllllnllt` possession given; qiiircd. 'l'crm.~i liberal. Apply to , 'ILT.l`A\l 'l'Iln'In~-- L 5 U U44 | Dinner arm 1 H n L0! Apply f` .< On), Dec. 8111. 181:8 `!gm.I:;&aIvafa`:_z F.iRM FOR SALE. I .v. - ---vv-n-Inll In Bnm-lo,_ Dec mbcr, 1868. V E"ERAL IMPROVED FARMSI73 3 vicinilv or n.-.n;.. 41.... an HOTEL 595 SALE, AND DB; Box, Parlor, Hall, c -_.-vv qr no--\l I.` 13 ANGUS. VAUL IUL _ -- -- nu " same more or less, with ri:|1i,]t']"an5`iI erected; bein composed of "83 North half of ot No. l, in the PM sion ofthe Township of Innism " Thornton), and may be Wu-(V commencing where u post has bee M chains,~lh'}{, links from " of the said ball lot. and 1-. - '3 along the Western limit the 5 ' at right angles with the said w em chains 50 links; then norther] I? said western limit one c ain- 3% at right angles with said Ins: 4'90"" ' 50 links, to the weettern 13am?!`-_. lot: then southerly along ",0 mil; limit one chain to the plum M L. .1` -- - "Ill 7 " Auction, at_ my office, Marks; `gin 1 ! of Barne, In the County of sin "1 1' Vince of Ontario, on Saturdgy 00"! of June, A.D., 1869, at 2 0'3 lnsolvcut's interest in :;:.;;`:::,::"::m:r . or . . ' -- V, ...... yuan Sh` my-GARDEN EN Gmzs, PLATFORM couu-r COAL OIL. HTIHH-:7 . ER BM; `cm: tfa, uumu NOTIC ' P That by virtufoflsthlem me as Oicial Asaignee of lb} above named Insolvent. I will Auction, at my omen, .vu..-.. . 0icial' m Barrie in tyhomm A'sZi};"Ee3' J1" :h'" win e Conntw n6` 3. Farm for \D'.l\ r1 41... o....; w am a %@;2a:zrm1r@. [mu mas? CLA ss smml known ml Han mu` V r.mcAl.h. V ;'I`c-rranin. Toronto. lmll George nu LOIS, with and without I-L3.`-'-"'3? y D Monm- W 3151: PRINTED .L1.>'T.5`. I 5*. 1864. .... .__.__..._.__..__ FARMS` FOR SALE. .1.~u' ru(b"l' I known as the INSOLVENT ACT 0, L 1:1`. '3-'.`,`_"' `If LVILLIA Jr ...., -----v. nu! Linux: 0, N. SHEE - ' and 8!`; E. Parlor, Null ,... 1 .-. _ ' Wespra. 1_I71:f1s%DepotI One ,)nnr E119] nf` Hm pan! IIAL- nnnr, Angus. l__IIC_1.IAEL O'CONNOR. C-rnr-r-r R~-r` R. PRICE, 7-tr Georgina P. 0., or.` 1 - -1.` MASUFACTUIIER 0 It"I'|l'H T'I\1\q- _ y IO ; WILLIAM THO.`-IP=3` On um p our of an act z comnnnn-I culnrs apply to t!;e.pti+ vs. ...... ..... ..,,,.._. . rr O CONNOR. _ Grocer, Bam- u -u .LE! .EASE W renth .. ..-r -..n;, We shall, the): ilnpcrtzmv. {nub tario; and, us we begin with Oslmwn, in_ I '-_, lhrivirng town `ants, am! far i maI111faxct.Irin-Or em or \\'esta;rn The prc~'ent `be attributeol i 'va st-ni...; ...: 1 (bent, 3133' further pnrll R. mos, gins PLO: W Oct. 1868. ..u muowlng 1 acre It :- D i |_n buHdim- - , 1. menu; om -u'- , P1jesi The Joseph Hull 7 ~ _ U. - m5 uiclr Xl,U.'(` the Inarnnfmzmr Within the large and imp; angurateal witl poim. of view: (_ n~t (115. 3 sail 'I'I... V - nmhuu \u-_:_g`Inm.. . of the year; th the architect --r` 1 ofhis skill :m.l collnlry tn :1 (`r-rt D... ,_r I . YUICIHIIIV C" if l` But, `OI. lulu` ness mn of tin the ilIIp_uI`t:llL`4.: `to the Imti-ni'.-1| iliis :1. nmtlg.-r 4 mining the n?.- zulvz um I.. I. Wu: r-.~.<\-u 1" converting what. om c village, into it blue `I echoing with the sou civilization. The Pioneer \I:mut meat. at 0- ' I l.lEd':7 The aginxli Iookexl upun "Jlze Vt.-n ,.,...b- u|Mll)Hl Hf years since, owncri village pr0pcrL_\'_. was about that t American c.'tpi';Lli~ the manufacture ` unu.II|_g HIU ll<.'I , :ul\'uI|t;cge Ln 1; ` inw.-sunent. of -.. u-u |U|l|Af*l seeing \\'i.-Jo Vean :nn.\ ohepared ti) excr _. .m _\\.D: AND V. _ H | ["".l5|IEl| Y. * ~ r.. ,.m,.! 'rmi.\x< H! ll 3xAM1,\:r:u " '5 excvu ..........-.-...u Jvll vain llulllo a $'OISTERl\'S of any site built on the most approved plan and on very reasonable terms. in any part of the County. uaaglll orders by post or ollzerwiso promptly e . Milullll order : AND cou>m- ms ~-_-... -..`._-I.\-` `r Vi)LUME V `I. mlmm. Tu rm n \ 1". _......._. '[U|""' . . "513 x\.\ U ._ .-F \ l\\' When lh Ul.'l' 0.4 By the bi! Nor be m A Fnircst of wurnuu xu wuus W 0 Depth of One Hundred Feet; They are cheap and not likely to get out of order. The price per foot is 45 cents, cash; or 50 cents on time. W I I!"-I I}'I\I'.`II Illll Al :1 up-u . - uuuu... . ; Art Ihou with Screening gnu-1 Spreading for 1` `Neath thy fu v Through thy :.I Thine the pzilulv Thine the sym] ' Rainbows ornzu Varied are thy Countless mo 11 Through thy 2-- In thy (-V1-uing Now we hem` 1 - Maiden! we I! When the Fun: An_tl would ,u':: Dow drops gli And wnuhl pi In the lmlfy Cl: rhy. Lu \u `uni gamma` Valid. ._. nu... with 1 `Published V. NICllOI.S(I ovals: mu` uu nu,u_`.. . `hrough the . mneer Man 0sh:m':t i~' nan:-n A -` l'irrmv`s 1: Hall, CL -----I I\Il`\l NNOUNCES to the public um he has` L just rcceivud his scuson s , E5.1p-. -2 {{t- N.) I in -- nun l.1 4.~el.~s ovbry ':l"I`.; S` 1 l.Au..:..LI4\{V'J.1J.l.l'LlJJ."I..I:.', Which have given. wherever ,nsnd, enylre satisfaction. They can be e'ecti_vcly worked in walls to a `l\-..LL -0 r\, tr 1 u -- uuuu, ur uu Umus on H1110. wA|m-.m'I:n run on: man. !.T$'(HSTII`.RN.Q nf nnn uh}. |.'..xu __ .. ' page. stop it? The appearance of an illustrated `April, l866. -a - av _ 'l'iucmNA--A correspondent writes the he is informed that ark must be boiled in order to kill the ' `richina, should it be present, and that frying will not answer. V There can be no danger from theparaeites if the pork is thoroughly heated through, so that all parts shall be brought to about the temperature of boil- ingwator, and it makes no difference whether this is accomplished by boiling, frying, hroiling, or roasting. The "pork must be well done, and done entirely through. _ltaw ham is daily exposed for sale in the city restaurants, as is raw saus- Why do not the Board of Health article on Trichina in one of the pictorial - weelzlies reminds us that the rsti popular accountever given of this parasite a poured in the American Agricultumt ll! ti [rum.rMy}]ti hv,1 J I tale. --x-v-- 't-:-"T 4?` One Door East Q)` Me; Post Occ Collier Street, Barrie. M) be made 0! extra quality steel. . Home-Shoelng nn_d_ General Black- Im thing done as usual. `Jumped axes constantly kpt on hand for na 0. ' muue and uresseu on tile shortest. notice. T. S. Ming a practical Axe maker, he ab- ters himself that be known: good Axe when he sees It. and he is determined on] to oifer mch articles as will give sniisfuct on to the purchaser. All his own work he guarantees to be made of extra quality steel. ` 11 Horse-Shoeimz and General Black- ` SE WI! Barrie. 0c!.obe_r. 1868. and wiarranled for 30 days at $1.00. ` Any Axe sold by him which proves soft will be tempered free of cost within 12 months from an 3. _.__.-_---..- .1` gt .-"has; Made and Dressed on` the shortest. uoticv.-H T. S. helm: ll. nnmll:-nl Ava mnlrnr ho af.` 'IlUll IV IIIJUIT `I.MPR0_V-EDVPUMP, which lmvn nlinm. Ilrhuv-nnnr .......a ,.;.u. AVHVU 1011!! ll: un OIMDIGAIO W90! "10 increasing deman for Axes `of his own manufacture, has recently . Imported a large stock of Bot:-ell a, Mooook s. and Dates supe- rlor Axes; all of which he is prepared to war- rant for thirty days. . All Axe: unwarranted from nnnarlm-mnlmrn vcly mum u-nune ror two to commence upon, but they were worth hundreds of thousands when the died, gathered by economical labor. ' he writer know an excellent 'oung man in this city who is now near y thirty. He has long been engaged to a young lady of fine talents and good temper. It would be a great comfort to both to be married; but then, his salary, although quite large, would not support them in the style of life to which tho youngvwoman has been accustomed in her own home. Besides, the position of clerks is very uncertain. By the failure of what was considered one of the strong- est houses in the city, this young man was thrown out of place and salary. Stick to the .plow then, or to some solid. wholesome . trade. You will then be sure of a com- fortuble living. You can earlier have a ltomeof your own, and you will be least exposed to the constant changesin busi- ness, which destroy at one blow the earn- ings _ol years. (Ill! 10! unrty Ollyl. Axe: unwarranted from superior makers he can sell as cheap as any other house in Town. A ` Q E Q I I-0: q- in in -Q AXES J-UIVIPED I uu um am. an vurull as nu] uunzl uuuse HI 1 uwu. null u;nIIvnl\In:I In-. an .1--- -1 an nn - _. aw v@.$$.Z` CHEMICALS, Nn ~n\7-[,1 LVI'Vr1r.\r.v /. ._ vy- V p NNOUNCE to the public that they have just received their full and Winter ntock of lT!1.9.s;;,i_l_SEirin;eer9ttl* Vnnnnxn A AXE mcronv. -:rn'I vvwujcj 37$? HAVING foun ltim osslblejd meet the Axesof manufacture. has recuntlv lmnnrmd 3 large uue. _ Barrio, Oct., 1858. ---j-------_-_-u 3 03':-: R1" K736 Mnlfxvnug 4- SEWREY & SULLIVAN'S nu--_ - _____--- T ginning of his fortune. When Don't come to the city, my boy. Your hence in the long run, is better where on are. Hundreds indeed, make fortunes here, but thousands live weaiisome and suffering lives in the city. Clerks have larger salaries than young farmers, but then their expenses for hoarding, clothes and atnusements. are so much larger, that less is saved at the end of the year. Then the temptations 0! the city are so strong , and so constant that few young men re- ` sist them. Not many young city clerks, 4 even if they avoid had company. are able early in life to have a home of their own. A` young man in the country, soon after his time becomes his own, can secure capital enough with an economical wife, to setup liousekeepinp; for (himself and have a quiet, comfortable, and even beau- tiful home of his own. One of the wealthiest men in .the vicinity of Boston, who died a few years since, said the hap- iest` years of his life were passed when is was `gathering, very slowly, the be- e married 9 and his wife were worth, each, twenty- ve cents, and they labored lovingly and happily together. This was certainly a very small fortune for two to uuan. lmt than um... ......n. I...._.n_-.I- J "is'i"iLL `PICKS. r-.I.. -_.I n__-_ .v---. nun-ICIIIUI VIII B.uum:', ONT. `HE SUBSCRIBERS DIRECT ATTEN- , lion to their ` ' mon'oIuzEv Il.l'4' b'U UBUIHU `t'I'\I\f\YT V a. 4 an .'u.uUlUl1V5U 'a'nd the largest and cheapest assortment of WI`l7I'!I7u n--.--- - - BABRIE. .. uvvno lviwed the! 8. z'1`HOMAS ROBINSON, Prom-inlm-_ SEWREY '6; SULLIVAN. r. 99- ` 144, 0; ngd also their :1 an to the 21' vaua the wane. rnmaun, Proprietor. 40- '45}: The whole of his immense Stock having beenpurcymed in W atthe very Lowest Priceafur Cash. best. markets; and v&"He invites y can and l_ .rial-cond . . . em . _h. h. I . 1. deterunnatxon vto guns the Fuunsr SATISFACTIONTO gc:>da11Jla1lrl{s. and re um m A as n-j'__ All wllcflnv he; is 1 GLASGOW, eovxm 1 and other FAVORITE BRANDS . Horse-%ShoesN-ail_s, A mm _ `av uuu Bar,Hoop, Rod Newmarket, May} 1.839; - ` V -v5vouur mu; an immense stock of _ - Blacksmiths , Waggon-Makers and Carpenters Findings, ' ' e Comprising every description of .- ` HEAVY AND, SHE ll of which he o'er' the nnhiin .9 ...:--- A- -- . There wlllnlwaya be found in stock a ohoior selection of Wines, Brandiea, Whiskey/9, Rum, Gin. lb. . suitable for medicinal pur sea. ~ N.B.-PhysIcians supplied wit pure drn , chemicals, surgical instruments, &:c., ut who e- sale prices. , . Bnrrie. Nmv, mu. `loan ~ A large demand for our 80c.- Ec:_2; G'oodACanton Tea, .... - . Good Hyson Tea, .... .- &_1"errz,e~1n6er the Place- N.R.R. P:z,9senge7' Station, 1)?` Barrie. Mm-oh Inna ,T____ They are just now receiving 1 VTimothy & Clover, together with othe_r 1I7I..:..L 4:, N -n EX 0;}, and `see if they ` vnn nn -`rs \/\/\/ VJ? ` PROVISIONS, WINES, LIQUOBS, &0. Jus-r (avg: 'l1t\'I-1-r-I-_-n-r -r n _.w-.-an 4. vvIUVIl-`V Barrie, March, 1869. )@R@E&} V PROVISTONQ FARMERS AND MECHANICS` would do well to call and` exqmlno hei: MACHINE OIL, b6fO!'8 Dlllfhsill elmwhm-m mu! -1... `LA!- B D CARP_E I`S, DAMASKS, CURTAINS. Wholeale and etail. for Oasvh. obert Walker & Sons, Retail 33 to 37 King Street. undas St, London, Whqlqshle, I8 6: 20 Colborne St, WHIINTU. _.-- ? Heavy Hhzirdw are &c. BLAGKSMITHS ATTENTION I Ginghams, Staple` Dry oods, I WOOLLENS- MTT.TJN1c`DV 2. `M A mrnrnu Si` KISUIEIVISU, UU1VE1'1'lNli' U1_"_ ` I [DRESS Eoons. SILKS, SATINS TRIRI-i Dnbr `nun `non fr A mm: nnrnrno 1- rmm.-.1 nu navy, nun un nnuu "xx vuuu nnoULL.I.all.'a.\l'.l.' Ur` ` ---..... ......@..'.'-_.. ...'..'...-,......--`.. __ I@@3;iaf@%%3@TaL@mI _b_ _,__'__'v---->-w, `llIllI IRISH POPLINS, BRILIANTS, PRINTS, LUSTRES, THE EXAMINER, AND% C4OUNTY OF SIMCOE A*DVO`E'.A`TE. JUNE The aub.sc1-iber has now i _ mauuuvlf OIL purchasing elsewhere;