,,V_, , ` )[SSOLUTION OF` CO-I AR'I`Nl.'}I_iSllll . FE.\fALl-I WAl'l`}-ll to take charge of 3 dining room at u. rst-class Hotel. Apply at this-utlice` Good references re- buired. 7-if El-[SW Bud NH WOTK 1'0-uuuv vuvu gm. ".4 call is respectfully solicited. I!`-A rent` t the Milliner and Dru:-nmfug wlafsfed inmedlately. y Bursa. Amil 14, 18.89. 1141'. ' >Bulance.,..-. . ... . Township of Adjala. 1 - ...: ....,...;v,.,y ____ _. JOTICEL > cheap. Apply to Balance .. .12,` hf E Balance. .1 3.. F t recem.-u._ lfand. .. . . Bnhxncu. Baluncxn. .. A`. 1`HE B.uz'nn-: Mouxnzn I.\'l-`ANTRY are hex-_-,by ordmenl to. MUSTER FOR FOOT DRILL, Swouu .\.\`n CAum.\'aExr:1u:sxx-1, _ ' EVERY THURSDAY EVENING. at at 8 o`clock. sharp; 3`: at the `a Drill Shed, Barrie. Uniform, but Dunn} nnurn in hn \\VnI'|I Bnldncc.` V ` . "I I Two yoke of excelleht working %oxen will be sold clneup for cash. To any one in want of such cuulu outs u favorable (lpp .:l'lllllll.y to pur- nu n YET E N_TT5i\ wmwrnn, '\(AY I.` \\f.\I'|`L`l) `on On`.-n nh l|ll;\:.... .. .ofEssa. .....:.,,..1 _ _ Illa: ._' _ ? Qf Mulmur. 1,`. . . _ - ` . , 41]` West Gzoillimbury. .... ....,] 7___;____ 8 JOHN L." \\ .A\R-.\ ICA. Lot 15`, 12th con . lnnisl. 16-2iu" lersiguxx-I. EDMUND S. LAL_L\'. `no 17_ I mzi.~;7il. _.I DU wul II. DXXRCY B0 ULTON; Canla ......., Go. Simcoe. M` A.D., 18_68. AN, , uml attend to . $228 00 186 83 17s 0335 . 1141 35 . 1054 so 13H 94 894 `Z6 447 68 109 28 418 71 "418 71 41.17 uomal 3 Wu {iss Mary n no 649 87 422 49 00 oo . 1089 84 861 65 .._.__.... 225 19 970 91 921 :32 H) N, Captain! THE_ EXAMINER, VAMD FIRE-PROOF HOUSE. B.RADFORD,~ SPRING-_ 1869. THE VSUBSCRII;ER IS NOW RECEIVING ms . COMPRISING A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OE LADIEsj DRESS Goons? fmm? SPRING STOCK! Gem`/e11ze2z s `Coczlzgs 8* T7Qwse7z'Izgs in ./Vewesz` Sty/es `PURCHASERS WILL PLEASE CALL AND INSPECT. Bluidford, April, 1869. .1 It. '17-tf. ;W..B. Mcjgsier and Eompanm `HAVE JUST _RECE1VED, LL ' White 1\lm-.=.-illes, _ VVhit.e Lace Cu1'ta'ms, ' R011 Jaconets, I . `I FRENCH MERINOS, MViF6R\NT%%5KNN0UNCEM[NT! PARASOLS, GL6vEs, HOSIERY, RIBBONS; TRIMMING'S',`&c., I - A . . \.[U'I1111ne11se Sale of Bankrupt. Stocks.` ii? To effect T The x1II(leI'sig'11 lmvinfz been appnintctl Agent for the sale of'B:u1krupt Stocks, is now -receiving av. number on cousigmncnt, whit.-11 must be told at. any rea\son:1blepr1t;e Dry Goods,Ready-made Clothing Boots and COME! COME! COME! To THE MILLINERY AND MANTLE $gW { -_.. -...... .....1 mnlnto. in ei'erv department, with all the latest and ricliest styles )E;The Sales will commence on 'I.'l1ursdnyVmorning, lstructed M : - Ihnn Aunll. ` Prints, Brilliants, Ginghams, Muslins, &c., &c., . ,,,__. ......:..o.. Jnet nnoned one of the mosL.fa'shionable stocks of |n Dress Goods ` To be found in town. N.B.--Remember the l -\;g-v__ Is now open : n? (.11 cloihing, Barrie, May 5th, 1869. the Farmers Mechanics and Inhabitants` of Barrie and ' vicinity generally. ' THE STOCKS WILL COMPRISE FULL ASSORT:\]ENTS Oi Said B to A, The other-day, Together us they saf. Let U and I A Just. come and buy. At. Shel-idau s a hat. _.V., In great variety. and replete in e.i'e1'y department, richest of the season. The fair sex I_nny dgpeml on hzwmg tl-xexr every 9 want and ms}: szmsed here. ` _ _ - ` ,n niI__| V-...I`Q.'.I-..J2.ll.. A--...`.l..-..-I Shoes, Groceries',, Fancy Goods 5 In Silk and other `materials. And of very superior qtmlity. Tho~mas McCormick; Agent.- I J. K. FALCONBRIDGE.` Ltcullcga, Black and Coloured Paraso1s,' Fine. Plate Prints, V111 -1 x L Newton, ` 0 `VV 5 Place! The premisqs hitherto occupied by me. And last, though not least, :1 stock. of HATS which cannot . be excelled, so szi_vs A and B: . - . Said A to B,- I' plainly C, , V . SM 7 ' You know the shop quite well, ' Their hats suit me, Just to a T, grunt ' 7 And none cni1thetn.X L.` ' .L`1uU A. nun. I. ;u..,..-, Pure W'11ite Lustres, in white and high colours_ low _|ines. .1\lILLII\'ERY, :.tA.\"rI _ In great. variety. I Uni; v- -~ (J 1 1 . I J ust opened `vi-% I V -I\` Boots and Shoes, Wllllla uuu IV Ian ruumncu nuts- _are well lled and'Sp|endid|y Assofted, AND SECURE .'I.`l-IE 8, B(,`NAVENTURE STREET, - ..w/Tn ---Al.S0, Spedy; `Clearance. 5 B:I`-'_rN1:a-i*"('11'.m11erida.1_11. , the 20th inst., at 10 o c1dc1. 3 ZULU. mas", an 1V V mu... _ . In.`____ __ _ __ VM. `numox, msrnn, ' , - Loaves Barrie for Orillin and \\"ashngo at BARGAINS IN rIME- 5.30 :\.m.. touclxingnt Su.\.\'T1' BAY. }I.\ wx- .r\-\- STONE, AIllIEl`.j.E\', 011113.15 and the 1 o1:'rAGI~: _ , - = -nn-iving at Waslmgo at 10.30 a..m.. zind cou- 3CCP1edb.Y ' necting there with" Stages fol` the North - Country. ' . Ram;-ninv_r. will leave Wasllnggo at 11 :\.m., Ln;4n;;, . 111 ()NT1i`E 12-1Y YL Ez'1 L. COUNTY OF SIMCOE~ADVOCATE, THURSDAY, JUNE There will be is public holiday on I the 151.11 ot'Muy, for 1110.1)! ` nmmuinw - IIIIU lC.JI:lJ procurinr! (1,, -1 TI- l1l`i)E:a11ii"i;arg;ainatGEu. ASHTON .S. % L -5 n. -`t.`:_nmnn'. Ha. four doors wexit th'FiremBD'9 I The goos are daily axjriving, Dd `3 --` .. '..- -u I'II .10 T)... TI18 goods dlllly l1l'l'lVllJg, uuu -v--- ._ I Ready-Made Clothing, Boo_ts and Sl1oes, Grx'oce1-ies, Wines & Llquors, -r ~.._--:-.. ~....m... .. 1... iliunnand of at prices ouuca, U ! uum me, u - Luvu - --- 1 .- of superior quality; to be disposegl P599 cheaper than at any other house 1n town. :3` A Fresh Stock or PRIME RAMS Pd BACON, just received. `. 1, ,._....ul I , -~--- WANTED TO PURCHASE . hundred acres ofVP'me LuI_1 '1 of Barrie, near some gtntlon on I ' Railroad. All l\l\l11lI1lII'I:!N\.:l-'IY`Q'r| be ddl ABBAGE PLANTS OF THE AND PUREST SORTS. Early York. Large York. Early ant} Cauliower, Lnrgu Dx-uinbcud, Flat . I.-.mve l)1'umhca(1 Snvov. Quill!!!` M1S1_t; sa ---.- - -..-_..__ . and Luff! Dulc_h. Large l)runxhcad Savoy, and St. Denis. best; Tomatoes. Large Smooth `Rod, very bust; Large "Yellow, very fine; Cucumhrrs and Melon plants. A few choice Strawberry. .plm1ls. .-\p`ply curly. Celery plums will`bc ready in_ proper season. `At the garden of. Josrmn Ll-:SI_.u -3._ 15-ll` B!lI`l`l0. _ LLOYl) :s _ Patent Revolving Double M-aps, Two-ConlincnL~:, Amcriczt and Europe. and An1eric(t with (he Unild b'lalg:s1mrlion on an immense s:alc.-GoIoreleZz1 `40l_)0 uounhcs. These rrnl ma )3 now `Inst com 11-ted. (1-1 x n I 7 62 inches larwc. show every place of Import- -..-.. ..n ....:I ....1.xm:1uu-.nn the latest al~ These grem luilpn, nun Jlltav \4I4 .,... ., ,. large. ance. all 1'ailru:ul.~; to (lute, and the latest V terallotls in the various European states. 'l`hesuump.~` are needed In every school "mi family in the lx'u1tl-tl1ey`oeeupy the space 01' one map. and by means of the 1'c\'e1`se1', either side can he throxvn front, and uny`p:\rt brougln level to the eye. County rights and l:u`ge`dis- count. given to_ 'guod Auk-nts. Apply for Circulars, Tenn.~`, and send money for_ mu} seusmnple maps rst; ifnet sultl taken back on (lemand. Also, ready 0. $'?.3,0()0 steel and plate lllil:ill`:\lL`(l suhscription lmuk, De Soto, the discoverer of the .\liSSlSl|Ipi River. J. T. LLOYD, "' " 0'1 (`m-tluntll Street. .?-_. Furm Prodce bought, I Barrie, May 12, 1869. iuilroud. All communigntibns to be 1 V ' G. M. L` 15--tin 16-4t* SUNSHINE. A-ND SHADOW . IN .\'1-:\v1'om{,* . . nY'.\r.x'r1~m:w u.u.1: s.\u'ru, The ivorld-renowned `-Burloi.-.511 of the Boston . and New York Press. J. B; II-URR, 8: 00., l ublis_hel's. lI:u'tfo1'd'. Con. A work 0f_-m_so1'|:i`ng interest. replete with nnn.-nntn.sx nnd incnleuts of 0f_uh_so1-lying interest. 1-cpwu: mu. . :v.no(;dotos and of_ Life in the GREAT METROPOLIS, .. .....mm nu \'vw vamp )'U_BL1c 11oLm._A.Yx, 1:. 1:1-:1.\'u .\ <:n.\xm.1-:'rr: .\HRl`.0R or xnw Yuxm, , llogsctiug with startling ncculx-ancy lhe Secx-e;s of the Grreat City. Ifyoix xxish to know ho'w fortunes are made and lost 1n_u d_z\y_. how shrewd men are mincxl In Wall Sheet. how "cnnntryxnm1 are S\\'ll1- dld by 1-`lulrpt-rs, ho\v1nin'L~`tcrs and Im-rchunt.~; . xira 1:h\cku1'uil(`,d, lmw dance halls and concert saloons are 1n=xn-aged. lmw g.;:unl)lin1,: lulusm-s and lotteries ' '0 conducted. how stock and oil !:0lll1)[\l\.lL`S> origin:1te,- uml how the bubbles burst, ' - 1?`) . n .Qu-\--mrmr. Ax!) Su.\nnw [X XX-:\\ Ymuc. )iNE LANDS. 1h:.\v Sr.\'snm-'. .-\.\`n .\`x-_:w And learn: about New Yurk haul-. rs, moxi- chunls. bi-ukm-s. cdil_orL<, mlicc. xuililzugv. ox- prc-ssuwn. dclvctivcs l'<."lIlCI1. giltSn'ilu1lcI`.~`. pickpoL~l:ols,' lnn'g`.nrs, bur,_:g_v;nx'.<, -g:1uxhc1's. snilurs, 1`:1iev<-s, hotels, 10111135., l0_\\'1-ry, Five Points. thL-':1l1'a-s. CL`Zlll.l1 l'i\l'k,-1)'{lU.('l'_V"., etc. It con1uin- biugruphiczxl,sketches ufltev. Dr. Chapiu. 'l(`0(l0.l`t2 '|`ill0n. A. '1`. b'te\\'-.u't:.__J:,1s. Gordon Bunnclt. Rnbe1'L Bonncr_. l1n_-my J. Raymond John J:1c_oh .-\.et_or. Wm. 1%. A5101` '1 . T. ` im-uum. llarlvor Brothvrs. '(Jorn(-.lius V:\m1erhil1l1. l):u1ivl D1*c\\'; Dr. Sj.umu{l Os.- ',[00l1c.]{(`\l\`}\:1I1l(1O Wougll; in-.v.'_I)1-d 1;3o\\'liln;;. .<-omm . .-romc, our :11` cecwr. Gen`.C1ms. Stetson, J&\(:01)yLitUc, vI{v\'. Dr. rllcv. O. B. Fl'0thi!Igh`.11ll. Horace G11-<-ly, Auc11'ewV. Stout. Bishop 0n Gen. Clm..~x. G. Halpino, .-\u;zust BL-lm'0nl., Ed\\';u'd D. MoI'gm1. Aljchhishop .\\lcClosky. John .\[o1'ris(-y, Harry Ilill, John Allen, and many ntlwrs. - ' Adnm. Mzul-.mw Doxnorn-st, Recorder I-Inck(Elt,- KG 1 M0111: others. A T. A bthers. ' ' V . A LARGE OCT.-\VO VOLU.\IE'-0VER 700 PAGIES, Iv`1I\'l:`.LY ILLUSTRAT ED. _ ~'I`|uiq wnl-L is szuld onlv hv sub.~`crintion, "and 1LLUS'l`J{A'.\`15u. This work is suld only by siii)sci'iptioii,':\n11 in no instance can this pool: `be had at book- stores. Mr. N. Perkins, the agent, is now ,......-nu:na thi.v.- ui-.i(!efu1` this re:-v interesting ` Mr. N. 1 c1'luns, Inc gcllt, l.\ nu canvassing this place for very and instructive hook. and will give all an op- portunity to `suhscrilne. >`i1lv.~:cx-ihcrs will not be ohligedte-taltc the hook unless it c01'1'cs- ponds with the description given in the pro- spectus. ' ` liuirie, M:1y_12, -1869. 16--lin. 1869. Summer gqg1ngemenI,17i DIRECT ROUTE TO ORILLIA .\.\'1) Till-`. ____________ VER so..000VC0PI'ES SOLD IN I\1()l\"'l`llL$! ' . . . . .. 4., `'1' Piano, WP mnkerv . IE`):-ee Granf Lands` OF THE ` E M USKOKA _(,'0.U.V`1'RY, _,;;g n.. n.....n.n Avn Q'I'I.`a\\l!`II 1-in Tlxnnn-1. mg -BURTON 1` | Returning, Waslmgo v`m\d O1-il1iuatl2.30 p.m.,' arriving at Ban-ie in time to connect; with the evening train on the Northern Rn_i1\\'x\y, for Toronto. `T11 rough '1` ic kcts From Toronto to Urillio. and I31-ac:-Midge. can be pumlxased at the N.l ..R. Station, T'o1`onln; and return Tickets _cuu be procured on board the Stcmuer. _ _ var Wrcicbt or Passage unoly to `the Captain . ENTS \YAN'FID-$l0 A DAY. __.__ TWO $10 MAPS .I`0B. $4. The 0:: I3] I! Stc:\1n_er. 0n1 (:'a{:`&`f:1gbt >01` Passage apply Qupgain n-nx-:5 or mun-2: .u1.u-u.uvx;;._v v,,..__._, _i. BY RAILROAD AND S'1'1~:.\.\wn via B,umu:. O awn . .4- V. Toronto to Orillia. .- . ..- .`.` Bracebridgs.. n.....:.: in 'Hmvksl0ne___ L or we In . Shoe and I hoe-Pegs, `oe Plum,e onxvsni reet, Tomb . `.` braceunug: Bunie to Hnwkslone.. Alherly .... Orillia .... V Washag_).._. 1 Barrie, April, 1869. ql/VJ\J,v` Cent. _ Apfly to g_0,600 ; Bradford, Ap+i123. reasonamu n repayment; LICENCES THE un/deraigned is prepared to cxecnh _ Loans on Frgehold Property at very reasonable rates 0! Interest, and easy terms'o- mnnvmcnt: also ISSUER OF MARRIAGE nymcnt; man rep LICENCES, &c. 1'ail'1"o:1(1:; to(1ut(-,and tuo nucsr. 1u~ I Slates. ups "nu 1 lx'uul-1.lmy o(:cupy . . on 'n-nnl` A npn[g_ JIJDLV IE I Gookstown, Noy; 27th, 1865. 0 1;] nine! Raul: lo Brdccbrltlge _lVuIwuu' Traualafpxnenl. 0 ans addressed to G. M. LAWRASON. Buuchto; LL01 1), 23 Corllnndl. Street. N.Y. , rates 01 Interest, ant: terms 0- ` MARRIAGE 5, -.. `kTnv'97Ih, 1RR!'u 4 ' HENRY HARPER. , gimmciul. `--sold and exchanged. ' 16-tf ._.._-.___.. holiday and atger , I110 purpose "of `~ '1'u 1.4UA.`.V, on good run Security. Interest 8 pt"_ TO LOAN, on good 1'31: Securitv. Interest not JOHN STEVENSOH ` Solicitor, 0., . ' Bradford 23. 1868. 12-if: 5 addressed to I A\\'R,\SON` SE. one or two , witlnin ve miles - an the Northem i'isiii{uE6}}_'Zs Exwn, Prom-ietors itlnin l!ll1I:n 1 the BEST NILAEUJ. Buuclnon, Ont. 3 Bull. l consist; _of FOUR on mun u, Proprietors. 13-tf %HOW#T0 S%3zE%MoNEY% W A.` V .. F`ne.L` fEX'-1'8 Teas; thls Sp:-mg s Importations, 1 QAISITON S T 0 RE! Czinned Fruit just. received at the ( A choiee L6: of Fresh Grqujid Buckwheat Flour at the ( All Kinds` of Gdod and Fresh Groceries just arrived at the ( Spn Supplies` of Foreign Wines and Liquors will be com- niplin in `a fcnv {lava at the ` ' ' i ( vylllly. supplies ox rurelgu vv Luca auu un1_--v-- ----- 4-~ ' ( plete in `a few days at the Beafin mind :`-N6L House this side of Montreal can under-` ..,.H AL- 7 `PATENT SAWVGUMMERS. ispades, Shovels, $550. 850. F$i+I ION;ABLE, CLOTHING. sfpnrma AND SUMMER s'ro!oK, TOR0.\'T.,x\1)1`il 20th. 1869. `,JAYNES,BRAY}m|1N+Ym0&L NEWCOMBE, Bm'lcler s Ilarclzmre. $0., B1Jac1:;?+1,nd&~.T%99}]9?d Silks LI T)f\DT.YN'.`-I . Jl\X'l`\L\.D-31) ouuxu nun ;.u..,.. ..v. ..--.V, \%anaa} Veiveig, vrass ends, ...-,. F\1"l\VIVYf . I\`F A'\TIT\ T7~.vr`D'I)t`TT AQ . ~ Wlnch contains the Newest Style-`y ' ' ~'m Hm In .I ul llllllll sell the TREMENDOUS sACR.1i.*1oE OFA Dry Goods, Mz7lZz'ne7`y. 17[cmAtles, Shawls, AND` READY-MAADI? cL0'rH1SG, AT 1- TA4RASOLS, sUxs1Lu3Es_AN'D UMBRELLAS, Lcmz mu' 1 2'z72mm7n{/s, Has2"(?~r_7/ and Gloves T 1100515 FL`-RN1sI~IINGs AND MA-NCHES 1`ER GOODS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. ' ~ 9- If. P. MILLER & As the stock of this rm has been ixnported direct, the people of Barrie and surround: March 3 l, ]869. Largest and Cheapest lot of Goods `that Has ever been offered. T in_ this or `any other town. lJ!.- 1?`A CALL AND INSPECTION ARE 1 1 ' . . love will pldl it?" ORDERS-FROM ANY 1 AR'J.` PROMPTLY EXECUTED. 3 1 UR SPRING STOCKS `ARE NOVV ARRIVING, at 21- Full Assortment of everything in our line. i T t Nails, Gi-indstones, Scrap-iron .Cu A VVr0ught and Pressed Nails, Framing Chisels, Scotch T Hinges, . , S0rby s Hand. Barn-Door Hinges, , A Planes, , . , Barn-Door Rollers, - ` Ami] Butt Hinges andcrews. .H'O1'Se' Nails, English Door Locks, . .. Files and Rasps, V ,Ame1-ican Locks, Bellows, j i Sasli-Bolts and Fasteners, A . B31-.11-on 3 1`-iinishing Nails S5 Brads : Hubs ` "` ~- - Rims. Shafts. ---. g .:.4uuo I-l.lA\J\ ..'lJv....-, . inishlng L\ LL11: uu J-J]. u_\.Aa Rims, Shslft-,s', .Winclo'{v Glass. T , ` putty, _ Seat Becks, _ ` Paints and 0115, Carnage Springs, V.-Va1'nisl1es.an,d J apnsy ` Machine Oils, Turpentme and Colors, Steel Sqnaresr, T \Vater Lime,_ ` _ Thimbles and Skeins_ 1 Our goods are all warranted to be as represented, and will be sold as low as any house in the trade. DRIFFILL &- SONS. `Brm-ic. May. 1869. ._.._._..____._____.__ _Bragom, May, 1869- ' 019120-site w 13(t-ilzatty :S't(1tio7i, D unlop S BUY: jzoUR Gt R'egent- I-I0us e:, % _T01fontio.` JAPAXESE SILKS AND Iiusu POPLINS, SWIICIGK! ll": bhc Auc, 5) All DUNLOP S'l`REE'l`, B.~\l{P.IE. R scoma & SON, _ , V Sign of the Golden Elephant, - ` KING S'1`1{EE'1`,TC_)RON 1`O, Fashionab1e 1`aiA10rs & Dra-pets, II.-XS NOW ON II.-\1\'D THEIR .-L I .L\I .nv4.A.-.?_\, V3.2:t door to Hastz'n_q Jewelry S'tor'e,` Dunlap Street, J. }Hend_1sOn} s; rat Stflei, which they zfre prep:1red`to make up to order in the most artistic manner. ' GROCERIES AT THE P. R. M_ILLER & Co., E REQUESTED BEFORE PURCHASERS GO ELSEWIIEIREL `$3 AT .ed we have fac'11_itics.- for _ offering to 1 surrounding- country, the can uuu u r- CANTON T STOR-E. W. HUNTER DD/IDDTEVITVIKD ` Hand-Saws, Planes, Augers, Anvils, Vice, TT-_...... '\T..!`I.. ' . , at the CANTON T STORE. CANTON T STORE. CANTON '1' STORE. CANTON T STORE. CANTON T STORE.` Strt; Btzrrie. |'s1c1A;, M IIEIIL ': . uv n, _ _ V and Steel, -.11.. _ Hub and - Spokes, ..A4;v, PR OPRIETOR. and comprise 3 I869. gmr` 9- tf. A 33% 3&@Ss 1 FOR ~ 14- cnonsoit, Agent, Bani: .u;...... avg-.- ._---..--,, ,, Or anything I`(`qllil'('(1 to km.-p _\'(u1' 14-ct an and \\'2u'm. .\1cn's .\Iuu;-c .\Im-:u.'~ins'. thv ho. quality and very cheap. .`ulvn s Ft-H` .( )'.'-1-- -ilmcs clwapcx than on-r- they \\`('l`u snhl in Bnrri(Lhefur`r-. Ladies` high cut l2:\l.- in Sn-:ul. Gout and Kid. :11! of which will bu sold at 11:1- lowusl rt-imlncmlillg price. ;',@"liuuL~i.-.1l1(l >.'.huus m-.1110 to onh-r. All work \\':n'r:um-LI and no S('L'IIH] price. nnxmmr .<'I`l:-|<`.l4`.'I`. P.,\I:1:I1-1. ",',`l$uuL~4.'.1l1(1 >.-nous Innuc I0 oruvr. DU.\`L()l b"l`li-ICET, B.~\.l{l(IE. Sovcmlwr; 1.$l'S. -1.`:-ly DOMINION OI C.\.\'.\I).-\, E X (221: Conn- '1 1'0vinc,e of~()ntuIio, ty Court of County of Sixxncoc. the County 01` Huron. . IIHIUII. In (he 'nu1l(orv of ][cm'_:/ 1l'rz'_//I41. (in InsoI1'cn~ v..a; ... +1.... nn \V...lnnc'.7nx .-. '|.......1ny 4.3 [H0 _I.HIl'((.'I`l'HH (lily (H -HI signed will am.-ly for his said Act. `HF-`.\'R\' ' JIL UH. Iuuuu I ;;uu_:/ Ir :1:/us. urn Au-nun ...... Notfce is hereby gin-I1 that on \\ - the tlIi|'tL-I-I11!) day of Junv next. the unnot- signbtl dizchurgu under the ...3.1 \..O v L} Tlie B-|;3-$ai?Ig of Perfejfigghtl m:...... L n..o1.i.m Ell x~-In-.1.h- n< 1 m*f`-r-.L>'i<;'ut. . nuu -auuv-no V. . . . . . -_ -rL There isnutlnirxg so v-.xluu|,~1c as P0l`ft'Cl 5333": A \'n DI.`I!Z.`L`{"l' QIFIHT xucru L7`l`lUlIlI|L',', .~u \ il||lnl'.'lL' -In . \ H` AND I E]:i"lCC'l' SIGIIT can only In: 0l)l1}3llcll by uing pm.-mrr--r &`l !`.I"I` .\(`,I.1:: can uuxy Ln: Ullliylxuu U) llrlua I EI{Fl .CT Sl EC'I'.\CLES. the difculiy 01 p1'uc11riII_v__: \'.".1ich is well IVIUSSFZL L.'dL'd|`u I ocuuslsu AND6KP1`5I'/ifnis,` -'x'x.'.n~n mu`: have x1l'ler`y(-211's of -.\'p<-xivm_-4.-.7;x7pL-rim {vul the ex";-clinxl of L-u.~L1_y.1u:1q!1i1u:1'y, cuabll-d In ])l`U(1ll('c that ' (Hi.-\I\`l) ])IiSIDER;\'I'L'}.I, 1 h1lI"I-.'('I' .\`l X-ICT.\(,`vLI'l>I. ..1.1....-..x.....u ml.) with nnlimilml S31` 1' mm Wllich 1ll|\'(' In- tinn- A \ ~-.f-_ET1{`1r}i'3`;I.;?,r01`I $5. `IMPROVED BURSE HAY `max, Patented 151/L Jm2uu'r_I/, 1859. nun lu tn u\...-... ... ..... U.\'ITED S'1`A'I`E>`. A - . l RIl\'CE I'ID\\'.\I`.l)'.~` IL.~\f\'I). and l)(),\I|_\'l().\'. 01" (,'.-\.\'.\I)-\, .1....:..... n... .....-o ..h... n...r_- 'l`lu..u 1NsdLvI:Ntp_bT OI-"1864. (lll1 lllg Inc [I:L~L nmv _\\-um. ; u-..~\, Celebrated Perfected Spectacles .\'l'}\"l'I!i 'I`HH'.' 'I`lH'I |'IY,l'.'. .-\f\'I). ~ LAST MAN .1 yx-:.-ms wn'uo L"i` cu.\.\`<;1;. sou-2 .\m-:.\"1' 1-TE-;>1:'yx1 . Ll ) \`.\'Hl'_`~R N. .`~'.'L\I`ll'}iR.\`. JEWELL1-ZR, w,\'rcu..\1_u;1`;1z, AND o1"rn:1.\x. 1:.-u:1:n~:, `.|'I\ii`I wlmm nnlv tin-v mm 110 l)'1'(mlIl'(`(I. .\lA.\l'l~'.\L`|l::r.1n.\ ur 1 ur. K .';l.A:lIl\.'\| .... pE1.;_1.`15C'1'liD S1 liO'1`AUI.lS, I a_... ..r..... ........`. .J' ..v..,..i..u.... ..\-m-rinwnt 3%` U7. (`ilI1)In_I/ no ] uJlu EDWARD! Bostmu. I ll BEEF 1;00'1`, :.xc'>E;?;'j IIE sub.=c1-ihi-1-s` lnavlng . pm'cl1a.='<.-d tlw ' right to 1l]`.ll((`.' `dll(l S('ll the above Furl: in the Lou'nty ol'>'i1nL-00. aw ])I'L`]) .\l'('tl 10 [ill all orders. on the slnorlo-.st. ll|)llC(`. 'l'l1is lurk is ` simple in c(msu'uctl0n. more du1`:1l:lo uml ' c-asil_v`\vm`lwd tlnm any lu-rotul oro lllll'IJ(lllL'("(l. The \"h0l- fork. o.\'c<-pt IlH'lI1llHllL!. is lll:l(l(' ofirou and steel. It has four $l('L'l prongs. and the In-:u1 [0 which Llu-so are llzlcllutl is wrougllt iron in. of \\'0utl. It is pro- nounccd by all `practical fzmncrs. who have either cxzunim-Ll (r ll'>'l(`(l it. to be in (-.x'('l'} .-..c.....-r on lm `Hm bust furl: V'('l. intrmluccrl in Messrs. Lazarus & Morris, nnuun-rn Alll`\ r\r\'l"lf\|ARlC insu-.:ul oi wouu. AL 15 pm- to l'(`S])L Cf to he `the yet this county; in fact we are ])l'(`]I(ll`L'(| to tr-st it with any now for sale. F:u'u1cI`:s be zul\'l;~:ud; when you buy, "buy lln-_ In-st. .133`; fgrrlvrs by mail solicited aiul promptly .. on... .u in . _, um--1' attended 10.. auu_nucu._1'o.~ . ` ' 1m.ujT_1E.& soon`. Barrie; Ont, April 1869. 11-Jinn ` M44; xang._jE::i`oronto. J. L. DIAIIGACII, lblruul nu. u ur..u.r.n An `Drugs, Medicines,_` r-~r_1r:1\,r7r` A T Q PA YNTE, , `Hi -I .{nI{scri1)e1's are apppintcxl Acgt-nts at ']`omntu1nr the 57:11:! of the col:-hruta-d pa_lj5L;1n(1 Plush.-r. and whichth(-y are pro- parw m Ihrwzuwl u, all Ituilruarl >'mtir;n3 '" . ' ' _No. 12, Palace St. Toronto, -Juutlary, 1869. 50-6m Ul'lIl/1.\.\. 1::-\Iuuu, _ from whom only liu-y mm 1n'mmw~ L.\'/..\'1{l'.~_', .\1Ulll{l>.`, (K: C()., l\[01nnI -._-.. . ,,,_ 1) 'n.... :31 1..__ [c'IUNs1"1T, I MAI nIs|.\u.`, r..3.3r..\ \,x..:, Patent Medicines, Fancy Goods, P1:1:1`1/.1u:1u, xc. g;?ARTIs'I`s* I\1A I`I-2R1.-\I.S JL . s"1` ARRIVE FP.O.\[ I`:.\'(.!,.x.\`D. ` Toronto. April :10. 124.5). 12-ly. 1` I s\}.`l J).\\- 12 ~x'.9. LUUU ,---- V _ I nrli:.'.s' in want of gznmd cedar posts can he suppllc-l with any numbr.-r up to ljmo. at :1 your rx-asnnuhlre pm.-(,~, by lc.';vm;; thou` orders in {His oicc, or with A . ` JOHN -P.O\\'.\'I`. [ Barfie. Apri_l_. 1860. gins J"@r7II2a *7:iEn E "-" I jun ----7 --- ~ CHEMICALS, PAINTS, OILS DYB- STU FF S G OLORS I/,..-.1:.-I. Hr)/s-I:r`.&'. S'niriI.s' I u:-nentiuc. ' . mm 1: du1*in_<.;` the In: 1 1 '1 . J n Tox'on{o, 1869. I 500 CED.\.-I;`O.~1 I`S FOR SALE. ____ E} paper, ` LLID u.n.u .L.l. u uuuuuu Varnishes, Brushes, Spirits Turpentine, _ _. .... .. nv\'1v n. um-u An-1-1<*r: IV`! UVCH SUIU tion-to lhc \ -\ ram . mn llu I|lIlJ VI I l[.\l:'{`l-`Him. Cu:<.. nu:n.- nl.` 'I`TT| .` A'l'I I IIENRY I!" 1'm,1 .u,- with nnlil mm mu-c hi .WI`.ICHT. . A (Jlll-lA.\`()R. A nnrm-v ml Iilmu `1 .\u1.r.a. `.:ichiswc1lkr:o\\'n. JOHN .no\\'_\'r'. I )-I ;`.b'L.\'S, A 51413:. imitod s.".t1sfuc- - rmfai Vice Prenlgl A `Mall 35 I 1'; , - HS. X: C().. -\,--.-.,., ` (.`I\`1>('l'lll1t`Xll in:-rv. been L`). 4. :-ly Alexander Graham,` 3 l!lBER ?%iB%%J .L\J that he I.~' :11 an um:-.< }.|L`[-nu cm1l1':\c1. and ll.;u In-1 '. DOORS,SASH AND 5 at. \`v1'\'5h01'L lxnnrv. :: ._ 1.1! 193" ( l 0n'l'i`I~: THE IS A `'3 If made to 0i'de1` at :1: lm in (`:1 lmadroul, Ont. A \44,.. At tliv .-\n4'Iiuu L in ll'.:_.\1:u`kct. S Vice rreug - Med. 1! .& Gen . Aga` J] \.-..u...... ...._ . ._B [LR R 3 E s pI-]SI EC'l`FU1.l.Y :mn<>1:nm-:- n. n...o 1... L :1! lH'if1ll`S1.l`l`] L1zx1:13f:I35' |'.\'0L\'J~I.\"I }\(,"l` 4 lmrlfit`, ;\p1'i1 Dilnxu. ~ Also. :1 Hm-r.-: `BRICK "o'.'.l'OI-11*] . ....l-..r Qnv ~-~ .. BEATTIE & SCOTT S llifgl \ H._ tram EIU In 7: \'mr,-s and ace, &: Bro. DE 1~`REE-STO`.\"E 0l'F('.H1lk(`.. nay 1'0 .`:u*.m;: ,`i .m.,. - Tll_l'('SlliH:.{ .\1x\chint.-9 L. m (?;.;;,1;.~;.. _ all of which will b - M at Hm xuuzz-:..x .;u:s-r`.~ prion-5. 7 I W _ ` Stavezs & 'F[n= . - ..1 1-, bC1 U Every description of ( Stoves . Sugar K(.'lllt`.'~'. '1' Lamps and Lunlt-rns ulx-.' IL 5: will ul.~u kw-p y FOR 815 Lamps and uunu-um au\`.u_\ 5 -1.. .. B. A: keep on `.1-.m pion Hand Shuttle Sewing Mac` H'l{lk1_`.`l prt-ci~'t-l_v tln::~:x;:|<: slilcln \\'Iu--ler (`.5 WiI u'ml Fingw P13-`e. with table and Ir:-ml]:-, 4 ..._..v.:..,.'m run luv hand. : t/u 12ml[m' F5/'-?;:.7;-/)J[.l If!/u: TIM-":I 111.1; ; firs"-.7;'r:1/. SATURDAQ, ' '-'.\`\ U-- Stove 1113.pori1ui2, stnyncr, Ma) : Bridging and Pilewrivihg. Barri, April, 1941". uv uu-u .. 1>U1.;1Ii&`S TOMB & 1 ' J ])z1nlup Slrccl, "Ila g;__. :2"l'>i. . \1'4ld;_ |l <\' 1&1` I).\\'|I`) l.l\\`I.~' J. 'D.')H-Illl{!(TIx' 1'i15tl1. 1r~`l;:r. BEATTiE & 1 1) an ulllii -.4. nl , 111-;. :9-wnls colic-ci< 1858, '$"['( MON! u in Hull a nu AITUI`I* n u, V HHH ` the -.\.\'l)._ JOHN SP.-&IiLI2\'(?. mg In-r "ll. 7 K5-rm i7=.-h JU;Lx_/'. vuu ..., .;- Stay 1101', '\ u(7I\'_ $3 1_\'so:x mmu. m `uzmd Um Cham- nu .'\dar.Y41nn -um":-'- '. In D. :1-llvm. iblie Iv--. Rt 00.; M ; 1103 III! 'l100e~ IR-if \,x-usu u~dr.~ra 1 best w.u'c. `rec t, Tom 3 OLIVER met, Tomi V ate;-1,4114 1 day '5 T I _ - , 17-Sin 9`ind1n Hvsw-.. -unVV\_ low, I bull E. Bmnmsn,_ Saddler and I'Inrm-.'=,s .\{:|k-r.`- Barrie, bugs to acquaint all illtluhtml to him. lhal it is nbmplnxtely m-cc-s.~xzu'_v tlu-it`-|'cspucti\'u accounts should be settled furLh\\'ill1. J`). BE.\IROSI`I. n,__:_ u....rm! mun ""_lf__` \ I 13a1.xncia...;.. Ya. 16. Township of Oro. Amount received . . . Paitl .... . . Barrie, M (Ly 726, I869. _[_` _._... A farm of 300 ncrvs, on the I onctun- guishoms Road. The property belongs to the `Jmmnnnity of St. Joseph, in 'l`ox'0nto, 3? nndi-4 sitmied about seven miles from the _ thniving town of Barrie. About 100 acres urc ? 4-hm mu 1 #0. H1 rm zvmg clenruri. A..nH.v .\,:p1im-.tion may he made to the Very Rev. J. 1*`. Jnmal, or Ve1'_',' Rev. F. Rooney, Toron- to; or to tin: Very Rev. G. R. Non.hgmves_, I _I3a_r1-iu. 17-2in. iva sad Paid py the sevm` fssmam U; -_ f me _.._...u PM the I ' E th15p1`e~.=ol1tsI chase cheap. Axmlv ` ESTA! _U" .___ The Co-Plrtnership hitherto` existing luv- tween the undu-xnignvtl. under the style and rm of l\1c.\lusLer & Lncklmrd. as l.rm1ur:s and general merclmnts. at the village of Now- mnrket, was this day dissolved by mutual ' consent. nun-A at Newmnrkct this 22nd day of May, DlImm.u . . . . N013, Township Qf V2.3] Amount recu'|vcd.. 1 u1d..... TRACT OF SCHOOL MONEYS so ._ w. ~n..:.I my the consenf. Dated at Newmnrkct day ` 1869. . W.\[. Mo.\f.-\S'I`ER. JR ; C II .-\S. II. LOCKHAR D. nub T `IAN-\Y'I` \\'I1*\'weq, ' Ibwnshi-;;;of Essa Amount received . Paid..... Dlll`-Lu us... . 6,"To1pnship of. Sum Amount :3 rece1ve Paul. . . . .. . s,_ Twnshsfy Muir Amount rt-.cei\`e'.l`.` Ynid . . . . ., . 9, TownsIn p Ainount received .. I lid . . . . . . - ... ....,_ Balance`... . 2, Township of Nottawasaga, - Amount received ........ __ ` Paid ........ ,;___: with reference to the allow. the undersign- ed begs respectfully to notifv tlm cm'rospoml- ants and pntroun of the old ostn|)lislln1ent_ that he has assmneal the sole control of nll matters pertaining to the same. nml will pay all debts due. and receive all debts accruing to tha concern, from nml after the datovnbove mentioned. W.\l. Mc.\I.~\STEll, JR. Noun...-1m+ M... or. man -]7-_f_ lhlluux. - , . . . . . 10, Tuwnship of Inn Amdunt rec:-i\'cd.. _ Paid .... ., B W N M-Dennbf; ' home mail nim-5 Balance ... ..-. ;_,1'1,'Toumships of Tiny and T ay. "Amount recuivt-, .... _,__ . Paid .............. __ my 18, 1869. W .\| . M Nowmarket. May 25, 1869. Balance. .. ., Township of J{cd< I Amount .re_ceived.. 1 :ud.... .. Balance .......... . _` 7, Township of Tossorontio. Amount received ....... . , `f Paid ........... __ i` B:\]:mco............-..' eturn from Mixrrisnn and Z&Iuskokn., tr 'r.`1>.\QI.`n ) _ Apply Jmired. i don, etc, ply to the undersi,;m-1. `L ' ED.\1Ui\ `nr ,1.toy2o.1soo. -_-_~_.._._. you sing. U ll .'\D. 11. IJUI. GEO. W. LOUNT` \\'I1*.\'x~:ss. T0 uL~;Hm'us.~ 11, '1'0wIlsIuy .9 ..\._, Amount rucn-ivcd.. I`uid..'.... `\ lJl'l|l DIIUU, l)|||'l:l' without spurs, _to be worn. TV A `|'I(`.\` ISS MORTON re;ectruuy informs {hp N ladies of Barrie and aurrouudip`g 5:o1_1ncry,'thut she has purchased the business` recently carried on by the Misses Munn, on Dunlop Street. and will henceforth curry on the same on her own account. She is adding I large variety to the former stock. consisting of LADIES AND CHILDREN'S HATS AND Balance. .. .. .. .. [4, Township of Tecumselh. Amount received ....... . . l aid.... . iiiilinery, Dre:ss_6z_Mant1e-Making Balance ..... ... 15, 1`oumship qt` Mono. Amount. roccivcd.... . " Paid ....... .. ____T:_______________________ :'\`.'O YOKE OF GOOD WORKING. UXEN FOR. S.'\LE. large variety the former stock. conmsnug LADIES AND nnmaw.-nu mmnwn nnd umrimmed: Mantle: or LADIES AND Ut111.uxmm'a |1A'1'b Am u 30NNE'I`S, trimmed x\ngl_ untriulmed; Mnmles Ill the newest styles: Pm-asols, Gloves, Hosiery, Vuils. Neck Ties, Cutfs and Collars. Clrs, Featlmrs and Flowers, Dress-linings and Tr Inmings of all kinds. Dresses made in the newest. stylus, at a moderate charge, and at short notice. Mourning milllnory constantly in stock. London, Paris and New York fashions regu- larly received. Straw. and felt work re-done with care. - A :1 ~ ,, , _,1l__H.. nnl:n: nJ