U UIAID l'4l(.lA. \L\ U. ` Munngixng Dm-clor. 1. l`o1'onto. ) rn '1`UUl:lUI'E, Township Clerk. 12-2lI. , Barrie. 1 u muv 1-. Town 1 '1.`-I-tf N 1'1. n Cleric. 14-3in 14-2in :2-1;}. I TORONTO. April 20th. 1309. Scrap-iron Cut Nails, V VVrought and Pressed Nails, Scotch T I-lin es, ' Barn-Door inges, Barn-Door Rollers, Butt Hinges and Screws. English Door Locks, American. Locks, Sash-Bolts and Fasteners, l*'inishing N aiis & Brads W:I1AAII1 nan MW PARKIPJS, ` R, COOKSTOW SPRING AND sumlvmn STOCK," TRFMENDOIJS SHCRIFIGE `OF. T ~ . my Goods, Jlillinery. Jllamtles, shawzs,] As the stock of this firm has been i1_r_1p0rt0d_ difect; _We hiwe facilities` for offering to the peopleof Bnrne and eurroundmg country, the ` am can. AND msrncuox ARE.-REQUESTED Bmronn Puncmisxns uo nLsj:wn:1nE.~_g Largest and Cheapest lot of Goods that has ever been (,3-ered ` . Inlhis or any otheu-town.T ' _ { HARDWARE: IFASI-IIONABLE GLOTI-IING.l %"31+1A1%.D T1MESNOMORE.j .1` 11115111115 .1.` cub: LXI LIL aux: Window Glass. _ Rin Putty, S Paints and Oils, ` ' Varnishes and Japans, T urpentme . and Colors, Water Lime, ' Our. goods are all warranted to b sold as low as any house in the trade. bu-mi-Av 13- PURCHASERS WILL PLEASE CALL AND INSPECT. lnr o and beautiful [1 - he song of Human! rossl y for our renders, |l| Ig alone of nearly $10001 id) to every full ($2.50) svor person sending on us a gmn of art! Sunscmnmm _u...- __ B.-"aurora, April, 1309. Gem`/emeIz s Cocirzgs 6:` Ifrowsermgs COMPRISING A _SPLENDiD ASSORTMENT or '_ '%LADIES DRESS Ac-'eooVDsg% [THE SUBSCRIBER IS NOW RECEIVING HIS . srmna 1889. % Fa ? SPRING STOCK! Barrie, May, 1869, Which contnius't.ho Newest Styles, which they are prepared tqmake up to order in the most artistic manner. 7 ~ W//EAT, OATS,%AgBL':), RYE &c. IRRANTE D 70 3 J16 B1'adf'ord,_ Maj, 1869. mun` f'.CU'(l. copies nent qralia. EACON dc PETERSON. 319 Walnut SL. Philndel UR.SPRIN G STOCKS ARE N O\V ARRIVING, _and`comp1-isev a Full Assoriament of everything in our line. . L . IE` ORDERS FROM ANY PART. PROM-PTLIY (EXECUTED. 3 -. R; MILLER &00. s,J PA RASOLS,\ GLOVES, --- 51;; \. -.-_u_. 7 r ,_ _. -- _ --A--- -' 1/ .>4`/enanrzo somw//EAT, OArs,P:AgBAm.'n;RY 6`. \ /:\ ,0 /_"_?_ 5"? /*'--S 7 Opposite ee 1 Ba2'lwa;z/V Station, Dmzlop St/reent, ,.Ba9~2'-ie. AND READY-MADE CLOTHING, AT. . '_' - -7 V `V ` 7 V * 7" ` 7 " ` Next door to Easting : Jewelry .Store, .DunIop Street, Barrie. 3 ' '_ . . ' .__._.__ swan a. `co.. ether with other on. done at the elm tL-st. notice. 7. Iponzss ~ `H jcu ,1/Eigui-An: R_.scoRE.&`soN,f A . . Sign of the _Golden EIephant, KING STREET, TORONTO, A L Fashionable -Tailors & D1-apers, HAS NOW ON HAND THEIR And of very superior_qual`i`ty. aw _L'.II.\IL_4'u.V,.l..1t ~- SIIAWA ON-rAmo ~' K , / In Silk and other materials. P. R MILLER & Co., J. K. FALCONBRIDGE. S, HOSIERY, RIBBONS, TRIMMINGS, dc., T. DIFFILL 3; SO1\_I`S. In great. variety.V r1n;:................l...I... of it club will nlways rm` 'minm Engraving. Mu 1;; the Prumiuln Engm altar extra. nnninn can! ......u. .l..L_|.l|JD uuu. uyuxxca, Rims, `S'hal'ts, Seat Backs, - Carriage Springs,` Machine Oils, Steel Sqnares, Thimbles and Skeins. be as represented, and will be male Grindstones, _ Framing Chisels, Sorby s Hand-Saws, 4- V Plaries, Augxelrs, . Anvlls, 1ce, Lr,.;..;.,. -xrnn- - . Home `Nails, Files and Rasps, Bellows, V Balr-Iron and Steel, . Hubs and Spoken, Rim: `.q'l1n{-u ' ' in Newest Sty/es 12-1) 14- (!'F9Pe>f .MF?-!Y 1Y1*%v'| ' 1HEf11ndrs.igneii is prepared - to dxecutn 1 Loans on Frgehold Propgrty a.t._ very reasonable rates 01 xnterest, and easy terms 01 re an1'e'nt; nlan ISSUER OF MARRIAGE ; L C N CES, &'c.' 000k5J,own, N67. 27th, l, ,1 = HENRY nA12gEh. ; A gittattbint; Mgney !` M2_1_1_3y! Money`- ..,\.\ rs/'\I\nVi\v . c u L v E R w 1: LL. TRIMMER and GI MIR. Opposite E. ))unlop~Slruol., Barrie. 568. , v Gent. V Apply to Bradford, April 23, 1868. unu J-ISJIIIVIAI aunu:uAIg Leaves Barrio fpr Orillin and Washngq, at, 5.30 n.m., touching at SlIA.\'1`Y`BAY, HAWK- sfroxn, ARIIERLEY, Omu.u. and the Penman . -:u-riving at Washago at 10.30 3.111., and con- necting `there. Cuuntry. with Stages for the North ~ Returuimz. will leave r'nnlmnrn` `an. 1'1` . vn Uuuntry. ' * Returning, will leave Washago it 1'1` mm, and Orillia at 12.30 p.m., arriving at -Barrie in time to connect with the evening train on, _ the Northern Railway, for Toronto. ' Thrbngh T;Ickb;ts- From Toronto _to Orillio. and Brqcebridge. can be purchased at the N .R.R. Station, Toronto; and rotxirn Tickets can be procured on board the Steamer`. li`m- I<`miahf. hr pucnnnn nl-\n`n 0- I... n__._:_ 0,d00; | IDA 3qn'g9N 1! H18 Dreamer. F F ' ' on lforarflght or Pmag apply to the CPt9oin l DA*'rIrn nu unnvsn ; .lJLIIL' .l.J\J.LJ.'J.lJ LJJ. .lD\./111K114 DID,` have after years of e.\'}mrionce. experiment and the erection of costly 'm`.1c!ninc1'y, been enabled to produce that ` C1D.\\Yh nrpounnn `nun- I.J. iii`:-e_e Grant Lands ur 1 nu M? _1USI(0KA .00U.vmy,` `Ru D.n......-. .u.. c........ .-.:..'n._- 0 BE UNDERSE Q ROBERT CA - nntno yr Toronto `to Orillid ..... . . Bracebridgsi. Barrie to Hn.wksLone..-. -- nraceurmg: Barrie Hn.wksLone.. ' Atherly Orillin ....` 53 Wnuhnan Barrie, April, 1869. -...- vu._v uu uuuuuuu uy using . PERFECT SPECTACLES, the difculty ofprocuring which is well known. Ivlwaafa-' l..'dLal'U$ W Wlorrls, _0CULlSTS AND -OPTICIANS, HARTFORD. CON.. ........ nu yn uuuxu uuuv GRAND DESIDERATUM, ' . 1 ERFEC'I` SPECTACLES, ; _ which have been sold with uu1imitcd2mtiafau1. tion to the wearers in the 'lT\`II"l"L`T\ CW` A NVD3 uuu mu nuc uvuuuus Ill .10 UNITED STATES. . PRINCE E1)WARD'S ISLANI), . and I)0MlNI()N OF CANADA, during the past nine years. Those l'L.1..`L....4.-:l 'D-..D- 4;: re . 1 ulu u-E, uuu yuan Iugu; _yuun5. 111086 Celebrated Perfected Spectacles NEVER mu; THE EYE. AND LAST MANY YEARS wrruour cxxaxcm. The Blfssing of PerfectSight! There is nothinzr an vn]nnMn .-H: 'Pm~f'nM .Qn-In AN 1) 1'Elu<`ECT SIG can only be obtained by `using Prmwnnm cmzrvr A r | SOLE AGENT F-(3F-.\-'.OR'I`lI SI.\ICOI .' , - _ LE \I\'l)l]ll S. SANDEIRS. UJEWELLER, WATCHMAKER, .AND . OPTICIAN, I}ARRlE, from whom only they can be procurml. LAZARUS, MORRIS, & CO., Montreal. g'We cniploy no Pedlars. .13-ly. .....- .. unun\.nnn,_ E.VERY THURSDAY EVENING, gg` at S.o c1-Jck. sharp. 3:: at the . Drill Shed, Barrie. Uniform, but without spurs, to be.worn. `- ha Anhv nnnr mnu u --v ruvvvlllb VI I VI IUVL \JI5IIL>l nothing so valuable as Perfect. Sight, AND PERFECT sxeur onlv he nhminml in: '...;m. _ vlllvlllllil, IIIII IIUL-I, next, at noon, the teal estate hereinafter dq- scribcd, VIZ: ml... 1\Y.\..H. 1...II` ..A'I' .1. n1 2.. AI... An. 4-.. 0110 lllll'l('6Ll ROYCE. That property known as the Hnyter Farm. ' being part. of Lot 22, in the 2nd concession, Vospra, consisting of Park Lot No.` 1, con- taining 15 acres; and Park Lot No, 7, con- taining 5 acres and 24 porches; a most desir- able farm within the limits of thctown of Bnrrie . . .. .. 1.u1u;x LI.L\JL|I.LU} .u\J1, situated on the Mnvkot Square of Ban-iegnnd being part o Lot 16. on the North side of Dunlop street, and lately occupied by tbs In- solvent. I 'l`msm= will I... ........I..1.......... -1. :1... 4:..- ..r uvl Iuwu 1 no. The North half of.Lot 21. in the 4th don- cession of the township of Flos, containing, one hundred acres. ' Thnf nrnnnrhr I.-nnuvn an H..\'L`[T.u.4....1.`n.--n 1! . ~ . ..-. .......... VA Ann \,r.1.r.nnAA 1'. PEFEc'1'ED s1>EoTA0I.Li:sT }H1vi`.' slftmv vnnrc n4` .u-u.u-:.\....,. .. > L \J1J.lJl.\J L.l\J\/LLLILV, V At the Auction Room of Mr. Joseph Rdgers, ` in`the Market. Square, Barrie, County of Sim- coo. on. ` You inexx`-';:QmlDu _\ "cg mi`: yltl I 5 ac `Rn: E1`: the matter bf THOMA5 1'l[.cC'O.R-3 . MICK: of the Town of .B.arrz'e; an _ Inilvint. J" - --....4*-.aA`.v5IA4 ugugv wag.-4.: --u made taoider at as low prices as can be had . ' d _ Bradford, Ont.` "1 can a` 13.ly; - _ . 0 , The only Dlrcc! Jhmln to Bracebfldgc W'lllI6A{tl l`raou.hlpnunl. . _ o_...__ -v.-.4: uv au.u;;u -.a-v......., I-IARBLE POSTS FOR. ENCLOBING CEXETERY nv nu-a" A r en, Buy. --.v~--v.;..n '\/\/\JI'.LJ.IlJ, `sci BY Raxnnqm um S'n-nunsn 13z'a'BAnma.v - n `Luau, u. uuuu aI.u|cy BRICK STORE AND LO'I`, Ritllfnr] nn Hln Rfnrlznk Qnnnrn nf 'Rnm-in `null Messrs. Lazarus? & Mdrris, (`HI IQTQ Mun nnrmunuc [N SOLVEN T ACT. OF l864-5. wvl-I\l u u ruiu 'UI I lUll'\|V II.-\-R'I,`FORD, CON., .\lA.\'(7F.\CTL'REIlS 01-` THE (!l`II.l~2.1lRATlD \1."IT`It'1Ilniw\ ,._ ._ )IRECT ROUTE TO ORILLIA Ax Tm: s a: `rite: Q`: lieroby vcs in H MANUl"AL'TUIHB UI MARBLE MONUMENTS, , run:-n . ..... . nmnuww-1' SATURDAw\v( ,vl7th JULY, KL M: nnnn, ux ran` nah-urn In-rninnar The undersigned will offer (bi sale at `nrvnr Tfl A rrnrnrrmrr gBADFORD MARBLE WORKS. .:.-__ ...v.... . ..._, FREE-STONE. nd)NUMEN_ Ts J, &'. H-A. B01-rowman, MANUFACTURERS of `All A `P5111 1'.` -I rr\'rr`I'TIl 1\TFI`C1 LLIU uuucumgucu Wlll UIIUII IUIC BHUJ 11 PUBLIC ~ AUCTION, 9 Auction Rnnm M` Mr .'|'m:nnh `DJ `IIE Bmnu: Mouxnzn I.\`r'.\.\:-mv ure h<-rehy ordered to MUSTER >1"0R FOOT "DRILL, Swoxm AN-D C.\um.\'1: Exmzcsm; nxrvnnxr !'I'\II'VVl\.'\I\ . Iv ........ __.. PER THAN EVF3 oME.poLLA I Bl-I;l-TO-N, MAST]-11; ` nu-pin (`nu f\.-HIS.` and \l.'... TOMB J5 HEAD STONES, Also, 9. thre storey ' umnn m A van nuns or man :, .:n:..' 'l`O`LOA.N, on good Fnm Security; lntenast 8 pm` JOHN STEVENSON Solicilnr, J. uv. u v: u. ' D ARCY BOULTON, nuln --<.-o-u.o-.-...._ 11 BURTON & SMITH, Prnnrinh-um FAY MNSU] Solicitor, 12.... SMITH, Proprietors. ` 13-11" 1 \ o. , Bradford . 12-it . um, Captain! . $2 '50 . 375 An V . V ' _ __ -`- -Whereas mv wife. Rebeccn Tuck, having left my bed nd board without_'any just cause or pro ocqgion` I hereby cnuuon_ and forlgid all persons not to hm-hour, or credit. her on my_- :act:o_Iu`1t. as 1 will` not be responsible for my debts ofher `contracting after this-data. J.-UIES l`UCIC. -,...-,`-..-.. ...... ..... _- at very shoijt notice, `and \ On Reasonable 'I`ern1vsA He also keeps on hand, and manufactures . COFFINS of all kinds,, and furnishes. all the parnplnorngmliunecessary for Funerals, including an excellent Hearse, which can be hadon very 1 moderate terms. l ! n......:.. Ann -14 was . 10 . ' Parties in want of good cedar posts can be supplied. with any nmnbier up to L500, at a `very rca. price, by leaving their orders at this office, or with _ JOIh\ ROWAT. n..__:.. |..._!I fonn . 19, Bgrrie. April, 1869. IKE` opposn-3 THE courvr nous:-., $331 BARRIE. ESPECTFULLY announces to file public that he is at all times prepared to take contracts for building, and that he can furnish r\r\nnn- nnnnn` lllf\ nl Iilnn Lu... Binnie, _0pt.,' April 1869. J6 (U (Iuuum le Old Slam?- ~10.0 ` } J. E. ANDERSONS - '.' WPEW, .H.QR$13F4Y.-F9BKv I V BE subscribers havlng purchased the right to make and `sell the above Fork in the Uounty ofsimcoe, are prepared to till all orders on the shortest notice. This -fork is simple in_ construction, more durable and easily worker] than any heretofore introduced. The whole fork, except the handle, is made ofiron andrsteel. It has four steel prongs, and the head to which these are attached is wrought iron instead of wood. It is pro- nounced by all practical farmers, who have either examined (r tested it. to be in every -respect to be the best fork yet introduced in this county; in fact we are prepared to test it withany now for sale. Farmers be advxsed; when you buy, buy the best. nag- nnvm-a Gm mun nnlinifml and nrnmntlv Vs? `Orders by mail solicited and promptly W118 yUll Ully, Ully huu ucam} I attended to. ~nA'I"'l"Tl'.` v. annmm Ba'6,`4"xia"Ajs.:3""et.`;qag; Black and `aaorea Silks, ' Alexaxider `Graham, ' M3!` l\v)nI\;~I-Ila rrnuu nnnnm light-cu. md JAYNIES, NEWCOMBE, T IN, HEET-IRON JAPANNED and Copper` Wan-c, Avn hi-`AVVJ? III . _ - " ' '. " ' 7 PARASOLS, SUNSHAISES AND UMBRELLAS, Lace and_ T7'z'm7nz72zg.s', H0sz'e7'y and Gloves. HOUSE FURNISHINGS AND MANCHESTER GOODS, VVHOLESALE AND RETAIL. T\[:|I-011 R1 `IRRO, ' W ` "' 11', 1869. nun vnnhna In Box, Parlor; Hull, and C'oo7cz'n_r; Stoves, n/3.11 A nnrrxr Irxinnu no ..... __.,.. ..u...,> -..v.. ~--"J rw*v\4-rvv, _ .5};-*GARDEi:I L\;'(}'11\;Es,_&y PLATFORM COUNTER SCALES, - COAL 011:. 13., f:c., DUNLOP STREET. . . BARRYR @][P@RT[Af@@-S , rALfANb'l`5l`J minis AND IRISH POPLINS, Mahliwatled Velvets, Dress Goods, P/\R.A.\`()Tp.R RfT1\T.QT-TA DFQ A`r\`r`n nu/rnnvr 1- no A -..\/u ~:/0 ~.-g-av Montreal. Afmril 1, 1869. I [I3 IUUIJUH ,, _ . _.._._ -.__._._ b- PATEN'I: SAW L~i}UMMERsA. Spades, Shove1si_&c. 8:0. 1869. sPR11\{g%.%[% 1869; - ' an N0tGn".'.`aeaga-, 3125' . v_ 1879.` All Kinds of Good and Fresh Groceries just rri'ed at the . . ~ ` ` Spring Supplies of Foreign Wines and Liquors will be com- Dlete in 9. Few` (`nus uf H-an I `Bear in mind :-.-No House this side of Montrezil can under- vyllllg UUPRIICS OI rorelgn W H135 and 1.dqll0TS W111 D6 com- plete in a few` days at the ( sell the ( nouerate terms. Barrie, April '14, .1865. A Choice Lot of Fresh Ground Buckwheat Flour at the . - A Fine Lot of Extra Teas, this Spring s Imporlaliotfs, at. the Canned-Fruit just receivecl at the |s3*1rn@%:zAa:zo)IJaz [Ii]`l3Ei3[8`I cANTo1$I %-I'.IsAfI' 0 R E! `1AUTIO~.\'. I _ . March 31, 1869. `George / Plaxton, \l.\\'l:'I-'Af`.TlTRY-`.Yl ll` Bm'lcle1"s Ilarclware. NJ@., 3, Bigmavawtumm Ste Wetaria Square. mtronl. Ahril Patented 15th January, 1869. HOW TO SAVE MONEY Had their c , CEDAR polars 1901: SALI-3? Regent House; Toronto. opulnnpiizco of mus ) magazine in iIsel!-Ia 1- To which they beg to call the attentioniof the trade. BEATTIE E: SCOTT. rcdm1$lete stoc_k of SEASONABLE DRY Goons open for ~ . ' inspection ' >- BUY YOUR GROCERIPB AT THE lI8!`InlS`(ll\I0.. JAMES `FUCK. arr . 1 .-*4 DUNLOP STREET, BARBIE. J. Ilenders0%n s, `YTRTT OD Q'l`DL`I."'l\ D A nnrn ~ '1'. 12-tf. >.z44a-u\.rA.1 4;. inspection If . r rr (he Uounly of 3` 11101`. ((1).. `c. ' __A*D:-' AT I. . The ONTARIO STATUTES for 18684?!) are now at the Office of the Clerk of the Peace I for delivery to Magistrates, Municipal Oicers, and others entitled to them. , - - ~ W. B. MCVITYv {Wm-Z~ n1".~p Pram . (7.3. HUGH MCKINNUN. D81-edvat Staynex, this 20th` day of April, l869._ L V 1a.m. _\f_he;eI3y challenge Rose, or any other man, resident In the County sf Simcoe, from the date .01 this chal1cn,rzn._ T0 THROW A STONE OR BALL. WEIGHING SIXTEJEN POUNDS. at Bradford on the 2-111: day of May next 1-nsuing. for a w..ger -'~f I" om $50 to $500. The ml:-s ut. the Caledonian Son-icty ofthc City of Toronto to guide the match. If this challenge he accepted. I desire to be notillad at least ten days before the match comes off. The stakes to be placed in the hands of DI. A. H. Benton. of the village of Stuyner, on or before the` 17th day of`May I DEX`. , tin!` rl` `u..Vl\Y\Yl'|\Y _.._.__ WM. DAVIDSON, (late firm of Field :1; Davidson, Hamilton.) THOS. MCVITTIE, (late with A. Dixon & - ' Sons, Toronto.) ' J. M. DAVTDSOY. , Z I Harnegs cf.` Trunk Jllanufactory, NEXT DOOR TO HINDS BROS.. BARRIE Levi I R. VVa 1-ner, ANUFACTURER of Single and Double Harnessof all kinds. Saddles. Bridles, Whips,.Bla'nk_ets, Robes, Collars, Trunks, &c. 33" Repuirim ncatlu. cheavlu and nromntlu wn1ps,_manK_exs, uonea, Uonars, Trunks, 5:0. 3%` Repairing neatly, cheaply promptly attended 41- lMi1Iine_ry, _Drss_& Mantle-Making] ISS MORTON respectfully informs the ladies of Barrie and surrounding country, that she has purchased the business recently carried on by the Misses Munn, on Dunlap Street, and will henceforth carry on the same on hor own account. She is adding a large variety to the former stock. consisting lof LADIES AND CHILDREEWS HATS AND [nd`Shoe_ n uuwaulu uuzucrs H1 SADDLEBY, HARDWARE, AND - CARmAGE TRimll1\'GS,~ `NAJIELLED LEA TIIER OLOTIIS, f:c. Mzmnfncturers of Mnnnmcturers `Saddles, Collars and Trunks` for the 'l'rndn, ___ _:: __,_`__u___ `j N`??? ,.SnP13P ]RY> 1 a large variety to me mrmer stock. consisting - of AND - BONNETS. trimmer] and untrimmmi - \'nn9`n: .3 `V"i;-. flag 5_ Toronto, Nov. 8, 1868.` 10 MAGISTRATES. `H-ALLENGE. auavuvu vvllulv uuu IIUII for the Trade. 152 King Street East, Toronlo.\ _.._. ---I`- DAVIDSON, MOVITTIE &. Co., "hnlmm1n Dnnlm-u In [ Foundry CULTURAL 1.. G|"l'lnTT1:I 11-mu s1'n.vrroN pril 15th . van uuucl ` "CANTON T STORE. W. HUNTER, Dbnnnrmmnn uvyni, uluvl I Ill; 0!. Wholesale Dealers In l'l'l'\\l u---_.. nu 141:`/1'_1'111L'1~ UL f\..l|-..- _.- J HUGH MCKINNON. ar Lhin`1Ih\ nv nf' Ar w. 15. .'\lCVl'1'I. Clerk nftke Peace, 0.8. 869. ` H-Iin CANTON T STORE. CANTON T srom. "CANTON '1' STORE. CANTON -r STORE. CANTON 1' s`ToRE.` :omo. ) M. DAVIDSOIN. 3, 9 AND RETI .98 fa Gilchrist all _ I\lJ CVA.....J ..n4a.v, PR OPRIE TOR. 9-tf. /09 9'? _ There will always be iound in stock a cholov selection of ' L IVz'ne3, Brlmdies, H"l.z'sI.~e_7/5, Rum, -0172. 453 suitable for medicinal purposes. - N.B.'~Physicians supplied with pure (in: H, chemicals, surgical instruments, &c., at who a- stxle pric:_2:;.' _ Barrie. )-`o v. 10112. 1368. 4]- :31-u Lunvu 5 un vi...u11-s,- CIHHINEYS, smnns, aw, L. :53?` `IN BA1il:IE. 3,2 FARMERS ANI) MEClIA.\'ICS would do well to call nnd examine their VJIAOIIINE OIL, before purchasing elsewhere; and also their DEOBORIZED - -------- - __ ._ ._ ,_._, VARNISHES, GLASS; PUTTY. IIORSE AND CATTLE MEDICINES of all kinds, and the largest and cheapest xxssertmtlnt of - . _--..-. ........ ...-... mu: 1 nun n 4:: PA1EE!E;,c .:g.LS" uL'|' (.'llllrl\'ll[`l0H. sy terms. An 1 J. El \ 1`(.l`Jl\UI1 Fhltl` U.\lL'4`.l , ` BoIm.\1m:~: TOILET SETS, . VASES, LADIES CO.\IPANl0NS, 1 Y - ' Nm:m.x.-. (men-.c l rage} Articles nnhulln fun :- w --j-.v---v agnjil DUNLOP STREET, \2varl_r/ Opposite t/ze Rail Road Slation B A R R`! E L.LJ.1 1/ .LJ 1 .12 L FRENCH PERFUM ERY. nnn1r.\n .\ V lAPT,`*:=,9;,1re1r:.% Hm-.l and wtwrnhtorl fur 30 days at $1.00. Any Ax_e_solI hy him which proves soft. will be tempered free of cost. within 12 montlis from sale`. A.VI.\'G ound it impossible to moot the increasing demand for A xosz of his own nmnufacllux-, has recently i1npm'l<:d :1` large stock of l3m're11's=., Mocock s. and Dates supe- rior Axes: allot which he is pl'(`1m1`l.'(] to war- rant for_ thirty days.- All Axes unw:Arrnn1(3d from sum-rior mnkt-rs mnHor_tn1rxyunys. All Axes from superior mnkt-rs he can sell as cheap as any other house in Town. _:-: _-_..-1:11.: j.\Inde and Dressml on the shortest notice. "I" Q kninnn nr-nnlinv Avn Innllnr Inn llz- VMIMIC Ilflfl Ul``.SSO(l l .ll0 Sll0l'l.`Sl 1101-ICU. VT. S. being a practical Axe nmkor, he unt- ters himself that he knows :1 guml .-\.\'c when he aces it. and he is determined only to olfor Auch tirticles as will give s=lti.1l'a.cliqn to the purclnisgl`. All his own work he guarantees to be made of extra quality stool. LHE` Ilorse-Shocim: and General Black- in U LTU RA L 52: STOVE wail to be made 01 oxmx quamy swan. mg` Ilorse-Shocing sxnithing done as usual. ` ` 'Jnmm=.(1nXos constnntlv kent on hand for` sxnnmng none u.=.n:u. `Jumped axes constantly kept for sale. n.....:n no; 19:: 39- .._._-.. V \I 1- RJ .-;uvu4-ux;vu, Or anything required to keep your feet dry and -warm. Men's Moose Moccasins, the best quality and very cheap. Men's Felt Over- Shoes cboapei than ever they were sold in Barrie before. Ladies` high cut Bals in Sen]. `Goat and Kid, all of which will be sold at the iowest rcmuneruting prion. a$Bo0ts and Shot.-5 made to order. All work wnlrnnlc-(1 and no second price. DUNLOI STREET. RARRli`.. T % BARBIE IAXE FACTORY.` |;AXES.J'E'I`1VI 3:: D |T.h_9.s; rnersett nu wnrx wnrranmu nml second pri STREET, BARBIE. : November, 1868. 4` nunntnsfrm nvEnsHnts,{ A BEEF BOOTS, MOCQASINS, me pr1_c:_23. Barrie, )-'0 :-._ [N17, |Bq9ts2;.iJ11i1 Shoes I 1' 1'. HMS : _ Izlrgy- Pre1n2l1xn1 Engraving) I and one gram). and one rah'.v)_, J_\"rl Frlcn and Post, andl"r'c' .v.-lug. _ . Stumble for . C/irislmas and .4Vew Y em-`s Presents. MESSRS. ALELINDER & Co. __.._I mo. Barrio. Oct. 1.9.-`>8. IVIILL PICKS xbn-3, uaulno uU.uI. .-124 IUAD, NEEDLE CASES ` Comprising a_beautiful nsmrtment of %'&Y uuu ununn. VLI u.u Iuuuc. AND ` DYE STUFFS. `.Nl".! PI-'.l'?Ii`I T\(I7-D\.' .\'.\'- )`UNCE to the public am they have just received their fall and Winter stock of . ENGLISH c1I1:.\rI'c..u.s. 1n1'\ ` 1x171: run: um:-1 Also acomplete stock of ii 11 I1. __ .,., ,_, V 13. I869 xi K 3. NW ( IIE Igndereigned, having_ a First-C|:'.' 1>1e-1).-ver, is prepared t9 e.\'ncnu- 'vlr. for that dcsc-.rJ'ption of work, In Lb}: v(.~r_v In mmner, and on reasonable terms. n,:,_._..-..._1! t`.mmui:-L-n van 1 r :- ulluuul" IIHU Ill` l\-'1ICvuu-In. u\..n.u.n ' References :-1I.. Cxvsswicke. Esq 1-. {L}: 3 E`-` D- }!{c}E:onk'9yJ Esq`! '-P-; -L D. L(':l.'.I:|'5. .RIl._ . . . Lamps and Lanterns always on ban ). B. :1 , S, will also kaep on hand the 4 plon Hand Sh:.~tt1e Sewing Machine makes precisely the s.'mu: slit 1 ." . What-ler.'.: Wi1non's. and Sin;:vr'= .'- H Price. with tahlo and tre-nril-. 5'26: r`~ umchineto run by band. 511%. w: rnac.-inos making t"ue ammo stiim lrom $4!) to $75. Nina: and nr-ruu:n.: M.Hm-Ind `Ar `.! '1'. U. Mcuu E_sq., JJ . ITUIH $11} [0 `:15. Notes and ucootanh; collected for E'.z::~,-r_-..:: &.Bro. . BEATTIE & SCOTT. .of.tlie suialklmll` lot. and :'nnnin;; i": LDIAU nuumu JD umu91n' I,-"ii That by virtue of the powers \`f`.`lL" me as Oliicinl .-\ssignve at the Etut= `of nhove named lnsolvc-nt. I will sell Ivy 1' - Auction, at my otlicn, ;\lai-ket Squaw. ".- of Bxmio. in the (,`onnt_v of Simone, and 5 Vince of Ontario, on .\`atIn'(la_v. tlui lfllfi nt'June. A.l)., I869. nt 2 n'clo(k ;r.:::, lnsolvonfn interest in the foliowing 1-r.;. viz.: one quarter of an acre of l::..tl l~~ same more or loss, with lmilulin ' erected: being cmnp_)s:-41 ol` aj; t North half of lot No. 1, in the 7th (n. ainn ofthe 'I`own:4liip of lnnislil. (\`illm,-_- Thornton), and may he knuwn :; ;`?.i;w commencing Where It post has hex-n 1i!.:;-: chains, lli`,..' links (run: the .'*'.oulh \\ -3: nlong the Western limit tlu-root": tlu t: v. at riglit angles with the said v.'('st(':'zi 12:. chains 50 links; `tlwn x1urth('rly ` `said western limit one clmin; than at right angles with said last, C0i1l`$-'. L` I`. 50 links. to the woo.-torn limit U.` :.1.1 lot: then southerly al0n;z' tlm mhl v- limit one chain to the place of lw Terms made known attho time at JOSEPH ROG El nirfrll A cal vguuvwu u u uuu*wru,-xv Every description of Cook, Box um] Stoves, Sugar Kettles, Tin-ware. 3.-"r,-,~' Lamps and Lanterns always Iran ). B. dc S. keen hand '50 v Tlll`CHl)lH g Machines, Corn Cmsherx, 4 o_:_ "WE would call the attention of Hz!` f.n'r:~ ing community to our wry t-.\'tv-n-i'.'- and carefully selected stock of }~`m-mincr Z ~e plements from the principal mnnu!':n:ru:i~- n Ontario, consisting of Hr-apt-rs, ?SIr.u-A-1-<, 1`.- Mills. Stmw Cutters, Gang l`lnu-,h.~_ u`:.t-~ vntora, Plougghq of all kinds, ll; Horse Rakes. Ilay Forks, Szuving .\ all of which will be cold at thamanufsu-9vzu-ln"; price.-. Stwes & Fl1n=vmni.=a. Ycmru rlnu-rintinn nf Cnnlr Rn-w -m/I :u..l,.. i3EATTIE & sc0TT" " AHIElIHALn|MPlEP1i% .... ......u.. u;, Axzrug n ugm, an 145: Notice is hart.-by "given that on '4-In. the tbirlgvnth day of Juno nt-.\'l, the 1 slgnt-(I will apply for his discharge nnvi z_smd'Acl. 1n:\'n\' H` l\'IuI1Vrvr1- Dated at Barrie, this nihetccnt}; March, 1869. V I)OML\'ION OF CANADA, Province of Ontario, County of Simcue. Huron. n.A-uuu. Iii the mailer qflftnry IHI;/lzz. an 1.. \'nh'r-n in hm-1-In-`uh-..n Hun .... 11'. 10-lins In ihc mnllcr qt` l!'I[,L!.rU{AR.1[.`~' the Village of l"mrnl-m. an Insuln T'\]'IIY If` \'I\'l`lf`l.` IQ I1I.`Dl'.`T|\' 1` lr um suuscrmors are appnlntm . Toronto for the sale of Hnv Pruis Land l lasu-r, and \V1li('h lln pared to forward to all huilru either in barrels or in bulk by Hm ' ,1 .3. I: cr- PER I)()Z'lI%7 ULVDURIEICS or this pom-.2 uid` will do well to indict,- cr&Co.. Chemists and Dru: need the price ol' Coal Oil to 2 gallon. The store Via ()p]>::.-iio Station. _ . Barrie, April 14. 1869. S tore and I_)'I ;- . ff -[V0 Rentin thetlu-ivingvilln,-;oofAs' r"`_ . a Slow and Dwel}ing aimuto In ` best business part of the place. The pr--z-.5 are now occupied by M1`. Cmdock. Pu. - given on the rst of Muv next. For Iv; and other particulars nppiy. if by [em-1-. ~_` paid, to A. r` 'rnn\n~;n\' Staynox, May, Irtn. ' April 7, 1869. musrn 1_=;:;;:`s-gm; UTIIE subscribers :1pp(IiMml ,\;..;~_- Toronto the o1`t1w mvh mu lpun T.nn:I Plnclnn nnul n-I.:..l. .I. .: .. Barrio, April, 1869. LNTED, '-\"l'l`l-`I? in lulu. nlu `Q Q -l\.\ U'- Stove Emporium, Dunlrm Slroz-I. Ifnrria (M! Toronto. January, 1869. ;Ii\Iso'IfVENT'_"A_c'1' or 1864. T1%soLvf1EI}1oT or 1ac4. GA_RT0N i:3Z4 2:?c7,;.`L 6i;-; nu. v sung-. -L, 4 nr(Iu'In. uu ulauu 1 Fl. )L'BLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY (,H\ i 'l'hnf. hv virhm nI' Hln unuvnrn \ 4 sh-H `CONSUMERS of this popular ii, l1nIi(`Ie.l7.1I! $2.5 -v.. ___._:.;w-..\,. Dunlap Strccl, Ifarrie, 0n.` n___ Ill-I NRY W. Do\"VN 2 --AND~- O HNJ SPARLING. Qvnvrnr (`tn Qhn A. C. T110311-su>': IEHI 13.1 :>rAx,L.1nu. Szayner, Co. Simrm-. 1|!-H arxet. aqua:-2 J'- urday. r ` :follo\vin;.: -' of I:-.; I W h huilxlingzs 11.. r- d af;-ul in (`rm I!lIliS[.`(\'i:I;'_" as Min. hmsbm-n ' It` v.~: l 11v-.-:'.:- hI`l`C01':UZ<`1`. - L- ..;.I u-1v:9n- I'll lC`}l.\l'4I.,,`- Oicial Amt`:/7.~ I'n . WING HT. A Ch'.l~).\:'Hi.`. .\ nnrnnu ...,' i-`I 1:-Ir I Shah w).r Ill IUIIIOIIDCG "Between '1 or of mum- -B-. u uA:;;. 1yuuI)u IN J. El?\VAIIlD&`] Inna tug On . ha c.': .'. Mcurx _ Bnrrlol -I-lul.'Ul.(.1'1`4l\'.-3 U!" l|.'\lCU W l\l(.|`.i, 114 Yongo Street. 'l`ORON'I`0. Have always on hand an nssortincm of build- ers, cabinet makers` uml Ilpliolxwrom` hurd- wnro. maclmnics 0:139 and other tools. Joseph Rogers & Snns _ and other curler , house fur- nishing lm.rlwurc, shooting and shing tackle, sporting nmxnunition, quoits, dmnb bells, garden, ilrnining and farming tools. cordnge. glue. putty. otc., and all other goods in the llno for solo at lowest cash prices. Toronto, April 1,- 1869. 5-151 Von ;..u uny Altlll -I..'.-r fugu- l3E"S|e:1uu-.ra "l*`..\l[LY MAY." from BL-Ila E\vnrl_. uml IDA BUR'l`O.\T. from Barrio. form cheap and direct. connuclinna with all the ports of Luke Simeon. um] by stage and steam r with Lukes Muskoku and Rousseau. -. .- . ... . - . . nan . uuuuu mu nu. The Most Direct. Fastest and Cheapest Route to the Free Grant Lands of the District of Muskoka. nu r.u\ nvv unnnr I \Vl\ mnnngulg Northern Rnitwny Omens, Toronto, April 28th, 1869. ARRIVALS AT TORONTO. Morning l arrive Brock Street. Sta- tion 10.2!) A.M. City Hall 10.35 A.M. En-Ilillg Mnil. urrivo Brock Street Station 9.10 l'..\[ Oily l1:xH9.2.' 1-.51. Iii!` Qlu-unm...; .1 l.`.\lH .V M AV " frnm To Tailors. A-LIERICAN Shears, trimmers and points _ of all sizes. squares. curved rules, straight `W308. improved-irons, English and American `crayons, Bortlcclls neetilos, tapes. elc., all oi M10 best_quallIy, and olviowest prices. "RYAN A: OLIVER, `lgzportora of Hardware. 114 Yongo street, Toronto. ~._-._.. -To ,0a.bineb 'Ma.l-1:1`: a tqmolgterers AIR. Seating; lcurled` ha r, tow, sofa 5 rings, twine. chair web. buttons, .` W5: `"393: locks, taks, int papqr, glue, plano stool screws. conin trlmmln s, uphol- terors needles and regulators, Add s ctu-vets Jools, extensiotr lip anger bits. mclodeon hardware, el.c., for sale at lowest prices. RYAN & -OLIVER, General `Hardware Merchants. 114 Yonge street-, Toronto: ' NO. 44. KingEa_sf, Toronfo. -- -- ___ _.__ :U.lLlD '.lJ1..D"5 .I.'.U II D: UU1.nU11:v _Varm'shes, Brushes, Spiriti.Turpenline, -I'A'rEm' nmraxz. zxxc rune, zumsrs MATERIALS, `Essa xczs. -Pgtent Medicines, Fancy Goods, runrvmnnn, ta. ` Q ARTISTS MATERIALS JUST ARRIVE? FROM ENGLAND. : . - Shoe Tools and Findii12's A C0Pl.P.'I`lc`. nnmu-Oman! Al` Hun Inlmif I u Juaullllllsls. _STEEL Rules. stool squares! contra gauges, - vornior calipers, steel caliper rules, cali- pcr_ squares, -Amt-,3 universal squares, salt`- `wglstoring calipers und dividers. Stubs` tiles and tools. patent oilers, sheet ateel..etc. `For sale by , RYAN cl: OLIVER. 114 Ynmm ntmnt. Tm-nntn. uu'ouTER & DI-LU-IR IS fnrugs, Medicines, CHEMYDA 1' Q PATNTQ l V ' 5 (Mat Lynne," mg, ( _ prevented writing It numerous shorter atom. of lady writers. lnrge assortment of wood fashions, fancy work, (4. .L' . ---- Fqr Sale, the North )4 of Lot No. 10. in tho l'.`lth 0011., of the 'l`ownship of Innistil. 100 acres more or loss. There are about 45 acres cleared. There is on the premises a utloliodlmgliuxlsc, iathcd und phuatert-(I in- side, 20`v 1'1 acres are under Fall Whoa: which is `looking very wall; )2. in meadow; 1ll0`l`(.`iI1XA\il1(ll.'~l` of clearance is in pnsluro and springurop. Also for szxlulhe North half of East Imlf.ol' L.oi.'.i. in tho llsth (101)., of some Township. containing 50 acres--uhoui. 20 of which are f:\llow' nearly all chopped-in all 150 of very gooollund, situate about 2 uiiles from Allcmlnlo Station. This is 9. very desir- able nu-m, being well watered by 0. apring crock which runs through pm-ls ol'.the -,Lot. his only about hall` :1 mile-. from two Grist Mills. The crops and nll, with stock, will he uold and ixnmodiuto possession given, if rc- quirod. 'J`urmsiil)crul. --Apply to WILLIAM l`li0Ml SON'. " l'AXl] April 28th, 1868. ORTIIERN RAILWAY OF CAN.-XI).-\. 1c?'Cl[A_NGE TF1 I M [-1 .531 ox AND AFTER 1U\T)AY. 3m)o1-` MAY, `Thu lmssengcr Trains 01' this Lino will be run to and from Toronto, as follows: _ III-I PIIIIUIIEQ I'I`II|VI IUn\JI`I\Iu Morning Muil k,-nvu`City _IIull Station at 7.00 A..\1. P.ruck 'Str-vb 7.15 A..\(. zmurnoon Qxyrress. h~.:xvc- City Hall Station 31.00 1-.31. Bruck Slro-ct 4 I5 l'.1\l. Ivsbv LUULE auu. I-' LIIILLLIKV CO.\ll LETE assumnenc or the laws` nttcrna of Shoe Tools. Shoe and Mn- hliine 'Fhrcud. Machine Silk. Shoe I (,'Bo Sh _Nnils, Shoo Tacks. H001 and (roe Plates, OW; -_wholosnlu and retail. DVA `LT Xv l\Y.IVRD fun: an; 19 La` J!I.d'1'lalVLQ|-4? IJUH ' A mom ENaLANI1_..= Monte, A_pr_i1go, 1559,. - I Notice is hereby given, that persons may commute their Statute Labor by paying to the ' Trcnsurvr of said Town Forty Cents for each day's lubnr. if aid on or hefore the FOUR- T1'.`E."I`Il-DA OF MAY, instant; from that date and up to the 21st day of May, instant. the sum of Fifty Cents per day, and after such last date tho mum of Seventy-Five Cents per day will be charged. ~ By order. - GEORGE LANE. OSJITJBF BARBIE. STATUTE LABOR COMMUTA'I:I_')N. The Creditors of the above-namevj Insolvent are notied to meet at the American Hotel, City of Toronto. ON TUESDAY the 25m ` Du or MAY, 1869. at the hour of 12 o clock. noon, for the public cx_umination_of the Insol- vent, and for tho ordormg of the atfalrs of the estate generally. JOSEPH ROGERS. ulnmat As: Dunn AT Buum-2. this 23rd day of May, 1869. - 1 3 `S FRIEND. _------ DUCEMENTS `[0 an ._.__-- BS0111 - v--7 ---.-~ w-guy-v...__uu-- CHEMICALS, PAINTS, OILS DYE-S'I'.U FF S. COLORS. Varnha... J2......1..... .a..:...'n m............::..... 1 fruit: matter c ll Hum RYAN & OLIVER, MPORTERS ow n.uu)\v,\rua, llA \'nn.-n Qlrnnf '|`l\T? wum-4 .... ... ., _ _ for light and henv single and (101 bl 1; *..`.`s`.`:.?* `:`Laf' 'aa?3::,"`359 in a style svarrapted to give saggy, 0:0 at REPAIRING, &c., done m a workman- liko manner. Ho hopes bytrlct dttentlo t '1; ' punctuality. to meet` a fair 'Lu3re"$'r'7f,u{}`} patronage. . nu--In, Almmlt Int. 1867. 26_ New Saddlery Esgan_1isnmeut inBarrie.! `The Court of Revision fay the Township of ~ om, will hold its first sitting in the Town Hall, on Friday, the 21st of May next, at 10 n "1. hgg commeuuuu uumuuun vu- SADDLE & HARNESS MAKIN In the premises . Barrio; Muy 4, i869. ROBERT McHENRY, of Ban-lo and the public, oflhe M EGS to acquaint the lnhabltnntn of County of Slmcoe, generally, that he has commenced business of .. . nu? u 1. HA DRTPQG `M A 'I7"r1l1'n In In gem: Oi uni Sum-1cmnmm.-MAnI who send in their namq first of Novombor, sinii bar and December nu ition, making fourteen in: new subspribers for 1869 gniiicent December ii thirteen months in all! [ LLQLIMI JJUDJ JILQJLLLIU premises "Next door to the Law Oice of Mbssrs. ' Boulton ti` Mbaart/Ly, h 1 now pregared Looxccute all orders zfzg-lghtearfdlnenv double sets of u,um[.;ss; also .udies' and Gentleman's DEPARTURESV FROM TORONTO - \I'......:...- Il..:I I....__..-n.u__ vv.n cu..z.. patronage. Bm-rle,~August1at, 1867 lFsT)T;\7rTr317`A?:"r`5[`_i?af (WARM FER SALE. DAVID MORROW, ~- ldvnuninnr A ._\ `OURT QB` REVISION. J. L. .MARGACH, Iuunn-nun . .. vnvnvi I\v ., April soch, IS69. .___?.?._.-___ ': mauer u_/ I111-It-wu uuuuu of Duntroon , anpfnsolvnt. and 3. west of Peel lcrcx1lI.ivution. Willbo RV lm-nu: Annhv M r*,To ,M;::.h-inits. A utnnl .............. 'RYAN'& omvmz. "114 Yongo Street, Toronto. ICIAN dc UL._1v.h:1c. 114 Yongeotroet, Toronto. Y` ROGERS, Ojcial Assignce, 00. Simcoe. Buum-1. ) - of HJES RUSSELL, vnhs/Inn an rnnn/1:JnL y to WILLIAM THOMPSON. On the Premises, H: n n xv ` l\Ul\I| FRE-D. CUMBERLAND. Kfnlnnnri nur nirnnln` GEORGE TUDHOPE, Townshln Cler] GEORGE LANE. l`.. mu IV` Omce, "_' -' " -" 7 \'.-X1 '1` HR to luku elm; nm at n rs!-chuvs HoteL ullicu. Good referenhfll