_L` o Dslaxztu 1 To offer for sale by `_nAl I TTRE I ARCEL No. V. u.. 1.: r:..-_..._ Ii.-, Ab .n-1-uuu unuuuu P.\ MU lib N0. XI. Iuuilnl hun III\dl nu-nunisu owe: u z ~ . Steer Miss Sande Kenrn Shnnn an Philip Stowurt Nelson Stewart George Thompson Margaret Tinomnirison Master F Titchoncr Richard Turner W Wood John Wright Austin Wilson `John Wnlie_r Mrs ' Walker Miss Christina Wiiioy Nnthnniel Whoinn Wm Wright Wm Wilson Robert Lcuumxa, Auctioneer. 10-td JD w An ua, Postmaster. 10-3111. Gelztle/ne1z s Coatiizgs 6' Trowsermgs 2'72 Nwsl Styles W PURCHASERS WILL 1LEAs CALL AND INSPECT. Bradford, April, `I869. COMPRISING A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF . :-LADIES DRESS Goons? FERGUS01V,_ | Imnlwmn I, SUBSCRIBER ISVNOW RECEIVING HIS D him` SPRING STOCK! T smum: 1869. K % 1sPmNG,&sUMMERsTYLEs.\ A Large Assortment of Ladies Furs at.very Low "Prices. . I . v...`...;.;..;McCROSSON & Co. E: !3HIGI`IEST CASH PRICE PAID FOR SHIPPING FURS. V [LADIES on BARBIE 2| nay GOODS IN THE %no1vnN1o1\r. BRAYLEY, OF THE `REGENT HOUSE, TORONTO, A IS NOW AT THE QUEEN S HOTEL. BARBIE, "7 -" n<;J- BEATTIE & SCOTT S - `AH|ElI|j;njMPl[M[NI TRIMMIN(}S,A VVYIITE COTTONS, GREY COTTORS, QUILTE, Tfowellizzgs, 5/zeetzkzg, Pi!/ow Callous, Curiazkzs, 1' J3 [Ir [I U! rmolvent. `WE would call the attention or the turm- lng community to our very extensive and carefully selected stock of Farming Im- plements from the principal manufnoiorles of Ontario, consisting of Reapers. Mowers. Fun Mills. Straw Cutters, Gang Ploughs, Culti- vators, Ploughs of all kinds, Horse Hoes, Horse Rakes. Hay Forks, Sawing Machines, Threshing Machines, Corn Cmshers, &c.. &c.. all oi` \V1ll)i1 will be sold at the manufacturer's prices. ' Stoves &`lI"lJn=waro., V r.-...,.... rlnam-inlinn nf Cook. Box and Parlor -_:._ ____ . the attention of the farm- nn nnmfullv Farming Im-_ QVLVDV/WED I95 IJ lJlJIJ"!/vutu we Every description of Cook, Stoves. Sugar Kettles, '1`in-ware, Stoveplpes, Lamps and Lanterns always on hand. . B. & S. will also keep on hand the Ch_a_m_- hand. keep hand cham- plon Hand Shuttle Sewing Machine. which makes procisel `the same stitch as Howa's, Whoe1er& \ViK;on's. and Singer's machines. Brice. with table and trendlc-., $26; the same machine to run by hand, $18, while other muchlnes making the same. stitch are sold from $40 to $75. machines making the -same. amen aw sum $40 $75. Notes and accounts collected for Patterson Rr. `Rm. N ones 85 Bro. Mantles, Millinery, Silks, Shawls, Dress Goo_ds,_ Pbplins, Tm'onl.o_. April 1869. -AN 11-- Stove Emporium, Dunlop Street, Barrio, Ont. W 1_)0N T FAIL TO CALL AND EXAMINE HIS G'00DS._gaf ho Insolvent um um t\n.o.sslgnmcnl- 1' the above Act, mo, tho under- -c required tofnrr frum this title, the security they I` it; and itnono, -, attested undrr -I-tfofnnohmnim-; 3H l!(\f'1I5`D-2 THE EXAMINER AND COUNTYOVF SIMCOE ADVOCATE THURSDAY, APRIL 22, I869 E Bro. BEATTIE & SCOTT. Barrie, April, 1869. 11-137. PARASOLS, GLOVES, IIOSIERY, RI'BBONS;`TRIMMIN GS, 3:0,, And every artile kept in :1 first class Dry Goods House, remarknblycheap. U\lI\-I ----u- ----.._. .__...o__.... All orclcvrs promptly oxe`cuted gnd sent} by Exbress. Ca1l early. A splexlid 6ppox't1ntj' is now, o`ered you to` procure _t1{o best WITH THE FINEST STOCK O_F SARIPLES EVER SIIEWN. -AND- And of very superior quality. omlnr posts 61111 1- up 101500, an wing their order: In Silk and other "mitten.-ials. J. K. FALCONBRIDGE. in great variety. M(;chossoI ls; C0,, . 111 KING STREET EAST, TORONTO, ,Fe1t and Silk Ha.ts,'l Ffbm the best"muk<-rs in Europe, such as Chrisly, Lmcoln & Bennett nnd others; also his own manufac- ture oflxptost NEW Yum; STYLES or` SILK HATS. Hns On (hand 2!. large stock of 511 the newest ' ' styles of _ .4---4.-7- 4A.A\Jl&|JI.ILJ. JJVJJLVLLVVJ R8'at8`1k`h .-gm tth E Drill She(()1? 01(3:n:'rif>.Mg.I iformt bu`; without spurs, to be worn. n9 A T)IV\)' hnvvf l!II\\V AR`.\IERS'wnnting Seed Wheat, Bax-1e , Outs, Pens, Glover and Timothy, Pie (1 and Garden Seeds, will find it to their advan- tage to call `and inspect>bofore purchasiug elswhere. Also in stock a large quantity of .` Bacon and Emma. V`: v AVI\!'\- Apr1l5, 1309. t-ct. '1'Uuuu'w. rtuwnt of buildx nhul.~;tm'ars' hard: then` tools, Josepl Illa-ry. lnollsoluu xnd `shing tackle, vs, dumb belh. g tools. cordm ht-1' goods in th ees. . 1-Jr ONSUMERS of this popular lighting uid will do well to notice that Alex-` nndex'& Co., Chemists and Drmzgints, have reduced the price of Coal Oil to 35 eta. per gallon. The store is opposite the" N._R.R. Stnl.lon.. ` Barrio, April 14, 1869, _ 11-11. . S%EEDS_,_._SEEDS. OPPOSITE TUE CATIHEDRAL, COAL OIL y vnuuunu ;4.\nnuaLl.`4, EVERY` THURSDAY EVENING, B1 nf. R n`n1nnIr uhnun - SQ at Hun `HE B.umu: 1\Iou.\"rEn' Ixraxwnr uro hcrt-by; ordered to MUSTER `FOR FOOT DRILL, Swonb AND Canxrxxt: E.\'1-mcsm, I T`.VI-`.nV"I`n1'n)an.\v wvnvrxrrg ATTENTION! DOWN 3 uu IV ulu. D ARGY BOULTON; [Tn-Mn Ila unsuu, Near the Market. `I n'.A.in 'J. LAIRD,' \nn than Ifnubnf V 412117 0*` 1 Captain. 12-1) Margot. 10-4in only $l,75 per unnum; 1VecI."ty '1eteg1-apn. Patriot and (Janad-'1 Farmer only $1.90 per annum, free of expense. Subscribe early At DRIFFILL, K: SONS, Bradford. -Cuke baskets. curd biskels._b11tler coolers sugar bowls, cruots, ten and coffee pots, oval, _ trays, table u1uts.iv(.ry hllll(110(lkl]iV'(`S,plntd fork5,vspoons,' butter knives. &c., cheap at ` _ DRIFFILL, .1: A ' ' rm nr In 21'... matte r ofze OBER T FINDLA .' nf` I').m nu Tnenlnnnf . 1": `I95 YICUPGQT (ll .lIv LIJJIHJII .L L .l.LV JJJJI1 1 of Oro, an Insolvent. ~ `HE creditors of the insolvent are notied that he has made an assignment of his estate and effects, under the above Act, and mnendments thereto. to me. the undersigned ussignee, and they" are required to. furnish me, within two months `from this date, . with their claims, specifying the security they hold, if any, and the value of it, and if nnm-.. stating` the fact: the \vhole attested --..... uuu uuu Dru uuuuu -`Dt 5 and Mocools. best chopping axes, cheap, at ' DRIFI-`ILL n SONS , Bradford. :r`IIuabz_mils, 'love\your wives}! 131111 PFC- sent them with a good clothes wrmger. For 1 h an 0 ep ` At DRIFFILL & SONS , Bradford. . K man" ail Agents. uonery-nnu mncy goods m we Cuuumy. -Cow chains, log chains, drug saws, cross- cut saws. moat cutters and stutfers . * .u me mwn.L J: SONS. -S10igh Bells, till kinds; neck straps, back I 5t"`I 5y Wily straps, open bells At. '1`. DRIFFILL 8: SONS, V -Da-'ly Globe, Leader and Telegraph. only $4.50 per annum. ` Weekly Globe and Leader only $I,75 Weclrly Telegraph. Oanad-'1 Farmer onlv $1.00 Der none, smun under oath, chums. ' WT.. DRIFFILL & SONS "have a good" gtock of cooking, box parlor and stoves, of an mds. Call and get; them. ' u ,9, __., aS'Nn=oLr:ox Suo'r!--Theeport thug N047 poleon was shot proved to be false; but xt is `true that T. DRIFFILL & SONS, Bradford. h.a.vc the best stock "of hardware. books, stu- t1onery- and fancy goods in the county. chains. log clmins. drnz saws. .Jua1rn uuumtb, -` ` ` , . Oicial./issignee, _ ` Co. Simcoe. Dated at Barrie, this tenth day of April, 1869. ` ` 11-2in" . IDOMINIION ow CANADA, Z Province of Ontario. 41 nu; nwuua my .x;w-my n nzyru, un. 4:wusuwua Notice is llereby given that on Wednesday, the thirteenth day of June next, the nnue1'- signcd will `apply for his` discharge under the said Act. _ HENRY W. WRIGHT, By` D. A CREASOR, 10-loins His Attornov ad lilem. V uu; I ubuyc VJ .L'lUI Iuun, wu .l.lI-ivbuuuig PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVE N That by virtue of tho poweixs vested in mons 0llic-ial Assignoo of the Estate of the above named Insolvent. I will sell by Public Auction, at my ollice,` lllarket Square, Town of Banio. in tho_County of Simcoe, and Pro-` vinco of Ontario, on Saturday, the 19th day of Juno, A.D., 1869, at 2 o clocl: p.m, the 1nsolvout s interest in the following pi`0pc1`t)`, i'iz,: one quarter of an acre of land he tho some more or less, with buildings thereon erected; being composed of a part of the North half oflot No. 1, in the 7th Conces- sion oflhe 'l`0wnshi1) of lnnislil. (V.illn;:;o of Thornton), and may be known` as follows: commencing where a post has been planted lo cl)-alixls, ](i}. links from the South West angle of the said half lot. and running no_1'tl1el'iy along the Westernlimit thereof; tlnexi easterly at right angles with the said \v<-stern limit 2 chains 50 links;' then nor~tharly parallel, to said western limit one chain;.then westerly at right angles with said last course, 2 chains 50 links, to tho. weetern limit. of said halt lot: then southerly along the said western limit one chain to the place of beginning. Terms in-ado known at the timoxot` sale. ' v - J(\'~`.l`l ll I?(\f'!l`l?Q UUllllly U1 Dl|llUUU- , ) [H0 UUlllHy Ul j Huron. ' ' 1 In the mailer rfIIcm'y Wright, aft, Insolvent. nnoam. an x.n....1m ..a.~.... hnf nn '\\'annunv l 10-1 Oins I `In ihc mailer of WILLLIJI ARJISON, of the Village of ` Thornton, an Insolvent, 1'\nn'r In Mnrmhm 1: Ilrhnmnv rirvm N 'l'Cl'|TlS IHIKIU lll0\\'Il RB UH`. HIIH`. OI 51|l('. JOSEPH R GERS, ' Q(]ici Assig/ncc, - ' Co. Simcoe. D21_t(-t1_ at 13:11-ric, this .`ninttoem.h' any of l March, 1869. ` 7-td Alexander ;Grdii;1; !!!l!!E,!L !'!E*Bn?,KE; Ill'1IIl'\l&' [ ES1"EC'1`FULLY announces to_ the public that he is at all times prepared to `fake contracts for building, and that he can furnish nnnnn nnnn A||l\. nu nun- EPER, 1)oz.1_1:N _ - - .._, -: ...K. . ....- .._........ . .n.t very short notice, and 50:1 Teasoxxablo Terlns He also keeps on hand, and manufactures COFFINS of all kinds, and furnishes all the puraplmruuliu necessary for Funerals, including an excellent Hearse, wh1cl1_ct\n be had on very moderate terms. mm-:.a Anvil 1.44 124:5 an INVSOLVENT ACT or _Ige4.; Lnuuuug, uuu uuula i:"i66",' sAsH A.N D""L"I'iI'Ei' `I }1`TEW$TFR':E`!l co0Ks:r%0WN1} ..- .-.-.'." AVING bou ht" th . Good-Will gr the 1xitr?:{;ll?i.;I}`1l;$:; d 3-. rise on b Mr. Henry Hume - h (1 . .V I V, 19 whlch he t:si1$ap:b1?;g addm" is 1'Ptu'ed lo omn- j SPECIAL HINDUCEMENTS -~-.... 12__,, ,_ vu.-. __.,.__.__ _._, .. .. V.-ag.u.;.a4.V 4.5.1 in all the _various lix_1es of business, which cons1.st ot Staple and Fancy Dr Goods, , READY-MADE CLOTHING, 339` and Clothing Made to. Order, __g 4-45 ;-51:.-ug.-1-A 3...- 9. Crockery ,e;nV:1i-I.a;r\EvI;a;', B0028 AND SHOE'S, ' I... J`... 1;- ..,- -.V~- V ,_ .___,__,v, . &c., &c., &c., All of `which will be. sold at priceajwhich must ensure a ready sale. I W A menu `R3? 0I`BQs1TE nu: couwr IioLvs1s.`,_g;V B A R'R I E , 11 !.`Q1'71.`I'IrIV`mn1' Y x7 ........ .... a- n... ....1.1:.. INsoLvBNT_A_cT or 1864. nouernw terms. Barrie, April 14,. 1865. INSOLVENT ACT. OF 1864. T mu-.V1u-.1 uv UALVAU Province of Ontario, County of Simcoe. Iron. Cookstown, Nov., 1868. G-An.'I'O1\T" S! $2.00 nonu, u an ` stating r oath. \vi1 @.w;]%:@ JOHN Wl_\-TSON, rnxrrz 1m...+1.+'n... m,...u. :_ rn__ ng we . wnh ` raps, bells ; - Brndforc 1 months 'n'om nus unto, ims, , It} fact: `attested L Vouchers in support of such ttera and stulrers At DRIFFILL Jz SONS, B1-ndfori JOSEPH ROGERS, O1'm'ul /1.\`.~:1'unan Sy U. A \.IlU14ADUK, His Attorney ty Court of N the Conn- t_bo County of nunuu J. WATSON. - . 40-tf D DU.LVD', N Bradford. ` \:. um v ms. Itreut, Tomuwu K : L`U4LVD', Bradford. oz DUNE, Bradford. B1`ndfo;'ti. L7 buns` Bmqlford. uyllug uuppues ox rorexgn W mes and Lnquors W111 05 60"!` plete in a few days at the . Bear in mind :-_No House this side of; Moritreal can under- sell the A _ C C Canned Fruit just. received at the A [Choice Lot of Fresh Ground B11'c1:wI1Veat Flour at the All Kinds 0? Good and Fresh Groceries just arrived at the , _ ~ I Spring Supplies of Foreign Wines and Liquors will be Dlete in :1 few (lnv: at the I IAT THE ONTAR10. HOUSE!\ "l`S TIIISVMY , T A Fine Lot of Extra Teas, this Spring s Impormtions, at the . |SHQWR00M| |S3ii`U]E)Y? 3IlG)LB umaml . .. . __ Those about to purchase will do well to wait the opening and examine theiG00ds, which will be found of first-class quality and in great variety. . V "'4': V T')-____-_-..1 CV1- ___i` .1___ CANTON 0 RE ! [PATENT SAW G-UMMERSJ Spades, Shovels, 860. 8:0. 11869. -SPRING. w. 3.. Ecasier and company, '\rt\'1\Trl1111'n A -r 1\Iontrcnl. April 1, 1869. 0nM9da$*y.%29th%Marchi IJAYNES, BRAYl.EXL NEWCOMBE.\ J. E. ANDERSONS I HWEUYED, }IQR311.EKE."RK l Black andY;%;(7dn1Mp;~eg1_us111:s, -u-.~n.\~:-vanra n A\T T 101 nnn YR 0 be sold by Public Auction; on the Market Square, Bar- ` ~ tie, on S.-\TURDAY.,Atho 24th I inst., if not previously disposed private sale. the vct-lebrnted iunportt-.1] stallion CUM1Sl:IIlL.-\,.\'D MESSEI\'GER, warranted sound and of kind disposition. Sale at eleven o clock tun. ' ` @` Temw, 6'.:t.sh--Banlcablo Funds. _32 > E. S. MEEKING, Auctioncgr. ' nan-r?n Anvil 7. `RG9. ' 10-3` q.--- _ HE subscribers having purchased vthe right to make and sell the above Fork . in the `uounty of Simcoe, are prepared to fill all orders on the shortest notice. This fork is Simple in construction. more durable and easily worked than any heretofore introduced. The whole fork, except the handlc,,is made of iron and steel. It has four steel prongs, and the head to which these are attached is Wrought iron instead of wood. It is pro- nounced bv all practical furmerg, \v:ho ha'\"o I n@PU\-ij;::AYJcT1oN, I instead 0! wood. 11? is pro- nounced by practical farmers, who eithergexamined cr tested it. to be in every respect to he the best fork yet introduced in this county; in fact we are prepared to test it with any now for sale. Farmers be-advised; when you buy, buy the best. _ - v 5:9 Orders bv mail solicited and promptly 4;; ;;...v..-.... ....-._- .. .._ Mantle" Velvels, resss "Goods, __ . as . .1,`-r IV mv11?t1TY A I'\'l`.|('V A \Y`I"\ T`Y1|II'T`nI1TT1'II' A (`V INTS, - ,, ooLons, as Turpentine. I PARASOLS, SUNSHAISES AND UMBRELLAS, Lace and Tm_'m9nings, Hosiery and Gloves HOUSE FURNISHINGS AND MANCHESTER GOODS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. ` AL! y6u the best. 33" Orders by attended to. BEATTIE` & SCOTT. Bax-r_ie, Ont., April 1869. V 1_l-3mo. GRAND RE-OPENING Bmjrie, April 14th, 1869. Bm'lcle2"3 %Ha2dwae. $0., Bnrria, April `i, 1.869. ` j.. "March 3], 1869. { ENTIRE LIQIBSE Nb. 3 3@mav@::ntwu St \itn`a2SJc{1un'a>nr@., F\W+m `OR SALE. l.]_.l.UluJ.l I-I-v.I.l.uau -.-_ _.._. Patented 15th January, 1869. Had their con11)lnte_stor:k nf EEASONABLE DRY GOODS open for - - . ' inspection `Q? T /14`-- -1 On T/mrsday, `the 22nd instant, FOR SALE BY Regent House, Toronto. BUY YOUR GROCERIES `AT THE To which the)" beg to call the attention of the trade. , 4 _-- - _ JAPANESE SILKS AND IRISH POPLIl\'S,_ `MONTREAL, DUNLOP S'FR.EE'L`, BA BRIE. CLOLIVER. H-uni 'l`nmn!n J. Henderson's, Y An nrnvwvvnrn 'r\ n nnvn MILIJINERY 2| London, Paris &_ New York `STYLES AND PATTERNS OF :.-v-:v: .xm- . r When there-will be_ shown some of ' the ; best, richest and latest Hlullcur. 10-3in ./ATID; AT -And lVIantles. --,u.u.auJo Bernard Sheridan. cars and point: ed rules. straight h and America: pus. ett_:., all 0! L prices. , OLIVER. . ISS MORTON respectfully informs the ladies of Barrie and surrounding country, that she has purchased the business recently carried on by the Misses `,\_Iunn, on Dunlop Street. and wxll henceforth parry on the same on her own account. She is adding a large variety to the former stock, consisting of LADIES AND CHIl'.DRF.N"S HATS AND or LADIES AND CHILDRENS HATS AND BONNETS, trimmed and untrimmed; Mantles all the newest. styles: Parasols, Glows, Hosiery, Veils. Neck Ties, Cnlfs and Collars, Cups, Feathers and Flowers, Dress-linings and Trimmings oflall kinds. Dresses made in the newest `styles, at aunoderate charge, and at short notice. . ' M onrning millinery constantly in stock. London, Paris and New York fashions regu: larly received. Straw and felt. work re-done with care. A call is respecgfylly solicited. . :8` Apprentices to the vlllillinery end Dress-mak1ng wanted immediately. Barrie, _April 14, 1869. V 114?.- [Court _of Revision. HE Court for the Revision of the` Assess- " nientllollsof the Town of Barrie, will_ hold its first sitting I '- , 4 `I _ TI` 1"? `I Thursday, the sth Day V of April. inst. At the hour of In n (-.lm-.1.- n m ` Ba_1`rA1:ie!VA'pril 7, 1869. u. mrgc vnnecy no me lormer stock, consxsung AND CI1ILDB.EN S HATS AND BONNETS. and untx-immed: unu nun unau unuuu i In thei Hall, l ! Mnery, Dress 5; Mantlg-Making . Ullll tuuu:I- CANTON. 1' STORE. W; HUNTER, DDnDDrmmr\-n \. Uus v uu rare, T met, Toroni-. V. -- _.-_-1 q-.9-ww- At the hour of 10 o clock am. By order, GEO. LANE, V ` [`nwn (`.11-.rL' Of said town. on CANTON T STORE. `CANTON T STORE. CANTON T STORE. CANTON '1' STORE. "CANTON T STORE. ..n4A.v, PR OPRIE TOR. nu. nan 1;, Town Clerk. ` 10-td 9-tf. , contra glam ipcr rules, 0011+ Al squares, 59"` ora..Stubs' 31! steel. oto. nnvrcn. 9-tf IBqts aifd Shoes` _.._- ....v-~, -.v -._.-......-v Or anything required to keep your feet dry and warm. Men's Moose Moccasins, the best quality and very cheap. l\Ien s Felt Over- Shoes cheaper than ever they were sold in Barrie before. Ladies` high cut Bale in Sea]. Goat and Kid. all of which will be sold at the lowest remnnerating price. E.'Boots and Shoes made to order. All yvork warranted and no second price. DU-NLOP S'l`REE'I`. B.\l{RIE. l"EB;]FEiI.!EEE3a| All }VOl'K \Vlll`l'IllL`U Ill-Ll H0 5('(_'OH`l ])l'l _ DU-NLOI STREET, November, 1868. , 41 iAxE'\"CT'oav.\ lT11<.2;-, S?1Tnme_rs9t\ ---u-v-vs -wv-jjv-.v-'v AVING onnd it impossible to moat tlw increasing demand for Axes of his own mzlunfacture, lmsrc-contly imported 0. large stock of BorreH s, Ma<~ock s, and ])utL-s supe- rior Axes,~'a11 of which he is prepared to war- rant for thirty days. , AH Ax-pg nnwan-nnted from sunerior makers rant for um-Ly uaxys. All Axes 11u\va1`1':u1t0 superior he can sell as cheap asany other house in Town. _._;__j.. -_.__--n--;-.--- and warranted for 30 days at $1.00. ' V Any'A'xe iaokl by him which proves soft will be tempered free of cost within )2 months from sale. ' DIILL PICKS " 1'8 \VIu unto a un Avuuu u. uww. .. \lll\l J Ivv selection of Wines, Brandies, Whislceys, Rum, Gin. in. suitable for medicinal purposes. V N.B.--Physicians supplied with pure drugs, chemicals, surgical instruments, &u_:., at whole- sale prices. , . Barrie. Nov. 10th, 1868, .f 41- KL7:Es`g@1`m :3 E 3| E539!` NIH!!! I UI LAMPS, CHIMNEYS, SHADES, ;&0, :8" IN BARBIE.` __g:; . FARMERS AND MECHANICS` wou1d.db well to call and examine their MACJIINE OIL, _ before purchasing elsewhere; and also their DEODORIZED ___ L 444.3 .4.|LxAA Mnde and Dressed on the shortest notice. fl` Q I...:nnn m--Ir-Ii.-nl Ax-n mnkm-. he ut- Matle and 1)r_css(- the shortest, noucu. '1`. S. being :1. praclicnl Axe maker, he ut- letfs lllmSClf,tl):).t he lqzmws :1 good Axe wlwn he sees it, and he is (l\*,1L`l'llllll(`(l only to olfer such articles as will give s:\lisl'a1clion tnlhe p11rclm.s('1'. All his own \vm'k he gllarantccs to be made of extra quality steel. m -Hnrsze-Slum-in and General Black- be made of extra quulny su-ex. Q3` -Horse-Shocing General smithing done as usual. . Jumned axes conslantlv kent on hand for smithing done u.~:unl. Jumped axes consl-.\nt1y kept sale. n.....:.. mu 1.2:-..cz 11`./Ifbb AAVU U111 1.1413 JMJJIJAVAAIA-Ar do!` all kinds, and the largest and cheapest assortment of ' , ____... ..-----w-nu out I turn 0.1! lPA"!iZ;;9L5I Uulullna-Mug u uv.-u.uuu- u.-..w. u.n.... u. ,F:;ncy A1-ticiies anhnhln fru- J..\1.1.L1 .1/;.n4 AJAKJLAK/Q FRENCH I ERFU,\H- .RY. ; B()IlE.\HAN TOILET SETS.` `VASES, LADIES COMPANIONS, ' NEEDLE CASES UULI uux. L11. 1l.|`4J;4]`, lW32z'%'l-_I/ Opposilc the Rail kuad Station DADDII7 lAPT?AF:7.. W-I-I There will always be found in stock a cholot unntinn of Lale prices. Barrie, Nov. 10th, 1868, VARNISHES, GLASS. I UTTY- HORSE AND CATTLE AIEDICINBB . ,u :.:...1.. ......I H... lnnmat am] nhpnnen B10. Barrie. 0ct.. 185.9. Mngsns. ALEXINDER mo. . xitn`-J19 for 0 lm'stma,s and IVL-w Year : Presents. __._.._. V BEEF BOOTS-, MOCCASINS, ._._.n_..._._.. :..,.I 4- v.,___ __- ... LI uuuuu V4;-4.. Comprising a. bountiful assortment of I ___# S__J__-._'i_ 1);` U U101; V1114: nvxxun AND DYE STUFFS. 1111?! nnntivrvnqvvnv 7 p ' NN.dUNcE to the public that they lmve just received their fu_ll` and Winter stock of ENG LISH CI-IEMICALS, -:11`. -r\17`I.1 (1771! 71111` _BARRIE Also ncomplte stock of -j1.v---.. - DUNLOP s'rRE1:p,J /W. ........'4.. A7... `D,..`l I).,... BABRlwE" |Finain:| FOR. t :\n1U \ NEEAI);LE CASES I {PAINTING John 1\E_l1an`b_'g, Hausa, 311111 and Car;agev&Pa1nm, - Avxrvn In vfnrn Aavuuv, IVAEII nun vun.ub'v a. non 5L-; GRAINER, GLAZIER, AND Plain and Decorative Paper-Hanger, OWEN S'l`llIiE l` - - IMRRIIJ. A IIE subscriber having fnH0\\'(`d the alyokn " branches of his bmincssfor muny _v-are fesscslo be thoroughly ncquaiutorl \'.`i .'1 tbrm, and is desirous of inionning the pnM'm atlarge, that he is prepared to execute r. I orders in the line promptly, and in (1. mos. workmanlike manner. 'l`lu:nLv6'nl far nun! fnvnru Inn v-n=nnnH'n\- rm. workmannxe Thankful for past favors he rt-spectfully rp- quest a continuance of public 1)atr0n:\g(-. Satisfactory reference given, if required. liarrie, April 1. 1869. `.)-1y '-l'I.4lJ.k) lillla lU llUBC|IlO Ill} 1 IILUIII4 Ll|II|_'; Plough. The improvement cunsirls or ploughs being higher from the ground and each plough is well brucod and steel ism]-si.'1(~ and steel mouldbonrd, with the \\'il(`(`iH thrown well forward, in the 100m of back, with :~`-tn- tionery Axle, which lakeslho pressure off the horses necks, and makes the arm not, mm: than the ordinary piough for putting in 800-51. The double lever is (It-cidctlly n grout. advan- tage in raising or lowering either side of tin: plough to suit_the ground. L. DUTTERFIELD, Agricultural lxnplq-uu.-ut. \\'orl:s, liradfom. BEATTIE .1: SCOTT. A cmnfq. Rm-rin. Ill 0| we mm s, Shoo and Mt Shoo Pegs, 5110! Too l lutes, etc, THIS cut. represents my Patent G:m_r_r _ Ijlox_Igl_). imnrovcmput cunsigts Uh.-\'l"1'.lhJ A . CUU I 1. , Agents. Barrio. ` .\'.B.--Also on hand. by the ah0\'0 pm-`|ie.-, alargze stock of stool 1:nul-side and 5114-0".- mould-board ploughs, to nu.-ct the spring :12- mamd. ' M``A1Im-air: m'h'|rn:cm'| fn Hm mnnu .'n.'\. W\%`F1 F2 . E! v; mzmd. ',';`A1l orders addressed to the mnnxnfrw um-r prmnptly attended to. April 7th, 1869. ' 10-Sim Money! Money! Moey? ..-_ ......-.nvn\..........`l`I.-1 W- (l V 3 \J \ Cunt. Apply to ...-. M3nyL M<>_1_1:=y, Mom"? . -,,_..1 :. .u-on-arm] in nvm`-:0n *W I - v _ T `HE undersigned is prepared. to ex:--3:-9.? Loans on Freehold Property at -7 reasonable rates of interest, and easy terms (`a repayment; also ISSUER OF MARRlAC . LICENCES, &c. . HENRY HARPER. .. .,_;-..... 1:... 07M. mar. 3_ Cunt. Bradford, Apx"i123, 1868. . SEVVREY & SULLIVANS rum j`g!\FEI5;`, "r 'l`I.'E Rnhscrihcr would respectfully .'Lcqw" the people of Barrio and the wt` . generally, of the fact that he.-has comm. n business in his new huilding, one door L':}'~. ` the Post Oico, where he is prepared to su; ; . tht-m with Flour, Bran, Shorts. Oats, Peas, ( Of the ve1'ylu,-st quality and at x'cu:~:onu?.L \\ unuzu III vvcua Lu n Depth of One Hundred FCC` Thvv are ch:-an and not like.-Iv to act out 9 LJULJUIL `J1 \./lL\J .A..L|.All\,lL \.a\A .I. \-`~- v They are ch:-np liko.-Iy get order. I he p1'1cL- ]w1'fnL 1.: -1. : cents, ~ca.s7.x; or 50 cents on time. ---.-.-n.-w-sum. Iilnvs (xiv! 1-v-In vs JVLL.l|l\JVJJAJ .A.\/Ail.-I-} Which have given. xvhorovor used, ontirc satisfaction. They can be cm-ctivcly worked in wells to :1 ix .1 a r\ I"I' 1 1 T1 VI ;Inupu..naI-um: 1:11: vu-4 -...-u.- ~ - ';'CISTHR`.\'S of any size built on ti most :1ppr0\ (`d plan and on very rcasonaix terms. in nny part of the Colmty. mo?` All orders In: nos! or at/wrwise nroma : ICFHIS. In part OI HIE b()lll)l)'. IE5`.-1Ilo1',1cr.s by post prom}: lled. ' ' ` YEA...-in l\n6n\.nu- `I \2I'.x' S':I\V'I1EY S: SULLIVAZ |@aa ~ uuaa, un uv s,` u if Viiim \'z:.m: Vespra. M-i1ls Depta. Bulsamw `Cheese Aheesese .,./ -.\-/:,=__. \a-. _-,,.______.,, _ Consisting of a very large stock of rst c1n=.-. Cnnndinn factory. together with n omin- assortment of English and American Chmnu-; all ofwhich has been scvluctml-xvith great cm'-. and may be depended upon usbcing ol the very bcst_ quality. nu-:2I-D!.`\ll.`\lI`lY2`D T7114` AT\nDYa`Q:- 5'5" .E10111',.DI'3.X1, D11UI'L8 ums, teas, ( very best qI1n_lity pncvsz. rag` Goods dc-Iiw-red in any part of if town free of charge. THOMAS ROBINFOTT. English Bun Hous. BARBIE. Kj;g:e'm L.;1e`an`n o.:'`g \lU|l LU llfll i_MP1 .QVED PUMP, ...I. ..-,.....- ....,'..1 ,... 4`. Cookstown, Nov. 2711512565. My W5`E\%e`@.eM`_-`L_9 ` -V13 H" l\. Barrie, October, 1868. stool. 010. t OLIVE!` cat, Toronto. - Oct. 1868. r\'I_y -lynx; xi-nun}. $$'R}:3.\IE.\lBER TIIE ADDRESS: .55?` -..\-4 \lllII\Il'\ FlIt\l IINII l1llllIl!\Ilf'\f' Barrie. December, 1868. J. .1. One Door East of tI2c`Post .0_[}~. c( ' CuIlcr'Strccl, Barrie. `HE SUBSCRIBER; DIRECT ATTEZ5. (inn On {huh- --v---.. .....v- 2<.\'ou.\'c12s to m pmmc t1mc"1.c.b.:; L just received his season's .--_;-\,e\.-.-. _\-:_ 4..-rag:-._-I-:_~.~ :11`. auunmuu {ion to their .21-\1\`r\1"r ROBERT KING $35 Plf E N53 cumpzn THAN` 1-zvmz I6 for ONE DOLLAR giuaucial. V u ']5~A1:u11-1, 0:.` `. uarasmusz {T0 LOAN, on good I-`um! Security. Interest 8 pm` `JOHN STEVENSON, Sulicilor. dec. ge. THOMAS ROBINFCTI r l'ln\\; - H`; V r.nnUJ Solicitor. < Hr: ns1.\>\1 Propx: nor. ac.. `Bradford 12-if Ftgines; AINTS. ' 7-if Ul'|.;(H NIIOII NIH} lI ROGFP` .. fh518teun ""- lull I I _|.I I n'.~\l{E.- TORONTO1 nmnuu. nf blind: L pnces. ; OLIVER, .\'pll`D. Jrivmg. Ialsam_ xthn m...._, [IN `ROWAT. I241. the laid m nnrl Iln. iz-In I AT. 12-ti, nulu Luau vuunuuuua _ PARCEL No. IV. 1'urkLot No. 15, 5 acres, adjoining tho two Inst. uzcutionod lots; about one-halt` of this lot. is clout-ed, and most of tho stumpapltt of clcnrod portion, with sulcicnt timber for ` fencing. _ - 1 ' PARCEL No. V. EU umuuui I.\;uuII\4_y o l _ARCEL No. III. Park Lot No. 4, a. corner lot adjoining the ahovuf; ucrcs and 4 perches, th whole of which is cleared and funcud. On this Let there isu llcld of Full Wheat, which will be sold at a valuation. ' Ilnlifinll xv. 117 PARCEL No._ I. Sonlhenstzo ncres of lot 21, in 5th Con., of tho 'l`ownship of Yes ra; East half ud- `oininglho Corporation 0 Barrlc, on which iotiaunew Fruxne Barn 61x26 feet, with Frnlm-. Stnhle, adjoining. 26x12 feet; also in Log Dwelling House, With good brick chimney nndliru-place; Log Stnhle, Root House. and splendid stream of water running across the lot, on which about 15 acres nre cleared and fenced. The soil iogood and very convenient` to tho Town for pnstnro. House and garden only subject to monthly tenancy. PARCEL No. II. Park Lot No. 3, 5 acres and 4 perches, buing port of Lot No. 21, in 4th Con., Went hull Township of Vespra, Mill Road, adjoin- ingthe Corporation of the Town of Barrio. On this lot there is 0. Frame Barn, Log Dwe1l~ ' ingnndwell. The whole in xnemlow with good fences. House and Garden only subject to monthly tenancy. n.nm1.~.r. M" In LnILIr\JA4Ll LI|lo to Park Lot No. 12, 5 ucrcs. On this lot there i.1uqIm.uLity of useful t.iu1bo1'. A good road at each and ol Um lot. `D \l)(VI.`l' X7` 17] 4 4Lllv\/I111 nun v 1.. Consisting of eight hail` new building lots. Nos. 1, `.4. 3 uml -1, on lluylivid Strcnt, 1, 2, 8 and -1 \\ --at oi Charles Street, ]3inghnm s llluck, with iioutugts on Buyiluld, John and Uimriua 5ll'l!L!l3. U11 this block them is _u now l"nun< ifuru. which cum. with 0. small outiny, he mum.-rtml into 0. c-)ini'o1'lgbl_u Dwelling llousc; also '.l_go0d well, with pump, mid ox- czmilml Cl`il|', i'1j:>m which is 11 good atoms driiiu in the mud; also an excellent young orclmnloi apple and plum trues, and small iruil lmsluus, s,n1u'0l' which um huaring. The quuiity of the land cz1unot._ bu Blu'pD.8:4(:d, is fn-u from atxuups, two acres in mcs_u1ow, plenty of wnor. V ' - - 1) \l)l`1.`1 \V.\ `VII 1. hum` l`..1Iu IIHIIHIIIJ {run-u-.1- l .\I{CI".II No. VIII. Lul.-:.~', \\'-st. hull` High Strum-I, qn.'11'tor of uu ncrn wilh dwvlling house. This lot will be mlnl :-ultjucb to at mnutlnly lununcy. l'.\I{()|-ll; Nu. IX. I.u1s .\'us. 70 uml 7!, oust :-tidu of High SII't't'I., Ijlnlgaus Bloch, one-Iiftlx of uu new mu-I. `I DUIUIU LH(.'l'UUll. ` 1 .-\RCl`JL No. XIV._ North Purl; N0. 1, Dunltip Street. and soulll part of Ill, Cblllcr Sl.l'UL'|., u_buut._ 52 run fl`Ulll.- ugc on Ola rpurlnn Sm-ct, xnclIulin;,_r gut:-way, subject. to rlgln. of way to My`. B. liiu(ls' pm- xuiscs, wllln l)\vollin~,; llousu und out-lmilllinga. 1`ussL-s_slon will bu gwou on the 1st June. .u n,...a ......b 1.4` In: \'n 1`)l nnl'llllI` nf l4Ill S!I`L-L-I catch. I LIIILUJCJLI AVU. 43!}: North putt of I51, Culliur Stroot, with Ruugln (J-.u lloum-,, gchuol House, and out-Imil(lin;:,.~4. lcusud to Mr. Joseph Locke, will be sold sjuhjncl. to that luuse. ` P.\l{Ul`1L N0. XIII. . Part of No. 61, (}olHc1'St1'L~ut, about 45 feot_ frunlu;;c"on Uluppcnuu Struut, with l:`1'u1nu 5'1uI;lu thereon. nnnnnr \Y.. \'IV russ Also, East part of Lot No 121, corner of ML-l)unu1_d uml .\[ulcxmLursl1'cclu. ta'U`A80 foul. ..`ll0ll \\'lu uu gnuu uu huu Ann uuuv. more or loss. with rough-cast d\vclling-house lhcronn, witlx stone fuumlution and sum collur 20 `>4 30 foot. fl'u1'm.s', Uu.vh. ' 1~`u1'thcrparticulars can be obtained of the Auctioneer. Further particulars cnn be obtained of Mr. F. Stcuvuns uud Mr. Josuph Rogers. JUSEPII ROGERS, A m:tiunecr. '1 IlI'.~`|` \\'h_0lu 1 nu the Han louse. r |Red?"`[1*3T?< - l c'1 b'A.LE REAL ESTATE IN BARRIE, AND 1 -,_ _1_|'T_ _,__ JLV Dtuumxu, Township of Vespral . ,.:-:..:..,. ux f`.m-nnmtinn nf tlm :`i$3Ri'a?na| I HE undersigned has received instructions F from 311'. F. Steevens. To by |PUBLi6::;.:?iigT;9A%l |o1i.%i5iX' r11 [ mf mum uabxgg iiP1iiI;,'ia69,| .l.\I April 1150, soon, nut tisori. Armitngu John Archers Mrs Joseph Ashiielrl Wm Antlorson Miss Jane llasketliold Miss Byrnrs` James Brown Miss Ann Blackmore John lloll Eulward Benedict Solomon Baker G S Bmlgermv llarvoy Cusins Ross Uu.~I;1'ovo John Clarke Thou II Campbell Donald Currie James Colwell 311` Cairns Peter 2 Deegan James Draper Miss Rachel [no r IUHBIJ Una v vb - Maihieson D - Mayboe George 2 Morley John Marlow Chas _ Malloy Miss Elizabeth Metcalf Robert McDonald `Angus Roy McKay Angus Mc.\iorren Wm. Ecl"ariand Thomas Mccno Mr McLean John McGee John McDormitt Duncan Naily Peter ' Norise Liveey O'Brien Mrs `Potter John Pierce T N V Pettior Phiiomene M'm Raw J amos Dunsmoro Messrs W 4: J Ilenion Joseph Evans Miss liiary A ~ Fitzgerald Thomas Gaiiin Thomas Gibbons Wm Gunn Morris Gmv G F Griiiiths David Graham John , Reid Miss Janet Robinson William Swan 1 5 Shaw Flora Slight Ilenr Simpson J Shearin W E Sheenan John Grahani Archibald Sensponce James Howard James 2 Harrington Chas Hornor George liintls Chas Hunter John Irwin Richard Johnston James Jones J: Mebougail. Kelly l?atriok Livingstone Ronald Lowell G Lang Wm Larmny S7 C0 Wm` Lawrence George Longpro Francis Lawrence Richard Marratt. John Murphy Patrick , - Muir Miss Ann Murry John_ Moore Eliza Ann Stool S .SteeiL2 ' Stewart Turner `John Pnrnnm: r-nllinrr `for the [l.l)OVG Dl0D.i0 U11 UDLULW-I - --- -- -._, -....-, At the hour or 11 o clock in tho foronoon, the following valuable ` l - --1 _ _ _ E . Moore Eliza Ann ' Parsons calling `for the above will please _ask tor advertised letters. J. EDWARDS, Postmaster. Aprll 3, 1869. ch;:r1`3:0i1:g1ss{ eigr rings. scarf pins. rubber . e , gmmmas was N:r`):%<;t`>_gsf all kinds, for ` DRIFFIL J5 SONS, ' Bm1f.ord~ Barrio, April 9, 1869. l .\llCEL No. VII. [,nLI\'o; S, lC:u~'L.-aiqlu llnyliolll Stmct, Bing- m`s llluult, hull un new. with Jlough Cast ulluv,;v, cmxluining; Billing romn, kilcbou, ulry, xuul llm-u lml ruunns, with stonu fuun~ llnll. 'l`hi:x 101 will bu sold subject to 11 anlluly luuuucy. ' I\lu`I.`r. Kn VIII I-IUI \JI' I-IE-I ILIIU { I~}.\[.-\lI\'lI\'G in tho lltwrlo Post Ofco, `April 1st, 1869, not previously adver- 01. Balsam- nnsumption. ` Balsam- [IE _ - `I71 gt'l\C"4"`r`n:~ u H ~-**" A ' J. Adjoining the Corporation of the ....~nnn ml? D)A\l1Dal Unless provlously disposed of by .v\-r"lrAfIY'T'V (WIT 1'.\RCI'Il. `.s'u. X. !s .'m` and int), \n_x~'Ls~'i1unl' 'l`omm0 Street, 1": Hlucli. 0lIt'-lillh` `of an new u:.ch. u luts nliutpun `hosts of High Street, the u !'u1'uxiu;.: n .r<.1u:u-u bluck. n.u.u-m. Mn \'r 1 ;\liUl'.L4 no. .\1. -` Brick Imilxling and ]>1'u-Ilxisus leased to auk 0l"1'u|'uI1Lu;V p1u'clm.su sulrject. to that v-*' I is Audion Rooms, near the Market House, in the Touggz of Barrie, ' ._.-q\1\|IY f\`1`_ l'l\T\Tf i `LIST OF LETTERS \r\I\VI\'f1 :.. n... n......In ] nuf I TEDIQ; b`A.LE] UI uuu nun. 1 .-\l'{CliL No . VI. ..:,.I.. I.,.Ix- ........ I 1 .-\RCEL N0. Xll. f1II!._L ug UUUUHW its Turpentine, mu, .umsn' xcss, . ancy Goods, , ft`: ' JUST ABHWID n