T|'iC]1i||0sis.--'1`lnisterrihlg disease has` .'1ppez|re.! in v.`Iom.real as well as Hzunilton. Some of the most lenrnetl of our home physicizuls attribute the iutrocluction-`of tilt-;.1I1ixxmlck1ln into swine throu__J-`h their be- ing fed on the offal and lth` of sluughtt-r lnol1es.= It is asst-rted that country Fen] pork has been free from this loathsome plague. ' _ V _` . 1" ' ` The.Directors ofthe Atlantic Cable-Con puny have resolved to reduce the t:u'it}'oh Inesrszuga,-s to four slxillixlgs sterling per word. The reduction willcommence on the first ol'June next. The present rates are ne:u'!y two alollauis for each word. Pm'LAm~:LPIm, March 30.--Mr. Black- stone, of the firm of Fenslon & Black- stone,.picture frame makers, on Monday morning killed his wife `and two small cbilnlrem literally chopping Lhem to pieces. and then drowned himself. He . was in- Erln, ---Richxrd Gregory, of the township of RaIeigh,,I{ent, lmd thirty sheep killeel by dogs :1 few'nigl1ts_ since, and four others so-badly worried that they were not expected to live. - ; ---Jumgs Harper, ex-mayor New .Ygrk,.:1n(_lz\ member of the celebrate-l firm of Harper BI'os.,.publisheI's, is dead. p[asonic._--VVe learn with pleasure, that a _Ho|_v Royal Arch Chapter will, it is condently expected, be opened at. Orillin with all the usual imposing `cere- monies of the fraternity at an early day- It. will, we believe, be the second in this `county. ` 'It has `been secured through the inuence and energy of our friend Dr. Rzmlmy, who is `at most enthusiastic anal energetic mason. Ill.'Bro. Rzunsav, 32, goes, we unclerstnml, to Collingwood on the 2nd inst., to he installed. .14. _ ,, ` `A011 Dit.-A rumor is aoat in Orillia that.Messrs. Burton and Smith are deter- mined to place a line of stages on the route between Washago, at the `outlet of Lake `Couchiching anal Bracebridge, -`to run in connection with their steamer Ida Burton." This of course will cause them to expend con~iderable money`. We trust. that tl;eir patronage will be commensu- rate with their outlay. At all eventsa line of stages to run in connection with the Ida Burton between these two im- portant points, cannot `fail to be produc- tive of inuch good, apart from the ques- tion of comfort and convenience to the travelling coinmunity. `- EDITORIAL SUMMARSE. .. .....cu pcr\':1ueLl cue parents, re, to` lo:t. otlxer schools, and the` other school sections, Jienr of of the aluiIvit.y and earnestness . lmninrv Hunt on... no um... Lefroy $011001; omnto... . rudford .... cnlllons ;... _GlIford .... .. '(R`.frn{____,__ Brnn1({____. Um1'.rvx| u..... Bnrrlc-_....,_ _Sllnndnlc.... llurrlnons-..-. Angus _____ __ New Lo\vcll.. Blnyncr ..... .. Bnlleux.._... ' Jiolllngwuml.` 1:-T SOUTIIA.\IP'1'0.\", March 30. -; uuunueu we qunrtcn the Common School, ,(.f..,,`. ; ;.|.;..I. o,.,.1. ._1., l'0l'l{ (10 ..............-. Mutt:-n, by the quarter, W H). : do - ` Veal, Hides per owl: .............. ._ Butter per lb Eg ..-.. --...-..... Potatoes per tvlsh ..... . .-. .-.. No. 1 Cotdwood ............ ,, Green do ..-,..._...---. u:Its.... ..._ ___ I -as _________ _. Flour. . . . . . , _ __ Hny,. .__._ _` Beef per 100lbs.. Pork do ,_. Mum." 1.- n.-. ...- ..a bvuuu. we again ad- vise our country friends who have a super- uity of -any kind 1 of produce `to get it forw:u'd ere the oppo'tL1niy pass by till after seed-time. ' v Fall Wheat. ......... .. .. 0 S0 @ 0 85 Spring Wheut........-.-..... .0 8() @ 0 85 `Burley,L ................... .. 1,15 @ 1 20 Oats 0 55 (` 0 60 E.\'.\.\u.\ x~:n OrI~'IcI:`. Wcdm-s'x1ay, March 31. Some days since we advised those fur- mers who reside Within easy distance of , Barrie to take aclvantnge of the great dearth of nearly all kinds of- f'm'm pro- duce ivhich existed then and exists still in our market. But though prices for `most comlnoditiesof every day cnnsump. tion have gone,up, the supply isquite in- adequate to the denmml, and nmv that the roads are npproacliing that impassihle. state in which the genial sunshine and warm rains of April usu`all_v leave them, we fear housekeepers must be content with short. commons. Spring_ wheat has slightly ad\'anced--s:|y ve cents per l;usl1el._ Hay has risen to :1 andthe demand is good. We country who l]!l\'A .. anna- 1 1 E 1 l I ,hIgl1'price, -,1 ad- f .-I C0011 Thillg'.--G enls.' The confi- dence I have in Perry D:u'is_ Pain Killer, nsarcn1cd_v for Cou_a`h.-2, Colds, Bu:n1~=. Sprnins and Rheumatism, for the cure of which I Iuive successfulI_y used it, induces me cheu-rfully tu recommend its virtues to others. A few months ago I hzul re- course to it to destmy :1 fl-Inn. Immlied Hm `):Iin I::n.,.. 4-.. u)u:u.L:u zulu cmorce 1:." In short, the Bishop of Kerry, u1)$me:1tio11ull_y we nmjx be surv, presents us wftll :1 very ne <.\::un'ple of Roman Catholic intolerance of the good old pzxttcm. L H. villa n,'>lH:UIa nu u.nl)u:ll's L0 -_ ,. , ; .` `h ` . .._.uL: .`.`.`.`..\``.`t-*.`iil`cl. M-all-'ss`n:;.i:'m.. 3 .3L::fm.1s will at? course tllS.1ppC2ll'. He also lemurs Hil.\'C totally to the` proposition that the (llit`SI.:l.l)- ` li.s'he l _rotcst:uit Church Ishull be allowed to forin itselfinto :1 corpor.~:tion, But, as the writer in the Times this xnernin_._: justly points out, the poucr cmnpluinctl of by the_ Bishop is :ilreauly enjuyeil by evcly sect; in the country. in.-:is'ts that what is freely granted to We; :iml:1"le_:;'ion of other com- munities shall be denied to the Irish Pro- testants; tlwy shall not he recognized by the law as it community for any purpose wli:1te\'er_; they shall not he nllone-l to hold proper-ty-:1t all events, in the soil; they shall, in fact, he ontlznverl and ex- cmmmmieziled from all civil ri_-_,rlits'. This is :ill\'ei'y line, but Dr. Moriarty must have l'or_u;utten that he is writing in the nineteenth century, and rather toward the end of it; and that this is :1 free country. His thoughts must have been wandering fair :l\V:l_ V` to the h':1pper_slioire.-, blussesl with one fuith, .-in-l one authority to teach and 4.-nl'or_ce it. In short, the Bishoi) Kerrv. unintontinn.-.llu u... Dr. i\Iori:1rty- WORSE TIHN FRIEEBOOTING. nun auwu) a _-_guUu UIICS. It is doubtless known to your renders `that -Mr. `Gl2Ulst0lle proposes to abolish all relig,-`ions en in Ilelzxml. _. He could scarcely strike away. the Protestant (.`ll(lOWll)(:llt nnl leave the (Tathohe endo\v- n1ent'sL'ill in t:.`\ lSt(Hll?0. At -present the Roman Catllolie College at l\lu_vnooth, for the education of priests, is endoufed by the State. Many 21 proposition has been hrouglnt, lxefure the lluuse `of Commons, h_v ultra-Pmte-tnnts, for "the clisenalow- ment or this in.-titutinn,. but good sense IDl'.`.\'l.ll(.`Ll over ln'gotI'y. Now, however, the guilt. Inu.st.'ceuse. The Roman Catho- lics :u'e not, therel'ore eQynplete_-gainers In) Mr. Gl:ulstone s n1e:;.~mre. If the Pro- - tc[illJlsv.l()S'J much, the (Iatlmlics lose sonnetlxixng which they value. Their train- ing cuvllefge is preciou.sjin their e_\es,; and Mr. Gln-lstone stops the funds whiehlnu'e suppvlt.- it, ` ' 'l`ln- l{lul|{\I\ nf' Y\':\vv- l`....L`... -1 1,, L . alIlVlJ`Hl.J\l IL, Tlrc Bislmp of Kerry f'urthr objects to the proposed camnxmtintirm of life interests. In this I1-spout he appczuts to have Lntuuy xuisumwstnml Mr. (;l...i.n.-.....`..,. ...-.mr.....l. l.UlI\ .l.lIIlU-S um: um Iuutnvlugl , Dr.. Moriarty, the Bishop `of Kerry, has just`written a letter to Mr. Chichester -v Fortescue, the Under-Secretary for Ire- ` justice and of peace. land,i in which he explains his views con- cerning Mr. Gladstone s scheme. There can be no doubtthat Dr. Moriarty may hetaken as a very fair exponent of Ro- man Catholic feeling on this subject. His letter may therefore be accepted as a manifesto of some importance. In the first place, he hears testimony to the - tranqnilizing inuence of this measure -upon`the`Irishpeople. I am sure," _he sure, I do not over:~tate when I say that `since the year of Emancipation no tid- ings have spread such universal joy throughout the land as this message of _ 7 He expresses his belief that the motto Quis Separabit?" I will henceforth not imply a falsehood, but express :1 truth in strong deance of rebel or invader. All this tends to jus- tify the opinion of those who l1a\'e main- tained that the Irish Church was a stumb- ling-block in the path of reconciliation. Dr. Moria:-ty s satisfaction is not unquali- _ tied. He begins by praising Mr. Glad- stone s'intentions, but goes on to criticise his plan with some severity. . He suggests seine modifications which stand no chance of being accepted by Parliament; and we are ledto infer that if they are not ac- cepted the bill will end in the disappoint- ment of all parties. that I have o\_'er.'~:tated its purport. But there is sometinng more than a superfi- cial meaning in his words_-, and itmn.-t he reniembered that Ronmn Catholic pre- i lntes are generally diplomatists, though not always good ones. i It "ix rlnnlitlncu lrnrnun 4,. I Any one who reads" ' the Bishop s letter hurriedly may consider` TIIE IRISH GIIUIECII QUESTION.` The London correspondent of th New York Times has the following: `D- Il.\..!....&.. Ll... D:_l ,, , 1 vv 1 However, I must not prcsumeto write an` essay at present`. on the duties of . fiarents, but'content myself with hoping that Innisl will soon show shool-houses and school accoinmorlation which will at least compare l'a\'omhly with the bright and intelligent. youth who inlmliit them. 1 nlmnsxt f'..rr~rnI* fn moon olmo -1.-.` ...l auu Iu\.c||I5cIl_u .yUulll, WHO lllllillllb U18"). 1 almost. furgot. to state that short ml- dresses were delivered by the Rev. T. Wightman, several teachers, and other friends, `who were present. Yours truly, . .1 Q. T. Innisl, March, 1 869. , _ _ . v~ BARRIE MARKETS. _j. us all.` , wlin Y NORTHERN RAILWAY TIME 1`ABI3." '1`RAVEl.LEll'S mm1o1iANDA. Euxaxnttrrrianl. Vthen `still tut of .=.nmnl, uclxiug: il nslmllu 1...... 41.--. Imparts strength to the system. A.___________ Al/en's C elebr(ued Lung Balsam- Cures Colds. Coughs and Consumption. Alla-n s Celebrated Lung .Bulsam-- Cm-4-s Bronchitis. Asthma. and Group, Allen's Celebrated Lung Balsam-- Allen's Celebrated Lung Balsam- Is pleasant to take. Allen's (.`aInI.mI...; 7...... -n v ls pwnsom to take. Alwas gives sat.isl':nc:iun' or the money_will be rt-funded It is recommended by prnnincnt Physicians; and while it is pleasant to lake and harmless in its nature, it is a powerful- rcmi-dy for curing all diseases of the Lungs. Eold by all |)rng;,risls. unwlllll ul n:-meulcul agents. . E. D. \\'on1'm.\`oTo.\', MD. Dr. Cohby"s Anti-Coslivc and Tonic Pills "arc the best medicine for general use over of- fered to the pxblic. ` ` n n n.-..... --v B. Danw Many more will bo givn-buc ` try them. > V ,. -........5_ xrmnr l.\ll URE BLOOD, L\ DlGE.S'l`I()N. CO.'S'l`Il AT,lO.\' and any (le1'un,r:<-Inuit of the LIVER. They are mild but cicacions in operation; do not sicken. but on the contrary _ may bctakcn by thc (la-licntc with pierfc-ct safety, and in every case with the most happy effect. _V Read what Doctors say of them. I do think Dr. Colhy`s Pills are a most. excellent combi- nation of i'e-medical agents. D. \\'nn-runu--y-nu `II '|'\ jg;q1g;usrI%vr&Inn|cHits. Arc purely vegetable. and alford im and pornmnc-nt relief hr all disuasvs from l.\l1 URE Ixmcra 9Q.\`s1'1p,\T1o.\'andmwa........m..n.. wcmwnuny nnu Mluuy. 11.29 mm. Elmvnio, 1\lc1ionlo and Monntsnint Louis, '.'uosdny and Suturduy, 11.25 mm. iiiuiln for Slm:..'y Buy, on 1`uc-aduys and Fri- sas, at 11.25 mm. in ila for Minising, on Fridays, at 11.25 11.11:. J. EDWARDS. ' ` 3 Pnalnlnnfnr 1 no namaf, tlm_p11rp0. for which tended. and the made each bottle. None go-mine without the signature oi` S. J. FOSS xi: Co., Slu-rbrookc, Que. it is in- of using is blown in Price 50c. ---o v'l J .-J.-492 FFJJLE '33 '4! L5 The blessing of the nineteenth century. It no-vcr fails. N0 fxunily is safe :1 day without it. It is not a new pre[mmtion, but has in-on in use i'oro\`er twenty _v-nrs. and me high t(-rms- of praise with which it is spoken bf b all, luwe ]H.'l'SIl:1(IL (1 the proyrictors that they are only doing an act of justice and nu-rcy in placing: it within the reaic-In ofuli the suffering. \ - ch:ill(.-n_re nnv nn-m......:,... A .a- .- - - - pmcmgz IL \\'lH!ill thel c_hall(.-nge any] to furmsh us many cc and |'u. m( n. THO namn-_ Hun nun-n rR -._`j - , '-_ X I H IJ `\J _ blo._sing ;he cunlnrv, Tr U. .1. JIUDD (X7 U0" `She:-In-ooko. Alt-.\'and(*r & Co.. and T. W. G:-ur;-;cn. are ` our Ag:-nls fur the sale of CuIhy 5 Pills, J:lCu|)'s Rhmnntic Liquid, and IIunL's Empire lluir Gluss, in Barrie. 2 Q YY`I\`vrvn._ I I Is the no plus ullra of all prcpzuation for the hair. ' It" is cooling: to tlu-.ho:1d. It prevents tlw nan: from f'nllin,r:. IL rm-ndur.~: the IIAIR soft and pliable. It is the In-sl [lair dressing out. It is the Cil('l[)L'Si. Ilrc-s:~'ing sold. Buy it and you will like it. It is only 25 ]wr holllv. _\\'c l`1`C0ll)llll'll(i all our readers to try n. Bot- tle of lIunt`s Einpirc. lluir Glass. Ii'ing.s'lun Xczcs, Aug. 17. 1868. ` S. J. FOSS & (.70.. `Slum-In-..nl,-A 'EmpireHairGloss 1..;u.-\`.\.\u 1-1n--the to\_\'r1ship of V0 tho ./`mu nI'., M-.113`. wife ul Mr. Wiliiaun Sh:1Il`.lL'_\'. of that lm\'n.~:hi'p --.\gud 3.3` _\'(`:\1 .~'. Her rvnmius \\'v|'u <*'; to thul Catholic ccim-ta-r_v In-ru. lust. _w-ry l:nrgucuncu.n1I`;<:- of rt-huiv Rev.` I~'u1lu:r Nurll rites of :~`cpulnu'e. 511111 . 0!] Roman .`-!u:xd:\y. by .1 es and iric-mls. xgravcs pu-rl'ur1u.-d the lust _ . ll .bItI.-\`.\'.-\CY-Tnr the 1 ho `_/`Hlu M U...` JlI.IlIiIIIAI' { .\I(:I`IIIRSO.\'-.\!cl HEH80}? -At t1x<-'r(-si- tlvnctr of Life l)l'i(10'Sf`:1LlI1'|', MI-al on llw ` """`,`,f"",}.>- Aha Hv\'_ Jznm-u I-`.,..-..m_-1... I `(.00 ).m. Mn is golng to Pcnetungulshcnc, daily at I 11.25. mm. Mnils for Orillin, dnilynt` 11.25 n.m. Auto. Tucstluy. 1`lzursday sm`d Suturduy, at _U..2.5 u. m. X'nlIa fnn Inn 'I`luu-nlnn nv\:1V3nn llnnrlnu 11:11 I III `IIl.\'DS.-At Bnnio. on Fnhmlny. the 27th inst., the wife of M1". _Ed\'.`:Ird Ilintls of ill sun. mun. _\I.~\.\'I'IER-.-\t Cl'aig\`n1e. on _\Icnd:1y 29th in:<.t:uIt. the wife o1'.\Ir. >'a1nuul.\1:|u: of a daulglncr, cvwo ea EJVJU .\I0ut`l't-ul. April 1, I569. ............. .. [$4. J. Mmaster and % mmpany, BIONTI{EAL JANES, BRAvLI3g0gERSag5 NEWCOMBE, {Black and M wgaivored Silks; JAP;\N17.QI`! QYT1. ` A1\'T\ nnon 1'\r\nrv , -l- - - VIC PARASOLS, SUNSHADES AND UMBRELLAS ` 7 Lace and Trz'm7nz'An{/s, AI{0sz'e/ry and Gloves `HOUSE FURNISHINGS AND MAN CHESTER GOODS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. March 31. man` aaL nLu:;.3n ounxb` ALVU HUSH. POPLINS 7 Mantle Velvets, Dress Goodsg '[)A 1) Ag`l\T (V {'VI Y\Y(\Y-r . l\-re . _-_ __ u...zo u.m. Malls for Ivy, Thornton and Vino, Monday, W4.-tllwntlny nnd Friday. 11.25 Q Elmvnlo. Louis. 1869. Spades, ShoVels,&c. sac. 31:-.1 .\Im-_y Mc1 lzc1'sox1, March 31, 1869. xuu um ulc U`.'l([-3-_ Mag 89 Bgmavemtcwa St. Wqtomia; Square. mth-ul. Builcler s Iiarcl/ware. .1AcbB*s ,` ___, 4.; 4..-. Had their complete stock of SEASON.-XBLE DRY 1 _ - - inspection - Tpr.cinI ;;} utifrr5. _ `>-_-~_.-\__ \_..`\V - _-\_A_-\_~~'\4` I-IUNT S -LUO. p.m. V Mails going North, daily at 10.55 u.m., and 7.00 Mn In nnlnnv tn Tmnntnnrmlnlmnn, nllv nl. REGENT % HOUSE, TORONTO. .....~..,,um:u or n i'SIl.(]L'(1 pro}`rn.-tors ng-an ilhin I'( l\(,'h nge any pr:-pt-ration `of the kind amnny ccrtitlcatcs. from reliable [MU , tlw_pi1i-p0. nfnchm :. 1.... : hinazxnlr To which they bog to call the : JAPANESE SILKS AND IRISH POPLINS, s. '.I. FOSS & co,, Slim-In-nnl: DA.\w.\'. M.D. VCn-l)|1t I.I-v nu... I, 1869 immediate ll Vdi.`*(!aSl`S cmnin 8. IND1GES'l`I()N_ Mnllsfgoiug South, daily at 7.05 u.m and -1.05. Mniln nnlnn Nmvlh ilqllu at. In 55 n m,_ and DUNLOP STREET, B ARRIE. Iu.\. nl. U. try them, JDD (1: ($0.. She;-brooke. J. Henders0n s, IM PORTERS OF inches up the tail. ` Any one bringing it to Mr. Morreq, (L013: 10111 Con., Vcsprn, will be rewarded. Vesprys, Magch 30, 1869, Min` the WHITE AND RED IIOUND. Wm` 3 _ short mil. Ham one spot on the head! .two on the back-one of them extending I-W0 inches the tail. Ariv one bringing it to Mr. Mnrren. L013: . ._:. HE subscriber having followed the Ibo: branches of his business for r_n0Y Y."'h professes to be thoroughly ncqnamted Wglio them. and is desirous of in:ormin. " -l"' an at large. that he is prepared to _xccute :0 ordx-rs in Hue lino promptly, and ` a` m workman-like manner. r H W Thankful for past favors he respect I! Y quest a continuance of public P"~""'3T . . - a 3%" Satisfactory reference gwc: `I rcqgnlre Barrie, April 1, 18139. ' J4 _._....e., .. u|nAIl"`I { GIEAINER, GLAZIER, AND Plain and Decorative Paper-Hangers OWEN `STREET - - BHUHE. ` _j:_ 131 m;EAsT UF TURUNTU BANK` - ---- _-nuannnn 1: ; HnI[e, S391 and Carriagg fainter, Y\Tt\n nv . - [PAINTING 1 .._.__ TICKETS 25c; RESERVED SEATS 50:. ' Doors open at 7.30; Concert to commence at 8 A good programme will ho 0lT(`I("l to lovers of music. On_c of R:1p_na-.. Weber ll: Co's Grand Iron Clad Piano's has been secured for the occasion. vuu you. I valuu, nu: uv I` 30 ' T0 vVN}i},"'E U123 The SC Mr. Moon,the< A Benet; oncertl ._o_\'. {Friday EvQning_,_ llnlls Close at Barrie I . 0. as follows: . No doubt there is u forinidable array of cmvzu-u mm on hand when no lctt onice. ] Mr. Banks is the great Congressional manipulator of `such projects as 1his_pur- chasing of islands, and did not approve of the American l\Iinister s refusal of Dominiqne's offer. He goes for a gene- ral purchase ifroluutary annexation can- not be had. We shall not be surprised to hear some fine morning that the Cuban revolutionists have been`, recognized, for 1 we are quite sure they are receiving `secret aid and support from the United States. A short time siuce_nn expedi- tion landed in_ Cuba with arms and am- munition, and it is known that Americans are engaged in the revolution. It is pitiable to nd. a country like the United States engaged, in such work as this. It iepretty well understood that there is a great deal of exaggeration in the reports from Cuba, and that the revolution has not`obta_ineLl the headway claimed tor it. insurgents, but it is not probable that they have been very successful, and it is doubtful if they will succeed in accom- plishing anything until they are `com- pletely staniped out. There need not be no much hurry in the Americans recog- nizing and encouraging the rebels against the new Spanish dynasty, which is certain ly gt great improvement on the old one. - The Americans do not care to see that, ray forget how they denounced others 3 AT 1,-ull u.I y r..' I [ll Barrie, March 31, 1869. Ilawc k(ix(1 (lI_v c L`\'(3n A.\ U Sergeant F lether, Both 01' the 13th Hussnrs. am ."ohl by 1-very I)r-Izgist. Btlrric. Wholvsalc and Iiclni I.` .\ i UIRIB 1a1:)115z)Y. Itrlxns 110021 f:n'nl.'xM_\' known fur nvnrly I 31--.u`s, and has hm-u to.=:(-d in on-ry vnri '0!` clhnulu. 11.-uc...1 1...... |Fon SUMMER COMPLAINT, |[)[__\nnn:.\ ]l\'l.'\"l'lI\ . .--- IDI.-\l1R(E.-\, DY. - -`rlIlIVII- Hr nnv nth...- WINES. & ILUQUQEES. GOD SJVE Till`: QUEEN! B:u'ri<:. 1\Im-ohal man A "1 _j___ The public are rcspt-ctfnl R- M tI`.*\\|` " "` Hound Lost. : nttcntinn of the trade. L.-\lHiU;:\. 1) 0' any othv I-I cnu'ul'il or mmns. ` `AIM IEILLER 1<| Emv Ivvrti5c1z1r::t5. Duulll. u IULMIUI I ' Hugsurs. are a occasion. ,......... ...c |cspl'(:Ulllly informed that ' Will Lrivn 1 0wn Ifall, Bcmie` "_%??J.F"3J ndI_v consented to take part in I evening's proceedings. A numbcf of tho -._. . _____. The services of AL- ' ' . nvud VI thfeddcelebrated Comic Singer, AN!) ' GOQDS opcn for -r~ wvuu-n..1III`l, I-I.\"l'HY AND (,`HOLIl{A, Inn 01 I.-n\n-I INK:-tun in III (N I.'U\\'l'l I 1-n mhllts. SON, Proprietors, MU.\"l`i:l rgist. K1-lnmu ((3 Co.. Iiclail .-\gL-nls. 63m ;April 9,1869. CLOTHING W? infurmcd (I\IIIl .n -_ _ IIUII usvuv 3 secured for the Baritone, secured fur the 9-2in x the 9-tf. " l'I.\', (Hill llU\\ having loft-any lujcl 'usIcan.<(- ux` p|'m'm' ...:I fnl-lflul all In-z'.~'nn WIS! Cause 0: yr: and fol-hi-l all lu- be: on my ,:u-cow Me for any dubl: dale. Dlllctljn V o=m--.1 March. Barrio, April 131:, 1869. HE First Meeting of ths hearing appeals :1v_':n year's Asscssuu-ut, will be In mn1!T`hT 1IAT.T._ ' l t*1IL'uIn;_'uIsurnr r.vv.m. d about a quarter of :1 mil- In-m post-oice. 'l`borc is :1;_r:.ml `Millw- wilh burn and otlu-r mnxlmil-lizx-.:~ bearing orchards, and an ubllmlu zx lent water. ` For further particulars: apply z \\'1l.I.l.\.\l' M-.111 (In I`. ___u I FANCY GOOLL4. .\`'1'.\'1'1=>.\z.: _ `A.\'D 1,000 VOLUMES or 000'.< H\` IMMENSE ma 0 1:` Ignds, Clotlmz. nu ynv nnnlm \"I` \'l'1- >\' . UUUU '\II-\JIVl|-\l \dl .. ()_\' T/tcalnyiatl,Zitcrurjx {' .`~'/`Q .`[,~' The Largest Sale cvrtouredi MR. DAVID T'.I\)li1{* - K . , ya:-'3 ASS('SSln('uI., n TOWN HAiJrI, "VE:~:P:iA1 -(x._ THURSDAY 21.. Commencing at 10 c Embraclngaclect brands for Medicinal purposes. - April 1, 1 . LE 1` UK [){ll'Hl."l|'. haudbills. 1\'0`RL`: .53 ||l.'l'll . om-r (In um-au the umrka ;;;a;y ;" iag 4 .\t nhuvnn ..`n m Al cu-vun um-sun: : lot of property. cu: tlc. lIll~`UhUl|l- Fm in. L` up I1: :1; g5hg Too1s_z-a_`d Fii1c1isr A () \Il l.lC'|'l-`. n<~m-um.-' '- J_j_ ]l1|U.(5l'H. ()1 .`HUl' chino 'l'hruud. Mzxchiue Nails. Shoe l`:1ck.~'. Ilm wholesale and mini}. 1'? .umuu;\.\' lw:u'.~'. 1 A, of all sir S. H[IHlI`('$. 4.-l;;e-3. innprou-(1 iruns. I~I crayons, Uarllt-ct's nn-mik the best. qlzulity, and in I I.-\' n. Barrie. Aprjllst, 151:! Th--.v'!`.'4I 9 owner, phaxgep, can MEN S CLOTHING, Tweeds, at noon ll-Ila 'J1A.l [1 DA .. pursuant 50 a Blnrlgagc. ---1--coil That. is to say: Th0_West half of Lot numln-r gltilth Concession of tho 'l'm\'n e _ .01. is valuable l'.n Forpuruculnrsupnl In LEYS, MCMUIHUCII & RC `I1 ON1 Or Yespm, March 27` ________ .___ To Machinists. I STEEL Rules, 5100] squm--.=. cc-I vernicr calipvrs, sh-1-I vu|i[~ur D01` squares, Amos unin-r.~ul >4. rt-gislc and tools, patent oilern. slum-I snu- For sale by RY-\\' .R- ()1 11.1 v. - ring calipers and ulivicla-n~.' n|J|)l) qnilcd. To ,lmn_d for Spring and Summer wear. Vcapr 5 _ ..;. springs, twine. chn screws, hinges, locks, turli-n ' piano stool screws. cunin : Meters needles and rcgululi L loo}, extension lip anger { hmidwarc, ctc., for sale n1 1- ' To Cabinet Ma.1-:_e:s-(Sr U]>ho1'tEx's I_IAIR._ Settling, curl:-ll lmir. . springs. clmir u.-1. ` `:"'(%ws.l)inr_vun,1....1.., ...-.., - :`ARM FOR_ SALE. ; '1 , Ll) >""*' .--cu. numb YE-`R " he owner, . > -uni` I'``-`` r by provmg p"P_ rd.` ` - mam- W "W 3':'a".*;5;';:$"i~';%:;% xgyn.owo1x, lurch 3?: 159 - Toronto, ~ L; _- --.n- -In 31- A FEMALE \_V.-XITI-Ill to In a dining room at a Ii:-st-c-I; -;\Dply at this omcc. Gout! lllllcd. Iaution. lIERE.\SxnyV\\il:-.1'-:r:n:~:!v 1-iv.-.nml mm. .\lr.~'. I fail` VHOUSEIIOLI) 1*l'i:.\'l'i`l' an-1 -. .____- WHERE WILL us sm.n 1._-. k AUCTION, M. the Que;-u'.~: II N THE SIXTH DAY or` A I |l| Vnoon. Dllldnnnl -~ -' A` LARGE LOT OF CHOICE ESTRAY L :1ll. To Tailors. niI:1:Ic;\:s"s1u-mu trinnnv I\I\J L U019 (ii CU M 1 1. Ii '1' I-I us: \JU,\l 1 l4|`A I I`; . ]mtlurn.'-' of lm |II'c':ld. Mzmhi : n \ ('=1\I".\ Mnnh, are In-rt.-by m'tl4-1(-(1 1`HE Bunm-2 .\Im.'.\"r FOR FOOT DRll.I., CAKBINI-I Ext-:xu:sn-:. ..m.~nv '1`IIUl:a'I).\Y n 5 mnrs. AN EKCELLENT LOT OF 1W 1 U N , 1869. RYAN 5. ouvan, , 27th March, 196'. -~- uollv III I`'\\( . RYAN K General Um` .\ll-: Yun;_n- sin _____________y ,----44lL ur . . the PM u .\Inrl'_rnye. u-I.:..u. ""0 :l1(eI1:ll\x'ix}L; ANn&s. Tlmt in 4.. ,.-.. io,_ `March 12, 1869. __.__________ _ HY. Importers of 11-1 Yur F02: sale at lowest rlcqs. I Hayti,-and recently Dominique rebelled, m`.` The good old rule, the sim 16 plan, That he should take who hm the power, And he. should keep who cau;" but our republican neiglihors trust more to chance and diplomacy than power. Thus for instance, Salnare is President of he`was shut up in Aux Cuzes, and, Sal- uavo threatened to bombard the city unless it was surrendered. In the mean-.. time, the American _ Minister goes to Dominique, aud tries to e'ect an arrange- ment to,pre\`ent destruction of the city. Dominique and those with him declared they would tight to the last, unless they could _carry out a scheme they had in view, and that. was to- sell the island -to the United States. They had `actually made an offer to Mr. Seward, and in this way, it appears the rollers come for the sale of islands, several of which offers Mr. Seward had on hand when he left. ofce. hlnv Rnnlzn in llln nn-nut t'`..............:.__ ,1 . Finteaa j HIS]. Ln;..-.____ ' at 8 o'clock. shm-,._ . ll Shed, liarric. |'; ` .rs, to be worn. ` D Al:(:Y I:ul`1;; Iwln-' "' -.,-_. __ T1115 `\L())`Ijll;ll.i`li` l I-`l'0VinQ I\l`nnni-tv nvul I.'\\ ll) `O BE .'~'()I.D. (ow-Ina Hu- 1 0 thp onclosnro ol'_th1- hi the Village of Now Lu * lwginniu of ,.\'o\'<-'u1lvr PHREE I-`.\R ul.h < of Revision , -1._. ding, cuulvd hair. , \\`-h. ,lOcks, Him 1-: l!|'0\\`S. cnnin lrluxmin 5 rL-gulaIin'~'. .\v2'1 on allgur I.ix~. , for lu\\'<-st 1-x of Apzj K1;\.V .\" 11-1 Yon'_:,-L- sm- x uuer. slu-(-I sin-1. ()I.| ll-1 Yongc slum-I. _j___. . 1.In;...-11 . 1:20p In I] 1`4)n-.'|u.mr.. TllURa'I).\'1' the .1.-uh _u'1.'//. 1.0 q`clocl.- I . mnns, u 131 ('1 nunhl... u mu 1' go. whiuln ` thcfullmx` RT 1` yin] Ill {RICH \:`ROl)l-Il{'I` E. S. MEEKl.\'(2. Jam Silk. nl .n..I :;1:.`;'.`;.= 5 wm _ \\ .\lL I. (`nu STEER.. I` ()1 II 0.0 .' 9.15 . I l)_`25p.m. .`\ MUD. Postnuxster. B. HINDS. _. The Aldermngnfs Speech" will` be given in our next. ' A ' _ 3.537 ...;..a.a u| um wresn romp to smart! exer- cise to t_he Indians who are priviieged to shoot, and hand them over 11!: u more nnlninnl ....t.... ., .L, , --mu, uuu name them nominal price to the grant monopolists who have grown rich through these pos- sessions. Lotus hope for a termination to such a state of things, and indulge the hope that everything has utrlength been arranged for the mpnsfer nfvthe territory. -.--._q...._____ W Iuululu lIIl'lJ\'L`|` Ill '\VllUe|'llGSS Sl.Zll.0, SO 3 ' as to shelter the fur-bearing animals whose business it has been the Hudson's [3 Bay Company to destroy for so long a W 9 time. We would fain hope the notion, [`E_ is long since obsolete that a company can - = set up a monodoly to prevent civilization m_. and settlement as they see fit. Mononolics have gradually disappeared in this Colin- tr '. There was the political monopolv of the family which had to crumble before the force of public sentiment; then fol- lowed the Canada Company, which locked up large tracts of land, and doled them out at high prices so as to enrich its shareholders; but its power has been broken, and the ve counties it held are pretty much in the hands of a thrifty population. This Hudson s Bay concern is the most odious of all monopolies, for re it claims the right of defying all power r. or rule on this` continent, and sets up a sort of rule of its own`. which became so oppressive thata portion of the inhabi- tants of the Red River set up for them- selves. and have existed for two or `three . years in astute ol'perfcct independence. _ The Company have been afraid to molest them, lest interference on their part might lead to annexation to the United. States; and notliiug; could tend more to such a result now than the continuance of this monopoly. Most people are agreed that the transfer of the .'l.`errito_- to Canada is every way desirable, audit will be too bad if negotiations should fail at this juncture, when there appears - `to be such a favorable chance~of admit- ting to the privileges ofa free govern- ment and superior institutions a people who have been so shamefully treated as the inhabitants ofthe Red River country. ' '1`he_great aim and design of the project A- of admitting the North-west. imo the union has been, not so much to advance V the interests of the Dominion, as to open ill` up a magnificent wilderness to settle- tl_1r uncut, and make room for the surplus gt` populations of the Old World. We have OW ample room and verge enough in the Dominion, it is true, but the boundaries of civilization should not be circumscribed Se` within their present narrow limits. `Be- yond the connes of Cmiada. is an in`.- -' meuse territory, teeming with-mineral fl" wealth and all the natural productions of W` the earth, over which, with the exception _l of a few spare settlements under the con- '4" trol of the Hudson's Bay Company, .the 3" beasts of the forest roam to afford Q: Cl-96 t0 the Inrlinna uzlun urn u..!. "3 ` The wild n1nmude`rs of ancient days wl`o despised lhelnws of mcumetteum ran great risks in carrying out the doc- trinqsv they advocated, for they believed Ill - V Superior to the- Rocky Mountains, and trnctof country for their own use and `as shelter tlm rm-.1.......:.... .._:... cu 1 nntm; "!J:'1.'lVIIlZll.lUl'1'-'Ifi`('l" tlYn}5- of progress, we are at a loss to -under- stand. But it is clear beyond doubt, that nltltougli this fur-trading Company :ha.l- . the sanction of the Imperial Government to room at will over the fair domain ex- tending from 'the`hend waters of Lake north_ward to the- frozen regions of per- petual snow, it never could have been in- tended that they should hold such a belmof, independently of all cont_rol of either the Imperial or Coloninl Gorern- I ment. To admit such athing would he ` in elfect saying that the country" should -l remain forever in alwilderness i ,I Vuv If-I UU lllllulf. How the Canadian Government crime to mnke such an mistake as to suppose that they haul nothing to rlo but declare by a resolution of the House of Commons that the. innnense North-west Territory wns pnrt and parcel of the Dominion we_ have yet to learn, but it is evident, never-I tireless, that it sud blunder was commit- ted ; and possibly that very act in a '1 measure retarded the negotiations in the mutter. At all eventa, there has been any amount of diflirsulty ever since, and the Government may not yet see their way so clearly as they should do. The question must certainly come up in the npprnnching session, ivhntever may be the state of the negotiations that have been going on nt such :1 large expense to this country. `The time lmseome when the Pnrlimnent of Clllltl. must declare nguinst the monopoly of the` Huclson s Buy Company, if-they will n'ot_lis_te`n_ to reason, and nccept. the o'er tenrlered to them. Bvwlmt right in compn:1y._`kio11ld_ gain `possressinri olnn imm ISO t ' .:.,-V` 1: .-ynJ.'.1n3?.'{:73i'.'3~ . yrn If it should turn out that the Hudson's Bay Company have accepted the advice tendered them by their President, the question of the transfer of the North-west territory will speedily l_ieco rn,e' , cmfait uccampli, for there will be no further detriuient to the passage of a law admit- ing the territory into the Dominion. The sum proposed to he paid is as rea- sonable as could be expecte(l,- and this country will be well satised with the arrangement if carried out in accordance with the recommendation of Sir Statlbrd Norcote, who, like Sir Bulwer Lytton, is a true friend of Canada. Tliequestion thus far has been surrounded by all sorts of diiculties, and it does not appear that our Government had any well dened notions upon the subject. It will be re- membered wlint a hurry they were in to obtain the san'ctiou of Parliameutin 1867, in.order, as they said, to prevent any desire on the part of the people. of the Territory to become annexed to the people of the United States. A resolu- tion committing Parliament to the trans- fer of the Territory was rushed through, and we were told that this secured every- thing, and virtually admitted the whole of the Hudson s Bay (Jouutry into the (Jonfederation; but. some considerable time has elapsed, and the transfer has ye`. to he made. IYA... cl... f'......,H..._ rv .,, ;_' "Io uI,nIu|II;;ull IlIul_IllUC|lUll 388111811115 of getting hold of the couutryfish-n(l,`or wlmtever it may be, without. any snori- co on their purf. Such is the experi- ence we have had of lute, and no doubt it will continue so as long as chances offer to encourage rebellions. Mexico, Cuha unrl Hglyti have all` had the support.` of the Ajneuicnns as far as it could be given,` but no prize has yet. fallen to their lot. " ` for simply acknowledging the Southern rehelens belligerents, for the reason, per- haps; that they want Cuba, and see now a favorable `opportunity of becoming possessed of it without the use of power on tbe'r part. It is always the way with them; they watch every chance to get an ndvautaggre. and woe to the country that is in rebellion, for it is certain to have American sympathy and assistance at the earliest moment. The purchasing of territory has sickened the American government, and they will huy no mc re if they can only succeed in their new g me` of nidingun insurrection asn means (vi. Nnflinnv Innlrl A`. Oixn I|I\III.fn--I "-l......l -.... .-rm: Nonrlfxvsr qwsnom. Luumua wuu lIl'U pl'l\'llGg0G 30 -ml: fn Hun nu-nnf .u.........J:..n_ N .111 E\ E3: ` IN ` % Elk V B . QC) % UN % T} Db` \. .\~~`M . QQV E & GK K` {TE % H111 UR SB x; 3 umuua wua given RISE '.|_'ue3(]n eve" _nn(l although the weather wnsy we-l,"3`g` i favorable npd uninviqng, a ],,,.ge ,1-di_ 9 ence of hothvsexas, greeted the amgqte ~elocutionisLs. Mr. Wood, the father llal` these entertaiinnients in this locality gave excellent" recitation--" Hoi-ut1usl::;in good style. This gentleman has (1 var retentive memory, and win w- - . , nth r ~ nnnrove 1n hie nnm...:..o:,.. . ...._n P n.ch' uuu mg numorous selections were read in a style which gives promise of his soon taking a position in the lront rnnk. He is as yet. too rapid in his nrticulntion-~time will correct this fault of all beginners. T. D. McConk_ey, Esq.. M.P., presided with his wonted eiciency as chgirman. ' :z'.~.v1uF`':';'r`-E.{7}s7a-7.31:? '5:~3i2`i7iz).-7 '* 4 Dominion IIonae-B. Hinds. l uinLlng--John Mollnnby. Wlfo Caution. Form for Sale in Vespra. Hound Lost. . , Regent 1-Iouzso. Toronto. ~ Spring Stoclr--Mcluuster .3: Co., Montreal. New lInrdw.1rc--J. Henderson. Fm'm Sorvnnts-John L. Wornlca. IInrd\\'nre--Rynn & Oliver. Toronto. V .7 _ -...- l._,....-n,-uuu HMS 11 Very ietentive will, with practice, improve in his enuncintion and (fe_clama- tion. Mr._ Port read one of Tom Hoorl s poems, with exceedin_; good taste. Mr. Kenting made his delgut on. this occasion, and his humorous selections {lives m`olni.sm .-.4` M. -.-- .|u1u. lJ.tl. l'Clllly second of the senes of I unions was givn lust ` weatl i. . l`....-._..lI- ,- Rushing` the Season.-An itinerant tinker enclenvoretl to rllslrtlie season `last week by appearing on our public streets minus all his clothing except his boots and` pants. Ifliis loije of nature unarlorneil _he not interfered with, we doubt nothis next nppezwnnce will fie ` simply in shirt;-ollar, boots and spurs. ` Another sign of spring. Penny llemling`s.--"--Another of these interesting entertainments, under the auspices of the. Y'.M.C.A.', will be given in the Town Hall, next' Tuesday evening. ...w..u ullu uuur mmnq been warned to do so by a superior ofcer. One of the victims elected to go to gnol for forty r.l.1_\'s mthe.-r than pay. Playing soI<"lier_is not ' always as pleasant as some would think. l|Iu|vK' ...__.._-- X TlllIl(s.-We are obliged to our Le- ` troy friends `or their courtesy in favoring us with news items from their locality.` They eviilently understand the import- , nnce of keeping the nzune of their thriving; village before the public. We insert the most extended` notice of the recent school ' exxuninntion, from three reports sent us. We shall feel obliged by such attentions on the part of our friends in any locality. Ditllft Turn 0nt.--Three volunteers -were heavily ned here lust Monrlay, by two jusitices of pence, for neglecting to attend drill after lmvinq been ivnrnecl bv superior nmmr n......z' -L Z l)ecline(l.-A-We think. it unmir in the d Orillin cofrosponvfent, who addresses us W over the s1_ A Volunteer, to ask |_ us to Insert his letter in reply to some anim- P advcrsious in the Advance, since that 1 _j_mrnnl reftxses to insert it. As our readers are not acquainted with the. matter of ` which it treats we must. decline its, inser- '1 3 . I100. _ . 4 . ' 3 Wprillg` Sllits.-Mr. R. Score ; repre- senting the rm of Messrs. Score & Son, of the Elephzmt,_ Toronto, has just visited Barrie with a very_ choice selection of coatings, trou.=erings,_ and vestings, comprising such variety and style us must suit the tastes of the many. `He has taken a number oforders which we` doubt not he will ll to the satisfaction of his`patrons in this region.-See adv't._ -.---. Y.M'C.A. -" Penny lleadin.vzs._T econ I ti _ - . ` `G ".`` 0? tlgese _pIeasmg 1 n . A n . . . . . .. .....__ fl-lflitlili. TIIEISDAY. APRIL 1, 18697-'1 Ab "'u`.__..l. M, um. u..u1ucu respect- .'._.,1 -,~gsldent of our town (luring the past "nix years, has given up his school here for the purpose of taking charge of a public school in C0llin_qwood. Mr. `Irwin and family have the be~'c` wishes of ~ ourpeople for their~succes.~1 in his new eld 4 of labor, and we hespeak for him :1 kindly I welcome by our -neighbors north-'pole- 1' ward. ' ' 1 .---.__. ---The ice is still a foot thick in Kem- penfeldt Bay. Shine nnt, fnir sun!" is the inward ejnculnon of our sen-faring denizens. ` :2. Who's Wanted ?-It was mysterious- ly wlxispered in town yesterday that we had :1. (l(.`lQCll\'G in our`mi(lst. Some of our old gosmips, who are by no means in- quisitive , not they, would like to know who on aiI't_ll he's nftvr in this llonefst locality. He hasn't told his love for unv. particular person, but let's c'zm'osz't_z/, lilto a worm i the lmrl. fnml nnnn_..,...:,.,. lmluutlml` pun-sun, um nets czmoszty, like the bud, feed npon--conjec- ture. I -A, cnmmxlnicntion relating the cir- cums't;mcea attending the loss hv drown- ing, last full, of four persons. o'VBi_,r Bay `Point, has bnon sent` us by Mr. Snmul Soules, who made one of `the hunting party to which the unfortunate four he- longzacl. It shall have our attention next \ven`r. -We believe some of our public spirit- `ed lncnl cnpitnlists are making m'ran_r_re- ments for lnuiMin_; a first-class Stennwer for the route between 'this port; and Orilliu. She is to cost $30,000. Ile9:ent;llouse.-0ne of the repre- sentatives of this fashionable Toronto house will visit Barrie luring the coming week, of which the ladies will be duly apprized.-Sce acfzfl, _ ` -.-The ubiquitous, indomitable and irrepressible George Albert Maison, the notorious whiskey bar-ometer wns not so niulvutliored at Detroit `lust Snturnlay as to prevent his re-uppcnrnnc at Toronto on Tuesday. - It. is said he intends leav- ing his cnrd atnn early day with some of our northern bonifzicesy. They will be delighted to` see him and give him a warm welcome-no doubt. -Ot1Ier "indications of Spring than those of the boy's playing at marbles, and thehrenking up of the roads, may b_e_ found inithe rush of new arlvertisenfents crowding . our columns to-day.---Read them. . ' It is Meant for You !-We are now placing accounts against a numbr of our delinquent snbscribvrs in suit. We have. ' tried tufts bf grass, and now we `Shall see what virtue thqre'is in stones. ' E112 _(|B.xmui1t.et, -..-um mu. wr me great nncuon sale We qnnounco to-da ,'to come off on the 9th mat. * .-P. R. Miller & Co. are now opening their new store in the premises which Mr. Bennett has just vacated. Sickness prevented an earlier opening. - ` -`--The removal _of our post. oice_ to the 1 west end is contennplatd. I .-Read the vffer. Meeking in our adv'ertisin'gH(:olmnns to-day. ----_-- -_:---. --Look out for the great nnctibn sale ve announce to-dnv.'tn mmn n` nn Hm ___..______.___j LOCAL `ITEMS. ._--n u_y ncuulll2'S."-The these pleasing re-: Tuesday evening. weather wna vni-n ..- -The makes 'Cbalnupkn's Grand Concert.` Immense Auction Sula---D- M UUQ Social. gave a renrlinq called Tlm'F:1lls of Niagara. The song` ofthe Ran-.ntch'e`r`.= Dnu_r_rhter, in clmrm-tor, lay Mr. R. Mninc-.1, provolcerl consirler.-able lanzlitcr. and in _return for n ,lmiateroue' encore, he gave Lnnni_::x11 s Ball, which latter song was greeted with unlvonnrled npplause. Mr. Jncl: played the _violin accompaniments with great -taste and correctness. The Glee Club sang "Caroline exceed- ingly .well for the short time they have 9, practical, and recaiverl the well (leservml plmlrlits of `the whole nnalience. We 1 consider it hut rlf_!"l)l'./ to mention the names I of the _:entlemen who, with -commenrl- . ahle zeal and good intentions; have former] _ them.elves into :1 Club for the purpose of I miniszteringto the musical tastes of the Orillians, ns well as tntheir own improve ment. Their nainys are Me=srs. Mnimar, 1 Bishop, W. ('.`ook,J. McKinlny, J._ Con- stable. G. Wright nnrl Samuel Bailey. Miss Vick presirlecl at the meloden, - and contributed very much by her artistic execution of the various ac!-.ompz_1niments tothe evening's entertainment. At this tinge in the proceeclings the Rev. Mr, - Gray entered the hall and took his seat on the platform. Mr. J. C. _ McMullen heing caller] on. gave another remlir_q- from Goldsmith, . callerl The Village Pastor, which was well receiverl. Mr. G. J. Bishop nsuzistecl by Mr.` Mniner, gang. The , Vol.unteer s Farewell. and was lnstilv encorecl. The Chairman re- quested the Rev. Mr. Gray to arldress the nurlience on the qu_e'.3ztion of Intemner-. unce. `The `Rev. gentleman in a graphic manner depicterl the many .e\_'ils arising from the use of alcholic stimulants. and instnnced ca-ans Of -9P0n!,nnerms combus- tion, the redultrf'freeindulgence in liquor. On resuming- hie eat he was loudly cheer- ed. God Save the Queen. concluded the Social. - ` ll nuu:_'_ IIUIII zul. uiu:I\,_CilllUll "LUISS DIC- One, and on lneinq cncorerl grave My nin \s'eet wife. with cnnsivlernhle effect. M 1'. .l_'. C. McMnllen read The \Vi-eck of the Hepei`1is, by Lnngfellmv, which was well apprecintecl. The Glee Club sang Wake Nicorlemus, in such an excellent l ninnner as to -provoke repenterl cncm-cs. Dr..R1lmRny rear] with much pathos, `The Dying; Bay. -This p;cntlonmn has :1l- ` e readylzninerl distinction not "only in-Or- I rillin hut. elsewhere, as :1 splemlicl renrler. | JlI'l,,:iII_1' from the _rich intonation, of exi- l ihili!y'nn lcoInpnss of his voice; without 5 ilm`-Fill! we could safely :I.x. that his 1 readings wonld`bo appreciated anywhere. ` Misc Plunlzett sang. Mother I am roung and h'enut.il'ul, verv well, receiiving-' '3 I lnmlemtorr. Mr. G. J. Bishop recited ` The Clmrge of the Light Bi'i_q.-ule. in f` a very excellent manner. Dr,`R. renrlinq called The "Falls 5` Niagara. The snnrr nftlm uT2..+,...4,.i.---..v. tr Tcmpemuce Social sit 0rillia.-One 5 bf those enjn_v:1hle ' entcartninxnentsv wzxs held in the Tempemuce Hall. last Fri- ` (lay evenin_g:. Despite the state of the weather l:hei'e \vns quite :1 fair attendance of the ym1'n_g: folks of both sexes. -Af`t.-.r' "the refreshnxents were disposed of Mr. (Mm urn` nn '\n:lIN hnnni-nr1 Illnlvs Thomas Plunket- was moved to the chair, and the pr.nqI=.'{n)I11e Wm cmmnen- ' ce'l`by the Glee Club singiiig Adeline in splendid stvle. This was f'ollmve(i by a smug from Mr. J:1ck,_callel Miss Me- n \I,, . anyzruuu A "- Uur uuullu'y.."lIllll `Oll'!"gn'(:}|,lT" which was deservedly npprecintetl. _ God Save the Queen" _terminated the proceed- in':s." The _o:entle-men who nmnngre tlxuse enter aiunlentshnve reason to feel .oJh1te<] at the success whi}.-h has :1tten lc their brts to provide zanmsement on this oc- casion; nt. all events, those in attendance nppeare-`I to enjoy the progxmnme ex- tremely wcll. ` . ' `-5 0? V Agrand re-union was heldfin. ehall de of the Mechanics Instx_tute,1 on values- R day evening._24th inst. The spacious ,0 building was lled overowin yiith a ,c_` large assemblage of the resrden of the village and surrounding country. In the absence of the president and vice-presi- Ire dent. the gentlemanly secretary of the he Institute, Dr. Slaren, dlscharged the onerous duties of the chair. Dr. Ramsay opened the proceedings by reading, in he masterly style, that beautiful piece-- -`Teunyson's' Address to -Queen Victoria, which was enthusiastically applauded. The Doctor is unquestionably a splendid reader. and has the necessary requisites for a good public speaker. Miss Gordon, on the piano-forte, gave an` instrumental solo called German Airs. `This lady s `execution is'too well known to need com- ment; suffice to say, that not only in tlii-, -but in her other solo, entitled The ' Storm, ? she showed highly cultivated nndartistic t.as'e. . Both solos were en- cored. Mr. H.-Wray rendered `My Home in `Old Kentuclt, in. very good style, and in response for a loud and long encore, sang Kitty of Coleraine. The Misses Rossand: May played two. instru- mental duets,--eliciting on eachoceasion loud eneores. Dr. Slaven read, with cor- rect emphasis and distinct articulation, The Islesmen of the West," from the Dublin University Jllagqzi-ne. HIS piece, it is needless to say, was well received. 'l`his~ was the Doctor s debut, and he will excuse us when we enter a mild protest against. his. hiding his lght under a bushel" any longer. The Glee Club san_r__2 several excellent pieces; amongst _tbcm might be mentioned Old Piney Woods, Wake Nicodemus,' and Our Old Ca- nadian Home. Their rendering of Nico- dernus deserves special mention, and was repeatedly encored. Miss Viclc played, __ with considerable taste, the rliti'crentac- y companimcnts on the melodeon. The Charge of the Liglit.fBrig:1 was read by Mr, Elliott; and, stepping from the sublime--to `the rediculous, `he gave a parody on it, called'.The Charge of the Dress Brigrlde, which caused a good deal ot'_laugl_rter and rnerriment. Mr. L`ozz.r_-us, `by special request, sang in lueautilul style The White Squall, and was raptur- ously encorcd. Mr,` Henry Portas sang Her briglrt smile haunts me still. anal, on being eneored, sang Nora O Neil. Mr. Ogle recited the Legend of Pales- tine. Mr. Geo . .\Vray sang Ellen Lee, and Reuben \Vrightaud Plicebe Iimwn, and in response for a warm encore for the latter song, he gave a comic song, '1` re. Beautiful Boy. A violin solo, -Ever oi` Thee," by Mr. Haugh, was much admired ; for anjencorc he gave another solo. Mr. . Elliott read Anni_ta s Prayer-, witli-con- siderable _ pathos. Mrs. Cozzens sang, with'e.\'quisite sweetness, \Vhy don't :1 letter conic, which received a well de- , served encore, which "she answered by courteously singing Will you meet me, darlin,-_p-;-Jnd_v. at_ the old garden gate. Mr. J". iVlcKinlaV,` in his humorous Irish, sang Black Turf, which he _9;avein appropriate costume. t'airl_v convulsing the house with laughter. His imitations of the Hibernian character were .(lcci(lelll_V excellent, By request he recited Pald_v s lYe:\.1inr-, .. . snail`: .nnnn`...q~`}}mt _.]).- T2... DW id muzcmznw. uv I'('.l1llU5|.llB rcc!Le(l 1`:NltH"S WH'i4tt' v uu`:*'uumn?yf`1imi oJ?`i.,m[$ deservedlv .'mnreci.-uteri. H nan ` ORILLIA ITEMS, Mechanics Institute. ' BE-i`!:u0N AT ORIEJLI-A. d Another item to the credit of Lefroy ),. niust not be overlooked, _viz.,_ the provi- e ding of better ncnonnnodzition in the erec- tion of a new school-house. The trustees, [seeing that avlurge and commodious school- room is essential to comfort, order and progress, have resolved to build one during the coming summer; which will cost, I am informed, something like $1.50!) or $1,800. Good for Lefroy. Will some of our narrow-znincled trustees take notice, and act accordingly? Surely so, since every attention is paid to pens for sheep,-sheds for cattle, and burns and stables for grain and horses; and of hcw much more value are their own children than these! Is` it not lamentable to see the exhibition grounds, and even" the race course, crowded with old and `young, of both sexes. while the exhibition of mental abilities, and the progress of their own offspring, aregilinosr, if not in some cases " absolutely, disregarded? A great many think that, if their little ones aresent` to school a few days in the week, or a feivi,/yveeks in thewinter sea- son. it is all they can do, or that duty requires of them. ' What a low estimate .of the duties and resp )nsib.lities of parents to those eominitted to their charge! 1\' EW ADVEIl'l`ISE.VlE:\'TS THIS D.Y._ ` d , . _...- -. ~4\.u|\l\lAI The~p:u'ents and re`|atives of the Chi]- K dr_en seem to take :1 deep interest in their" comfort and education, for the school- room was lls} to excess with both male ` `and fermlle, and good attention was paid to every exercise gone through, zmd \v`orrl ' spoken, the parents sometimes taking part. ' ' ,, ....... ..., uu uuu uu AIt\U\V|bL'. L The exzlmimilion commenced at one . ` m., and was highly creditable to both the teacher, Mr." Belfry, and the pupifs. After a course of re:ulin__r and swelling, classes ivero heard in hotimy am otl_1crn:1`.ural - sciences, ' histor_\", m-itlnm-tit`, and gee- gr-aplny, all of whit.-h o.\'hihited prn0f'< of - c.-u'eI'u1tu1tion and e:1rneslstu~ly. Then the children ,r_::u'e several and recitutions, which would lmre lone credit to those beyond the years of school. mu - - \;.\u.unIIuLlUll m we Uommou S,clmol, in the village of Lefrn_\', \l'hich took place on 'l`liursnl:Iy the 25th `inst.. and was so pleased with the general aspect and pro- ciency of the school, as well as the e lional spirit which permded the that I "desire. to'lo:t parents in other snmethlng m:mit'cste lmping that some of them will learn to be and (lo likewise. um- ,- ' DEAR Sm,-I attended the exzuninzition of Common S. f0rl< :1 ,-.nn.ur nf I In. ....L..-l I . -- 11:11:` pected. To (lac Editor of {he JL'.L'(llIll';l(.`-1`. Great disaster on the Szulgeen River. The rapid thaw for the last two or three thxys lms caused n. _._rre:1b inconvenience both to the country mljucexnt as well as to the mail c:u'riers and n1 erchzmts`of' this `place in cmyseqnence of the bl'M_t_;'cs bci_n_:_g cmried znv.-Iy by the ' and the only way tr:u'ellers can now get to Southamp- ton is either lry Port Elgin or through ~,\rr:mvi:v. Stark s-Corners. The ri\'er`is `rising: rapidly and 21` great. ood is ex- hected. ,___ . V... .v :_'.',"'7;.-.V\"C11In[`.lIl10n Michael Iicnx-_y' Spencer, D. D.(:`r.M., 0! the Toronto Di. an-I Robert Iiilng, as second princip.-1] II. and third principal J., re_. Under the superiuteudcuce of these lu:n'_n_onl an-.1 c1mr_ brethren we prctlict for the new Chz1ptcr.'1x11o:t successful czu'eer. W0 lelurn from T/w Craftsman that `:1 dispensation has bL`0l] isxtlunl by the x\I.L. Z., the Iix'stg;n'::I1(1 pnincip.-Ll of l{u_v:v.| Arch Masons ,0t' Czm:u_1:|, for u nc(\)v ([,;l|:t1>t<:r, [to be 0 Wlletl at the \'ill.-we of ri ill. 1" t N couurby of Simcoe, to Tu: cnllccl the M0t Hcrub Chapter, under the S11])t'l'HH.Cl14l- enc9,_gf. ill-,9? map.-. .Rgl.2,c 1`t..l. IuIisk'n~,.4. x'rh`c .aa~ ' I)i. :n|.l F.'..I....-+ I.':..~ --~ --'I'he Chatam Planet says: As Dr. Askin and Mr. Ch;u'Ies\\'or'Ll\ were return- - ing upon :1 hzlml-can` on the Grant West- ern Ruilxmy, ut't'er' seeing :1 patient, on S:llLlll`<]2ly night, they mu n_;':uns(t some-' `Ihvng which threw the cur oil" the track. It. pro_\'ed to he at drunken man. He was not injured. It" he h:uI- not heen thus disturhenl he would hswe heel] killed by the train, which c."1me:1lo'ng' shortly zv.i'ter- \v:u'ds. ` r -..._ .__.- ,_..._ --_. ,IIl-`slts. H. M. PF. l"I`EN(`.lLI. & CO., 31', PARK ROW, NEW YORK, AN!) 10, H1wrIz-R-rm:E1', 'I!ns'rn5r. are. our agents for procuring American nd\'nrII: . u. A. II. H-r. Glcmum is our mzent for rocurlng ndvcrtlscnwntsin Cunndnnmd the United lutcs.