...v. uuu-av an gun nu Axj Jiimrnn nml wnmmnlmi fnn -.m .`I...;.. no .201 An oe xounu reasonable.` Goo if nirod. _' V Lorin. October. 1868. De1'ilyVIl.Vi:1-:1";c.>_Vf$/Iailu Stages. J\/Km` 5-S: "b1%FRs FOR SALE HIS ;m`m`n1oTwE, HORSE DOCTOR; ' &c., -&o., _.v1c'roRIA, VCOUNTY smcon. .----_. [SINGING AND PIANo;.f0E" ` . Ell; Barrio, April, 1868 . '1 Ea{`sZ"a?i LRi-13-}-ac-jar-rs, ' " V"-- 1 Case `Satin Buttons,. V 1 Case Jet B1_1t`ton:s.,. V V 52 Cases` Nubias. W. J. McMaster a id Company, JN1... cm |:m-..----_n----' nu ' r IBEBEIVEIJ AND FOR snl I1 Ca..qe`S2Hn Pihhnn-Q T N.B.#-Highest.vPrice pair] in Cash for W001. delivered at the \Vorks. ' Ha-ving made _nrrzmgemen`ts with the Rztilroad and Steamers,- goods can be deJiVere at. any place in the County where they stop. Barrio, Aprii, 1868. um Garding, Spinning,'v%%L%6i1ui Wea,ving;} H-Inna-5:`;-u --_-I ________!__ ,_._._-.'.......z .;I.JJ.vL.|. `.\'hich lmve given. wherever nsml, ontlro srttisfucllun. I`l1(-y cnn be effectively- worked in W('llS to It llepth of One Hundred Feet. ;.`x-y nm cheap and not likely to get out of .ordcr. The price per foot is 45 cents, cash; or 50 cc-nmon time. '1 HI ! | `,K'l`I.`n Inn) nxn vn n n Barrie, Oct 3 1866. _____._.___..____ uunn rIl;Il_Il'II\JI'I I {AS resumed his instructions in Stnging andon the Piano-Forte.-For terms, R'.c., apply at the Barrie Hotel; _ Barri, Sept. 23. I868. ' 34-tf ________..__.__._____..._.____. 71-. cu..- _ _ _____ `.v.n -Montreal; Detg. 1, 1868. ,*W1NTR_ g;:.6TING 2[ CAUTION.-Partios. wishing to purchase Instruments will nd it to their advantage to send direct to the above Factory. and not buy of Toronto or Bradford agents, as they can save 15 or 20 per cent. and get :1 better instrument. ' - - ` Newrno.rket,_August, 1867. _ . . > A 27-t ITO` the Gents of Barrie !J - ' Tine Clneapest ;I}nd Best Melodeons and Cabinet Organs j ' 5 ` I - V ' `Mg. 8, amyavemtume Step Vetwa Square, W - % MONTREAL A -Ifnnh-an! Any 1 1026 : TORONTO. Oct. 26:11. xscs. Thos S-1-fmmesett I T ,\.VI\T('1 Tnln-1:] H i......,.__ ]VJu1'1lbvp-;-`a_t.-Ea-s;,` f. byein and Diessiiag, DQNE PRUMPTL , AT THE USUAL CHARGES. ".`U". HERB HEINRICH u-am.-...n.I LL. :....A...__n:-__ .- GRAHAM Veg LOU1\{'i':Proprietors. AT PHILIPS , 7 NEWMARKET. vv xi :1 In.-In I nu `run URI`: 1 bill!- z" CIS'l`l'2IlN:` of any sizo built on the - ;n.~.-t. K1ppl'()\'(`t1 plan and on very reasonable arms, in any pal-t of the County. 0 . ALL I\'I.\'[)S 01-` "1lT\'lIfl"l"lT 'r1urn1- 'l'I'Il'11\'I'l'!lI-I njn v we I . `_Proprietor. 35-if To their Advantag crff: GENTS OF VBARRIE. 36-1 yr. ] lE99z_]*;w 1?Inev*l `HE undeniignedlis pregared to execum 1 Loans on Freehold roperty at very reasonable rates 01 interest, and easy terms 0- us ayment-`mo ISSUER or MARRIAGB L cmzce, &c. HENRY HARPER. _ Cookstown, Nov. 2703:, 1865. _ 43-4 HV:I\J,\J\ Gent. Apply to Bmdford, A'p1-'il23, 1868. ,,_- ..__.. -vA_vl5Il UIBIKI 92, 94. 90. ADELAIDE ST. EAST ~ - . TORONTO, 0NT.. ' , N. L. Srnxxsn. -J. Scuuznm. "A. H IJBASIH-ZR _._.._---.-u an. a.`4L.l.>3 rlo and. Dressed -on the shortest notice. .`. S. Mlng n practlcal'Axe maker, he oo- - himself that he knows agaod Axe when -was it. uml he is determined only to offer Z -`w nrticlusns will glvesntlsfuctlon to the ..~.-lm.s<-r. _.-\ll lnisown work he-guarantees It` made of extra quality steel. ,3` llorso-shoeing and General Black- uithing (lone as usual. ' lmnpud axes constantly kept on hand for 4: \.-1 npprontlca wanted to` learn the Black- `inning. ' ' --'- " ---1 ".-\-vb w u.:.ua_.|.u _v 1uu5'a,f' Pure Sweet Cider, Extract of Coffee, &c . . ., Wholesale Dealers in Domestic-and Fox-sign Gig," nouna on 'nn:.:..a... .._. _. at-1`-iv j __ -7. White Wine, Maltvingar, Cider, Extract of Gama. xv. v zvnniaa iensnre in: announcing .to' the peo I, pie 0 Barrie and surrounding country, ilmt he is now prepared to give music lessons on the Piano Forte. Orders address:-d to him, "Barrie post-oicc, will meet with immediate attention. 'l`(-.rms moderate. . . Melodeon and Organfnrnished if required. V Bnrxjie, Egbfglig 2!}. ]._86_8._ ._ 47-`t _.________._.__.__..__.__._.._._ Teacher of I119 ,! isa_I!AfM-g &~. VI` A TIFQ nhm ..... -vunnvoUI|Il utvn U0; V ; AKES lefxslire in. am;ouncing.to' pleo {and slim-o_nndlng_co_untry, Huh} Inn hu nnnv ------- -I 1- - - Li. L s3rEY3fi};R II-_..t....A...____, , ____...`.-.-an `:54 \J\.IQl Manufacturers and Wliblesale Dealers ' in best. - ' . ` ?'ro ORDE`R,TIIl-.111 ' <~ ' BHBBEH$,f[IVES|l[S HE}<`.Ic` 'RO('Yl`Q Mnrvru A unwo MR2. Cl-`IALAUPKA, WILLFIND IT giyautizf V _.v ;..-. v\/ EBARRIE, Ont. TU LUAN, on -good Sc'urity.. Inperest . T0 LOAN, -good Fun Scurity. Interest 8 no- JOHN STEVENSON . - Solicitor, 43, Bradford maulora 12-ti I0-tf , - - _ W, .vv\J_\JL\JL&VAJ, ()1-nnythingrocjuircd to keep your feet dry :-n-l warm. Monks Moose Moccasins, the best .,:mlity and _ .`<`m(-H cheapo: than ever they were sold in ii.-nrrio lmloro. Ladies high cut Rule in Seal. very cheap. Men's Felt Over-, iivult and Kid, all of which will be sold at tbo_ I ..-rt-st 1'cu1un(-ruling prico. ;>;~9`nnnts nnd Shows made to order. All work warranted nml no second rrlce. DUNL01 S'I`Rm:'l`. namn .1 40-tf rnu V Layla U1` UB1 1 zuuu. . .;V > '1'.l'1ItJ _ _ C0_U.\`TY or GREY. County Court of the County of Grey. ' ' '* In the matter rf Henry IV; WRIGHT an ,, _ Insolvenl. , On`Tn(-sdzny", the twenty-sixth day of J unu- ary next, we nndensigm-d`will apply to the Judge of the said Court for a discharge under lha saidA(St.' . V _ - ' _` AH:.W. WRIGHT, "i:y.n,.v._x. CREASOR; `}Iia`A.-ttlotny ad litem. _ Owen sauna, 26fh`Otobcr,',1B68. 41-3m 5 "`-'-... -r-. ' ERSONS troubled with disases of the ` = liver and stomach may rest assured these 'Pl1fs will give relief. - `Dan undo I. xv. urenuon, the Canadns. Are all that can be dvesh-ed. One trial will convince the most sceptical PA-- S ` Suga.r*-Coated Pills, Ac `o l".:j not ari "A I nu--Minn ur\IvI|_U |_IJVVI'\l"IlJC.` HE Agent bore for this old established and `reliable Company, is now prepared to take risks as low as any othc,-r first-class ofce. Barrie June. 1867. l35ondEmHT -PROVL\'ACE OF" oxmmo. 3. XTHEI r~un\'rn' nu nmn-, Ffnnnou JOS. ROGERS. Agent at Barrie. -lnnnarv. 1368. cswn; on coma on time. w,uu:..wmn mm cm: man. ' YE (}IS'l`lCIlN.~`. nf nnv ui-in lmin nn Hm }BYAl|NSU_Hyl_E[ cum] The Fire Reserve Fund is now $4,727,464 The Life Reserve Fund is.now $9.282,468 The Company is represented throughout Ontario and Quebec by inuential Agents, to whom application for Insurance may be made. G. F. `C. SMITH, Resident Secretary, M0.\"rm-tn, -'_ v--, v--'-_ -._---7 `As OCa'tha;t;c or an Alterative M TsoLvENT "ACT QB? 1864. ruunub b'1'rJ1iLll\'G. The disbursement of this enormous sum overawide area, has. without doubt. contri- buted to the establishment of this Institution. in the condence of P1:nr.I'c Conro1uTrn.\'s. .l\I1-;nCIrA.\'1'.~', HOL'Sl and lmsin_e_ss `me-n generally, wherever it is represented. - In its lst yoar.1836;the Fire Premiums alone amounted to . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 9,970 In its 10th year, 1846, . 47,763 _ ,`-' 20th year, 1856, 4` 222,279 30th year, 1866, ~ 739.332 One year later, 1867. - 818,055 _i,___. `V... . ../V4-;.:.4..;A1 4,. HAS BEEN in existence Thirty-two years, and during that period has paid Losses exceeding FIVE AND A HALF MILLION POUNDS STERLING. ']`!w dinhm-mzmnnt M` "I:n ...............- -..... The Liverpool &LOndon&Globe INSURANCE .COMPAN Y, . 1'1` no hnnxv - B:ll'I'i\`, - - - - on the 1-lllinnd 15th ` l`olllngwnnd. - - on the liith nnd l7th Mnrklinn -\'illn,v_.ze, on the 23rd and 24th Browns (`on1ers,(*)on the 25th Mnnilln,` (=') - on the 29th . \Vhun he will he most happy to wnlt on those who nmy rm uirc hi.-I survives. fa!` \'h(-n the Date hills on Sunday fonthosc Places they will he uttundl-d In the day following. _ '1 ucth inserted on Gold. Silver}, or vulcanized rubber. Teeth l<`ilJ.~d so as to stop decaying, and render them ui~tal'nl-Tor many _\'(::ll`:l Teeth Extracted with the least possible pnin;nnd pnrliuulurnth-n.inn givnn to the - --ltE(:lu'LA'l`IO..\' OF ('IIlLl)REN'S TEETH.-,- Nom-: nur Gr: unto MATERIAL Uszn. CHARGEF vlnw llr:Aso.\'.u: .3. Oillcc Hours, from S n. m.. to 4 pm. Residence, Ncwn\:\rket, whore ll cmnnmnicntinna to him nddretv med will receive prompt. mid cmternl nttenllong 33-ly 4.La41J1x.[1.L\ IJLALU \Xa UV-, - Burma. F. Brendon, Brantford, Wholesale Agentfon he Canadns. ` 20.6m; axe mus low an; Barrie ..Vj_jj.___:___ 137 !".'lcl. ` T DRX5. B. PEGK, Sg1gGEQN% DENTIST! WOULD ri:p:.:l!uIl_v ingimxup to those parties who ` ` may` r}:(1lIiXI3 AI'llc1:_\l_ 'l`ecth,_(I'ro1n one to n Ub. l(UUrlSl(b'. A 1968. _uuaun \ m;._-, ulc nun: nuu |Inu:c U] uucll uppulmmcm. a`"T.El'JIS STRICTLY L .-1SII._ REFERENL`-ES:-Tl1e fullowin: ;za_-mlclnmx can, \\'H condent-c rumnnnL~nd 1):`. Porter. tn ull nennirin ,ohscr\'ing thclhnc nn uunzs. Especial .-`lllcnlinn paid in {he Regulation 0] (}laiIIrcu's Teal/1..` ' As=VDr. Porn-r Ic.-idt:siulInll:u1d Landing during the time he is not .~':-.rvin-_' uthvr nppointmenls, nll let- ters addressed to him there will xjecciu: prompt onto and nttentiun. at? A '1`rInl Requested. Parties attended at their own rcs.idnces if rcguircd. Please be particular in place of each appointment. rs-'I"IrIe we .Q'I'rn/-'I'r V /v 4 0 11' an nmde. ] xlI'tic.-I desililng mm have '1`c(-.th lliSUl`llfd on ltuhhcr, without. cxlraluting the. roots. In Porter ism')\v prepared to insert Teeth on the .\'u\\' Com- bined Auru Vulcanized Rubber I l:\te-n mcthud never before uduptvdin this p` rt ofthn cm1mr_v; und one that is suretu -.:i\'c1|ni\ cr.-ml S:lIi.~ fIlI',lil)lI. l`vcLh Filled so as to P11`.-`L`| \'(! their (`nlm-. and Resntnrn is sure to give nnivcr.-z:1l the-.1r (`n!m'. nnd Restore us near as possiblcto l.l1c11'I`ornwrStruu;;(h and useful- ness. . ' uuy mun On an uppl_unLlllt:llI cxscwncrc. BONI)llE.-XI). - - -- '- on t.h2Sth ofevoryllon NEW MAllKE'I`, - - - on the 24th -` SlI.\R()N, -, - - - - on thcljth , H 4 LEFROY, - - - - - dnthc mh ` SCIIOMBERG. -. - - - on tlg 13!. J! `- C00l{STO\VN, - - - on the 4th ' `- when 116 will lac pre area and most lmppy to wait on tlmsu who may reqn ru, his, services. v Wlueu any of the nppuinuncnts full on Sunday, he will um-nd on the f<>llm\'in;_v(l:1y. ` r ' All oncmtimls nL-rfurxnvd in the mast. Hkilflll mnnnnr will um-nd 911 the opcI'nno11s pu1'l`ur111v.l on the 1110z9b`!1ppro\`L-dprinciplc, 1 `AT--- 1..-). 11--..-.--- 111 uu nu: IIHIBIA umrun 1:upruu:lp|c, unu ` None but Genuine Material Used. Y1? TEETH INSER'[`El) UN HULD. !~IH,\ l-`.l (He Oct. iscs. uuuo uuu uuu.u.u.u:z 4.u.cwu1'm,1 usuu. E3` TEETII INSER'FE|) ON (.'UI.D. SILYEII OR . \' U LC.-\.\`lZEl) RYBIII-Eli. E3 'l`EETlI INSEHTEI) 8 \'ULC.~\.\`IZEl) `ICITBIIER. _Aud :1 Perfect Fit _\}':nu-nntcd, or nochz Innde. deslnnu lmvu 'l`m-.th ' BRADFORD, :11 the North American Hotel, eve: Monday, from 10 n.m. to 4 p.m., excepting when MC day falls on an uppointnxent elsewhere. BOND]! RAD. nn lhi-`).QHu ..r.um-..u..... .......w.. in: ...u_-, uuncy U1 nu uuurr/'6, REFERENCES BY PERMISSION. T. D. McCu.\`Kx-:Y. Esq.. M. P. P.; G. Lovx-r. Esq, County Registrar; 1}. W. S.\n'ru. Esq., Sheriff: J. R. C01"n:n, F.:aq.., County Attorney; W. M. Nrcu0I.so.\', Es'q., Publisher of.E'a:amine1 Anril 22. 1867. '1' 4:4.` .I. 4% .I. can most res cctfully to annnuncc that he will be BRAl)FOR ), Manda)`. 9.111.. exccmim: whuu Mr brnncn 01 nis rroiession, can he waited upon. TEETH inserted on Gold or sum Plate, or that justly celebrated xnateria1--,.V11lcaniz- ' ed Rubber-uud in such 3. manner as to utford ease and comfort in chewing and mastic-ating food, and giving to the patient atihe same . time, tl_1at nuturai expression of countenance, which 13 a very important point in'the oper- ation ofinserting Artificial Teeth; TEETPI with 11013. nmnni nn anon ox lnscrung Arunclal Teeth. TIEETH Filled with. Gold, Cement, and White Filling. . ' . TEETH Ext-cld with the least possible pain. and particular attention given to the Regulation of Cl1ildren s Teeth. 212" All work (=.\'tI.r-.nf.m1 in H... mm ..I.:1r..I manner. N 3`(,'onsullation Free, and satigfaclion guar 1 ' 'm(eed in every case, or No Churqe! R RFD]? I`.\T(.I`Q nv Dvnxztecvnxr u_un Anus. AY be consulted in all brooches of his profession, from the lat tovthe" 13th of each and every month, at hl_s Ofce, Dunlop Street East, opposite the Bame Hotel, Barrie CRAIGIIURST. on the 15th of ouch month_.,_ ORILLIA oic in J. Slnven's .DrugStore,$ mm - S'L`AY`.`IE{._0-O- -. - 20:1; u.. n COLLIN W D. Din}: Ryley s Hotel, ' 21` ~I'm0oN -- - - 22nd u - u clzfmsmonm. - - . 231-d w: u Hun:-n .nll lhnan l'[II:III:r:nn- his: an-..:...... :.. ...'... umsnmumu. zaru ` H where all those requiring his services in may branch of his Profession, he waited inserted bn Silvr Plntn. __-... swu--na.;.uLvIu\lUU LI A.VING-found it impossible to maet. the 1 increasing domund for Axes of his own uzmufncturo, has recently importml a large uck of BorroH e,'Mooock's. and Dates mne- -_:-_- `FEE subscriber would respectfully acquaint _ the people of Barrio and the public nerally. of the fact that. he has commenced `nsiness in his new building, one -door east of u 1-on Omco, where he is prcparodtownpply cm with T 'lour, Bran, Shorts (5at's, Peas, 630 Of the very best axmlitv and at mn.m...m,. RE14`!~1lH<:NL`-ES:-The with Porter. rcqlliriug "])entnl nid:- Rev S. Stron,-;, I) 1)., Boudhcnd; '1' C. Schomcld. M.D.. Bondlvead; J. W. Norris, M.I)., ()0uksm\vn; R. Lnml, M.D. Cookstown; G. I). Mnr-ton, .\I.T)., Bradford ` , Lwgllluuun 01 Ullllul`e_l'l'8 Teeth. 3f'jAl1 work executed in the most skilful nnnm-Ir. IV. M. N lClIOL0.\', April VDB. HMcCAUSLAND,.- D,E."\"l'.IST. V - ---.`p u , __ ..II L_.-__I, _ _.-as JAMES_E-D\-/b'ARDS.. F`. Amxnf Inn-n fnr Huh: nhl nao..l.1:..I. Au 517$ ncucu For sale by ATE`, jix+::[1:r2iz:i:2. DR. PORTER, DEN TIST {E10 Dy -. ALEXz_1NDER & 00., Rnnnu Qeutis-ts. _ umumcwro, nus rocontly Barrows,'Mooock's.and supe- .ur Axes; nll of which he is prepared to war- ml. l'o1'-thirty days. Hi Axes unwarrnmtod from superior makers u can sell as cheap us_nny other house in l`o_wn. \ ZI-Q_ 11---:__._ u nLruun.n.. led, nochzlrgc will be 1 illSL'l`ll.`d : Dr '1` . ' 2 oecretary, Mo.\'-rm.-:AL. U5 222.279 lg?! 10) 20-6m. .44! And all the varieties of FANCY F-URS, E dressed and made to order. Repairing of vited to inspect our Goods before purchas Toronto, Nov. 4th 1868. IFURS; FURSII ______ ,....v.. .,-.._.-u um:-uusiuildalll For gale by nll first-class dealers in the United States and British Pmvinct-,_ We the undersigned, take great pleasure ll ! stntxng thnt we have respectively in use one of the new celebrated Watches manntactnrctl by tlu-._Amerxcnn Watch Company. and thnt we have found them nnilormly to be as} represente1--sntlsihctory and rcl1ahle:-John Henderson, Merchant. Toronto: D. Crew p1.hl1Vsher .7t'o1:thern {idrance Barrie: T. Burnhum, Whitby; M- F. Shaler. I porter. Hamilton; Robert .~,cott.sh|p curpen_t.r-r Collingwood; A. M. Gnrny. gmon muster, omlon; D. H.vAdams G.W.R.. London; Miller Wood, engineer. Ingt-rsoll; B. Boedecker. merchant, Berlin; Isaac H0ll`man Berlin; Moses Smith, miller, Whitby; A. G. Castle, farmer, Oshawa; Wm. Grant. mt-rcl:ant.,Bowmnnvillo Jcocut-zsrlim, Deg. 24 1866. - - - * _\[EN-I have no hesitation in saying that I be ieve t c great majority of loco. motigel-;e::iInE(-rs have found by experience that WAL?` {AM WATCHltS ARE THE MOST SATISFAGTOIIY of any of th(-iruse. They R[_I;`{ \\ TH THE. GRIaATEbT ACCURACY and STEADXNESS. notwithstanding the rough ruling of an engine, and as I have NEVER KNOWN ONE To WEAR OUT, they mnst_l;e durable. I hope to see the tlmcjvhen mi}- way companies will generally adopt your ll atchrs and furnish them to nllenglneers and conductors. In my opinion it would greatly tend to promote regularity and safety. Yours respectfully. .___.---so v 3 ._1J.in Jill and svnrmntcd for 30 days at $1.00. Any Axe sold by him which proves soft will - tempered free of cost. within 12 months v an sulo. Dun as as class may never Keep umc asporrecuy nor nave may done us good sen- In these statements 1 um sustamcd by. my predecessor, Mr. Lewis whos extended over 9. series of yemjs. Respectfully . / -EDWARD H, WILLIAMS General Superintendent: Auunrnnv `Yuri-u nnunnvv XVAV 1-11 | u ice ixs yours: 0 experience _-v_..... \l\I4VA.L. ALAU J.- Oi-`Hci-2 or mi: Gi-:.\'i-:::.u. si:riz_ni.\"ri:.\'nz.\'1, ` Ai.Too.\'.i, PA. 15th D9c., 1866 ' GENTLEMI<`.N-.The Watches mnniifactur.-d by you have been in use on this Railroad for several ycarsby our ngiiic men to `whom we furnish Watclios ns it part of their equipment. There are now some TIIRSE HUNDRED OF TIII-}.\[ CARRIED O.\'>0UR LINE `and we considi-r them GOOD AND RELIABLE TIME KEI-JI I'IR`S. Indeed I have great satisfaction in saying YOUR \V.~\'I'CIIES GIVE US LESS TROUBLE. :iiid have \vo_rn and do wear much longer withoiiti repairs than any Watches Vyi; have over bad in use on this road. As you are aware we fornu-rly trusted to tliosc of English maniifuctiirc of acknowlcdjgi-d good reputation, but as 1! class they never keep time ashcorrcctly nor have they done good service as yours. statenientii si_i_staiiicd_ _hy. whose exnerienm AMERIcA`wATc 11.} . W THIS Company having made important alterations in the By-Laws and Tariff of Rates. is now prepared to ucovpt Risks on Farm Property and Isolated I)\v-lllngs. counlrv Churclws and SCIEOOI-h0IlS('. M as low rates as any other gobd Company. All cluinxs some?! promptly, nud wilhoul deduction. - ALEX. MORRO W. `Jnmmrv 15. 1863. 5().tf'. Ammo rm (`n c:.......... n . ....._ January V15, 1868. Iv. A. uuuux. r.sq.. Inspector. | 1:. r. 5'1 1:r.`r."J'. h'sq.. Secretary and 'l'rensurer ' ` ~ . IION0 R.-\ RYDIRECTURS F011 TIII5 CUU.\"l`Y SIMCOE: ' JAS. l}A1_\*.\'ING, Esq.. Tecumseth. _ JNO. MCBEATII. Esq., Nottzvasaga WV. ARMSON. Esq.. Thornton. WALTER RAIKES, Esq., Barrie. GEO. MCMANUS, ESQ-y Mono. I .533. n1A._\.\1:\u, Lsq.. '1'ecnmse1 GEO. MCMANUS, Esq., H. J. LAWRY. Fsq.,- President. W. A. COOLY. Esq.. Inspector. HOX0 R.-\ RYDIF MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY. EAIEELTBE. . -mu AMERICAN Wucu C0)!PA.\ Y_ WA1.1*m.u. MiLL PI(`3 I:s_ ..1.. .....1 n......-..4 -_ AL- ALEX. MORROW, Agent, Barrie. uyvu.-,~u 4;u.-vs--nu uuv uunuu. Bankers, Tm: N.n*xox.u. B.s.\'x. Soliciiors, I ---o Moderate Rules. Prots Diuideci eyery Three Years. Prompt Settlement of Claims. .__._.o _._- Armagn as mvn umurman. JOHN WILLIA `GREGG, E51 . MI-rclmnt. 18 lfnnnr Sackvili 7711111. ROBERT` CRAVEN WADE, Esq.. Clone- brancv. Crussakeele. Conntv Menth. and ._._ __0___ --DIREC1 on - JOIIN OBINS WQODIIOUSE, Esq}. $2 Pem- (;1I,.\1}LE5 broke Rom]. Dublin: Onwutln Park. (Tn. ,.I...... n v x _.:._.0 ' HEAD 0FF1(}E-- 21 UK VJLLE SZREEIIZ J) UBLIN. -n___ January 25th, 1868. ]Ha.rdware! Cutlery! %(:`r1a;sswa.re! ['ALL OE WHICII_ WILL BE DISPOSED OF AT A VERY LOW F10URE._ mung. ;: u-rie. oct., 1858. __._________ We fhinkgit no tfouble, but it is a 1 . 1 Gold and Silver Bar Soap; ave:-y. nice article in Blacklead, THE DOME, cheaper, goes - further, and glvcs In much better polish than any other. "Spokes ""1i1$,'iiizI{s', "sifij'fbi3f"`?ias, &c. l\ Q-noun-. Y.'..AAI " , _ Consxstmg In part of some choice TEAS, for 50 90c., and the very best at $1. Call and examine before going elsmvhere, ' `A 11r.vn\7 \l"I'l\1.1 A nnrxv-nn..wa1wm lm`WT ...--- . Both in ch~ewing aild Smoking. They are as follows: S.\|oKI.\'G--Solace. Fig, Cleopntrim. and otherbrands. Cu:-:wx.\'u-0live, Navy, Dark Sweet, and OHIO] Mllszlnrll. Still: in nines: im-9, um] 11 anrmlu no` m.m...:n.- woman 1' n nomnnn . I`! ' .| Am:mc,\x Wncn COMPANY, WAI.'ruut, Mus. BIRMINGHAM %& SHEFFIELD ~HOUsm.| ___-v-w-wwrv it $9 111 _Ein Street East, 'I'oronto,o QP OSITE THE CATHEDRAL, , ADD nn-nn.nnn ...,. ..------ ------ m)unu'1'- uxcnvmv \V:\Ul`J, J:;sq.. mone- brancy. County Meath, and Suckville Sm-ct Qlub. Dublin, J. _P. for Counties Mouth aud Wicklow.-DirL-ctors Scottish Amicnble Life omce. I n_..l___.. nu .\v __ _ , n ,, n .- .. -. IUHN w11.1.1,u1 uxunuu, 15sq,, Amtrrfnan. Merchant. 18 Uppe1"Sack\`ille Street and Great Brunswvik Street, Dublin. ])ireclm' of the Dublin Tenements Co`y.-- Vice~L'haz`r- .. - . - . v - . u u: u. Iuung DI ll-`I IV UIJ [I nlwg l}z1_q_(/ics, 0 ut{ers, C'c., 'c., Always on hand and furnished to order. _ 1% All orders by post or ollaerwive promptly Tlctl. Barrie, April 8. 1868. uuuu uuma w uuuuuums, r.sq.. pz rem- Rom], Dublin; Onu.-nth Park, CO. ` Louth; Porludown Cu. Armagh; Kcrrykeel. ; Co. Donegal: J.P. for Cu'ys Louth, D.on(-gal, Armagh & ()X\'n Chairman. [mm wn.v.1 ni mawr:r:, mm , wnyvruuu nu.` nun vuuun uluuuu Mustard, Salt in glass jars, ETMAX F UE\'iE ~M@ME GQIWPAMV. Ilud. '01ce for Cunadn-l\Iont1-en`l. " ` T IV GRIFFITII, Jfanager. r Irrmnnxxr 4..-: n,......-_ . zvanv WAWHWIV WARRA-NTED. I`nr nah: hv In" rahnlnua flunlnrq `in Hun Tfnilml fa` Glfosse SE Blac1:we1l S _I-icm. _:__0_:_ THE ANNU-AL INCOME NEARLY $1, VERY NICEK5i$5i3Mw3w'f0BAccos, IVIGGROSSON & 00., I! Q x L m _ - _._ SEWREY .1: SULLIVAN. ` Barrio. October, 1868. . 39- PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COMEANY. CALL AND iEXALiINE BEFORE GOING ELSEWHERE. NEW YORK CENTRAL RAILROAD. ` T.nr-n\trvrn~:.- 'hu.-nn............ I17 ., , JUST RECEIVED, a Large Stock of Oak and Hickery TI'_JL.. 153...- Q`L_1`L_. 11-1, ,, ll 1*!` 50 If. 0 CAPITAL 2,500,000 STERLING. .4: u....-u-..u, unxuun, Illlvua, vuuus, [)L'uu\L'3 `ups gnu U185 I ` ()i:ls,VVhite Lead, Glass &c_ "1 5. Qnnua C |I\I'l\ e. I)..I..... IL ..I.. L _._ .1 nu. .u Iuvunu an.-nu, n respectfully, f` H A D Y 1 jEA.vEnv%~NIcE SELECTION or GROCERIES, 4 1 NCY such as no other House can slxovn in this city. Fulrs all kinds neatly done. Ladies are respectfully in- Jefore purchasing. . I, . _,-_-_.. I_ AIR Seating, curled huir,'tow, sofa .. springs, twine. chair web. buttons, rCl'OWB, hinges, locks, tacks, int. paper, glue, `piano stool screws. coin trimmings. unlml. nurmg OI an I- : fspades, Shovels. Rakes. Pocket and Plated Ware, always on hand. i1oBBiiSW&m,7si-5i3i._`iit'r"c3N New York, ROBERT WILKES, Toronto `& Montreal, GENERAL AGENTS 'I_`lvnn _._D. _..-_, ..... ... .v..u..... u.uun1.\u--DUHIUU. rig, uominion,' is. other brands. . and :1 supply of superior FRESH LOBSTERS and SAIIDINES , _, - _-_-.._~ vvvw gAR. Iron and Steel, Sugar Kettles {of all sises. Springs. Axles Thimbles, Skains, Anvxls, V.ices, Bellows, Taps and Dies 1:1 `XTI.:+.~. T .~....`.I I\1I_ _ 4 4': yuuununj, CHARLES WILSON, G. Chief Engineer Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers. \'.n.'r1uM, Russian and Hudson's Bay SABLE d} ROYAL ERMINE, Tn 1:11 ux nn...-...! _--.- The best in `the Country. In our stock may be found .,,_.._._. .. -.v 4 41.1.1 .u1&.(u1JV; In all the new and varied shapes; `Collars, Boas, Tulmas, Eugem'_es, Princess, Capes, Cloaks and Jlfufw /`oh-nlonm I....1... U11-l 1' 7 gmunun smcx or was I! screws. trimmings, uphol- un.-1-ers' needles and rogulutora, Addia' carvers I-vols, extension lip anger bits, mclodcon luu'd\va.ro, ctc., for sale at lowest prices. ' RYAN & OLIVER, General 1'Iard\va1'c Merchants, 11-1 Yonge street, Toronto. . """ ' I x pleasure to us to show our goods to intending purchasers. V1.4.` .L.LIJL.L.IJ .:.w..x1.u1t\J1.lJ. LOC0.\l0Tl\'E DI-:I'AR'1`.\iE.\`1` \Vr`..<'rI-:n.\' I Rocussn-:12, Dec. ion snvimz bulievn Hm nrrnn! .....: jg , DIRECTORS: n rrnnu ; FARMERS ... uvuullls puuuuuacla I nnwA'fiinAvEn , H|-H' V.-. nvl \4u||uv" ;nx.uJ. *. Mcssrs..\1ox.Lo1' &: W.rrso.\_'. Vlllttnag/er, J. I.\'.\`ES,Esq. --o . 15RE;A_1{i:-1)To snow THEIR .L; 1 urn: TIIOMAS STOCK. I~Zsq., Vice-President. R. 1 . STREET. Esq.. Secretary and Treasurer COUNTY SIMCOE: ROI3ER'l` CONW.-\ Y i3URLEY. Es-1., Bridge Iluusc, '1`:-aloe; and Glendu`, Co. Kerry; J.P. for County Kc-ny. ' 3!-E Mn: 1 an: Ir \\'.-u_uu- `II ..... .... 1 Y_...._.. 75-, CHARLES GOING MALONE. Esq., Mer- chant. Stephen Street and South Great George Street, Dublin; Churchtowu Lodge. J Dundrnm. County Dublin.--Director Com- merciul Gas Company. nnnnv :1-\r\ nn...... .. -_ --- . - - - _ . v ' 'J."=' ` ',"ne Dm` East of the Post Oca Collier Street, Barrie. BERNARD COYN E. Esq., 27 Waterloo Road, Dublin: J.P. for Countv Mum. DAVID RICH.-\lDSO`.\' GOODLATTE, Esq., Merchant, Eden Quay. and Morehumpton, Domxybrook, Co. Dullin. mo, JUIIIPLI3, J.'J'll_([7'8', ss, dnd Mgfs, Astralcan, Cloalcs, Fitch, Squirrel, )r.1s;\ gnu) UU ) A la". J:.`sq., Z7 Wa Dublin; County Mayo. \ l1'Il\ hinrv . u.nwn.~ r1r\!\v\v . `A UIKHVJ `V - Agent for Co. ; __-_.~_\J -._' 9. Table Cutlery. Electrol ,ooo,ooo. , 5oc., 60c., 750.. 800-: ETC. . Simcoc, B.uuuz:. _I U IVllIVIlIIIl3I3u (PEEL Rules. steel squares, centre gauges, b vvrnier Calipers, steel caliper rnlbs, cali- y.-r squares, -A1ncs univ'=rsul squares, self- roglstorlng calipers und dividers, Stubs" lg-s ml] tooln. patent ollers. slut-at stool. etc. For sale by ,.-RYAN do OLIVER. ' ll-1 Yongo street, Toronto. ulul, .lJ1'dLl, DHUIT59 U333 &0 qlmllity and at reasonable . 1' cos. :3` Goods delivf-red_ In any purl. of jhe mwn free of charge-. - ` THOMAS ROBINSON. _ I mnrlnlnr_ ,_, , _ - _ - ' D1x'isiox, 1 6. 11\JA`4.LV J 10-lmo Dominion. -r hrnlulu ` ,5l-tf ZLII 10-if For Printing `of all descriptions. in: first-class style of artand on the shortest notice, ogll at the EXAMINER OFFICE, Eotlllor Street, nearly opwsite the Mars 9 _ . _ _ . um um, u; um us: 1.011., n r :6, KW V:f I07, 2nd `V P R. 100 u 110, u u u w]'}.'_ 100 Lots 13 and 14, in the lat Con., _N 5: 405 acres. _ _ . . Also 2 500 acres invthe ounsbmg C`;"3V of Brnoefrom which pnrchnac_T9 0? ",`."" wild land or cleared {arms 83 ml` P-795 mm time for payment. . Annlv ta .72- Mono. Lot 23. in the lat Conl. E H S, 200 acres F L 0 S . Lot: 23 and 24, in the 9th Con., 400 ncrcs_ TOWNSHIP OF TAY.._ . , Lot 15, -` 4th .._ 200 acm- E }g 6, 9 &: 10, in the 5th Con., 100 " ' each. E 3; II, in the 4th Con., 100 acres. ' T I N Y . Lot 108, in the 1st'Con., W P R, 200 neat`! u H PR. H 110 190 .1` ' Apply to SAM Office, Bnnie; or bridge, Mnskoku Sunnidnfe .' Medonte .. .."` "PP": whing. L} l1`l`i0. C (10 Tay- ` do Feb. 27,'1sc. .___ PICK of following L-0-ts at $3 per ncre. $50 cash: balance in three annual insl.al~ mcnts, with interest z` To It` nsh ip. North OriHin.. I (In (In j1nunsrnn_%s_1s1ttHi1?Pf Clover Hill l .O. Clover Hill, 21st April. 1868. 124! P. S.-A Lari/e Q((an!i!_1/ qf Slaingles For Sale. . For xriher particulars apply to the under- signed, (if by letter. post-paid). THOMAS SAUNDERS. Hill. 21st Amn. mm, mm -um: en-cwa on the prunnisos Inst year, and the farm is well mm-red by A NEVER FAILll\'G SPRING CREEK, and good well. -. -.._.., MPORTERS OF I1.~xRD\\',\RE. ' 11-} Yunge Shoot. TOROl\'TU. Have always on hand an assortment. of build- :-nz, cabinet makers` and upholsterers hard- ware. mechanics edge and other tools. Joseph liouers & Sons` and other cutlery. house rm. yshintz hnrdwnx`o. shootinc and nhimr Int-ldn, --v..u.4;u.uuuuu DUDII , --A .\'1-:w- FRAME DWELLING HOUSE AND BARN` were elected the pn-nnisos lust bv `,3, nuuul 4:; ALh'bb' ULr.'ARED! and iu :1 good state ol'.c1Ihi\'ntion, m-ll fenced. and mostly free from stumps. The balance is in IV(\I\1\ uv.-...---.._- V. . uv -:uuIul.'v la III GOOD HARDWOOD BUSH, .__,\ VL'u'_ mm It mile 0! THE VILLAGE OF CLOVER HILL. Tho-rn nrn .1 U1`! [7 Ill"!/' l.$"ABOUT 75 ACRES CLEARED5 com! Atntn nr.-ulna.--.o:,... .....n .- .... -.a . ' 2,856 ncrt.-'9. Apply to SAMUEL LOUNT. Registry )(_ce, to C. W. LOUNT. Brace __._. -4 more or less, _., uul \,unL'('3SlOn 0!-.l`JSN1l. containing }ONE HUNDRED ACRE._S,- or less, mu-u r.m.....m.. ..:...-..,,x 7 ~- ,'1MPRuvEn _FARM'1i0I? SALE! `I11-`.l\'(`_ H... u 35-If unwrs 0: sons nun owner cuuery. house ful- yshlng hardware. shooting and shing tackle, _gpo1ting ammunition, quolts, duinb bells, garden, draining and fanning tools. cordnge. glass. pully. etc., and all other goods in the iino for sale at lowest. cash prices. Toronto, M ru-ch .19. 1868. ' 7`.1y M!z%3s @982 hsha OR SA LE. on runsonnhlv to-rms. :1 vnlunble farm, being COHlp0S(`ti oi the North hull of Lot 13. ltlth Cnn.. Towmihip oiSunnidule. and lying on the Ens! side 0! Sunnidale Rozul. 'l`li(-rt-.are in all 100 :lL'l't'S. of which 50 acres are cl:-arr.-cl. well cultivation. En-ctctl on the }n(-mi.~u-.~znro- :1 Log Ilouso. frame burn, .-tabling. and other out- buildings, An t`XCt.'ii('nl well of wqtcr with pump attuclu-cl close to filt:il(Hlt.'. and :1 thriv- ing young orchard on the pl('llIl.`lt'.4. School llonsv on the adjoining lot. A t:l't`('i\ nfwater runs -through tlwlund. and the timlwr is prin- cipally hardwood. l'h(-re is it saw mill with- in two mil:-5.` ll grist. mill within tlnrw mik-1|. and is ulmnt. four miles from t lugc oi h't.u_\'ncr. T. To-run: nf n..u...,.... |:u..._, I ft-not-d. and under . he thriving viii` unluuxy uaruwoou. 'l'h(-re is {tith- nnh-5.` grist. null the v-Ill ` z` ']`-rms of payment lilu-ml. _g: Particulars made known on n ) li-union. if I I , by letter post.-paid) Suunidulo I _.U., or lo the owner, , Or to ' OTS Nos. 124. 12.7, 126 and 127. in the flourishing Village of ;\n,r:us. are no: oll'-red for sale cheap. Tlwsc lots are situated on Queen street. between the Railway Station and the Mill. and are in n fnroralilo part fa hnsiness. Tlioy are K acre lots. and two 0 them corn:-r lots. Also, lor sale, two Lots in Boy s Block. Barrie. ' 'l`El:.\IS:-0ne-tlnirdol` tho puxrclino: money ' to-he paid down; the balance in two nnmul .' inslulim-nts- For fu'rtlu-r particulars apply In, Mr. l at k O'Connor. Angus. or to MICIIAI-II. n'r`n\'.\'mv vaun_uauu|..|.. r[1l'|lVI 703` IN THE TOWNSHIP OF URO. Acres of ("xC(`ll(-ll! Land for male. East lmlfof Lut2~l. in the 4th ccssion of Oro, Huh: miles from llurrle. ' are about tlnrty-live acres cleared. The is well watered, and Uncle are on it :1 dm boum-_.a frame barn, and a thriving 5 orchard. 1:... r....n.....---A!A - UI'(.'lHI|'(l. For further particulars. ` this paper. if by letlerpprt Barrie. October 7. IHIIR ____ EVERAL IMPROVED FARMS for Snlek the vicinity of Barrie. Also, a numb. of Town Lots, with and without building Apply to D MORHOW. 3; PRINTED L1.S"I`A' VA LUABLE FARM* for THE 1`0\\'NIl|r2 rm 1... MERICAN Shears. trimmers and points of all sizes. squares. curved rules, straigtt mlgqs, improved irons. English and American crayons, Bnrtlcers needles, tapes. c-lc., all 01 the best quality, and at lowest prices. ' RYAN &. OLIVER, Importers of Hardware. _ll4 Yonge street, Toronto. jg Covxrr or Smcos, TO wrr: . A.D. l869, at twelve undcrmcnlioncd Lands an interest of the defendant of Ficri Fucias in" the fall In the Cmmty Court qf EDWARD HINDS, vs. BERNARD KENN JOHN KEATING. Ha. _ BERNARD KHNNEY, The South hnll nr 1 no . 121',` $0.; o'clock by Public Auction. at the tlw Court House. in the T N the F1 F1` l')E.\' `ll :1} of I~`EllllUAR} ' noon. will he 50]` Sheriff's Olllce i, own of Barrie. 15 d TL-neme-nts, or 43 therein. under Wm owing suits: the U0'l(n!_r/ of .s'{,,,_ I Iainli_v 1.. raw 2 Wurdaa `"7 | - S/aeriff C Surzntn-"H 0}`!-`ICE, B.uu:u:, Novt-mber 6th. 1868. ._..__ PPU W MORH1 _ SEE LISTS. Barrie. March. 180:4. uL`K:\'ARD 1) South halt of Lot six [6] In [5] Concession of the Township of F D ur on: um ` ` Sheri?f s S e of Landaf f'.nn\--I-v nu Gun..." 1 . ` `V. garms & 80110, gzxuas tarsal __,.,,.,\-,.~v\~~uvv.~\. , j 13`: EING the Sontt-East half of Lot. in the 7th concession Oro, "containing FlF I`Y-FIVI-J ACRES Good Land, `all cleared, with an Frame House. Burn and Stables, n o Orchard, and an excellent well of pure w I . le On the prvmrsos nre_crectcd a good Snw 111; with circular srsw, In full operation, with suimbleworkshop. v For further particulars apply to the prop. tor. on" the premises. ` II Oro, Dec. 8th, 1868. V N ; `. ` of the ton'ngt?ip2T 'rn wlvrv October 7. 1868. - -...-- Q V55 IJ EING the West half of i.oL 3'6. 8!): Concession of -Esszl. co; 1\`.`[:` `I"l'YY\*.`r\v~n1ur\ ~- fabinet Ma-kers ck Upholsterers `Y1 AID` c....A:..... -....I-.1 nun -nwulul. Ill ,, uyn his ifllzy lettcrwpre-plaid. Bur:-Ee. October 7, 1568 :___j. ,, 1' payment , Apply to J `EVER.-XL ` Han ID`n: Valuable for Sale. ___..$ - .--v UIJJUL Il\ ANGUS. _..____ ...__.j.;_______..__ __ _, FARMS FOR SALE. ' . ' I1. CRESWICKE; Jn., B.umu:, F. PHOUDFOOT, Su'(:!:}2.\' P 0 \/ ..v ;.z.nvJ.J1I 1.\\J.|\.lJl.`,` , very favumhly situated, within halfn mile'of Af\t.` An n..-.-H... -_--_ .afzc1ImAnn l\Io.\`EILL. On the prelnisc-9. ___.______j _ ._ __.;. , to-rms. ing [1 an-in :u-mu. M` wl-in` Shoe Tools and Finding` A f`(\\IDT T."l`L` namuch-nnnb .-.l' 41.- I_.__4 uunl. uUUN'l'. Registry C.` LOUNT, Brace 1R_H .... .......m ptu'llCllll'5 apply nnnr. , MICHAEL O'CO.\`NOR. Grocer, Bnrria 868. 36-1.! _.____._;%____..._ :11 UK` U14 There are 15. w. SMITH. County of ,5 >B.uu:u-:, I :4-Hon! beiq nf Lot 24. Cos t Then ` - Inn I dwclli n, yous! ulurs. apply at the office d. tcr,;.pre-puid. ...-, um mm 121. m the huge u. ween '4: `I50. snip. twn Lm. .'. S.u'um:.\' P. ' 4-1y` 1.olIux[G] in the 9 Flog. B. W. SMITH. 5'/neriff mmfu m` u:. ncrc's. -r Dnniuh-u .\'o. I in tho nn 1:- u ___v- ._'--- v-1-- - --vuoanqw C0.\!PLE'l`E assortment of the latest _. patterns ofshoe Tools. Shoe and Ma- : hinc 'l`|u-euil. Muchino Silk. Shoe Pt-gs, Shoe .\'ui1s. Shoe Tacks. Ileel nud Toe `Plates, etc., wholesale and retail. ` DVARY I. l\1 vtrnn , uracc 16-ll J` Defmdau I Im'n![l ` ' drv'-\|I~'- Defendau 4-`H239 nmll`-I` in the !r.~ aria ! `-11-KW h . , VOLUME \ Blnlilhj. TIII'n~m\. .?._. u HI LIll'H` ` ?1\f'iR0 VED P U M P_, :`P.nblis`1cd_cvcry T n AND C(')l.'.\'T\' . Am nmum The bx-uul_v 4 I15 lnamllv There's nuthin Bbul !l_l:|ll)' : Of f0|l:l',:<' aru- IAS dt-ml. um The binla a T1) 9-inn: I The UIIHI1 .n To Hing 1h The In-cs an Nn! u but N03 9. How:-r Nor by HM- Hid limlcr ic And are In The tvnlpq-4 - o'er mun The sumv .1 or 11 lo: 1': UOHII ,Wheu .~' Annl ]`Hl"} SUHSCRIBERS DIRECT ATTEN- tiun to Llu-ir A Wu And 0]: TIN): The l: A `V The fair Ilcrj yller mun And \\ J1 Inu--n i|lslr:sx:nl, the liatlviliha EOW un-.1 AN: mm Flu: he-"1 Wm!!! M And I Dunn-u lIi|'I 4 \Vt Hvrlll tax I \ll ;;:3`:l(;1t1`n`l-I. 1'1 STREET, BARRI ". bvmnhc-r", 1868. . 4 AxE"F`2ff3`T`nv.I -..,...a,_ . cent mu takes at .- nnl. amw .. I . . - Hnin thrn onuuuu I 1, 1'! ccpt, Llus lmr puny with before [Inn (1 led. M- beczlxw: llm f0!` She -It-v-| out.` lr.-:;;:'n their llu.-In being nlrlu: L prit, 11},-_\" I Fortmmt--|_v mzula ch-ur hang him.` To the Ilrm. - I rcxIrIv, I S1n.--Ym; .\grimIlluI'u ` the (:'lu7;'. in Ilmru uf mn- by nu: spam- I pr~.po.~'c In mls.~'lnn, in LE'l"l'l-JR 1-'1 ~ ml-:. yuul HUI ICU it IN moru,ix - N1-ur Hu- \ ch smul ol run I... ..u. m- m- reporl us; 110 fell In- llSl.'d Hut how a m; an nngl Tlldl, l~' Davicl _(.`hr Innnl |.....- IIUIV II HHHI so easily 1:: trilunplmu That i< __ _ , _ BEEF BOOTS, MOCCASINS, 1nuH\In... .....:..:.....1 A _ own pumonuI'_ km. _ bank u_ccpug;}._. \'.`i personal knuwli.-dg~ .1lurnl-r The .\;;_`Ii'II11x1x LIl`In. `V11: I5 ll! .1] pl I mm ` \\'I\ l'II`R. .11`; DUILSUIUI. Lht-iv |r`l\v\r\vv RYAN 64 OLIVER, nmnnn nu n To Machinists. TI...l.m Q0111.` .-............ ......` ---unit!!! Buuuz, ONT. To Tailors. TBILHI "RYAN A: OLIVER. 114 Ypnge Street. Tofonto. 1151 N b'U N 1 Proprietor. 40- "'43-ly 1-[;m-aggzrmae BARRIE, RESPECTFU_LLY announces to the public . that he is at all times prepared to take contracts for building, and that I19 can fqrnirh DHRDQ QAQIJ nun nI'ln|nn ovv-av vuluu rlllll ULIIVUO at very short notice, and ~ - On Reasonable Ternns He also` keeps on. hand, and mnufactnurea COFFINS of all kinds, and furnishes all the paraphernalia necessary for Funerals, including an excellent Hearse, which can be had on very moderate terms. ~ ,= nun-in A null I I 1 cur: - - ._1_- FAMILY maurs, for making ma ?uslng thd Washing Cqlnpoaltion and Laundry. S6n`p, $1 `each. ` ' u-.ou.uUV1Ahb': Thlsisto oertlf that we have mrido and used "ho`*Excels or `Washing -Composition`, invented and patented by W. Warner, Clark, and take pleasure in bearlun testimony to its superlor excolleney. It has proved uselo be all that the patentee claims for it, and is worth more than the best. washing machine ever invented. Rev. W. J. Hunter, Toronto. _ Rev. W. S. 'Grltl'en. Guelph. _ . - Rev., J. N. Loke.'Lond_on. 1. Aaron Burnett, Esq;.`-Bnrrle. John Burnio, E ., Colllngn-ood_ R. G. MeCmw, sq., Cmigvg[3_ J. 8. Burger. Esq.. Crnigvule.` C. A. Bell. Esq., Crulgvale. I"`P`3CE_S_'\Vil0n, E50" Cfainrnln 31-3m Clark s;EIce1s1'nrWasln'nlI L position! The betel aniz armm1'.1:.......... uuuulug, wuu UH H0 C IILNIIPII B6`6,` s SH AND"l13l.'lNDTS VOFV short nntim-_ nn V-vccv `Z ??? There will always be found in sfock a cholov selection 01` Wines, Brandies, WhisIce_1/s, Rum, Gin. II- suitublo i` medicinal purposes. . N.ll.-`-Phyaicl.supplied with pure dm 3, -chemicals. surgical nstmmonts; &.c., at who e- `snlo prices ' ` Barrie) . Nov. 10th. 1868. I 41. _ -r I `Alexander Graham, ,"ll9,!.!"P.., !"!!`1!L Aim 1\I.\'l.).-3 Ul~' TARIVIING IMPLEMENTS; -S['U|I AS-- L.UIl'S, Clllllh; SHADES, &0, gr IN BARRIE. 313 FARMERS AND MECHANICS would do well to ill and examine their J[AOI[I.V_E OIL, before purchasing elsewhere; and also their` DEODORIZED 1'3` orposms THE courvr novs1g., g B A R R I E , D ESPECTFULLY nnnoum-.r-n tn Hm nuhlin f __ _ __ -- - ;ARNISIIES, GLASS. PUTTY 2 HORSE AND CATTLE MEDICINES of all kinds, and the largest and cheapest ` assortment of - [1-a;.;;;1;,";';';;`i;s4 suitable for lPA``:::;E];'I?;`!-S! ll0(lUl'l\U9 IUWHH. Barrio, April 14, 1865. " I;'x'<;}3u Emifzs, "V AND. DYE STUFFS. FRENCII PERFUMERY. , BOIIE.\lI.\N TOILET SETS, VASES, LADIES COMPANIONS, T C NEEDLE CASES, Comprising 9. beautiful nssortmenfof ...._ '_----v---u- Iv aaqaunap .DUNLOP STREET, .1Vearl_I/ Opposite the Rail Road Station ` B A B R I E APOTHEGARTS {A_LI..__i nnxrr nu avnnnl-M. . '1` II1cus111NG'MK(mTNi-is, _v-v, Jultivators, Ploughs, Harrows, &c , &c., together with Ii )/n/n'r.c, f.7uH'm-n 1- 1-- \1\'NII\'G M ILLS, S'I`ll.~\W CUTTERS, ,_ , , ,, ____..._..-- -----u-9-o` vuluyuluulll (mil greatest "discovery of the age for washing purposes. -.1-- is entire Stock of. Dry Goods & Milliuery, Groceries, Liquors, Boots .& 'Sh 311`; Re???` Made Clothing, he will sell Lip to the FirstVofMs1rch, under` cost price, `in order to clean" out his entire Stock. To be satised of the` sincerity of this `advertisement, you must ' ' Call and see the C'rr%.ea%t RediJ:ctio1i in his Stock. Also the HAYTEB FARM,2of a~Mile from" the Town, N hf Lo_t'2l, oh the` 4th Con., viof Vepr. 50 .dozenA Spa1'1:lin5g Ale at $11.50 per dbz. Tw( ) Salesman VVa11ec1.; ~ % MARKET SQUARE, `BARBIE. . ` _n_ngrio. Nov. 5. 1868: 4 v suitable for \ C /m'.s'tmas and New Year's Presents. u. A. Bell. 1: .'c`T"I'"f' Francis-\Vilso:3 E m K 8 . C i 1. John Cbuutlcr, V?gt5ria:a E`? 8 C. E. cH;NTL13:R.crl-Ii} 3111 016 Axum! (`AI- 1 E X TE N SIVE BRICK STORE Dry Goods and Millinerygclothing, EP ulllufl Mnssns. ALFXINDER 63 Co. -.-I BOOTS & sHoEs, READY-MADE CLOTHING, ALSO `GROCERIESV & LIQUORS; % Possession Given one the First _ % day of March next_ `3=- - v If not" sold before that date it will be to LEASE or RENT. 18.68. THE EXAMINER AND COUNTY 0 13 S{IMCCE ADVocA`fE; THURS DAY JANj,UA~RY I 1869. 7 9 NNOUNCE to the liblic am they have just rece ved their full nn_d W inter stock of _ ~ _ T110m3S McCormick Alao n complete stock of :-:-g_ .. ._ -- TESTIMONIALS: nu-Hm. II.-. ._ V 1 32?" VLRN KEEPERS can be supplied with z C /mice Lei of Zifuor at less tlian first cast 19.1-ice. 3AN'I`L.1'-IR. Crpvnleyt _Sole Agent for Simooe. ~47 '1!!! T) uni. Pun! 4.1` J1- IN WHICH HE HAS ESTABLISHED A FIRST CLASS BUSINESS IN their.` lth .....uu;uuu.I. DE Uu:ub'D'.l!I..AK.l.N U ._ Fancy Hairwork and Stamps` .:._ THE MISSES LANG have just commencbu. . '. work in the nbov branches, next dam to Mr. Lane's,'l'nil0ring Esngbiishmenr. Dun. lop shjeet, Barrio. wlu-ro they hope 'hy dill; c ' gg.-nce and uttehtion, to merit. a good sh'are oa_ public patronage. _ A Barrie, April 1'7, 1867. 2 - 114! .- v1'nn ounscnner Informs the travelling com- munity that he is now running a Daily Line of Mail Stages to Penetanguishene. --" Leaving Barrie on the arriyal of the morning train going north, and returning leaves Pene mnglushene at seven o'clock, a`.m. ` ' The Subscriber has mm 9 am .1... r `rwnnv mnglnsnexle V3.51. I V . Subscriber has also a that class LIVERY `ESTABLISHMENT in Barrie, at which single or double conve ances can be had at all times _ on most reusond le terms. . _ . DAVID 'VANEVERY. `P9-nu-.`nl,u. -__- . THE Subscriber lnformthe :11 ning_ _a Daily. Linn nf "an on.`.... 1` 1` - . unhljn TO AND FROM PENETANGUISHENEI MILLINERY dz DRESSMAKINGI .Fancu Hair-nm-1 ......1 .C4`..........'..... ALL operations entrusted to him satis- factorily performed. Farmers and other ` who may have Colts, Bulls, Heifers or Swine, requiring his servlces will be` attended to dur- ing the season. The charges in all cases will be found reasonable.` Good references `given x_-eguired. ' ' SEWREY & SULLIVAN S mam? lglltguoggcrunv,