uuu uv uuvvullulvu vv uuvuuv-o Murray said nothing, but did not ap- pom` to like it. Yet he and Thurston continued to be as fast fniends as over. , i uI:\L'r lImu__:`IIL (H ll1:Il'I'_\'1ll_'_{' HUI`, less HHW than ever, sun-e'lie lltltl become .a sum- _. lilcr. Bzul as he mi}_;'ht be, he cioululi not think ot'jeinin_-_v one like her unto such a man as himself. . - The ball pa~:sel oil" as happily ` as eonltl fl .l he ilL`Sll'(`Ll. and when at last it broke up . _ .\lis'~' Irison g_;`ave Tliurslon a prt,-. in~ ` l vitation to call often at the lIall, assurin-_- him that his visits \\'()lllIl _l)O 7 very a_,>.-J. , al le. lleithanketl her, S.'l'\'lll_4' he should avail himself of the earliest opportnn'it_y to .lo so. . _ Thomas 'l`lmr.~:tmr soon became a con- stant visitor at the" Hall, and always mot w'ith 11 most _1,v'raeinns reception from Miss lvison, who llL`\'0tt`(l herself to his`enter- tainment duriiig his stay. He ha_l taken rooms at the hotel in the village for the smnmer, ansl nmu;-h he \\`:t.~4 in.town near- _ ly every (-\'enin`:;, he foimal pl.-nt_\` ot'leisure time t'or\'isiting'. _ ' _ It was generally timlei-.~:t;uil that he came over to see Murrav, but he ivasi by there; aml it might have lneen oli.-erred that the greater portion of the time that. he spent at the llall was passed in Miss l\'i eonipany. 'Dnrin_-_: these \'isit~x Miss .\lelvain or Miss i(}l:1i~:sl'orl were` usually present, but he occasionally found himself alone with the beautiful heiress, who, upon these oeeasion.~;, useal her most lvewiltlering f`.-iscinat.ions'to -ensnare the heart of the yoiiiig man. But '.l'hurston was not so ea.~il_v capti- vated. It is true he thought` her very beautiful, but he hml seen beautiful wo- men before. He also thought her fortune a very tlesirable thing for the man who should win her for his wife, but "he dial not atter hini.selt' with any thou _9;hts that it would be possible for him `to gain the p.ize for himst.-It". And, moreover, he knew of her e1i_g:i;;'e1i1e1itto Egbert, and he eonsiileretl that an insurinountahle barrier in itself.` But one reason above alliotliers for his not falling in love with Miss Ivison, was his zuliniratien for Bessie Glassfortl, who still remained at the llali. though he saw but. little of her. She hail become quite shy of him of late, but for what rea-son he could not untlerstaml. He lnul known her for `a long time, and had always liked her, and this` avoidance of his `society on her part was son1ethin_: entirely new; and though he appearetl notto notice it, it pained him not a.]ittl0- 'l`lnn':tnn nfmn n-l:ml the Indies to rifle. no means the attraetioii that (.l|'(.`W hinr those bewudenug eyes. Mr. Melvain saw all this,`nnd spoke; of it, too. but as all the young people were so universally in favor of Thurston, he did not. say anything more about it, but suffered things to take their own course. . ' L`...L.`-o ..-,.4....,I-.! ..-L A- _..n:..- :5 nu-..1 uuuuuuu uuuva-G nu vunu uuuu unu buuls-\ou_ Egbert pretended not to notice it, and to be entirely, indifferent to wlmtever might occur. `But he loved Constance with Ins whole heart, and it pained" him deepfy to see her so itadifferent to: him and so attentive to another. It I uu: tum U1 Lnc evening`. It would naturallf be supposed that E;;hert would have been animycil l_\- the attention 'l'hurston paid Miss Ivi.-son, hut if he was he certainly did not sl.ow it, for he was making liiniself agreeable to Miss Lalance the greater part of the evening, and had eyes for nothing_else. Tlmse who had admired Miss Ivison s dancing lreiim-, were not :5 little snyprisetl at Miss Gla.<.~.l` when 'l'lunsto.x wliirled her into the mi-lalle of the lloor, and they tloatul l'ron1 side to side, from end to'ond of the hall, and did not hesitate To pro- nonnee her the most graceful (lancer of, the evening. Some thought that; it \\'as all her partner, but, at all events she was no longer ne_-__:lcctel. -Gentlemen who had not noticed her before, sued for an introzluction now, and her order was soon llllwl; but she sa\'ed/ a few fa\'oritc-3 for 'l'lnn-.-ton, who now rlivided his attention between llessie and Constance. But somehow sin} did not appear to be quite liappy after .-.'.l. It was ralh_er .~tranp;e that she had lI(5_L'n neglected dur- ing the I'st o1'tl1e"e\'einng, for she was certainly `quite In-4-Lty; not splendidly leauti_l ul like 1\li.~ lvison, but really rather pretty notwith.-*.tanding. and looked \'-ry well in the. liglit green sill: that she \\ one, with her brown hair neatly lrussed :n'ter the pr(\'aili|'I;_; lhshion. An elnernld rm: and 1- -n-lant.~ frmnher ears were all all the jewelry she wore, and with her lnlne eyes and fair colnple.\`ion, she was not one likely to be_sli;_;lited in a hall- room. She was very interesting when one became acquainted with her, and so tlmught .'l'honms 'l'hur.~:ton, who had known her.foI- some time, and had seen her almost. daily.` , ' It would seem but nat.nral that being so much in her eznnpzniy he .`, ,~ '1 l -....n.u | . her so never tl1ou_-;lit oi" m:n`r_\'in'_-5 he I alum ;...... l I ,- .t'.xll in` ;' un_\n umuL','nD l Innch better than liiunlut-lf' i.ll.`l"bllU l I`, less \ muu .--~ . , _ You have met 'bcfo*o, then f? Oh, -yes! said 'l'hurston;' Miss Glnssfonl um] I are quite old friends I assure you ;" and then to the _other, -`You're 110t.enga_r_g(:d for this gzdop? She was not, of course, and a moment after they were ying across the oor, follnxvcnl by Constance and Egbert, who had secured this _.::Llop with Miss ~ Ivison, the first ofthe evening. ; introduce them when Thursion, a 1ittlo,e.\'c1mnat_ion of surprise,_ forward, at the same time extend hand to the lady, who bud now_ris her seat. _ Vt` `III... T3-- ' ` "' uur BURL: ',,]l_V, _Bess_ie, where ((1 you come from?` Silld '1 hurston. I 1m t the rcmotest idea of seeing you hem ! The lR(lVV])lll5i]H-ll alnnnlv m...........,,1 xuululesr. mea or sec-mg here I ladyhlushed deeply, murmured. something about being happy to see him, and was interrupted by Constance, who said :-- L."\ ,1 .-1' n . -.. _-.. ......-u-vu, uuullllg e.\'c1:nnat_ion stepped , extending his lady, laud now risen (`mm Iracebridge unluv; on lhc l|lH.1l'l' anu: umu llenlllg HIS , now_risen from , utteiing st:-nnml BARRITE, oozmy OF smcog, ure; Hum 13 ml. - `Oh, I 'am interested .in`youl slaid. Bessie quickly. I don"t want you to stay here, indeed I do not. `And you love me? `Yes. That was all she said, hirling her face on his shoulderj; but that was enough for 'l1u1x`ston, rm... ........m.-`I in Hm -'I.m..,. rant] nnnn;a I [HITS LOU, The returne:1 to the `house,- and Bessie at once ran to hex: room, whilst Thurston walked into the drawing-room. It` was empt_\'.`and taking up the hook ,Bessie had left there. when they went ont,. he retired to zyrecess in which was placed a. very comfortable divan, shaded by draper- ios from the parlor._ Into this cosy little nook-he retired, and comuzenced reading, but the book was dry, and he soon fell asleep. Half-an"-hour later Constance came in ` asleep. Half-Van`-hourlater Constance and found' him there, and lmbwing by his brezithing that he slept, she went overto the recess. and drawing aside the curtains, lldoked long at Ins face.` ` ' .n 4.. ~r1,...',. 1.:... vs .1..." ...:.1- .\...`.:,\....o,., l/llclrl ,llIILl| LUU HHII` `Oh, yes! 1 shall go into the cit)" almost every clay, suixl Thurston; anal lhen zulgletl, `I (lon t know as I shall stay here much longer after all. I think, on tl1e.wl1ol_4.-, 1 shall return `to town in a week or so; it will be vlull here after you are gone. . ;\0'.-nlnll'.n lunf luln.\.l rlluluml lnfn lxnr llI`U :_.'(7IIK'o Ag.-iiull'._e hot. blnoil rushed into her clieelw, and she asl:ed.- `\Vo:1 t. Mis: Ivisouscrve to make it plcnsmlit here? A "D0 you wish ire to stay? _ Bessie would soouer'l1:u enliedzihnrjst tl1nnh:u'e- him rmmiin exposed to the fziscinutions of who heisess, but she re - plied,- `Whv. of Ac-wurse; if you come to town ocezisiounlly, and I see you every little while, it. will 'n0t{n):itter whether you` re- main here or go to the city. `I am wry sorry you are so indifferent. `Why? said `Bessie ng.-iin, blushing beautifully. , > `B.=n.-um-. I love V011. and I thought oenumuny. `Because I love you, thought vou were more interested in me than 3'01; are; that is all. .m. 1 '..... :..o....,..,+..1 :..`......v .'..:,1 IIj-Il Iv`--* I om'u'r~ novsh, I E , nonncvs to the puiallc mu nnnmrl-d 10 `I320 ly. And turning to see that _there was no one near, she stooped and kissed him. (To be` Conlinzied.) Ul ll. , They walked on in silence some "few minntx.-s, when Tlu1_r.-lm) n}I1Iurke `You have been here some little time ?' `Yes; I have mmle :1 long visit, but I shall r turn home next week. = `Are you ghixxg so soon, he in(111i_rcl. ` `Yes; I snpposeyo1x'\\'ill remziin out here through the summer? ' `YcS-no'-I (lon t know exactly." `I suppose I shall not see much of ) on then until the fall ? l cnl. ....-l `I . ...- :..L- H... \L'I_v llllililillly n'\' LI'L'.'lLHl"_'_' lllu S0 Cum 2' I3;-ssi`-'5 lIc;u't, [mat with joy at this :u1nmIncemont, but sl_1c only snid,--` . `lluvc 1?. I_.nm very sorry, I am sure. `You \mn r. t.rc:1t me so any more, will you?` said Thurston, z1ppcaling1_v. `No; I mu very sm'r_v I mnclc you un- l1:1p`]u_y. IIo\\"(]ccci\'ed I have been !` `Of course you have; and I have been nmkih_; myself nxisexjnble in consequence ()1. if. ` , . 1'-`Pb UlUU',l SVVCPU H1 lu'|rne-1 -sC11l'lt.`L under xvhilst her eyes sought. I she =1.~ke'-.l,--- Kl \.. . uuu, nuuuu I 0 I3 ' _ `llow :lccC*)i\'o;-41 I have been in reg:u'd_ tu'tlm m:1tLL:r, Sillxl l3u.<. tl1')11;_;l:Ll'lIll_\'. ,"l'o'lo sure you Imvo, you little foolish tlningl Do you kum\' you Imve mnvlc me \'er_v llulmppy l>_\' trc.-ltinp; me so coIl .7 ll:-Rel`-.< llmcrl. lmnf. will: lnv at Hula DIIU 'l.`l\U'.|,"` ' - v `Do you rexilly mean that you desired my company in pref'c)-once to Cnnstance`~? `\VI-1)`, cc1't:t'm!_)' 1 10, rel-110:1 Thurs- ton, srnil`.ng|_y. IIcL`L`i\'(,`t1 {'eg:u'd_ `Tdlm snrn vnu h.-n'n_ \-nu liH.l.- 1`nnli '1\H'l IS LUIS LHU l'l,':'|-"UH yllll HHVC l'UIS' ed to ride with me wlneu 1 nskcul _vo'.1?~ _ "Yes; I Ll1o11ght_\'o'x1 wis_l1eL'1 to have Constzmce go with you, and -you only nske-1 me because you thought pcrIgn;)s it would be noticed if you asked her only. `How onnlnl \-`nu think an, Hnqcin9 \V Uulil IIU IIULICUU H _)'Ull USKUU HUI` ()'lI)VI7 `How could "on think so Bessie? . 3 - . W11 ' It was our com um ' I (leslred M . . . ,A more than Muss I\'1s0n's. ' ;_. ; _.... "`-ll--1 .<-1....-. J9- .,]_ .,r vi... It`; fnloud s\&'e'pt In a torrent, they ln'lrnn.1.sv:n-I.-r. nmlnr Hui: rnmnlhnnnt anon mm mm uirougu the grounds. `Miss I\'ison,' he S:ll(l, `declines to-go; slw in too nmcli-ttigued hy the c.\'ercise of the mornin;;. A . V ' To this l}e_:1>iuinst:uitly zicceerletl, and running up-st:iirs for her hat. and shawl, she was ready :1 moment after. They V went out together, and walked about the Slltlctl pitths for some time, '.l.'hurston tzilkingnwuy in the meantime, aml Bessie laughing at his (ll'0llCl'lt,`S. Presently he l`P.IlliU'l\'(:(l, (lroppiug hi; ns.~:uinetl V gu)'et_\' in u. momeut,-- _ `What nmkes you so shy of me, Bessie, l:|tel_\".7 \Vhy l \'e SC11l'c(:l_}'_ had it gliuipse ot'y_nu since the hull. ' b`hc colored :1 little as she replie `1 did not ivish to intrude where I tlion__;liL 1 was 1iot`\\':u1te:l. ".\'.ot \\'.'l1llI'3Ll.2, ext-lniniecl Thurston. `Why, what do you mczm, Bessie! `l tlipuglit. ypn \v(.'l't: very linpp-y with Constance, and I should only-zimmy you, she zmswerexl. (\\'l,.. _._. ...l L ,_.,1I`1,,1 ' . bggiclis l'rculnxonl or. 4:1. GNU i||I?3\\UI'Ull- . `Why, no; \\'h:1t could `lead you to think such :1 tlling? ' . `I don t know; I tl1oug'ht so, however. `Aml is this the reason you have refus- (241 to ritln with ma wlmn I :1 vn-1?. uuvcr ulu anyunng or` me sort. before, ' Constance rec_omn1cn_(led that he shozzld invite her personally to go somewhere with him, and see if he could not draw- her out. She was :1 p:u'Licu1.'lr friend of hers,zmd she wanted the_m to be good fuicmls also. S1; when Bessie turned to lean) the room aifter getting her book," '1'hui'Ston va:-ke,H1er if she would: take :1 stroll with him through the grounds. ' I\'ison.' suit]. `elm-linnsx 1n-an a wuss wmcn s_ne nan Iell: there. . Constance and Tlxnrston'liad been talk- ing about her a moment before, and won`- dcring wl1_v'slx0 `had va(le(l his society so pointedly since the night of- the bull. Tliurston had not. remzirked it p.'u'ticul:1r.- ly, he said, yet he didn t. know but that it might be 20, and cnuld not. account. fox` it any way. He, had known her for some time, ztnd to his` knoivledge she certainly never did anything of the sort. bet'0re._ " Constance recnmnmmlml time im Ei.,\..1,i :.uuxM.uu was In paradise. One afternoon he was sitting with Miss Ivison in the drawing-room. She was playing to him some selections from the operas and Songs without words, when Bessie Glussford enteredbthe room. She xmrely spoke a word of apology for in- _ truding, and went to the centre~tz1ble for :1 book which she had left there. Cnnsfnnma nml 'l`l.....=on...I...,i 1."-.. LIL _.j- Thus things went on for -5 Thurston was in paradise. One aflernnnn he: was: a: IU|\Uu lU|l`=' nu unu unav- `lldw I lov'e him! she" said,` passionate. Sc 4'. "ha .,r\~h..' I 'tm\"tl:cy - this compliment, ` the ground, and -some time, and e. uvu|..: I I HUUIEDO, (Late Clerk in County Rcgi.-4h'y Olcc.) O.\'VEYA.\'CER. Commissioner in Quoon`s Bench, Auctioneer, Appmisu-r,m1d Com- mission Agent for the sale of H0 USES, L.-\..\*DS. 1`AR.\[ STOCK. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, Goods, \\':u-cs, &.c. Also fox . the collection of I\n\v-mm I'1|VI|IIr nuvn .'...-...-._.__. or; C.P. news. co.,A IMPOIITBRS A.\'D DI-IIALEVIIS I.\' WINES,`LIQUOB.S AND CIGARS, \\ ELLI.\'GTUN STREET. TORO.\"l`(). Io `Nohen% Ium la, muuaa AMI ;\UUllU\'l`S. Cash Advances made on Goods lq/`I for Sale. Sale Room, corner of Duulojw und Owen Sts., Barrio. 11-ff gflligllcst REFERENCES given._ga Marriage Licenses. 0 HENRY HARPER. Issuer of` Marriage Licenses, C'0()KSTO|V_'\". ~ OF`!-`Il`I-I -R1'ln'l"rr.\' nnn-u-rw ELM` LUTHER GROVEQ. EALER IN CIGARS, Tomccos. D Pipes, Canes. Tobucconists Goods. &c.. Wholesale and Retail, Sign of the Indian Quvpn, '51, James Street. Hmnilton, C. W.` F. J. SCHRADER IDIANUFACTURER. OF CIGARS. AND wholesalcdealerin Hnmmz. Yarn, Con- necticut Sced Leaf. and all otlwr kinds or T0- bacco, corner of Park and .\IuIbc1-ry streets, IlA.\IILTO.\', C. 1\'.. xu1a.\er.`n AUC'1`1U.\'EER', AND A1 - L 1 R.~\lSl')R. for Buprie. and the County of Simcno.' Cash Advances n1ade~ou Goods 1'0- ccivcd for Sale. wnn\"r c-mu.-ma nu-nun JAMES COULSON, ICENSED AUC1`I().\`l-EEK. .-\I'PR.-XISI-Ill nml General Agent. Auction Sujos tlu-oughoulpthe County ntlumlcd to with promplitntlc. and on lihoml terms, (!0L'I.Sl).\' .\lIl.I.. \n=.nn\'-rw UL'lu'S AN!) ;\CCOU.\'TS coccfod at :1 _.s'umll po1'c0ntag Allciion Sult-s`ll1rongh- out th<:CoI_|ntyut`tcm1cd to proxnlplly nnd on liboml tt-runs. - f`.|-ninrrnln nae I1 194:? v `H? 1- T. L. I`.. LEWIS, LICENSED. AUCTIONEER. APPRAISEIL A YD (, 0JIJ[I.s'.s'I().\ .l(}E.VT, ' ' rm: Tlll-2 .~'.u.1-: Ur` :' - Farm Stock. Iv[nu. 1"urnim:'o. &c., &c., CR.-\IG\'ALI'), Co. SI.\mm:, O.\"r.uu0. _ 1 ... .. unll.l I H u, l,'fIl(ll`l1) (flerlcg _` V ILL .Hf`11I1:\l his Oicc-. in B.'u'rir,-, every S.\TUlH.).&Y. fmn1 ll. :1.nr., till 3. p. m., :1cc)1'lin:; Lo'_()rzI:-r 0l'(Jouncil,- :u1dcve1'y otlu-1' day at his Uiuc in Cnuk. > I ALI. sales in any purl. of the`: temlunl to puuclu:1H_\'. and ( reasonable as any other .\m;tionc: County. ' November 14. 1867. ___...., Ir an Alterative ... 1,. .1. ...'.....l -. JOHN WHEELER,` . AUCTIQNICICR; A1 l l ..\lSER, &c., C|.()VER lIH,`L v1`.(). . ' f',....,I.. C'.`.....AA W. U. AURNIS, , ])E.\'TI.,"I`, 95. King St. East. : Toronto. Teeth in.-,=u-rte on Gold. Silver, and Vulcan- ized Rubber, in the hes: possibc munnc-r. Pm`- ticular attention given to the 1'ey.;uluti0n of children's teeth, and all work \\'i!l'_l'l1lll0d. Jxmnn-ry. 1868. ,.u. n.u.D., no uh.-\;\ u, IJATE ;\ssistant Colonial Surgeon, II.;\I. Convict Dcp t, Tasmania; three years .-\.=s'I. Snrg. U.S..Ann_v. . Residence, Mr. liurnc-lL`s house, -opposite Spt-n'cer`s Store. - V ` Jlarriu. June 10..1RnR, ' 10 `Tm :2, mos. w. Mcouss, . 012.1112 (M T1} qr zrozzoxro U.V[l/'.E'RSIT1r'. 16-IV nmahlr-nnn Tnrunuv I"- C!:_--- H 16-ly uAn1. JAMES A; MATHER, ssum ow MARRIAGE LICENSES, Commissioner Court Queen's Bench, &,c. su.\`.\'In.u.s 'rA1'rn\:_ ` J. W.-BRIDGNIAIP ]_)0RTRAIT PAINTER, 39 King Street` . West, Toronto. I October. 1866. 37.): -- aaumr aovs mcoL.`M.n.. 1)HYSlCAN_. SURGEON. AND` ACCOU- UIIEl,'i. H(`f~`id('llCf3, CouKs1'0w.\:. Special am-ntiult paid to diseases of wmnen unul childrl.-n. ' 17- .1`. s. SPROUL, M.D., Physymau, Surgeon & Accoucheur, Rpsaidnnnn (`.l'f\:lv`|IIVI-uf `n..o....:.. 1i1oUCU1.l.u5v' unluy; on Hm plucus herein sol "ll! 1 1 u l..V P1 1 -.\'1`-L .-uv, solicitor in Chan- cery. Notary Public, Conveyancer. Commissioner in B. R.. &c., Jae. Heir and ,Devisc Claims executed. Om-n~n__.1n xfnmiurc n..:i.n.`.:.... ....... l\`l`lr\ Vuenscc Uluims O1-`not-:,--In Morrdw's BuildIri'gs, vfest ofthe Firemxufs l{all,[Collier Street, Ihmnnz. 29 1l)L`1`:\l tt-runs. 'Crmgm1c, Oct. 9. 18157. v ;.Lu.:ug .I.u.\guU.naD ALVJJ U.M:'r_[1',t WEL'LI.\'GT()N STREET, TORONTO, . `P. I!l~`.ID'. 9?. n"... -.._.`. ESSRS. LOUNT &: BOYS have Removed _th:.-ir Lmv Chan1l:crs to Mr. .\IcConkey s New Brick Building, one door West of the Barrie Hotel V _ 36-3in - _ .lrl'i.`ll.l`4I IN ' -2!.UG3, . Cl-_'.EN!!C.A4l.S, Ga`: . . OFEIIJLIA. Jmmnrv. 1863. ux: \.\I|I\.IaIu'.IIl un RENTS, NIDTES AND .r\'CCOUL\'TS.> 'ash marle nn. Gmuh Inn rm. Q/175 May 23:11, 1367'. Jouuly. N0\ c_mbcr 1-1, 1861 uuauvl-I ROGERS, `QHIEF CONSTABLE, County of Simcoe. J OFFICE: Dunlap St., Bglrne. - 4 0 took, co~v_IN0E \/I Lilli- nu.I.'sn.\r.r:. 1'1-I.\'B'I`A.\'UL'ISlH~1.\'H nolan. ApriI~2, 1567. 12-5`: . E. S. MEEKING. .n ' ICEXSEI) AUCTIO.\'EER', AP- J PR;\lS":R Bu1`l`i(3. and fun (Ynnnhy M` apt-ncer`s store. ' Hurriv, June l0.~18GS. OTICS AND ,.-\CCOU.\'TS coliccfod -at sumll nwcontxmc-. Am-.Iinn Sill:-=`ll|rnnrrl\_ R. HAMILTON; `qormxlm, _)fnrk(,-t` Block, Barrie. J ,\vilI take mmtlmr .\'lmh-nf 4 DR. HARLEY, `1R.>\DU./XTIC OF VICTOIEIA UNIVER- - SITY. R(`SI(I(`ll(3(`: - uII- IV- ' I14 l5Li\UI\-I UCK, `RV.-\DU:\'1'E OF VICTORIA UNIVER I` SITY. "H , 3 , , L. ............ .........--- ______.___._._____.___._._. JAMES,'C. MORROW, . TTO RN19 Y-AT-L .-UV, Solicitor in Chnn- ` L ccry. Notarv Public. Convevnnnr-r_\ w. E. STRONG M.D., .\I.R.C.:=.. m\'m.. .'D ,......,.~........v...,v.........,...v.v..-.;..- THOMAS T. A. BOYS. b DARRISTER AND ATTORNEY-AT-LAW I Solicitor in Chancery, Conveyancer, &c., , cooxs-rows.` '*s i=i'L`I'.sz 0 will sntinrv mm...- RE`.- l[0.VA_L! 1251110 VAL! |C;\HlJ./\'l'I`} 01'` VIC Residence: l`IHIl?\"rr\\' Hum` 121:, Mm ,\vil1 mm! ..__.__j.:_ , T|mn.\"ro.\'. 0. w_. '3`Omcc at .\[r. Cm'1'ulh0rs's. Dr. J. w`. ISLAVEN. DEA L1-I R VV ~J V.-an, uuusuvu \lI uvuvuuu Residencv, Cljaigh1ix`st,'On!nl'io. JOSEPH "ROGERS, Lxuc CoI1ntvRc'_'i.~m~vOn1cc. % JOSEPH ROGERS, ` CONSTABLE. Countv n uines ilimtury. .`l3L'Iu`nv\I IV- .1 n.. u u nunnu, m M.R.C.S., E.\'GL. ND . G-Gal`! u~H'-cluul Rum:-dy. LS and SAL VE 1 their out-eta. nml - Oice, l o\vt!Il`s Store. W. H. BLACKSTOCK, .\'1`.'.`. run` vrrvunnr. nu. W. c. ADAMS, `l\E.\'TI.s"I`. 95.` Ice` T. BANTIHNG; l'nmu .. IvI...1. , .5, ; -u_u.v 4 u L/J1 I'J1`JD1TI. Residence, Lofroy, Co. Simcoc ._______________ Xll'|\'(`E mock, 15:1 mther Student. _j._..____-. .r.. Lewis," Tl0NEER_ AP my purl. 01 um cunnxy at- muclu:1H_\". clm.rp;os.asA ' .Xu<;tioneur' in the BRITISH FREEDOM AND C0`LONlAL RIGHTS. .1 Lu. V1'.U. V C'ounl_r/ A yr Hm District of us- -.~'(iS, will he hold at xnnnn LETTERS oven-_tho 36-] yr. ,41-1y - 10-Gm ._4l_ .._|_J,, good `supply MEAT, I-`OWL, GAME, c., quality as the markets afford, ,_snme at Very moderate prices. I Cornetl Beef. Sauszuzes and L ._$_____$ , George Plaxon, TIN. SHEET-iRoN, JA I3ANNED And C oppcr \Va1-c, Ax!) hI:An:r- vv A.\'D DEALER IN ' Box, Parlor. Hall, and Cool-ting Stoves, l'S!"(.`.A nnvir 1:`\7rv1'\1c .... w., 4.41.514. uuw uuuluny uwucs, Ai3`GARDEN ENGINES, 37 PLATFORM ac counrrr-:n SCALES,` `co.-11: 011., 'c., <'c., DUXLOP STREET. . . """ I mm undersigned. having -9.` I~`irst-Class Pile-Driver. is prepared 10 execute orders for that description of work, in the very best mmnor. and on rca.=onnbIe terms. 1?I;fercnccs:--H. Croswickc, Esq., P.L.S.; T. D. Mcconkey, Esq., M.P.&; J. D. Loadlaw. I-}sq., J.P. _ Jorm . BINGHAM BROTHERS. . . BUTCIIHRS AND GEN]-JILIL PURVEYOIIS, MARKET STALL No. 1, '.BARR1.E, '1` C 1".` _ A _ _ A . _ AI fJ6`FEr `cam at moderate C0FDedBet=f.Sm1s:rges Lard. together I with avuriety of other useful commodities, can usually be had at No. 1 Stall. I '`Al1nurchasesdalimr-ml in nnv nnrl. nr I can usually be had '? Al1 purchases delivered in any part of the town free of charge. ` .4511 mm F01 : 0.1 TTTE! .\.m.\'cn.\.\r, _ ' 1-if J.1'2L\'G:'IA.\l. . ,# VVVI-l|_II` UL lI.I'\.l|UI; - , (mn: c.\ro.\' k cox Ln:n,) I ;\VI.\'G e_nterod.into co-pnrlnorslnip, are -now 1)I`0p.'|l`C(1 to execute in the best style of the an every tlt-scription of Housr-2, 'Sm.\'. C.uuu.u;r. .-xxn On.\'.\\u-:.\'1u. PAl.\ TI.\`G. GR.u.\`1.\*u. l .\1'm: lI.\.\`m.\'u. .\.\'u CoI.om.\'n, respectfully solicit :1 contimnmcc of the very uttering pnlmnngo bestowed on the late rm, feeling coulidunt tlmt. they can execute all orders entrn.*~.t('d to them. in the several branches mentioned, in nstyle not to be ex- celled in the Province of Ontario. j&_3`Pupcr [[m1gin_r; also atlcmlerl to. COULTER &: PEARCY. Barrio. Mart-la 4. mm. :-.M' \-I Urfdersignetl. having First-Class xi .. `'51s A. 11\J ULJLJ, L}l\. Cm'riny_rcV Painting Dunlop Street, '9: ' _COU`L(TE`B .LAu;E_ARCY, - ~ ' * "'n l_DU.\`L0P STRIEET. - - -` - BARRIE, ` " I EE1`SconstnntIy onlmnd and . innn11t'act1lros to order Sad- Q - t1'lc.~x,"l`-nm andCn1'1-ingellarness, k. Bridles, 'J`rnnks=. &c. &c. An assortn1e'nt ofwcll made Collars in stock, and warranted to rrive s:1tisI'ucti0n. Ridintr and Dvimnrr\\'lunu Nile r`n...1. I`..- zmu wnrr:u1u-tl to gxvo satisfaction. Riding and Driving \Vl1ipR. Bits. Curdsl. Cur- ry cmnhs, I)rl1sl1os.1\'m: together wxth complete outttings forontire horses: all of which he of- ers at very moderate prices. :#*----j -j---:--j--- nuu I , Sadd|e;Hz`a'I::;'(;s & Trunk Make-_r, '23` Rs-nmn-41 In Hm up... aauaIe,Harness (Q Trunk Maker, 5%` Rt-nxon-1 to `the, premises opposite .\Ic\Y:m's (l3:u'1-io Hotel), ' nn\`r.nP R'i`I27:rx"r - , n - nnm ing is now cured. -l s Pills (.'IIl'('d mo of I rnlplu-d some Salve noise loll. I want -one for n podr 4ll\] ll I||zW 3 \])l|Vl" _DU.\`[-OP S'i`JtZEPjTl' arm; 77 vs nu nuv manner. If hnyws by strict attention fohnszincssx nml punctuality. to meet `.1 fair share of public pmrnnagv. " . Barric'.,.-\ngust list. 1867. 26- ____._____.___________._ AL.-u\.\ I40.) . au:u-uauucn :uIu,ucl1l|(:I11Cn S RIDIN-G_ SADDLES, BRIDLES, &c., in :1 .=t_v:Io- \v:\rr:\nIod to give satisfaction. "9?" ll!-1I .\ll{l.\'G, &c., done in n w0rlun:1n- Iikv K5:EE% 'ifX}i:5ss` MAKING -111 Mm mvunicnez u.u.uu.y.u uu J..Ln.Lu.LIJ.n.Ju .l1L.1..&.l.J.VU -In the premises 4 `an door to the Law Oicc of lessrs. ]}uulto;L (0 M7; Curl/:_I/, \\'h(-1'1: he.is now prcpmv--1 to o.\'ocut(- all orders I'm` light and hozwy single and clnuhlu sets of II..\I{.\'l'ISS: also-Ladies :1nt]_Gentlemcn`s Dlhlkln Anru Ire nnnnl F6 3 _ 1` uuul A \.T AA 1,1 MJJUL L1 UlVl1aDb'lLV U. .H:u'iI')_-.5 spent over 20 yozus in the trade, in large cstublislum-nts. he need only refer to his old fricnd. in Essa" and elsewhere, for the ch':u'nctcr 01' doing guod work. THOS. 1\I(:NI7.I.I.Y. ~ I...` ;~ 1:`. u<.v.:...!nv. o .;..x...1..;....4.. ..p N;e}y-47"SE1Ad11*yEsj5a1jIj.hmenI inB}fie. nonE1{'r );IcHENRY, ,, . HE Suh.criber begs to announce to the `Public in this and surrounding townships, that he has 1'1.-ntmyl the almve estuhlishlncnt from llcssrs. Lox & Shapcott, and is now pre- pared tu undvrtuke CUSTOM CARDING; nun :., H... w..n nu.` UU-3| U31 U1XKa|)liV["r; nn?| in the Full. aim FULLI.\'G AND CLOTH DRESSING. 1'I:.ui.'m -Annnf m-m- on mm... :.. n... o.....1,. :- [wut[ENu`r`tInnv.t :1` your pills. boxes of yo YY wants, me . .m.. to he Iuunu 1; Any article in the trade 1 flmxished to order on short 11 rantod to give satisfaction. mar re....,.;.... .....n ...., Bridging an_d_ . V - \:r:., x\5C., wnlcn He can olfex` {Q at very 1'(-asomtblc prices. -` H50 "in stock some of the . I .- y host English and other Rid- _ ing and Driving Whips, Bits; Lines, Bruslms, Curry and Mane Combs, Cards, &c.. &c.. to he found in this market. xmmufuctnrotl or notice, imd Wur- I-nnfml in rvF\'(- gnliumnll, lvlIll.\'IA I.U b'lIU BILIIEIQIVIIUUI 3%` Repairs well and ncrtlly executed. Barrio, April 8, 1863. ' V 10- ._,..__?.j Stayner, May, 1858. ._._:___..__:.._.. Saddlery and Harness Establishment, ( .VeurI_z/ opposite the Bank of Turrmtu.) I AVING returned to Barrie, respectfully informs the Ladies tlu.-rcof, and its vicinity, lllmt she is prepared to attcml to all orders in MILLINERY, in her usual style, which has invariably given satisfaction to her pn,trons.-Until more suitable premises can be obtdincd, she is temporarily located in the Car opposite Kiu;,r`s Buildings, Dunlup-s_treet. `Dam-in `an... 1L`{!O 4 H` lJLlll|.LlUl_] _Ll.|lLl uuxuum) l1l!)lU.|J1h)llllll1lll, I/Le_ Qf T uronfq.) DUNLOI STREET, - - - - BARRIE. Barrie, March 4. 1868. L} c E N SE D A1[J`(IJATT6wl\1 EaVl-IR _: u um 11 .| nun VALUATOR,&c, For the C'ozuzl_:/ of Simcoe, THORNTON.: g"Auction Sales tluroughout the County atlendbd 10 bromplly, and on liberal terms. v Nov. 23, W. 43-u'[ I (III IIIIUICIIIVV n be c/r.w'rz-(I. the most sceptical . ..._ _` ..,-... -_...,,.. .. Bnrxjie, May. 15368. Iknisl. May 14.v ]R6S. - i; (i.`} 1 -- ...:no..u..:..t..a.....' g.__0( of Ba: and the public, of the -'L`oun1_\' nf` >`in1coo. gcr.emH_v, that he wrnmunccil lm. of _ rn1- n o 71' I 1-:17-u-um.-. -- . ...-__ . p.,.x\,\ JONATHAN KI_LGORE,:'*- `I-l.`-..-.` .. ..-.....__. MARTIN MOORE, I Q Tr \ a ..,....,'... 1.-.. Mrs. BOURCY, A Qusiais Qircttory. AAAAA/v\A_AAAJ\ HOUSE, SIGN A-ND Il-:..L:..-. 11,4- Lu,` -IN>NISFIL d that he can Iunun. ,2"-:l}{_D_`l`BL|NDS .uz.\1nu4.u, AVE constantly on hand a `supply of FRESH ` GAME. o;c.. of as choice F AS nown hand an ex- tensive nnd genuine stock of Single and Double Harness. (Cm-ringe and ,'1`eam). English and Com- mon Riding Saddles. Double" &c., &.c.,` which he oiI`ex` and Single Bridles. Collars. Ln! varv I-I-mxnvmhln r.I-inn: VJOHN SPARLING. Smvmrn (Tn. Rim: JUN l:'AKhlNG. Stayner, Co. Simcoo. - ll}-M` sun xuu Esta blishmnt! ! - - Barrie. _-PT-Driving. NOX`l\'. 3 THOS. MCNE LLY. . 15-`tf my or rrn:.`au , and offer the .'1c.-:r' li3-rK'[. I`\lIU Lu.---v- mice, and 110 '1`e:-ms 1, and nmnufncturel nnd furnishes all I110 Ir Flmerula, includi `in min hn lllld on V9 urur ma JGID 1illlllD(ly Upol. _A.ARNALL, - - - - - Proprietor. V HIS \w-ll-known and favorite old Hotel has been tlmronglnly r(-n0\'ul-:1 and titted up '1n a manner to ensure the comfort of guests; and trzwcllors are assured that (.-vorv endt-avor will he used to give them satisfuctio and rend-' erthc cst:\l`lislnnent_ the best of its class in p0ll1t()fC0ll1f0l'l,nll tame. StL'(. B for different nnrfu lnnrn {LA 1.-..--` _-_..-.._. v - -L gs. .|..|.\l- I.J.'.l1J, ` ADJOISIE-`G THE` smnox, coLL1x<;woox>. J. P. RYLEY. - - - - - P1:omm:1'on.3 I Formerly ofthe ROYAL HOTE!" I-Iamilmn. '1 .__7____;____..__________. ` . _.......... \l ....uu4.-u, um I- P. QUINN, - 4- - - .PnoPuu:roR.. THIS is th first Hotel in` the.place, and n'ords all the onvcfxiences and com- - mm 1-; me lIl'SLy.l`1.(ILl an` the.place,} n ords the conveniences forts ofa first class house-. Stages depart from and arrive at the hotel; Couveyanccs to and from the Steamer. Eff` T.2':n-u M-.m..,.-I..1 ...'.'1L IL. 2 V -- M Orillia Hotel, 8. w. R035, .......... ..`.....Proprietor. `f proprietor of this well-known I cstnblisllment begs to inform his friends nmlthc lmvc-l_ling cmnmnnitylhat he hns 1vas.(-`:1 the above holel in the pleasant and `healthy village ol`Oril1ia. and is now_ prepared to receive and accomnlodulc gut-sts. . Comnxcrcial travellers and otlmm fm-mdm.1 to recc-we and nccommodzxtc others furnished with convenient and ample accommodation. Choice Wines. Liquors and Cigzlrs, in stock. Afwaximents lot. to private families. ,;" Good sheds and Stabling with~attc-ntiyve servants. V - 5.1f ._j----.--_____.___.___ DUNLQI STREET. - '- - - - BA ` `ear I/4cXc:oI.`Itilw(1_I/V Drpoi. A. ARNALL. P-nm pom: 01 com1o1't,and Stages different parts leave the ` daily. _._______._j.;> u.-.1. u.. mnnn\q', rruprleires. JOHN McWATT, Superintendent, ;$`Thc Tr:u'o1lin;; Cnnmmnity will find this (-smhlishxnc-ntsuitml IOUH`iI'rL'qlli1'Cll10nlS and dc-'.~'c1`\'ing ofIlu-ir.jmt1'on:1go. _ I ' 33" Sutuplc Rooms for U0u_nnorci:v.l Travel- lers. ' -m-mnv nuvo tho muna \'. with Ihe Inuxmof J. -nuim: have the Pill m\\'do " . NEW :.$w7|L|:,H_-H J. G. MARTIN, - -`- Proprietor.` Formerly oflhc I-Ixclmnge Hott-l."Uro'cn1ore. '1' no here. m.-mg cunvonwnt to both curs anal lxouls. Good stnbling. '-A Lin-x'y rftnhlc conncctotl '.vitl1the hotel, where Ixorscs can be had onjlzc shortest _ notice . V H ...._.. --vvuh, CIIURCII HILL, I;\'.\'[SFII.,' Co.-SI.\ICOL`.' JOHN GREGG. Pfoprietqr. B -FT Liquors and Cigzuxs :1I\v:1_vs in stock. "Good Stztbling and Shctls zuljoining the h0I_1.=c.. - _. ...u-nu --w- r|_I.-, .b AI RIl2'_. COUNT) 01" 'b'1.lI/JOE, Mrs. E. MARKS-, Proprietresa. 7 .lOH!\l M.-\AlATT c........:_.-_ cumplc uooms for Excellent Sfahlingconnoctrl\vi.i11the House. Barrio. 12th April,, 1566. 10 -___._.____.___.__.j u. u. ;u.1:u.u. -' North American Hotel, 11_`(/'18 QJVTAIBIO S T1212 E T,_ C`l_\T_L`.::.`C'.`."<){_`D, -~ ~.-- CHARLES OAMERON, - PROPRIETER. IITS cmnmo'dious house lm. 5' been thormxgly 1'1-no\'ut<-(1 and re- furninlu-ul, and is well mluptk-:1 fur T1':1\ -]lcr.=, lu.-ing cunvonivnt to both and . A Lin-1".` c-nnm-Mm! -.\-HI. Hm Alzna I-Iouse, HILLSDALE. _ Penetanguishene Road. ALE, . IIILL. ..... l 1um1um'0n. EST of LIQL'()R1~T~, GIG.-\l:>.`_. and RE- .FRla`II.\!I'J.\"|'>`, prox-i The l`cx1et.mgx1i.~;be11c Stages change horsos "- VTIIG Bax` is supplic:-1 Vvith good WiuVos,: I.iqmn`s and Cigaws. Excellent Smbling and Sheds connected with the Iluusc. Craigvale, Oct. 9, lS67. - .'iG-Gnms. P`f 10.: prepared (aka! fulfill! . . . n nu lllno MRS. E. ll_\.\'I.0t\' & S03`, - l 1'0p1'ieto2's. 0`.\'E DOLLAR. AND .\ 0L .\R'rr-in pm: n.\\' , WILLIAM PARKINS, INNKEEPE R, C()OKSTOWN_ Licezlsed .1uch'mwI31'j7'n` fl-c L'mI.niy Qf Simone. Vulvmlnr. (V-... _('0. 36-lyl` V...-.--.u-- II.\aII-|-, Adjloining the Railway Station, Craigvale, ROI.`-EIi'I' GREGG, - - ~ I'I'n1n'ir;!u7'. GLOBE HOTEL,` I ENETA.\'(:C-ISIIENE. ONT. -lvuu uuunu nus ncun Lu0r0llgul_V reno- vmod. and is now in point of cnxnfort. _ sccdnd to no 0the1'cum1ty Hotel. The Hur is supplied with Ht.-f1'cshInm1ls that must. give satisfaction. Good Sln.-d.~s and Stabling at- tnchcrl. _ `Ila:-I-In h.-mnmlu... In 1 2:27 A - HE House has ' am] n uuuu, utluva tu uuu uulu IHC azcamer. @' Livery] connected with the house. _g:a V'IC'l`0l{IA, I_\'}\'1s1`1L, ADAM MYERS, - - - Pm _VICT6flIA HbU s'i_aA:JJ,`- . FOR CASH. A. -- - n.. ROCHESTER HOUSE, N0. :21). Im)\"r S'l`lH-`.!~`. 1- 'I`r.12r|\"'r~n . vi:-I-u unaolalur II AI nnluild-IL! > _ .A1V1:'.\'I.\'G. `C0. SIJICOE. ().\'T. JOSEPH WILSON, - - .- Proprietor. The Bar is supplied with Choice Liquors and Cigars. Good Slzeds and Sl'.\bIing'ndjuining the Hotel. ' Ulg:ll`S. Good Sheds fccexnlrer 2-1. 15567. Corner Dunlop and Baylield Streets. A _ BARBIE, on; R. BINGHAM, (successor to A. Mis- campbell), Propneior. $ lI1Hl old and fz\\`0I'ile ostublislinuent is now undergoing thorough r0nr)v:uion, and will iii :1 few days he `N-fxxrflisliotl and 1'el':tl0d in a manner that will cou'1p:1rc fu\'ox':ll)ly with any hotel north of Toronto, in so far as com- fort, convenience and prompt attendance are concerned. ' ' 'n<:a:- r1-...1 _A-LI!__._ D2reL2W:m?@L \.unn.;x.-A ucu. Good smhling on the premises, and at- vtentivc servants. -l`u1Jnmry IS, 1868. 3-_Iy. ouse... J.nnuar_v S, 1867. MARTI1\T S HOTEL. ncucel. __ . Barrie, December 10, lam. I I I " [marsh moon 0! - _--all _ vs all see for me in five o; no. One of your pill: ly .homInch('. has i.;_= lu keep in Hue Imus . re lrom bilious choir, nu,` and '1 lmr CHURCH `HILL HOAl_JSm_E, YTY| )lVI1 Yvir V 1 ' ifzuttl and filuunzs. ~ _ \,\_,__.,`_,,.,N-,.-,. ._ ` ._.,./_/..\- V..,., WELLINGTON HOTEL, `r `a---~---.; A 4n`AL AA\I Kl NJ. :20, ]:`RU.\'T S'l`lUJE l", 1`OR0.\ T(). IAILVVAY IIOTEL,` XXI)-`G TUE s1`,\'rm\- `nnnnvm L,.\-_;,.__,,? w. The Queens, LOP STIH-1R'I`, -'- run '_r:}:7CfcEKL`:-:+:A`%.6T-E nnn ikn Da.:lQu.... L..A.:.... n..-:._. -.-.-.Aa-\Jz.{ m:N2:rA.\'<}E1s1xE.~:r:, oxr. 7\`\r - BARBIE HOTEL, ` I.` I"nIr\"r\ nu -our `price in twenty inc to me 1:! .\\'orllI I LLLI " .|.1UP1'1UbUl'n I~I.\'.-lmngc H0t(el,"Ur(Vcn1ore. _.__:._.________. ` been thorotxglxly reno- point cnxnfort. Proprietor. 1 - n "_7 BARBIE, rnnl house" 45-lyr. 43-if C . II . 11315 Y().\'Gi-I : HAS just rn(-civml ndont, Pnpc-r.=. Hall. 01' ml l :1purs, (Ihimm-y Prin n4.,,,..1 slvvle. Tho Intr-st th- , V`EI`.Y L.-\RGI:` nal comphrte .-\.=.=nrtmcnt '0!` Lmlivs Enamt-llcd Kid and 1'runL-Ila `Gaiters. lmskins, Boots; Gent's Calf. Kip and Colxrse; .\Hx~.$`S and Clxildn-vn'.u.v of every variety and.sLy]c, which will be kept. con- slanlly on hand, ' `m nn-pnrvn \'n'r' mr. 1:1` 1r\-n-rwnnnyn um (lII(l .3 /ILVE Heels, and n at gunrnnlead. Ire `1`ilIs--0nc Pill in A'l`, - Boots ind Shoes F3 F33 WHOLESALE T AND RETAIL. [ T0 1:5 U.\`pEIzs0Ln. l - .. ROBERT r1.-mm LL kinds of Carpenter and Joiner Work _donc in :1. workmanlilcn mannnr and at renqonable prices. Doom. Sash and Blinds on hand and l'urni.=.liml at short` notice. Orders _ for Cotfins. IIL-arse. -and'I-`unerul Parapher- nalia promptly attended to. .. Barrie. Avril. 1967. ll-lv Pfnin and fancy Wriiing Papers, I'In\`e1op<-Q. rap;-1' _ I;nnnm-y 1'rmls, h'UI`(l(.'l' V &c.. in every swln. lute-: tlvslgxls rt-;_;ul:1rly rec!-ivod. School and Account BIJOIHI, Bihlvsx, Pr #- Books. Church Services. Ilynms. Engmvingsn and Litlxograxpbs, I)m.wing lmpors, Pencils, Pens, Inks. &c., &c. 1511 1-n... tangtusncnq at _._m`cn oclock, n..m. V The .'~.'uh `her I1:Lsn1. first class LIVI-IRY EST,.\BI.1.$lI.\IE."l' in Barrie-., at which single or double conveyances can be had at all times on most reasonable terms. n A Vin V. A \"nwt:nx~ ' .1.`-LL operations entrusted to him satis- fuctoril_v performml. Farnwrs and others who may have Colts. Bulls, Heifers r Swine, requiring his services will be attended to dur- ing the smson. The chargvs in all cases wiil be found reasonable. Good rcfcxenccs given if re'qnircd. ` Barrie. Docemher 11. 18.7. .4.-.,1.... - WILLIAM MOORE, I [BUILDER & CONTRACTOR, Una, ulna. n\'.(:., \?C. Bookbinding, Ruling and Printing, IN ALL TI]!-III: lH!.\l\'('HES. V [IE SI1l>.=crihr'r inlhrms the trnweiling com- \ munily that he is now runninvv :1 Daily Line of .\iuil Stages to Pcnul:1ngu1shono.- Lo.'u'in;: Barrio on the arrival of line morning (ruingoing north. and returning leaves Punc tanguishcnc at o'clock, bar i1KlSZliS0:l first class LIV!-`.I?Y JOHN Lwv E, HORSE DOCTOR, &c., &c., T!,\l3T?ll'. r`.rn'\"rv Cl\l( wu rum-numl Cnmuln, 'l's A J.'(I.\' or PUT. will-cl S!X|l(`HVH|llH[ be JOCK, No. 11 Pine A.\ Ahh Aur.u; u|Kr\.\ CXlI-IS. Prompily executed at the Lowest Remunerat- ing Prices. ` Toronto, April 2T,'18f`..'). 12-Iy TO AND FROM PENETANGUISHENE WiLL|AM MANN & son, Booksellers, Stationers, ; nu. '"i'or)ntcc,',-xpril 27, 13:25. 12.1 y Daily Line of Mail Stages _/\f\r7'1 ...,..nn.\u 1i.\'GLIS1[1 AP]z'12 1r;mV'c;1.vGS, .c-c t/'.\;\.u1-uUJ`4 .1n.1mmnJi. and I ' U1 l[()LS'I`I'IRIR. Opposite E.` II:11'nl\\':|1`n>Itoro, I)uul.op-:'1rt-ct. I3:u`ri Harri:-. April. 156:4. ` <..__--j~a..c-v lBar:z?* e2 Bggk. Stgmg JOHN CULVERWELL. C`.\RRIAGE TRIMMER and Guncral _L'1 lI()LS'l`I-II_HR_. E. (l:'avor's DEAL E_|_N FANCY. GOODS. nmusnln; nmplv 111.1 and Cigul T ed my lydadnclw um. mr pills to my who he (lcnr m....... , .j__ Al3T() I-IO USE, AI T(). FLOS. OX1`. THOMASE 1IIISIlota-I nivn 'IIl\I'A Barrio, July 2, 1868. This well known establishment has recently undvrgnno very great imprpvemc-nt~-:1 lar:.;t- mldilion having been made to it. giving in- croasml a('cnn1n1ot1:1lion to the public and com- nwrcinl travellers. (3lmi('c liqnors' &c, in stock. Commodions Stubling and Slu-(ls convenient. to the lmuse. ___j________.__________ I2:u'1-iv. Oct 3 1866. mun prompuy a_m-nue Barrie. April, u nun-uu|..u 0 IIU I EL, (Late .\IcL~l;ing'.~',) Next Door \Vcst of the Railway Station, l 3:u'ri(_-., ()in(:.' D. F.uz/unuzu. - - ' - T -n-w=--h--- ['ExcHz{NGE HOTEL, 0,-po:u'Ic (he ]?1I:crIu Stulhm. Dnnlnn RI --...,-u` HENRY I-`R.\SIR, reqnn-cu. ' Docemhcr 11, 1867. `zuluxt-.us,,(}..m,,.nl L I of-Appt-lilo, 0 than n A |uuu: ouuluru IJUUSQ.) OI{.II.aI4I.A,& C.VV. JAMES JOHNSON, - - - Pnomm-:Ton. .____ l IIIS new and C0l11m0di0lISll(_)t(`l is situatczl near the Lake Shore. and culmnnnds :1 ne View of tho surr_0unding summary. The rooms are large. lmndsumely l'urnisl1cd_. well vvnti- lated, and families can - be supplied with separate suites for themselves. :"Sa'n)plc Rooms for Commercial Travellers. 'l`Im Tl-w will Mm.-m 1... r,......1 .....J-.- _. , kg A.nu.uln\: nuuma nu uux1|luU1`UliIl 1l`u\`L'llL`I`B. The Bar will always be found replete with liquors and cigars of the best bnmd. ' Good Stahling and attentive bostlors. 20- Ir Ins] I`!-ll" DLT.\'LOP STREET. B_AIlRIE. April, ISGS. u---::.QQI f-I O.`-\ILJ-`Ill 01-rpa:u'Ic ]? lI.1Il.`/I.l/ Stulioyz, Dunlap Sh, 'nA`I'\'r\1-11 I\ Gcncrnt ,MIrcrti5tmrut.3. \/Vx/\,,\x/vx/xr -- .,-. .x.-z /\ A. r`\ --\.\,\ .- OII.\' EDWARDS. Im- porter and Dealer in R O 0 M P A P E R S .;n\'n .s"1'J '1'! 0.\'l;'1z I ', TOR0.\"l'O, FAS _i11.=tro(-civml :1 lnr;_n- stock of Room L Ollico. Ceiling :1mI\\'ind0w rL`I`S_. Prints, I}urd,-rs,&c.. 0. rt-;_:ul:1rly .1oHi\r"sw0 N HOUSE, (Late Stubrd Housv.) ._7-__ _. .. V-.~/--u, saw-, BARRIE, C_OU.\'T'1' -SIMCOE. incluuws '1: can be WU J[ary Slreel. FARAGHEEVS7 Hon-:L,V (Late .\IL-u1;inr.v'.-. \ ijotels and '.z!IUu1lS. ' 7\`l."I'\ D I'UI`\\VII\7\ . 1 mm- 0 impl'< inc. & 1- nup1'm'cnx(~nIs 1n the way u{ additions, ing. &c. Its: accoznxnodatimx is now nu-l cmnfortahh.-J The lmst. Liquors :uu, be fuunrl in th('__B:U'. M-Iy j 3 House Imszj fllrnisln-11 am-\\ mn('url:\blL- huu in Junu 1`-nsz , BAT13; BT13)` T-`I? \\`VI? _ _ . Ont. ..l.1.I LJLILI LA\J U House.) I"~2.TT.T.'l A , (` -. `,1 Al.` T(), FLO>.', r STON ,. tc-l has recently xxndorgono oxten-` mnw.-xnt-nts in the wnjv additions, m-r-mnlnndnlhm Ia unu- F :As1:1:-`S u;-rms. DAVID Y-.-\.\"EVERY. pr/`.nr nh. 'orlh, BA IZRIII. a just been fitted up and cw.` making it one of the uusus in the North. 3_ 91.0! V ONT. .\ 1'. v 121: 1 . Proprietor. 3: ;-It PROPIHETOR. Proprietor, hot`. at noon. . C. W. L()l7.\"l". vudinry .\lugistrnlo. D . Muslmkn. 16 HQ Proprietor. 45-lyr. 11-1Y I 1141" ; 0ne_DolIar_- per Annum, strictly in Advance. A STOCK of FRESH GROCERIE3 l Iin. . iu.`~`t nit Gram, Fan am Sm mu, FLOUR, CR.-\CKED wm-:.\'1', Corn and Oatmeal, Sc-evls. Oats and 13965 If.l ,x.m .1.vnn.4 /vn xr - A anpply of White rccci I um unuersxgnr.-:1 is pro arm} to nxocnh Loans on I-`rt-eholcl `rapt-r7_v at very runsonable rates of inn-rest, and ( :t.`:.' terms of rcpnvmont; also IS.':'L'li!{ OF .`.I.\IH`. AGE Llclaxcas, &c. I'T!.`.\'h".' H A Y nuns $30,000 3LT3.,i32fT`13I1.,iZ? s",I3 Cent. Lock, Money, Mo_;Le_y, Maa? A run: n ,, VPIIE undersignr.-cl is re I-_\'pc:|Q `ram-rfzv .-.9. \-nvr A"'- In uu.1un~;I:( Nearly opposite (he Jlurlnr.-I-I[oa.~:c, Barrie, June 1'). L863. `4V'Jv,u\ (Jen t. A pply to Bradford. April 23, 180:1`. _ ,, ,_, - .. `JIIQ ,....u DRUGS, CHI`}.\HC/'\L.`5`, FA X0 1' I !-.'I. I"I'J[I~.'I.') . _]I)'l-I .`-' TI 717 FE, COMES, ] .RL >IH).~`. l .\L\'TS, OILS, V.\R.\'ISIIES, GI..\f-'4. l'L"1TY.. PATENT MEDICINES, IIORSE ANI) (_'.-1T'I'Ll;' .31 /;'l1I/`If-'E/3 of all kim1s'_, 550.; also, u I:1xg<:>:n.~:~ux'ln1ontc2 LANIPS, lA.\'TR.`\'.`3, CHI."-'.`iEI"1`.=', &C. sow 1Vir Infn F.~\R.\fERS' AN D M l'I(7II.\ NICE would do well to can and v.\ ::min0 1IAI`III\'L' n'Ir - numu uo \\`('H [0 can ruul on .7/.4//`I//.\'/3' IFIL. before purclmsing 1-l.~:(.-wlxerv. '1 1.-u;_-;,-_ -4. APOTHEGAEYS `:`iIvt1LL. hY7\`T (`ID C'r`!>vv .... nu- me for Chronic Con. it, und M }:_m said I .\1uggicl's PINS cured lnggicI's Pills gamma j -llom`I.' ' .3, nnd keep them in ,..1 --~ " NEWDREG STGRE T \\'.\u KL-lmun K: Cu complete, con ,-r\`\w- uu.\1.U1'_b"l'i(lj xVcr:rI_I/ 0/;/m.\'//I.` I/Ir ]. ui[ . `B A a r: I E V \A1\I-.'5pu=nsurc1n :\xmr-:mni|1;r to tin I. p10 of Barrie and .FHI'I'UlIJNHlI;! my that he is: now prop-.m-11 to {_:i\'v nm.-Ec I. on the Piano Forte. OM14-1'5 :xtll:4-ssu-:1 tr I}`.l`l'i('. post-nllicv will mm.-ct. with ixmm attention. Tvrn::< mnrlorato. ` Etclndt-on and Organ fun-ni.-l1t'1"if rmln`, Barrie. Fm-l)ru:u`y 26. 15:33.` T8HBllB'1"'I}'f' th'.'1 nial1'1{1"fr1urIe, IT` .\ KY7: nlnrl u 56., &c.. I VIVAKES ph-nsurc in :\nr.m . nlv sum ` l\.Lvn L\l`au IS now selling his stool notloxvcr, than the 5:: in llnryio. ` Apto. ~Ton:nship Fins, u1uL'..\ut'..~, ac. . II-E-2.\'R'1' lIA?iI I5i . Cot-kstown, Nov. 27th, 1805. 0 -r ' mp strccl. b'm'r1(`. whm` gvnce and um-ntiovn. to public fmtronago. Ilurriu. Anril I7. mu`: TnE,`p|11I"C arr rm-4<|wctt'Illl_v 11-quo: take notice that the Suntlny I3usinr_-..-as Hitherto cnnnrclonl -with this ('>`!'Ib]i:'} will be di.'~'cunv.inm-d froxn this duh-. I H \' A \'r-\- \\il.h di.~'(-xuzcs of Ilia may l`u.~'l X\NIs`Ill`l'd tl.-cw rlwnx-: ,\ns_.=Es L.-\.\'G lmvo just commonm. work In the above hranchc-.=, nc_\~L d:_;.. vlo Mr. Lam-'3 ']`ni!m ing EstnhIi.~11nu~nt. Dun lop street. l):u'ri0. Vwhm-0 lI)I'V']|n]x(- hv .1112. 201100 attention. In mt-rit n trnnxl .."I.s..-.. ..: THAOI;/IA $135.4-4:5`,- Gr-n<:rr1(D4::I?<-2'12: I I I DryGoods,Grocenes,Prov:s:ons, I C')'0cl'crz/. (1']r/.<'.s'v/vrrrrn //Hr:/uvnrp werxrnccd physicinn. ~ Barrie, Nov. 21, 1966. "Wiih ;:;<.;r; `i;i:I.} "Ii 1i`:aL;L.`i;iJ;"-' ` WHOLESALE iron and Hardware Merchants. , _j_._?___j.._ - MILLINERY & DRESSMAKING. I /IV/turn Ifn.'y-.m.-I. ,....7 C1... MESSRS. ALETI\DE3 (2 Co; ( /7 A \'\`{n'\'r-In .- . mhuc pzxtronugo. April 17. 1.4117 Barrio. A43:-il `.2-1.1% , V ;\n I`. V luli 1 `N Ianrery Sfcables. jusiucss gtlrcrtisrnzcnts. a ;\'I.En .9 co; 1! . nu! IJ uuuuogul UVUI C'r0cl'cr_z/, (;'Iu.e.'wt . .`I'r`, _ X-1- I..I.JJJ.LLIJ.lJ.1:.l. CE lJI\vIJDDJ.VJ.I5.lX.l.L\ ]"um`_I/ .][(u'r`1-nrk (/ml Still/I1:/Ilg. vuuu -uuu unuu 9 HIV: vuuux 483 S: 48.3, ST. P.u'I. Srmzl-:1`. -gnu--.-- :uu._u-nuuuau, wuuur-. Uuls nnu II.-1 JIS A ND A 0 04V _J(`)VHN LAIRD, TvTsi.HALAui5{<"AJ. ._..a--vanes ) .1. DJ J. DUNLOP S'I'RlII'I'1, n....m-.'/,. /.'...' 7),.'I 9. .. . --...u..;;.:.u u4.1;u 1\`.\'0L'.\'(,`E to nm, N'\` hnvn mu.n...i . --VANEVE RY S u. .|..Luuuu. \ jI1.~`~t Iuid in. Ii `I3! (528. _JOIl.\' s7r.vI:.\:=o1~;, _ `b'0!::'[I;/`. am,` ml Butt:-r Firkins Jung H-ll. NUMBER 2;` ya! u\.-. och at pri('o.~: as law. 54 v.<:unc good; can be hat: I\JU I I UV IQIUII 1'(u`r, //urdzz'(1r', `.. (QC-. :cU'uHy r('quo: la_ lh::=1I:ll1'. D . \'}'\.\'E\' I-ZRY . my nope my uu_:. rit a guod.:sh:u'c of Tho '.'1-rpy bu; ."xA_-nip..-` .... u:.m'n. , L'vllZr.-r-.v!r_re1. vr..v -:-ly uhnut their mm 0 1`clIu'n(-d by the fol- -. nu.--.1. VHIVKIONTREAL : tho pou- mg (`0llntl".'. `ll;/`. 190., Iirmlfurd. 12- ._.._j_ `HR mine tho? c M-.<. 1-(1 ff) lnm. ixmuudinle 4,4. x n Mun u; u_..u., - . Ihmmt. _. \\'ln>h-salt: .\[:<-nl ful 2'0-(im. -.xu-ncuaqsa-11> Gra-ham. Hiiliilg, , nn.\cmm1nu_I-`., n nnn IIEIIK .0)" /I . 1'] , . ti . U1`_l-\':1L"| S 15 `I\'III- - .. _ .9-4JQ.>\13"' M uskoka. _____ {IF CTED STUUA v- lllllllllli non, . all noon, I nnun. -u 'l`1l'l|(yy WLL3 `clunl le..m...1.. -()hc -n I` 3'-our Salve In an llllllsclf of the vncanci_e.~4._ 1 Thurston danced everything " U`: St, but a lame number of the "m`1 tzmces with Miss Ivison, which P``l"e(_ considerable remark among different Pit` ml`-S Present. who e.\'1)ress.ed I-`1"t 3` ' , . : no .ll\3ntM1ss Ivison`s conduct, Mid exclusion o Iltly present remarked that 811,0, `ll".1:l with Mr. Thurstoir reckleS-$1) : ' `h perhaps, was not very far from the trxm; T ius time flew by with Thurston, WM enjoying the company of the )'0l1g I . . - ho ieiress, and basikmg in be: 51111185 W ` rmmy omers W "iE.f.`` he _ evening, when Cons m ed him to u clistmit corner of the room; where was seated a young lady Whomh d had failed to notice before, Md who a con sittino ' - _ . d 5 there alone, entllcli negleate until now . . t . Miss-Ivison was `about 0 middle of t to t.ll1 _:_-;ure sh? took pains WM u":"1l Kiln. 1.11:1`. she beh_ovcrl Lllpre _:Li1l0t'l1l` \\:11t7. on l1(3r_ order wlnch ml `Ir l"_~y :u1_d he snnlmgly _toqk` `her am"-S;u_`n11uulmc-ly `wrote his nntmls V3. d 1: .1110 also not1ced_ several other ma-med` ~'1F-llu? dances _wlnch we're not we "me J! was not a little S\ll'pl'ISOd go mall . 10 cfml was not. m_ore nea_r.y . I `W1 with her purmisslen, w-Inch L. .. _ M """l`1.V given, he proceededto av ' ' ., - . ff] hlllmlt vacancies. . llllrston zlum-ml ...... ..'.L:.... .._ n._ .` -.n\'\ um: um: uuu HIIOWUU mm In secure the rst wziltz on the order. and she was nut"ulisuppoiutcd, for at 1110 end nfthe lirst w_:urc she expressed` her -`~'\fI~1t'.-action by :1 lu-.uitclnim; rlanco from ` thoscbn:\vil1uriI1-.7, eyes which would have `turned the luemls of half the vounp; men in tho mmn. and whicln \v.'1s' ot \{'ithout Effect on 'l'Ium-rm. '"""":s'.I `V91. 5H0 `VHS l`f""0rs 111 that Ii.-oo1i0,, Jim lirst \ n}1d m.L'.|j_.m],p(_ *1 Or the ill`.-it s ` mtiau.-o:.\.. L.. .. .,, Mr. Hollis` Bronson \\'n.~'. tl1r_-I` Mt-|v':1iu'.~' I1m.5t Ah-\`vl'L-:1 sl:n'c. li ymIngn1:1n,t:uH, smut, anal r:1LhL- .~mnc. Hglu-rt xv.-ls c\'vry\vI1oro, mnki: (CM) grevnble to all, and taking: r .\Ii'~.w' L:|1:nIw- .4lmnH lro pm\'ial: p:1rlIn:r.=, u`hil.~t In-r lvrnlcr was l:|1n;vIIi:ll_\' nlumt. the mom, f_-::t[nilI_: lmlive Ilx|'u1|_n__'!1 his _;I:zs.-mu, ,Im Ii l1'i.~`friL-ml .'u` Iris si~I0. 'l'hur. I1-.-nue in with .\Iurruy ' ho imlnedizm-l_v pr:-semen] him l\'i M his .`i.-la-I` Kat:-, and t4 nlhvr lwliua pm-sn,-ut. 'l'hurst.nn hi~' cl:-um-r.t, and \\'.-u perfectly at 1ivan1inuI::s. ll-2 luul secured I sun's c:n`l r} n \\':|Hz q1mlril|-`J, I `sunnt3ll_iv>'\'ill;_; the L:m:('-,rs, which erl it, with Miss .\Iwl\":1in. = That. I xhem \\`.'h :1 short inturvul which ' lowox] II_\' [M w:zlti luau-Iri_ll0._ He leul .\lis{l\'i.-n11 to the 'll(.`ilI1 90?. mul \\`:1~' innnu:li.'1L-ly' eIIf_f;ug<'.s \'ers:1tiun nilh her as li_s:hL'.'nul sil ' l-rumn 'nn\':e1s'.'xli<>1| ms apt to 11 IIIIII Ilnnp... ' ` r >` wrsnuun 1;. l` <'nn\':91s.' 1" "0\'('r samll um '|1|ll1'In:r \~..| ..l. . __ 7 MI`. Mt*l\":\ |'illI.' [HUI IUIV HIU | HYLV`l||UlI `VH3 LU CUHIU 0!!" the fu1lm\'in_-_; week. Tlu: bull-room \ms re-paiutc-l mu] fr.-scoeal. the lruperie.~x IHIL-\\`c<|, and the Hum:-\\';1xul unLiI it. shone like In mirror. The other :1p.'u-tments \nIrn- :lm~nr:atmI .-unl :nrr:2n'n-:1 for Hm ` m\\'c~11un-nu. - Tlw in\'|l:ui)n h:1u1,- of muI'se, been W ..n :u;.-uunt at his inLi:rncy with Mur- m, but it had In.-vn at llw snnggcstihng of .`\Ii.sl\'isnn, MM. f|I0l1g'lI she _:_;m'c that. as the l`L':l1)l1 for xlning so, ll.-ul unntlner mo- tiv-3;:uul so `lmu_I_-`Int Miss Mulvnin, who at Jim mm; gzm; her 2: Int-nning glance \\lm{h Cu11 - fully llIu1_cI'slm)d. Thu truth _\\:u` that she lhouglnt slu: would likc lose;-. 'l'|mr.stun lnorsulf, and become In-tier :u--yxxxinntml will: him. But none but Kate luul Lliu .~`.i;;l|L:.~'t .-suspicion of the truth. (Brunt were tin-. p|'cp:lrz1ti0:1s at Ouk~ ralc Hail for the 'lm|L\\jl1icl1 was to come n|l'Hm l'nHm\'hnr \\`mL'. Thu h:|.n-nnm Dl|\\'(I(,'l'. ' tnhlu (](':lIl`I".l in medl- {n:1I,lllli`(lI1(l Cnnmln, I N ]:'(I.\ or Ph'I' umvsr 15}, mm. TmrINm'- W.!`?.?!,? I-llu I M r. His: Au-' \u'r1\rr.. I ll - .-2 ,1-or ' cvr 1. prepared ':2t,.i.::2.,.:'s:. Y :Lu\` A.\'l5 UIt.\ .\.\lJ-2N 1`.\L PRI.\"l`ING: I ` ` .-4ucl|:I.~s _ 1.. . ('.\.Rl)S, mu. m-tans. AND COU.\"l`Y OF S`I.\IC0l'} AD`VOCA'l`I*I. l`ER.\lS 013: Mar I`|'l|llllllHl, .~l `mm H . ifnut \x\ k\\\` \\ \\ J. rfliubllshed evry Thursday Morning. ._.. v --- HI -`HIV: uxrst<>n mnuo Melmin. to Miss H. to many ' \\'as in lament, home in ninuI~:.<. Miss [vi- mnl lhlr and was tm_i->_\'in_-_; which preced- -That lllSll0tl, :1 intu! \':1l was {'01- l tleul .\lis< l\-i. of the ml eI1;6;:ug in cm!- tiun la.r:1s' li_s:lxL'.'uhl silly as all "Um to he. -he newrsu-n11 nor lu.-:m'I of 'l'luu'stnn sV 111:. yup she so confident. -of his rs in'th-n .l;.-....o ..L.. I.'..! ..II-- A1 n on A Iinnnlhm 3 r.x.\.\xi.\'nu uni l`IIh:l . A mm. ...-._.. . *" -`` ':;::.`:;`:;.`;::::':%:e;Y;t:.&:?' F"m`~ ~----'--'-"**"' _ The lxunuucr `(;{)l}.\"l`Y O1" $[.\lCU1~L ADVOCATE :;u.1sIn~;n ::v1:n\' 'ruuusn.u' .\um.\'mu. . -. ._.u,_ ~nu__,,.,. m:1um' nil-iIA.Vv1\l\`m; OIL t\\'.-xs cw-ry\\ .':lMt`.` :I ... Al. ..I I |llIllI|Io Lin: ULIIUI iI|mlulIl.'ll|.-`1 :omtcl :unl :nrr;:II_',r.-ml for` the .-and the Sl:!l`\'iCU5(){}L cclel-mlecl <'llI'mI, w.'u'IsL in the` se\ving-room . _ . _,..5V.. |'l HIIHIIU ])l'L.`.\'L`lH \\"lS DUUCI` hull |u-r. ~' tl1r_-ro, Miss mst i<-\`nl'L-:1 lie \\'ns :1 tall, .~'t.out,m1n1 r:1LhL-I` hand- .;_\.-~, unwn SlI;lI'Klc(,l \\'lL|l n-I llL`glIt, while her check mu l'rnm the exercise of Ian- t~:\'L'l'1u0kt-.1 more l)e:1utih|l ul nvmnu `p1-usunt butler mu In-re:-H' "III: , luk::-"I \'--ry pretty in pale` `Inn, with white lace lrin;-" -. Hut MR5 lvison was tn-l1il1*,; .~hev'.-rcucrin1- n\'<'I`- km pf lrlnvk lace One l:u'_-_:-1 soiit.-lire dia- hnr Imir, riv.-;ll1nj_:tho bril- ~-<, whiv-h sp;1I'kle<,l with Alt-H-VM. whiln Imv .-hnnl: km] "IIV -1|! IJUIIIIUUIIL 'Ul H15 -m-lion she had allowed` u limo ....;h.. .... u.,. .._,1A.. `5`1.B urn`. l'.\[I1`Itl|`,|l. _ us mil ('.`ilIlU:1L ].'lSL, plan-' Ilium: da'.siI`.'LHc C\ L`nil|;.;` mt l'nu_ (`..\1rt5L'l.t:d at. the r. ' 1-"sx:nsumv'rIox: _~tri::tly In advance! or $1.50 Im an puid! Fl"l-`I(`rE. . in :1 .l '1 ` .._ `>tigp_"V H My - want out, l';xi' Slnzl \\'iLI(`, n-. whoro, n1.-1kin_: him-g mra that` I pm\'iuh.*:l with .mtl1cr was stmlvling ! `no1n,j_r:q:i1I__v' at the :zss_~.~', lisping to x Jil`| `H CUHI-5U IVCCC|V' . . \ ml the bull unme- umc of colwcrsutioxn alas; not. [0 GU00 H, 114 IHUHUU HIHI HUL iS,.lH.lIL'- Thurston often zislze-I the lndies to rirle, but Miss Molvnin always refused, know- ing that Constance would prefer that she should not go. `Miss Ghussford aecepteil occasionally, but thinking he desired to he alone with Constance, she cease-l to accept his invitations, which, however, will continued to be extended to both Miss Melvain and herself. Consequently, Thurston and Miss Ivison rode alone, and it was during these drives that he was most in danger of losing his heart, being under the influence of her beauty, her conversation, and the magnetic power of those bewildering Mr. MEl\'nill nmv nll lliiufnnd snoke; sr. IhxymnMn;;gic1}`i|lI_ nplnlc`. inside the lnox. -nvuinv have tho nunmmtl