Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 30 Jul 1868, p. 1

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c1'ucU'1.A us mm-;i.s. &c. li.'.'\.\1I.\'l'2R ()l l"IL`E, lhrric. (.`.\V. `V S \\ pr- "hen 7 this AILl.`l\i|llI Calm: Ill. |ll)-\\'1lS l\\`.'l)l_\'-L\\`0 years of age, el.-_-__':|I:tly dressed and strik- ingly Iumulsoxnx-. He went directly in where l1isf'utlnur\\':xs seated; gun] as he enu-red Mr. 1\lul\'r`in looked up from his wrilin_; and .~'i him: to sit. down, and after pushing `back his own chair he turned to his son. ' ` Well, there seems to have been quite :1 tumble iuysusscx. JcA\\'L-Lt, 1 sum ose. wi[1beo[.1ige.l to suffer; he `scenic: to h:u'u been bu_\'in__; it. in for 501110 time." n \V.\ .. I l......" ....CI \T ... ... and Egbert mine in, and slmrtl_\' nflcr business cmumcnced. It was "stezuner D:|_\`," and Ct)ll.'4(}tlllelll1_\` Llu.-re \\'asa|gre:1Lc'r demand for sterling and ' more dustolners than usu.-d. 'J'lw y doors were in constant nmli-.m from eleven u'cIm_-k till two--the hour for L'l0~`i[l'_{--1ll](l all the clerks v.'er(-, lmsfly cu pluyml. Immense stuns of money c|mug_r0.l h:m-Is, and hills of c.\'-_ clnauugc were const:u1t]_\' lac-jngdruwn, sign- ed and delivciud as fast as busy hllds could do it. 'l`l. l. I lnlnlmut an hour Mr. Rnlc-vrt Ma.-lvaiu l l l'lll|lU (H) Ila 'l'hruu;_~_'l1 nll this tumult. the senior partner \\':1.< quietly S(3.`li.(3t1 in the inner oice, sinnking his ci;_-;:1r, anzl (`.lIg`.'l_:`-Mi in writing` letters tn mum friends uln-on-I, trhiclt were to go lay the'morrow`s steuiir 0|`. Aux, u (-.I1tlynaL ` father wus L. I I....` ll IIUUI-5: ` He had been there but :1 few moments when Mr. Trevor zu`ri\'e Ile uj.-ts the husiness-mnn of the con{p.'|ny, and his ap- pearance a signal for the lnlmrs of the Jan` to he cmnrnem'el. Mr. Rohert Melv.-tih. represented the ynpit.-1| of the houlee, hut he took no artive part in the lnusiuess, and the entire ll)1|lltl`L[0lll(:'l|l of the atlhirs of the company was left to the juulgurent of Mr. Trevor, and it was under his nzmciering that the bcoks were mucle to show such .~':1ti~'t';u-tt)r_v results. To be sure, Egzlnc-rt an:-1 Murray were very well in their way, hut they lint not -levnte much of their time or nttentian to the business of the nice. 1., ,I,__,. ,, I \: I\ u . 1: u - I llllll I4 '\|I\I ` hiurl lniln," 10 hi; son, but t aoat on the s 'oLl1r-rs, among \ ti-mml. u \|:.... an -..: U'Hl(!lI- Minc?" snid Murray in we fei__:neLl surprise. Why. I luu'cn`t had a slmre of that stock these :;i.\' mouth-4. " Well, I'm glad of it," said his father, but 1 1mm seen you t:u|kin_:; with this .Im\'uLt,c1IIitc often nl'ln*.c. and I (ll not know but.l1e I1.-ul illlIllC(3Ll' you to take ' some of: it." No. He tried to persuade me` to go into it, as he has almost. e\'I_-ry one on the atrset. But, Muss you, I wnululn't, lmvo , muclnul the sLul1' with :1 ten foot pole." Wall, Imn cmtuiuly \'cr_\' lmppy to` know that you have not ln-un lrmvu into it,:1n I feel grontly relieved. But in case you lnul been im-n1'\~e:I, of course I slmulul lim-e been wiiling to renlo:r' you all tha :us. I could under the cir- cnlnsmnm-S." u\7,... oL....L .v.\.. ` .~..\I.1 KY.-p.nm H1 I)" 1:xr.NDun 4; 00., I! . nun .._.._....____.____ they will have it to-morrow, I suippos-." Thurston was not rernurkalnly haml- some, that is his face, though he was quite ne looking; but he possesse(l as fine :1 gure as is often seen. He was about the medium height, with hroml, square shoulders, thnugli otherwise he was rather slightly lu_';lt. His hair was dark brown, his eyes grey, and his fea- tures regular." Ilc hzul iniall, white lmmls, and feet slmpelyVa_ml small to (le- formity; too small almost. for :1 woman. He was dressed in the height of the pre- vailing fashion, though not at all foppislh ly; yet his costume woulxl lmve hcen much more appropriate to the hall-room than to the counting-lmuse. He was smokinrr, son1ethin_I__r in whicli all imlulgerl, an-l \\'ln<:l1 was tolerated in the ofliee at all hours. !Y.L,)1, .u n . - cmnsmnces. Yes, tlmnk you." snirl Murray; I `|m\'en l u.oenL s worth of it. I had 21 humlred shares six or eiglu nmnths ago, but I sold nm. at .1 prot. '|`lmv nah! nnthinrr mam nbout tho. [JUL 1 SOIL! Olll. 11!: fl }\l'0IlI." Thev said uotlxinrr more 4 P matter, and Mr. 1\Iulvg1in returned go his writing. [.4 .u__-,. -s.1MI. mm; ..4'.,......-.... .'..I..m (rt 7 At three o clock tlit nfternoon, when the others had left. the oflioe. Murray Mel- vain I'eq\ioste 'J'hur.~ston to remain a few minutes :1nl' assist him in some matter ho wishol to complete in orcler to send out by that stemner. Aftorall had gone and they were alone, he turned the key in the outer door, auul went into the pri- vnto ofllce where he requested Tliurston to follow him. After the latter was seated he drew the curtains cnr-afully clown and p.'1rtiallycloso.-l the nlultters so that no crack was left open through which any- thing could be seen from the . outside. He then shut and locked the door, an-I lrow II chair close up to where Thurston was sitting, who hml watche-l these operations with no little curio=ity, and was now ready to hear whatever his em-. player might lmve to am to him. H In the rst nlnce." said Murrnv. I plnyl` mlglll. nave [0 am to nun. In therst. place." Murray, wish you to promise to observe the strictest secrecy in rcgzml to what. I am about to tell you. . H T will nrnminn to do 80. his curio- about to ten you." ' _. I will promise to do so, curm- sity increasing. " I ` .' I`lu-um um: 11 mnmantnrv nnuse. during sity Increasing. , There was a momentary pause, during which Murray seemed to be thinking in- lentlv, and at thaeml of which he said: u it Innu ha won on lmrvin with. to in- IGHUV, nd Ill U10. GIN! 0| \\'lllUl| nu mun. it may be well, to begin with, in-_ form you that I was in Shutds saloon last night. Oh. don t start! I shall not report. what took place there. 1 saw you though you did not sou ma. unuu'E'u Juu unu uuv coy nu..- Pardon me. said Thurston. inter- rupting him. I saw you. but at. the time I did not recognize you. `Tis all the imme, said Murray, im- patiently. I saw you, nnw you ping. saw you lose heiivily for one in your p0-`W tion; suice it to say. I saw enough to convince mechalt-1 you money was every- thing. Wa.s'I mistaken? N \Vni|. mnnnv in in ma narl.ninl{r mrv I- Shnrlly after twelve o'clock Mul'r:1_\' Iclvnin came in. He was twc-nt_v-Ln'o ears ufnure. el.-1!:|lIH\.' Ir e.-ml wul ..~rriL-- f racebridge .1 \[:u~:ml:n'. on the under: Hung. VVIOU L Il5WKUul ' ` Well, money is to me certainly very acceptable," said Thlfrston with a slight laugh. . no- 1' L'.;.....Ll>n :. L... r"... .._.._-.. laugh` M Q Iuugu. _ So I t'1ought: in fact, for money-- that is for enough of ib-'_VQll would do most anything?" asked Murray, care- lessly. _ (6 W91], Ttlnn t lrnnw nhnut. ml." rn. rlf asaly. Well, Idon t know about that," re- UUCH U|l)'I||_; llr I UH` SUIIIU lHlll`- ,'us, so 1 he.-n`," s.-rial MuI'I':1_\', :q-p.-|r- not at all inlcreatcd in what his - s:|_\`ing_r. dnn`t. know who (here n1n_v be he- lnnking very intently` at -.n, tlu-re are \`zn'inus rumors street, Dupeo. uml some .~z. whum your name is man- ] 1! , - lruumls, uaucu we Lulm OI msL,.l.'lIIll:try." After _4l:mcing at them he handed them back. to i\Iurruv. ` Yes," said Murr:u', purporting to he! Will you look at them :1 little more closely? Conipure this one of Ilaclley (I: Morton's with the" third of the same; In you perceiwe any d_ittL-rence? Tllolnus` 'I`lu1r.~xtou examined them closely, scrutinizing every letter and tigure. and then said,-7- ' I can see no mlil-I'exiee. _ No, I thought not; I wxis sure my work was quite i':erfeot, said Muir.-H` .\Iel\`z1in,'exultingly; then sinking his voice to u \\`l1is]oeI', they are a forgeI'y!" 'I`lnn'.~'ton stzutml. - Whew I" tlmuglnt he to himself, II-3'3 .1 deep nnc-;" but he said nothing. You start, continued ;\l1-lmin, snnilin_::. You perlmps would like to know how I executed these so perf.-ctly. I will tell mu. I first Ol)Ifl.IIl0lI onoof Hadley V .\Iurton'.~: lulnnk hills of exclmnge--in what manner is of no.cnnse:]uence-:1nd then proceeded to lill`it up; we ln.-we often had thcil _lills to remit, you lmow, and as we send only the `Iirst.~:` and `seconds, and ulmtys retain the `thirds, I run tl|rqu_:;ln .our tile and t'ound this one of theirs l'orsi{\'- teen hundrt-d pounds l)il_VIlI)IU to their own order. You see I have inutlo this one in the same way, so 1w;ts'ol:lige(l only to repent the signature in the cntlorsement. This `third you will ohserve, is written out `one tl1ous:md' six hundred pounds, ulul iu.1LltLi11I!`.i1] V nrvn I ml` IV CODILHI tho words `aux, Itllmus:\r.d' ancfe` poumls; ( -to I cnnieel from at lnill oftlxeirs ofa tie .1 , year ago. This (I|`(lUl` is lees`: c:u'el'ull_\- lone, us the signature is non so well ' w Do vou lnorvin to llI1lI(}l`SI.ll(l no u. _ , whgzt I want of you !" . `-1 have -:1 sort of an idea," rcpllctl 'l'lunn-.-Inn IFUIII ;luUul(l' SCI. . . Hero you sec--\vl:at.?"s:1i-I he, h1\nd~ . ' I 7` . mg them to lhurston. \\"h_\', he replied, here are two bilIs--one of six thousand pounds, Hud- lcy S; Morton on B::rin_;s, one of eighteen lllllltlretl pounds, Willizun E. Kt-rdrick. an}! n thinl on Hadley A: Morton on Bar- iug Brothers K: C0,, for si.\'tcex_n 'l|ur.drcd- pounds, dated the thin`-I of last,J:un|nry. uluncimv nt thmn lm lmml.-.1 Hunn ' I. Ilxnu at aulh Ul nu Iucu, I\:lvIu;u Thu rston. . - Well, it is simply this: I want ymrto. go to :1 neighlmring bunkers, lh(-su bills, return the money to me, and you shall receive for your services two Lhousnml L1oll:u's--" u \',,.. .......o I.` '..... \(.. \L.l.-..i.. " tic or an Alteratlve mt run he II'.vfred. Vince tiie most scepticll LHOHSHIUX LlU|li||'H-' You must excuse "me, Mr. 1\Ielvuiu," said Tlnlrstnn, qlxi-.tl_v, "` for, to tell the trun, I I1.-\\'cn"L u f;uxc`y for :1 resi-lance in 'CIlIll`](`.sl )ll Stale Prison ax pre But you have not lneartl me out. And let me rcmiml you of your .mlulted- miss contmctcd lust e\'euing_;. ..v I .1...n ..,.+ '4'.-n-nrnf ' u9'I`Z.. nu .....n;- Lllill. was pcrnaps not strictly honest." _ Thnlrstou paused a moment. and seem- ed to reect, but unswereri presently," Yes; well what gs it?" ` _ Murray wenttu l1isdcsk,nnd unlocking 1| drawer in it took therefrom 1; small box "which he brought forward, sa_\'ing,`-; Remember you have promised se- crecy. I am not likely to forget it, returned Thurston. 11'... . nl.__, , I I u .1 u - - L Hll|"Sl0U. Murray than lnlnlockful the box and took from it two bills of'e.\'ch:1ngo and a ``third' from smother set. u 11.... ...... M. .; . __..____..__.._.__________ plied Thurston, gravely; upon what it might be." u \v,,u .-.5` m....... 1 .1-.. ulvuu Wllllb lb llllgllh DP." ~ Well, of course, I don ! want you to cut u- man's throat, or anything of that sort," said Murray. " What I mean to say is that for n sufllciunt amount o"_mone_v youwould not hesitate to do something that was perhaps not strictly honest." Tlmrstou nnused n mnmnm uni` mm--V Do not suppb.=o, suit] Murray, Llmt I am so shallmv ai to wish vou to present. these dmfts us the clerk I)!` Uelvuin & Trevor? Not at all. I_ have provided for lhuL- _ '11.. nu.-.6 in Hun nlncnf nun` fan`: An} 0 tor uuu. '~ `He went to the closet anal took out a small trunk. After applying the key he threw buck the lid,_zu2rl took from it an entire suit of `black, a grey wig and whis- kers to "match. V H fV.\.~Inn~u.;I nu.` 11:5: rnkn/1 {n Inna T kers to 'n1'.ucu. Costumed nnuly diszuised in these I scarcely thinl<`you will be recognized. And I am_ to receive two thousand dollars for this when it is done ? inquired T hur.~'tou. ' ' Yes. 'Well, go on. "You ureto go to Curtis Brothers ti: Co. with the six thousand draft, and re- presenting `yourself to be a Mr. Norman, of Lowell, in case they inquire, which I luu-,ll_v`think they will, make :1 grent`etl'ox-t to get an eiglntli more than they offer for it. This will throw them oil` their guard in case they have any suspicions. Sell it for gold, as that will avoid drawing it check. Take this leather bag to put the gold in as you will have quite an amount to carry. You are to have n. buggy on the street. in which you will deposit the lung and drive to the place which I direct you to. I`hen' return and go into Bowles & King with thebill for eighteen hund- " red pounds, which you are to dispose of in the same way, except that you ire "to represent that it is drawn against the ship ` Gem of the Ocean. Do you understand me ? n V ... Ant` unis-L6 T 011.`! Inlhn. '91-: `won! me Yes: and might I ask whatyou want of this money? said T111}:-ston. Some- thing urgent must demand such measures as this. n V... nun -baht I H 3: nnnaanm n ntvnnf uns. ' . You are right: it is something urgent. This full in the Sussex Gold Mining Stock. I hold it to the amount ofupwardsof fifty thousand dollars, bought at about sixty- three, and the stock is selling to-day at eighteen. I have also large contracts to ' meat which fall due lav after to-morron" of the same, which I bought at from fty- seven to sixty-one, in anticipation of a corner which we should have made but for Stanton; he broke our contract, and unless I can furnish forty thousand dollars between this and Thursday, Inm n ruined man. and the whole transaction willbe made public. 'As it is, the brokers only are` known in the matter. and if all the demands can be met the principals will , never be exposed." as A L 1' ..,~... vII\Il' cnhl Tlulrrnfnnt rm. Inn of 20 Per sang] IIUVUI uu |2I\llI.ID\.\uu Ah. I see now, said Thurston; so. you are one of the most active members of this clique, Ishould judge? I suppose it would be inquisitive to'nsk- the names of the others. NE: in f7nnh'numI_\ BARBIE, COUN DY. OF SIMCOE, ONTARIO,g{CANADA, TI-IURSI.)_AY, JULY 30, 1868.. ES C0l|ll'ilULL'l,l lilb U\'UlIlll:_{. "J`is unnecessary! I shall not forget tern." (To be Cozzgirzucfl.) `- It _ depends! w. vu. Aunma, ` DlN'1`l.i'l`, 95, King St. East. 'l`0mnlo. Teeth inS('l`lt3(l on Gold, Silver, and Vulcan- i ./.(|(l'RlllIh(`|`, in l.ll0l)OSi[1OS.~'il)(`. manner. _l ur- ticulnr attention 1,:l\'(`ll to the regulation of cllill1l"L'll:Sl0l}ill, and all \\'m`li warr:mt(-.d. , L`m'mI,I; ('!rrI.'. . x, ILL H('!1t1! his ()lco.'in B:\1'rin. every S.\'l`Ul{l).-\Y. frmn~ ll. n.1n.. till 2:, `p.1 m... ncconlixng to ()x'nlci`0i'(JunI11cil. zuul every other thy at his (mice in Cuokslown. HENRYBOYSVNICOL. M.D..' 1)IIY.>`.IC.-\N, SURGI-ION. AND ACCO 7- ()IIlUR. R('8illl`nC4`, ()mx.s"rn\r.\`. Sp:-cinl utxentiuu paid to (1iSL`SL`S of women and L_-hilcln-n. . V I7- ,-lnmca U. IVIUNHUW, A-T PORYli Y-.'\'I`-L.\\\". Solicitorin Chan- .CeI`,\'. Notary Public, _CoI1vo_v:mc(}r. Coxnnnissinner in B. 11.. &:c., Sac. II-.-ir and Devisuu Claims executed. . ()x~`nvr..-In `Hnrmu-`c n..:I.I:nm. mm- nrnm `T. s. SPROUL, M.D., .-Physycmn, Surgeon 65 Accoucheur, 1!:-s:i4l.:n.-n (`..-.:..I....._a n..:....:.. .u.u.\/.-3., l`u\l1h.'\.\l), \ ATE Assist-.u)l. Col(mi:1I'S11rgcnn, I{..\l; J -Convict l)op`t, ']`:\sn1nniu; three years Ax~'S'l Surg. L'.S. Army. ' _ R(!Si(1('l1Cl.`.'Ml'. l}urnel.l's house, opposite Spt~ncvr's Salon-,. , Ba: 0. June I0. ISGS 10J'm- F1. THOS. W. JACQUES, /}R.AlI)U.v1 1'l'.`.qf TI)lx 0.\"1'L)l.2\'I l"I:'RSIT1'. m.I.. ' I,1nu:1`Anr\l|.. r 4\AAf\-- -nun 16-ly AUC'J'IONlE1}, A1 P1{:`\ |S1 R, &c., CLOVER ]IlI.I. l`.(). / nn.nIu Q;.1Irnn Ulzums executed. , ,-In Morrowls Bu:il mist of the I.ircman`.~s,lI:\H, Collier Stu-ct, l&Am:n-2. 29 A-LL sales in nny part. of the cpunly nt- tendcll to p'unclu:1ll_\', and ch:u';.:1-3:15 l'vnsolmb1e_ as any. other Aucliuxlcur in the ` Cnnnly. . -Nnvomlu-r H. 1367. 41-13 . L. L. LEWIS, LICENSED AUCTIONEER. APPRAISEIL _1\'n IIDIIIIIUQI/}\ HZh`\"I' .I mium'y,' ` rm: `rm-2 SAIL!-I or l'urm Stock. lI~>u. Furniture. &c.-, .` CI!.\lGV.~\LIC,Co.SIsxL`m:,Ox1'A1:Io. May 23:11. 1867. In uunrm. der Graham. ,_. ___,,-ans`:---- I I mvsl-. ~ naaua. m)U.\`1' A: BUYS have Removed N their Law Cmunbers to Mr. McConkL-_\".= New Brick Building, one door West of the `flinrric Ilotel . ' _36-3iu U'l`l`.'S .-\.\'I) :\UUUl.11\'J'.`:' cnncctou M. :1 1. sIn:1lIperconlxxgu. .'\l1(2li()n_S]L'S through- out the County attcxulcd to promptly nnd`on liberal l`I`ln3. nrnhvlmln no! 0 1.Q(!`.' .`2C.1\'r ' OTFIS .-\.\'D ACCOU-.\"]`S collected M. A nnt Hm (`.mmh- nH.-ml:-.1 in nrmnnv nmfnn JAMES COULSON, ICE.\'3!-ll) AUCTl().\'l~2!-JR. ;\l 1 R.-USER and General Age.-nt._ Auction -.\`:1.l1-s throughout the County attended to With promptiulde. and on liberal lcrma. cnm.!o.\` .\lll.l..\`. .\n:1w.\"rr:. E. s. MCEKING, ' 1C!~I.\'SED AUCTIO.\Tl2ER. AND AP- _ PR.-\lS`l'1R for Barrie, and me County of Silncm-. Cash Advnu_ces made on Goods rc- ceivcd for Sale. . " I.`lPlI`.'1`L'l`Il I.-I:-r n A nun.- 1YIarri.age oLicenses. HENRY `I~I.A\RPER-.` Issuer of Marriage Licenses, U00l\'.S"1'0|V.\'. . ` l.`l-`H"|A`. R'l'lI|`{"I`l.\' I lEl\'.\Tl`, DRUGS, , . ( lI\J\IIhI II Il\I\Jl.-lI\I, (Lntc-Clerkin County RL-gi. 'yO1cc.) ONVEYANCIGII, Comlnisinnorin Quot-n`s Bench, Auctioneer, Appmisvr. and Com- mission Agent for the sale of HOUSES. LA.\'DS.' 1*`AR.\I STOCK. HOUSl'IlI()Ll) FUR.\'l'I`UIl-I, Goods, \\'a.u'cs,, &c. Also fox the collection of ` RENTS, NOTESAND ACCOUNT... ('.'n_eh. Advances made on Goods lefl for Sale. IKIL` ID, LIU [[15,- lK`I' AUUUDLI [A30 Cash .A made lefl for Sale. Sale Roo1n,_co`rnor of Dunlap and Owen Sts., Barrie. I I-1!` c 'IIig1_1est REFERE.\'CES gi\'en._z ' VApril 24, mm. lll l.l.r~ l).\ LE. I` liable '.I.'0l'IIIu I hum], and Innn11faclum_ illlls. and furnishes Illlhl. '?~`ill')' for I-`um-rule, includinl *. which can be had OM"! -T c. P-; REID e. co. IMPORTBRS AND DE.\I.F.RS I.\' WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS, WELLINGTON STREET. TORONTO. >pr~ncur 'lul'('.. Barrio, .[uno_]0.. 1363. Jnnnly. -.\'m'eInln-r1~l, E:\l.b.`lt IN UIUAKS. TUU.-\UUUb,' Pipes, Canes. Tubaccunists Goods. &c.. Wholesale and Retail, Sign of the Indium Queen, 5l..James Street, Ilmuillon. C. W.` 1uemI_ u-rms. Cmigvnlv. Oct. 9. 1867. ANUr'AU1'uIcr.'1c um" uluarw. Am; wholesale dG_1(`l'in Havana. Yarn. Con- necticut Seed Lenf. nnd all other kinds or To- bacco, corner of Park and _Mulbe1-ry streets, HA.\Hl.T().\`. c. w. v Eh. 'i3I`AMTLf6N, ,_ `10R0.\'ER. M:1rket mm-k. Barrio. Dr. H. J will lalw mmthur Suulcnt. I ..m. u- n.\:IlUUl\, `Hl.\l)U.-\'l`E 01*` \'1CTORI.-\ L'.\'L\'EI`- T SITY. ` nu I .1; | 1 u.- nu`-.,--.-. .~.. DR. HARLEY, H1;\Dl_7.\'l`I~2 OF `VICTORIA UNIVER- T SITY. R1~ain-In\'n- ' _ JAMES` A." MATHER, SSUER OF .\IARRIAGIi LICEXSES. l`.nmmiuszinnm' (`.nIn-t, (Jmmn'n Rnnnh. &c. :1 morning is now Maggie-l'.s' Pills 1 mud, I ruhluua .1. w.`amoc:MAu-' ORTRAIT P.-XINTISR, 39 King Street West. Toronto. . [ October. 1866. . 37-y ....,.....,.,.......,.,.,\,...,.,.....,.,.~.~..vvv- , - THOMAS T. A. BOYS} _ . ARRISTI-JR AND .\'I"1`0R.\ l Y-.-\'l`-LAW Solicitor in Chancery, Comeymxcer, &c., coux;s'ro\v.\'. ~ " lL`.I-IN) JJLYUULUU .a.L`|J \J.I.\I1LUL STREET, TORONTO. n urun 99!. tuna nnntr HENRY, BOYS NICOL. M'.D u H\ lr`\\' cl'nriL~n\> n\'I\ . IV _ IBEJIO VAL? RE_11'0I'.'1L/ [ESSRS LOUNT IS: BOYS have Clnunbers to Mr, l[r`(`.nn!.-cur": \i;\lH_':\'l'l`} UK" VIC SITY. Ru. 'rnnn\"rn\' 'l'H0ll.\'T0.\'. (E. \V. 'k".$'0IIi.-(- M Mr. C:1rrx1ll2e1's'. ssulslc Q1! .\l.~u L1Ur.'.\: Commxsslomw Court Quoc-n`s Bench, RHXXHI \|.l-I S'I`A1'Y(I\'. LUTHER cnovse. EALER IN CIGARS. TOBACCOS, Pim'n_ (`.nnm:_ 'i`nhnr-r-nnishx -(1nn:l:_ .Y'.n.. I um pump! The gt-m-1 the box. \ Thu In-nu |llIEl'l'I NUU=K$' `HIIEF CONSTABLE. County of Simcoe. J OFFICE: Dunlop St., Dame. wd vnvvnn -an-.bvvu \y gvvvuvu {usidencn (Jr.niln1rst Ontario. ! ,F. J. SOHRADER, ANUFACTURER 01" CIGARS. AND whnlmmln dank-rln ll'tu'nnn. Yarn. Cm]- WUELI I'\U\lI IUXVECH` I`Il'| lll'\l` ..:.\'1) U()_1[.1[I.\'Sl0.V ,m1r.\"1',' I.'nI' -run .-rs: nu 1l.$`i:I,t.5'$ |ir',cctu`ry. JOHN WHEELER, ff\\Y I.` I4` I? .\l)l)1J.`. I\`l.`I7 \-IE7, \JIl|-I'II\JI'II , ,.,m,<.21:1.:1;1.41r.+>._. JOSEPH ROGERS,- `Lmn Clark in (`ountv Rt-L'l.-'tr\' Olcc. EJSTRONG. M.D., M.H.C.S.. ]7\'(!l.. `H I... U I II\JlV\Z,> III M. I1.C.S., E.\'(1L.~\.\'l), (L. ' toFN`oHe'. X35 s % *0a13ed Pills, ' I` an AII*n nnnnn m no of your pills to 1 us. The dour you; JAMES C. MORROW, P.\H`. V. \ 'I'.r. \ \\-' :..u:,.:o,... Oicv, l o\\'vl|'s Stony. W- H. BLACKSTOCK, .\'T`|'.`, nu !'I("I`}'\hr\ 1'\vu in-zvtav-apwuqnsgu JOSEPH ROGERS, ' CONSTABLE. Countv o -. 'RL-sidcnce, Iwfroy, Co. Simone : 4 I.I1|\I-I 1 I. tI.'I l D 1211011 I .- Au-..\ur4n An CHEMICALS, _&G )l{T`I".T.T/.\, . c. ADAMS?" l.\"l`JS'I`. 9. ). Kiw w. _SLA`VEN. unvun nv VBRITISH FREEDOM AND CGLONIAL RIGHTS. nil 11):} uni box:-s-l um 1:0. C'o2m(_r/ Szmcoc. 36-1 yr. ,1 1 1145' .'S (`l7lHHl|'l1lZl'll SADDLE &""1'iK1i1\3ss MAKING In I `.u- 1.n-Ini VV I'I- II\l\J.I y SaddIe, & Trunk Maker, , 2335- R0lnO\`('(1 to the prenliscs opposite ;\1~n\\':m`s (Barrio Hotel). I.3i`I m we I\I c\\ -.11t`s (Bm`ri(- llutol), DU.\'LOl STRIEITI`, - - T'T`l" I.` I12 Aux! A :15 ,1 ONA'J`I1}\N KILGO RE,~ _ `L N 3 ED AUCTIONEERI VA L U ATOR, &c., Au |.n\. .\'( .rt -`door (0 (/1 l`,...7I... ry cnmns. nsrusm-s. .w..u olltliltings1'nronIi1'u h0r. :1 ers at very lnodt-rate prices. \ mu: p0\\'l|(`l'." n~.*IpvcI:1hl- (l0uk`r`.\ in moxh`. ho l.'niI~dSlate-sunr1Cnnnd| 1'1: ."/'.~' .1 mm or Perl |h(' Unit:-d `Slult-s mum in ll.-\Yl)(,H,`vK, .\'o. 11 Pine Cm`|'ia_:;cV hinting- Dunlop Street, u-av \h.\Il'4 l.\l'U.\ -\' Llllldhliu) ' IIAYING entered into co-p:u'fmrship. are _ nowprt-pzxrcd to (-xx-cutc in the best. style of the art cvt.-r_v (IL-svriptinn of l[oI'.~`H, SIGN, CAmu.u:r: A.\'D 0lLN.\.\ll~`..\"l'.\L I .u.\`1"L\' flnux-n-n Pu-wn lh\'nI\'r.. \\'n ('l\i.l)lKI.\' COULTER &VPEA)RcY,} (L.\'I'H ('.\I`UN J: (.'(')l'I.'l`)~?lt. ' SIGN, UAIHHMH: l)1Lx.\.\m.\"r.u. l'.\I.\'Tl.\'(:. Gxm.\ r.\`u. l AI'|-:ll II.\xm.\'r., .\.\'n (,`\'n. r0.~"[wct|`n1ly solicit S`. cnntinu:u:v.-- of link` very attering p:\tronngi\ be. on thu late rm. fut-ling conlivla.-nt that tlu-5' min 4-szocuto all _o1'l<-rs 1'-nLn1.m-(1 In (hum. in the scvvrnl branches munliom-d. in n styltlmt to he ox- celled in the I'|'0\'inc(- of Ou(:\r'm.- ' . 1L7'P:]2cr 11un_r7z'n_r7 also flan/Icrl to. _ COULTER & PE.\RC`1'. n.m.:.. \r..wI. .1 Isms. 5-H` mm nmnnmz. ` HI: hnpcs hy strict M10111 pnnctn:1lily,to nwct 'u fa lH\H'()l)1I!(`. 9.. _ TIE Undorsignod. having a First-Class l ilQ-Driv:-r. is pr0p:u`N1 to execute ornlvrs for that de:=m'iption of work, in the very best mxnncr. undon reasonable terms. 13.: . H r'<.'.,.e..-:..L-A Fer. PIKQ - mmner. uuuuu |`L'u>uuuuu: \L-uu. ` _ I?rfrr4nce.i :-II. Ci'(-s\\'ir.*k0. E.=q., .I".L.S.; ` '1`. D. .\1cConkoy, Esq., .\I.P.; J. D. Lmullaw. l'~1sn.. J.P. ' ' I1 11 .\l\`|(` \\'l`l".\HIl'Il l() l`u -'1:1:1'.\11:'1.\'u, &c., ik nmnnor. .' . BINGHAM BROTHERS. Burcnm no GE.\'l-}R.\l. l L'R\'E1'0RS. .\1..\1u s'r.u.r. xo. 1, B.1I'I. l];', ~ - _ AVE constantly on hand a ' good st-up`pl_v of FRIJSII, MEAT, l<`()WL, G.-HIE, &c., of as (.-hoico qmxlity as the nlarlwts n`urd. and otfer the ........ no ;....... ......l.w..o.. nnhma III IJIIIaI-II- "*1 'rm~: cnrwr nouh A R R I E . LY unnmnncvs to the ..n o:.....u nnnunrwl to IE good S-llp]H_V same at very moderalo pI'i00F. Corned Beef. Samsagzos and` I at moderate 1H`I0`F. Beef. Sausages Lard. togtfnor with nvurivtv of other useful v.-omnxodxucs, can usually b}: had at No. 1 Stall. ~93-.\n nnrr-hue:-R1]n"Vt|I`l!d in nnv mrt of |ct\n usually be had No. 1 slqll. 3%`.-\1l plll`ch1\Sl:SI]( .1_iVel`Ld 1n any part the` town frc of ohurge. . ru err 12A in rm? (7,! 'T"r"I l-1`! George Plaxton, E WAX [7l"ACTL'REll OF `TIN, SHEET-IRON, JAPANNED Arid (`jonnc-r \V':u.'c. . ~ - `ND DEALE IN I Bo:i:,_ Parlor, Hall, and C'oolv'n_q 'Stoz'es, ' @;'GARDEN ENGI;\'ES._g.1V PLATFORM do COUNTER SCALES, COAL OIL, c`c., d':c., nm:i.ox~ 5:11:21. . . . . n.\tuur,| Bridging ani'_Pile-Driving. bUL' I41 T`n.rric-, M{ur<~h 4. lsnx. -Stayner. May. 1853. "3-gttsittcis Qirtrtury. .(.]0NA J`I`1L;\.NV 1(IL(;o1{E,. M 0 I` n AI|n'1-Invur IlIJI|I\.l_~' uru.aun.n.u, style \\`:\r|':u_:h-nil to ;:ix' 3:` l!I``.1`A\lIllN(. .\'.C.. 3|. I! U I.-`IJ I \UU I IUlIL.|..||l .` _ , VALU.-\ l`OR, `,For the C'ozuat_I/ of Sinzcoc, _; THORNTON.' F'L;S_11clion Salt-3 thronghnut the County ed to promptly, and on liberal t`urxn.=. w:`r28. u7. 4:z.m 1.`, L).Ll.J..IJ.lJ. J.J.lIUJ.Ig U n.L n.J.I 1.1.: And C 0})])(.`).` \Vu re. A\`h br.Al.l'.I: I)` WK IP00 OI onurge. (IASII PAID FORCATTTEI (}H.\.\{, 1-1!` V ' J. mxr. HOUSE, SIGN AND -,. _. my... I.I:,.1 WM. R0011 J()lI.\' SPARLl.\'G; Staym-r,. Co. Sinlcriv. )3. 16-1!" ~nti0n tolmsilwssu and `..h- :hn`rn n! nnl|H|'. um. nu IIIn.Iul.u .: BRIDLES, &c., .....: .r...A:,... ......., u...., ive .<:ui. `, done Ill :1 \vm'lun:\n- uu xxn u listzuhlislunent! ! - - Barrie. nmorning n Mum.-M-l'.s' l`i|l~ `ire of J/ss)`.s'. T. /I _1/` ` Z('CIll('11110r(1('l`.= .lmul.l.- uni: nf I} ARIN E. __u 1 ,,..1 Nortll American Hdtel, 11 U12 0.\'T.l1E[0 S TR E 12' T, C()LLl.\*GWOOD, GHARLES cAMnoM, as-nnnnL:t1-nn (`F39 rrvvvvw Sins. B. II.-u'L0.\' & Sm , - l'r0prietm`s. ONE DOLLAR. AND A QUARTER'I`ER DAY. hum lu-1|. nnul z A - * ADAM MYERS, - - - Prdprietonyi i TIIE House has been 11mrnn;_rhl_v n'-nn- vulml. and is now in point of cmnfnrt. second to uh other county Hot:-1. Tho liar is \ . with In-Tm-slum:-Ills that Inns! gin-` sulistzxction Guud 5110113 and Slglbling ut-l tnclu-cl. . . ' Rzurrin I1.-muI.n.-In mu-r c.- 1. ] MLLIXQ PARIEINS, |I;\'.\'I{ EH PER, COOKSTO\\'.\'A I -...-._...__ ........._, !Adjoining the Railway Station, Craigva!e,- l{<)IiI'.'II'l` GREGG, -` - ~ l'ro1.riclsn`. \JIIlJll\.IIl IIII.-I. II\I\.I\lI_, CIf.UIlUlI' HILL, I.\'I\'lSl*'IL. Co. SIBICOE. \'IU'l`OItl;\, I.\'.\'I.3`l"IL, Pr :Il:u'-y;0ur price in 1 1- lllclhclllc 10 me is w nannl l`_._. U. A. R. BINGHAM, (successor to A. campbell), Propneior. &XX& (3319 II NI `W LLIM .-1 |'l;'.\'l.\'I.'. ('0. `.9',[.1[U01:'. 0_\"[`. JOSEPH WILSON, - - - Proprietor. Corner Dunlop and Bnyehl Slrc-ols, ' n \ rmn.` DD?7E,L$3V`ll~,.9$EL The Bar is silpplit-(1 with Choice Liqzmrs and (?i;::n's.~ Good Sht-ds umltalyling udjqiuing the Hole]. ` Mrs. E. MARKS, Prjoprietress. ` I JOHN McWATT., Superintendent, ;:`Tho 'I`r:u'v1liny_' (1mn1_unnit_v will m1`thi.< \-..~`.!'.1hHSh1IH'llt snih-I! to their rcuuircnwnls and ROCHESTER HOUSE, \'n on r:nn\"v u.'1`nr.'v.` l.JlIIIIIII- II\I I l._I-y .II.-lI. I.`I1-I, l.'Ul'_\'T1' 01" .S'[J[L'0E, CCU . NEW LOWELL, . G. MARTIN, - - - Proprietor. lwnnyg-r1_v ufllw ~` l'Z.\'chn_ng(- Ilnh-1." Urn-(-,m0ro. \ 7' H113 old nml fuvm-ilc (-sm:1ishnwnt is now unrltfrgoing thorough 1'4.-nomtinn. and will in a few days Iu'- 1-cfurnisht-fl un'd retted i_u ax manner that \\`i!l compare f:u'orahly with 5 any hotel r.m'lh of 'l`m'ou0 in so far as cmn_- fort, cnnvcuicncu and pruxnpf. utluxxduxxce arc{ conct-rm-(I. - I \I-VL` `IV I 1- l.~s(S:!s.V VIcToR1-Zfii'oUSEJ,5" i no uuuso. _ - _ Cmigvnlo, Oct. 9.-18`-T. _ renetangulsnene Hoau. ,\l.Ex. HILL. .. -. . l ll0l RIl`.'l'0ll. I'Zh"I' of LU..`l'()R.~'. ClH.\l{>', and Kli- FIII-1.~`I1.\l EN ['3 ]vI`()\`iI1k*(I. The l'ciu-1.121mziahunu hflu-_n.-s chance horst-.< I`!U.\ L()1 .S'1`I{I-JET.>-. .- ~ - - BAImI1-:_. Near `i/ze New Railtmy Dopo. A ADMAII .. _ - -- Dnnnrinfnr nrvu uv A. AENALL, Y 1lIlS\voll-known and t`:u'o1-Ito old Hotel has ` been llxoroughly rcnovatml and tted up ' m a. manner to ensure the comfort ofguc; - and tmvellers are assuljud that every endeavor will be used to give them satisfaction and rend- erthe csmhlislunent the best of its class in pointofcomfurtnml taste. ' Stages for di`crr.-nt purts leave the house daily. ' .110 Hotel. . ` _ ])n:c-xnln-1' 2-1, 1.55:. HCIM-cl. B-.u'ri(-. D(`C(`llH)Pl` 1 1vr.<. . . I-lxoellvnt Sl:1h1.in_v:cnnnoclcd with the House. B_:u'ri:-. 12th April. 1561?. . 10 ,uu\.\ : nu u. ,-`_'>;-?` (:nm1 sgabling on the pmnnises, and ai- .~nlivu st-rvuuts. _ .u_1 i`:l.UUU1J.u.5v' :1 M:1c:|I1|:1y, ml at the plncvs herein EH -nrlh. vi /.2 0r1111a' I-Ilotel, B. W. ROSS,....' ........... ..Propribe,1 4-nuve s_a-rvuum. Fulyruary 18; 1863. g ; _|_ (-slzumsnmcm hugs to mlurm ms friends and the lmvt-llin,r; commhnity that In- lm: leased the above hotel in the pleasant and In-nhlny \-illngt-. of Orillia. :xn-1`isxmu'prcpnrc1 ' to l`L'Cl`i\`(' um] :u:counnml::to gm`-.=ts. (`nmmr-rr-inl 1r:u1-llnre nml nthm-q {`nrnisz!mil V `HE proprivtnr of this well-known establishment hugs to inform his friends lr:\\'(-IHHL` commhnitv l`0CI`1\`(` nnu :u:c mu-.=ls. Cmmucrcial tr-.\v<,-llors and others furnisht-(1 - with L'()rl\:(`lli('nt and ampln accmnmodatinn. Choice Wines. Liquors and Ci;;:\rs, in stock. Ap:u' lot In privzim families. ,, Good Sheds and Stabling with attentive st.-rvnms. 5-if ...--_.- V . ___ _._. ADJOINING `HIE STATION, - . -- n J. P. RYLEY, - - - - - Pnm-m_n1-on. ` Fornlex-1y_ of the R07. HOTEL. Hamilton. ll`.~'l`X`\'lllg 01 nu-Ir p:uI'nn:I;:o. } T39" >`.:u111>lc Ruuxus lur Umnmvrclal Tr:u'eI- a N .<. `lrrms i: the am I-Intel an Um paw.-0,3 an ' Fords all the conveniences and com- m:.\zr.'r.-\.\'(;x:111I~:xz-:, o.\"r.. P. QUINN, - - - - l r.oPRIEmI: i_G.L_O'BE HOTEL, `I ' `F113 I3 HM: Hlhl. 11LL`l '41] LHU [PlEl'.'(.`,\ and affords forts of a Iirst class houst-. . Stages l]I`[\:1'.". from and arrive at the hotel. Conveynncc to and from the Sta-`amx-r. ....;..b..7 ".311. H A Y.....- 1'! " 1 ,-v\,.,\.\,\,~,\...~,.\.\~ _`,,_._ \ WELLINGTONWWHOTEL, EST Liqno1's';\m1Ci,-znrs :11\\':1_rs in stock. Gnml stubling nml .~:h-as adjoining tho IllF(`. - /CHURCH` HILL HOUSE, TTVIIIYIF nnr. I\'\'I:mI_ rm ' 'i\71X'{T1N s noun, L} 1'1u'..\u.\_I l'ciu-1:121; mrn Alma I-Iouse, , HILLSDALE. uuuu:_u .unu.a u; uuu nu... nu. .4` @ Livery connc-r:_lcd wilhj/cc I CR A|G V-/:l:E- HOTEL: Bar is .~'np]nlfx-Al with gooal \Vinc.:, Liqamrs and (Ji,-_rnrs. ' -1-H:-nt >,`m|:ling and Sheds Cl_JIlI)(`ClL'L1\\'iU] ` muse. J \ -tor. My 1, ` '5 duch $5 :`i`I??..'::. :::"`:* * .-` , ' 1 - . xcnrod Inn ".1! ;utcI mu! nluuus. ll JJLILLU rly cu, unu xs wen uuupzcu mr 1rm'n-m-1.. 3l>ll\'('l]il'lH in I-nth c:\rs and lm:1I<. (i.m~.l g. .\ Livery Sluhlv comu-ct:-(1 with the \vhc1'c hur; scan he haul on thu`sl1nrt<-.~:t `. 14 JOHN GREE Proprietor. Th (`3`_1'1;ens,. fhl .<'l`IH-'I`.'T` - - - - R-\H RAILWAY HOTEL, r: T!!!` :'rvrvn\' _EA:%: E i:bTiL',' Ix I'nI'\I'1' mn . r:u'vmn_v_r 1,nnn_unnn_v \\'lHlII1(l'Inl.~` 11-nt to thoirI'cquil'cl11cnlS and of (In-ir ]1:l1I`mI:l',`,'(`. `1ml.- (imnlnnrcinl T|':u'0I- 3 ;'il<.- Y:-only nhnnt their com- will be n-turned by them]- S bonnnndinus hon: can llnuwuglnly rm ml is well :\d:mtod nasal: Inc`: hang`: HILLSDALE, Penetanguishene Road.` .I.. . n0mur.'mu. 3 ,l[Il'I||?\' ("HI \|.'\' ulu` III-`, .;u, ' :.1u}_uu7uuL. ` U1`:-(:m0x'o . .\ 1: pr0\`|:u~ 1:ie;hum.- Slugu.-s change 1l_0l'S(" 1 nu -.u\\ m, B.\RRHjJ_. ONT. ~ 1msrcc(-uy u'.'It-11 _-uul H'- 1/(pm. Proprietor, - Proprietor. uu.uI.u\ I : house. 4 F1) IIOIICU, llllll uublo 1`el`Il|5 . . -_.1 .....nufnt'lll|` 73-13`- I.\A. . Mis- }EXcHAHGE Hams" ():nm\-i.`r- HI" I. n'l:/`rm 5'! 1/11.. Im,,!.... -`V 7 \|4||l\' _`|IIHlU'r;.`a) Next D001` \Vc.~`t of (`.113 ]'wH\\: 11:11-1-it-, ()nt'. D. 1-".:..u.'xn-:11. - - - u\J.L1.;\n.J\JJ.I AL\JLJ>JA_ (Late Fl:I!?'n'vl Huu.~'<-.) ()IILL'I4L, ().\V. JAMES JOIINSUN, - - - ,X 1m1-1:11 DEAL'EN__ VEANCY~GO0D`S. 1vJ.\_'GL IS Ii "/5 ])[,'.\'LOI' Bookbinding, Ruhng and Pr111tmg, ' on.-- I T . l\' ALI. 'I`l|l-`JR Ill!.\.\'('Il|l.~'. _, ._~ AMI: ... I"r'mnp_v r~_\::~cut<-d :1 im: l'ric(-s. . rsm Line orM"a'i1 stages : TO'AND FROM FENETANGUISHENE 'l'l1->'IIl;.=cnl>-r 1I:1< EST.\I`.I.l.~'ll.\I I-}'.\"l` i or dmnlo r: Illl lll0l l`l!Zl3Ul'll|l)1l,' N` 1 .1 0 IE N l'.().\V 1:1, QHOVRSE DO()TOR,- (ac, M-., . mums, .C()L'){T`x' SIMCOE. WILLIAM MOORE, BUILDISR (`is CO.\"1`RAC'I'0IE, who may nnvv Lmls. 15:115.. Ln-In requiring his svrvic:-s will hr- um- ing the :4:-alsun. '|'h(= cllrxljgwa in n he lhnntl rcusonahk-. (100.1 rt-1-:1 ifroqnirml. - Hm` ' . Decenht-r11. I867. (ll)n(:.ln n w: rnnsonablo pricu-9. hand and furnx'.<}w for Coffin. 1[(.`11l'S nalin pronmtly nth Barrio. April. 15 X-LL: Operzumzm ('lllllI.\U" 1 !`actm'ii_v porfnrmotl. l`n who hnvv Coils. I3uii.=. I S(`l \'iCl'5 imz :4: :~'nn. cii.'xI'_:va I In/n . 3 ...:_ `WHOLESALE AND I .T'1'AII,_ ; Cum I1. \'z_1r`u-iy unu styu slaully on hand.- .n-.`?.n1rvr'o I Public (bat ---v- 0[21)()sifr n__~: l r1c(-s. Ym'o11Lo. Apzil '2 JOHNSONWHOUSEQ` (Lnlr Fl:|f?'m.'vI Hm1.~'r-,\ `I`-nrriv. Oct .';`1snr.. ausuu) uu .. ATi>1z1c'1;s ."0T T0 El? 1': ' Z-`.(H`.E. 1' rt-qmrou. ISzu'1'i6:. Docenbor 1], ' (muhlc (2 . I 1110:`! x`uu:.onn|;1u FARAGHEES (I.a`.v _`l4-1-H2` ..A T\,.... \\7 A .` .1 Barrie, July-2, 1868. ,`1.Al`_ E' l')ISEASE S ;:n!:_\\ 1-nkln-.~'.~4, ('2:-mu-. :., LLL npe}atin:1s entrust i`;u-Im-ihv um-fnrmm]_ I LL kinds of C:up:,-n` dam in n \\`m`k1n:u1 iutcls mm` L2zlucu.-3. VERY L.\RCT-I nnd cdmplt.-l L of I.:ulit-.' Iinzlxm-llml Kid lers, J5nskir..=. ]}r>_pt<: (is-ut I ('rmrsu-: .\li~.=e.<' nml Chiltlru J[ar_I/ Slrccf. _'m'(. :. 'I3.Ux V1' 1 : Tina llt.-arse. mnxpy nnonui lo. 1807` BARRVIE, oui. I.'l`\\'l.'l' I I. 1 I A .1` I KL .-\I"l (), I"I.U.~`, U.\"l'. 1} R .1551`) I I : {1`1'/3.`/-.') ' >"l'Hl-Iii ! HM.` gt-I vllilc po 1`v.`Im'(.'l ll`l`Hl.<. - I).-\\'ID \ .\.\'|~I\'I-IHY. I :~ mu"./. . at short :14 ~. and I-`um-ml Fa 11:14,-11 lo. ' //I ' /,7 ` U 4 }"Z4`Lo_r/a/~./y/"7///' 2 25 L'.\'I;1:I.'.'~:0I}n. nogshtcr c.\1zm' C7 :I.l\'EI3` hh-`u One Dollar per. Annum, s7.ricH',' in /`.di" ggmazn, Fall FLO L" I L C RA (, ~`-`~"x '-".13 A STOCK of Ei2Ls_:H G1>.o0BP.1i;:2 J . I Ina l.:M in. i . ",~`m _{ ' C::ALAUPifLP-. Er, . `H: -"' `H1 `REW9, iitagix G1 [nu -: :uI\ D-\xTaIl~`w-- [Zr _1\_Iusk0ka.J $1 \.".i} :~'.. M0 ' - I _ ! IHI ` ` ~\ \\ ' 9119?": j _;~3:3(),O00 .1 `('1-tel. ;1`1_1ey. I 'o_z;y, Z*.'E0n:3:2' rm: 31)."!-2.`\"I'.~`I`l" .Il'l)\l [Ill .\`!.I.4`!.\'.>T:14I xx-.2 Wu m.-.v..- 1... `nu, .. yuan -.... I"'I,()L'1 ., C`{ ..\(,'I{T .... .....l lnnnnul -'-[ml V3.6 H N LA` I Iuu uuu un (u 21.: Ms gi .v\."1`" },--Z'` 6}}: Pi`sTE}"'T I gfiuau`-.c}i;1I.' ring: 1:151) \x`_n:-: 2.,Pr0\-'3: mixnu of mm 1: tin`:-v ])'1).`{('S 1 \ II VI 4,331.1-:cTr.n STOW _L. . l __.- -u _ I liula` vl nu c-H1-cllml lie-mrdf. /'//4/4S and b'ALV1',' 4r._-,nl in llu-ir vl-cts. mm. ` uI'4.\nn|JL1L UL \.rU., , Imuuu. .nH'ord, \\'hul(-aulo Ag:-ram)! ` ' 20-Gm. ` C. W. l_.UU.V'l'. Stipc-ndinry ;'\IngisrrnIo. ' D. M11sW}_|~, -m um: 15 Q LY Pu": nll lilllv pr:-ptnrcd `H .4. and mu! ho cnn>furn1' `.... ...n nllllnc .'.AI._s7`:~`_1;/:1, -. "-\' HI" I'1:1f\"';~J` 1'.` `I in -Y. can furn1' AND suwos ...u.... nml ; wrlnrc 11 cured Inc, 1! RED LION ,;,_-'........L xrrim!` inns dunes for` me 1 one luuu. One of II I I I - V I. saw-:c'rmn STOCK 07 n.<.4.--nuy no Maggie] Pin. 1- pmnphle: lnsiqe the box. he gt-In-1|i_nte have the hnmn - .\Iug_'.;iM's Treatment of 45. >lI(`l'. Ell nnun. "lulu-r, ul nnnn. W. LOUNT. int-nnli:1r\' MnEiFII'l\H'4 I. \'l . lU,\l. IH`..\(`ElHHDGl, nI Ilnllll : fur the District nluvb 15138, will be hold II n... gm 5 `I 3 cm-.d ,I rublu-d 5 ` mo 0' nu noise ML" ' FOR CASH. A A-- n.. ,- will Hnli:4!'vu ninr -3-- ... n:uuuH." Other box, and keep them in {ms curcd my hendachthu vour nin. -. yaw-...., npmci. Inslqo In-nine huvc1lu- nnmu , with the numeofJ. nuinc have the Pill n\'xlc'r." 1' J keep in H- ,. Iloauluche '1 r pillst s of your Salvo m . ' you_ngy inn- ...; 1r pl] or Is 2 RH NEYS '11`, d."c. e twenty 2 worth I .1 1 nut) amt 0341, V1,` in vl-cts, undo ..- ;.I;pn.~I ;:n:Irnnl-t'd. ts '1`)/wlrc 1`ilIs-Unc Pith" It , limit`. I-Il |`.~`.!--Buy Maggie] lllr pnInpl1l_e:in.~xidc Uu,-lm _v unyonb. (`l"` xveo 1 'our pm. lull` t'ltl(3li.-- V " l :1_v, .l:1cnh.=, I wonder wliere Thurs- 1 ton _can he this "morning?" He'll be here lietbre long," replied ' .l:i.:-obs witlmut altering his position in the ` lugnit. l suppose he is sleeping olY his l:1~`t ni;:l|t's lissip:|tiJIi." ` '* Why, where wu~' he lust ni__-;lit?" ' *~ Ila \\`.'H up to Whitwell's party, with his .~lst0I', the latter part of the e\'euing;. `l Sllllllni, he \`\".-in down to Shula`: till ulcwn o'clock; that is where he spemls lllrmt of his (`.\'L'lllll;:'l." "l`hon you really believe he almkes?" inilnin-.l Lincoln. " ll.-lium it? ~I know he does. I went Iluwn with him one night lust week, and` saw him win three humlred dollars in less than him lmura. ' _, l -.;ue.~'s he's :1 pretty hard case," snhl l.l|u'.\ln, tlmug_vl1tl'ul|_\'. I wmzuler what 'l'rc\'-ir u~.ul.1 say if he were to hearof it?" I don`: know; rntherpretty sister he's ant. - SK: Sh-3 is lancer! pretty." _ 'l'lu-re \\':m :1 pause of a few moments :ml,Linculn returned to his paper. I am sm'r_v," he suisl, presently, that Thurston should ruin himsrslfin this way: for he is nrst-rate fullmv, and Ilike him. IL: is `n,cl`m-or fellow, and no mistake. msenteul Jucnlm, II. is I: pity 118 should tuke to g:nnbliu_r_;." " Nu n-HI (vat intn trnllhhz. T nm n`nid: AND COU.` `l.mum:. lll'lLSl).\\'. JUL! 30, 1808. unit: m g:nnuuu_r,v. llu will get. into trouble, I am nfrnial; he has been winning thus far, I suppose, but his` losses are yet. to come." I :.lnn'L know ubouL`thut," said Jacobs; he's pretty slmlrt, und it. would take I! pretty slmrp ham! to catch him. Here he in now. he mlalod, as the subject of their Cnry\'orsuti)n came in. u r1,....I ...-....:.... r :..-..1.. 1...... ...... ...;.. THE EXA.\[I.\'l2!l )N)()K AND JOB PRINTING ()1-`l-`l(`l. .. pm-vw w-.~':.:`.: t:'...::'.*::"' =`>i` an-~ PLAIN A.\'l) 0l(.\.\.\ll~2.\"l`.U. PRINTING: .~uchn.w- - Ln m-:.u)s. \ 'nTBl`:a1.`s'r'.\?* v.uu).~z. * mu, H3: us, ublml with of the unnch may rest. nssurud lheso ivf. ' Address all \.Ull\'l'T3iHJU UXUHU `Ha . "` Good morning Lincoln, how are Y0! Jake?" Sill Thurston, as he proceodod behind the counter to his desk. `fN0 letter for ins ?" H M :... ..-_s ____ 1...! 1...; ..!...La!i ...:.I On: Dollar [H31 wuer [Of H18 1" Nico para; we had last ni;';ht. laid Jacobs, not noticing the 011101" in` ' mark; 7 ' _ K Yes, very nice party." g/`He walked over to where Linooill had _]_`]ll) .l`4.\Il|un--1.7; V. C-`)U'.'1`\' ()1-' :5l\lC0li .\l)VOCATI`} -0.31" n,,.].;., ._-nmv 'ruuu.-m.u' noummz, 1, . , .....~ ..-. n..u M... \\':-.u n! the 1-`ircmunna \" ms, ver mce an Q?` Ha wnlkedy `go xglmro been standing, -and commenced rudiug th_o pper which lay as he had left. it. Anvthimr in Hm mmer About ;.-... VOLUME V. u.u_u lmper wulcu lay ma lulu mu 1:. Anything in the paper about 1 mnshup in Sussex ?" No. I hnlinua nnl. " nnhl Linn.` numsullp In busnex '5" _ . No, I believe not," smd Llpcoln; "`_the papers havenot got hold of It yet? ,__.._._._.___. CHARGE OF THE DRESS BRIGADE. l9F;.s2.9URTs% i_/__ .g3g'Pub|lshed every Thursday Morning. 4j- m:|m.u' The lxunxincr .....-.v m.` ~.'I\Ir`.nI_ ,,\l)\'(' lI.\'TY 0!" S`l.\lC()I-I .~\D\'OCATl'}. gm-. lmlru I4.-nguu-,lm1l`n league rear- xhromgh the mirv and dirt, [w~.u`d, In its In-:1uly'.~4 hurl. " ml the rich .~i!lu.-:x'skirt, ..... .... ..~n~m~.l trvwi1t_v.r; :r|cu .~ul&L-u mun, .u'\\*ur:l. Fn peck, half a peck fully-- \\`uu|l\'. - zuuls. n-juicing .11, would he \\`I'0g; vs am-. shurl, ur hills will he lung. n mus, - u.\.~:n mI.Ls, cxlccumns mm-;i.s '..Vl|`}I.\ .\|N'; (IR

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