Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 2 Jul 1868, p. 3

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Olsonws 1..L'. u . 1.4 1. LI nu AS the plunsuro to announce to his old Patrons, and the public generally, that he has ut laugh, at very considerable 0.\`penae, mu.-d up his new 1 l{O'l`OGRA.l-`II ROOMS, OPPOSITE THE BARRIE HOTEL, ,r._. ,_,.....!...l 1... IC- \.IL 1 \lKJl..l-1'4 .l.AL.I'J JIALLVAUA-I-I L\-I-544`-4 and in tho >premises lat;-l`y occupied by Mr. James Russell. Since he closed his old Gal- lery he has devoted his time and means in ac- qmring prociency in the very latest disco- vered processes for producing 'FIIF' llI\l\'I' FVIIIIIQIIFF nIn1'IInE I I15 ""19 I :l\I(UIl I I I'IV I UIIEOH undinfurnisbiug his New Gallery with the latest approved nppurmus; and he is now in n posit1on' to take li0lli.`8EOB"0f eve: y size, fr-nm ux umnllnnt ]Mo1{TGAEE SALE. latest, approved tum no :3 now. 111 5120, from the smallest LOUKET T0 LIFE SIZE. `u nnnfhlanw nlunllnnn-mu an-nuxnoillnn and .LlLIL/.l1'J 1 .U .'.Il1'.lD 0101'! Ho condently challenges competition, and guarantees the most entire satisfaction. Pictures enlarged to any size desired. Call and inspect his specimens, and judge for yourselves. I 'L3$"'I`in:Nz'=s Ink. -: in all Ic:'1:(?s rftocaf-':c>'.__f;,Y2 'Ba'. ;':r, lfay. '.`~1, 1St'~S. 16-M`. uflglnal, be the same more or loss. 'l`lm nlunvn In-nmu-tv will In! H V V l.Il(l).-\Y. um lslgnteunm may 01 .1 my, A. 1). i868. ut. tho Auction Room 0t'Dnvid .\Iorrow, I l'Isq..I3uI'I'ic. at one u`clock.p.m,, that vulnuhlo l"xu'm knu\\'n'x\:s tho l\'orlh lIulfol'Lot numhor Eightm-n, in Um Eighth Concussion of the 'l'0\\'nRhip of lxxnisl. in ma County of Simcoc, ? contuiuiug by udmcusuremont ul'l;1n1, be the same less. The nbovu property will be sold under} 11 pnwt-rot` snlo contained in n lllortgnpzo from Wm. l lIll('Hnll. lulod sixth lllnroh, :\.D. 1965, to George Michie and W. B. llnmillon. ofthe city ol"l`urontu. and which moxlgago and 113- ` signwnl tlncrc-of to the undersigned will be pxoducud M the limv of sale. v ` R?` TER.\lS_ CASH. -_3 .) JAS. C.I\lUllll0\V. Yongc Street, Toronto, FOR SALE. LSO the License. Bur Fixtures, I~'u1'ni-uro, Liquon-1, &c. This hotel is doing n iirst class, nnd is the bust stand in Toronto. Commodious Stnblusuro zxttnclmd. The house has recently been tho- roughly renovated nnd re-`painted. A good opporumity is how o'<-red for an enterprising mun securing a long-established nnd paying business. . A-mlv In Ohn nrnm-iulur nn rm m-nmlsos. or Barrie, June 16, 1868 . l.\BL`4 UK` 'I III`: G-lobue I-IAotel,| business. - Apply to the proprietor on the promises. or to R. Walsh, E2q., Box 1008, Toronto 'l .0. ., Tolonlo, June 0. 29-tf 113.16% Wifdih E s 2! I . \VIl.L he sold by Public Auction on SAT- l.7I(l)AY. the lighteunlh day of `July, A. M68. .\Iorrow. ` NEW . PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY. Mr. G. LYNN TTAQ Hm nlnnmlrn tn nnnnnnma in his nld llis Trimmed Bonnets - at $%{.25; his Trimmed Hats at 75c.; his Summer Mantles at $1.2 clnenpt-st Suits, for Boys and Girls, -ever olwed for-sale-in tls County, Ladies Prunella Guitar Boots_ 81. _~.Lmliexs Leatlmr Boots, $1. Men s Fancy Gaiters, $2.26. Men's Cxmvas Gaiters, at $1.50, wolrth $2. 'l'lw.t Genuine Gunpowder Tea at 90c., wortln $1.10; best Young Ilyson at 80c. and 90c.. . 5; are still in great, clemand. The `[23 ; Hotel and Tavern Keepers would prot b_i/ e.tamim'n_r) his lVz'nes and iLi/mars. _g1( Ilia Clothing Room is well stocked with the Lutcst_vStyles `in Conts, Pants and Vests, Ilulland Cnps. 'l`amil_v Mourning constantly on hand. ' 13" Straw, Tuscan nnd Leghorn Bonnets and Hats cleaned and altered. A Cheap `Lot of White O_stricl_1 Featlzrs and Bonnet Trimmings. rwnusa I.....m....... nu In vuuvnu THE MOST EXQUISITE PICTURES, unrl hi fnrniulnn luiu Mum flnllnrr wiill HI! Ready Made Olothlng, Boots 85 Shoes, been Vttcd up and nkingit one of the In tho North. vIn Fresh Supplies of Bnrrie. May 27, 1863, I-Intel f__'_3_r T Sale. `ord.e1"to.aupply th wants of his uuunefous Strictly One Price. 15-u. L1-:.\s1-2 01-` mm 'C". His various qtialities of dress goods are low _in proportion. THE EXAMTNERANDCOUNTYOF SAIMCQE ADvocATI:, THURSDAY, JULY 2, 1868. Price `:5 cents. 'l`wuuLv-Ilve c "r. UASIL `3 C. MURROW. 20-din Vendor. wl u-J 19-ly H Genuine _ Wines and Liquors. I? under the managenieglt of a". 1'st-1'ate,C1itte_1'. Persons desirous of (/1ot.h1nrr.of the ver best Inatelflals, and ` got up on the most fasl1ion- ale am? substahtla manner, can procure 11: here at reasonable pces. LXI :-inter.-s_1Nanted 1` AN'1`ED_Innuecliately at the olco of tbi paper, a. Jollrneyxpan Printer. To a man who understands J oblnng good wages nnd,cou- stnut emplnyzpont will ho given. A good-boy` `who has ucqmred u._knowh.-d;.r<- of the business uud wishes to receive instx'11ciibt}s in Job Print- ing cun procure a favorable powion by undy- ing at once. . in-,: , .- 1:'xanz-incr Oicc. Barrie, June -1, 1568. 5 Just received ONE HUNDRED BOXES Asso1'td New T: r\1'l1nn (11-Ann:-:nn mm .-\...\.A.... 3 ., A G-'._9*e.a't Vaety of Iieadg/-vlacle UL OTIHN 41 are ~!!o inuc: ' Ice '1 xwmy-tlvo `cam. cc 'I`wou!y-vc ccull. jThe Custom Department T Brillantes and PM Muslims, Black nndlFancy_1)1'css Sks, Fancy Dress Goods," 109 p ccs, Prints and Ginglmms, Collars and Cuffs, 1 Satin 'l`1'innnings and Buttons, Fancy Bugle do. do. Ribbons and Laces, Lisle Gloves and Hosiery, French Kid Gloves, Pal-asols and Uunbrcllas, aisly and Fancy Shawls, Bl k Cz;sl1n1ere d,o., [Muntles I C-rape Cloths, an calms, Alpacas and Lustrincs, White do., 7 English ,Colo`|11'gs, Ladies Ilats, Gentlemen s Felt and Straxv Hats, ! French Merinos and Delaincs, ' |A large stockof .FieldSe%eds. Salt, Plaster and Water lime, % china, Gl`a_$s:&._#Earthenware, West of England Coatings and T_1'ouse_1'ings, Canada Iwceds, &c., &g. r TI1E SUBSCRIBER respectfully announces that he has JUST OI El\;ED OUT :1 v(u'_7 large stock 4.1` the following goods, viz. :-- ' ' . (1868. 1868.] * AND cLoT_H1E.R T Efsign [of the Gold On Elephant, 95 King Street AEast,ggL2` TORONTO, ONT.` ' 'FI%RE-%PR().OF HOUSE! BRADFORD. 3. SCORE &-SON, } LCl]La3CBf}]l;\[I]`' ir&XUELE389 A 'TT"I'\ INT (\r'I1'w'-'-'-17 -u-.L~. Wm. "Now is the limo .- 1-uhnnlcz Journuymnn; , nt trndcn, or in Atom, u the mud. to club lo- Icrsomv I heap Edition -kc.-ua'Worka," I! this ILAT E STE Mn? 3, 1868. THOMAS MCCORMICK, RS, Several Cases Self-Sealing Glass P1'ese1'vc Jzirs. 1868. IN GROGERIES. customers Thomas I\ [cCo1'micl: is receiving daily` .u .x.Lu4.11.JAu.Luu .u\J41..l`4D 15801`! other Grocerxes m p1-oport1on._' . St-1-ayled. o:i_- gaalen, 1-uonu n... .........:...... ..4-nu.;.._-- 1 , ROM the prelnises uf.TlJt'nnns Lough:-ed, Lot 4, Con., 11, oi'Innisl',` on the 4th of , June. inst., A BAY MARE 7 years old, with ` blucknmne and tail,` medium size. Any pm`- son finding the snme Qr_giving any information that will lead to her discovery will be `amply l rewarded. ` rnrvnu : 7 (`.I1vrvv,u-v. Newapapur. umh-h n plclorlnl Ma- thirty and forty Illus- gxmhur,IIu-ludlngcight .5` n. nfthc foreign | B!l.'(;v. 1!-I, rnllrond or I eam- . llliug incldemmcomlc. xpriucu, besides wall ' questions of the day. ngu, a norlnl stony 0|` narratives and mu, ms. 611:. _ : 'mo.\1.-\s I.0Uum:i~: u, l'.'s Inuisl, June )6, 1868. ' ' . _ A1 A01: uuu IJUUUUIL \JilllI|J1lU LU _ Linens and Lawns, Hoop and Balmoral Skirts, S]1eeting'sz1n`d Diapers, Linen" and Wqollen Shirts, Gents Collars, Ties, &c. Clnildrclfs 110., T apestry, ACarpcti11g.4, 3 am] 2-ply Kiddermilxster (10,, Felt: and Hemp` do., V Stair do., ' _ Damask Window Ilzmgings, Nottinghmn and Leno do., Silk Tassels and C_}o1'ds for du., - Damask VV 0011011 Talrle Covers, Damask Table Cloths, Mars(=,iI1es ()ounte1'pan_es, D O]ys and Tow ' White and Co1 d Silk I'Iandkc1~ s, Black Italiati do., Irish and Scotch Cambric do. u. T 1... .:.-_. _" J T He has just received ` % 1869+ ;FASH1ONS MLCONBRIDGE. T ens, and ..a\-..._- `I5-ti` 17-t BY 1`}(I-E LA7r'r1s,R PAIQT -_OFTiTII'I_VZCURR1*3'N'I` MONTI-1.} lstapig%as%a%Aran%eyi%;j;niycoeds} Sy1vester sGe1ebra,t dPa.t tGra,in Cradles -._..-. .-..-. ..-. g` .z. -~- A .. __ Builders GHHBHAHVESI"? -SVGYTHES 8 I 8 / 1?"oRIis, W..l. McMaster'and company, T 16 LEMOINE STREET`, 1HARVEsTgMPLEMENTs%21 Garding Spinning, Cloth Weaving; ` _' Jnyeing and Dressing, ` _ DONE 1 ROMPTLY, AT 7THE USUAL CHARGES. N.B.-IIigl1est Price `paid in Cash for \Vonl, delivered at the \Vorks. Having made arrangenlents with the Railroad and Steamers, goods can be delivered _ . tut any place in the County where they stop. l3zu`|'io. Anril. 1868. ' w `n "' -uu B*.u"riov, April, 1868. mm 25 - cents. 'I`\y1.-n2?'~?lvc cunts. r|at: cenha. Mrs. Llrripcrns Legacy. rIgoId'a Preectlptlonu. ry-vo can is -prlntud Places. Price Which will be found adVan'ta.geQus to pu1'cha.sers wB<>?3iiEi 'RECOLLECT THEEMPORIUMI ' -WH()LESALE '& RETAIL.` % V8 upp|ies `of the newest and lSTAPLE&FANCYDRYGO0DSI JMcC0NKEY & 00.) B:u'1"ia-., AprilS, 1868. (The Emporium! I _. __-__._ ,_,.l,_ _ - "IS DETER.1[[NED N01 TO BE U1VI)1a'1SOLD. 433 .:----3-:27 uiij-1 xi: ------------t---- will be found-replete with evcrytliing new; and l1isVStock will be f0und'to qompnse nlllu newest styles in material and make, and as cheap as any in the market. His prices for Boots and Shoes defy co1npetitiun.. ' T_ha Grocery Department is, as usual, well. supplied -vn cunts. wunt.y< the cams. llvu cunts. `nmy-ve cents Pwen!-vo cents. 1-uty-vo cents. , Xvu cunts. u l'wonLy-ve conla. u`enlv-ve centn. 4 I I with la Gearzd Stock, which Families_ and Hotel Iieeps will do well to i11spe;:t. Arm; yin rn -nnmnn IrI;IV711\ avnrri. tn/\ nu -yr.-rn n-nnny v~. -, !vvim3mmrtJ -.=.5...:.-_..y.. 0., 9.5.5:, ._-,.. gu_-:. v`_....=,c/vw in Bonnets, Hats, Caps, and all kinds of Straw ;ind"I`nscan Goods; also, Shawls uni Mnntles, Parzxsols, Gloves, flibbons, Flowers, Feathers, &c., which he is pre- pared to sell at Toronto Prices.---A call is I'cSp(3Ctflllly-S0llClLe(l. The VJ-uvun DIIUSCTIDCT takes pleasure In announcing L0 [.318 uztules Ul uaruu zum surrounu- ing country, that having added a Millinery and Mantle Department to his General Bminess, he will open the same as above, in the large room` over his store, where will be found the . ` ` NEWEST STWLES l"? THE SE/XS @Nl . . u ..'. ...n. . 145,, ,_ on 1 :,_n_.___.., 11 . n , n__1.. ,1 _ Subscriber takes pleasure in announcing to the Ladies of Bhrrie and surround- ing country, havinr_r Miinery Department lL1U5L%Wi1@iBiY??8B1@>"M"JB3+U1 ']5unlop-t. East, 1M1LL1NEm`[ AND MANTLES.i "W 3% .J53J3@]%J[?3%33@153 __ ,______. v- __ ,,_ .__,__ __ _ I Be Sure and nd the place, nearly opposite Lhe `:Rai1wa_v Depot, Duhlop Sm.-ct. - - . Dmnxmnn ct,n..~n1r\;ns Is on` - , ublicatlolls. Hotel. and wzsat of ny Station. "Bzirrie, May 13th, 1868. ..P`=SSIi559ii =!"1.t1. :'_1`17'II.*=J1\"I' "64 1Eo1;;7 Q1171 'iI1eEaa}.ith aiui zdui gpst. Suitable for the Spring and Su1nmer, -_1?:E4*1DX_FQf~ _ fN3P.Q$I0N GRAHAM & LOUNT, Proprietors. VBISG T0 A;\'NOU.\'CE TIIAT TI_IElR.\SI'1{II\'(} STOCK OF '[(SUC'CESSORS T0 T. D. jl[cC'0N11'EY,) OPENING SHERIDANS NEW_' I . Zcltung. he German lnngll 9; ngruvln lllultrll I. d nmus ng lncldenllf moms, in M] will ..I no......-- nun ' GRAN 1) DISPLAY E DUN LOP S'l`R_EE `, BARBIE, ARE NOW DAILY RECEIVING DUNLOP S_TR.EE'1`, BARBIE. -WILL BE CO.`\IPLETE AND &c- >&._c- BARRIE, Ont. -4~`\'1\ i\.I0:\*'j:REA_L, most Fashionable styles of Amerlonnl. with ..:'.;.J3 33%;: um u) o u so - epUnl!?d Btntcjpgfl Iris Weekly. ...... nwnf nuhllahcd' A-r\.'r\.uq ;/u ]s"i3:'ii'\#ARD sii`EiziiXN. 39' IMPHMENIS, ` SNAITHES MRAKES, Hardware] LL/;.\.L1 1-5-ti` 18-tf _1o-tr A su;}p13- of whiie Wood Butter Firkins just . received. ' xv. 1 r- ........ ... u....... IGM",.i!11:Ti'i!1%....??11eH*I FLOUR, CRACKED WIIEAT, `Corn and Oatmeal, Seeds, Oats nd Feed,` rr l urn A urn n 1 /yn\r Ennprisos I conuuuw i:,82vfKa:?.6`'r'3- r your. V I IAVING rctuincd to Barrie, rospi-clfully informs the Ladies thereof, and its vicinity. that .5110 is prepared to attend to all orders in MILLINERY. in her usual style. . which has invariably given satisfaction to her patrons --Until more suitable prmnisus can he ohtained. she is tempo:-arily localt-(1 in the Car opposite King's Buildings, Duniop-street. Barrie, May. 1868. 16-if J_n.JkJ.I. \I.l|I kJL\ IJJJJLV, BOUT the Twentieth instant. in POCKET BOOK, containing eight or nine dullars in money, and a NOTE.` due the ho-.ginning of the present month, drawn by Donald and Mnlculxn Galbreath,` in favor of Willi`-.uu 11. House. Any person nding the same, and re- .turning it to Wm. H. Rouse, or leaving it at the oilice of this paper. will be suituhly re- wurded. This is to notify. all persons against ~nr.-gotiuting said note, as no value has` been ieceived for the same. W n, R('HT.`\`F`., A STOCK of rn GROCBRIES inc! laid in EVERAL IMPROVED FARMS for the vicinity of Barrie. Also, a nlunlwr ofTk1wn Lots, with and without buildings. Apply to ' D MORROW. W3` .k'L'IJ` 7>nrv'rrn Tl("1" A'r'1-'1::1\r-1'1o1\n Sunnidale . Mcdoutc . , UIIlI lI\V4IL'n'h Apply to S.\;\IUEL LOUNT. Registry Oicc, Barrie; '01` to C. W. LOUNT, Bruce- brid;.:e`. Muskoku. 16-tf N Agility bu U Auun.A\.\ 57%` SEE PRINTED LISTS. Barxfic, March, 1864. ' Tay.` (I0 . . . . Vt-spm. . do. . . av: an `M50 2 500 acres in the omishing County of Bruge from which purchusws can obtain wihl land or cleared farms at fair prices with _timc for payment . Apply to - . II. CRESWICKE. J1z.. |1aunsrnn_mt cum] PICK of Iollowiug Lots at $3 pr-r acre. $50 cash; balance in three annual instal- ments, with interest: Toumshi ). North Ori liu... do do .. In (In ` HALF 01 Lot No. 6, in the 9th Con. of Vt-spm, TWX-.`.\'TY ACRES CL[ARl Log House and Burn, Good Soil and Well Timbered. including pine and elm: within 9 miles of Bnrric-;' Church and School Vatthc lot. Tuiuxs HA.`-IY. Apply to ALEX. MCCOULLOUGH. Craiszvalc 1'. 0., i _2.6m '1;I*lE VILLAGE OF CLOVER IIILL. \JL\ .I'J .IJ.LJ.LV.|J1|a1'J1J L.l\JLII.lJKJ, more 01' loss, very fawombly situated, within half a mile of \ luclu nu: Z?ABOUT 7.; ACRES CLEARED_!_ and in a good state ofcultivzition. well fenced. I g1 :1DUU 1. AU Aunt:-3 uuI:.nnuu_ ;_| and in a good state ofcultivzition, fenced, I and mostly free from stumps. The balance is in I nan urn-vuv\11vr\t\Y\ V . ulovcr um r.u. Clover Hill, 21st April, 1868. ` 12-1!` 1 . .5 .--A Large Quantity of Shingles F03` Sale. _________________T I 5. .~/.4\Ar.~A/\Ar\o/ .- /`/\\r\/\4` ~..,-AN`... iivrPRnvM?n*vfIiiFI?vR_. SW .I.J nun uulluussluu Ul 433, vuunuu-uu5 V 7 N E HUNDRED ACREb ' v`hin .......,. .4. ID1\V ........ l'...n..-.-.hl uhnoomi I G o d_1')V '1i1"AViiZ 1$\'1o (5 D 15 U S 11. I --A I\'Ew- I F1tAhIE DWELLL\'G HOUSE AND BARN were erected on the promises lust year, and the farm is well watered bv erected pronnses lust and 1: by A NEVER FAILING SPRI`.\`G CREEK, and good well. For further particulars apply to the under- signed, (if by letter, post-paud). THOMAS SAUNDERS. (`Jnvnr Hill Pf). Om. .Yunc.2-nh,`1S68. - gurmsas awua. ganas Ea} gm. ! Barrie,` June 3, 1868. _ 'Lot10-9. 5 u m7 IUA, " znu " W 1' IS, 15 H _ H H `V 1) R! Lots 125 and 14, in the 1st Con., mrn: Feb. 27, 1868. _ IV Lot 23. in the 1 sag {gig mm. nan an`: I -- - --_._ _ -_- .- >-,, EING the Westlmlf of Lbt. No. 1 in the 8th Concession of Essa, containing .1~1-.\ 11t11nT\'n1.\1\ A r1D1.`Q Farms for . Sale. LOST OR STOLEN, "HT'I' Hun I`|wAnH:-1|: hm:-nu! u Pl u uw '.\Ul'Ul. _ 21-tr ------~ DICKENS` WORKS. OR THE MILLION. E NOW READY. TIIEIIS, and cuuum .Ev;-':,.{"':;:;max"3';. Mrs. BOURCY, Auu uuuuuu. -.vx;-An, urn. IIAAIS AND BA CC I luu. U.-uucus MUU .\`1`1'.u '1'uUU1' will. until furtller orders. lrlll EVERY THURSDAY, nt 3 o'clock, and will commence their ANNUAL DRILL for the year ending 30 June. _ON FRIDAY, 19th June inst, at 10 ., `mm, at the Armory. nunnv nnrn/rnrv JOHN LAIBD, HI-`ll an vv 7 HE DARRIE MOUNTED TROOI '5 nnl f'nrH|m- nwlnru, Hr!" a dull -`-`fl. Ill un; cu: \,\.m., 'xuII u TOWNSHIP OF TAY. , ~-' 4th - 200 :14 ,9 .2 10, in the 5th (101)., 100 I I II I n F, in the 1st Com, W P R, 1 , 2nd *-' W PR, 1 ) _4.' V 1 R 3 `and 14. Con.. . , in the 4th Con., 100 acres. s--uv F21` $3.19-. J1 .I.J.|rJ.lU..Ll. I just laid in. 1. and all tom whal- -wona 0 tap Edigion ens by the hundred, II price, not cash with In. Now v [0 CRESWICKE. Ju., B.uu:u:, F. PROUDFOOT, ` Sn'.r:v|:\- P O rwuu (ll nun - D`ARCY BOULTON, (`.,u*'r\' .. 1-; IV-.. 1 MONO -1 an uuu., 1 TINY 1.: n,.. I IVl\II`\I- 3 Isl: Coal , II S, 200 ucros. I`! no rave- _. in the 9th Con., 400 nc1'c. non-n :\|- 1-11: There are I-I AI\f`IrVC1 ISA. MCUUL'hLUUl1'H. Cmigvalc 1:. 0., 1f by Icmer post,-paid Lot Con. .-1(:rm. 19 in 3 _ 200 `. 18 4 200 1:: 1: -mn uxn unu suuuvwuuw Iv Ilm Puhlluherv, `ON 87 lm0'l`llER8 Inn! 8!. Phllndulph R- ml. 11. muss. ' `)I Bin 1 Ur, Su:am;.\' P. O. 4-Iy m` .SAUNur.`Ks. Clover Hill P.O. |RI`..'~4, 12.11` lama Inn: 0 ON. uJ'UN, CAI`T.\I.\`. 18-lf` 2,856 acre . ., 200 acres. 100 100 M Q .mn IUU N s, 400 canon. , _` _ _ Testimonials certifying dxstmctly to the temperate habits, and correct moral character `of the applicants. and containing their names in full, must be forwarded to the undersigned, one week previous to the examination. Can- didates in their notices shouid state whether they are Protestants or Roman Catholics, and the class of certicate requin-d. ' Vt, nova, 1 1 n. 7 HE BOARD OF PUBLIC I.\'STRl'C TION furthe Northern Circuit of the County_ of Slmcoc, will meet. at the Conn. IIouse,'Barri1-. on TUl`}h`DAY, the suvenn day of July, 1868, at 10 o'clock a. m.. fur Hm purpose of examining (Summon School TencherF,` and granting certilicqtcs of quaIiti~ cation._ ' `otlllglrlnil-y !1l:g" es `la a ' nltrucllpnsppI'9_|_|W1 Lu-toms, In'nlI run In 0l`l16l'. Excludln event: oho vs, 1-; to umlah amule- contems cons! pdn~ _ able wrlumI,-!nclnd~ Imblu ndvaulnrmblo mun-wmI portnllh r Sheriff s Sale of Lands. CO L".\'TY OF SIMCOI3, N S.-\Tlf1:b.-x Y ` TO M1`: the `gnu: day of September, A.D. 1868, at twelve n`clock noon, -M. the Sheri"s Oico. in the (."n|n'L llollsv, Barrie, will be sold by Public .\nu1iun. Um undermuntioxwd lamls and teu or tin.- intc-rcst uf the defendant therein, under mil. in the following suits: _ In the Connlv Court of the (tmmou hr ::..., In we Iouowlng sums: County of thqcmmty of ~`,im~ coo. Stephen (llr-monl, ]`lm'uI1'. rs. 'l`houms Willoughby} [h'_]'emII12=l; Daniel .\IcKurnun, AI !/u'n!{(, . 1,-.~:. 'l`hom.L~1\\'illnu;:hly, I)4 f.`,'lLII([7lt, \VvsI Imlfof Lot number Folllween. iu the Fourth Concession of llm Tuwnship of.\IulInu1`. B. W. SMITII. Shun-ill` (`A Q? m nnn Sheriff's oicc. Barrie. Barrio. June ].`.h. 1868. !b:ANS z FANS 1 1 ` 1_`A1\'s ' A r-hnimt. Int nI'FA\'\` nl `\':..I.nI......,. \ A Cut Depot. procnrvu on bu:u'u luc b`tc-arm-r. For freight or passage apply to the captain, qn board. . , lt.\Tl-`.4 In-` I`; III.` - .\on.n4.-rn 1c:u1\\'ay, for Toronto. Through tickets from Toronto to \\'ushagu or Orilliu. can be pnI'c-based at the N. 1!. 1:. Station, Toronto; and return tickets can bu procured board the Stcanu-1`. Fu1'frci1zht or nussag-n nlmlv m Hm r-nu!-uh: l Toronto to 1 I in \ [L J'.u.\b'1'ub LUAU. or the township of Uro, in the County of Simcoe, or against E. LONG and JA.\{ ES CROSS, are |'equ(eHt1'd In forward thenrto the undersigned. Those who are indebted to the above named are 1-eqnirml to make immediate payments to me, on or before the mat of July next. . D. .\1ORROW. Barrie. June 10th. 1868. l!n.4in counuy. Returning will leave Wushngo at 11 a.1n.. and Orillia at 12 30 :1.m., arriving at Barrio in time to connect with the evening train on till} Northern Rnilxvay, for Toronto. Throuzzh Tnrnntr. tn 'n<'|in:n. I. wuuI._y'-nvu 1:011 wenly-nvo centn. wenly-avx conln. my-Ilvo cent. vuuty-vu compo. wunty-aw coma. Barrie no Barrie. . 1S68..__.m~m SUMMER ARRANGE.\1El\"l`. DIRECT ROUTE l0riIlia and the [$88 Grant Land; ~()F I'l7I.` 1I'H.k'I.'(Jlq .I 1"/)I:'A"l'I!VI, ` Freight and Luggage taken through with- out trnshipment. IDA BURTON, (L. A. SMITH. MASTER:. u.. A. amnn. mAsTER., V ILL commence her regular trips between Barrie and Wnshngo. this (Tblmzduy) morning, at 5.30 a.m., touching at SllA.\'1`Y Bu`, HA\\'KSTO.\'H, Ann-:Iu.Y. OlHl.l.L\ and un- l mn'.\ur:-nrriving at W.\sn.\uo at 10.30 a:m.. und connecting there with Slugesfor lln:`.\'o1-ll country. Returning leave 'ns:hmvn nl. H n ... vnuuu ullu LIIU I ICU Ulalll. Lalluu -OF THE JIUSKOICA (', 0UN7'1. 1'!- By Railroad and Steamer ;" via 13.\mm:. OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that u. Dividend of Four per Cent. for the cuI- rem half year, being at the rule of Eight pm Ct-nt. per annum upon the paid up Cupitul M this Bunk, hns this day ht-en_ declared. and that the same will be payable at the Bx1nkin;; House in Toronto. or at any of the Bmncln~-- of the Bank, ON AND AFTER WED.\'ESDA`.' .1st JULY, next. ` The 'I'rnnq-r Rnnl-c will Ln nl.-.;~...1 I` .... .. ll... mm 10 me .`-mm June, both days iuohmirc-. The ANNUAL MEETING of the Sharr- lxoldurs will he held at the Banking House in Toronto, on MONDAY. the 6th any 0! JULY um-.\'t. The Chair will be taken at Noon. By Order of the Board. - I: J `DAl .l'.A`< I JSI .JU1.1, next. The Tmnsfer Books will be closed from um 15!]: to the 330th June, both days iuchmirc-. Slmn-- .9, mm can work ' me dctnvu volnm with (.'ov:r on each It x~:1csoss' UIIEAP Jami and In the ch:-apusiu up edition of mu oom- ns cvcr printed Tho nu_\_\; rc_u_dy_, viz.: Toronto, May 26th. 1863. - Canadian Bank of` CommeI:c`. u.1yn1.w1u1).lh1u: If you want rst~class rolls. Go to W. C. Towns South Simcoc Mills. If you want first-class yum, ` Go to W. C. Towns` South Simcoc Mill... If you want first clam cloth. Go to W. C. Towns South Simcoe .\llll.~.:, Ifyou want fair play and are willing to pay. Go to W. C. Towns South Simcou Mill.-:. Situated at l\'ewtown Robinson, two-antl-xv half miles north of Bond 110311, and 4 south oz Cookstown. W. 0. TOWN Nmvtmvn Rnhhmnn ltuu r. mm: V `IIE Snbscrihnr. lnwing greatly 1-nlnrgoal and improved his buildings, and put in :1 set of tirst class machinery. of tlu.-latest an-I rnost. improved style. and hnving them now in first rate running order and in full operation. he is now prepared to execute all orders ivilh which he may be favored. on tho short:-ul notice consistent with ngood business; and he- hopes. by doing good work. and fair dculing. to merit. no small share ofpnblic patronage. I Fair play is nit.-\vc-.1: brim: vour wool cit-nu I to Inc-rn. small slmro ofpnblic play aj(.'\V(`.]; bring your clean and dry, and than we shall be able to tell yeu about what quantity of yarn you will have. .lJ1\lI4DDl.LV 050' At my Old Stand, Aewtow./ L Rube /zsovt. LLLLVKJ . ;_4;.s.1x) ; a L`\.'.\D 3 A choice lot UFFANS, al. Nicholson's News )epot. ' {gmsuulu Slmillti Ems. CARDING AND SPINNING, CLOTH DRESSING, &c., J! gnu f'H.l C`I....,J 7|'.....4.. 1). I ' .__,. Barrie, 10th. 1869. n _ I} Railway Station, Out. Iv. U. 1 Newtown Robinson, Muy 6. I868. __________:._____ LI. 1'xu'LIOs uavmg claims against the law _ ]'IRAS l`Ub' LONG. of the township nf , County Simcoe. azuinst THE SIDE-\{'lIE EL S'l`E.\.\lEl{ , _. lrll/u-. ._..j. DIVIDEND No. 2. unto: .n"l'J.I- J: IJJI SMITH, MASTER her rumllnrtrina In lunzs or-`.1-tutu: to Orilliu ....... , . to Wnshagn . . . . . . .. to Ilmvkstonc . . to Atherly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . to Orillia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . to Wnshugo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BURTON &: S.\l_l'1'II,_ 0-mu `. April 23, 1868. . l m't.i0.-9 having claims against the law RASTU5 LONG. of the tnwnshin nf 1ur;'c.3sb,- ms. "REMEM BER! Ivan} rnO_AInnu .-AH.` In Avnl TIOTICE. NJ. 1:. J. DALLAS. ' I /nu ._ n'.u1'I`ll. _ Sheriff Co. Snncoo. 4t\-3. GUS/I iii)`, `I 7.1!` ners. I2-ff. wunt -aw con}: vmy- we cents. "cunts, .-wc Am.-nu. Ciznvaum, and all penom - noted English Clown own nulnuacrlpli and my cdlllou In Auncrlus. II vvvv-..,. upon: oyor ubllahed' 1' youth of th new umer aw Inch u U Iotho onn . neon nnd we lw twnull c, descriptions and IL nd cu:-toms anecdotal r und funny fnblo. onvcnty-live ens! IV` . Subscription p other albrlca. Price fzruc1i6:'m' p'ronuwu the Chimney Conyl . > LOT OF nan _ -uvo cents. ln L-emu. 1- noted ngllnh 9\\jn__n_uInIg9crlplI 1 Newspaper. un|hIh n nlcmrlnl .3. Iiachbookllprhni I a read, and each we ucuwuvolnm S. _ch_ioou. v: American. .....u..3. lnnwnn. W urn,` nue states. connin- nur recs. with MI ms, Id tales and etc owe, description! . I M ' an " Te'n3:`oz'u scrlr NK LESLIE. New York GB]- of the above If" Proprietor. " Patent Pl0ul;l1,`:(@l=.`an Holler! ' `HE pro irietorn of this now and very effec- tive 1 ough. are now visiting the County of Simeoe,with it view to disposing of Farm and Tmvnship rights for using the smne. '1`o those who have not seen it the following certi- cue from some ofthe lending farmers in the fiuunly of York will be sulciunt gunrnntoe of Ill merits and usetnlm-as to the enterprising huslmndmnn: This is to eertifv that we have "99" Max-r's Plough, Guide and lioldor nt work, D_tl believe it to be :1 useful labor-saving mn- clnne. That one man can accomplish the ` Work oftwo men. with good steady teams; _or "Int one boy who cannot plou vh, but can -isive a span of horses, can accompl sh thn work M 800d plouglnnnn, as regards ovennuss of depth and width: . nnu....._ _ _,,, 7, 11 York um. HAS returned to his old shun] corner of Dunlop Strgaut and Railroad Squaw, Ilurriu, with a lurgu uud choice assortment of >'prin;.: lljlll Summer goods, consisting In part. nf.(,`lu(hu, Gaseluoues, Fancy Coat, Punt. and Yt-slings, Gents Hats, Caps, Shirts, Callers, Neck- ties, Gloves, Socks, 1)rawcrs, Braces, and _-...--.v n nuns.-`I... v_v -----. v-,. alul ofwhich ho is determined to`scl_l at n sminll advance on cost. Rn` cash. ' Ilia nlnlluiliur In mulu In! rximhu uvnrkmnn. advance for cash. Ilia clothing is mule by rstr-class workmen, Tum every vuriet of goods and in the latest `Million. Ilia clans are \vorLhy,o1`upeciu1 no- tico and he is prepared to m,nku tlwm up to , "ler. in any style by rat-class wo1'kmen.' u_ ~.____>________ \/ uuuax) Dl1.1l\l\l'41 uuu \`_h'\.lJl.lUl?J- The owner can have tho smn by upplyi at the roidellce of Mr. Goo. Ii. Sullivan. Col- lier-atroet, and paying for this nd\'.cx'tis0!IiI31l- Barrio, Jude 12. 1868. 20~3in ` _~K'(:K_ _AGA1N. :5-F. 3`.`31.`.'1?FE.'1"1' 1;Ez\'nY-1xI'zli)"13' mLoTHI`NG,| _ I ._`....n -1 .....;.n| Ask for I'm-toraona Single copies of all or free of ponta '0, on re- um and ram tumcea to l`Ill.H` now and cmummlimls hotel is nituntctl In-nr tlm Luke Slnore, {iml culnnumds u llno view ol the mrmumling scenery. Tho rooms are lur;:L-. limulsnnu.-ly l'Iu'nislu.-d, W0 vomi- lun-d. nlul fxunilivs can lm supplied with ':..-I-xv.|'ulu suites for l|)t`lllHl.'lVOS. ;`.s'nmplc Room for Commercial.Truvel|ors. i _ The Ilur will ul\\':tys' be l'oum] replete with liquors und cigars of the bent bmml. Guud .5'lubling and attentive lxontlura. 20- _ (Lats StulI'm' llolm-.) Ol{.lLLI.L, (J.\`V. J.\.\lEs JUl1.\'.5'0.\', - a - 1 xun-umrou. ..-._........-asr-_ ..-\.pu.r`-av... I Terms, Cash. May 13, I808. No 61, King Street East, -ronom-ro. JANES, BRAYLEY & NEWCOMBE, Silks, shawasmanzles, Millinery, ` uunn 'l`0\-inelzip. May 20:11, 1868 up), Z , S ` ' WC()U.\'TllY .\ll:`I{()I!A2\"I`S will ml it to their m1vt\ntup,c.tu examine our stock, as we keep FULL LINES 01 LE.-\Dl.\"G .5"l`Yl.ES . V Tl'Zlt)/IS L,llH~}ll.-\L._ga :,3`lJIG1lEST CASII PRICE FOR `R.-\7\V FURS.__m fl`...-..n4n Inlv Ylllu IRIIR 1(I_lu .1 Am--nu U.lIu4| Toronto. .!'nIy>1llh 1868. A . ....u unnu- R0 ~: WAY . \\'1r.E\Tn[%%IcANI. York TownshIP- MICHAEL FISHER, WILLIAM BURNS, D. .\{cI`;\l{L.~\NF}. J.P. _ SAMUEL woons, Etobicoko. JOSEPH BROWN, w MCFARLANI-4`, A. 1uc1`.uu..-\N1-1. - ALEX. SHIELDS, Toronto Gore. Tnrk 'l'........\.:_ |'III'Il` i 8'5-IIIQII ,\H'()|{ I`l'.'RS 01" 1I.\Rl)\\'ARI~}. > 114 Yungu Street. 1`ORONTO, ave nl\\'u_vs on [mind an n.%so1'L1nunl: of lmild- ` ,,,~,' cabinc-H.u:|kv1's' and uynlnolsturors hurd- .m., nnecluunrm edge and other tools. Joseph |{o;;ur:=. &Suns' and othqr cutlery. houau fm. niahing hmolwnrq.-gahooung nnd nhlng tackle, ppnrling un.n:.mnm0n,` qufnlts, dumb hulls, garllcll, drrumngund lxunuug tools. cordngc. ;_.|ma,,pl1lty. (-!c., and ull other goods in the line for nulu nt IU\\'l.'h`l. cm-'l| prices. Turuutu. .\lurc_h I9. -1863. 7.13, _ Hattersiiiiidfilrriers, IA -_ __ ndvaulnrmblo portnlu: I.-atoms ln,ramnte coun- .cnIgums,conundmInl large nnd nixlrllod em from eon o twmty .._..._._.._._. _ __....._j.__ ,___._._j_ .10H1iso1.\I HoUsE,7 ` xlcfe ._.....v... V... `W umuuvu .-ma-v-~ - - 7 AIR Scdtirng. curled_ lmir, low, sofa H aprings, twine. chmr_ \_\'('h, button:-1, WW3, hinges, locks, mqkn, Ilgnt ;_a_np-r, glut-, piano slim] screws. colhn lr1nnnIn_gs. uphol- yg',|'l(!(`(l9S um! w;,rIIluto1's, Addls carvers 10015.-Oxlclliull Hp nugt-r hits. _n1cludo0n hanlivare, clc., for sale at |u\vL-st |)l`lCl. - . RYAN & OLIVER, rznnm-nl Hru-1I\rm'n Mort-.Imnl.n. N Hayeld Street, lnat Saturda weal IIORSE BLANKE l"nnd SAD L12}. `I... ......... n _ - ._ I ._ ......I. COM 3 `VVLW Silnvr - ..___.__ 5 PLETE assortment of the latest toms of Shoo Tools, Shag and Ma_ . Machine Silk. S! ucks, Heel and T(l)?Jc Plizf 0 - , , : -9 IU _ IVIUVIIICIUUIUI 1']-II-IL Rules. steel FqllBl'(!B, centre gauges, verniercnlipcm, steel caliper rules,-culi- .- iaquurcs, :_\mes univcrgml aq_1_mr,-s,, sq-11'. wgislering cnhper_s und dividers, Stubs` les md,to0ls. pulcut 0ll0I'H.'8]lCOI nu-oi. etc. For gale by R) AN. & OLIVER, _ 114 Yongo atruet, Toronto. T(, (;:.`13-i'11de fM.z4.kers & Upholsterers -..m Suxilillzt. curled lmir. low. AN Shears, trimmers and points lzes, squares. curved rules, straight edges. improved irons, English mid American onions, linrtlccvs needles, tapes. eu:., all ox mliiy, am! at lowest.pricos.~ _ RYAN & OLIVER, Importers 9|` lla|'dwa1'<:, ` 114 Yonge street, Toronto. ` immc of oils I 1:. china Nails, wholes: 1"'n7}E:L'd. Machin 'Shoo Tacks, II( lo and mail. 11 -1. shoe Tools and. Fmdmgs . nm[PLETE ussorimqnthgf _lag_aat General Dry Goods, R I! FIICCHU1 Ms: llsendnndm ` om: day mm I 1:truv.lo1I,s--of which pnplfr` publlnhdugg I weak, Al IORSE BLA1\'KE l"nndS.-\D REGENT HOUSE, V. IHAN & ULIVISH, General 1Inrd\\'are Morclxanls. 1'11 Yongo am.-ct, Toronto. [ m`:a`;3L.v:`i; m'r`I`.I.`S m-` H.\R'I)\\'Al'lI-3. _ MAR R FOUND, 7:0 Machinists. n..I..a aim-I mnvnw-5| I-nni ME.9.9It.= 0 III KING STREET EAST, TORONTO, ICIAN dc Umvrin, mail. . ' RYAN J5 OLIVER. ll-t Yonge Street; Toronto. WHOLESALE AND Rl'l'AlL. WIIOLI-JSALVIS AND RETAIL 'F%A.I{.%,.%IAI.Sl EET EAST, TORONTO, HAVE NOW;0N HAND a1ur,r_r_e supply of 'l`II1'I'll{ L`I\'l{lV.-\LLl'3D ~ I WIHCII HAVE (_)B'l`.-\I.\'la`D SUCH CI'}[.EBRI l`)' IN 0.\"J`.\Ri(), For their beauty of Style & d.urabi|it.y. om: smcx me ' - SILK VHLATS, IIYIIVIVII 11 nxvn l\I)'I` A vunn uvrrur nu: nhnlmv IS C0)ll LE'l`E IN EVERY DIl .v\R'1'.\IlZ\'T. vn [MOROCCO 15 V

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