Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 2 Jul 1868, p. 1

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W Maggie-1's mm Hnv . "30 Innrvc-lhim. n BIIIHI UUllI:lI'Sn V I There was :1 short l).'luS(-!_l)0i.\\'C(3D them, during which Mrs. 1*`nrqulmr re\'ol\`ed the ' l coinmnniczztion received .\\1'th an intense feeling of (lisnppoilitxiicxit, and discom- ture, and Stephen sat. looking dreamingly into the fire. u 11 .l 5.. .1" -I II: c .. .- __..___._____<-- does she know of the will ? il Farquhar. ` Hhn wl Inum. ..A' .'n inquired Mrs. Llllllr ' ' >Iam not to be cnjoled, she said; nor do I think t to express all the hit- ter (ll5np])0ll)CXnellt'tl121t I feel. I know well n. motl_1er s entrenties and warnings would avail nothing against. a hasty nnd foolish pnssion. One-thing understtmcl, Stephen; I refuse to recognise this in- fatuation of yours, in the same. way as I should refuse to acknowledge nsfyour wife one unworthy of you; I feel bound to follow the commands of my brother's will, and shall invite Olive Mildmay ac- cordingly with as little'delny as possi- ble. ` u A .. ....... ...:11 ......LL.. 1! ....:..I n... .J-..:...'. l||o CHUU \VlLll "Ulll" \VHUu . My dear motl1er, said the doctor, earnestly, if I could have dictated to my own` heart, for your sake I_ would not have bestowed it upon Marion Conwa '_; but lmving done so unuwnres, a sneer- even from your hps will not move me- I love her with all the strength nnd de- termination of my age. not with the tful passion ofn schoolboy. I believe her worthy .of my honest, hearty love, and so believ- ing 1 cannot but reject my cousin Olive, even ifshe tempted me with thrice one hundred and fifty thousand dollars; and yet it was alnfays my ambition to build an Ilxospital. ' LT.` .. UUD|PHulu> He smiled as he spoke. and tried. tr) look into his mother's averted `face and -take her umi{ilIing hand, but she resisted him.- uY...~. ..-L L- `L- 4,141.11! .1,_ ,2]. me. - ` As you will, mother, said the doctoi-, -with invincible sell -command; and it willjevolve on me to inform the young lady of the true state of the case. I shall 1050 no time in doing}.-o, for it will be better for her_ to know the facts at. once than to feel herself judged, condemned and rejected. V (To be (3 ontim1cd.\ E311: I am going to ask Malian Conwzxy, Mrs. Dl'.r:1m.'s go\'erne>:s, if she will marry mo, he replied; and his look and. voice softenetl almost. into entrcaty, for he knew he ilfi thrown down the gauntlet of bitter opppsition before his proud `and sensitive mother. `Al... .1? . LL-1.._I_ 1...; :. lfl SUUSILIVC IUULHUIX Mrs. `Farqulmr saw the look, but it- not touch liersyniputhyz on.tho contrary, her lxeart. seemefl to close nguinst her son. He was of" neitlxorzm age or cliaruislm to yield to the absolute e.\'ercise of muternui nutlmrity; and there was that in his tom) and manner, iu'spite of the filial air of tleprecntion, wliich convim-cal her his rc- solution was taken, and would be proof against any appeal. Bo'L1m' Olive l\lillm:1v ton Ilimlsnml `II-2-U I"l" : ("UL'|t'l` uovsh, .21 R I E , , mmnuncos lo the public imns prcpnrt.-:1 to lnlit and that he can fnrnirll . .. _ nu um!` HUI` IUT SU IIIUHH ll SUIKUI , You are :1, worthy member of our funlily, Stephen," she said at lengtli "in 2} hard, hitter voice. `Mrs. Dur;1ml s nur- sery gove1'ness,~p:ui(l' perhaps at the `rate ofn couple ofhuml red dollars :1 year, will be 11 fit sue -essor the to mate chosen by your uncle Richard! Olive s mother will feel at ease with your-wil'e. Mv lhnr Innflmr. suml thin rlnn`rm- IUI'l.llIIUSa ' My dearest. mother, you cannot for :1 Inon3_e_n_tin1`:1ginu tlmt. I intend to draw upon Q10 p.I'i,vate resources, said Stephen. `P My;-paxgaagmnaienzrn mg --a;yy;_gsjea:;,a.n.d: . above nnv such urrangelnents ns' these, and I1z1\'c'l0h_Lg` been so; it \\'ould'bc nu- fortunutu if they were not, seeing that. I have iucontamplutinn :1 ])(:l'pcLll:11 drinin upon the same. You won't. ask me, mother, why I am so rmlv ugzlinst. my unseen cousin. 1 will tll _vou,. un- H ....I.,..l UHSUUII UUll5l.|l- J. \\ Ill. LUH "VUU, - UH` nsked- . ' I\lr-.;. 1*`;-u`qulmI'Iooked up with :1 check actually blnnclxerl with dismay. You are going to be married?" she said. "g'u'|lllSb Hy HPIIUa'l_|- Bc'L!c1' Olive Mildmay ,ten thousand tixnc-s, even witlmut the potontiz1H'orLqne, than n 1nirelin_s: known as such t111' all the length and brcudtlx of the country, t11ou_r_:hL Mrs. l<`:u'qnl1z1r. But. to surren- der for so mean 11 stake! u`\'.... ...... .. ... . -1` -.._ I\ .1... .... ..__ llfzllgb UI N Hub IIHIIU CUIIIU UU- {X3 N.`- gnrds 1:epm'z1tion, I owe none to either mother or daughter, for there is no mom! obligutio in the case; but; in point of fact, I intend to pay out of my own purse the annuity they have hitherto received; and, moreover, I will give Olive a (lower of ten thousnml dollars on her lxnarringe with any respectable uml suitable nlzuf." Gnm} |mn'wmcx, Qmnlmn Ouix-nn r}n- .\\'ll|l illly IUDIIUUHIUIU IIIIH Bll_llilUlU Hlillh Good heu"cns, Stephen, Quixotic nerosit_v.!" exclaimed is mother, You _ seem to for_;_;e`. the mu-ro\\'ness oour own fortunes. ` ' ulh. .1.._...-..L ..__a.L-.. _._._ _, said. u __..- v .. ..,-3.... And what has been the inducement. for you to keep back the annotlm-em`eiit of so positive an intention until now, Stephen ?", she :1-=l eohlly. -And what rep:-.r.1tion do you propose to make to the girl for -the lUa`' of II. llllslllltl and afortune?" ` ' V ` The doctor shook the ashes out of his . pipe, rose from his CQlllf0l'[:ll)lc chair, and began to walk slowly and deliber- ately up and do\\"n the room. _ . To take your questions in their pI'oper order, said he, my imlucenient was to elicit your spontaneous It-cling in the matter, nnintluenced by any know; ledge of what mine could be. As re- uvnwla I-mmrntinn, l n\\'n nmm tn nitlu.-..~ Ill UIICH ll ])OSll.l\'0, lllll`(.'ilSOl]l.llg 'lyn With the` iuevitn'ulo contmricty of womankingl, Mrs. F:u~qulmr iusI.:mtu- neously looked at the other side of, the quesLion-wlmt five yc:u's' might. have done for Oli\'e-\vhat lmllcntlons of good she had llersclf, dimly and half unwil- lingly, perceived in that wild nature, and what lu-r own "temporary inuence might. have wrought. ' (K A ...'l ...l...L 1...- I -,__ L`,. 3, L, , ,., A LIUI ` ' Need we say to the sugacious observer ' ofhuman nature that from the moment ' this unexpected and decided rejection fell on her nstonisherl ezu`, Mrs. Furquhur regretted the uuguurdegl \\'uI'.'lith into which her first surprise and disappoint- ment had betrayed her ! Averse as she na- turally was to the proposed alliance, _she never supposed that her sou would reject it untried, and refuse cousin am-'1 fortune in such 3 positive,unrcusoning way. rill! U10 il1e\'it:lhh\ nnntrnrir-hr nf` Is that . -nmuruuon,` szuu Lure. rarquhar. By no mezins, ." interrupted her son, with unusualnsperity. " 1 ha_ve not the: least intention to sacrice myself to any mzm a cap:-ice. My mind is entirely made up on this matter. 1 decline Mr. Mildmay s conditions once `and fur all. Be she what she xnay, cousin Olive shnll llO\ (5l' he .'1 wifn nil n|inn- nrnl Hun 1... ... uu auu u um. suc may, cousm Ull\ 0 Sllnll never be :1 wife of mine; angl the open expression of your aversion to the lmtlch `has given me the most. unmixed satisfac- ' H I tron. \r, `,1 ____ ____ L. .2 ' `- I the necessity more binding on my con- science, Mrs. Mildmay has no provision under. your broher s will. Tlmn wn m-n zlmddu l........I .. L-1.- uuuurv your uromers will." 'l`heu we are doubly bound to 1 the hateful alternative into favorable 1 -siderution, said Mrs. Farquhar. Bv mezms. interrlnnml llnr . BARRIE, COUN FY OF SIMCOE, 0NTARi i U11-' (To be Continzzcd.) mxsslon Agent. 101' the sale or 11uus1.'>.7. LANDS, FARM S'1'0'CI{, IIOUSEIIOLD. FURNITURE, Goods, \\':u'cs, &c. Also fut the collection of . I'II1lVIII_V `Vl|'I\IV(`1 Auvn I Ann-vnn-nu , \l\l\II_I ll II\l\I&ll0 (Lntc Clerk in- County Registry Omcc.) ONVEYANCER, Commissioner in Queen's Bench, Auctioneer, Appraiser. and Com- mission Agcnt for the sale of` II()USE>I. I.A\'r).<. |`AIa.M S'l`()'(`.I\'_ nnn. luau la, uunna nun xlblJUlJ1IlBn- Cash Advances made on Goods left for Sale. Sale Room, corner of'Dun1up and Owen Stn, Bart-io. _ ll-tf ;$.'IIighest IIEFERENCES givon._g`: V ISALFJH.` .124 u1uA1;5, '1'U1sAUUua, Pipes, Canes, To_bacconists' Goods, &c., Wholqsnle and Retail, Sign- of` the Indian Queen. 51, James Street, Hamilton, C. W. - r. u. aurnunuau, M;1NUB`ACTURER OF CIGARS, AND wholesale dealer in Hxwmut, Yarn, Con- necticut Seed Leaf. and all other kilids or To- bacco, corner of Park and Mul]xerry streets, HAMILTON. c. w. . Ul'lSb' AND .u;UUULV'J'.s collected at :1 small pc1'c(-mu;;<:. Auction Sulvs through- out the County attended to p1'oxn[gt1ynud on liberal harms. ' , _ (`.u-niarml. not 0 `IQR7 ,'-.4:_h. anxvlna -uuu|.auI\I, ICENSEI) .~&[.'C'I`l()N'E1-.`I{. .r\I'I`R.-\ISER J and Gt-ncml Agent. }\uclion Salas Lllmngllollt the County attcmlrd, to with promptiludc, nm1_ on liberal I0rn1:~,1. ' '(:n1?I..-mx x1u.r.<. xwxm BHIICOU. U381] .\ cuivud for Salt`. ' I.`lHv\"l` M arria_g_'_e_ Licenses . -' ' HENRY I-IARPER. Issuer of Marriage Licenses, ' . UOOKSTU IVN. ` nmruw :<'rmn'rr.\' muvvrw RJI` Hm um-,n:1 an ms umcu. In 15:\1-rm. ever) .3'.~\'l`l.'l{l).-\Y, from 11. a.m.. till 3, p` m., ~.u*.co1'dinj;-`to ()1~ of Cmmuil, and u\'cl`_\ uthur lay in his (mice in Guukstmvn. "'r_. iT...| .7. L;IvIs_, ` - -Q I LICENSED AUCTIONEER, APPR/USER,` .4.v1) <.'r>.xr.111ss1u_\r AGENT, l 'l.`l|l! Till.` 4:1 I.'. an.` . 1-`on: THE s.u.u or . Farm Stock. IIouse_hold Furniture, &c., .` CR.-HGVQLE, Co. Snxcou, O.\"r.uuo. was of your pills. hroe lo.\'0s of yo mail. THOS. SAUNDERS, _ O.\I.\[ISSIQ_\'ER FOR ,'1`.'\I{ING AFFA- _ D.-\V'IT.5`. Mortgages, Deeds, Lo-uses, &:c., executed with dispatch. c1.o\'r:n un.L.- _ W. O. ADAMS. '-Dl~J.\"l`IS'l`, 95, King St. East. 'I`uronto.' 'l`(-nth inserted ' on Gold, Silver, and Vu1ci1n- ized Rubber, in the hcjsb possibc manner. Pur- ticnlnr nttontion given to the regulation of childrcn'ste4:tI1, guul uli work warranted. Q LL sls in any pm-L of the C0lmf_y1\I- tontlod- to puuclmllly. uud cl1'.u'<,:c-s as. reasonable ns a11y'oLhcr Aucgioncor 1n the County. V Nnvcnxhor 1-1. 18137. . 41-Iv U lrhnuury, 1_S6B. _..-.-,....a..__._ . `V1.1 _ JOHN WHVEELERV -AUCTIO.\ ]lR, APl"1 ..\I5lR., .&c., ' CLO\"EI: 1111.1. 120. f'.. 1/ I .. (Yin.-on `ll-ll.-\J-A31, J'4.\\llJkLVlJ ATE Assistant Culuniul Surgeon, J Convict I)ip't, Tnsxuaniu; three Ass't Surg. U.S. Army. ` Rcsidvncu, `Mr. Btu-news house,fop1 5I)0ucur`s Store. V 4 Bun-iu. June 10. 1968. ' 1 ---..._4 __..-- -- r---~ ----- ---~r ~-~--j---I . on. `mos. w. JACQUES,- j GI:`.1uU.1TJ:` qr 1`u1e_0.V'T0 U.-VI VERSITY.` 16-ly Rcsidu-n ce, Lcfroy, Co. Simcoe T.`S. SPROUL, M.D., Physymau, Surgeon & Accoucheur, L'n:h'|nnnn (`.u-"in-huu-no non.-in )1.llb'|UAL\, SUILGEON. AND ACCOUJ CIII-EUR- RL'Si(1('nC(, C0()K$'I'0\V.\'. ` Special attention paid to diseases of women and children. I 1` 17- c ireely about their com- ill be n-turned by lho1'ol- . TTOIDIEY-AT-I.A\V, SuIicit0rinChtn- 1 ccry, Notary ` Public, Conwvancer, Commissioner in n. 11;. &c., 520. nir and Duvisee Claims executed. Omrn-p _1u \In'm-nu-`u `P...H.Hmm u-mo nrnm. uuvlsee Ulunns (-x_ccutcl. 0m~'u:H,-l11 Mon-o\\"s Buihlingzs, west ofthe `I:`ircmnn s Hull. Co1licr.*`:tn-:1. BAIIRIH. 2:) J DRUGS, (">'f`+`:ri\'/`I112:/Ls, as Jnnunrv 186?]-`ILLIA. ' J. W. BRIDGMAN`. ' PORTRAIT PAINTER, 3'.) King Street West, Toronto. ` , October, 1866. V 37-) JAMES A. MATHER, ssmm ow M.~\RRI.\GE I.ICENSES, Cnnfmissinnar Court Ouonn's l`.:-nr-In, my 23th. 1867. 5.3.5115. LUUNT Jr. BUYS have Removed M. their Law Chambers to Mr. McConkcy's New Brick Building, one door West of the 13un'icl`I0tcl " ' - :u:.:+ih moral harms. Cmigvnlc, Opt. 9, 1867. JON . 1-1, 1813', uu bulncuvluu U1 llE'.\i l`S, Norms AND ACC0lJ'1\'TS.- "ms-h Arlvmlnes made on Ipfl for Rah - I l'()WICLL, . c Comrly of Simctr. EL s. MEEKING, ` ICE.\'Sl'1D ';\'UC'l`I().\'ICIu'R, AND A1 - J 1 RAlSl`IR for I}:m'ic_, and um County 0|`! mcou. G:1s4h .-\ xxlmlc on Goods ru- zivud for Saln. ! apoucurs store. Bu ' June 10, M.-\v unck uui `~` Barrie 1-Iotul THOS. SAUNDERS, I VENERAL DEALER IN DRY GOODS, T Grocenes, Crockery, lI:u'd\vare, &:c. cnovan un.L, 1-x-:cv.\1s2:1'u. - . 1 LUTHER C-ROVER. EALER` -IN CIGARS, TOBACCOS, Pines. Cnnran. "l`nlmnr-.nni=t:' Rnmla. 112.. scum; ur m.~uc1c1.\ur; mu:-.'.\. , Conmussloncr Court Queen's Bench, &c. - SUXNIDALI-1 ST.\ l`Il)\ . T ones AND .u;coU.*Ts collected at small n:-I-4-nlihurn Annlinn Kuhn: Hn-nnrr}\_ F. J. SGHRADER, ANUFACTURER denlorin H:wmm_ Ym-:1 HENRY BOYS NIOOL. l:fi.D.. )IIYSICAN, SURGEON. 011 E UIL RL'Si(l('n(:(. (}mn:s1'n\v\', ' - II- II. D|.r\vI\OIUUl\, ` ` I`.-\l)lAr'.\'[`lu` OF VIC'l`()IIlA U.\'lVER-' T SI'|`Y. ' x nu I un\l u In.-..~-n.\~.`...... . .. ..... 11 use. It Is cnpnnn on Jivu to thirty yards per um 0! Plain Cloth. Sili- will. l"mIr-Lcuft- Jams, -Ire fn\'0mhl_v with any 'cl`lm)n1:-1 in tho connuy. notion; -nsily umlt-rnlood <.-ilm-n Lrmm mny bowl: I0 l'l.\`mnim\l"' OM`. urkct, and its working u. u. unu u u n u, .L`0u'ut;; l/'lrrI.'. fl LL nth-nu] at his (mice. in Batrrizr. every \'I`|'I?I)-\ Y 1':-nyn II n In HI` `I n TI-IONITAS T. A. BOYS, ARRISTER A-ND ATT0RNEY-.\T-LAW { Solicitor in Chancery, Conveyancer, 520-, 1 nnncemuuxru 3 W. E} gfnokf; Mfp., M 1: 0.5., 15.\'(:1...wu, A VI` Y.` A ..n n 1 .,.- ._.____ REJIIO VAL! REMO VAL. ESSRS. LOUNT 5; BOYS hav Removed 1 Clmmbers to Mr, nrnnnnxmwg 2 Iuvu.\lv.\u h. u. ".5"0ice at Mr. Cn1'1jI1t1m1's's. Dr. J. w. SLAVEN. nu u v uu nv ...J wovv-A ,-vugbvuu uv .a.a.vuuu\./A. Rosidencv-, C1_-u_ighu1'st, Ontario. ` JOSEPH ROGERS, (Lute in Countv ltngistx-\' Omcc` ~E"."`=r5:zs ?a'nT`r?f'T` #*E' I-....'.. 1.. IV.-I.-. gusiuess .Qirm:tury. our pi/ll has fit ms doses for mu uetimc. One JAMES '-COULSON, :|7I\ Cl'I`V!`l1`\\YI.`IIII II `JAMES c. Mhnow, Umdv, l ow-11's Store. w. H. BLACKSTHOCK, \'I"|.` l\L` \'[rI'lIl|liI A 1v\v| mny. _ ' 1] VBurne1.t's house, opposite ` BR|TlSH FREEDOM AN? u. `nlg Sz'mco_e.' .':5-1Y`f I9-Gm` j.___., s cured my hdgd; ofyour pills to 1 The dean` you! _ \l..\'l 1'1 l.'A\l'U,\' Jr l,'l)L'l[|'J`}H,} ]_'I.\VING enter:-d into c'o-p:u'tm.-rship. are . now p1'op:u'e1 to,(-xccuto in Hue best style of the art every description of Ifotsa, SIGX, C.uu:mm: .-\.\`D 0Xl,\`A\IPN'f`AI4 P.\l.\"I`ING. Gmrxxxn. l .u-1-:1: II.\xmx;, .\.\'n Conomxn, resp(-ct-fully solicip a cbntixxI1:1x1cc or the vq.-ry attering pntronngu 1)est0\\'cd on the late rm, feeling condent that llJe_vc:\n vxecute all `m`dL-rs cn_tru.=to(1 to them, in the suweral 1n':\nc'hcs Im-ntiont-d_. called in the Provin of Ontmio. - Paper fRz11yiz1g also attcnde_d to. COULTER. S7 PEARCY. nnrrin, llnrnh .1, IRIIS, 5-H` in :1 style not to be ex-- LVIAVILUI UL IILU In JUKLIULUI LU, KVI \ll` 7 `ARES _n!oasurc in zlnnouncing to the poo- plc of B-.u'r1c and .=urroum11ng country, that he IS now um-mum! to Lrivc xmuic los.=,on.u. van. UVI, k SaddleL,Ha'nrness Trunk Maker, 71?? lenmvml In the um-nuisuxe nnnnaion vuuuII3,l|aI H532) L! I I uIIl\ IVId|\UI', 2??" I`wx11o\'u(1 to the premises opposite Mc\\ att`s (B:u'ri0 Hotel), DUNLOI S'l`IlEE'X`, -` - - - - BARRIE, .'-F131. 77131:: 1r<)L'sI:, sz ..\' .\ND' ` Czu'ri:lg'c l'aIiuting' lSstaIh1i'sixxnent!! Dunlop Street, - - Barrie. In-up _ ICOME lIlI-lIUI l\lI Teachef tnE'_Pianarnn_e, &c., &s., 711 A III.` ` 1| no .I. we or mm-no and ,.=urronmung counu-_v, lh_a,t is now prupurvd give on the Piano 1"ortc. ()r zuldn-ssvgl to him. }_1rri'<-. post-oicx-. will nlcct \\'1lhinu11cdiate attention. 'l'u1'ms m0(1|`l':Ll(. , M)1(ld('0Yl and Organ 1'urnishL`d if required. Hi1l'l`i(', F(`l)l`llm'y 26, 1363. -17-If ulII\JI'II_-IIII unu I IILI]\3y BUTCIIERS rm) m: x1:n.\L l [JIl\11YORS,' MARKIST ST.-\I.L .\'o. 1, ` J?AI.`1.'1E, ` good. supply of FRESH ` IIAVE constantly on hand :1 MEAT, FOWL, GAME, &c., of as choice quality as the markets nbrd. and offer the `same at very moderate prices. _ Corned In-Vet`. Smxsnucs and Lard. totzether I c or` an Alteratlve min /10 (I/-.vz';"d. nce the most sceptlcnl tnnrvt-lltkms." her box, and k same at moderate p|'lc(`S. Beef. Sausages Lard, together ' with avqricty of othc-r~ useful commodities, can xmmlly be had at No. 1 Stall. _ gran nnrchascs delivered in aav Dart of can usnauy be had at No. 1 man. 33`;-\ll purchases delivered any part the town free of_ charge. (TART! PAID rmn ru'r7'7'm n." General Commission Agent. GOOD REFERENCE. `VJUUU l5l`4l"hll`j4 Barrie, I);-vvnxhcr 11, 1967. 'i)"3:`$'i}Ls` 'Kiiii_ss MAKING { mce m:mm-r. . . HI: lxopvs by strict nttcniion tnhnsinoss and- 'punctu:\Iit_v, to meet. u `fnir shame of public patromxge. Barrie. A1mimt' Isl. 1. ~`I`.7. ` `JG- W? Sa{}:11a93*jEatah1shman1 1'11 Barrie. ` _ ' R<;)I3]iRT x\IuIIENR\',` nus" I\I.`11 ..n......:ne |l...:..!...I.:t-....t.` ..r - A.\'[) Cm'ria_-.>;e Trinnnings, E.\"AJI ELLE D Lf}A 1`1III2 CL 0 TI] S, ('c.' Uzunufuchm-1`s of - s.lnI).LEs, COLLJRS. .1.\'I) Tltl/JVK-5` L-nu u-up ruuAr\I.v J\\_Il) %*~~,B'`.i (,`uunt_v rm: THE TllAD_l-I. , V p152 IL"n_q St. East, Toronto. WM. DAVIDSON, (Into rm 0f'FiL`lll & David- ` son, llmnilmn.) THOS. Mc\"I'1"l`IE, (`late with A. Dixon Suns. "l`urnn1n.\ . 0 H1! is the place unrus. me. 1\ c.. to no mmm ; Any male in the h':lG( ` l'nrnis,h(e to (I|'(]1I1' on short l'lllll8(] to give .~::\li.~tt'a1cli:)11. :n 1:. ,n 1 . ' _' 111;; 1 Bus. Lnn-:4, JJ1-uslms, Cu: Cnnls, &c 1%.. to bu run In in Hm h` `,1; .1u`1IIuI.) llllc B:u"rie,- April R, 15158. Srlgery amess%%Establishment,1 4 lurly oppusilv: the ]2`anIc of 1`urunlu.) guuuuwx} uuu uutuuuu uuluuuuumuul, (Nc(n'l_1/ oppt-silt "LC Q/' Turunlu,) IDUNLOP s1'1nsm', - - - - BARRIE. L? L J) IL `J `J \ _ '36 Wellington Street, A \\ hulc.~sule only. Feb. 26.1868. ' f-j`"`-`""`-" ONATI-IAN KILGORE, W V`ALUATOR,"&c., . For the County of Simcue, 3 '; A:1cLion Sinus lhroughom the County . attuudg.-d to promptly, and on liberal terms. gin 0 EN SE D AUCTIONEERI ` THORNTON. J Nov. 28, 67. :13-tr I.\Il`0l{'l`l;'l{ .\.\'l) l1VIa,nufacturer' of Cigar `IncludingH1cCulcb1-utml "I.:1(`.rns.=n Hrnn, 26, _18(iS. nu:-u\: lIUl'.ll'l> HI SADDLEEV, HARDWARE, morning '5 I'.:x.:i<-1'; Pi `-u-ww.-en-wvvvvhh `IA VJ-I KIWI K , ` IncludingthcCulcl)1'ut1-d "LuCr0ssu Brxuul, which is for sale at all lirst-class Hutu-ls. nurnnuge. b A1xgi:st'1st. 1867. U la'1' Iv -arrio, March 4, 13133. ` ausnr-H ROGERS, CHIEF CONS 1_`.-\BLE, County` of Simcoe. N . OFFICE: Du_nl0p St., Bnmc. ` . Toronto, Jime 11, 1867 J 10, CANADA, THURSDAY, JULY_2, 18.68. COLONIAL RIGHTS. W DAVIDSON, McVlTT|E_& Co., \\'1...I......I,. h....I. .. . I! u ucc u1_ ullulgc. CASH PAID FOR CATTTE! aunt, . " 1-If J. ms: Ma, 'VcH`A*i[AuPKA, ._.. -0 11.- T\-..-I`_..x- n- _, uu cured. ` ,,,- .1 Pills curml me at :f 1u[ :'ubbed Home 81110 ` {by noise left." nu-5-1 want one for a poor :-.--y0l| I` price is twenl wdicinc I 0 me is worth a A.\u .v\,|.I, 1lI'.l:!(1l"lIU.\S UL-' TOBACCOS 'I'I\lI\JI MARTIN MOORE, 1'1` A Q ....... .... I...... BINGHAM BROTHERS. .-... 4v....-... .- ll"... Zijusiuts @ir2n:tmfy. MARK S~0`LOM-0'N, - JOSEPH ROGERS, CONSTABLE. Counlv o ruuxi, luuvl l II_uL \\'hu1es:Lle l)oulc1'.~' ih Il-r\I: .--.-.-.. WM. ROOT, u'1'u-., (Hue wun Sons, 'Torm1to. ) ' J. M. n:~mcnun. \\ hip.<. Iiils. Cm'd.=. Cm`- fr)L`1.'lhI'l` \\`1Uu:m1|nh~h\- 7."*" `i37il'Ls nn (`Ill-clm\I It:-mm. AS now on hand an ox- tcnsivc und genuine stock of Single and Double Inn-nuss.. (Carriage and 'l'(-mu). English and Com_- mon Riding Saddles. Double &:t:., &c.. wlniuh-he can obr and Single Bridlc.-s. Collars, ,, ) at \'(-,1'y,rcasu1mblc prices. Also. in stock, some 01` the bi-.::t Englisln nm1_ollnerRid- ing and Driving Whips, hos, CIu'1'_\' and .\l:\ne Combs, n Inn l'numI n lhiu m-'u~L'nf mps. nus. L.:u'u.=. Um`- hr-r \\`1UIc0Illp1(`t(" , all of which In; of- -01:10.) D.w1DsON. 7. `)1. I neu([_:/ exam` ll IJI'|\'Hlg H" IUD} _v Comb: (1 111 this u1:u'k(-t. an m-Innl -u.~Hu- .| r u_m:nm1:xc:ux-cu or L uoncc, and war- VTSEONTO. l1 mhilnnts of hhc. of-the \' Hmf; lm 4-tf. v.u. 1Uf-' a-I Kl U 9'33 !-la Remedy. []zI4S and .`Arm ` HIS well-known and fzworite old Hotel has been tlxorouglnly renovatcrl and ttgd up In n manner to ensure the comfort of guests; _ and tr`.\\'.-llt-rs are ass-uru:1 that I-very emlc-:u'or will be used to give-tlwln satisfixcllion :md1'cnd- er thccsmblisluncnt the best of its class in point of comfort and taste, Stnsros -for tliffcn.-111. nnrts loam the lmmm '\ DUNLOI STREET, ._... u _ \r_._ POHIL DI COHJIUIT anu HI-SIC. Stages pzirts leave the house daily. . Orillia Hotel, 8. W. ROSS,.= ....... ..- ..... ..Proprie1 IIE proprietor of this well-known eslublisllxnmlt bugs to inform his l'riL-nds and the tr:n'L-Hing community that he has h-nsod the nlrovnr hon-I in the 11141413-.1|)L and healthy villngo of Orillja, and is now prepared to rcr:~i\'4,- and nccomnmdnte guests. - (,'o1nnm'ciul 11':u"cIIc1's xunl others furnished with convenient and amnhr n(`{'nlnmn:\Hnn g,o1mnm'c1:u 11':u'cuc1's nnu others fllI`lliSlIC(1 ample ncconnnmlation. .Choic(-. \\1m-S. Liquors and Cigars, in stock. .~\p1u'l1n<.-ntxlx-t to private falnilioa. ' `g Good Sheds undstabling with attentive - scrvnn ts. H` (V-__-_ - --- --v ;...;;4, - ADJOISISG THE STATION, COLLIXGVWOOD. J.P.RYLf31', - - - - - mo;-}m.-ron_. Formerly of the ROYAL HOTEL, Him'2iltnn. _jj__.:.____._-_-._. k`b`N`l'J P. QUINN, .... ruI.'l.'ll|l|l In-mod , and SALVE n_l in their effects. mm . '1. rluns nnnnnndimls l1o,usc,hns.~mce1it13' 1 hcun thoroughly renovated and re- furnislml, and is well mlaptcd for Trm'c|lc1`.~:, being convenient to both 1:. rs and boats. Good sluhling. A lAiwx`;.' N'i:t|nIu crmm-ct:-(1 with the mm, where lzorscs cail be had on the slnortc.-st notice" ' - ` Y1 ur\lIn:I_ nu I r.I.., B.lI1.'U:', (.'0L7.\"l'l' U1<".$`IJ[/101;`, 0.1! . Mrs. E. MARKS, Proprietress. .lnH.'\l n.1n`.I.II1T1' <:........:..s.....1....x AJULILJKIL KJJ II-AAIHL, ` ' ' ' ` l).`\1\.l\.| 1'1 x\'crn' (he .Vc1o Rrlilway Depot. A. ARNALL. - - - - - Proprietor. THIS is the rst. Hotel m the place and ntfords all the conveniences had com: forts of a first class house. ' ` Stages depart from and arrive at the note], Convcyunccs to and from the steamer. ~1:r- r;.-.-.-.. r/ma ., F1113 mnnnndious lm.uec-Ims'.r.ecent1y rlll'lliSll(`lL lltl WP nllzlhhlal l'nI- '1`:-nm-Ilm-2 ] \lIl\.llI\J'nI III|.:_ IIUUOL, CIIURCXI IIILL, I.\'.\'I>'1~'IL, Co. SIMCOIG. ....a. u.. u-nunu, | : uyrmuvsa. JOHN MCWATT, Superintendent, ' ;_g"T]1u. I`r'.1\'L-llixlg Comnnulity will nd this L-stahlislnncln suited to thvir1'uqni1'e111cnts and deserving of thvir p:m`onngc. A 33` Sample Rooms for Commercial Travol- lcrs. . `- 3:5` b'.l1n[)l(: uooms tor ()0m1nc1'c'ml 1 lcrs; ExcellentStahlingfconncclcd\y}thtl1c House. BllI'l`it', 12th April, lS(i6._ - - 10 ._..._........-.-..- -a\:Ap4;-1, NEW LOWELL, J. G. MARTIN, - - - Proprietor. Fu1'm<~rI_\' uflhc " l.\'i~h:1n,r:c Hotel. U11.-cn1u1'c. North American Hotel, IIURO.-VTARIO S TR E L T, COLI.L\`G\\'OOD, CHARLES CAMERON. - PROPRIETOR. ul wi isc 0 ch mu 1 us ua uu:u.u.u.u, " ` ` 1'Upl'J.BI;U1'. Furun-rly ' Exlnange ]IOl(.'l,"Ul'L'L'lIlUl'c. Mus. HIAXLOSKC S0.\', - Proprietors. ONE _DOLL.-HI`. AND A QUARTER PER DAY. i The Bar is aixmxlfcul \\'it}1_gb`on1 Vines, Liquors and Cigamx, ' vL`.\'cullunt $1-.xhling and Sheds connected with the Ilonsc. . Cruigvule. Oct. 9, 1857. 36-Gnxos. ..u.r.x. mI.i., _ 1 I I-I.~'.'l` of l.l()I WILE-A_M PARKlNS,_ INNI{El ., COOKSTOWN Licensed Aucliunc-(`rfur the Uumzty qf Sfmcoe. .Valuu!m-. d'c.. (ht, 176-ly v.....--...--. --v--_-.., Adjoining the Railway Station, Craigvale, Rt ) `Eli ? (,}I{IU(_. - - - .l rn1.rz'a;/ur. - -u.u uuum: nu: uuun Luurullguly F0110- vuled, and is now in point of comfort, second torno other county Hotel. The Bur is /`ll]')|)iict1 with Rufroshxuents that must give satisfaction. Good Sheds and Slubling at- tncllvel. -Ru -in T1n)anm!.m- Ill 10R`! 4: 1.... TIIE House inns been" thm1rdL1gl:I)' reno- iq_poi_nt qfr VICTORIA, IN.\'lSFlL, ADAM MYERS, - -- - Pr. rt` Graanl. I . IFNDEHIM. 7' `HIS old and favorite establishment is now undergoing thorough rcnovution,,nnd will in a few days be refurnisbed and retted in a manner that will compare favorably with any hotel north of Toronto, in so for as com- fort, convenience and prompt attendance are concerned. -t4sl-.{`1'., 1 0.415,,` ._ u,, - - vnoaaa. aananav II M ALULJJLI, A VI-.'.`\'l;\'G. C0. b'I.l[C0l;'_. ONT. JOSEPH WILSON, - _- - Proprietor. The Bar is supplied with Choice Liquors and Cigars. Goodshcds and Staining adjoining the lluto.-1. hm-.-mI..u- -7.1 1R[`.7 ' A7 hm `2v1cro1jHous:;:a \4vu\4\.| III.`-In Q$"Gbm1 smbling on the prcuxises, hut] ut- tenlivc servants. February 18, 1865. . 11-ly. ODDFELIQOWSV `HOTEL, .SI.l[C0l:'. ().\"l . UUAMUA Lluunvlt nuu us~_yu\.zu uucum, BARBIE, O.\'T. A. R`. BINGHAM, (successor to A. Mis- ' campbelI).,ProprIetor. ' ROCHESTER HOESE, No. 20. mm.\"r s'rm-:m~.- rrnnnx-vm GLOBE HOTEL, Dli'\'l.I."l`.| \'IZ I V I u 1 y n x * n A \ v m Corner Duulop and Bayeld Streets, 11 A nm ra l.l JC'l`ED STOCK OP L) 1'I;r..\,Il.V! ,\'J'.\' prm'ided. The 1':-m-tmxgnmhclxc Stages change 1!0l'.=(~!~' <-rt-. _ ` ' . 15 I -Bu4x`|'.i(, I)e'cembc-r 10, H467. MA1T-1N S' HbTL,` II=\II I l'\\llEI I uun.-1. December 24, 1867. nu.LauA|.|:, Penetanguishene Road. ' ll-`\I. ....... -. Puopnn;-ron. l"I{IC.\'II.\!l'1,\"J`.\` ])I'l)\'i(103ll. l'cx1otaI1mishm1c Sl:wn.: rhnnrrn Inn-am .'l` of l.IQU()Ii.~', CIG.-\lI5_. and lili-' `cHiJRr.HHsLLi3{oUsE, ll7lH`.HIIl1.l` l\'\'I an. unmm . . ..,.,`.-.,vvV\,A_,. --_.., `J-- - 4\1\( .\-\ .\.,.,.,. WELLINGTON HOZTEL, `Alma House, HILLSDALE, ` Penetnnnuiszhnnn R1 `, `;p.Aa--.a A.a_p.L A-A\J 5.! El. 20, 1-`now 's'1'*1:1-:1:u~; Tono.\"1'o. 7;?/QGVALE HOTEL, . . _ . .... 1|..- n-:n...,.. 4 . um {AILWAY 11oT1:I.,; T\'l Y\'{3 I'lH -`. Q'l`J l`ln\' run: I l\ The Queens, LOP 'I`I?I`.F`.'I` -4T:.\l'2 JOHN GRECE Proprietor. _`-totr:I.-3 mid nlunzxs. pan-rz-m.\'uu1sx'u:m:, om`. INN _ , D-- 'AE>r1{i'`k%dfi:L,W Ia`. I.'r)I,V\"I'I' Uh` -\`llIt'. < and Ci`-_-;;u's :rlw:1ys in stock. ng and Sheds mlioiuin-_v [ht nu uI.r:u|.uI:|. (I: 2 house. _3`-3 , and furnishes ul l'\|IlJ IIInlllV' notice, and hlu '.l.`e1-ms ml, and nmnnfaclur Hho for Funemls, includinll rich cnu be hand on cw. un '1'. _ Pnopmmon. . Proprietor. Proprietor. * 4 __ , BARRIE, i 45-lyr. LOQK. gthel llvtus undersigned, having u. r nrst-uxnss Pile-Driver. is prepared to execute orders for that description of work, in the very best mmner, and on reasonable terms. _ - tr rv-.. .:..I... '12.... DY C` . FXANDER J: C0,, 1 ! I llll. me:-cml travellers. Choice liquors &c, in stock. Comnmxlioua Stabhng and Sheds convenient. in the house. HE Undersigned, having First-Class Pile-Driver I` as!` urn-ub u'n Ihn IYIIIIIJ hnul IKETGARDEN E.\'GINES,_g,f PLATFORM &. COUNTER. SCALES. ' COAL OIL, cC'c.. 'c., DL'xLm- s'rux-:r.f. . um:-ma _......u; HENI{Y FRASER, This well known (.'Sl:|l)llSl)!Ilf:nt lms rvcently unrlcgrgl-ne` Vt-r_v'gr4-at iinprovcim-nt--n large addition lmving hm-n made to it. giving in- c1`(~as-d accnunnmlution to the public and com- mercial travellers. nlininn linnnra Run in nh-mL- l"nmmn':limx: LHJIIIICI, KIHU Ull u:a.`.uuuun: |CI IIIB. Rerences :-II. Crcswicke,-E.=.q., I .L.S.; '1`. D. Mcconkey, Esq., M.P.; J. D. Lcadlaw. Esm. J.l . mnguuencnc nc`s(*\`cn o'clock, am. The Snhscrilmr has nlso :1 1' LIVIZRY ES'1`.-\l:I.l$II.\ll*I.\"1'. in B1111 ! , at which single or double cunvyullccs can be had at all limos on most reasonable It-rm.<. - n.\\'m V.\\'1.`v1.`n\' Boots & Soe of e `TIN, SH}ZJ7Z`IL%>(V)'1V`\'TV;` And C oppon- Box, Parlor, Hall, and C oo/ring} Stoves, ..,~._n . 1`\I\v-V\- n-~ .~.-..-,.. ]3T`I+"S Hand Loom.~ L`1lASE1{ S EXCHANGE HOTEL, Ormns-:'IvIIm 7'."n`lmun .\`InI.`nn nun!/-m Q! n THIS Subscriber informs the travelling com- munity that he is now running :1 Daily Line of `Mail Stages to Pencmngnishenv.-- Lou-.-in,n_,:==nu.r`tl: uu' Lneurrlvxu pnne morning trnin going`nnrllx. and ruturnin-,: leaves 1'1-no tzmgnizehcnc :|t`s(`\`cn o'clock, l`h<- has ti ' RS'l'.\|'.l.I.\'ll\ll\"l' in l".: :9 u-hi:-I. :Innrln , J 0 "L0 `V 15 , `HORSE DOCTOR, 4&0, &c.,' ' L`.-UIIHE, C()L'.\l Y ..~`I.\lCOE. " Cv.T:*LLaAm7Js*66'E;' ` BUILDER & CO;\7 1`RACTOR, ` 1I'm-.1 <'I.,.,.I \'n..I7. `I!l1.lIJIY.V r { I I A-LL kinds of Carpentvr and Joiner Work done in :1 wurknlzxnlilm m.'u1ncr and at 1'L-alsonzuhle prict-.<. l)oor.=. Sash and Blinds on hand and l'urni. at short notice. On]:-r:~t for Colfin. ]Iuursn.. and 1<'nncr:1l 1`:\raphcr- nalin. promptly :mondL-d lo. B:u'ric. Afnril. 181:7. ' ' 1l.Iv , Boot and"'H3 r{1_a1;er.,' \'n....1.- 1-...... .24.. _ rununuu nun Barrie, March 26, 1 " ' Is prepared to mmn}1 lms on hand. nllv Men's and -n- . a mi n ' * av! 11 ar.1'1``l(l'g l.':(' Y().\ G -I S 1`.. T()l{().\"l`(). 1; .\.7' just X`(`(`('i\'(?d u- large stock of Room _ P`.l[It'l`.. Hull. Uiuo. L`I_-iliugz um] \\'inIuw 1 npur.~:. (Ihiunn-_v l'1~in1.<. llordt-rs. &c.. in every style. 'J'lu.- l1L'>`I 41-signsrugnlmly W04-i\'(-cl. Plain and Fancy \\'riling_; l upur.'<, Iilxvulnpcs. School and Account I}uuk.~=, Bib]:-.2, 1 r:1_\'cr Boukrz. ilhurch 1~,'L-rvicos. Hymns. I-.`ngrzu'in-,-,s and Litlw;;r:\ph.~:, l)ra\\'ing l`:\1u-rs, Pencils. l`u.-', Inks, &c., &c. 1511-1: -n-n 'I-I\|.n ;\.u., um. um, \\.\.- Bookbinding, Ruling and Printing; I IN ALL 'A"lll'IHl Ull.\.\'(`llH.\'. ` Stock, 1.` Ann Anulu uu.\.uLur..s. Promptly -tccutod at the Lowest lIcmuncral- ` ing Prices. - 'l`omn1o. Anril 27. 1865. 12-Iv Jjgiiy LTi:ri"6ri{/1Efi1%'stages ] ` Hi i u ....i TO AND FROM `PENETANGUISHENE -vw .. -v..w. v.--ova . ovauvnav ;\'r_-urly op}.-o.~:itu the Rank of 'l`(;ront0, D1:ul(>1) .*.s`t1'cci, 7) '7) 7)T CARRIAGE TRIMMER and Gc-neml Ul ll()LS'[`I'IRl'll{. Opposite I-I. Grzu'cr's Hm'd\\`:u'n: S1011`. l)xuIlop-Su'1-ct, Barrie. Barrie. Am-1|. INISS. 11118 Hotel Inns recently undergone exten- sive improvenn-nls in the way of ndalitions, furnishing. 520. Its uccomnmdaution is now ample nnul comf'ort:1b1(-. The best Liquors uml Cigars can be found in the Bar. 14-ly B'a.mi@ Bock Stare. WILLIAM MANN 5. SON, `Booksellers, Stationers, ,,. Ac." I It-n \.u.~a:.|.\n Au 1-A-.I.r.nv |.\u EXGLIS11 PAPER I[.A1;\'('4 JGS, 43 DUNLO1 STREET, BARIHE. A.._:l 1:-no <- to None. s- s W1 Fill? THOMAS STONE DEALE-fN FANCF GOODS. XPT6" flwfifymsm, A ll'O. FLf).<, O\"I`, iiridgirig % ar1c_i_Pile-D7u:iTT\/ing. Stayner, `May, i3ar1'ie, Oct 5186:` o_1_-fg; Plgxtan, ng 1'1-1c Toronto, April 27, ---w------ `nan o.\\Iu5aululd Opposite the Ii"ll7lG'I1/ Station, Dunlap SL, 'n'A'n-n-ran l'\ uuu uu` April, i568. uuu mu Rlllugfy nu yona NE DISEASES, -_'wIknoss. G4-xnnrnl .._ Q3mu*rnI `gmlvcrtitaazcztts. s/\J\/\/\I\/\/\."\/\.\.~__ .r.,. l\.' ,-./\/.x.\/ JOHN CULVERWELL, 11 hr I nu vnI\1\l\tr\v1 ..--.--v....\.;A J[ur_1/ Slrecl, }\'orIh, L`.-1I{1; IE.' 3 & Shoes every description, AT \'l*II!Y REASONABLE PRICES. \Ynrrh `HI `IRl'..\' C U` giotArIA5_ an/:1 Saluuzts. jj Robert Carey, I-`\\'HH'\\' \I`.! E` %BTA%331 E,WdL'.%" TF1? .\ Q L` L` , , rL K 4;` APTO, mos, L1fw0i"`e r`iIent`.7 JOHN SPARLING, Stayner, Co. Simeon-. 853. )6-tf Lt-x'n1.<. D.-\\'lD VANE'\'EI{Y. V 1 rn1m'wln7'. \ `U. . ` 35-1!` W n clure In um:-r . kinrh of L:1(lics', (I ChiI -u u 12,1 1: 1: I 1;, JAPANNED ucr,, - ...- ...u `.1 a \V:u-e. I uomuETnn. I - 4 Proprietor, J. P0 WELL, Agent. 68. 5~3'\\ 12-1y` ' 11:-1) One Dollar per Annum, strictly in Advance. - v ' ' V T[`HE undcrsigmzd i's pr:-phrm] lo v.\'ocnl:- . Loans on Frcchohl l r'opcrly at `very rt-asunahlu rates of inlvn-st, zinul 1-may ternxs of 1'4.-p:\_\'Inm!.; `also ISSUEM -OF .\I.-\ RRIAGB LI()1.\'ClS, &c.' HENRY HARPER. Conksbown. Nov. 27th. 1843: ). Alt 'Mon;y, `Mtggy, ]'!_[o"ney<! FIVHI.` nn...-=l,......l .. mum |NS_M_NE cam -....._w n..-rwv:III|I\J, IIE Agent. l'ncre for this old established and reliable Company. is now prepared to take risks as low as any other rst-class otco urn-.-In 1...... ion-1 -- t.u0v1(;U.\I. (Mb 21 \\'lml:.-.~:nh-. in any qn: _ 'l`horc will always I S(`1(`cli0l1 of 'h|r's- ll:-nr.;7.'na H` Inn-nucu mr medicinal ])lll'])0H(`91. N. Ii.--The whole of the ulmwe \v:1.=z purclnwcd and prcpzu-<.l under the supcrviaiun of an ex- p_L-ricncctl physician. V Barrie, Nov. 21, I866. 42-! 1" .\laggicl`s Treatment of 45. Bradford; April 23, 19,68. .|l.-1'/'lII.\'I`} /IIL, lyeforc pn1'c11n.~'im.; L'l.'-`L'\\'h(.`l`('. The Ag2n`;.4A _._. - - -7 -7zwI2vvV$CVj&$` FOI`. :())EI\"l'S 1'1-Z1: G.-\I.I.O.\'. _]ll-I'I`A1I.. (iuovl COAL OIL fur. 2. ; cents pm` gullun! qlmlltilit-.<. Money! M91351! Money! 0,o00 .: _.---.4 V--V, \/ALJAJLLL/AJIAJ, ` F.-1.\'C'Y ] 1iIiI"l1'J[1;'Ix`)', DY]-.' STl'FIv'S. CO.`-HIS, ' BIRLBIIES. PAJNTE, OILS, VAR;\'l.~'.lII5.~T. GLASS. PUTTY. PATENT MEDICINES, , IIOR.S`Ia` A.\'I) (.".'lT'I'1.l:' _`|[EI)1CI.\'1;`S of all kinds, &c.; also, :1 Inigo assortment 0! I cum: I |\"l"l.`ll\'n nun-an.-.. .1. , .,.. .... .\...u._, u.;., ulru, .1 nugu u.~.~Iurl.mL`nl OI l..Ull S, l..L\'TEllNS, CllHl.\'El'S, JLC. EAn0thecary sHa| HT7,\'T (ID Q'l`l2 {NEW DBTTGSTORE I-`.-\R.\lEI}S AND .\IECII.-\NICS worxlrl do war]! to call and t-xaminc their J].-H/'lIl.\'ls' OIL, nm'c1m.~'inLv a-Is.-.-win-m rr1.....,.....1....o sowcuon or ll'hu"s. Ilrrzndic. . U`/u'sI.:(:g/s, I. um, Gil` intended for medicinal ulmw 1' uuuln u nnu puuiu UIULDDILVH. ]l:u'in_-,r spent. over 20 yams in the trade, in l:u'-go (-.~1ulalislnm-nt.<. In: new! only ref:-r to lnE~ old friumls. in lissa and (-154.-\vhcre, for UN- clmmctcr uf doing good work. TIIOS. I\I(-.\:P.I.T.\', J ])UNLOI S'l'HEE'I', ;\'wr/_I/ 01:1m.\'ilc t/zc Jfuil ftuad Station 8 A B 3 I E _IIlI .`~`,uhscrihor hugs to announce to tlm Public in this um] surrounding to\vImhip~'. .h-at he has rt-ntvd tho above catablisluucm from .\lossrs. Cox 3: Shaxpcuu, and is now pr-- purud to und-rtulu- V CUSTOM CARDING; run] in H". `l.'nll "Ian (UNI Ill UH` Pll. {H50 I"ULLIl\'G AND CLOTH DRESSING. Ilm-imr enunt mm. `HI vnnnu :.. H... o.....1.. :.. 1wnnnEn%jianu`rA%cInnv. THE public nrc respectfully requested to _ `take notice that the Sunday Business Ilithcrlo connected with this establishment will be discontinued from thic dam. 1| \' A \Y1.`VL`l!\' ' `HF MISSICS LANG have just comment:-.1 work in the uhove hruncht-3, m-xt do-~' to Mr. Lam-.'u Tuiloling list:||JIislyIncn(, Imu- lop street, Barrie. \\'ht'l'(,` they hope by dili. gt-nee and nut-ntion, to merit :1 good share ul public putr0Img(. Barrie. Anril 17. 1867. `Ha: Qmksboxvn. 27th, ""T\iiuL|.lL1 i:`ii}'rs. & MCGILL, W HOL ESAL E Iron and Hardware Merchants, Nn'.<. 4H.`{ J: JR? Sr IN:-I..'\"r1:1.tL:-r. I-I LI 9 One will 1 ll I` ll` (ivnerul I)2Ivl('I' m DryGoods,Groceries,Provisions, (`/'I`0Cl|.`Bl. /. (;]II.\'.\' II!!! rn ,,HTI,II'Il`)`D I |\EIi.iWIi\AI_}`1ii.Y# &hi)RBssM1iKI1\IC, I4':/urn I/u:'y~m..-I- null .q'IIDl1:)l.lI/ Barrie, June, 1867. MESSRS. ALEINDER & Co. `CHI. Apply to Innisvl, May 14, 1868. `Ila-r1-ii-, April 24,1867. VEN E V E RY `S-4-- Livery _ta'bles-. n mu-ru-. A'pto. 'I`o\\'n. D now st-nm,: I _ not lower, than n Rm-win ` `OR CASH. nsiutss IJ uuuuo,uI UUUI IUD ! IUVIDIUL Croc/verr G lass wu rc [Iurdu-are ./y ` `y 1 1.0.. A` ... A'l',, ` D`1 z`I`j`G'.`;~'t`,w6Ii`1`3:v:.\11CATIAs7, \'I"V 1!l.`n1.`1.'Ir1.'1,n' nvn (wry-1 mc p:urounge. Iurrie. April 17. L.u.l.IJ..|.IJ.J.l.l.r.l. uo Fancy lluirworl` and Stmn1)i:.-_r/. JAMgs-57vAnos, T . A rr;-ni. In-rn fnr thin nlu ....o..I.I2..L ll HHU IIHIUVVQIU IIIUl\I||U.I< `.\'u's. A183 & 485, Sr. PAUL S'rm:r;'r. I - MmuTm: THOMAS STONE, Ilmwrtll I)vnlm- m -. Ill (|lI7\llIili('S. rill be Iouml in stock a choice nf I(iIf-l`TW[V `151'_'"r;' \llVIlI\l UIVI (/rnerul I)zrvln' .. (".. TO LOAN, on good Farm Sccuri_ty. Interest 8 per ..Ionx sTEvE.\'s0.\". - N/171':-:'Inr Ju- Etlrrrtisanzcntsj l\\\{ R Q Q .. ..\.., rk nit prices as low. if um: guuds can be lm-1 work. TIIOS. MCNELLY. . 15-tf nu: mum. , D. VANEVERY. Lh\ r;.\a ().V. "Solicitor, fr... Ilrndford. 12-ti :1. >'rm-:r.'r. MONTREAL. 18-ti nu. 43-t '.'.'?l?i"5ff. i""N"55 a, without oxcep!ion,|ho It is cnpnhl: 01 rim to Ihirlv vnrds W u u u! 1'4, d'(,`. S PILL! nutisfv nm-M. IUIIS." :, keep` them in .1 "W `-4- j ` 11114.) and SALVB nl effects, and n nlmost guaranteed. ` 'I':u,-Ire 1 ills--One Pill in Dose. 1 z i_s now cured. l I_llx cured mu ` l nutisry F0 . IQC AOPAM pulls." a your Salvo Inciadacbo ih at c twenty : ll-It lmeohll an nulllu llglllll. ' Anal so, talking at his case, the doctor leliberatoly shook himself out. of his nmny wraps, fnrjl. was in the month of December and seusonable weather, and as dc-liberutely put on the garments re- fcrre-] (0. Yo ..-.... ....AI..._ L__,I r \r n 1 " I thnmrlut, Stiuxhnn aha nu:-I lUl'rl5|] I- It was rather hard for Mrs. Fnquhar to hem. Here was her son in possqssion of u nmlnentous fact still unknown to her- self, and he could trie with her suspense in this way! nnp\Iv 1108:. TS !--Bu y no Maggie] Pill. v pamphlet inside the V; zc gem-nine hum the mm (2 box, with the nnmoofl. n gt-nuinc have tho Fill in: pmvllcr. Unilvd .~.'tntt-.-mnolCnnn:Ia, I-.' (.."I'.\' A ]) ().\'m' POT. -. Unilml Stun-s mualho .\\'l)0CK_. No. 11 Pine IIUII" X If! hatl had my idea your anxiety was so great. I would certainly lmvo (lone so." he replied, lonl(iu_r_r with pained sur- prise into her ushed Thee; but the mes- sage would scarcely have come to lmml so much sooner than Iuysolf to make it worth while: and, more than that, the issue is so doubtful, that] should have been -puzzled to compress it into a telegram. Doubtful!" rnmxntml luicx Innflanrt nay uequentued tome, to the neglect of all other claims, however incumbent, on a vxntious and ail butimpossible condition, namely, that within six calendar months of his decense I marry my cousin Oliie, otherwise Gipsy Mildmny. Mrs. Fa.|'u]uhm- ntmrml an nmnhntin nv- Lu l:UlllpI'lW "4 Into LelC_L_:'l'al1`l." 4 u ` Doubtful!" re )ente Ins mother; doegtbe Inst wil and testament. of II. man In\'ol\'o a doubt 3" H H` In. kn ......I. .. ._...._ ..- _.-.... L..-AL-._ n umurwuse ulpsy Mlldmny." . Far: uhar utbered an emphatic ex- clmnalion. `Stephen smiled with intense * satisfaction. H A], I" ,._.I L. _-_._,I_ u I . I .1 nuulalilcllnn. Ah! said he eagerly. I take W` `*5 _vou_r instinctive protest against the match , thethin can scarcely ha. ` Blltgill dnullt. nf vnur nm-Fm-mnn.m nf nay ullllg can scarcely D0. But in default. ofyourp_erformnnce of k the condition im Josed, does the inheri- tance revert. to O ive 9" asked his mother holding tlie expression of her sentiments In judicious reserve till she had mastered the details of the matter. N `[Tnf,...9......o,.l.. ..- A- -- ------ ------`-` u\.uII.\I.lIlllUI| gruullll. I1.-.-, gum] n.`oum," sai-l he. 1 `_an1s`.iH'\vjtl\ cold; lend me ti gracious lmml with my coat. Ay, wlmt'n wel- cunm _qrert.~4 mo in those yawning slip 1-era am! that rag of lounging` jacket. on the luck of my chair. hoigh-lm! heigh- ho! Iw.-xi never so well pleased to be at home ug'uin." A u.I hp` 4_.I Ill LUIS \Vyc' "_I tliouglit, Stephen, she said coolly, "` you would have telegrnplieul to me the rosultof this morning s business; but as you did not, it will be at lens: as well to satisfy my anxiety now as soon as possible. Arc vou, or are you not, my brother's h,eir?'" nn`l'L,II I ` -1 - umu un'm\'o n uoum, '1" _ ``'If he be such :1 man as you_r brother, _foplIe(l the doctor. His whole fortune nsybequentlned tome, the neglect of all clninm. llnwnvnr :m.u..~.k.,..r l\I\l'l ...u ueums or me mutter. Unfortunately no, or my Way Would be as clenrns daylight, he replied. In that case it passes over us entirely. and is bestowed upon some distant branch of whom I never heard till to-da . Does Mrs. Mildway, Olive 3 mother- moon, 0 CONVINCE q ...m....-. - 'H.\msnnt, however, till her son no- umlly culled to her through the wide open door of the apartment, than Mrs. -I.-mluhur went. out to him to give him her :nccustmnel greeting. Us-,I't`-. mun] mnthm-" Ll ha (4 1 HIU |Ul|ll|YIllb' Gllhllllllbyu The up-train was due to Mere-lin by 9.50 on the night in-question, and as the allltlll was not more than a quarter of a mile distant from the doctor's house, his arrival there was (llll_\'illX!.C(l by the neigh- hmhood, and in fact lmppily accomplished just as the melodious chimes of the town clucli struck the hour often. So much, and no more, knew the out- si-le,v'urld; happily for the comfort. of Mrs. Farqulmr, the doctor's mother and the head of his household, it did not lanmv how hard to bear she had found the suspense of that short absence, and with what feverisli impatience she \vas listening for the familjrtr knock which an- nounced his return to the expectant street. She was, nevertheless a woman of it soinewiict dry and reserved nature, not giren by any means to accute sensibili- _ ties, aiulsueh being the case shewas ~h_alt'-uslianied of her present irrepressible ..ugitatinn, and instead-ol-'.opening the clool` to her son, as it was often` her inotherly wont to do, she sutferedthe prim parlor- maicl to perform her duties. Even then -she lingered to re-arrange the fall of the heavy curtain`. over the shutterecl win- (lows, to stir the re to it ercer blaze, to lower the sparkling jets of gas which lighted up every corner of the large com-. furtable dining-room, and p which fell direct upon the dainty preparations for supper on the round table beneath. The fact was, a fortune of one hundred and fty thousand dollars was liarigirug in the balance. and even the equaniinity of a Cordelia might have yielded before such a stake. - IA .. .__.._L 1 ....u n u|u-u uunvuls uu.I`.7 lU\\l)' uIL_;-_v|'(_-s5)\'e mu] ilnpoxtzuntvou the score of n monopo- Jim; local trunk--tlmt Dr. Fm`-1uhur, thchighcst. in esteem amongst its lmlf .` dozen of nlealicul men, had been sum- moned to New York on urgent private aft}: son as certain '.l`||u1jsd:1_y, and that his return was also `condently expected on the following Saturday. 'l'lm un.t.r.-un wn-A Inn tn Mm-ml? lu- Early hours and routine lmbits are very much the rule in our mmll provin- cial towns. Il(l(l(.{ll to n wc|l~known Len- dcucy to that kunl of minute social stir- ' veilauice which nmkos the outgoings and iiicuiiiiiigs of one neighbor purt anal pur- cclofthe uxpcriciiceof all the rest. It was Llu_-rct'uru porfcctl_v well known through tho length and l>l`(.'1ltll'.ll of Marc- thriving little town, ng-:1-essive ...o....o .\.. cl... .......... -1` .. ..-. "maxim. Tuunsuu. Jun 2, 1868. __j_...o AND COUNTY _OF SI.\ICOE ADVOCATE. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: vn~v"= W* = W rmg 1:.\:A.\u.~z1:n nook AND JOB muzwrmo ()Fl"lCE. I. prepared to cxecn:`tcr,Hi':|m:;`11(1 );:rlor style cycry dig. . . .. . \vI\ 1\u\' a unurn | v nunumnn. Adurc_aa all orders to ""`"` EXAMINER on`1,-1.2. Bnrrlc, 0.` w", 31. NICHOLSON az soxs. i"'um.xsuzns. E11: Lfizmmiuer, mormng is now uwgit-1'5 (:1 f I rubbed 1 the I--fr " - - ET '1`h.- Examiner AND COU.`{'I`Y OF SIMCOE ADVOCATE > [9 1'UllI.l3lIEO |a`.Vl'ZlI\' 'l`llUllSlDA\' IIDIINING . W ' :;;:.`:;`z-3."!:;`:%:a;Y;:t.:::P `W-='= ` OFSUHSCRIPTION: n...l)ullar our uuuum. strictly in advance! or s1';5o prepared to execute, in aupenor style ::ripli0II of PLAIN ,A1\'DV0lt.\.\)lE.\I l`.~\I. PRINTING: ER IIFAD`! `menus T .. . . ` "ET BUSINEHH C.-ums. - . mu. HEADS, HAND BILLS. VOLUME gfPubIlIhod every Thursday Morning. A Wife by Will. :u' ' mnezhs,-.-zc. H VVUHHIIL ` z _ They do," assented Mrs. Fmjqulmr; but Icunuol. believe they will clmugze Olive Milclmuy into a woman trto be vour wife. `I always e.\ {1ecte d tliut at his. death, my brother woud pl-ovido liber- ally for her as the only daughter in the family: but tlmtho should_lmve made your succession to the property depend on your marrying this girl was an iclen too un- just and intollemble to have occurred to me as possible. If I acted too harshly to- ward Riclmrcl. anrlf am aware that he thought so, he has discovered a.` cruel means of humbling me. 7 `K Mu rlnnr mntlmr," nnirl Stanhen. ox uummmg me." My dear mother," nmd Stephen, taking her hand anxiously, we can let the inheritance go by. as W. ...... `V J. ...m1:..A - :5 km mm-B an uuu Iuuvlluulcv BU U)- We can," alle replied; but much as Ishrink from the idea of Olive as my daughter-in-law, I am equally unwilling that _\"bu should lose what, I consider ` your right. ` Moreover, it seems to me that honor compels_ you to give your cousin afnir chance in this matter. It would be infatuation for you to decide "us atrnngers to each other, settingnside the grievous loss to her of such inestimable nrnsner-Le. Ev Ilm wnv, mm have not L'.\ilhlH:l'iILU u|x.~'nLlSHlCLl0ll." Poor Mrs. Fm'q11har had intended that dainlyxneal ti) lxe`u kind of feast of re-' joicing over her son's inheritance, and jn addition to a deiicnte outlet urgd('m_couple ` of ` woollcock, Hd `l1o'rself.1>\rb`11gI1t up f*`m_: mQko&hMice,.e!<.1. 3 ..__.__. ISFS 0].` 1/ - .v 01". z;1:1l\v;.,!,"{. c" T 7 G 159-. . LU uuuu unu uuues \\:iunn ner teem. "` Consider. Stephen, she said, enr- nestly, resuming the subject as soon as supper was over, and Stephen sat se- rene in his accustomed elmir, under the benign influence of pipe and toddy; consider the way in which she has been brought up -by her coarse-minded, nmrcennry mother! What propriety or renement of feeling can a girl have who has been sulgiecterl ull her life to such mi inuence? You know that Mrs. Mild- may was 1|. servant in my father's house- hold; that she cajoled your uncle Richard into m:u'r_ying her, nml.,tl1at she embit- tured and degraded all his after-life. My father never forgave the son who had disgraced us all. ` _ . Nnr lm dgtnr Hm In-nllmr" mill KIISEIVIIUUU US H: Nor the . sister the brother," said Stephen, gravely. Nor the sister her hrotllor, repeated Mr. .E';r1':1I1liz|r lrauglitily. 'J`he_re had never been airrthing in the -vain, empty cliaracter of Richard to endear him to his family. More ties of blood won t always outweigh an 0ll'ensi\'e worthlcssness; and his marriage parted us at once and for over. His elnler brother was more lenient, and I ima_;inc it was mainl_ on what he eouhl spare from a not too liberal allow- ance that the pair subsisted, and hrought up the brood of children which followed as a. matter of course. Richard died shortly before our father, and your uncle Mildmay, on succeeding to the inheritance, increased his allowance to the wirlo w on condition she should never claim kinship, or come over from the obscure town in Ireland where she and her l_1usban'd" had sheltered themselves from the. time of their marriage. Five years ago, you may remembr. I was induced to pay them a Visit hy n weak-minded letter from Mrs. Mil-lnmy, written as from her deathbed. It was then 1 made the acquaintance of Olive and her mother. Heavens, what a household it was l" ` Still, let us he just," saiul her son. Less than ve yearn change the child to n wnmnn. ' of `wootlcock, hind `hc'rself` b{b}1gI1t upl .1. ' wine, in order to nm e me'r.ry over` Ins_l -was .` . . L s>. I*r.`;.`~_W.'$;.9..-`!<-! Ins_ good forl'.une,- but now itwus all turned to dust and ashes utitlxin her teeth. (`.nnnH].'u- .qfnI\`|nn ...l.,. .l EFIUVUUS [U53 DU UB1" OI SUCH IHGSLIIHUUIU prospects. By the way, you have not told. me if Mrs. Mildmafs present an- nuity is continued to her, irrespective of this precious arrangement." , ' RT- ...:.J H... .l.\..c.... ...:n. .. ....,...... wanna] upon me llll(:CLH)llS. Good l1`ezu'er.s! cxcluinxed Mm. Fur- quhar, with ilidignzztion; nml to un- derstaud by the invetemte jesting that. you are reconciled to the idea. 2" If vnn lnnun` H-A LL... A4 ..... l..s.. .yuu mu rccUucl1L'u_ [O we 1uea.s" If you mean the idea of my _lute uncle's fortune, I have habimnllv been on the very best terms with it, replied Ste- phen; but us regzwds the young lady, I own I am not pert'e c!.l_v satised with that alternative. I think, however, I might view it more dispnssionately nftcr _ sum:-r; at pI:esen_t. _tl1e.` pnngs of hunger exaispemte lissnnsiuct.Iou. Pnnr Kira, Wm-rnulmu-lm.1 :..6,....1.\.l 51...; lalll-`I PTCUIUUS urrangclnellb." No, said the doctor with an angry ush of color. To make, I suppose, nuun LU consent. but Unps 1" The doctor rubbed his hands und looked delighted. Is the girl so very olrjeetiomtble? he asked blzmdly. Is she po,siti\'ely ugly, nmlignunt, or decient? Without preju- dice, mother, wlmt are ~ your specic clmrgzes against her '9 . Personally she is as dark us a mu- lntto, replied Mrs. l*`ui'quln:n'; `-und if not mnlignzuit, is peI'\`(-me. ignorant, and sell -willed ('ll()ll_`_Ill to be almost as d:mger- 011':-x. I doubt if she can write am `intelli- gilile letter, or worse if her reading would stand the llcWS|):l|n-1' test. I prefer (lurk 1e:uit_v, replied Ste- phen, with unrul`li.,-tl 0I1ll:Xlllll|lC\'; and ulthou_J;h I should object to II. wife unable to read and write, there mi,-_:lit`l:e :1 coun- terpoise even to that. I fancy I have the talent ofun unrleveloped. l utruchi:t, znnl 1| shrew tznned by my own lmmls would have at least. the strong hold_ of gmtitied vanity upon the ull'ee|.ions. Gnml li} tn-nl-.nm.l Mn. 1-`---- IIHU LUU ure. Married in six x11oI1i1ns! she ntlength exclaimed, with :1 bitter expression. If it were an angel waiting for you on `the other side of the.half year, ' 1 should be 10th to consent. But Gipsy!" doctoi rubbed his Immh um! hm].-m1 `.\l\1\ unu up uu., Bum. ford, Wholesale Age-ntfol 2061-n.

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