Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 14 May 1868, p. 2

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uumwm. 111 um malory of 15rituin. : DUBLIN. May 1'.:.--- Nugent, one ot the v Jack1x1eIpm'?_-,', has at last` been released , from custody. - , , ~ V C0.\'a'TAN'I`l1\'02`LE, May i2.-Tlie 9113mm speech remarkable for its h'uer:1li_ty. Iii: said that the time had Conn.-when 'J'ur- kish manners 1nusL_\'iell to Europi.-m civ ilization. Tn 1' I "` opened the new council yestqr(lay .:; .4 . ...\. lluvlllu uzunau bllilb ' tho igst. \'isilK)ilicia_-liixiiii which connected the present political situation of the country with the reform anti_-sh_1vei`y trade zmrl freedom oi_`l_Lho Press agilations in 1810 and '12 hn been removed at a most vital moment in the history of Britain. DUBLIN. M31 1'.!._ Nllnonf mm A4 I-V ' ;.|wUKt9. The news of the event, although "his demise has been looked for at any moment durng the past few years,!pI'oduced a pro- found sellkntion, ac the people realize that visible link present Dnllflr-nl eie....n:m. ,.c n.,. 1 uuumg a. new dynasty. ,r Loxoox, May 9.-The alibi claimed r 'hy'John Bright` and others in the case of Barrett, recently convicted of compli- ` `city in. the Clerkunivell crime, has been ` disproved by further Government enquiry. The death sentence will therefore be cur- : ried out. - _ _ ; Loxnox, Sunday May 10.--'l`ho Right ' ' Hon. Henry B."ougha_m, Lord Broughzun 1 i `and Vaux, the eminentlawyer, rcfumner, 1 legislzitornnl Ex-Chancellor of Enqhmd, I died in his rural retreat at Cannes , France, yestercluy, in the uinctieth year of his age. He expired without p'ain, h:u'ing sunk intg t a peaceful slu1np'ur from which ho` ugvifv V guvoke. - 'I`l_. _ " During the latest moment of the ghting, it after the` Bri.tvi.~.h`:issuult, and when driven y to his last stand point, Theodorus at- i- tempted suicide on three, separate occa- i sions. He was rendered perfectly furious ;- "by his defeats. The released captives say they `saw-three hundred native prisoners killed by the ki_ng order on the 9th of 3 April. '1'heodorus- was) buried in the I Church at Magdala, c':ic'ul respect being . shown to his remains. T e young Prince 1 Thcoclorus will be onveyed --tev`_England ._ and `educated ' there; ' Gobazez, the , friendly chief who aided the British army `in its march through 1`:'gre, .will be duly crowned King of Abyssiuia--thus intro- ducing a new dynasty. - ' Loxoox. Mnv .0__'I`Im ..7.-L: -I-:...--I Eunntnumial. Amcrican Des mtchcs .3... :, May 8.`--The 0nmmercz'al x ,V hat. EY-Prillnnf n..,.1.....--v- I In uw-.:rl_y pl'0S[l'I(`. ' Venezula is increasing. several of Lhe States. Se, May 14, 1868. Viillil. M. 13 5HlIIHy H lV.'u .Ul "iU"`.""NUUllC0l lhul. lmrl scizuul them, anal I;.I:_\' \.'.'r.~i'u` Iiizikiiigthe most of it. Win-n '3: `ii \'oL~.. ware |H`l3llU\l tn silstuin Li!-' (.`~.:.. rnnv-iii. V ilwy \\'.~rc on lirn-I, nnd couiul not Lliix.-Y: m's'iii'kin;: wimt. the-_v r`IrliSI21e!`C(i their iuty. We izzw.-w they iwulvl man cmiid law`; to the fold fmm which they hml :11:-._\'o._l without. knoiving it, for tln.-1'0 is `itlluilnubt nmnyjof them think they did wrougto t.r_v_n little bilukniu by. way. of tiv.-kling tho fancy of their cumtittiexits. 'J'lxeio was no keeping them buck when the Miniati-y`\vore beginning to nd them s_u1'.'us iir"lzmgeI', nntl the suppnsml Minis- ti-riul weakness turns out to be of no mo- mcnt. Il`|______'__[' __.,A __ M1,... __. ,_E_, ,,,I, I I -A her, '_'c-snow,_ :-murr0\\', |_)rlllC the present nointnmnhz ;n vvunu ` `"111, UN) evening, the reply =Li0n oftlm [Ions ` Mr, GIud:a(Qne sl ul ' Florida 8.11:1 me. ' c, l;nr5Dag, lm; 14, 18158. J-llIl:" Ill cut the , in the .._._... YIVIIE First Sitfingof the (follrt for the Rovi- sion of the Assessment Rolls of the Town oi` Barrio, for the year 1868, will hold its first sitting at the Town Hall. ' ' n MnA7nAv-..y -an -- '.---.-- Thc Brllc llegxistrurslnip. -u-mugs uh vuu 1U\\'l1 1131. On MONDAY, -me 13:1; M commencing at 1.he'_hour of Ten I By order of the Council. - t - awn 1' 'COUR'I/`-O-}I{-IE-\;fS_;6l*\I TnI["V I1!` 1) cnnyu Barrie, May 6th, 1868. . - - ~ - v -y on guou endorsed notes. ' . , T1-nvlors to be furnished on or before the 25th day of May. instant .\ Stock Book and the Goods 111:1) be viewed on npplicntion to J.'\luL. STEVE':\I.:`ON', Esq., Bratlfortl. and any other infornmtion given by application to JOSEPH ROGERS, .j____,j____. Oicial Asst}/nee. ` 1 1-.'5in E I 1. `tenders for the Purc hr.s'e of thVStn;:k W .1n- ` Trade 0." `the nljove Insolvent. consisting of Groderi0s_.. Cnnfectionerie Fancy Goods, &c.. at 3 on guod endorsed and 6 months credit, {O Inn fun-n3u}:n.`l an -- V I " 5, Perfumcrios, and I _____ In the 1hatler'ofIIj4INRYSJIITH. ; - * A n ,4_____________.__ INSOLVENT ACT _OF 1864. , ,,,_, ..... goon endorsed notes. 'I`.en1<-rs to be furnished on4or before the 25th day of May, ilnstatnt. A Stock Book and `the goods mar ha viewed on application at _ the store of tin.` Insolvent, and any other in- formation given by applicntionl to ` JOSEPH ROGERS, _ Ojcial .Is.s'.'gnee. Bnrrio, May 6th, 1868. ' . 1-1-3ln ._.___.__._______.__-____.._.. May 5th, 1868.. INn`OI_.VEN-'1` AC? OF 1364. ._.___ In the maucr ofJOII.V STE VE.VH,v of 0r'illiIz. ; An. Insolvent. I mnnni, 'l`nL'nsnn'. Mn 14, 1808. .. .__._.__ . =: ..-___ HE Creditors ofthe Insolvent are notified . t that he has made an assignment of his , Estate and Etfeets, under the above Act. to i..e. the un(Ier: Assignee. and they ?t."C required to furni.~3i me, wi(ln`n turn 12'.` ~ fr!-re "-is dale, with their claims, specif_\:~.~: t`:x mi-itr xhvvhold. if any. and the value - of it. .I. _ v.::=, stating the fact. the whole attested under oath, with the vutyxehersiu support of such claims. ' JOSEPH ROGERS, ' Qicial Assignee. Dated at Barrie. thiz 5th day of May,` ` ' A.'D. 1868. 14-3in In the manor of ANDREW ORMSBY. ' A n Tn: INSOL VENZ A 0] 017.1864. I . 0_1]1'cial `. I):1Lcd at Barrie this 5th day of May, ` ' ' A.D. ISGS. ` . > , , _...........u-.. ' ____ IVIIE undersigned is `prepared to receive Tendcjxs for Purchase the St0ck-in- .`1-ad4e _o." (be cnn. no . um pro.-uuors or the Insolvent are notied _tu 11101:: at my oine, in the Town of Btu`- ric. on S.-\TURl)AY the TIIIHTII-ITII day of 31:15`, .\.I). 1863. for the public c.\':unination , ofthc said ln.=,nlvo_r1t_. and for the ordering ofl his affairs generally. . . ~ JOSEPH nnamn: I VFHE Creditors of the l to nu-1-t nt mv ninn In me matter of FR.-\~.\'(-IS .\1. WOOLCOCK. ' ~ An Insolvent. mu. V I The alinvc o`m s n splunlid opportunity to fm'mors desiring to purchase a 1. farm. For further p:u'ticu]:\rs apply to .\rthur_ .\fc.\lu~`ter. Esq.. Ilulluml Lzmalimr. nr in .1./W01; mm A 01' _OF 1864. % A ._.._.. ..v...i.___.._._._,_.j.,__.__ ;(l')7xat11ti`it2t: I nnnu A-`xv ... ...... mnnvrs desiring 1*i1n|)le fadrn -701` Esq.. Lzxucling. nr to .\[o.=.-r:<,.. Blake, Kv:l`1` 8: Wells, Bn1'1'isters, T01-onto. ` ` ' BLAKI3, KERR &: WE'LLS, R:|r|~ienn~a mu ruuu uuuumgs, nnu an Urchard. TERMS: A deposit of one-tenth of the pur- chxme money to he paid at the time of salo. and a sum snicient to make up one-fourth of the purchase money in` one month thereafter. the balance fo he socuren by mortgage upon the prmni=c:~z, p-Wnhlo in two instzzllrxaervts, in one nnd two 5:.-.u's, with interest thereon at 7- ;er cunt. _ ~ I _.__\,...,4.. um. um .JUL\b luv-.:, at twelve o`c1nck. nnnn. that valnzxhle i hvzn known as the .\1c.\Iurclny Farm, being the . \'-4`-'. half if Lot No. 2, in the mm cuncrwion ' iohhe township of Suunidulc, in the (.`ouni;.' Iotximcox-, containing , ' ' C.\'E,IIU.\'DR'ED ACRES. MORE OIZ L ` `A-`.3: T119]?! is :1 F.nm1 11!.-.,..~. .. -L -[.114 uunuuuu AUILILQ. JIUIUS 0 LESS. ` There is :1 Good House upon the premises, also Farm Buildings, and Orchard. I 'Y`lI:n\La: A nn.\=h A" mm but ~*` -' . - - --- -'-~--W: `mi S.-\TURD-\Y mm 111.. - `..+ o.....l..,. 4.` .___. J'O.3EI?II ROGERS has received in.=trnctinns`| 1- sell by public auction,` at his Auction ; Roovue iu`B:u'1'ie, ' I Ax vA;wAx' ';5 FARM! _ _ . . . .wuu.uu. fl -VIII") Creditors of the above Insolvent `are uotitic-l that he has rmulc Aasignmeiit, - of lxis.1-Istntennd Effects, under the above Act, a to me, the undcm-ign'cd Assignee, and they are required to furnish me, within two months `T from this date, with their claims. specifying me su.-urity they hold. if any. and the value ufit, and it'n0_n~.._staling the fact, the whole attested nndc. oath, with the vouchers in slipper! of`such claims. ' J().~fEl`H ROGERS, , Oicinl Asslgnee for Co. Simcoc. Dated at i}m'1'ie, this ."3th dxlly ot'.\iay, A.D.-I868. f A15-Zin 29th April, 1868. \.. \,Lu| > The V'amlo1"reser\`es to himself` the right to )id. - - TD COI.'N'I`Y.OF SIMCOE ADVOC2\'I`E JOSEPH, ROGERS, Oiciul Assignec, Co. Simcoe. Dated at _Bnm'c. g _t_his 12m duy army, ALD. 1868. _15-2in IN:-;OI_.`f1;1.\1` A01` OF 1854, In Me mailer QIROBEIZ T GEORGE, of Orillizz. Au Inc. I...,.,; n.\ JAIT4 ` T 0 W.V.S'lII P OF S Q1 HVID.-ILE. First 123'. Lit-ml Sheet ha subject to Qhjection, um the 28th day of May insnxnt. J0s`r:m.r w .. ...u 1 ._______________ INSOLVENT ACT OF 1864 In the maller of ALlt'.\'A.VDER' IVALLA " of Slayner, A71 [hen]:-nu . Ofciul Assigx Dated at Barrie, ' this 8th day of May, 1868. ________Z___ TUE Creditors of the Insolvent are notied ' that he has made an ussignment of his Estate and _Ell`ccts. under the above Act, to me, the undersigned; Ollicial Assiguee. and they are required to furnish me. within two months from this date. with their claims, speeityingvthe st.-curity they hols]. if any, and the value of it, and if none. stating the fact. the whole attested under oath, with the vouchers in support of such claims. _ ' J05`!-IPH ROGERS, V Omci-Al Assigneo for Co. Simcoe. u_g, .-..- ~ In the mailer q __._____________.__ INSOLVENT ACT OF SC.L\'LO.\ --At Erixarum, on the 27th` un.. the wife of. Mark Scanlon, Esq., Barrister, ` ofo. daughter. ' - GORDON-At G0:-Ilon Bush, township of Inuisl, on, the 81!: instant, the wife of Mr. John Gordon of a son. / _ ,,,, who u re `the Victon:No\\'? nmms. V SC.L\'LO.\'---At Bradford, u I Mark Smmlm. n Va. ;vAJV.lL7 K TOWN 015 13.412312. Barrie, May 13, 1868. ._._____________ Egmv gdvettimttznty. -1;U()TI_ON SALE nn ..___._. VFHE BARBIE MOUNTED TROOP will. until further orders, drill EVERY THURSDAY, at 3 o'clock, commencing-with next Thursday. ' _D ARCY BOULTON, (lAv'r.u\' r qf JOSEPH Izizvps, . A n y. JOSEPH ROGERS. 0Y);l'iII Jet--'t ____ has been prepared, )_ c_p_hjec_tion, until THURSDAY run a I n: nil: -' Crowded 0ut{--0wing to the demand upon our" advertising columm, several articles of interest are left over; 2 Insolvent Nowtown Robinson. e, l:n- --%---------- L May, instant, `en o'clock, mm. ll l\'U(1"I1a'KS. :lssig7zcc.` V Mnv. ) 1 '11. o_f.Br./.clf'ord`, An Insolvent. JAN 15, Town Cleric. 1 4-9: .. 3; An Insolvent. GT1! JUNE w .5 L145, Bauwisters. Toronlo. 1 r-._ T . 14-2in _.r- Anotlxer Fenian l'ow-Wo\l".'-.Tho ` Fenian Brollxerlnood hold another conven- u V H on at. Syracllse,-on Monday last. About \'a.< delivered and printed for distribution, in \\'l)l(`ll it was stated that the organiza- tion is now stronger than ever, and a pledge entered into" that the Fenian Bri- ;.v;a,de would soon meet _tlLe enemy in the. eld. The usual up )enl was made to the t'ollo`wers of Gun. olrn O'Neill for the means to equip and arm the wilhng hands and brave hearts impatiently wait- ` ) 175 delegates were present. An address ing the order to_ innrcli." RGE, An Insolvent. ` An Insolvem . ms, 6! Barrie, _ An. Insolvent. I4-.'-ii n u1'UN, CAPTAIN. ~ 15.:r I 1864. xusmon. ms cloths are worthy of s[;e_'ciz-1-1. lice and he is prepared to make them up order, in any style by rst-class workmen. 14 _ utuwx, (Ina READY- 'ADE CLOTHING,` 3 nuvnnce on cost for cash. His clothing is made by first- from every _variety of goods an - is class workmen, din the latest nut: pmulull wns notenmled to the ammo; = ` mat the sail! Adzun Gpoull`cllmv was not inrlelntetl to nuyvparson at the time of"Iuis ' death, and that the moneys paid bftlne ` pl:;inLi' were for his own debts; umI'fu1'- `estate of the said teator. ,na'sses were e.\'ami'u_ed~.'on both 5id$331tho Llwrmoro. that the said tostator lu1 viscd a valuable farm in \Vost. Gwillinv bury to the s:':irl`pl:zinti', which must be taken in satisfaction of all claims upon_t.he Sever:4-fvUit- weiy.:|1t.of whose .t.ust.imp,:_ny went stronglly to suppog-L t!.o det'nnd:uat'1a oaso. Judg- .mcnt, lxo\'~'-l-W`. was ` raservnrl.--CuunseI vfnr plt , Mos.-a & Hoskins; and Scanloli & Blmu foNlefoI1d:n1ta Goodtbllow and Anlnin zmcl Wary Robertson; and John Bain for _` Jmnea Robex'tsm').. vm.,..... ,4 __ V4.4`: aLA.l..I.J.1\J,` all ofwhich he is determined to sell at a small advance cost for J. clothing is mam. hv 4:... ..'1-.; _..,v 1864; W, :__. -- .-.4L L E[AS returned to his old stand corner of Dunlap Street and Railroad Squaw-, Barrie, with a large and choice xwsortmcnt of Spring: and Sun_vmcr goods, consisting in pan of Cloths, Cussxmeres, Fnucy Coat, Pant and Vestings, ' - H B .1` T) l TT SQ -non Gc71ts.IIats, Caps, S/n'rts, 0oIIcrs, 1Vac7.:. ms, Gloves, Socks, Drawers, ` ' Braces. and u.u., u.u., u;c., . S now selling his stock at prices as low. if not lower, than the same goods can be had in Barrie. Apto, Township F105, 1963. ` 14-13 `j_ 23, Kin(,:-.='.4reet West, 1 May 12th I ICILETLU ucater In DryGoods,Groceries,Provisions, C rocImr2/. (Jim-em...a rr....,J... ,. _-. fjweu1[i4j1;riu}Ai:Iuav.I Fire Oraclcers I F/z'9'0 0)'(Zz7']J07-`S 1 [BEST QUALITIES.' JOHN D. 4LINTON, ` , Kin(,:-.='.reet West, Old Globe Bm'Idz'n_q.9. I) umuuw 1u)Uel'ls0l). . - 'l`hore um nine causes to be tried by tho rourt, and the third one is on as we nish our report. \( ......u \.I ALL` II:wing spent (1 large ostablishnxel oid frit-mls in I u nu mu run, also g`ULLING AND CLOTH DRESSING. 1` T`l un3n.. n.......a ....,... nn ,, , HE Subscriber begs to announce to . Public in this and slm'0undin;: fownsh that` he lms ronlt-(1 the above 1-stnhlishln from .\k-ssx-.~x. Cox & Shupcozt, and is now } pared to lll1(1( l'l:|k'(!v ` nvvnmnu. . . ~--~-- - `....-.. .v . uuu : unu: CUSTOM CARDING; and in the Fall, also IZ`I'.'TTT\'I`v A\Yh nu-Au"- .\.-..,.. (0 to W. C. Towns Sou If you want first-class yarn. G0 to W. C. Towns Soul Ifyou want li1'.~:t class cluth, _ Go to W. C. Towns Sou` Ifyon want fair play and are \` Go to W. C. 'l`u\\'I:s' .4011! Sifnatotl at .\'-I\'l0\\'n Ihnlrin: half` miles north 01 Bond 11-ad Coolistown. 'K\" I0 nu-m no .~'mu|l shzlrc of public patronage. V Fair play is nj.-wx-I; bring your wool loan and dry. and than we shall be able to tell you . about what quantity of yarn you will have. I .___j. . 1 1'; n1 1'; 111 Ifynli want rir.=.t-cI:l<.< roll Gn In \\' (E "l`mvn:' ILL mul-:0 thn Fall: - HE Suhscrilr-r, having greatly enlmgevl . . 1?` J`."" ,""`m1 and irnproved his lmilulings. and put in n m`3' (v"""""~ set of Fat class machinery. of the latest and .\lnxn.n'. .\!=:_s llth. \ most improved style. and having tlu-m now iii hlc (Dr. fvl-)rtun'.u. Brad 1. rate mnning ortler_and in full operation. [ through Middleton 10 ll e is now prepared to execute all orders with 5 'hu -- Fouimz llun.~(-," I : which he may he f:u'0l'w1. on the shnrtvsl Nm\'tun Robina-on. at notice eonsxi. with :1 gum} husim-.=.=; and he o'cl:-r`k. will ]I2U('c(`(1 tn lmpos, by doing good work. and fuirdt-ailing. nl Di.\'0n's llulul inr I to nu-rit .~'In:1ll share "l'h0rnIou. where ha '3! 1-loan Tl !-:.~'n.n' morning lu- ahln in run vnn . mm ..-m ct. _ .. n... .. .J ----vvv v-Ivvvl luv : IUVIUIUI C rockc1'y, Gltzsszmzre, Hardware; muu, L0 ouunn evidence as to thevnatnre ` of such conveyance. and uponite being rein] in court, showed said conveyance W.'|S no more than acleed oftrnst. Severn] witnesses were examined, pro. and con., which Slll\\\'C(l thut_dc-fence entirely failed ` on such ground, which was then aban- tlnnoul, and mmther'(le|'ence set up that the monies arizingj from the mile were a `gift to let'omlant from deceniecl. On the close of evislcncr-, the case wasalwly argued by counsel on both sides. and now stands forjunlgn1ent.--Scnnlon ti: Blain for pith"; and Murray is Strong for deft. This case lastorl from the opening of the court until mi:lni_g'ht. - (r'rm;{;``cIlou- vs. Robertson ct al..--A bill was film] in this cause by pltff as atliniliisl ~ traitor of the late Adam Goodfellmv, against the (lel'en as lovisees, ainulcr the will of the testator, (lllI.l_8(3l. forth that the plaintiff was entitled to tl lot of lancl in the township of Essa, which had been purchased by saill testntor In his lifetime, nnd by his will devised to the Robertsons, two of the clufen-lVant`s; annl the plaintiff also claimorl payment of certain moneys that he had pniil in satisfaction of the testator's(lebts. The deli.-ntlunts set up` in their answer thnt the lannl in Essa was ` ii the prop/n-Ly oi -the said testator, mull ti} having` lJ(5(`.ll'tleVlS0(l to the Rohertsons, ` the plaintiff woe not entitled the ; mill Atlmn (`mmlt`nl|..... ....... .._s By in it u4.LLuuL-\\J .'\-\1J or1.\nI.\ U, ULaUJ.7l1_ _ . DKESSING, &c., _ At my Old Stand, l\'ew'.`own `Rabi/zson. "CARDI.\ G ;\.\ D S1 INNI1\ZG, CLo1?11 I 1`.~!:F:RIT'\'r`. ,e,,. - I Terms, Cash. : $im'W;3'm505i No 81, Kii:gS{r z:ei East, -ronom-1-o, JANES, Bi%}W[EAZ&NiEi:;0MBa. [8il.%:s,Shawis,Mamles,Eillinery, , . ._....... A/A.IAlV..\lLA.`\.'n nving over 20 yvzus in the trade, in :c ostablishrxxents he l)Ul`(l only refer to his frit-mls. Iissn nnd u1. 'for the .:E_`h'r` of doing good work. . ` . TIIOS \Ir\`T7l.Y.\' `Ina Grocery Department is, as usual, wall su ,} with a General Stock, which Families and Hotel Keepers wl 10 P5 l N - , _ .1 `ye t 1393- HE IS IJETERMINED NOT T0 131; y_\;,,... 90; D cure and nd the place, nearly opnosilte the I`mi'l\v'1_y D pm ) 1 D. `E! I ` T ` 9 , . UH up Street. DI?!) \* A nu ,..., _, inspec; ._. ._ __-_- -- -- -v jnw Q-FLZJ.` will be found replete with ever_ytl1in_'_; new; and his Stock will be fcmml all the newest_ styles in nmterinl and make, am] as cheap as any in U14; , Hip prices for Boots and Shoes defy comp ctition._ .'I'L- f\-_-_.. - l'\- ` ` ' May 13, 1868. um u\\'II name; -and mjled tom-.cm1nt for the sane to tl1e_s:1irI S:u':1h Mu-.Umn1ell, The sni:ISzujul1 McCdnnelI 11.-u'in_-,v' since died intestate, thepl.-uintiffobtained letters of nchninistration. and iilspl a bill, and called upon the defendant to account for his dealings with doceasedkestnte. De- fence sci`, up was that-pre'v'iously to de- .` Fcnclnut s gning to Ireland, said Sarah` McConnell Inude an absolute convoy.-mce of are property in que.stion to (lcfendnut. A connni.<.~'inn was issllenl and sent to Ire- lnnd, to obtain evidence :1 deed examined. awn .m.I ~- ""~---v`- 4V=/U 9:103-JQLJJ U IJLUB , ' B6`3t5a Hats, Caps, and all kinds of Straw and ]`u;.. and M""'[1`v P"S`)lS GI`-'05: Ribbo"-y FIOwer~' F:.tlx(`x-:`m. `WIT vv . . '1 7 . ('C. .4 pared to sell at 10ronto.I nces.--A call 13 respc-clt'xIH\' s0li'i1:~d. T]`)`g itting 11111-I51-u -u.-..__ _ _ _ THE Subscriber takes pleasure in zumonncing to the Lmli ing country, tlnzit. 1:2z\'lzi`gf added :1 Millincry aml Mauztlu 1 Business, he will open the same as above, in the large we will be found the ` Mgwasv swgszs qt? m ;n Annals lI..o.. (1-..- ,_I ,n 1- u :- THOIMAS STONE, lpnm-nl n.,,.1.. .. : Bm-e, May 1311:, 1868. MILLINERYAND MANTLES. m, my 14, 1363. General Dry `Goods, \\'()T.FATT<` A \'h DY."FA I _ nnEssv_5c_ii1' The Grocery Dapartm -I` n l2.m,.....l Q;...1. ...1 3.1, 1:`, \. ..J .......In. ant .,. A - -~ ~~~-----an vv---v on wr-IIIu:1'_)'. to check his nffrighted horses. The Court Opened on Monday lust M str_engl_h, liowe\~ar was lY'l11(lL`:I]I\~./1i.O, I I .%._`.].`.e Uv,,_MCk, ms Honm. Vicc_Chunc.e`u_`,0l, mmnzils were apparently beyond cont , ":.[(, .4, 1,m5;(1;,,g_ . ` ` Giitlirie still held on with desperate do . ` icim am called was an action `bmW,m_ mmutmn to tliel1nes,tliougli prostrate, : ' by 1` llama l3cI'resf'orl Cary MtCouii:ll, was ` `l"*.I.%'`l 5` `ll5V`"0 0f 501110 l,__-.,;,'M (ms b,.0Lhe,.' Arlhm. Cary` MC; illlll(ll'0ll yards ere the teitrifiecl jemn ` ` 1 (J-m,..||. '1'},-'3" Pimnmf a|h,g,,Jd, in his hm stopped, :lll(l-tl) tlieutter wonder of th ;;.;,Mhe mo snmh Mcgbihwu who was who hilll. witnessed tll0 affair, Gut K, we umvglwl-of um 1,m.L;cs `to this Mum) was fouml to be s:xf'e-not, to all nppi In,-iii`; 1j,.;se_q.,d of 1` h'_|_I;Q egnmg i,`, [W _:uicc luiving received nsingle scrut lniul,'(mipo\vei-all um (](vg'e,,-,|,,,,, m-`gel. His clothes `were, of course lled w power ofuttorney, ilateil lltli June, "59, (h.M ml `5l_"blY t"}`v 19` W11 . to proceed to Irelmnl and make S1ll00f:-Iltl `"50 be sl""l ht l"J`"'3'- - 0`3 propgygy, ` The defendant acting on this the femule_s'in the imggon at the` up . ;,,,.tmct;m,- "W10 Snlof said pmperty w:m' apparently unhurt, tlie other we and realized tlierefruni some $10,000, gm` t`. SY_`V* l' .Y_l~"""5`l l`0t_l and on mgu,-,,i,,g_m this` coumry invested l1eud,bi`rom its concuss1on','\\'itl1 the Qiwu the nionies so realized in purchasing pro- _ * i ' < party mid making ether inve.~tnieiiLs in Qllfwllls m"l".V GeI9l"'tl0-' his mm "mm; mu] miied to m,c(,unt Not\vitlis_LzuuliIi;_r the pervurseness` of 1. lthc the sum R...~..I. .\1..rv.\.....n militm-v nnrhm-:o;n.~. :.. .....i.:.... o_....._. `REMEMBER! want H: :1_nl..._. ..n'l,~ V In rl U 0 I U I` General Dealer in I\ - - u/UJ, DUCAIV, _lJ Braces, and All 1"\'r1 A.- REGENT HOU SE cms.< rou.=. . C. Tmms` South Simcoe Mills. ['53-Clair; , '. South Simcoe Mills. t cluth. ' - FireW01kS I I Q GRABTD . IJISI-"I1 ._ TORONTO. name H. K,- ` May 5, 15:13. \\'l)I'K. TIIOS. MCNP. LLY. , , I. --`F OPENING OF SHERIDAN S. Njmv xrxr'\nr-ir-\n.-. ,-`H- ,_ _ s LU aznnollxlgc to the urmunding to\vn.=hFps. ' 1-stnlnlishxnt-nt wcutt. and is: nnw urn. with Sinmoe Mills. willing to pay. nth Siun.-on .\lilIs. nson. two-and-n-, Ad, and 4. south 0.` \\'I'IOLESALE AND RETAIL. . TOWNS. '..Q ' miur. I 14-1) , -.. Wax. _ V .m C0x:.\"n:m'i:11-s!-1'3uy no .\l'agg|o!s Pub or Salvo with a little pnmphh-t..1nsvdo the box. They are bogus. The genuine h_M`0'bo name of J. Haydock on the box, _wIllzh '. nume o{J. Mnggicl, 31.1). The gcmuno 3 the Pill surrounded with whitg powder. Mon. Sold by HENRY SIMPSON Jo C0.. To` max, and LYMAN, ELLIOTT J: 00- route, and all Druggiats. nutaclilli)`. . . ll` 'l'hcre wns app.'u'L-ntI_\" but one of two :t courses to be taken, either the` North- :-1 \Vest should become `part and `payee! of . I , the Gmztt North American Confuderzttioxx .- of Britisln Provinces, or be zmnoxezl to the . U;:itel States. That the people, prefered I the former is evident. fm-even where they . :hre\v olfthe rule of the Hudson's Bay 1 I Company, they assumed a position ofut quasi-imlepelldcncc-,1and hbld t_|mn)sclvcs-I` ( in renrlincss to joiuftbe Dominiozg so f man as it shall be ngrcenl upon. ' The ces- I .-ion of'the>ten-jtory is am event `of ..grcz1t c -impm-tamce,and our Gm"ermucnt sjldlxld I not busluw to tuke :ld\'ul1t2Ig:! of it; and iflisi to be pr=~'uIned that they will lose L no time in bringing the territory into the I h I I uniouafterhu\'ing_bec;1 notified by the Imperial (:'o\'ern1nentv -A1\'D- I IS mt. box. -Iuxuulnu .2 Lslmuutm lI1>1'r.r1w nu V ' D[ARl{11(E.& PILLS. Cure whnre all other;-' fuii. `.\ nile for BurI`-5- Scalnl, Chilblnins, Cuts, um] all ztbmsins 0` the skin, \(,1 _~. -.1.-r va c:.n.\'r I.u_e sum, _ I\I.-`..`I ::EL`S SALVVF3 250 per is infallible. -Lulu by all Drugg1..s at - , _ DCl'\'(`S. `No form of scrofnlous direuscs can resist 1119 (1lSlnf(`Cl:\l)I operation of tho Salvc-, Tumor.- Abcessos, Salt Illu-um. Iioils-,1 in)ple.=s W `"]"5': ~1 c.. Orv tlznwughly orudicnteul by this ~ unrivalled medicine. In fact MAGGIEUS BILLIOUS DY~`I EPTIC AND D|'.\I?L`H(T<`.\ PILIS, Una 01 ms_ famous pills is'n dose, `Dr. Maggk-l s motto is co.\'c1:x'\'. _H has placed in the smallest compass tlm actn'_6 principle of the most potvnt \'t'gct:1.';ln 5P""` tics. Tlwrc is no mineral in his l ills-I,h1`! do not. gripe-tliey do not out`:-el.lo. Til?!` create a vigorous appetite. "lld corr`FP"d' ingiy strait:-`.`tl1on the tii;,"`-"`3'*"~ '`1'}'" v the liver," clear the head, and steady H10 DCl'\'(`S. 1uLu' GREAT NEED SUl l l.llZl).. PILLS have been supplied in mi|0l` Snlvos _ Dr. MAnmm.'s two g1-and specifics are pH_"`K an end to this wholesale system ofmc'l1c1tI0- One of lxis_ fmnous is a dose. V Magx:icl is mmm-:x'rn.\1'Io.\'. U0 have been mhhcd in by H10 P"d" once. mm pletlg/e our :'rpII. r1!:`on_7'r.r (}u~f~lr1'lIV I>f1cIu1l we here dcclurc-. lu nlmn:I vs`:-r" smnoo where the i: .4`. .-V .-`nil .-ring " anl u,Vhausli xx" -- . 11 be fnuu _ or twenty minutes amer the syrup ..~ '3 ' ten,- Full directions for using will at` each bottle. None gt-,nui"w unless : ` -` simile ofCUR'l`lS &: I l']Rl\'l.\'S, New is on the outside wmppcr. ( Sold hy l)rnggisl.u throughout the wmld. Price, only 25 Cents per Bottle. _ On-`lcijsz 215 Fulton-stn-ct, New 10!}; 205 High llolhorn. London, England; -HI bl. Paul-"sin-et, Montreal, Canada. 39-1? .____.____; I - nu.u` no x.\'ow" after years of I.\`rwY?- A H1: u.uu pill. up and sold this nrliciefoz` years, and can s:\_. n'v_ ;~ .'-drncc and trnthot it what. we have m-.u_ An zxhln to nv cfany other 1nv.-dicin0- -Z`'ev'. _u.~; it }~'u'Iul in'I1 singla 1'7:- fl71C" (0 }`[f`v'l L4 (urc, when tixnz-l_v I154`-L Never did we know an inshun -r of clis.<:n1isfat- timx by any one \\'|mu. Un u` mn'!'-l|'.`" all an-. '.1eli{.:I2tcd with in: opt-rnliuns. :unlspm'a'\ in tcrxns of Loxnmu-ndatimxuf if`: Inngicznl I11-cls and xpetiiczt`: virtues. We spank in this mam-_.` wu.n` no K.\'ow" after and :'rpu!aI:'r>n_7'r.r we smm-dwhorc v`. .~:u'uring anl'o,\'hauslimn. r 11 I an-uh AU lH1li'L'L_A'l' Depund upon it, mothct \`n1:r:. -Iv V l .~- .2 I; We have intelligence to the elfect that l the Hudson's lJuy_Comp:my have called the entire territory over which they so long held control, to the Im erial Govern- ment, njhich cession is simply the prelimi- nary step to handingit over-to'clnded in- the Dominion of Cannrla. This ap- pears to account for the delay in the ne- 3 qzotiutions between the C.unn;lian_and_ the Imperial Government upon thesubject. But, if the prosentreport is correct, we . slmll soon see the vast territory of the j North-West incorporated into the .Qon- 4 feder-u`\' i rm... . _ .7 -' - - r uu'.\' TEETH . grc-at1y_farilitat(-s the pro_cess of an Ml: upz._ by . sutu-Hing the gums, reducing all _wiHalI:-._'y ALL 1 .u.\' and spnsmudic action, and 18 V ` `.\IHl:.S. WK$'.SI\.()W`S ISOOTIIING S}'T%.l I.'t\lu nun n...... _._ TI10:\IAS STONE, -' - V HIS Huh-1 ha?! root-n!I_v ll sive irnprm'(-m--nt<- in tin furni. -&n. its at-comm mnplv ziml c~nnl'm'mhlv. Th uml Cig:u'.< can be round in the 1Iu_n.u.~.: >;In<;1(. S0,, . .. ~. - ~. 5`_"'"~ >10; to 1_usux`c. cents. ' A_I3'1"(`)_` '1'ur 1:: fun], cu] ;:uH_1wI1l stop 1 0111- o'clock on 'l-:n\'L::n 1 v om 0 cl. WI-:1-.\' the 1'01 nn dun nnul uuuuuvllcl '-.1. Mnxrux . .\!u_v 11th, will leave his own sla- IJr:1dI"u1z1). and will rrocccd `through Bond Head, calling at ' Fcntm} IIun.~c," for um: In-nut: '.lIl'm.'t` 10 noon: 1 ving :1: (mo (fclrmk. will lnuml-nzl 9.. 1:... I ---- .._.vs.4._;.n_u.1_ JL21 By Lem ,-z_ql:)n, d-ma I13 !/_.y . (r` [on (`I/.", _ ` f'-)H0v."i!lg mu lst health and won [Inna (`lhlnnI|1~iv ~ uuuum .ur. zguunmond succeed, as'\ery prohulbly he will, it. is the duty. of some one to see that Me-Lay does not suffer. He he.-l for several yearsconteudetl against .Mr. I'I:|mniond's claim, and great. expense l in addition to the loss of the fees, if he 4 should he eeznelled to hand them ever ; to Mr. Hulnmond. .The'cus_e is one of 1 the most extmo.-linm-y that ever occurre-l, l but tlzesinglllurity-of the affair is that nn` 1 I s nppointee of the Crown should have been ~ left to ght hiswny single lmudeal ngaint n cluinnuut to the fees` of the Oice to which, in so farm he was himself con- cerned he was legally and properly `ap- pointed, ' i : - . {The Inmmed `T1umi1-Bred Home cs: "I'I` A `I111-`ix _` --. vuurs-'.-xW`~. an-.1 `Re!!ef and Health to your Infants V \\'<: have put up and sold this nrtiuh-I01` ms, truth of m-u, \n ::I.In m cruv .\r...v 'rI~:_n.\x.<.: Single :\:-nn. $1" toiusu i_~_*j__% "THE GREAT SUPPLIED. `ILLS have `won nnnnliml n mil 18(5)--5. _._-- -. "an an == 1:.1[2_LRI>1::1 V V U ""5 U15 .-\.O `S"3' 3"! Tuscan Gnarls; :1],-T `-]"-"9; }`t:atlxc-rs. Ur-, \v| ` um " bnrrmnmm be f'..n..a .- _Lrl(.`I:`I/.", f1LL mute 'until`t}`. o wuntlzor pc-ra.i(- . COmlll(`ll(.'i`-7,` nu` morning hr will ll stop at the "Qud FL-lock E. by the hand and help him through, but he preferred party. bickering ty the in- telmts of :1 man who had been p ilcerl in _u t'ul_e sitioy through-`hi; hlgmsieriug, . =u}.d` vlxe` .`ot__the' thing goguhtil iteould ii: . ?"Q W,ay;right iuelr. `*;A`.fte'r_l6n` /waiting. Mr. Mqcddriald a|'penr g`to` have ecidedto ( 0u_rnj Mr. _ "intrpeut, uid ,'] Iiipgly LEM { 2t;1 iP(ha\'e`:f>eeu`.is- xi `ied; coustitutin`_j him"Legistr.-er of Bruce. 5} The matter is not, h0wc\':r, taken out of g : the jurisdiction of the Courts, for the w .5 Ctlurt of Error nnd Appeal has yet to i.; i decide whether Mr. Hammond has a d ` legal right to the fees_ collected by Mr. 1,, McLz1_v up. to the time of the contirmn- m tion of the appointment of the hitter. 1,` Should Mr. I-_Izunmond succeed, M probubiv Will. in the duty: of somn ..- l.'lUL'K UH DNFSll.\\'. when `he will prom-ml down .-uct:\n;:ui. Road by way of Victoria. up in (.`hIu`r.`hill that night, _ 'l:FlL\'f morning; he will proceed to Brad- rulling at Cru.\;un's.und Coulson'sVcorn-rs. 1Jr,ciztl g1otitr?,Q.7 Strictly One Price. .._, uupvn, Jlllllup Slrg-et_ AI-;Z'I'{.\'A J :13 .e'1u,'1:1m.\', _...n.- Al"l'0, FIJ/)3; ma SEASON; '1! " -- ' ` 11:1 (.115!) L. I L eg of Barrie and sur 1 ll` ' ' _ . ant to his uxtlu D`P`-lm . his store when {(3 r0010 `er round. General` r`ccv.-nl_\' undergone oxid- --nta the \\`:1vnt:u1:Ii nus. ` `nos. 1-`ORAN _({ ____________ svrvicc`. $10. cash; lho_ um, $20. Groo1u s fee, 50 Ceysion pf 1lnj; "-North _l"est. r .o_-__ v .n. nun r.I..w, Y1. \..1lgi\`L*rest to and ~ . ONT. Proprietor, -rgnno oxxvn of additions an in mm .1, msu, } hich In: T 'C'l(1r,'.', Ly 1'.'i..{.BL H-ly ---.:-- v o----: Sittings, Court of Gl1-Inc'ei'y. (Tnurt nnnnml r... uh.` I - un-,-,InuI|LH l|gl|lII-`W nu`. mcuny, and no can x.dnultull_v enforce them. It seams to u quite clear that u terrible l|Im4leI' was .-.mun'\tteLl in the nppoiuunout of Mr. L.IcLu_\', uud Una worst Ofjl" is that he has h:rl tn lm:n- the rospoxxsibilily. Appointed `1'\ _%' a party gmernmx-Int he was lul'l:. ut. tho amen-_v` of Mr. Hmnnmml the disnnissml ' `l'u;__ri.s~LI'an', who throw the ntfuir into the ..L;ourt.s, and in every ins tm'1ool1o was aucv ' cn..~'sl'iIl; but the Govermneut lid nothing In relieve Mr. -McL:1y, for he wns hurrussonl auul pursuoul hv Lhu mluions of the hm`, :` mul beset`. on till sides, the Count having lncl'eu that M1 the ln0lm\'5l rm-uivml hv 15-If. ` Shawls N; i_s pre- --uuu:'CU|lUHH I;u_: (`$55. a.O0 m uh-nzx - -: : l.Ir-r ltggggwgibem lb!` any (;tII'rupcI'imL- PARTS 50, TICKAOII l`}r[,[>s. W S rc-pr".'~_<` DAY are many of thu \\ 1.-'1 _ a! Europe, E\'rm' _ lama weekly 40 "double-colum Discs. 'l'....~ . V o. ' i . llotel BllI'l|ell.-The hotel of Mr. J. M.` C0'e_v. ut.'C!o\-or Hill, Wm burned down-lust Sunday aI"t(-rnoon. Nearly all the contents were destroyed. The pro- perty was partially insured. The Black- smiyh shop of Mr. Steyens, adjoining, was also destroyed. generally. hnvv cum terms. Its cnxnwnts tercsling and horn!!! `motive nnd us:-tul. Ammm=I= ` " . 1~~` `l07l_guag;." Prominent Blllshed of all 4|:-nnm`r . cmulut-nu Its content.-I un- nd honlnw u l I . UU K Y Oi An Illustrated .\Ian1hl_\1 .\I:: This Monthly. In-gun already won the rt-pun`: Juvcniie llluc/r:a'uv gm language," .l`,I'l)Hl;n..u| 124 Tremont SI. 1; Three igrst-ClasVsA P-:IVI l l'BLIrll1II| I-1 MESSRS. TlCKNO:1 .2 : OT numlx-r : Mary stn-cl. vwbicb is I.-i`vcl(-. brick Dwelling 1 house, and otluvr `Vans 10. Kn.` wenty-one c 7 Bradford. April 2 ___._._____,_ wuU,U\ Con L Apply to . M0ne$;!m1I bney! M-:2 .-_._...__ Ql_Ieeu`s Birtlulny So-cinl.--[Tho Good T-empl:u's at Cookstmvnfvillage will hold :1 Gr:1n(l Soci:-l in that villn_r_fa on Monday, evening the `. .5th_inst. Proceeds to be . applied in liquidating the deblron their new ball. 0,0oo .: I1-uu) H UN. and iI1l'uI'(lt< I torts ofn lh`. clu: Stngos (I1-p.'I!`l t Conve_vunc(-.4 1. many.- P. QUINN, 4 [US is the r- ` _nm] mrm-d. all N: Tm` A" ' `HE . Mo" New Dominion nouso, unll _Possc-seion will .1: `.1 \GRANL JIIII` the sub i`! or order. 1 ` not nt-gal}: m...L- n!" '1`... Barrio. April. "Vulll and > ' "<:Tc>T3'E1 0 T ii Barri, A ;- Barrio. Apx -iir`i-IlU: Pnomtssoyfr; [wfsj Womc-ms I`I::in-Imrln , Chi! Tron 'r:`0ltl)Cl'-Tm. Io'er rst-c]u<: (L.-11 g@/ Queen's nirtlulny in Cookstown.- The loyal iI1|x:L1)itx\[1ts of Cookstown in- tend l1a,ving xrgmud demonstration on'tho 25th instant, in honor. of. Her Mu_jesty s Birtlnlny. Rural sports and gmnes, rope \vnIl(i|1g.jiIxgliI1g match. races, foot-b_all, Jae. \ \'ilya grand display of re-works in the evenzng. _ IUD -I no-~ nrr an Silks, Poplins, "Pu ming.~x, But tn and Lim-n'<. - I Prnm 95 ]':in'g'-.~:.' l'('l'I 1'.` HE contents of-.ur-vv received, ]H`l' .~`Iw `we, may rely on gt-llin;_v el.w\\`||-.-I UB1 . L I Prom Ir! uuIus4:~|'i| Opening .ur pl'I`.sul ` "'tlilIL L` C0pi`.~x for $`l?_I|'I oun vouwci 1 .1 \n.....n I -- u.Iuuu:ull:UI UOOKSIOWI their last Reunion in I Hall of that village on 1\ the 25th inst; A spicy prc got. up for the occasion. .u Lulo, Shin`! I and I):-.~xcri]:t7\ '0] and A4131-nl nonnlm - ~- ' Trimmed B`-')I1nr-L znl _ and my Light (`Ln iHANT` AND CLOTH I ATLANTIC M').'~. uuu 1\4l\'t'Hl popular 1-n ; Im the zulnn tromim-m na- 8. SCORE &. 50:1` T0 1.4 JOIl.\' FTII` gcltrrt-U I[llUUll3 ll Amateurs .0? Reu ll..l| -1 LL_A -` 0 1: 'I"< of S110 w i F0;;K,$ TIIIBF nu. M Queen`S Biz-tlulny in Avenlng'.-The people of the village of Avening-announce $100 in prizes for games on the Queen s > Birtlnln_v. There are to be :1 grand dis- play of hre-works and 3 bn}looI1'zwcensio11 on the occasion. _ ----<-C->-'--- _ > A Malicious Rum0nr.-_Some en- vious individuals lust. week circulated :1 report that small-pox was prevalent in Barrie, zmrl that one of our leading mer- clmnts,`_Mr.- -W. H. Spencer, was tiikeu sick with it. This was a wilful and ma- licinuw f:il:.-zliood. inasmuch as the loath- some disease has not visited this locality, and pothinrr ailed Mr. Spencer more than :1 Sllglli: cold, which confined him to his house for :1 couple` of days. The con- tumptible rumor was o.-vidently istnrtod to j injuce his business; the p:_u'ties oI'iginatfng it`:-zhould be punished, in they would be ii` the paternity of the lie could be traced. --r -----c ~.._---_-_ . ----<-c->-'--- . Mllllnery Show Room 0penln2:.-- We dirrct attention to the mnnduncomcnt mzulo 4-lsewhere in this paper of tho:-`open; ing of Mr. B. :Sheridz1u s new millincry . and nmutlo show rooms. It will bl: re- ' plcte with new and` fnshiolmblo goods sui'.uble' to the present and coming sc:i4 sous. -The room is large and well adapted to tho pu|;p9se for which it is about lneing npplieu. ` The ladies will be sure to see the novalt-ios on cxhibiti`on. ,,,_ -... ..V... .v-....uJ nu nun}! UK IIU programme hm'in_g' been made by the 1`.'l[ll0I`iti0S for keeping the day. How- ever, the loyalty of-our pcopIe'\vilI no `duubt show itsult' in somo enthusiastic way. Our town authorities may possibly do something towzmls getting up a public rlmxlonstrntinxl, at their meeting next ..\Ionluy evening; at least. we hope, they will. ` 4`_> - - R-Jgistrar on &ull'eru1co, for it 1'.H;c1ll`s he mm nusen on an snues, we count mmng nll the moneys um-i\`ol by lxim lu_cl`oI1;.;ml to Mr ll.-umn`m1 Now there was ovialently snlxxutlxinn very f`.-u' wrong In all tlxih. Eitlwr Mr. llam- mon-l was illegally clismisswl or the Con ha vszully erred; ;lmL lnom-vnx llmtl may lmvu hex-Ln. Mr. .`.fcL:1_v luiel to bear the lmmt. on all occz1_.~'ious. Fr-m 186:; `.0 thu.prr.`sent time ho had, lmnn mcrelvl xv:-.~x nxllvj/`ct La the nctlou of the CnuuL ~`, 'Vl|'.n`ll \vn.'u-n inv.--mlnl.h- rm-m~nl.l.. 4.. \l.. `*-`Onyx-@- `Queen's Blrtluluy -Rennion.-T kmutcursof Cooksfnwn :n+....,1 mlumls umnuany celebration.-- the military m1th() ritic-s in making Saxturduy the 23rg'l'ihst:1ut the dny for a military demnnstramn in honor of Her Grzmious I\l;'zju.=zty's Birthday, wo heur of prepara- ti0usbing"n1.-ulo in znost. of the cities, towns mp! villn_r_-;es, thrmzghout. the Pro- ' \"inco_of Ontario-to do honor, in the 01:1 Tashionotl. hearty w4y, tn the nmpicious ' event. In our own locality we he.fu- of no koenim: the luv. I-Imu- nun muuu [.0 no s:xI0-v1ot, to all appear, _aucch:1ving scratch. `were, with dust, and considerably torn, other- wise escaped without of the femu|es'in the wnggon upset \v:'m nppuiontly uhh'urr., the re- to say, `was Ina/lly bruised about the head, from its concussion','\\'ith grolind. +~~ v 1- ' A Runaway.-,-0n Snturglzxy lust, th-.~re 3 ~0ecu1'red an hhnost mirnculom escape fnun sudden death, bya xrrnor nnme-.l Guthrie, Guthrie's whggon was strfnrling in front of Mr. Ford's store, Collier street, in which were seated two females, the party being ' Y about to strut for home. . Guthrie had not '51 taken his seat, but was loarliug his team, 5', (:1_youug, aml apparently spirited one) 3 from among the other vehicles nround - him, when hishorses from some cause, he- Iv came restive; so much so th'ut`he could I not hold them in. They plunged, kiekevl, l nnd:beezm1e. umnmmgenblo. On gaining l the rnidtlle ot' the street, the team, which hml been fronting emt, made an sudden > turn to the west, overturned the waggon',. tin-on-in_r_: out its occupants, and lmocking over Guthrie, who wns still m1den\'oring; to check his nffrighted ` His strength, however, the control. Guthrie, held deter- minntion the lines, though and thus (listnneo two llUll(lX`t3ll vzlrrln am elm lnl-vin.-I +.\..... .:. ._ aumuue.m:mnel'. ` '- We regret the fact, but it is 61{r(l11ty'to state that the enjoyment` of both perfor- mances above alluled to was greatly - marred ..b_v.tbe ring o'o,f re-drackers by ` > the `juyenile portion of those blnge. There is :1 By-Law of the town. ' againstthis (at such times) nm'snnce,.'1_md - `it is to be hoped tho_Town Council will ` = seetlmt. the proper oicer or ofccrs prie- in the assem- vent a repetitinn ofn thing sp annoying, espeially to't.l1e female portion of those in ntten-.l:mce. The is general, and` the dnnrrer, wlxn horses are passing, 3 IS uncloumble. ,,.- _ .. ...._, .u no w \.-cul nuuu yuu xuuuesr. and most encouraging cheers. 4 They also ' purpose giving us a weekly fenst of sweet sounrls. It. is to Le hoped that our townspeople will, when opportunity occu'rs,, duly testify tlmir_appr,eciution of these . spontaneous elforts to please `them in 21 suitable. manner. `VA -an-no Al... A`._L 1.,` -. I ' ' - - no-m.I_\'.vu1unIeerad to our townspa musical treat, and they did the _t} such astyle as to call forth the `. ' Th Durnose Qivinrr us: :1 wnnl.-Iv r....`.. A` g_, pl ne aqtn. bgttalion Simcoe Foresters, In yhnch for `sometime past has been - prac- g. tyising here under the able tuition of Herr_ W Cllalouplih, (late of the Queen's Own, Kl Toronto), `-hgs,l>den`or_cred to perform. _ 3- '\'veeklv, on Monlztylevenings. in the open space fronting the Railway Station, forthe 1' gratication of all who.have a love for I well-arranged music. On Monday even- "I ing of last week, the Band made its public E ii debut, and, considering the brief period it 1' has been in practice. and the newness qf 0 ' material Prof. Chaloupka has had to - world up, acquitted itself udu1iralJl_v.` On Monday evening last, to the great disap- pointment `of crowds of`=persons awaiting r on the streets .to hear a repetition of its 1 stirring strains, `the Band (lid not turn out, `owing, we are informed, to an unn- \'oidahle cause. Buta similar(lisappuint- _ ment, it is gratifying to learn, is not likely to occur again. On F rirlny evening last, _ the Barrie Amateur Brass Band _also kimllyvolunteered to townspeople a- nmsical treat. and thev did the tlzinn in muuler ou1cers,. In this division," the Band of 35_Lh, Bgttaon Simcoe which aomd `time mm. hna` `mum nrnn- _ Ml!sic.-Through the kindness of Major McKenzie, and, we presume, his i brother oicers,. in this division," the `Band 4 ` I6 Bllmnn nhnr-nn whrnafnrn 1 um m.u._y-1.-1. LIX mo ncuou or we '.J0uuL'~`, 'v!m~l1 xvre inn`-u`inb|y f'n\'r-rnhle to Mr. Hunnnnntl. \\ I:_\'v"'\cI1 n state of things ah--nhl have cr.-xiatui long the govern- nox-.'t. alone can unswer. As the :1 point- mnt. was` uimlo. by the Mum onuld, ficoto Ministry. its s1u3ce:| rt did ubhcare<-(I, with,thu matter, and :11-~ [lowed tlu) two Rgistrana to fight it. out. It in um. nrn.HonMA In .1... `l.!..... r-L__ ca vvunatvllll mneuu giving ,eunion_ the Temperance Monday evening, progrzunme is being no occasxon. Bil'tlIll1ly -llenuion.-The_ Gookstown intend giving !lllli0n )8 Tnmrmrnnnn J92 }xamx n2r mIDA Gmmt%1;`ofL iigitnil 1 anotats, vvluul ll-llllI~' : crvursenew (luv a milit..m; Vdtllll `VH5 r of those r, Guthie l appear-V gm-nh-In aycuplu 8 r I/Ling in n. `nnnuf uuuy Ill loudest :1... .4 .,., ....-4 \4LA\.II In conclusion, the king requested Gen. Napier to take the British captives, whom he would hand over to him, and go away whe'n they hnd all been released. The King refused positively n surrender for himself, and the conference was broken off. Magdula was consequently stormed by the English it few (lays afterwards. .. ... ...D . -Av \4IIblQ'a\t`JI\;l`|l T110 tnctica of :'.l7heodorus oicers were jtlclieiuus and the courage of 1113 soldiers excellent. Awm-n of ms` heavy loss, Theodorus forw:u-.!ed a flag of truce to. Gen. Napier. inquiring on what. ternfs the English would negotiate a peace. Gen, Napier-replied in the name of the Queen. His terms were unconditiomll sun-remlel-. Th60L]0l'ilS 8'\id he wou!d never. except sue}: nrbltmry terms. beelng even his "present. }lefez1t., he would prefer to "fight ` to the and. upeuuu m. uuuu with mortars on .L\'npier. The British replied with the same gun. The re from `the defences having con- tinued nshort time, 3,500 warriors set- ting up loud shouts of joy .nn(l revenge, , mid chanting national songs of triumph dashed with great ardour down the steep height from the palace fortress and char- ged the British light batteries gallantly. Nnpier's men stood rm, and the Abys- sininns were repulsed, having 700 war. riors, ineludingto prominent chiefs, killed during` the engagement vri... s..,.i:..;. .c in... v, - -~ .....m. uuu uuu upgnsurucu no ngnc 1!. out. It is not crediuxble to tha Hon. John S. Mucdonnltl that he neglected to settle the l)NlU.uI' when he came into office as the hand of the Provincial Government. He ]md'it in his powe'r' to puke Mr. McLny -uuvuyn \A\uIllI|l|lL4lUUo ' I. -New Yonx, May 9.--"` Herald" Abys- siuia special gives the following details of the capture of Mngdnla. As soon as the English ndvzulce come in View the Abys- sinian enemy stood forth in grand array. `As ifih response to the sight, '.l`heodorus ` opened at once with mortars Napier. ,'1`he,BriLishreplietl same mm 1 . troops were wll an-.1 tlxenrn1y?I':1i_n, were xv well up with the udvau_1co guard of the re"- ` turnihg forces. . . V DmLm, May-8.--The case of Gedrge F. _'[`min was beforele bzmk|`uptcy_court. . hf'|`r. to--Tm . _. In re 1 tovuestions mtto ` . P) L I him. Mr. Tr.- 1in_sai1. he had no property himself, and no control! over mining to his wife. He was reconimitted for further exmnimttion. that per ` . New YORK,` 9.----' f!er:1I<!" I an \/Iv] un Avlklslllil, LHG SCHD OI '1'llGO(l0l`llS7 ' palace, was burnt by the British forces. Losnmz, 1\I;iy 8.--Ollicinl tlespatehes : have been received at the Incli.-1 Office r from Gen. Napier, dated at. Talantn. Abyssinin, on the 21st. of April. After ` the capture ol'M.-igrlzilzi, thirty guns and mortars, belonging to the Aliyssininn mon:1_rch, were destroyed and the -town razed completely, `Gen. Napier reports tlmt the Queen and the heir apparent to the throne are in camp. The army will reach the Red Sea coast during May. All well the army trains v up advance rrmml ne` .1... ....' I I luau H sgt:Uml_UlllO. DUBLIN, May 9.-Gcn. Nagie and the `other Fenian prisoners` were C'lpi.lll'C(i on board the,Jacm.ul packet, Erin's Hope, some time since and imprisoned, have i been rc-leased from connement, .lmvin_2' pre\'ion`s1_v given the authorities the pleat? ges required. They c(:lebr:|tc4.l their free- don ycsterrlny afternoon by calling on George Francis Train, who `is in . guol in this city. 1 1- . ` _ ' Imxoox, May 8.-The `Times of this morning has late and oicial intclIig;ence (`min the English c.\'pedition in Abys- sinin. The 1esp:1tc|1esnre dated at Ta- Inntiu, Apl'ii"llsL Gen. Napier expected to start for the Red Sea coast with his en- tire armyubeut the 25th of May. The city of 1\I2ig.ln1:1, the seat of Theodorus Ytfuu Q, nm,.:._1 1 Lnnnnv , `Whitehead, member for Bcnlfornl, n1m'eul' Ul.'l'lllZlllyu . ~ l Lbxbox, `May 7.--IrTPnrlin'n1ent, 1\Tr7. ?L)' E I :1 resolution to` wirlulraxv the annual gv-:Int of 300,000 sterling to the Roman Cla- tholic College of Mu_yuootl1, an-.l E_o abolish the Rc_r;z'um Donmn, the p;r:u1t to the- Prsbylerimls, after the tll.1Csl..1l1llSl1lnCllt of the Irish` Clmrclx, wlnicln was z1_r_>fx'ceJ to.- TllG`Rl%f()I'll} Rill fur lml-mzl u. um Luau uullrcll, much ag:-1 The`R'eforn1 Bill for Irel:md ` read :1 sQcor'11_li1ne. -Dl?|ll.Y\Y. Rfnv n_{'l.m `(\T.....1.. -..1 ` nu um` L':1s(.'. `MUNICH, May. 7.-It i- reported that M, Bzlncruft; is ur;_-ging the I5.-.\':u'i:m Govern`- ment to join in the nationality treaty which recently_ concluded with No`:-L_ Ge1'|11zmy. ' 3 Lbxnow. `Mnv '7__t;.`1>...-1:..'.......; Tc : x. I in his case. .Ll!l'llHU VUI uenmm`K.' Lo11dnn,Ma_\' '7.-Mr.` John Bright and other Liberals have petitioned Hob. G.-xthnrne H:-My for a mxnnmtation of the Fenian Barrett's plinsislxnxent. They claim that. an cilibi will bu clearly proved '\I .v . 11,...` h 7. - - - - `- Iwllces 01 we Unurcn 01' Ireland." . BExu.I.\*. May 7, Evening.--The North Germzun Diet. has, bv a decided vote, re-V jectcd Lhemldress of.the party of National Unity. ' V l'.._...- _ `It .. V1 . - IJIIH-I've `Loxnox, May 7, Evenii1_r_:.---_It is re- ported that the Prin-:ess Louise. the tburth alaughternntl sixth child of Queen Vic- toria, his been cot1tx'act0d in 1nzmjin_9;e to C|xI`isii:=u Frederic William Charle, P1`incR0_)'n111l)d heir `apparent to the Throne of Denmark. T.nn.1.\.. ll -.. "F" 1| ~" ` "` ' " um-.: uuuur pmol olululr \\'u1lRllGSS Ulllll `.'.'u have yet. hull before _\_vo cun believe (hey are uny wanker -than they were._ 4.; _ , um um: ul mu punnc pzuronage, she would be ,r_rr:1cio1IsIy pleasedto place at the dis- posal of Parliament her interest. _iu the temporalities of all the rlignities and be- nedes of the Church of Ireland. 'RI.`un\* MK: '7 12`. . P 'by legislation, at this session, or by l'U5U|\"U '\VMS UIBII ROOPIECL - > > `Mr. Gladstone moved the pnsszuge of the third, l7cs01\'B., and after some -v(|iscus- .sion and the prnpmni of \'arious'an1cnd~ n_1ents, nearly all of which were rejected. i it was adopted in substance ns fellows: . uR.esol\'e.l,--'1'h':1tan 1lt]lll'Qh`a be pre- I sented by the House to her Majesty the < Queen, humbly praying. that to prevent ( the I creation of` new personal interests through ' the `use of the public pzttronage, she would i Ln-zncioxlslv nlmmnrl tn .nim-n m n.,. 4:. 1 nus passage. . ' ` Mr. G. Hardy next rose and said; The Opposition intended to` destroy the` Irish church; the Ministry wished to nlterit for `the better, 1mt'afc(-.r the rec'ent\'ote upon the first resolve, they would make no re- ` sistmxce to'the_ preceding one or ask for :1 : clivieiun upon its passage. The second resowc was then adopted. : `Mr. Gladstone mnvpd Hm nneeunn A`. . , _uuus relative to me msh Uhurch. _ Soon after the House came to order ` Mr. Glndstone_rose and said: That he proposed, after the House bud "acted upon the resolves `nu-oduced by himself,` to offer :3 snspensoryf _nct which should; ifpassed, `remain in force till the, first of August, 1869. He then, in a few words, pro- : an explnxnation as to the 1 purport and int:-int of the second series of I resolves, and moved that it be put upon 1 `its passage. V Mr r: n....n........ ...`..,. ....,1 ....:,1. nm. x Lomaox, May 7.-There was in`-large attendance at the Huse of Commons this" evening, and great interest was nmni? festej in this proceedings, a division being ` zmticipatedbn the two remaining resolu- tions relative to the Irish Church. Snnn nnr Hm 1L~..m.. .......,. 4- 1' nqtculluu }--Ll troop will recounm uext. and meet even till further orders. . .o>?___ I 1 It is said that evidence `of consialerable 2 importance of an entirely new character is v now being takenin regard to" the assasi- "nation, but its purportwill not be allowed ` to transpire for some days. There was 11_ 4 further seizure of Fenian papers at Ottawa _1 ' on Saturday, by detective O Neil._ i _ _ F Body Snatchiug.-.-So._me `resurrection- ists made a raidupou the graveyard at ` Craiglim'st,']:wt week, and stole the body W ofa young man who recently died of di- I sense of the brain. The tomb on exzzmir : nation was found empty, bht. the des- '1 poilers have not been discovered. `f oa NEWS BY_ATL;\N'l`lC CABLE. _:..-- At_teut1ou!--The Barrie Iuounted 001) reconnmanm Am] A?` 'l`L.'._-,l.... - cannot. see that Ministers did wrong: not kill: 1 ,'of our contmnpm':n'ies who bi.-nna the'"Ministry for not i'tt||_\`iii_[_: their sup- porters to sustain the sadnry of the Gm . tien. do so without. cause, for it is evident they did not see the cimiger they were in nnt.l the vote was taken, when it begun to _'npponr tbnt there niigiit be it possibility of cnrrying the thing` beyond it joke. '1: :to cull upon their snppoijters fol" heip be- t'm'c the motion made by Mr. Hoiton enme np, us they clearly did not see that they \\'(.'I` in It diiiieult phwe. vThey on_,riit to luive seen it sooner than they did, but that was their own business, and we only uiinde to it to show that when they rnliied their friends, it was because they` coimidered their position. rather it -inngerous one. But the recnsunt nicIn- ` in-rs had really no intention ofkeeping out ; -with their nnisters, lest the prospect of -.r .:ucoinpiis'iii1i;_-; anything for tiieiIis::lvs_2s E miglit tit-le nwny in case tioveriiimmt were i left without the needfnl support. iiiost of f them had given prninises on the hnstings ' than they wtanld vote for ou.onemicnl gov- :1 crnment.'.nndthey cevtninly went a long : w:iy;'in that direction. As for Mr. Hol- t)n'.~`- motion, they did not look upon that ` n.+iil to connnit them any fnrtlierthnn ti they lnnl been. and they may hale other v.-ii:nn.-'t=.-I of snppoxting`ntetrencliment yet. The Ministry have certainly snceederi to h] the utmost oftheir (i0Sil'd~`, nnd we must H] iI:lt'U better proof oftheir weakness than I hnve vet inn] iwt'nrn wn nun imlim-a pt __A..,.....,.. , r~; uu ugtrrle Mounted p recoxmnence drill on 'l`bursda . every Thursday thereafter urther ` ul,_:5a..............o mules per c3vt, .... _. lfay per ton ..... , Butter per 11).... .... Potatoes pm` bushel .` Beefper 1001bs..;... Pes.s............ ..__ Outs .............. __ Barlay ......... Flour per bum-l..... Spring Wheat Fall Wheat ........ _, Young Chickcns.... . Fowls ..L ......... ,. Pork`.... uuxvuu Luur. ousmess la The revolution In Vex Anarchy re1gnd in so: ....... - Vl\l\' mag o.--1 ne Unmmercz'al ! snecinl says that Ev-President. Buchanan's illness has assumed .1 serious turn. HAVANA, May 8.-Szmt.a A`nna's' pro-` party on the Island has been sold at auction. 111 ,_ DA '1` ' i|UUUUlIo - From St. Domingo news has been re- ceived that business is utterly prostrato. Venezuln in Sm-.~.a...:..,. [yruvuu UI. . > ' _ N1-_:w Yomr, Ma_yS.-A [1eraId s Mexico city special states that a new conspiracy has been discoverer] at the capital. The ' defeat ofMnrtinez at. M:r::::tIan is attribute!` to the tnnexpuctecl defection of n b;'1tt_alion. Th`Irt_\'-bandits had been shot. A con- spiracy at Oriznba was promptly sup- pressed. A ` \.T"I.1\v V'nnv.- `M3... 0 W`! - IV ` " l1I`.`E\fUo New Yonx, 8.- E`:-Pr : Hnnuu 'M--n 0 .uu_;-mmuII'u ls 1wpl|l'vllC:l). i Hartford. C,on., May 8.--One of the State conventions of the Fenizins, which i are being I:--Id in principal States of the Union, was convened in this city yo`~'v~r- day. About fty (lelegntes were pro.~~t:f. General O'Neil lay before the convex . ,1 the present state of the OT_fa'llliZati0n and his plans for the future, which war; all` proved of`. Nm\1' Vnnv `Mn-0 A "-~ "` " mullu is pru\'zu`.1ll_1 nere. WAsmNG'ro1\', Muy 8._--The `Constitution has been adopted, . Legvisl.-uture is Repulaliczgn. Hartford. Cm), h{!)\7 9,, nun ul mu IHHCKR In Ulllln. -Augusta, Mc, May S.-A storm is prc\'ai`.ing here. \VAx-Imnn-rum . Mun o ..__._.-- Tim long pending disputuin tho mnttcr film Bruce rogistrurship is said to have on sa-ltlml in so far that tho appoint- sr-nt of Mr, ML-Lay is c0ll|'ll!0 but that V33 not. settle nll. for Mr. Ilmnmouzl hold: I-l},-;muInts ngniumt. McLnj', and he x.nlnultullv enforce them. It. mum In uruul. 5lllldl'lll_{' and terror pre\'aiI:-.1. [Several wealthy free Negroes sailed tn- d:1yf'nrSolltlmmpmn for th purpose of 1n:xkin_ ; an ebrt to enlist the sylnzpatlxies of the peopie in favor of the em:mcip:1tion of the lvlncks in Cuba. .A............ 11.. 11.... n A - ll .'.1Lu zuluzolu. JUU eartlnpizike shock. were felt, min! during the two week; following, two lll0llS:lllll curtliqtizike shocks occurred o'pener.l ~ in m:m_v places mnl tltlzll waves 60 feet high rose over the tops of the cocoa trees for :1 quarter of :1 mile inland, sweeping human thing m0\'alIlC proetr.-itel churches anal houses, and killed in all one hundrctl persons, hesi.les a tliutisund ll0l`a-.8 and cattle ;t-he craters vomited a river of red hot lava re or six miles l()1lg,'l1lCll ow- r.-ite often miles per hour, clestro_vin_g` cverytliing bel'ore it and A new crater two mile; wide opened and throws streams of tire a thousand feet. high. The SlJ`U_)'Ctl. Ht} Waiscliinn. The eztrth leii'i{_;s, lI0llS( SI anal every lnet'ei'e it. A terrible shock ml to the sea at the forining an isluml in the sea. villages on the shore were all do Great sntl'ering and terror prevail Sm.'nr;il wnnlt.l:v (`rm-. l\1'.-......,...,. `I. I . ! 4 . < ( l uu ULllL`l' persons were lulled. Sm FIIAXCISCO, Mny 7.-S~.u1lwir-In Isl.-xn:.!sad\'icc_. give accounts of .1 terrible volcanic eruption, by .\I:mu.-L L021, March 27th :u1d.2Stlx. 100 eartlnluake shacks. felt. durinrr Llm t.\\'n mmi-.- "n|l'r\ uquuu-.=.i yiclu this _\'ezn'. . [ N.\sm'11.Li:,'I`eu., l\lny 7.-On Wedn.-a- [ ~clay a cyclone p.'lS.-C over 1': portion of _I)u'vidson and Williamson counties, south of Nashville. Its 1):illl' \vas half 21 mile -wide, and for mine ten miles houses, {on- lcing: and tree: en the route were destroyecl. 7A Mr. Chumbly and one or his children [were Lilled, am] his wife mid three other children ba-lly injurenl. The house they w.-is lifted up mil carried 300 _\'zmls. Other heuscs were bzully d.-unuged, but no other persons killed. SAN FI.\\'nru:v:\ -\l--v 5' '5'" " ' ' 7) KKUH Va Sin: Fr..\.\'r_'Isco,' Mn} 5.--Fort_y-ve miles of the Central Paci: Rztil1`o}u:l'z1rc 3 in`nper:1tion on the E:1: slope of the Sigarm Neva-la. Ti.-' ;r:1in zu:I hay caps ' of Califnrn?-: and Nc\'.1dap1'o1n1m.-us: '.;:. eqllznlled yield this N.\sm'1LLx-:. 'I`.m., MW 7 _.n.. W J- SAX Fmxclsco, Ma.-.' 4.-The new (};aIi~ fornizt mnchinn 1'01` I:|_\'ii1g ruifronei tn. -k is laying ties and" rails on the Vzdfejoe & Sucmnuenlto road at the rate of two miles daily. |JilC rill daily. S ,\\' uaum:nL_r_)' l(.`_L},'ll5l::T:`xll on that sulnjcol Mr. (.'rlzulstone will, to-murrow, hr 11 Bill to suspend for presen V m.aking_,r of mlditionzll :1_ppointmeuts : Irish Church. --w`r\ru Barrie Markets. ExA.\x1.\`an"_(;E:e, Hlllluuu _ ' Lo.\'uoN,_ May 12, c\'enin_:,*.--In, the House of commons this evenin_:,?, of the Quoen to the pc.5zi0n of Commons, based on s revolution was zmnonnced. .` , The Queen says that shedesii-cs that her interest in the tenipomlities of the Irish Church will not in any wz1y.hiu-iur Pau- liamentry leg'iisl:zfE.-i1c)ii that sulnjcot. will. to-morrnw, ln~i..n--in .1 0. 1 - nlhar all. us sllbSC` h:u'e.slmwn. It appears that we were not mistaken u the vlcw we entertained of the ztlleg-:cl -:eul:ucs_s of the. Ministry; Some of our :mempornrius lllfetcntlfitlv t_) see a vast `--ul. ot'si',; the results of :~:r:\'c- .1 4li\'isi(m.~t, mul it is to he ntlxnlttod tlml `u: l'cl'-:zLt `ofthu 7(:'m'crnme`nt on thu_ mn- . on to ratluco the Governor General ' 'll:lry did look like an imlieutio_u "that. all ms nut right in the \'icinily of the '.l'rcu- ..n-_y huuclu.-s; hu; it was a mere illusion ' I : ( Q 'l'I.c Lljiumph-of the oplmitionn was but 1: about lived, for tha.v.-ry next. night after 2 .\' , fthq Mininorial deft-at,u_ Inhtion of'Mr. 'o"1l(Jllu||'.-1, to lbl'C0 the Government into u -ll '1lmmugln system of, rutrouclnucut was In I 5-gntivcrl by :1 vote of 73 to 52; an-I the it 'n'.~xLniglntngni1n the ministr_v' were aus- In lillllutl on Mr. t\ln'cl\'cnziu'.~1 umcen-lmeut to u the" furtilicutimm bill by :1 lnujurity of 102 In to 51. Surely there coulcl he no stron- ger imh':uti.-n ofMiuistcxiulstrvmgththan B llnlc. ll. (nu lIl`l|~lIlIIIbIl luv -.-um:--vlmv um-,

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