:v;ma Jo: was 19 ha '.a. -Z? 9 `-9 Q .\/1`.7\JJ-J..-J. _ .. . -_ -- -n ,. I .. ' 1 ' 3 - . V `vs v `.;.r !:x.--' '.t- . . ,...n:I,9I A_',IZ, n ... ._ # _ ' ""1. be sold at least ten per cent. cheaper than the snme description can be obtained Please ca1l.in.and examine speck before going elsewlgere, , ' eiust 'R;:eivd or Eajlggock, coaistixig in part of 3&\Vu7. ElQ\ 31 @r=v::a:=:r;a.=ug=._ A __ , _I3.Annn, Otober so; 1867. -- urn-`in: Inn %&'IJI-ff-`"35 . `C'on_1prising'Now Crop '1`_eas--Youn'g -IIyson, Old liyson, Twankcy, Gnn powder, Jnpnns, Souchongs; Oolongs, itc. Porto Rico and Cuba, rened nnd other Sugars. Also, a choice scloction of UKUUKERY, &c.,4 Jzc. To all of which the attention of intending purchasers is respectfully-invited. `VICTORIA HOUSE? ul.-\-' vvcnynuxllg u\1\V unu ' sisting of ` NEW ms sgqqg, sH%A_wLs, BUNNETS, ms, _, _ _____ ---w, -o-nu &;o._, &c.,- _11os1ER'Y Ag GLOVES in great variety; 1 Blankets; Flannels, Winceys, Factory cottons, &c. nun . nnmum... ........._.... .._-_,, , whih will be found to embrace everything new : ' ilnrr nf uury nupurnuonsr In arch, certain animals, which `it is not polite to mention, but which infest dirty sleeping rooms,bcgin their operations, and it is not too soon, lllOl'0fOl'6,' to clean beclstemls and closets, air clothing, and- nccomplish various other small matters which greatly facilitate the A reg__ulnr work when the time comes. (`.l.mn 1.,..)..4-..,i.. n.-_-....I I V - '-I - ,i_._._- _v\.,-V-.4.-4A4;4 (Late of thq Flim of Rugs!-21.1. B301-m:ns,) resp'cctful_iy Informs the patrons of thqold rm, and the public generally, that he is now in receipt of his FALL AND WINTER STOCK or m_____ '5|Ll-11 A-tax -r-~ ~`- rII-h ruiu VIIIIIEK STOCK ' . . PF %33.&37W31b1B % my `Gods, &zs:.,,% will hn fauna`! in nm1......... OF GREY:ANl ) WHITE oo'1'rONs. iTi1@n\m-.n1 gm; ....._..__ _ - _vFa11 %WiI%1t%e:r I`m1jor1_3ations NEW D0MIN;O1\ I-4IOUSE , "Opposite :the`.1V3.rrie`. Ho'tel,'Dun1op St.`, Barrie. v --v- - -------~'a \',:nsvL-4:l\*J&!I/1 sf ditferent makes`, which are o`er_ed at 9 very lbw gure. ` ` . large supply of Carpenters` `Steel `Hammers, v ~ V` _ splendid assortment. ofvCross~Cnt and Rip Saw -' every description` a large stock of K6 and N t . . =3 ,-cheap; -Files of ev ery description; ~ y` u ~iz~.-`. an-nan An-I Anna ----- - __ OP .' v!` .-SipZ QM V .ai`zcg./' lZ}'y Cf 00ds, Hurrah! it .is doe! Our Freedom s .jj._.__ House. { Six Wading 'rlces wlfgcun ot fail t ' plaeo the Rim} u_r_ r-, ' _ LY 5 p I `wed.-en n. um:{;g'1o;:anBa ; cent. on Biro f 3U;1.p.` "'. jnducomen ever o`ure in B . ` " -.-_ It is hardly cleaning 1101131.) time yet, -but it is not to early to commence` prelimi-- nary apnrntionsr ` I In arch. nnrtnin nnhnnla mL:-l. `SA .'- General G1.-oc_e1-ies,. I New Cron Teas--Younh Jtvmn. ma um... -n..,... uusagox mama nnu ounsme uoor Locga; `Mag a. splendid Lclx--a:'t1Velp`;;.:5 ense stock of cut and yrought "Nails; Glass of all sizes; asuperior Scfatch Awls, Chalk Line Spools; Rules, bqtb for me 7 as" ' bo d ,_ by thg k_eg qr can; Gun Caps from 5 cents to 20 cents pZ`."ox_ M 8 ' `IIIDX7 hnn A 1-5'71-ua-1.1`-n-rn "rm ~-~- --~ 'Ct'I`c1iLI_':I.1-Y. ' wylvww vvl `CI_I'Il@ |'|_v|" u I" ' 0. fresh auppl of Planes e A ' g - Draw-Knives;yblacksmitl1 s tluzillgils? yS'l(:igl:srge&:s and beam Scales, in great vnriqty, and at low` p ric,5'. ' 1 ' -\n A:--`;___ ;' vulva`), 4- nun un cu cl] ucaqllphlull; rcnuss-an snwsrnm m 7 rm? 5 supply Planes, every varietv: a lnrtm ..a.......___. P.` I I ALSO, A CA'Rll-`ULLY SELECTED STOCK OI-` JAMES RUS$ELL._ ,,_U -.... .. u-.. `jnxjwnnn 'Gl:iAvn. ..IA1._\/IES R_USSEi.L_." Sud T1'$_P'18-,7 best Nickle $ilver, at -. Axles, Hubs, Spoke: and Fellows [A135 ' - 1 n-!a n.I1.;.1 4.. u.. an, .. *. auuauuuu uusu. _ we nugget weighs 22 ounces, and is one of the finest speci- mens of gohlever found in the colony. The Prince, in a few words, nclmowledged the git't.,'and expressed the pleasure \\"hich he had derived from his visit. to the Band of Hope mine. - ..j_-.& - % 7-~ = `BARBIE. `a. pmsenf of a Gold rm, and Va -pm t worth $2.50 will be made, and so on rvrv-nr.-.._ _---r nus; rsnggie Bands, silver arid ;.nlsq'_a. Lock adapted ; asunerior I..- 1-H *` r. Mnnni. r nd fashionable, con-` . ..._.uZ` ; Bnggie Bmid, :1 aq a Lock anni ` 188.ussortmnt of `R959 550.: Stvlvm-u 5 . 33.` Upper Canada zrs very cI1e_np' a p aws; Chisels of .*Iut Augurs, vie:-y ` -=:3\VJI I $2. 75. mu scene unu we ltlltltlon. It was twenty minutes to three when the Duke descended the mine, and he did not appear on the surface again till twenty- tive minutes pastfour. He and his party next proceeded to witness the washing out of some buckets of wnsh-dirt, and entered with manifest zest . into the operations. Along with Lord Newrj, Mr. Yorke. `and others, he uddled about the dirt, picking up some fliie lumps _of gall. To see In Royal Duke working, with his `sleeves up, in u trough of washdirt--`even althou h gold dirt, it wassu novel sight--and t e. crowd of people which lled the brace watched the operations of the Royal party with great interest, The washin was un- nsunlly rich. The gold could o seen in liunpsin the dirt, and almost every mem- ber of the party bore away a substantial memento of his visit to this greet mine. This portion of the proceedings over, some bottles of Champagne` were uncork- ed, and Mr. Cnsselli, the chairman of the company, presented the duke with a mag- nicent nugget, enclosed in a handsome morocco case. _The nugget weighs 22 ounces, the nnnt smnni. . CROSBY, 39-tr. 15;, as jne stock is u, urchdse of $5" I0 heso uje the Best sortment of ` Stylyards at, which , jhe Stock is. I11-china n? 35:` I0 ywwv `* in low gure. r unfml 46-tf .48-tf. The Malborne Argue describes a visit to some of the gold mines in Aust.rali,c. . The first claim he went to was that of the Bzmd of Hope Company, and the'1arg'est' on Balarut. On the brace, the directors . of the Company received his Royal High- ness, and, under the guidance of'the manager, he proceeded to inspect the paddling machine}, the operations of the puddles, and other parts of the surice works, '1l_ie party then entered a srpall room prepare: `for the occasion, and,en-' rohod themselves in garments impervious to (lump. Advancing to the3.niouth"`of . the principal, or No. 2 shaft, the Duke took ' his place in'the cage, and `the si nal having been given`, he dropt slowly clown the shaft amid the loud cheers of the spec- . tatme. Thernine was full lighted `up, , and a crown and .occasional stars, lit up along thejcotiirrse ot'Ttlho`Dmikne, incre";ed 4 therenera e ect. e u e went aong the &whole extent ofthedrives--ne`arly_ -' two miles in length--Esomotimes \{alkig nnd sometimes seute orI"a"truc . ' e usecl lthie pick freely, apd `ipoclfled off I severe me 3 ecimens o o . -o use the e_xpressionpof the mineig, he fossic- ed about in truemltggeristyle, and was . evidently delighted with the novelty of the scene and the situation. Ti um: Iuynnhv uninnhu. 0- AL... ...I.... Non.-Em-:nv.\' RHLWAT Or-'i'rc1:s`, Toronto, February 3, 1868. ... `J.-..J.\/O _ FY ' .' I` :5/.---'._._,' 9:. L ""57 V-: .' .. .' -*1,-. NOTICE is herehy given that the Izfortiiorn Railway Co. of Canada will make appli- cation. at the present or `next ensuing session of the Parliament of the Dominion of Canada. for such amendments to the Charter of the said Company, as may enable it to raise new cqpit tsl for the construction of Elevators, the. e1n- T tension of its Rolling Stock and other equip- ment`, and the construction of such new and additional works as are or `may be necessary for the operation and extension of its Trsic. and for other purposes. . ' Bv nrnr, ' .. ., ..,...u.., uuuucmcn, yours, to, MORRI N. AYLOR at C0. ' ' ,. Who sale rovision Dealers For Cfrgdaft, Po_1un_ansIu'p, Lankg $N:otw, x'c. Adfig ` - ` . A ` nun U] uuuIlncr_C0 are so thoroughly incnlated Byir systmn of tuition as `to render thc.know1cd;:e appli- cable to each ncwfeaturc in each peculiar syntc-. - 4` Your efforts are worthy of every appreciation in founding in Sound Commercial Emorlum of the In-v tclligcnt vonth of Canada, and thong occasionally RI-` dent.-, full to become proilcicnt, it can only be attri- buted lorlnck ofnhility on thc"student`s part, and not. the incapacity of the tutor. We` shall ever give and advise preference to your pupils for an otlicc, and feel glad to thus attest our experience of the same, - We re_main, Gentlemen, to, 7 mqmttsox. mnon .e. an Dr-um. Sxrux,-'We can eminently recommend your es tnhllshmcnt to the mu-Iness.publlc,frmn which to select their Bookecpcrs. The youncgi man in our employ hcnrs testimony w.thc cm on! 5-ystom taught in your College, and the accurate habits die:-ivcd there. from, and though dllferc-tut houses pursue diffeycnt methods, yet the general prlnci lcs, ruicg nnd varie- ties of commerce are tlmroug ly inculcoted by your 1'l5'\0 the . know1cd;:e 1 syste- _ Your worthv of am-rv nm.......:...x.._ _ _ _ I Avnsual,-. Messrs. Musanoys .r&,Wntgn:r, ` ' ' n..4 luv ... /Ln.-. an ( 14'rom Mqrrison,` vision Dealers) mveau-. J|l,'!UlID\'E as \\ mou-r,~ . B. A. Com. Collcgje, Toronto. . DxAn'Sms,-We have much pleasure in teatlfying to the order of training for commercial pursuits ob- tained by the young men educated at your College. We have now in our em loymcnt. one of your pm- ` duates, who, nomjil.-hs'tnn ing the fact that he never had any previous experience. has rovcd himself a most reliable, accurate, and elcient ook-keeper. - We may further state, that lmving had occasion to engage another oillcc hand, we gave a decided pre- ference to one of your graduate:I.- In short. we have no hesitation in sayln,r_', that as far as our experience . goes, your course of training is em_incntly adapted to make a thoroughly eclexiyoioe man. Yours truly, - . 1' ?'].YMAN; Q: MACNAB. l a _-.-.-_ ....r...~. . mnxc :norolIgnIy'{cIe11;,6mo'c m'n`n'. `I '~ T LYMAH I . . 7?? '1` 5 (From L[qrri9on,;1'd_:/lo1_` (f: 00. =-1 Tom Messrs. Mcsanovn & Wnmm-,3 R A nm rr,.nA..-- Prince Alfred as a Gold Miner. PUBLIC TESTIMONY . (From Lyman d':`M'cNab, Wlwleule II Jlerchanls.) ' in- _-`RI'1`IS;;B?A`.HERIG_}1N Gommercia1%Gollege -n----.. .. ._..__ , , -REGULATI(_)N OF (`HlLl)REN`S TEETH.- Nom: nur Gsxvma MATERIAL usan. Ununazs VERY REASONATGLR. _ - Olcc linurs. from S n. m.. to 4 pm. Residence, Ncwmnrkct, where {H communlcntio_ns tohlm addres- sed will rcceh'_c prompt and cm-efnltttentlon. 33-ly ` u n|pll.l`L:' . A. Gem. College, Toronlo. I Dur-um. rcmmmenc` Lnhjlstggncpt mu-Ine.4s,mIbllc.frn:n wm.-v when he will be most happy to wnii. on lil0SC\\'h0 may nirc his services. ' fa` Vhon the Dale falls on Sundny for those Places lhcv will he nltrmdcd to the day i'uiio\\'ing. 'l'cov.h inscrtcdon Gold, Silver, or vnlcnnizod rnblwr. Teeth Filled no as to stop decaying, and render them useful for mnn_v ycnrs - ' To-cth Exlrnnlod with the least possible pnin;mld particular nttcnzlon given to the Gm `um I-I.-nr I)u- . ao\- . A _ Application I to Parliame'rIt.' N name, . . . . 6hxhe14m.a (`.ullin;:\vood.- - on the llith m Mnrkluln Village, on the L`3rd m Ilrmvns (`omcrH,(8)on the 25th Mnnllln, (V) - - on the 29th When he tc may rcnnlre his nr-n-Inna Jhmdlwnd. - -V Brm\'nsvi1le,( *) Leoy, - - - ' Barrio. Shm-on. rmlrord-. Ihmdhond. - Brownsville WOULD respectfully imlmnte to those parties who may requlrc Articial Teeth, (from. one to 11 whole set ) or who m:I_\' wislmny other Dental oper- ntion performed IN A SUPERIOR STYLE, with all the Latest Imrrovcnneuta, mm in a most complete and Workman ikc mnnner, that he will he at the fol- luwln,v_: plnccs, (luxdnys ex'cupt(-d,) when he respect- fully luvltes 11 call to examine his well selected slack. Jle will be at ; ' 2\Tewmnrket. ' - - on the 1.Innrl9ml ..r......u. u-_--V __j.-.._.._--- l[0USE CLEANING WOULD c V'IlI A V V ' ' ' ` _--- -_ CID DR. P. B. PECK, SURGEON DEN TIST! un uLue|' put] By order, mpccuu Auenurm aid to the Regulalion of , Clzilt ren s. TeeiI:.- `~ , . As Dr. Porter xcs-ides in Ilollnnd Lnnding dnng the time hcisnot serving other uppnlutmcnls, nine! -- ten: addressed to him there will receive prompt care and tttentiun. -- .-`. ` v .~~_:_ _ ' - n?` A Trial Requested. .Fnrtl<-,5 attended ntlm-` own. residences if r uircd._ Please be pnmctnr in olyacrvin,-1 the time an Iuoe'ol'ennhnI[x1 infmcnt. - [$`TERHS S RIUTLY (7 . I] am E.;5r'TEETlI INSEIKTED ON GOLI). SILVER OR V VULL?ANlZEl) RUBISEIK. And a Perfect Fit. Wnrmuled, on no elmrga will be mnde. Parties desiring cnn lmve Teeth inserted on `Rubber, without extracting t`.tc routs. Dr. Porter is now prepared to insert Teeth on the New Com- hlned Auro Vulcanized Rubber Plate--n method never before adopted in this part ortho country; and one that is sure 10 give universnl sntis.-fxmtion. . Teeth Filled so as to Preserve their Color. and Retore as near as possible to their former Streugllu1nduseful~ ness. . . . Especial Alleniirm aid to the Regulalion (, In'!( ' . vn we must approx-cu pnnciplc, and 7 None but Genuine Material Ueld. -E?` TEETH I.\'SER'I'I-ID I A ` ;` _ NIZED SH.-\R0`I, - . - - - - oritiieifii U, ' I ; LEEROY . ; . .-Vqnthp um u I `scnomsimn. --' - pnthe m n :- CUOKSTQVVN, Q - -- 09 the 4th - " When he wm he`-pi red-i'ndmo.=t hnppy to wall on ` those who may rcqn re his services. . .`_'_'hl_3.| ugly 01: thg gppointmclxts fxl on Sundxw. he ._..`.,._, .. .. ..... on those rqnfru his seics: When any or appointments Sunday, h will attend on the following day. All opemgions pcrfqrmpd in yhe most skilful mnuuer. __ .-u, , .. ..... .... ....u-u-J, nu Em follbfvxng All operations performed in the mmmcr, on the most approved principle, nnd Ann Lu` l1........'._- `f_L,,' `I T?" DEN TIST . . - Begs most res ectfully to annnunccthnt hcwlll he BRADFOR , nnhe North American Hotel, eve: ]\Iond:i`{, from 10 11.111. to 4 p.m., excepting when Me 3 . day fal on an nppolutmcnl elsewhere. s BONDHEAD. - - - - on the 28th of every Mpn NEWMARKET, .- - - on the 24th *` SIIARON. nnmmh u - THIS Eat'ab]ish'ment' is constantly auppiiod witn Flour. Bran, Shotts,'PeaB, Oatti, &:c., \\?hil`.h will Im nliumma on 0.....- ....-.. --....- ";a,;.a2ie1.`e;..e.." ;.;.:;a:i"is:` *."":.""i'x' ~}'` . C . 0| 0|`. II I n D`enu\Iqaid:- Rev S. 8. Strong, )).D., gi E`ch|:111tc1 1ig).inona{cnd; .1. X). Ixoms, n7\i}ar?n \?`f)`nrhur3? `Ln cm'" G` _ Oct. 20:11, 1345. .-+;e.u.. anon onnscrnngvartillcial Teeth. _ ` TEETH Filled with_ Gold, Cement, and, White Filling. . ' _ . TEETH Extracted with the least possible pain,-I and particular attention given. to the Regulation of Children : Teeth. - A . . Q` All work executed in the moat skful manner. ' k'0ons1;Ilq!ion Free, and saligfactimz gitar. , ' ` anleed in evry case, or No Charqe!" REFERENR Rs nv Imnureqrnw umccu up 6061]] case, 07' 1V0 unarqe! REFERENCES BY PERMISSION. T. D. .MGCO.\'KEY. Esq._. M. P. P.; G. Lou.\"r. isq.. County Registrar; B. W. S.\u'rn, Es`q., Slnori`: J. R. Corn-zn, F.,sq., County Attorney; W. M. NtcnoI.so.\', E5q., Publisl1crofE::ami1mr April 22. 1867. - 2' '. id 1:` .a 3a'Ln'~-_v mgmc x33"i=oRTen..'{. ?..ia7'.'i t`TEI:Ms RIUTL1 0.3311. 3: REFERENCES Th I ll` -. . condence ret`:nmcen3 unnnmuttri. - - - 23rd. `Where all `those requiring his servics in any branch of his Profession, can be waited upon. TEETH inns-rfeil nn Cnhl nr Silva-r Plum. bmncu 01 ms r'rot'ession, be waited TEETH inserted on Gold or Silver Plate, or that justly celebrated mnterinl--Vu1co.niz- cd Rubber-und in such a manner as to ntford case and comfort in chewing and mastigating food;-and giving to the patient ntihe same .' time,` that natural oxpresaxon of conhtnancc, "which is 8 Very important olnt in the oper- ' ation of ilisertingrticial ceth. with Gold. Cement. and DBL; McGA`US LAND; DENTIST, I . AY be consulted in all branches of}!!! profession, from the 15!. to the 13th`o each and every month, at his Omce Dunlap Styeel East, opposite the Barrie Hotei, CRAIGHUILST. on the 15th of each month. ORILLIA, ofc in J. ' 5` u S] 1 16! sm`a:$*;R?**:sS3:e? ,.,.,. .. . h.` COLLINGH)Ol')_ I . __ , .. .. Barrie - oznxzuau. - - . . zon; coI_.L1NG\yLooD ` .I1tRyl9 svjtelfg I" ` "15 , v P. DU T 0 _' `A - `cm: `M RE. `'4 r ' `Wham all lhnsn I-panic-3`nrr his nmw [.g-'u;I:Mb' .s"1'l:I_0TL1 0ASI[._g*.: .EFERE.\'CES:--The folinwisig gentlemen can, \\-ilh condence renmmcnd Dr. orler. mall xfcqniring Dental aid:- 6. Strains. 1).D.. Rnnllhnnrh W. M. NICll0LSO.\', April v 1:115 Establishment is constantly supplied 1 Shorts, PeaB, Oats, which will be delivered to.town purchasers free of charge. ' Barrio, Deccmber, 186}. f 476-tf. . MUSGROVE dc `WRIGHT, u L 'onmc29ni' H 11 xill to those who w u 01... Inc. :..n.. ._ n,, ~ - DR. PORTER; DENTIST at rcsnectfullv to annnuncmhm lm THO. HAMILTON, , ` Secretary. nu? nu.-mu... 1 - on the 5th cu the nth on the 13th on the 1~|th.1nd]5th 1lithnnd17th } nnd 24:1: [8)on thc_2":th Tonoxro, Sept, 13, (3111,? r 9 _ ` ` 'I\)r:ox-55,-1{n3"21.. 1867 [ an- 1st and 2nd of each Mnnth. _ 3rd u u .u.- 4.-.a;.44v.n.a.;;z -.1. , Dunlo `1-eat, nextgddor to the Northern R. R. tntion, and o posite Mr. Sanders` J owe! cry Store. u 5v uvvl LLIU sidmtogethell y1pJ\_v, -q1;$rtly expired. Briglizn Yopng attended the_ theatre lately with six dozen of his daughters. I Three or four dozenmore were understood to have been on the stage. The rest" of the "family were kept. at home to t`nke their turn another time. - the on the 2ith __qn the nth .. .011 the Tordnlb e Ifardware-` 1-2m , ..._-. nlv uu\.l uvu II} we :1 using; `itifd that the vmdnntes of one institution mglilied than those of gnothcr-that theglrnowl orbnsiuess matters ism erior-this_ ooilege will r. _ v_ the innmcovmd mpmrt. The B ant, atton J: Odell Business ollege. 1 ongq street, Toront . `is in school ofthorongh .ciplinc nnd L s stcmut c business training, the Bookkeapmg department being nnder the immediate FllYL'I ViSi0n of the . nclpni, J. D. Odell. a racticul accountant ofseverul cars standing. The graduates ofth slnstitntion do~ clare with pride and satin nctlon the source lrom which t icy obtain their diplomas, for they know them to be V sports to lucrative oaltions, emanating from rm institution having a reputation not only in Canada but hronghontthe whole gnelnesm community of North America. Bn ness men hrwnnt or good accountants, salesmen, cmahiea, &c., are rcspeetmlly requested to call ut onr otnce and select from the large nnmhernfyoung men that we havculwnya in attendance It is better to come und select than to take it pllcunts who may npply on the streets. Y m ibe intitutlonthutlu 5 iorestreasu u ctti nsltn tl th l hiss: .,,':i`:m;.:.`::.e.:*...*:;':...;.,.c; . 9 2* "3 r" " P"P'v*W" e 'nmil. -Addresmenclosln stamp, Toronto, February 2? 863 are better J. D. O DEIIL. Prlncloul 4 College Papa and circular may lie had free of charge by culling at the omce ofthc Collage, or by i . \lI uuuuuil an 3116' tlmu,haLco`me'\~vhm eve_ry bu: _ .qnnlicutions `ants grnduaies : Egan.-inap `mid m mm 111 knowle fbusiuess mnrs Bryant, anon Busi systcmntxc 1 Principal, practical a plum win. ...m.. ..__1 .,.. . ' tice-a knnwiedgeufhoth being necessary to the complete education oft 'THIS is'a uiatlcr otthe utmost importance to the young man about to enter upon a cour._=c nfhusiness trnin- ' iug, and one to which may he nttrihnted his snccc.-s or fmiure in after life. _i-.vcry business that is worthy of the name has two departmeuts-it.~ science. to be understood by study; and_its art, to be acquired by [\.'.tc in htxszness man. or nrsqthing, th to be ac ulred in business is theory, and this must be Ivnied in the some manner as the oi {Ann M icinc, or heoiogy, by studying the best text books under the instruction ofn thoroughly no can er: ` 9 A thorough kno`wied;e of theory does away with the ion: days and weeks of working in the dark that most students experience w o attempt to ledm practice without it. _ In entering upon the rncl.icnl,c0ulNe, thc_stndu.-ut bccomm themmcr. proprietor, or partner of a commission, jobhing, or mercantile ouse. Here he trnnsncts hnsmess in the re<,:ninr way _o\'or the counter. cash being re` geived and paid out, and the cash account kept with as much exactness as in the most systenintic buei-nerds om-c. Here is the (`ommission Merchant, the Jobber, the Wholesale nnd Retail dealers, the Bankcr-cach doing his own individual I) iuess. tq;iigmt yontgmun can use through this course or training, performing the duties of each, until he is = y ` . hill o aniliinr F1 them, w thout being competent to till like positions in the departments or trade or the rims nestworld. .5 . .. . Young men desirous orobtalning a rst class business education should carefully investigate themtxtter, nnd see where this can he done to the hest ndvanuu.'e; whether it in in the schools where the sets or books are made up at random without regard to _tl)',t('m, .1 more monotonous record of Debits and Credits of petty trnde.-9 made among the_mscivcs; or in those schools where the sets are taken tom actual business as conducted in all the in verjhustncsgs houses of Canada and the States. , o, e hue has,-conxewhm business school must stand on its own merit. and cm. ........ ..- L . - - - unnii cations arm m-...v....a.. 3'3-ly :_ `Tngs man :1 ng, rnilu nrchnnnm. 1.... ..-.. ...___,, . - - Subscribers mu'ydl 1t'n1n Truck numbers at the fol- lowlng reduced rates, `.12.: . , The Nora: British n-omurunnnry. 1368, -to December, inclnslur Edinburgh nndqthe .Wcshnz;uuln- from, do `I2, 1804, lo '_lC`l3tIlI;l);!f, 18:31, 1I'I1cl|xslve,dz5`118%7tho uarhr on can `an a a mm of $1. _ a oar_ for ea<:8`$ rmy` Revle\'v; Jnlso, -Blnckwood for - we md 1807, for $2.50 a year. or the two can togg.-ther {or,_ ` . Ne thcr nreminmato u snnhm, nnr an.-m...e o.. CAUTION.--Parties wishing 1 send direct to the above Factory, 1 15 mi 20 per cent. and am. a ham... , . . , _ .. -.....w vuaulug w purcnnse Instrumc-nts_'wi|l find it to thei and not buy of Toronto\or Bradford agents, :1 per and get a better instrument. ` Newnmrkct, August, 1367. , Q . ? , . { V Best ]![e1odeons_a.nd : Cabinet Organs f .. ' AT PHILIPS , NEWMARKET. -- RECOLLECT THE EMPORIUM WHOLESALE & RE AIL. ` Barrie, July 1, 1867. W An Early Inspection Supplies of the newest and [STAPLEWANCYDRYGOODSI vex: busin We limo] nmfcqtiou nausxnul _ . \-/ \_z" . `COURSE -OF INSTRUCTION TO MEET THE DEMANDS OF THE 4 -TWHERE AND HOW TO OBTAIN A BUSINESS EDUCATION. {cum fbF,,}:.,5(3f '" "Ni ".v`.' w M. then: preminmsto n scribe:-s, not discount to Cillub .nor reduced priccrfbt buck.nIimbmz, can be I o\ ed unlsa themoncy lnnmmnd drm to the Pub- Iiahers. > ' ` No reminrniivdnh vein to Clubs. T E LEONARD 3 '()TT PUBLISHING C0 ~ -r Lu) Fnltnn Su `M v [The Emporium !/ (m`xu.u.%asu1` }`m"1uu1 ii*@z@If J ,- . 7-- _- ---__ ---__ v- ~ - - - nu \V/\I.LAll.\-l\JJlU in `their [ability argd _1'_(_aso1ute in their dctc~1'111inati011 to give the FUL_LF.Si` SATISFACTION to good marks. " j 1 Q M*cM_aster 85 Lockhard. jowest Pr ices % For T Cash, Purchased in t}ief:]E~3%e%#1';%%i%%!kZ`[;`i;kets, 1%-:T9 .?'H."?',PUBI41f Ncwmarket, Novrber 27, 1867. _ . THE SUBSCRIBERS HAVE NOW IN STORE ms. e Sn Sh @Q$%@Xs9T ` ' M e @ QEQEQEQ ' ; ,, `- A _& Qmm mmmesxmmm .@m\a.m,9 MNIMMENSESTOCM _ , ...... \.....v..: -`nun: uu: sum un: uuicn I nusxncsg Canada Imehagk-comewhm eve_ry ntions ants grndnnlea. ` _ tinny `nd J xowl maa:-3 erior-this_ Wm: I aLt.on& allege. Yongq T01 st] cpigngzaa `tlraining, tho` Bookkpcpingdepanment bcin: ; ....- ]r1nunnub;]_EmLsInnr.I 2uoToNs] so Tom` iG'a;I`peI1ters" A` Fin dings I [ATTENTION I! [Horse`-Shoe` [\%|~a`1_i_|_s_,_;Anvi|s, Vices, _ , ` T _ o . 'Blacl:sn1iths , fwagon-Makers . -D?Tl1ey inte a. call and tria1`-c0nL1c11t; 'LL;I._ _'l_II!L,, T"a'V%*!!'.f;$h'fiTi."riWar= _Will b advantageous to purchasers. it Prices that Cannot be Comiwted With WEST" OF MOl\'TREAL. Suitable for the F2L11 :L11d Winter. rnnluls T0 Nnw sunscnuzxns. Nc_w Subscribers tn an two of the. above erXodl- cull fol-1808 w I be o_nt tied to receive. gm is, any one of the lbur` 1 for 1807. New `Subscribers to nll ve or the Perlodloais for 1888 any -reqelvo. gratis, Blackwood or any two of the Ibur ex-iewn" fur1867. muyohtnin buck u... 1... Ah' l,1RlL4 !n f`l'IlII\II\I\nII 1R`l |.'...I..-:.... ..'.. 1863' ,Wcahn1}gkln' The whole of their immense Stockhaving been %BLAoI_s_MII1,s 1 ARE NOW' BEING_DAILY RECEIVED 1 to purchase I E: Factory. lmv I 'T`f\ 1[IPE" VFLYD 'nr\\t. .DUNLOP ST}{EET, BARRIE, COMI RISI;\;G EVERY DESCRIPTION OF . ... nu: ucpnruncma of g rstlclass hnincss education best 'st4-m. .1 10015 1nd nsiness school must stand nn H: m... ._.... . ~ .- - A110! which they are enabled to offer ---rodrmzsn W1T1I--- nuu nxucscwoou, xor `$48111, and an on. - rosnog. V Subscrlher-s'sh0uld prepay by the quarter. at the omce-of delivery. The Pos-nan to nnv part of the United States is Two 0-nu a number. This rateoply appllcsto current subscrlptlon. For back numbers the postage is double. __ A rnululs svnacmnxns. Cw wvva-I--`av -av `av: MOl\ TREAL. AND AT THE V_ERY , , ,,...-_, ...,., Inc rcapcculllly atom- n havcnlwa ya ltiahctter I 1 -e stress upon getting I. sltpatlon than upon properiy prepnr : DEI-L, Principal .... ...u.u- U1 peuy lrndcs neincss 15! own; merit, andlhis, must be decided by the itnon better Angus...` n..... .L-.. ,- - ) Bar, Hp, Rod and Band Iron; Swds, . Glasgow, Goven and other | ' favorite brands. ).Cast, Spring, Gemnizn, Eagle-Rolled and Toe Caulking. Steels: Fi1'tl1 s, Spear ) . & Jackson s and VMarsh s make. L Mcconkey. AT _ ._-_ 2 Instrnmcntsjvill their advantage to I as they can snve A Man nalim II M! a.~.~,; 1 sgrggct, 'lo$$ft!g{ are` men: being nu-. CLUBS- ` discount or liumly per cent will be allowed up Clubs of four or more OPFOYIS. `Thus, fourcnples of Blnckwood. or of one eviow, will be sent to on: ad- dm: for $12.8) Four co ies of the four Reviews nnd Blnckwopd, for `$48. , and _ _ n,,. , .. . . AND most Fashionable styles t_to upon ccmrsc 1 Every worth rtudr; and its art, [\.':`nz 5 lenmed ooks instruction lwmka of mm-H-.. 4.. n_- .a.,- -- nulr nnvrznlagc to a, they 2 AGE 43-1!` I snguecl. `GEORGE `AS/HTo_~& 2 I having purchased all the Ste-ck-In-Tmdgtd 3 Mr. George Ford. and having Fin M U . largely to the stock. I am P|'.0P` d '0-sup? all those who may favor me Wllh n call-:83 GROCERIES, PROVISIONS and LIQL , u of as. good quality, and M as cl:cnP P""" can be purchased in this town. bu,`-' a~ ~ GEORGE AS 5:; `Run-in Inn 90 19539 ' I MR. GEORGE ASHTON wishes I0 i ~ form the Public gem-mlly. thnt hf ` purchased all Hr. GEORGE FORIYS -T~:`,, In-Trade, nnfl that the business in future W- be carried on by him. All parties wh0P_", indebted to Mr. Ford are rm ucstcd to call 2-: some the sumo without dean)`. 10 the undev AS319") _, -...-. .. $4.00 per en} ' 'n:m1s ron 3938 Funny one of the Reviews For an ' three or the Rovic For M four of the `Reviews. For BInc`kwood`s Mngnzlne. For Blnckwo and one Ruvlos For Blackwoo and any two of the {av For Blnckwood and three of the Reviews. For Blnckxvoogl and the four Reviews. - v 1 HE Agcrit bore for this old ostablx reliable Compnny, is now prt'P"1'`m_', take risks as low as any other |'S!1C]3-`(;,` Barrie, Juno. I867. ` ' ` ` {mum Insmmm cum] 3 Barrio, Jan. 29, 1868. j.._`_ THIS Company was ostnlllislnwl for thtr: . tunl protection 0! Farm lluilvlingki" duct: and Implements. Privnto lh-sialezdf Country Stores and G()t)ll.`1, from loss h_rFIf and Liglttning, carefully mroirling nll lnl-\_"' 0113 property. This Company has 1-` established a cash tnritl' of rat:-.~'. so that tht` not in favour of the inuttml principle can I` Insured on any of the above description nth petty. chonpor than in any other good 0` puny in the Province. ` . V FARM RISKS: - 1st class. mink nr mm... 0 :.n, fnrinsnm-" ` Ulce-St. I. anl Street. Si. CMlu*rinc.~. PM `_ llslnc-41 by (jhnrlt-r. 1z~`34:. P",9-`ldml--Jumos Taylor. I-Isq., St. Cntharizv: Irrclnrs: T'"'P""'"` "Wk: -13-, St. (`mhnrim-5. . 'l`hm.4. Shaw, 1-).` do, Thomas Rum , .. .\In_\'or of St. Cntlxnrinls Nehemiah )1:-.rrin, =q., do. `Huron 'I`nwnhlp. Jnlm. .\lcI.mn, 1- q., C. .\l. Anmld. l- . (`.-um...- \'inrv-urn n;mmr.a:' ff!!'!$1'ii1!fEi`i0MP#1? axe risks low 11! Barrie, or one year. " ` ' ROBERT CON.\:0R. ixr.r:.\'T 1 Residence and Addr.-ss-ALROll. - 4%,` In nuropc. Rutos as mod:-[late as thrzsc of unyothn'.'.' `spa-ctuble Insurance Cornpnnv. J.\.\I!~IS S\'D.\'l-1Y'CROCI(EIL .\l.1r:~.".' GEORGE L.-\`.\'E._ I'I.~'1., Age.-ul, IE2`-"V Iiarric. Now. 1367. - -- `-~-.n~ Theso poriodicals nrcnbly sustained b the contri- butions onho l)'qst.\vrltcrs on Science, I eligion. and General Literature, and stand unrivalled in the World . of letters. They are imiis -nsnbie to tho scholar and tho professional man, an to every reading man, nu ti`1_% mmish` A better record of the current literature 0 uu-._~-__ ,__. _. .- -r3:_m1_s 1868. _ e tiny than can be obtained from any other source , 1'r(`sulCn t. LEWIS .\lOI"F.-\'1`T, I-:. vico.rm1.:.: . Ilox. .\l.u.-om C.\'.\mno.\'. C. J. Cjvrmzr. I-.'sQ., Gr:om:r: C1r.u-nu , I.-q.. A. T}!- 'ro.\', Esq.-. II. S. }l0\\'l..\.\`D, l`2. A. IL". Mnsrsn, Esq., W. J. Mcl)o.\'m.r.. E,~'q.. M GlI,.E8.' EsQ., A. M. S.\m'n. I-Isu. 4_ SOLICITORS:-~,\lo.1=rs. lmgqnn.kBurt`_ ' FIRE INSURANCES cl-ch-ml on on-r5. ' scription of property. V 1 MARINE INSURANCES-In1unrI an"-' j )0 L0\\`(`l` P()l'N_ \ 4-w lirnnewinls \'nr1~` MAlli\ I`) the Lom-r I tin and the V to liuropv.-. m `DIR.EC'rOR_S:' nox. J-. uu.m'.um C.\.\n:n0.\',.\h'. Prvsidcnt. 1.1-`.\\.'lQ \{!'\1.`!.`.\'!"F 1.`.-n 1-1./. Fire and Me Insurance. I I N C O`R !.:O R A :1` "I5 I)_ Ylnnn nu 111' I HEAD OFFICE. R. Grzolicrs to in- fnrm Hm Pnhlin mum-vnllv. h h_ PROVINCIAL INSURANCECCE THE NIAGARA DISTRICT"? .3IUTU;\I. Uaurtlngs kept. to s: t imp}:-xnonts st.-Ill. Also, agent for the sale of l`n`rgo': `ex hrntcd 2 and 4 'hm.=u powex_('TIllL\SlII.\7 i MACIIINES, a very protable and n9 urliclc fur large fnrxm-rs. 49-:1 __._- __ ' OF EiG1,ANn_f C r1pz'l(17,-S5,00(),000. ' 11' Ivan! -Tun mnox QUARTERLY R1-mrw` (Codscwntive), Tm: Enmnmmu Rnvunv (wmg. Tun Wzarnmsruz Rxvmw (Rn lcnl). Tu: Nomu Bnmsu Iluvxaw (Free church), -AND Bmcxwoonm Enmnunau Munzmn (Tory). Western Assurance Co. (LI.\II I`I-JD) I\-._-`. -----v I`-.. . --_ u. uougms, 'J'.sq.,,l.nndon. Ontario. Also, agent for the sale of I'a\H('r$41I: Brother : well knr wn Rl:I.\l El{5 and Mn`: ERS. and all k. Is of Farm Imp|eme::- Castings kept. to ixxph.-xncnts sold. agent. } n`r:m`a ~u R. G. Iiali also bogs to inform the pen: of this County that he will continue tosug; them with (1 good. neat. durnhic article: the shape of l'ial-ZA.~.'L'RE Sl.Ei(Hi:' x BUGGIILS, nil oflho lll'\\'('.l and hen mi, from the well-known vslnblislnncm ofTL'- I). Hodgins, '1-2sq.,_I.undon. Also, agent min uf Ium... .\u,'b0lll{O)`. .1l.l'.: '1' Agent: Rumzwr address, Barrie. um nuw m.=.urmg at tlw low rm (,1: A cents per Hundrml Dollar: {or uh years. withnut :1 premium note or Inyox; liability. For .-.\':unpl<-. to insure l,000dg',}, for three years, $T.;'0c. CAl ITAI.-O\'l-JR 200,000 DOLLAR: Numbt.-r of l 0liciL-H in furce over 2x.oon. Honorary Directors in_ this Countv: T._ .\IcConkcy. .\I.]'.: T. R. I<`cx'gnson. \T.I'. Azent: Rum-wr 1: n.... ...: ,, . lAssurance Associationl OF (!A`r\r.\rnA unmrm. W The Br:.u_'r:n pays {he whole nmonnl VI, , feed by Policy. ])l'0\'Id('t1 _tho amount .{;,_., petty lost _w1ll warrant 1t. and no on; _ will pay more. Member:-xgf theB1:.u;,;, ~ requested to report all mlrl-preionlllium the Company by agents of other Cumpanir, R. J. D ' (mm Sound` ' I)`L$'(fl'1_.-Hg` Om-n Smmcl, J'an_nnrz 16,1968. ` .,__ yr luv u. January 16, 1963, 1>Liri'Zi_,~.- Mr. H. W. Wrlglxt, TrnVc1lii:g':\gont7[}_L._.', .n?.-' W----vs. ..._._. TIIE nbovo Company have made, ing changes, (hung `from 1 l868:--Policy and Surrey 1-` Reduction of first payments 0 ,i_ All the money paid `being ondor-9.] on u T rnrnium WIN" ")0 fglh 93 gm ueuucuon or Iim paymcfng paid being or Premium Note. Iimlucon ` isolation." It in nnu- nnnnJn..AI.. I,.I' M 'l'WJ'b'4V'1'1'-14'! V11} UTS A BOX or POT. All orders for the United States must be addressed to ,J. HAYQOCK, No. 11 Pine Street- New York. _` .'_ . . ' Patients can write freely about their com- rlnintz, and replyylll he returned by the fol- owing mail. , kg` Write (or Maggie1 s `Treatment of Diseases. . r _ . 45- --- ---- _ A Sronv or rm: nurns or me _NILE.-- .A_n incident of the battle of the N Ile. never in print before, the writer heard told by one who witnessed it. -During the ac-. tion, nmuu mortally. wounded was car- ried to the cockpit ; the surgeon gave the order to pass him over the side as` dead; 2 his messmate picked him up, but the poor fellow revived on coming ,on deck, and I I .7s:1id,` Och, -'P,.1t, don't throw. me over } yet. Why not, mid Pz'1t`,i didn t the doctor any you re ,deadl" and thinking for a minute, said: Well be--'-; 1 be- lieve I ll wait. In a few minutes the order came, receive boarders, and poor Pat fell mortally .wound ed, and. drag-r ginghimself up to his.dy'ing messmate, puthis `arm round his neck, and said: Well, Jack, my lad, we will go over the sidertogether n_o\_v," and shortly I lirialfm V...-.- .-u-- ` ` -` " ISOHIUOD. ""`W It is nowcondcnll I -1 ' duccmcutsp-`fared to thy m 910?": 91 any otbvr Company doing r..`;.'._` uucemcms ozzcrcd insurers are :%'.: :':%,;=.."* Cmx~"r-Mn Thn Lu:-Izvn non-n H... ...x .i Kflcr :3; g brlsim,-I - Jan. 4th, 1866. Beaver 1' FIRE INSURANCE 1,uu cluz nn u .......o uuuuuuleu to ........'___:'_`_' D In its 10th year, 18-16, u 20th year, 1856, H ' u '--i H 30;! year, 1354;, N Ono your later, 1867._ H " u mm The Fire Reserve Fund is now `L72 - The Life Reserve Fund is uqw 9,25;:, The Company is represented-1), ` Ontario ant} Qnebec by inuential Atom: whom npplncnnon, for Insurance 3; J OS. Jun IUUDU5 STERLING. The disbursement of 1 over a. wide area, has, wit buted to the cstablishmenl in the {condence of `Prn M1-:ncnA.\"'rs. H0l'Sl-IIIOLDI men generally, wherever II In its lat yezu-,l836,*.l1e Fin alone amounted m In its amounted to 18.56, mun 1867. AS BEEN in existence 1*}, and during that ' exceeding FIVE AND A POUNDS STERLING. qlgbursement thi. ...-. (5 1/050- COUN !`ERI`El'I`S!--Bul'y no Maggie] Pills 0 or S'alv.'e`\vltha lit e pamph tinside the box. They are. bogus. , be` genuine have the name Int` J. llaydook on he__hox, with the name of J. Maggie], ILD. - T112: genuine have the Pill surrounded with white powder. V If Sold bv nllrrosnectable dealers: in modi. JAMES -E>TvAnns; : Liverpool &Londo&' INSURANCE Comm HAS gxistence Thin... IOS. ROGERS, Agent at Barrie. E January, 1568. ___j..'___.______ J1 . / Y . 1, JIL-'T[`-`L , rL TU' .. . (,'1.'It /'1 TIIE 1` OF C)LN;XDA. rorxs. .\'<-w 1;r1:nswu .- West Indies, nud by glumtrzxnnz. urea, nus, without dJ.','p""` x 3 cstablisbmonlof tlilslym . idenco 'PCBLIC'Conp0lm_"( ll.` IIol:'sL-:uox.nzns, u "'93. V, w e_revcr.lt in reprege '35 :u',1836,*.l1e Fm: Pnmfumgw` muted - a..(.\....__ `V 'I..n'c. \'l-JR DOLLAR? [cit-H rlors ; SM . T G. Il.u.L; residence`: surrounded with white powder. '33?` by allrrospectuble dealers in medi- cine s'tliron;zho11l. the United States undcunnda, at TWENTY-FIVE (ITS A BOX United State: must hn II. II.\Rl'ER. Amt . _ . Czmkem. ing at thv ]!)W_n1!r Indrod 1m .1. -warm Iishctln mnnrll 'v Bill!!! .....uy-...u~ .4. 4.14145! uuw uxxuru Arc alniost univerqal In their effects, and a ' ' euro ctnbe almost zuamnteed. ' Al'0_ almost universal In tneiretfects, a_nd euro can `be lmoat guaranteed. `Eah Boa C'on!ans.TweIve_ Pil1s-0nc Pill in (1. 'I)mm. ` "nu ma wgnuu- nu vnuumul nuxm-uy. MAGGIEDS PILLS and SA-L VI} A... ..1...;..L ....:.........I t.. n.-x.. -4:-.-.- __.,-. _ u vu an-1'1 ;-h IJI\JI-I lUI-\I, Nervous Prostmtlon. Weakness, General L115; ' sltudo and Want pf Appetite, n'na;nsn1n can 3... - -- " send my live boxes of your pills. . ' Let mc_lml`p three boxes of you} Salvo and Pills bym pm mail. ' 31 FOR ALL DISIIA sFs_'o1r me` Kznjwars RET.E'NTION oz-rzmms, .cc. *ITZC1l'ItCCAnn .n.u1.uu1.Lv.'v U1` `uxun, 0:6. MAGGIEHS PILLS! Am a perfect cure. One will satisfy nnvone. qsnu u.l.uI.`lJJ D AL Lu:-I96; perfect Ono satisfy nnyon Fnn I-I-an-`Au |- |\u\u-1;`.-4; mmuy." ~ I enclose a do1lar-y our price is twenty five cents, but the medicine to me is worth a` dollar. Sand ma xvn Imvm: AP wnur nla 7 ----- , ' Lucv Purnell,a neg:-ess,who was hanged u at Snow'}Iill, Maryland, on Friday week, for the murder of Hanson Robbins, also colored, made a fall confession.- She said that the deceased having attempted some she seized a large violence upon her, wooden pestle and struck him a heavy -blow on.the head, which lmoelred him struck him a second senseless. She then time ivhile he was lying prostrate. At this her danghters woke up, and the three took tho"body across the road and laid it down. The deceased was then.alive,'asin- dicated [by his groans. She . bade her daughters go back to the house, dug a hole hersell',and placed the bodyjn it alive! Having covered it "with dirt, she placed 8ll.'l\'lllgS on the top to conceal the place of burial. After placing` the shavings on the newly-made grave. she heard the most nnearthbr groans prooeeding_from the newly-buried man, but left him to. die of suffocation. On the scatfold sh'eex- pressed the utmost confidence that she was going home to glory, adding, cheerf'ul|y, This death wont be anything more than a horse-fly bite. ` . . ...j-q.1.p______ was curonjc." V ,- ' 1 gave hqlono of %our ills to my babo for cholera @1rbl l,E. ho our young ,tbin_g 80?` `K[3}lx:i1:11Ifs`eaa< }:,u,morning is nowvcnred. " Your box of Muggio1 a Pills 'c1m-d mo of 321 5`2.a..'; eh; ::1`:i`(:i1u,1oi.;lal l{$`lt. mo 5. Send me two boxcs-I want one for n max- 1 . ""23 P. me." - had no appetite; Maggiehs Pills gavo_ mo ' o. hearty one. Your pills are marvellous." ` `F I send for unothqihox, and keep them in the house. , 1 . ' " Dr. Muggiolhas cured my headache that chronic. , `VI mum lmlfnnn of vnnr nilln in `nu; lmtm Oluf doctors treated me for Chronic Con- stipation. asrthey called it, and. at last said I` \vnslnqurublo. Your Mnggiefs Pills cured me. mnousnesq." _ _ - No more noxloua dose; for me in vo_or ten pills takgq at one limo. One of your pills -' cumd mo. 'l`hnn1rn_ Dnnlnr. Mv 'l1Annn1|n hm: IAN Cllftl I119." ' ' Thanks, Doctor. Mfhendnclxo hm: loft me. Send another box to keopin tho house. After suffering torture from billous cholic. two of your pills cured me, and I have no re- ' 4 turn of tho malady." Our doctors treated mo for Chronic Con- ur. nmgg bilioubness. ' Nn min-n ' ` HAT ONE HUNDRED LETTERS` n-day any from patients all over the hpbitublo globe: ' . Dr. Mamie}. your nlll has rid mo or 1111 BRITISH PERIODICALS.` om: PILL IN A D0513, , . 5. om: -PILL IN 4 nqsn, om: .1-.1LL IN A DOSE. HAT om; HUNDRED LETTERS say hnhifnhln nlnhn! uvury pomt 0|` scollop. - - In switching" clothes, mix raw state with water, and our-boiling water upon it, but do not boil the starch. It will take :1b'ouc half the usual quantity. Stir it round with n,lil.t1e end of spermaceti candle to make it iron glossy. -----<-Q->---- Will be found. an effectual Remedy. Iunarnrm prr. r..e .....: _e.1.r v 7WlNES, ftgm the Celebrated Establlahmon of Resuter Lionneslk Co. K3` TI1_es_Q GENUINE LIQUQRS will be sold 33%,, ;m`-1`-i.`:a*'ii.i6uVs I P mugs .` %rbii"vEii'A[ 'b'is"EX sE"s", fervomx Prnntrnnnn. \Vnnl:nnu_ (`zannml 1.... Life in a-Pill 136;; MARKET sQtIARE`;l V-` . Rn!-rlin Jnnnnl-I1 `Int, IRR ,-. _. -v- on _ Jemnu my ems and tnunolse loft." for a poor 'amlly." '05-`-V -YOU W`-? `%\,l_' 5!) Is of vthls>Sex>ason s MnI`ulaot'ui'e.4 Ahhd }b I``` A ' Q" : ` h . FRESH, and his IJQIlJORS:uo pronounced by0n;`al'I(EtR0 x'nost oGcI?uin:a i: s'l!l()evsvs1:_qliJl}1l::]ll-:3c:{$c`!]'.I: Ezqgtnnlz T . . 'UlNEv - 2 . ` T 4 !Jnv# % P J ='!!=i? '*%"_'"-_Pr!%%*Wrrv L ood$`;MMi?11inery| - Stretch them upon a matron: to dry, pin- UL unyunng. Never iron lace window cuitains, and be careful not to make them blue with indigo. ning down carefully the extreme edge of every point scollbp. _ smrchimz clotimn. miv rnnr ..o..-1. mar." Send five boxes of pills." me ,hm'_o boxes Y0 -M3i?`;AI3ii% [III] I... I... ..I I-1-..- _ Barrio, January 13:. 1868. 1ax'rnAonn1N'.uw EFFI-JO'l`S*_FROlI ' M a g 3 ie 1 s n `I-uni-` `I-unfit fl) 0! NIB .lll!lll\(1ya" doctors for Chronic Con- nntinh. muhnv nnllnd ll. mar! :10 lnszt mm 1' M. HELMKEY, 5..-; ......4 .a..... ;. 41. _ \v_-;1 G be Clubs. > C0., 140 Fulton St. _N. Y. _-..?.__.-..---_.:.-... me: ~ glcl, your pill has, mo of all unu mucu uostrucuon of property . Remember, soap should never be used upon grained wood; cold tea cleans` it best of nnything. , Never irnn Im-A uuim-I.-my ......;-:.... .....I L - ,'. ennnm. .... .. $7.00 sigiebrexy ieua 5 % SALE[ . I I. V ~.:, '_ "~`.7v ` `:1? '. tv . ..~x- .nn-u--nr'mxrru'1n'n hnu , l_ , ,I_.;_, --.. whicll will 1 elppwlxero. ` calliin and s_tock Table Cutlery, well aeiected and .cbe{\p.- Tea `and ;I'nbIe-Spoonu, 1 reduced prices. Pocket Kuives,` from we. to $1; ` V -Stair Rods, oval and round. Tbimbles, Skeius,_ Spoke: Cutter Stuff, all complete. - The attention of Farniers and others in nnrnltn-Ya m , co}nprisipg~Buek1es, Snal G1mD.vS11ver.aml Rmm H i _ ` ,.', I v, _vvo::n.n.4J.l2j_J_`J comprisingBuek}_es,-Snaps Bits.--Bname1led Cloth and Pntent_.Leath9r for bu , . . . Gim})_,vSi1yer ` (1 Bone Hea ;d.:l',gqky.: largo nasal-tmvevnt 6T.\Vlups,fromv 25. g{i',y$""c`,', superior m-tic e, all` wlmlebone,'- Warmnted, for $1.25, $1.50, and $1.75 each, A150, the beat English tcnmster Whip, $1 to $1.25. . . I _ . p -_- ...-- yucca: uV3UT\J .IJ..U.'ZUUU`/ capable of weighing from 200 to 1,000 lbs.; carriage nndtire bolts; 1 V japanned; 1| very large Itookfof inside and outside Door Locks; also for Store doors an lxxinmnseitock wrought `Gltis quality ofCha1:Lin es; Scfatch bq and timber; Gunp0wder_,_ cents uuu mum comes, m great. vnrxcy, and low` pricesf = wwmnraa Axum waxrmm .sm,-3 gyapablo 9f weighjqg 200 1,000 lbs.: carriage and tire bolts: Rmmzn n....'.a .. -9: ...a. ...un auuunur. '- In clenning rooms the same rule up-' plies. Clean well, ll up `holes and cre- viccg. dust powder round, the edges, nnd motifs and mice will disappear or take re- fuge in the cellar, whence` it good cut, or n little chloride of lime (used dry) will soon dislodge them. _ * There is no need for nnylhouse to be troubled at all with vermin. The proper menus nnd :1 little care at the right time will prevent innite zmnoynnce nfterwmd, and much destruction of property. Remember. sonn never be mm: Barrie, occober` 24, 1867. _..._....-..b ;;. l,,u,;_g U; m BxEs@mH_@m5m@Bn@A_Mgs (-1f dimzmnt mnlmu`, B1RMfNGHA12r'& SHEFFIELD HOUSE-* nuinop Sh-_eet, Barrie, De. 13, 1367, -._.... - -......... ..u.u. .pa.uu Wlll 00 mn REMEMBER TEE SEOEE E4 TEE Y 0 E 0 UPJED B 1* me. E `Table Cutlery, 5 educed prices. Pocket .vAnyono bi1yihgfrom`$l0 to $15 worth-of Goodawl get a. j chaser to the umo1:nof$15 to $35; 11 Christina: Present Wt , __w v .,_.........n_-aqua gal _ w u lznglll $1 :kVJL__l;!lLlL`ll!LlJ\` `- from $3 to $7; thousands of Vesta and Pnnts,'frou_1 $1.25 to S (lotton Warp from 31,25 per bundle.` 14 lb. Horse Blankets, $2.75. g _ * Bills taken. , , ` .._v.-- .La.A. ` \J\J.I..I.\JJ.`Cu . w@@s~A$]@m* iir?E:1&mE@m. ` Pants; from $2.75. \'Ul'llIla In cleaning closets, first remove every- thing from them, and hang the clothing out to air. Sweep, dust nni_l scrub, them ' well; fill up holes, if there are any, with a mixture of chlol-i'1e of lime and putty, (lust Persian pwder upon all the ledges and into the interstices, and yov will be 1 free of roaches, moths and bugs, for the summer. ' - 1.. ,.i--_:__. . H -- Down they corhe. peii-meil. ' At the old rices, again. C0me"ono and a1 slaughtered. Piles of Prints. Piles of B _nnkets. Piles of Flunnels. Pile of Shining (stripe). Piles of Cobourgsf Piles of Skirting. `Piles of Ca "'\"'I""ITf'\l /'\-I-V --u\--g-_-__.- - i, to sets the goods s~9f Winceys. Piles pea and Sba.wis_. and At s s1_z'tVy>g_}1t(_-rm]. Piles B nnkets. Piles of Flnnn:-In :PIw%_1nmss II Hu%rrahf f01fGh`e a,p Cottonsll a you {hat the xedctvion w.nni1rnchesnLlIshmina. His` 3 And will odnumi Wu, :2`arR in plain gu.r.9I':.#- putoont. in a purcbuqfp iM_C`3.BMIGK, ,,__,_ _, -__ ,_., .,- ......, ....... .,..,... ........ v IJUIIIB w Au cents per box Tm} b.`AD{LERY_` DEPARTMENT IIS. COMPLETE, `ris_ip,g1Buekl_es.Snaps.-Bii9.--Emme1led Cloih an}! Pntnnt 1 .....n.,.. w..- L_, III`? PMNOIPALLY IMP.OR.T:S.A _H_IS '66 uuuu mu Mme comes. Clean badstcnds thoroughly in March with salt. nnd water; dust them with Pet- sian powder (genuine), or apply corrosive sulzlimnte with n fcntor to every crack and crovicd, and-you will not be _haunted by vermin.