- I $15 00 Mama by Mr. Mcliinlny. seconded by Mr. Drury, "That the minutes of this conncilVbo printed in pnnlplilct form every six `months, und two hundrcul copies be issued each time. Yo:1s:-1\Icss1-s. .\[cI{iula'y and D1-ury., Nays:- .I\l-ssni. Johnston nud McLeod. Moved in axut-ndmant lw Mp Mn"r.nm1 -in uouald Grant; for house, at,nominn- lion and election. . . Returning (Miicer, at nominntion, e1oc- ` lion nnd ticclumtion . ... . .. . . ... . Returningoliict-1', assessment on elec- tiondny Constnblch, two. at nomination and election, two days each " road and conllrmcd. On Motion of Mr. McKinlny, seconded by Mr. Johnston, o'rd'crcd,-iTlmt. tho Trcmum-r be authorised to my all expenses incurred at late municipal election. viz: _ _ Donald Grant; al.,nommn- nndclection...-.~~~ 3 9" M wok their seats in the council. ' V ` VML-mbcrs of the council all `present. The teen: took the chair and called the 'mt`01i" to order. The minutes of last nieeling WW0 road and conrmed. ` . . . ... .1 s... Monon ni` Mr Mnr.:..I.... M... 1.. - 3 i p I l , clpul Institutions ' `Reeve and Councillors. 4 cillors-Messrs. mum-il nll nraennl ' Township of 0ro Municipal Council- FIRST MEETING. C0l.'.\'Cll. Room 2 ` vOno, Jan. .20, l868.'3 - Act respncting the Muni- of Upper Cnnuda, 29, 30 51, sec. 133. the Reeve. Deputy who hall boo.-n tleclred `duly elected for the Municipality of the Town- ship or Ora, for the your 1868, met this" dnv. at noon, viz_:-John .C. Steele. Esq., Reeve: Richard Drnry.'Esq., Deput` Reeve. Coun- Duncnn . Johnston, and Thomas S. MncLeorl-anI1_luu-- ing duly made and subscribed thoquul1tlcn- tion and declaration ofoflicc required by law. tuok their "Pursuant to the Vic., chap. Nun [_(;Kix_1lay, James ' 1 1 V I _ -.-.... THIRD. `MEETING . (`A ..... .. n4 31}: Gxanztxztsx A mt (`3u1.nII1;nf$i1j1u:n2 zwmiz. (`if/)1%r5 7`4133r hr 5. r. Johnston, seeonded by . _That the )~_w,-.1aw now read ad :1. third time. Ilv-law um.-, um rem. 1668. 5 ct pursuant to adjournment. Steele. Dmry, McLeod, Mc- ston. The Reeve in the chair. last meeting were read and Mr. Johnelon ecconded by ad, Theta by-faw be lntro- ointment of certain it-wnuhin I` umry, sccbndod by Mr. Ihu-t. the byrlaw read a. .d a second time. . Ilv-lmv nuo mr me me of` us lnldorstunci Y lhuro slmulcl bo any rivalry between proposed lines. 0nu is in run. o'..m.- ..a_ gang 1 In U. CoL'.\'cu. Roan, ` Ono, 17th Fcb.. 1868. 3 tpursm-nt to mnnm-......` an the by-law renfl . time. By-law JOHN C. STEELE, Wt-nv.-1 nu uy-la\V now `read 2 engrossed by the ed by the Hoover. w read By-law 21-. u 19, Reeve. , , I -.....,.-. -. ........ ue uurne In mind `" rm r_" that fruit trees exhaust; the soil very fast, bad " [ed by the ground should have a good coating of 'hl'` re; do manure, at least every other year. _As Clo-9 ?'.'-`li1'- far as my e.\perience goes, there is. notho . "l "':1' ing which shows the efiects of good culti- W"-' - V . '. i 1 mock ~vatxon more, or p. ys better font, than fruit the 1' . trees. ' Give tlremas much `mi: 1` ~ , attention as _ 0 you would common` potatoes; that is keep "Mb" the-ground heed about them and free 'i` from `weeds or grass, they wiilithen grow fl l rapidly, and soon produce ne fruit; but `"t, ` , 3 if planted in eldsof grain or grass, there l"""-l` :13", will, \'ery'probabIy,. a great mam` of "them like ll , die outright: at best make but. a feeble `'11 `ll :hair. growth. vWhere from circumstances it leg "` "1 is necessary to plant in elds of grain or ""`Pv a grass, the ground should be hoed about f`?`1 H` mm. the trees fora (listancoof three tcet` at "lghts whip `least, and as soon as` possible the \vlrt,le' '"`" `" should be put under cultivation; the "me C` 1m` ground should be kept in hoed crop for vgreat 5` the first fo'ur_years;at least; after-which, ""t' _ Standard, Apple, Pear,~ Cherry &: Plum the Sch -' will do moderatelywell in grain fora deck C M few years. '(Pruning.) In pruning fruit 311,9 lily -cm; tress_afr.er theprst year`it should of ""3"`l law course be`varier.l according. to the variety 'm 6` of the tree and the object which the plan- the) "5 ter; has in view. _ In pruning standard "llIhi-``- ` trees itis important that they should be `ten: 3 1 ? trimnmdas soon as possible up to the the m` hei_r__:hth_ it is desired the future head H `Wit shonld_ be. _The only pr_nnin_q' which 't,l`" standard trees require, besides remmjin 7"" "1-`L ` the'lower_l>ranches until the head has at- -`f"9 ` mined the desired l1eigl1t.i.~a to remove 9"_.`-T11 all the branches w_hi:h may .he crossing 'l"_Cl1. C and` interfering with one another, keep- pensh? the poor ing the head well open in the centre, so that the fruit may get the benefit of the Slow 405` sun and air. it is desirable to go" over gentle your orchard in this manner every year b'_.3l' early in the spri_ng' see that your trees l"' and `take a propersliape while they are young, awful ago and they will be more easily kept yjr.-g; the dead ':xfto.r\Irarrls. - Cut each` year's ;.rro_\vtI1a'of .Gorden! suckers aud._snml_l1imhs, zunru.-dly, with a `C=lth" t 1 by -law. {'1 all the 7 .tl1e l . spring your young, l more right. _r_vrow(l1.ol' aud._smal_l limbs, Zlllllll_.`1ll_`\', with 1; ' M ......-.. auuwa l.u0>CIIeClS at good cul_ti- k -vation pays etter for it, 9' them will-then eldsof grain there L \'ery'probahI_y, n_)any them 3. but r. Where circtlmstauccs grain V _ tcetnt V 3 possible '5 ' put cultivation; " ' be S '- Plum ' d _ '(l .ruuiug.) fruit 3! the first m '0 and othject which fnr Log in --A Oontinzzerl) Another. very iinportant item, in re- gnrd to fruit trees,'is to have .them sta- ked for the` first two years to keep the tree in an upright position and to. pre- vent its being blownnbout by the `winds, astho young roots are liable to be de- stroyed by the movement of the trees he'- fore:they get a firm hold of the soil. (This applies_to st.':ndards only.) ,1- CUL'l'l\'ATION .\r'n:a m.A.\"rzNa. I Here is `where a great majority of planters` fail. After spending their money liberall_v in the purchase of it fine assort- ment of fruit; trees`, preparing the.soil, and plamting their trees in the proper manner, they seem to think their labour. is at an end; allthey have to do is to wait pa- ticntbhand they will be rewarded in time with a liberal supply of fruit; and are sur- prised to ndthat their trees, standing in "grass, do not grow well--become mossy and stunted, some of them die out on- tirely perhaps. It must be borne in mind soil _ good "ll cl ' thepeflecls cul_ti- more, pars better for if. H... .'...:a mm um uugusmuiro, have had nlmrd time of it. Victnry is with tho.n:n-row gauge, lmwercr, and there is now :1 chance of tho cmn.v.co1xutI'y--tlnntis the inlmbitnntn of auctions of Wellington, Grey and Bulce, _v_;-tting n rnilwny are long, if the pnrties nra. in earnest, but it. is to lbe-feared that ill:-y were more nnxious to destroy Gaul! ' other in the Legislature than to give the j benet ofxi railway to the counties of ' Wellington, Grey nnd Bruce. Chm-tors ` have been obtniuccl l'ort'he opposing llllt`.`S, ` nml we slmll soon see how much further I the schemes are to be cnrrie.l. We cnn- ` net for the life of why l be :m\' vi.-.I.... L,.....,-.. .- . A .-_.-.._ I luv KYI-, $4 00 `-500 I0 DC lull)! 1 ours. we. , ` _ . Ax 0cc.\sIo.\'.u. Vzsnon. Dame, March 1311], I865. ' _-.....__.,o>._...: ` 4.: mo nuuur (y we .lL.l7U7)lL1lt`T.' D'1-:.u:Sm,-I haul the pleasure of being at .t_ho Presbyterian Soiree, in the Town Hall, ' Inst evening. and enjoyed the ten, the spank- ing, and the vocal 'uud- instrxlmolzml music, `very much. ' `Inna! :. . 1:-.. .; u . - :~>-,---- l'resbyterinn, Soiree. Tu _!he Etlitor of (Ice E.z:umim"r: DI-nu `Sm _II....1 n... ..u........_. -n BnrI'ic, 2m1 March, 1868. ..u-u;:y. or umunc-ss ox m:mner."' 1 would in all kmdm_-sn sngg(_-_sL the propriety of pyessing and slmlymg the little volume from which the extracts nru taken. If not nhtendy in the pos- sessionpfnny of them (which must. he very doubtful) I can assure them it may be ob- tinined at a very cheap rate, for I shall place -desire to have the use of it. _ my copy at their disposal by leaving it at your olce whenever any ofthem-express to you a \7nun-a .(`.n ' v "rind mildncssof manner; reusrve m,(lcc9n(-_v. or injurious to morality. " In the eelnlmnegl school of William Wyn-4 hum, nt Winclrester. there is pzlitedin _l:u'ga elm.-ncuu-s-` Mmmcrs nrulcc` llzc Jfun. How much more truly may they be said to mnlul wnnmn! The retiring ditlideuce, the gentle: uess and modesty of manner, which churne- terise this sex, are its most potent hpells. In argument, their stn.-ugth lies in their delicacy and even their anger is most emcientl and most becomingly mani- tested, not by violence of word, tone or ges- ture, hut by a reserved dignity` of manner. To the young Italics who proceeded along Collier Street from the l-Jpiaicopul Church. after the service ou. \'undny'e\'ening last, and whose (It,-po`rtment,' I regret to say, was rnnrkcd rather by huisterousuu-ss, rudeness, and " vio- lence of woxtd, tone and `gt-sture, than by dillldence. gentleness, dignity. `modesty. de- llcacy.`or hlildnoss of m:nmer." 1 kindness sugzi-st nronrielv or nrnsisxinnr .__ .__, ,.-nu.-av: The rou1_g'h-anal-lunrlnla affair mnongthe jwomoters of miIwn_\' schemes recently be-, fore the Legislature, lmvc luul nlmrd Victq)l'\' is will: Hm u...-...\... ..........- pm-lure [mm It IS qmle )nc.\'cu.~:uul-,. " 'l`rucc(elicug:y. is a n.-lined anI1'pructica1 xnoda-sty, whicli , from ovoryllninp; of- 1'cI1sivel0,doc9n('_v. injurious cclnlmllc-41 Wvr. uumc," H)('l'0>UC(:ll1' the l'ullmvin,-_r pznsqagst Decorum is a practical tlenmxnstlmion of respect for 1'L`ligi0n,"(1l?c(:llCy,.and all laws and customs which are` not opposa-d to nio[ul- .ily. It is desimlnlyo in all pt-rsmls, but than.- especially in respcqtnblc fcnnnlvs-. Any-dc J pa:-lure from it is quite ym-.\'c|I.~:ul1lu. 1 'l`rucdelicucv. retinal nm]' In-nr-Hr-nl J "Sm,--In an olbgnnt pulilicuytialwn, for the use and mental ixnpro_w.-mont. or the fnir sex, and entitled The Young Lmly s 0.-.-n Book," th('l'(:,UC(:ll1' the fullmvin,-_r pauwagost tlenmxnsh-anion of Av u yguun mun. (sgm-a)_ J Join: C.STEELE. `G1-:onm: TL'nIr[o1-H; Township C151-1:. _:____-o-L._,____, Reeve. T the L`rh'(o1' of the 1:'.raun'1_zer: 5... r.. , _ aruson, J.l.'. Amount of claim for sheep,-$3. Ordered: That the Treasurer be authorized to pay from the Dog Tax Fund `to Erastus Long, the sum of $3`, being amouulof damages tillowa.-d for :1. sheep killed by dogs, and the further sum of 75 cents-each to Richard Drury and Robert Riclmrdsou, .Esquires, for their services. - . .-\4]innrnm'| In 7\fn'm1nu H... nun. .9 u . son-Ices. ` ' ' ._ .-hljourncd to Monday, the 24th of Fob., at 10 o 91ock mm. - . V . /cI.......n rn... .. ..._____ sumo. ` On motion of_ `Mr. Johnstou, seconded bf Mr. .\lcl\ iuln_v. ordered, That Arthur Bell be allowed to take tho timber on the road n'llow- ` ounce (on tho lino) between the 8th and 9th coucc.-seious`. from Ridge Road to the lake. in 3 the sum of $4. ifpaid .within one month, pro-' vidcd the mid timber be removed before the Council requires the Road to ho opened.` The Clerk prcsonlud claim from Erastus .-Long for danungt-s_for :1 sheep killed by a dog or dogs, (owner unknown), accompanied with the ntrccssnry ocrtilicuto from` two magistrates, viz.:-Richzwdrllrury, J.l'. and Robert Rich- ardson, J.l . Amount of claim That .to sell him the tin{bcr on the line between RH: and 9th.concessions, from Ridgu Road to the lake, and stating lhht -he will give $4 for the _ - ' ' . -._.._..,%.>_._.._-. A. 1io1mcuL'rU1us. ,,_ ..............vuu uuvu uuu LIUUII HI ' 1l('(.'Ol'tl,lll:lSlIlll(ilI as Mr. Cartier hmtall along fa-It sore over the tlisappointxxientof not getting a Knighthood. The rising. trouble has been smothered as. well as ` ministers were able to do it; but now it 1 is said it threatens to break out anew. ( '.l'he Qnc-boo Chronicle, once anvanthortiy on Mini.~;terialmatters, proclaims Sir John I A. Maorlonald the Jonah of the Cabinet, ,. an-l rather plainly intimates-that he might '_q as well be cast ovcrbonrdv or the whole [ crew will perish in the strugglo to stem the coming breakers. This in not a little str.'_1nge tocome _from a friendly quarter, and who knows but it. is- instigated by some one high in authority. Be it as it may, there are signs ol'.Ministon'al disaster. but \\=.het.hor. the danger will? be averted hy the skil1'ot' the politiealeliieftriin who holds the helm of state, can-, of course, only he conjectured. A short time will probably reveal all. Parliament rc- assemhle.-4 next week, if the promise is lmpt in accordance with the adjournnicnt, and then, perhaps, the country may he told how matters etnnd among the ad- visers of the Crown. ' ------- meta u ._... ,, 1| U I. . in justice to the band, say that they ` .0 themselves, :xnd:u1.-an u_oquisition any town. 7 I p1'ol`c: to know soine- I music, and must say that I have tuned to unylhing hotter thanthc ic your band_disoou1'scd last cycning, able loatlership of ayforcignv-looking , \vlmis'ccrtniuly :1 capital timist.. lvisitoi tollurric. Iol course, know \ `your little local troubles. but in ` an with a friend nt the close of the ` W was told that your Council. or the in any, or some other of your town , had forbidden your excellent hand 8 clng in the Fire Hall, if you lmvc ' ilioo. Now, sir, I cannot helium at c any truth in such an accusation. co )ssiblc that a hotly of self sacrilicing da , llko your band, who devote so `ch tiuw (us your hand must lmvo 50` tain such pr`olicicncy.) to gratify t0 people, shoulll bu thus treated? I wu po the statement made to me is mlatiun. and Ihntvcw.-x'y possible _ cut will be given to tho thuud, e`" I I......, P05 , rlamm: ETll?ET};}. .._-__i. Yours. &c., ,\\` (M-nu Ydurs Ea; hr:-nu `.|`S (\'.0- , D1-:com:n. . gcuue war.-n_Lu and frictioris, brought them rounc, and now tl alive well again. after that V ngony,..'md that (Ire.-xdful n shipmatc-L _Well done, Gorden! Prosperolxs voyages :1: weather to glmt good ship who;-gw uruncr, one or the constables who lived Mourocville, outright,-`and wounding coustalile Green seriously though not clangero1Isl_v,`i|1the head. Boulton then secured Mr. Brevier's revolver, and escaped the woods, '1he whole nei;_{hborhood was immediately alarmed by the terrible , result of attempt to elleet a capture, and early in the morning auotl.e'r party started in pursuit of the fxzgiti\'e. :0 During the al'ternoon, they came upon him iii a wood, whero -occurred, the ilnul . light near IIunt. s Corners. `He Innin- .taiue(l the ferocity of xi tiger, as he stood at bay in the lonely wood, a convicted .mu_rlcrer and escaped convict, surrounded by well-:u'Vmed oieeis of justice, whom he tlu-eateued with instant death .if they approached within range of his revolver. _Another parley with the murderer_cu- - sued, but he could not be persuaded to surrender, under any "circumstances, `and . the officers were nally obliged to either -kill or wound him to prevent an `escape. They red upon him. The shot took ellett in the shoulder, whereupon Bolton agreetl to give up all resist:uice, and quietly subu1itted`to the capture, and is now in-jail at No:-walk, Ohio. * . l lc ' Ter1'ihle-a)ITict' Murderer; . Cle_\'elnnd papers eontain accounts of a terrible conflict with an escaped murderer, last Saturday night, at l\I0lJl`0(_`,\'ll_l0, Ohio. It appears that some \v<=uks agopa man named Bolton, alias Blat-`k, effected his escape from the l\IIchigan penitentiary, at which institution he was servin__;io1:t a life sentence for murder. A rewaixl of $3,000 was of}'erc for his capture,-ind hand-hills containing :1 description of the man, were e.\'tensi\`cly circulated. On Saturday it was ascertained that he was at the house` of a sister at 1\Iom'oe`ville, when two con~ stables of that place, nained Green and Brevier, atteinpted to arrest him. Armed with revol\'er_s, thr-yvtool: po.~s'itions at the front and rear doors of the house wherein the murderer \\'.as secrete-.l,. and lin0cl and Ll_ClXI.'lH(_iCtl adniission. Iloulton, well armed, confronted and ordered them away. After pzu-laying` a few minutes. during .` which time the ofliom-a mam. u...:.. -l_iscaped cc. _ The consideration of the cuhivntion of grape vines I shall loam fur another time. Yours, &:c., r 1 n..._..- _,_. _-..........n nu-auII.I4IIl("lll.o '?l'hm-0 is hardly any doubt that har- 6>ft the Cabinet at Ottawa. It Inns been known for months that the lead- : ers of tho (x'o\'ornmenthu.\'e not. been in accord, inasmuch ovfr disapp(1intment'of ...-.4 ..-u,-, -, PEim.s 01-` for any; orchard. ./ Peni s on quince: B:1rt]c&, Bu'um, Doyexino _White,.Vicar of'\Vinkel;l,Lnui.e _Bonne tldifcrscy, "Pears on Pear Stalks: Flemish Beau_ty, Duchess dc Angoulemc (Lest qualilzy), Stevens" Gencsc, `Law- . FOHCC. ;amuu xtruelllllg. mnston 1fippin, . ican Golden Russet; Tn;lmzm s i There are many more vnrietiest fruit, but the` above is :1 sxlfcient v for P0.-11;`: nu n..:....... 'D,..An,.. ~n uu vv I`UHL'C. V Winter Vzu'ieti<-s: Fameuse or Snow, excellent for table and kitchen; Northern Spy, Poilime Gnjiso. Red Canada, Rhode. Island Greening . Ribston Pippin, Amer- ,Gol Sweet. varieties of fine but the variety - I Szmty Bay, ' Feb. 20, ...-......u mum on hate. _VVe1ldone, Minnie aperous and` Tait L wherever she uu\.L uuw Lucy 'll'0 week of : meal on` Vvpll xlmm 1r:__': , ...... -vnuu cum :m(l to relafe, the only 1 for seven days and he raw. esh of the a days before assist- {1 been nnnnplui In - TIIB DEEP." Isufe the ,:1gon_: ` anger is deep ship and crew zer mariners to h r':Infa{n nu . - lnul the true interests of the country at un:usuI'cS nnytmng but what xrns. promis- ed. xln the matter of private Bills thcro tlh'l\`0 been many of considerable import- ance, and the Le;,;isl:|tur'e_deserves credit forthc fairness 0.\ llll)li.(?Il with regnrcl to private legislation. Several important mul highly necessary measures luwd been :6!!!`-I -lctl through the exertions of indepen- vclcnt members, who hnvo shown that they hc.'u't. It is to be regre'tted'tlmt. more . was not done \vitJ1re,r__r.'mlto the Assess- l ment and Municillml Lnws, but, as "much; was required, per ups it was well that no more was undertaken than the House saw could be conveniently got through with. ----4-Q->--- ,.n ..u4uuuI-lilllell, scupprs. all her tway, and then eanr ends.` The 2 storm had just ` J the wreck : and u of the ie houlsef V lle, rresthim. nk 2les.l,. >n. H'Ll(:l`('(l ' made kuo \\*n their him_ to surrender, wice, killing Mr. rambles IL,-`11111 xsly N}; (L brtikc olver, r>le11ei_qlibo1`li()ol ufcnut` ad hluwll ut `1t`l'Ud 0 H` Sil_\'0 ii ' SIIUCUS | J. Bnowx. Q . Ul nimluc and sorrow, witlioutzictual guilt, as the result of~1u_1 answer too personal ;} 3i(l_\v'Cl'li.`i`I.`H)_CIllC in it city paper, by :1 tl1oughtlesst__;ii'l, who thus threw herself , the facts; and though I by obvious considerations from giving the particulars, we wish they wonl by all young ladies who, in moments of- idleness are tr}_in,pte(l to do what. that girl did, .just for fnn?' Hr t'oujr_ foolish notes in _the lmnds of av scoundre], cost her father $1,500----that amount was ex-. acted as the price of giving them up; She-hm; had zgleaaozi tlmt will last her as long as she lives. we am: prevented l -.... ..\....-.3. w uwourmg class, . sarcasm, they write and tul farmer now_ nothing. "` * . * Such imbecills`know no more about farming than my Dog dose about preaching. [The above paragraph speaks for itself. It were. useless to wast advice on one so learned] ' ' The Clnicngo Post h warning to young ot'sh:unc and .-1:: flln .-..c..l+ Ar ,, with sneers, l_< M if the as the `following : g1rls:-An instance ` without actual guilt, f "C u.u'q.en(leY an occasional ndvi'cc:---City fools thag life on such food as intelligent Farmers `would give to their swine, set` themselves up as solowmons, yet dont know enough to know that they are infur- nnl dam fools`. It is muniversznl practice for newspaper reporters, coripondence, editors, professional aristocra, to treat the Honest J5" labouring class, & tall: Such` more zllmnf 4`..-.m=-~- . on the ice, at Collingwood, Collingwood Races.--'I`rotting Rai are : nounccd to take place thefe, on Wcdm day.:1nd l'hursd::y of next week. ------<~Q->--~---- An indignant farmer thus polishes 1 the New York Tri/zzuze, and` the new paper fraternity gene}-ally, for venturir togtender occasional ndvi'cc:---Ci fnnlc 11".; `.1... -- ` " ' uurnc uace ()lnb.-A n those favorable to getting up nu _ice on Kompr.-nf'e]lb Bay is call place at The Queen s " Hotel, 1 (Friday) evening, `at eight 0'1 largo attendance is expected. - '- I wcfrc 5-.1v(-I. gm! 28 lpurnod. The 1'ribum3'.s' spa.- ci:Il snys:-Pro are that the Ways and Means Commi xnaku the whiskey `tax 75 cums pa` They have decided to retain tho tob: , ..---<.1._} ....u mgun. uc has arranged with ` Ins council to respond to the quo1rarr(m.(o when ser\'eQ on Ium. gnd doc.-s`nut. t~.\'pcct L0 ' [cm-ot1m!.ruxldm;_: until thc:r0sultot'tl1otrial ` is l Nl:L\\v'. YORK, March3.-.'l`h`c losses by` (he Musoum_Ihc lzL~;t n'ighLm'c ostitxmtcd at hnlfa mElIion'of dollars. The giraxt-. worth $2n.u(m, will die from its burns.- The Museum wn.~: in-. surcdfb1'$l5l),0HU--loss. $400,000. 22 animals wcrc 5-.1v(-:1. , Sm-itinl -=m--- T ---` ~` mu uuml.mn ox nut.-.3c-ssxon; but we lxardly think they will take credit. for lmving pre- dicted Inuclnxsoful rmd important legisla- lion as cnnnnating from the ministry, for really the programme pro,vel to be zm.e.\'- -cccvliugly Iznoxngrc one, and some of the monsurcs nnyth.ing'hut what 1}romis- the nL'Il-h-r nf m-:....o,. mu. .1.._. mggzs A2 C0. muru than [wet }\"AsuI.\'u'ru.\'. March 3.- thc War Oicc isunch:u1god. lltcrc day and night. He 1 served on and 11 leave Hm .'_ruildin;_; until the lmn--.-n . uucn .;m.nI,UllU, .\L`w Yonx. Fob, 3.-'l`ho Tiincs special says:-John C. Clark. teller of the banking house 01' Riggss .(:.C0.. has been (llSC()\ ('l L'(l in dct'ai'cuLi0n ol'$l0.00U. He made :1. lransll-1-ol' sniciontpmporty toi11.=uwtlu~l1unsc from loss. and was allowed to leave the city without nfolestnlion. He has been in the employ of` Riggs X; Co. hventy _','cm-9'. \\"Asurx-n-rm- u....n. n m- - surncLl_rin,_: over $3."0,0(lU, has hum He mu sniciont prom-rtv to insnm Hum ,......u...m. nu; m-at now became so ir that the side windows of the Prescott ] cnuglnt (in-r, producing great constcrn nmong gut-.s`ts'. The museum property. the exception of u fg.-w birds and nnimn totally destroyed. The loss is cstimat: ' Ymzx. Fol. 2, rm... n-e - SlI(.'C(`$.`l. I'lu- gnrxnle tumbled` doorway. and {huh hloclied llp( her of other mlimnls w`<-ro res; was di.~'cm'crecl h-nping from It dmr on tho Ilromlwuy side, an. policvxnan. The hunt be: that . cmmhn ram ....n,1. . - J ., -....-..u |.\l |.l|I\U ulnce to-marrow Fn'd_ay) o'clock. -A urge __ __. ""'* ----- ---- Ba rric Race Club.--A hose favnrnhln fn m-u=-~-- ...... 1 mm. numzn ;s.--'J'ln`s morning: a fire out in the lmsonu-nt of Barnum &: Van Amburgh's museum and xnen'ug(~riu- `Tho ames sprcml rnpxdly and soon cxtcmlml into the tl1(-am: and mcnngl. iv. The wind was. ,hluwin_v_: x`.gn1c.fron1 the north-wt-st and rcn-[V loved the obrtsot the remc-n almost fl`YliIl(:S. . " On the .'xIm'cur stlw.-ct side obrts were nmde ": szwc mliumls in the Museum. but with little Tlw tumbled down n :-ur the un can-as. , _ . .\ nnvn_ ` '` BAR.\'L`'3l'8 :m . nun Nicxv YORK. M:m:l13.--TlIis I Ba Amlml-rrh'a mn=....... .....I -- r . ..`.J `AMA capuun and crew perished in the mm-5. '13m:r.I.\', March .'}.--A reporthas rc-zxchqd here from the. East that. the United Status muduvn p1`oposition to, the Turkish Govern- ment. offering to build a port at M:t_nmrizm_. on tho Cpust 0f'.\sialic Turkey . '0 be, used as n -slation for the vessels of 4tho Azllcrican n."u'y. but the Sublime Porto doclinr-d to grant 3 the nccos:=:u'y concessions for such :1 pnrpU.s`L-. 4.. , _---5...--.. ... u-v I1vh'lI3lllluIIIUl The Legislature was formally prorogued on Wc-Llnesclny, by His Excellency the Lieutonnnt-Governor, the Session lmving lnstc-l it little over two months, with 11 wool.-b'u intermission for the 0lll'lHf.lll1lS holi- vl:Iys. This is about the length of time the Mll)lh`tc|'l1lllSt hinted at as the proba- hl duration of tht.-.Sc-ssion; but llt'll'(ll_)' hru'inv_v mn- wrm or the Court. A.\`1'w1-nu`, March 3.--'I`h. Jfury Ann._with :1 cargo 4 `lX`0l(.`lllll. was destroyed by captain and i` 1}r:1:m.\'. .'3.--\ r n mgnor rank _in the pGCl".lg('. Dvm.l.\'_. March 3.--_.-\t the Sligu assizes to- day,- the trial of Nugcnl. `for trua.=o11uvas dis- continued. in conscqlwhcc oftlxo illness of one term of the Court. of the jurorlz. and `postponed until he'ne.\'t A.\`1`wI-zm-_ Rlnn-I. '1 rm... ~n_ -- - ' - . an `acuon for debt. .LIsno.\'. Mnreh 2.--'l`he mail steamer hm; ' arrived from South America. She left. ltio Jnneiso Feb, 9th. The cholera nhating. There has been :1 change in the Ministry at llucnos A)-res. The new Cabinet lmsnot been announced. . ` _ * Lo.\'no.\'. March 3.-Another effort to get it mixed jnry'ln thcvcase of Gt-n._Nngice. at Sligo failed yesterday. Mr. Heron, Nagle s counsel, renewed his motion to remove the tfial to the Court of Queen's Bench, which was grnnted. - It is probable that a mixed jnry willnow be obtained. l.o.\'no.\', March` 34-[t is said that Baron Lionel Nathan. De Rothchild is to ho gaised to a highor rank _in 3.--At the Sum. ..u.:.-.-~ an . I. v- -, .u p.m.-ueo. lfrancis Train has again been arrested. lle lnu1:\d- vertised that he would lecture this evening at the Rotunda in this city, nud was nhout.pro- ceediug to the hall for the purpose ofdeliverin,; his lecture, when he was taken into custody. Au audience ofsome 506 people had assembled at the hull, and when informed of V1`. l`rain u deteutinu, were very iufligmxut and demanded the return of their money at the door. At one time a serious disturbance wan: threatened, but the crowd linally dispersed and all is now quiet `in the vicinity of the building. It is given out that Mr. Train was arrested this time on `action for debt. _ Lllln\`. `Ilium-I. 9 f1`L,._...!v . - gerous to public peace and agains Dunux: /March `2, -10 p.m.-( lhi Wt i ht nfonm-cl ol duh-ntinn Ivnrn v-A-n `H ~ ' uuuluy uuwn nuoplou a resolution duoun in strong terms all party 'pl'O(.'UBSl0llS ns 4 gerous to public against the lam March 2. In .. m , rv,.- av. - ' ' J as .mmsIe1- or \\ nr. l}Hm.1.\'. ;\I:u'cI1 2.--The Zullvetciu Conven- tion'ussc-mblcd in this `city to-day. Bismark was present and welcomed the 11`-i0;{i\t('S. J t is given out that tho d(.*H|I('l':lti0IIS of the` Con- ventiun are to be exclusively conned t(i'cum- merciul subjects. vcnunn to be: mt-rem! L0.\`l>o\'. (.~\'(*. I rouced Io imprisomncnt and line. , . Late news from the Alnyssixlia captin-s rc- -'porls their being well. The ndvnncu of the lhitish E.\ pc(IiLi0n had arrived at a place near _ Antilo. Cn.\'s'r.\ .\"rr.\'om.1-1, March 2. -.\' amoyk Pasha}, Governor ofugdnd, has bceucnlllcd by the_ ~Sultnn to take the place of Mohamed liuchdi I :L-elm. at the head of [ha War (Juice: Omar 1`aslm. has In.-on mmointcd in may m-.m:c:......u.. ,. ....... ..... 1...... un nu-m:un!u, nucnux appointed to act. provisionally .\IinisIe1- of \\ llnnmx. '\[:n'[-In 9 _.'mm 'L-'I-- lrmnnc. s,'\'runn.w. lumen 5, ` been am on law lmfulveul is at least qlnesfiolfzible. A , VH1-\'-\'A:_Mnrch 2.-A'dmirul Tc-getholf has mm npotmtcd Cumnxandcr-in-Chic! of Aus: ` 00 s. ' Q Dm:1.r.\', March l.-W. Johnston. :1 Grand ~`. "~T.V Of the Orange Organization, was tried last u_'cck'0l1, :1. charge of In-nding an illo- gnl procesglon gn County Down. 111: was sun- tonced to nnpnsomncnt AI:v.szninin n....o:...... ` iucn proceeded with. The Times strongly urges an `abandonment of the prosecution of Nngle, saying the point oflaw involves! is qlieslioiiable. Vu~:.\'.\'.i, March 2.-A'dmirnl Tmathnlf hm: nuv. ue onramcu. Goorgo Francis l`i':'Ain4bein?g prcscnyvoiunlccrud to become ajuror, but the offer was declined. ` After the argument ofMr. Heron s motion, it was 1'ofu.=.cd. The case was then proceeded with. Thnmz nfmnnln u.-mm .... -..L--J--~- ~--- : mm, which motion was denied. . Mr.- llcron then moved to transfer tho c_nso to the Court of Queon s Bench, there not being six Amoricmis in Sligo. A mixed, jury conlid not be obtained. Goorgo l'rain4bcing prcscntfvolunlccrud ajuror. ._.._.._. Loxnox, Fob. 20.-In the case of G4 Naglo his counsel moved fora delay in I trial, which mm-ml tn rmnarm Hm .. cruises, forthe sake of these rescued Yankee sailors; and as" for to, vessel which made the poor derelicts out, and put. her helm up rather than lose :5` wind to save human life. ih:mk Heaven we are not. underwriters! V . f , 4... .-u nllU\V II ladies who , r}_m_pted ;r cost .,500----that ex -. ` of 151863011 her M >----- ARlER[C.lN. ITEHS. .__.-._ (BY ATL.-l;\'T[C -CABLE.) . mu. [5 Uli l.H(' hing: " .* Sold "1 . - - Price, about ONWE :e preaclnngf . 205 mgb 'agra.ph vtself. Paul-strc-4 to waste ? ' THE A . ' _ PILLS Post has followmg sakes lm 1g girls:-An D|`- 31-"5" `ow, w1tl1outz:`ctual guilt: Illa; .'ms\v`ertoa ,_ M,,g 3 C-_Y lHL`]1l:lC(`(l :l1o l>"5Cl1 l` . . . . ' . I` were! a \'1ll1:m, IS re- 3'03` lm vho is cognizmxt of all '0 no "I creme :5 ` ugh am-`prevented ingly smn l';|f.l0IlS "10 V013 I. 41.-., -` ' , unuuu .>.--1 no Jinglisln schooner with of nupthn and po- sdcstroyed lira 10- Ilor Ilanu-.3. Lo nus been in en ru March 3.-Thc sitn ;u'nch:u1gc-d. Stanton light. 110 hits: an-Mr-~ ..- -nu-.m:u up egress. A num- imnls rescued. A tiger lunping lmscmont win~ ulwuy side. and was '11-nf `M H ...v. ..... .s puusncs on -L /ume, news-` Il0i'aV. fnr \rm.h....'..~- ., .. ..... ; ll.'nVU"lI4 HUIISC ng consternation 2 with L-w animals, is c_stin1a1e:d at ,mm, mg n-om lmscmont \\`In~ r was shot by n, t sn inmmn n .-; muaumm-s fonns Committee will '7 "' I01` rzll n. '- r - ' j :;;i n hm to)1:nc<:&o`t:1 x. boo EIIING 5,1 1:1 1, >--___. b.---A meeting of ng races on the my called to take acted- I->---- v :,__ l`.-nu:..... `D ' ``\'J .. -/\.w.\' 1 u/wr I4 ( B:m'i('. .\!:m:h 1 The : Barr H UHC s'u|). F0]: ClllI.I)KEX 1':L"I'xl!.\'G; greatly facilit-.xtL-5 the process of tot-thin;:._ by softening the gums. 1'cduuiug:1Il inllmmnztuun. I.l_\_" qr` 11 `Pm - -. >_. ... `:'.. `.:','~" ivfsnll allay Au. 1 A'l.\ and .~p._1.snxud1c xcnon and _`II_`_VE,l,L\(,' `U be . . ... .. .. . .. . Hutu]. uI1.\Im'n.\\' . s;n:x TO Iu..Lr..\n.- rm. nn\n.r..~. at 5 0.010%` M. H De end u )on it, moth:-rs. 1!. ml! rn'c'1'u.~;t to ' fuctnrv -.\' rlnnallic P 1: . I . _vours(-lvo.=, and moms h('lnHgIl)_'_( In . D..ll..L' -..; n ... . cmy yum-9. L--The situation at 4 Id. rwnnins 2 has 0 I1Il01r(u'rnnfn ., pnuuunsxons mm- :c law. p.m.-G0o. Francis on llu lmn ml- -'I`ho English Vs-`vchooncr `Z-I0 n:\ntl1:\ mu] uh- ` . . -uuuulllg `dvfcc :--- City heir ons, thew nrn inf... `, and ` intense the Prescott mun ;_v um 10-day I , rennrr. 1.,-m run I :-Prol::1bi1ili-5 Conunittpn u-m cu uunu Hl'll' 1.110 p egress. A nu m- I cscuud. A Hm`-' --A\.l nu II 3 r venturing" 02--U1'f.v nu I Barnum X: Van are an- .Wcdncs- ing Rabes llr uh u nu gliulb pn ]`pt1sL'._ A-$0---~ .-.._. The Fight on the Ganges. xntunse ; House rrnnlinn acalus, Oh the skin, ' 5, 155:3. ..4.... ,..u muwugnly eradicated lfy unrivalled medicine. In fact MAGGIEUS BILLIOUS DYSl El TIC)` ' DIARl{L{(EA PILLS, Cure wlnem all others fail. While for I311 `Scalds, Cllilbluius, Cgls, and all nbmsiou , - mgly su'en,-;thcn llnc'(ligo._sllun.V liver, clear the head, and nerves. " ` No form of scrofulolls diseases ca ' tlisin.-ctant operation of the Suh Abc Salt. Rheum. Bails, l ix lnlos, &:c.. are thorough! ' . _ _ 3 oradica DY` I I DYE] I '.\ l?l)lIn: . .... - -. zua mgn uolhorn. L01 l anl-sm-ct, Montreal, `_-----::_-- _ ..... -. ...... ..\.....u to your Infants. - "\\'e,h:u'e put up and sold this article for years, and can say in condence nnd truth 0! i it what We have never been uhle to say ot'un_\ other ti1ettieine,-yNrL'cr Inzs it Failed in (1 sin_r/Ia instrxncc lo 1:_'[fcc( (1 Uurc, when timely used. Never did we know an instance ot'di. tfun by nny one who used it. On the contmry. all are delighted with its operations, and speak in terms of cununendationofits magical etfects and medical virtues. We speak in this matter \\`u.\'r WE no x.\'ow" nt`ter_ven1's of e.\`pn'ri- once. and pledge our reputation for !lm_t`uln'Imc~nI oft:/tat we here declare. In :\Imo.st. every in- stance where the infant is suffering from pain and e.\'hnuatinn, relief will be fmuul in fteen or` twenty minutes after the syrup is /ndmini - tered. w..n .1:......:_-- L - leg [0, I UUllE:lllU(:S l 3' extinguish lumen` buy ,.ne`\. hur cu.-dxlt owes. 00" The fullo 1 W nmly for In; '3' do WC to I` lent in nei rout ofcoun umlhuil it I 'cul_y. A GhL 1-{can lic hi(`l`!'8h gm; Sqotlnxxxl. '. W5 Ih.~9h0p Lyn! 4 Fntl1L-r1 urk bu Bishop ol -_-DioV,n, th again dcfc-:~ last. in u m n score was l..~' 63 to Dion s `Tho into` _ Tllclwninlt gnu-n peas. n_"_ -.-ourur:1.ngc... ",1, yellow _].\.`~`IIlH 0 i It is said (I ttlc Holt-I`. Boston wiIl_bu $30.0 pm- t_ex'L-st. on the [get ' -\`ne'\- 1`: 0 En`; sum! hy lhr- J flse IL-lt01`s In Ell}; use `used to be I7 0" The quaunil '1," in various pm ` 15 prc:~'cnL wintc of business in in] The rule of mclng : Inn- | \V LVI I15 IIIIJU. MCL .\.\'DI-IRS- A1).-\.\1S.-.-X`. of the I_u'id-`.~s I':1llx-r. on tho the Rev. \\'n1. _\l<:l{u\'. Duncan Jisq. Angus, tn .\1is <:xmh _ . tlzmglntcr of R03,>0rt .\rl:un.~'. 1;` ----- _ '7' "Inc Rumored Disagrecnneut. !l`I.,..... :. L....1L- v , ., ..- .. ......-..: vn u1I!.'llL'0 :'u.'uIn qmunily of wood choppgd 1 ` parts of. tlw l rm'incc du winter. is said to (-.\'c-1-11 tin that iiue in any previt: postage on pl`('p. li1} 101 ll! Stun-5 to C:m:uI:1\vill. nflv.-1' Apr 1'4.-duc<-d from 10 to 6 cents. A little bit of I`('rllIL`l1 sultpotr dis: the1nouLh is said to be 0110 of the rclluxtlics {or sure throaxts or sore gum.- Mr. }_\._.~,?lu-r\\'oml. uf[}1'uckviI'.c. 41110 (zlllcal l"x`c< n1:\. in tho Hum Mr. 1_\._>.?lu-r\\'oml. nxn.-1: ;\'.ne'.\' cnnts postn,,;o':~:l:1n)p has been is-I l)up.1ruxmm. fur the }'v:\_vnIont of 'll3cd.tu cents or 8 pence stalling. lulu-1'5 I-Ingluml 1-1:: New York. The charge Thu a.nn...:o.. .x- >* ' I - A . _.-....\..., uugmuu; -I-H SI xl-5151-ct, B10r;t'x'cal,' Canada. 39-1y ._______________. - THE GREAT NEED SUPPLIED. ILLS have Imam enm.I;...: :. ' G4-n. the an purxit-.~' in: issmirl that tho rent of the new St. Junxes`: Boston. which is to In-oyu.-nod in .\!:xrr_:h, ] I If . ` $.30.mm pm` ammm, aside from the m-_V f l"_l` '_ : furniture. ;` ff 9 U`, `,1.-,u'\'AI> puzu. pt-])pl'l`3. fr:-.'h I-sonruranxugcs. 3-`\\'('t't orangvs, 1 j.\. 7,. .. _ J... ......-. isnitl In-0] will In! 9311 mm ...... .. ` .`. .. .,....~bun. the Canadian billiard clxnmpion. was (l(.'f(`:|tl.'(l'iIl New York. on Fxidny match with 31-lvine Faster. The 1.501) `.0 .307, Foslt-r`s zworagc being Dion's 2]. - I A Ula. paper states that 11 Roman Catlin- lxivrnrehy is about to be l's .:ll!ll.~'Il(!(l in Scotland. Tlm .-\1'cl1hi. Cardinal! is to lu- Lynch, now n.-sinling at C;u'stnir.=x, and Father Parkinson, `- an Oxford pt-1'vurt, will of Glasgow. - mils Close at Barrie l .0. as follows: l."IltllL'|' Parkinson, at ,_h:nn M... n,,-. u. fullowingis given as an inl'.1llil:lc ro- lnyclrnplnolyia. wlxicln our r(-zulo;: will l'l,`llll'lIlh('X`, uls tlw mnl:ul_v i; 4 Inma- Ic-nl, neighboring towusl1ip.~': -"l`:1iue the ofconmmn upluntl ash. pun-l all` tlm lmrk to u at frcn-l_y. rung dccuction; of th is dxiul: 1110 Lnnvton :5'pt'Cl((h)T. calculating; the value I of Goo. I-`runcis 'l`ruiu'slit'c at llm1':1t(-.ol'J.'lU(l,- 000 for two days (his claim fur dotouriuu). concIulo.s that t.\\'cnty-fi\'c years of it would extinguish the British debt. England haul buy him at once and turn him over to. lnurum.-diturs in full satisfaction of all she` ,_ __.-....- .. IIVJII uuuu-u. nun)`. { v \`The `amount of grain in`storn in (llnicazo is . sn-adily inert-:x and now inclmh.-.=. l..`-:tm.. 000 bushels of \\'hu:\t. Z,SUlJ,(JOU buslwls curn, l.l00,0()0 blxslu-ls oats. and ll.~l.00K) lmshel I I ba1'luy-{naking a totvul ofall grains of .-`;,uno,- I (ma bu.`~'he`ls. ,,_l... .. ...,,.... ,...w.s. u m n.".Irml.lh:It the opening of mxvig:uion will vvitxncss u hmlvv ! -" tnmblc in grnin, and as the prices nm'v I om-11-ll are still good, we \t'o_I! advise our {urm- ' pr friends to sell witllunv. dcluy * "'l`l.n 3...... ..A ..r ___..2, - - - - 1 Sr:'r.1. l*r.--The Go'lerlclT`Sf_r/Ina! thinks f:u`m- I ors will commit agrcat lzlunnlur if th:-_v hold! over large qluxntilies of grain till sununcr in ` hopes of still higlu-1' prices. It is !' u'ml.llmt ' 0 cnin-r nzu'ivv:uion I . T *7 . o . - I ~' 1n grlnn, the nrn-nu I muuu u.xpw.sscs mg s_\'xnp:|tl1y 2n\`akene1 in her Mz|jest.y s mind by the Loss Mrs.` Kean has sustained. I_t_is proposed that; he have :1. momuuent in \Vc.stnlinstcrJ Abbey. nu. Queen Victoria sent often to elulnire after the condition of the late Charles} Kenn Iuting his ilh1e.~ss; and since his? death Mrs. Kenn has received 1;" letter! which cxprosses lhq s_\'xIzp.`|ll1_y` znmkened Mz:iestv mind In; Ihn 1. NY; 1 l _ (-1 ~ - . F] A ew n0tim'. I133 bcezl brought forth in the Yurzce capital. Boston peo- Me propose to rcxnedy the 1:rc\'n'lHI)_:_{ un- populority oflnzntrimony and child-I>e:1r- I in}; in the rc_L;ion` lying_ rouml about ' `them, by oi.-I'ilzg premiums for I11:Lrriages_ nun! babies. A s:)cict_V calls.-I The Mar- ringu Fuml A.s's0ci:1tion, has been fanned, ; which obrs to its members $5()0 for)` every man getting married, zuul, 8100 a year, for ten years, for cycry child born. lIo_w the money is to bc miscd does not appegxr. I A 1,. . . .:\ Glasgoxv stnte c hivr_m'ehy ('sl.n|:lisz1Im1 in "?i-`.i,.1{{g1I.}i&;.T '0} i1'.}3"ug5zsi}it .IEc{ 7 71-1,. `r ,...:-I..;.._. n" -- The Lr:nd'0n .`a'pccla!4)r. :1? G90. Um no nf' 1-Inn` _ mun-". r:u Jnrvnox-nom.\.-;\ German for- esler eigllly-two ycursof ngc, wishing as ho status, to divulge an important sccn.-t before he dies, publishes" a receipt which he has used for fifty years for hy(Ir0pl1obia_.nnd which he claims has szwml several men and a great. numb;-"r nf animal.-5 from :7. lmrrihlc death`. The hito must he lmtlu.-cl as soon :13 possible with wnrni vinegar and water. and when this has clriml. a few drops of ll1_lu`iuli(2 acid puun-d upon the wonml will tlestnuy. the poison oi` the sanlivii and relieve the pmiont from all present or fu- ture glangur. . All. nuwcu, ms . 31.1`. Uellevillc ,Gr:md. _ 1 1 Master; It. R. Smith, E91,, Tlmnct, . H::stin_r_{s Road, Deputy Grzunl Master; \V. 1 . Phillips, Es Kingston, Associate Grand Master; C. Fletcher, E,=.q., Brock- ` ville, Grand Treasurer; D.'n'i(l Mnrsliall, . E5q., Port Hope, Gruml Secretary; Geo. Brown, E.s`1., Kirigstoii, Gr.-ind Lecturer; Wm. Robinson, Esq., Kin__;ston, Grand Director of Ceremonies; '1`. B. Clencli, Esq., Colrourg, .Gr:unli Tyler. The next meeting will be held in the town of Co~ bonrg. ____._..._______ ' Grand Orange Lodge of Central Cuu-_ 3 min. This Gmml Lodge held its annual ses- sion in the city of Kingston, on 'l'1u-siriny and \V'ednesLla_\', 1SLh and 19th inst.-, when the following brethren were rc-' elected ofiice-bearers for the current year: M. Bowel], Esq., M.P., Belleville, ,Gr:md. I R. I . Associate! 4 Grand M:1gtnr! (Y l`ln9..l..... 1.`-.. 1).!- -1?*LF%- W~ -----.-._.-.___..____ Cum: rzu Ihrmmx-uom.\.-A zsler eighty-two vcursof nan. u-ichhm no um ` -... ...u-una- an 0! ave ne,-yNm'cr inn 'f[fccl 3 me who Cnnlrzn-v ~np!u of I-`Ioridn. are now indulgim; i m. h Iumons. and m- m ul nurxun indulgim; in frr-.'h m-\\' ` :<\\'-L-tol'axv_v(-s. liuwblu. mm -W` M uunnu. g}-I I.-I_vl: 1. . -...._ uvunuguull, urey HIM :Iil\\'ny, w.-lsull rcmly, $300,000 ing been gulyscribetl in Uaunilton. rest bv the x1111ni.-innlioi... ..L..... `u uuu l.'IllI'0UIU. 'l`hc_v polite. and cm*rc.~'punl- digu._slion. They lone Stc:1(lv Hm unuon, ling . :1 wood choppgd and piled of_ dining the the amount it mlv nnn-im..~ .-...... ' .'~r_vl<,- 4. P.-\.\1S.-.-U the l'('SiI1('n(?(! >':r;.\',I n-r. 19:11 inst. {lay (Izmir. :l{u_\'. Duncan .\lcl.;u1da_-r.<. ` rv.~p-cl Iiss .\':1rnh .\d:un;~=_. second Hal tori `L I-Isq. lnnisl. `I M-llizr-' . , _._...... woo1chopp;_.~d . [lw l]lHill'_' Un- senses can resist the Salvo. l`umor, Bails, implos:, Pus- r orudicatcd by this IJIIIJIJ, Burns, ul nbmsious of prt-pni-`. l(-H1-rs from \`i1l.:tfu-1' April 1st, 120 vnts. _ . nu u-.\u-vu we muuunl 9 previous yc-ar. I di.~'.~7oh'o in the ht-st nr .. .= \;u'z|l` cnuugll umt nqueslion would be most sun- suy nothing of the gnuge-for 201' the counties interested in direct connection with both nnd Toronto. Iftlmu M... ....a HAL`. i 1 the l)umi_ui< JlUlIrIL'. reel, New York; , England; -141 S1. ula. 3!)-Iv u`r'.'u lL'm0ll.~'. mgvs. l1u1ublussoxn.<, and uul[IL'U'C u1.~`.~7oh'o in !on(' the bust of cums. ucy lone cudy the '1Iohc_]! . is sun iniun_ VA.\'n P.\R'l`lES` I.\`!)`I-IB'1`Iv.`D to tlmcstag 1 of `H105. (}R.\Il.\.\I are r`f1`*5:dm call and SI-JTTLE xr oxc:-:. as all nqcotxn 5 about to be handed over for collccuon. Barrio, 25th F4.-b.,lSGS, ..... .. .._y. Irulaavnuv -~"l."" V -The yvrncei-clings will be exxliwllctl by \',l..v. -and Instrmm-ma] .\Iusic. R1-freslnmunts sq.-rvczl at 6.30: DUNS QPI`l:`t G o clock.V LCQIIIFC to count nee at 8 0c 06 - `Tfnriosies and Curin11.s &Peop1e ! I 1.30. Mni \n| ..\,...-..V. -`I Carriage l :1intin;;- Dunlo Street, (H-I` B.-u'ric_, March -I. 18:35. ._._.______._ JI:|_v. 5 Jiuttvr. chniw-, (la T I n,-:1 . . . . . . . . . .. ()n!s.... . .". Burl:-yb. . . . . [Hour po-1-Inn . Spring \\'ht-at`. _ Full \\'ht-411.. .` Young Chickcn:s.. I-`owls l urk.... ` Eggs. . . .. . . . . . . . llirlvs per cm. .` Hay per ton . .. . . Butter [)l'I` lh. .. . J ot:uot-H war M: Beef pg!` 100 lbs.. P|,':1.%'.....__.,, mum-n will Lc g um 1'11! .~'urrn:|mIu-cl w Sold by IHC.\'RY SI tread. and LYM.\.\'. roulo, nnd all I)rnggi.- hurl: ]"luuI ]'..u.: ,- - ..,.. auuu an uuung it appeared to be. Its ud- ndcd that a load can 10 npiy on the narrow than go principle, and perhaps was hard to convince who Lcgisiatumof that. Fi- \' gmxge was mloptod for ' ihy the narrow mn_ioriL_v llstanciing it had I-ecu nu- , f I the s(>s.=1on, by Attorney I >r,-uh], thni an uniform C ut. would bh preferred by I . Mr, Macdonald was so nt. he voted against the L the way through, Mr. or the Ministry. noting 10. There couhl really ohiection in Hm m.---- ...... nu pnrm-5 hgxring. clnirua 1| are Icqnestvul to pl`c.~'unl lhv HHI10 mm at uncc. No further notice than c gjvcn bcfur- sm-1n -.5. ` (II-EU. I'L.\.\"l U.\' ltis V < ,_ _q(;.\' .'\.\'n , h'.|() . $9.00 In ...- r....... 1'. 30. I >Ixpc1'm,- . from i~'lc to $3. . G94: < ___ EXA)U.\'El:" um. I 4._;.____.__ dtVc'vti,4z:tr:a't,5._ 11;: I152: hlisllnu-nt! I at, - - Barrie. -- .,__ _....- um , ' ~Jcr. . vf' Rm` 0.. M- a=v=:;v;~m : n . 1.; , 1 V `;\g`i,ul-"' ....... wuuccuuu wnn both l'1'oronto. Ifthey can get much the batten-,- provided made to pay. This oppo- ,y be the cause of the tight. I but Hlnrn Inna` Ln --A March 4, 1868, .0` Htmic, J I COST PR1 E. ._. ..ou\-l L N and so on lhrou '` ghmlt H Bulzni To any person dual "CH9. 3 THE " C A 1-un.i re1uiscs in-in;-' llc Auctions. the s1'}>" that mod min, at the f-mowing 1-riv 1'31:-1-m... rt . A - - c of MI, an-I ` ..I\.J`4.l .\I I U"At Less 1h_an_WhuIe;;&I&:`J' ym-u WIN! \`u'h:Ir\ ping and rm-u-i\ lnllildixug t'urni.-hv .l\lI(l_l;!'L'I'y hufilil to new scllln,-r`-4. Apnlv In vuyu. . s in not such :1 taking ppenred Its ml- VPHE Sulm-1 lvruu! I .... ._ Atzrxcl,-zum-: .\"}' in llu- village .c|uanc(- for u ]".'l(:lnrv '|"--- xcop l|:c l'('llC(`. and :to the Clerk u| thv Mlitl 10th day of .\l-.11 I III I Tuesday, H: At the In Of which li Islrntcs, Jnilu .reqIu-sled to I are requested keep the l'(~m (Th-rl: (1UL'.\'T\' or . Tn \\'I`l` ' To Mr : tho Court. of (lo.-m-ml . Peace in and tor lin- ' I n January l-llh. Tuesday, the Huh I At the hour 01' luv 11 ,, .._... -u-uuuuu, ms been given to under- tirst. only needed an "to ensure its . construc- be the meaning ot"nH nst the n-u'1-nw rmm.-m UllLih l.\lll'.|l,|Z'1_I,_' March >'ilIin_j~ at xrw I the Counl_\' u! >`iuw~--. ., COURT I10 I .~' 1.7. .u HEW .S(`"ll,` A_pply Iu Barri:-. 1 :-h. 26. I`-_` : . QUA'R'rE Barrie, Feb. ` `II II NVIIU ' grunt lun 1867. ` Ono. Feb. I0. ]~ xibal_r(}cl Stuhrl 5 count many to tho n_arrow m the grqund , all the lines LI 0 Nonuury 23, xsos. Vespra, F ru:1r_-. 4_.._____ UL` In the (:- n- To balance from Inst am Cash from Cull_4'!:tgl"' To an H, Clurgy Ii:-, .1 -I l':.nnlv 'l'x: QVCM h from Cull:-ch. OTICX-I IS` 1H-IIIIII M.-u-4-I. .. A U1)1T0l. S' .1-/..\v co:;;;1g,j` G011: w Premises Lo Allclinnu 4|... . rlmt rivnta '-sidt-rnble `a.dcscryes {with !\'el'.'lI inmnrtnnt T0 C351` kg ::u;i~,{ 1 u MUN ,thc_ and Twat CO7_.-7.!-1.\`.~` nilglnonxt the _ H1! 113;}. 1 Km DAN E. Postmaster. 1o- nd 1.1: III UH I ug/uxnse1\'es., upon the" t}_1ci,r .mterprise.- 0'01 5u:uu_y to we en_]o_vment Of)`; Altogether, the soirce was Success, and the Prasbyteriu have `abundant reason to th,amsel\'es upon` the "very 11:1 their /Jnternrism __ In-- nu:1n(0SH, 1551]. - ' Tlne Barrie Brass Banxl was m ."1tt(;nd~ nnce, on the first c\'e1nng', and contributed greatly to the enjoyment of all prewnt. Altogether, soireo was 11 m.m.1..+.- l UH|l' the nu uun. mncn, 1ouem'l;u. `Tho childrems party was giyen the following evehing, which also was very plcilsant. and` very successful. On this occasion the chair was well lled by Peter McIntosh, Esq. 'l`).,. D....._:. 1:, n - 113' W. Doys, jusuf. > Nnts of apology for 5 ceivcrlwfrom Rev. Mr. I Rev. Jun. `Gray, Orillia; J no. Finch, 'l`ol1e11d-11 This nLl.l.-.s'n'.. .. `l `uuu paa:n:;:'x:1 [0 mo rI_<,r_ht of the c!1:1i;."`mn"' M.*`;.`;1:;::%:s:;;:`:,:":r' by Rm.-_ w_ 1'0m.d W "M"? Congrognhon; u], P . M ; Rev . `"1:::\ . BiP.fGTir- Emeritus, Knox College, Tor om:T.3.e:s:1o;- by `V. Boys, Esq. - of nnnlnmv r2\.. ..I~...-__-_ wwu. will lusj: Monday,evc'm'ng. - The chair \vzi~' qccupietl, and that right f nBl3', by his Honor. Jtrlgo Gdwnn, who added? much to the pleasure of the even- ing, both by his 0; his interspersed, lmppy npophthogms. T. D, McCkml{'ey, Esq., M.l _., occupied the plutfonn to the riwlnt chairman. H Addresses were delivm-ml my 41,. `n... mening remm-ks :md`by' 1 J I I -uvnnllllll A very successful and in connwtion with V the Pres1>ytm`inn Church in this town, was Irelgl itrthe Town. Hall Ius;'Mond::y,evc'm'ng.- oer-I|m'n.l ....,a .1._. ,2, u - pleasant soirc-0, ....-.., mmenuanccd the pie: evening by omo choice pig`: Cooko presiding at tho Qrgi I usual nl>ilit_)'._ ' _._.__.4.:. , ..a ....u .u.uvu;u HUI" vices dlll'illg|0 past fourteen years. Mr. Mngee, in :1 short but neat s1 turned them thanks forthe \'ulu'u`bIe token ' , which they presented, and expressed his gmtitiention at bringing with him the good \vishos'ot'-`l1isfcllc_>w ` illi)Ol`0l`.~`. The meeting` was then `ad- dressed liytho Revs, Messrs. Lock, Cham- bers, l'In_y`and Shaw, in vm'_y1i_\'ely nnd interesting speeches, zilwtling great sntis action and much pleasure to the audi- ence. The choir of the church was in nttc-.ndnn_ce, and grentlf enliv_ened the scr~ re vices, nndenhnnccd t pleasure of the evening lw iimm. .,1.,.:..- ~ V--V ~ ISISS. uawuul 101' unclr teachers. At the hour of 7 oYclock-the nnlversary te'a-p`art_v was hehl in the re-stry, wherein goodly num- ber sat; down to-the rich rinmls prepared by the p.'u'cnts for the occasion. After- wnr.l.~ the assembly retired into thebody of the church, and Dr. A_vIesworth was called to the .chnir. Mr. R. Cooke, the Sx_Iperi-utemlent, apologized for not having . It Report prepared, owing to tho engage- ments of the Secx'et:1I':jtrex1den-inig it im- possihl -, but stated there were 150 childrm attending `the school, and urged on _th_e parents :1nd`othcrs to assist by their p).:e- 5 aeuce nud labors in the school._ The Rev. Dr. ./\'\']cS\\'0l'th then, in very inppropriato terms, presented on hchaifof tho tcueh_er.s 1 to Mr. Jnl:rr.M;:gee, who is removing 0 from this place, "Burns Notes on the NSW '1`est:unem, for his long and devoted aer- years.` speech, re- of their esteem, they presented. ' and upwards of` 140 _ the remaining mun ncuool cause. Un Monday, at three: o'clock, tea` wns served t9 the children, pnrtook of the -good things proviJe for them by the teacher.-'. After ten thechilclren enjoyed themselves part of the evening in swinging, and other social nniusemen~ts, in :1 very orderly_munncr, manifesting an spirit);of kindness townrdsVeach other and esteem for their tenchen-s. At the ' nnm'vm~.am-u hsn,m...o.. ..._- _._.._..~--0 Q--....__..;.. ' Brutlford Sabbatlt School. The anniversary of the Wesleyan Sun- dny School was held in the Bradford. Chufch on Sunday the 1st instant, when the Rev. Mr. Shaw, of Newmurket, preached in tho Inov`nixIg; and the Rev. Mr. Rose, of Toronto, _ in the evening. The sermons were highly instructive, mu! well c:z_lclIl_:1ted to enlist the uttention and services of parents and others to the Sub- bnth School On Monday, tn Hm .-1.:I.I..... u,u,-u power, mrmsmng all lumds with ll tea, coffee, and the best edibles they f could obtain; also kepi_ug the` stove well - supplied. They also gum `all parties who ` 9 desired to move-on or back on the mute 5 the aid of gleighs, without guyy extra r clniirgc. ` . ` ~ ` ' I deem it my duty to _make tlic-so facts publicly known to the good folks of Ontn- ` rio, nnd this Dominion in gem,-rul,"us :1 `simple nmltcr of `justice to the Northern 1 Railway Comp:uiy,- who are deserving of 5 1|llpl`Il.lSC.,_" ' ` ` -1 .n.-. 9.... . r"-1'" ' We left Barrie for Toronto on the 24th uIl*L. and had proceeded as far as King about 10 >p.m., when we became so thomughiy banked up and stopped hy thevhc-nvy' snow full that it. was ut,wrly impossible to move either. on or back. We were detained in this situation until , Friday, during which "time the railroad allthorities, mid their kind oicinls, gave `J us every aid mid assistance that was in I their power, furnishing all lumds 5 tea, coffee. and the inset. ,..1:m,... n.-.. cw Iuulrecb we nmsstntemcnts of the Globe, in relation to the treatment mssengcrs ' mceivegl at the hands ofrtho orLhorn people: _ , nun. Ln. n..,,-, n m ' Bgtturmu have been,'e}1gu.ged for tho occu- : sion. A ~numbcr of ilmntclws hm! profos-, ' ' znpsiwl L1-eat. one to be long remembered. ------------~--o-.--- * Grand Promemule Goncert.-.Wo are requosboul w uutico that; u ;_,rr:n1d militm-y prmnanacie cnn~'.'ert.V is to be giveii in the '1`owu.H:dI, here, on 'l'hursdn_v.cvunin;r,' the 12th iusttuit. '.[`lmt it will he :1 bril-` liunt. al1'ui.r thoro czm-be no question, as the [Sands ofthe Quccm s Own" and 35th sionals will also assist in making this .._.___--...- snowed In`! A passenger on the Nrthern Railway gives us the followiug- particularsiot his cxpeqigme during :1. trip from Barrie to` 'l`orouto,, last week, during the first strug- giies of the Con1pa_ny s ultuc/Lcs with tho eecy eiemoint. It. is -written with a view to -00-rrecttlno misstatements of tho `.0 thn irnnhnnn} vxnL.:.n..,.....- .-- nu-. Luoum. spoke fgclinrrl_v w,-mnl` from-up ';`>I{4.=% :'mpu1s, i n avor` npproprhflion, and we n_ra glad it < by :1 1naj'orit_v of 35 to 31. ' 3.--; ucucr mu: man I\e\'e r.--"he Onta- rio Legislature, on_ Tuesday eveuin;,', Emsscd a resolution, moved by Mr. Mc- {c-Hur, g_r4u1ling the widow of the late William; Lyon _McKenzie $4,000 as u re- imbursement of monies spent by the de- C080d'il'a representing Conzul:L'a grievances _\r1c-nringo in Ejglufnd. ' Our o\vnmc11zl)er, h 1'. cum, S o t;cliD"h w-mn1', and from-an nt.-[gt 1'mf511Is 5?'i ft:-.vor)1)f the ' ..:ma Ilp]H'OrJ"`i1l1.i0 I.9. IllH1 \\'n urn lI1n.l it .. .____._g-}j.... Bamnm.`s-Museum again Burm=;l.-- By telegrmarfmnl New York we'Iear'n t_hat.-.onca nxorelhe Fates seem to have conspired against the Prince of Humbuqs, the great Bmznum, of Men Fe\`cr no`to-V '1-iety, for his colossnl New York Museum was pguiu consumed by the nmes. ------1-ow--- was desirable for military ninrponen. The argument against fthe','.l'oronto' line was . not busocl upon this grmnnclflmt rather I on the-supposition that the` broad gauge ` -was preferable, just as if the originators I of the scheme should not be allowed to I-uilul their ro.'ul upon the most cconorni- ' 1.-ul plan they could devise. It is suffici- ently nppnrent.tlmt- the fairest way to deal with railway schemes is to grant them `charters it` it can be shown that they are feasible- undertakings, `nnvl likely to be honestly carried out. The matter of gauge should` be left to the company. . ----1-ow--- Better La te than I\'evc`r.--'1`lu5 O_nm- io Le_'islm.ura. nn '1`-mul.--v - ..,..~ gauge. was in am one as it at first l tocntcs contended 4'` built more cheaply n the hronrl gniigc :1` it can; but it was cc majority of the n:|ll_v,the nmroav I _the Toronto line by narro of linen, no$\vitlIstan(lin_f' ha pounced _mrl_v in 11 General Mzictlonnld, n ,o;iuigc,tlir0\Igl_iout pr the governlnent. Macdom for consistent that 3; narrow gauge nll th `Came /ron alone, Minist on the` other side. co he no particular objection t} gauge principle except upon ti !;ll.'ll_. the uni_'orm gauge on ......u, m vur_y:u_\'ely and sntis: .1 3 . \ enlmnccd t} e hlnncnn-n to" "~- pology )r absence were re , Rev. Morgan, Bm-.~',`e. , . . , H. 01-Illmz and 4'.-m..1)-.. _, ...V.... VI uu [nu-`IUIIB. He was a complete` 3 Prasbyteri:ms_ of Barrie - T011501) tn nnnu-mb..].'.L _ . _i..,_, vvl -uu.:_ un UIHTIE reason congratulate "the Imppy issue 95 -C'om. ' ` sotmzla." uuul _, n, um-no; and from Rev. uuuv_ene(i the ]>igQEs, `M s. R. oygmi wit her _.Mc1\lllll1y. ordered, That 511-5 :3 third timo_ do paws, be : Clerk. and signed und sealed l 1'cscut0d, by Mr. Ilrury, x` from Mr. .-u't`hu1' Bel), g-cqucs _McKinlay. ordered, the . /I ""' .....u u -.uuu- HIDE. . On motion of Mr. McLeod, seconded by Eff. _ by-Yaw `read txmo_ engrossed hv tha- !`l.n.!- A--1 - -/ ' ... null nur one other; consequently its promotors have nothing to do but go on with their pro. ject;-nnd if it were once fairly begun, there Is very little prospect of tho Toronto line being pushed forwzu-(I, The gauge idea _tuking one at n-st. .....\,\.._A.u -. - ,-._, . read a second time. On motion of Mr. `Mr. Drury. ordered, That by- a second time ho read ti; read a third time. motinn nr `M. 11.7 -. - uuvu mcmnlny. ordered. 'Ih}x7't t~la-.:ub5-rlav first time be now read read motion of M. r..L---~ of u smcient num- ber of U_V`L`l`S0f.'l'S 01' Iliglnvaye, Ponndkeepcrs, and 1 ;-nco View-rs, for the your 1868. By-law~ introduced niul rbnd n rst..timo. On motion of Mn. Drurv. .=mrm..1...1 1... ur- .. ... . ,._ .. uuuvuu Uu' uydmv read a second time. I , On motion at` Mr. D1-ury,5cconded by Mr.- Johnston. ordered, That the by-lnw now read - .3 second time be road a third time. By-lav: . road a third lim ' ' On motion of Mr. Mr. .\RcLood_. ordered`, read a thirdtimc do pass, be engro Clark. and signed and . - On motion of Mr. I)i'1u_v. seconded by Mr. Johnston. ordon-d. 1'lmt- 11 by-luw be intro- -duced tor the nppointnzuntof as1ifcientnxIm- U_rc1'=eL- s Ponndkcencrs. ,,,,.11.~...m.. ..- - -- V ..-.- .....u uuu connrmed. 0n'motion of Johnston seconded 5 Mr. Drury. ordered, n duccd for the appointment certain township ` . oict-rs, and to provide for the remuneration .. of the some for the your 1868. By~lu\v intro- duced, and read a firstltimc. On motion of Mr. Mcliinlay. Mr. McLeod. ordered, That the by-law. now read a first time be rend a second time. By-lmv read a second time. seconded 1)} ` I . . .. I motion Mr. nnm. ..........1-.v ma .'.nird- time. I bfcKinlnv. arr]:-rad ' ' 17t`lV:F`c. The council met : Present---.\1essrs. Kinlny `and Johnston. {rho minutes of last we conrmed. . On ' xnnthm ...r \r._ v v JIAJI |aIlL' . carried SL HI. (Signed) Gzsoum-2 'l`ummpr:,. - '.('u\vnship Clerk. unu--.._ r + un motion of Mr. M_cKinlny,. seconded _by ;` Mr. Johnston, ordered, That tho Clerk be 1n- - Vstructcd to'gct two hundred copu.-s_ of the Da- tailcd statement of township accounts of ISM printed on sheets, in a suitable form, for ' distribution. _ " ' ' On motion of Mr. McKinl:1y, seconded ` Mr. McLeod. ordered; That the Treasurer do` 1 pay the Auditor s for their services for tho`cur- 1 rentyt-ur_tho sum of $6.50 each, nnd'tho fur- i ther sum of 25 cents for atationcry. _Adjournod to Monday, thy 17th 01' Fcbruxnry, at 10 o clock `P a. m. V .~ - ,_.` .g,,, .. ,, . -~v nu) tau`, um IVeH")g- ton, Grey and Bruce ruiI'wn_y should have no fear of a rival, if the money: in ready to build it, as-it certainly is not for the promoters their hh`r.:.nrul {in .m----- -- ~ ` ` _nncu 1n ms division, for Mr. Williamson. The Clerk presc-nlc_1 the Atlditoa Report, Abstract of 1`rcnsnrcr`s Accounts, and Detail- ed f".uIc-rnent. V on mg-ion of Mr. Johnston, seconded by _\1,-_`\{c[{in1ny, ordered, That the council do no: nnullv audit, and allpnf the towuslnp ac- counts of 1867. On motion of Mr . by Joln_n_st_on, "1`Imt the in- . [)1 . 111nm ,._--....-.., y.v, .AD:\.ciUl :10; V01- li-"clor $45. = I liicinxyd Marshal, Overseer of Iliglnvnys, xlpp('m'`(1,.ul1d sum-d to the `council, that he. hml.cut seven pine tr~es on the mad allow- _nncu in his di\'lSi0ll, H'1`ho presemo.-d Alldiim-`n Hnnnv-I mcuon omhe council. , I _ Onlc-rctl, That the salaries for the following omcvs for the current your bu nllixcd. viz:-In- speclorul` Licenses, $15; Assessor, $75; Col- lcfclor $4.5. Hit-. mu-ll Mm-.l...1 n...---`--- J` "` ` l'XltC!`S(.` Uuu, mm 1'OD.. 1508. S _ The council met pursuant to adjournment. Pru.suI1t:-.\Icssrs. Steele, Johnston, Mcliinluy and l\lcLcod, The Reeve in the clmir. The minutes of I_usb meeting were read and con-. rmed. ' ' I'rcscI1!ctI-th_c petition of Thomas Our- 'm1'.igl1, and ollwrs. prn_ying tI1nt a new school` ' suction ho !onnud- of part of sclwulscctiuns N03. 6 and 14. . Ordered. That tho'petitio'n of Tlnonms C:w- 1 nnngh, and oLh c-rs. do` He o_vcr _for consider! I tion at next mt-cl-ing. - _ I Ordered, That the Treasurer an Imv xn. 1: 1 S!.`|`VlCl.`S pt-rrorrned during the year. ()n motion of Mr.Mcl{inIay, seconded by Mr. Drury, ordered. '1`hM the `Treasurer do pay the `councillors for this dny s serficcs in ` council.-tho sum-of two dollars each. Ad- journed to the second Monday in February next, nt. 10 o'clock, ax. 111. ~ . (Signed) JOHN C. STEELE, Gnolxau TUDHOPE, Roe.-ve.~ Township Clark. 1 _ `.,....,, -uv 1-ugrr)sSc0 Dy $11!.` mal lloow. . _ utod, n cmunmniczxlinn '. .-u':hu1'Bc11, _1-cqucsting the council 1_u-xx. M. 1U o'clock, J_on.\* STEEL] Guoixm: Rm ' Township ' sucoxu MEETING. ` - Cou.\'cn.Roou. . Ono, 10:1; 1v`cb.. 1868. met mlrsmmt tn mlimn-...... cur. - - y ()n motion of Mr. Drur_v..socondcd by Mr. .\Ic[.eorl, ordered, T_hat. the Inspector of Li- ccnsvs for I867 bv allowed _two dollars for extra services p'l'f0l'I n0(I durin,v-.>; _ 1\Ir.Mcl{inIzw. socnn-Ind luv ' `nlnlc--to notlnin uumuug me public. We lmve been told over and over again, that all the money noedod for tho Wellington, Grey and llrucu ll:uil\vny, was ull _ of it liuving been and the by` the municipalities along t'io route. Iftliis were really the case, an-ely there need be no opposition to any otlierscliomc. It is clear enough that the line in question suit.- got` the people of 1 ' luwiug 11 Hninilton and hioili lines, so bctter;provi(led they. could lyomnde Tins onpo- ii sition idea nmy C ontl'IGgnl1ges;l:llttl1el'0 must be room r for both` lines. At any rule, the Welling- a] m blllltl if. nurir nn...'..:..1.. to - " nuvllq yenr._ ` I ,_ ICMIOD. ' - ` ~ On motion of Mr. Johnston. seconded by Mr. Mciiiniuy, ordered, That the Treasurer he nuthorized to pay the serum! trustees the nmount ofspeciul school rntcs levied by them K in their respective school sections. on non- resident lands. for the year 1867, with the ex- ception of S.`No. 9, which will lie over to V the-`m.-xt meeting of c,ouncii-thc rotum not ' -having been made within the then current ` " us me other auditor. '_ if -7 V01'dcrod, that the Auditors .be instructed to prcnro. in addition to the abstract of the Treasurer's accounts, at dotnilod statement, for publication. On llmlinn at` M. 7..I....on.. ..---_n.v - smanes to no fixed by tho council. On motion of Mr. D1-ury. seconded b Mr. McKinlny, ordered. That Mr. John Iliypxvoll ho nppointcd Auditor for:-the current year. The Reeve named Mr. John McPherson, st-n'r., ` us the other auditor. _ v -01'dcrod. um um .\...m,..... ;.- :_--_..-A.- . men` by statute on county rntes. _ On motion of Mr. Johnston, seconded by Mr.-McLeod, ordered, That the Clerk give notice that applications will "be 1'0c('iv:d I) `this council till noon,-on. Monday, the lot day of February next, for the otlicea Of_ Inspec- tor of Licenses, Assessor, nnd Co1lector-tlio snlnries to be fixed by ` Drurv. nnnnnn hr "- uuu_ uo cnjgrossoc` I ] ad, M_!'._J.Irlll'5', mun.-an on Wlllcll to erect a Town Hall. ' , -On motion of:Mr. Johnston, seconded by Mr. Mcliinlny, 0l'(ll`l'(`(l, That George Tmlhopo, Clerk :m(l`Trcosnror of this corporntion, he allowed for porforlning the dntiaerof his oillce the sum of $7140 for the current year, and that ' ho rofnntl the commission allowed tho"1'roas- by statute county Johnston. mIonm'lml :.., same. On motion t'.M'r. 1\icKin1uy, seconded by ' `Mr. Drury,~or`dercd, 'l`hat'for the better ne- cominodation of the inhabitants of tho t_o\vn- - ship in transacting public busin'os.u, immediate stops be taken by the council to procurcvn site which to Town IIIOUDH Oflhllt .TnhY1:h\u L'nAl\I\1'n:' `I... mg vote 01 um linen-. ' , ()1'd-red, 'l`lmt. us John 'l`homson has boen- i erroneously nsscssred for a dog. in 1867, he be cxemptcd lrom paying the tax lovicd`dxi tho sumo. - . = ..\1vssnI. Johnston MELL-od. Jcouded by Moved in amt-ndmcnt_by Mr. ~Mc`Lcod, 5'0; minutes of this council ho forwarded to- the editors of each of tho. Barrio papers for publi- cation. Yons:- l`. S. Mclmotl and Jmm.-.1 Johnston. .\'nys:--I{_ici1nrd Drury and D. Mc- I{inluy.' Tho anxondnu.-nt carried by the cast- ing vote of tho Reeve-. ()1'dL-red. 'l`hm. nu Jul... '1'|..\...`..\.. I... u..... Mr. Johnston. That ncopy of,tlw` ' 1 1 1 ululu .~uuum no rivalry between prnposetl 0ne'i._i to mm from To- ronth, and. the other from Ilamilton, and as the country has x~'land that the amended r:hartcr'to its.cnnstruc- Man, what can thohuhhub against n-u-row gauge; nut that we f.u'or either one line or the other; but the fact is, we see a determi- nation on the part of the schemers to humhug the public. We rearlv. S : ,l l (1