the sunday school lesson ambassadobs in bonds lesson for june 17 act 2117 to 2632 golden text i am not asham ed lor i know whom i have believed and am persuaded verse 6 ard now i stand for the hope of the promise made of god unto our fathers paul doubtless refers to the messianic hope which appears so much in the prophets verse unto which usrtotta able to keep that v which 1 have committed iwto a f h -ii- tim tr was stlu a living hope ait- him against that d2 ttm1 jewj voice lencc to the twelve tribes paul the lesson as a whole apparently did not believe that i ten of them were lost approach to the lesson our lesson deals with the apostle pauls contact with one of the herods this reminds us that several of this line of tet- rarchs and kings came into di verse 8 why should it be thought incredible that god should raise the dead the resurrection of christ is the keystone of the arch of chris tian truth as a jew agrippa rect contact withchrist andhk srcely deny to the god none of them shows j iwael the p to raise the dead verses 918 seem to go off on a church up well in his response we think of herod the great who had rulershlp in judea at the tangent having planted the seed time of our saviours birth on resurrection in agrppa s haring of him who was born f now resumes the king of the jews his rage ard i y of his own experience king jealousy knew no bounds and he sought to destroy the infant king by the slaughter of all the children two years old and un der in bethlehem on the death of this herod his son archelaus succeeded to the tetrarchy of judea and it was on this account that joseph did not settle in bethlehem on his return from egypt but took mary and jesus back to nazar eth in galilee the next herod with whom we have close contact is antipas the one who stole his brother philips wife and was reproved for his evil deed by john the baptist pressed by his illegal wife he imprisoned john and later caught in the trap of a hasty oath given to his step daughter he had the forerun ner beheaded it was this same herod to whom jesus referred s that fox or vixen and in whose presence he refused to utter a word luke 239 his conversion and call verse 19 i was not disobed ient unto the heavenly vision as a king agrippa could appre ciate obedience but this was the higher obedience rendered to the higher king verse 20 but shewed at jerusalem to the gen tiles that they should repent and do works meet for repent ance obedience to the heaven ly vision means witness begin ning where you are and pro ceeding as god directs paul began in damascus where he was converted and carried the witness wherever the providence of god led him notice the ethi cal content of pauls message he was speaking to a man whose conduct called for re pentance verse 21 for these causes the jews went about to kill me paul here implicitly denies the charges of the jews while explicitly stating the real theatre for sale having just sold the major part of our theatre circuit to odeon theatres of canada we are going out of the theatre business and offer our uxbridge theatre for sale excellent opportunity to get in a cash business with no inventory problems minimum of 1500000 down payment required to handle write to h fingold 1295 bayview avenue toronto or telephone ma 0711 9 am 5 pm crop improvement growers to inspect seaway project the york county soil crop improvement association has made arrangements this year to run their annual bus tour to eastern ontario to inspect the st lawrence seaway and hydro projects this will be a conduct ed tour after which the group will go to ottawa to visit the experimental farm house of commons and other places of interest after an overnight visit to the kemptville agricultural school the route will be via no 7 highway to peterboro owing to the delay in seeding the dates have been set back two weeks ard according to the secretary w m cockburn ag ricultural representative new market they will leave sunday j afternoon june 17th at 230 reservations must be a week in ad ance emergency crops with the continued wet wea- ther preventing seeding the de- york junior farmer results bruce king woodbridge was the stoufryllif tribune thursday june ai w56 fcge t ter trophy leonard mortson queensville swine boynton bros trophy bill arkinstall newmarket a special award to the coach of high competitors was won by allan balsdon of sharon while the township trophy went to vaughan township homemaking work was hilda andrews queensville follow ing the banquet an oldtyme dance was held in the new market town hall the competition was under the direction of w m cock- burn and e k pearson dept of agriculture while the ban- the boys were joined by the quet and dance were organized members of 3h homemaking by the york county jr farm- clubs at the banquet held in the ers association under the direc- king george hotel newmarket tion of miss cora brodie gorm- here the winners of special ley county president awards in girls 4h activities announced as the winner of the uere presented with provincial someone asks if t is correct two nations tour at the annual county honour pins the to say that one climbs down a york countv junior farmers winner of tne usa trip for out- tree of course not- one un- livestock judging competition standing achievement in 411 climbs a tree banquet on saturday may 26th j the award is made on the basis of outstanding work in all pha ses of junior farmer work as well as live stock judging com petitions bruce is a past presi dent of vellore junior farm ers and has been very active in the woodbridge 1hcalf club and in addition was senior cham pion and winner of the george s henry shield in the judging panmenroferlcuituyels re- j mennonite conference in elmira last week turning to acts we meet i cause of their assault upon him merod agrippa i who inaugur- 1 verse 22 i continue unto ated a program of persecution this day witnessing both to small against the church not that he j and great those which the had any special hatred of the prophets and moses did say church but for political reasons he suddenly pounced on james should come the romans were gods instruments in pauls safe- the brother of john and put i keeping but all this was the him to death and then followed ordering of god this up with the imprisonment j verse 23 that christ should of peter his purpose to bring i suffer rise from the dead peter to trial however was frus- 1 and should shew light unto the trated on the apostles deliver- people and to the gentiles ance at the hand of the angel here is the gist of pauls mes- agrippa went down to caesarea sage salvation light to jew where he died of a foul disease and gentile throuh the crucified inflicted on him as a- judgment and risen saviour this he af- for his pride acts 12125 it firmed was incomplete accord is the son of this agrippa with with moses and the prophets dtyvlessorf c t0 heart of the lesson the elmira mennonite church will be host to the annual con ference of ontario this week howard bauman is pastor of the elmira church the 112 delegates will be from the congregations in ontario and new york state bishop j b martin waterloo is moderator of the conference and rev rufus jutzi elmira is the conference secretary duringthe business sessions of the conference plans will be discussed for the coming years work in the field of education missions congregational expan sion and ministerial work reports will be received from the rockway mennonite school fairview home for the aged ontario mennonite bible school and institute mennonite hour radio broadcast welfare board publication board council of general conference of the men nonite church the mennonite board of mis sions and charities will hold their 15th annual convention in the elmira arena the ontario mennonite con ference will be host to the con vention one hundred delegates will at tend from the foreign mission fields united states and cana da the board has ninety mis sionaries stationed in foreign countries reports will be received from the four hospital administrators and 6 superintendents of homes for the aged and childrens homes ceiving more requests for emer gency crops to replace spring grain furthermore late frost damage to clover and alfalfa will further curtail the growth of hay and pasture the agricultural representa tive w m cockburn at new market and ed pearson his assistant are urging farmers to s3e t plant corn for silage and also ifz ji k th husking corn for grain thev as follous ecef joh the winner of the jr cham pionship and novice shield was wm arkinstall newmarket an active member of sharon junior farmers and the york countv ml baby beef club the competitors were required to judge eight classes of live stock and to give reasons on point out that an acre of grain gardhouse trophy james dar- corn will yield almost double an j it i duncan acre of oats in feed however lington maple dairy gordon trophy garritt her agrippa ii had the pride the cruelty and the immqral pro pensities of the rest of the herods because of his youth he natural disaster vital rural problem 15th in a series of 24 articles large it would hardly put the we find paul in todays les son in a very different situation from that in which we have been accustomed to find him in did not receive his fathers our previous lessons he has been throne but was given the small kingdom of calchis which was later exchanged for a larger do main bernice who appears with him in our lesson was his sis ter she had been the wife of the king of calchis to whom the young agrippa succeeded and after her husbands death seems to have lived with her brother in an incestuous rela tionship later titus the con queror of jerusalem fell in love with her and took her with him to rome where she lived with him as his wife without any formal marriage paul then was standing before two who sorely needed the message of the gospel but who were un prepared to receive it verse by verso acts 262 i think myself happy king agrippa because i shall answer before thee whereof i am accused of the jews this was herod agrippa ii son of the herod whose per secutions and death are recorded in chapter 12 for the recusa tions see 215 6 verse 3 expert in all customs among the jews agrippa was theoretically a jew and was keeper of the high priests vestments for the day of atonement verse 4 my manher of life from my youth at jerusalem know all the jews paul is re going from city to city with all freedom ministerin the word of lifev he is now a prisoner for the story of his arrest read chapter 212740 only quick ac tion on the part of the roman troops saved him from lynching rather than fall again into the hands of the jews paul used his prerogative as a roman citi zen to appeal to caesar the roman official festus was how ever in a quandary he was bound to grant pauls request but did not know what grdunds to state in his report to caesar for sending this prisoner to rome the visit of agrippa who was well versed in jewish lore was a happy occurrence for festus he felt he could secure help in making such a report this meeting then could hardly be called a trial in an offi cial sense nevertheless it was a formal hearing the apostle paul seems to have been sincerely glad to be able to present his cause before one who could understand so he spoke with all freedom his statement falls into three parts first he recalls his life as a pharisee not only did this mean that he belonged to the strictest sect of the jews but it highlighted his insatiable oppo sition to the church and to the whole cause of christ from this j he proceeds to the story of his as far as natural disaster is concerned civil defence can pos sibly prove more important to the small town or rural area than to the city disaster can come in many forms possibly its most fre quent and familiar form is fire fire can sweep a whole block or two or three blocks of a city without wiping it out disas trous as such a blaze would be to any community however whole city out of jobs if for ex ample the flames destroyed a factory there are hotels ym- ca centres salvation army shelters and dozens of other similar places in a city in which people driven by fire from their homes can take temporary shel ter strain of hybrid corn seed should be used particularly north of the ridge if farmers are in doubt about maturity of varie ties they should contact local seed dealers or the ag- rep for hay or pasture one of the best emergency crops is 2 bus of oats and 20 lbs of sudan grass sown after the soil warms up or sweet clover might be substituted for the sudan grass if peas are available a mixture of 2 to 2 bus of oats and vz to 1 bus of peas makes a very satisfactory hay for straight summer pasture sudan grass alone seeded at 30 lbs per acre grows well during the hot sum mer weather rcma king sheep d w bax- f m oil gar furnaces gas coal wood lennox good cheer eavestroughing flashing sheet metal work for free estimates call d j smith co unionville phone 96 the largest aluminum struc ture is in the upper decks of the liner united states weight of the aluminum alloys involved is 2000 tons producing a direct weight saving of 2500 tons and a fuel saving estimated at s or 9 percent declaration of his message this was no defense but a testimony he must proclaim christ to his royal audience with remarkable courtesy coupled with holy pas sion he angles for the soul of agrippa but when he comes to the question believest thou the prophets agrippa sees where to paul is leading and makes haste to escape- what he con siders a snare that is being set for him rather contemptuously he says in effect you think you can make a christian of me with a little reasoning and moves off the stage of gospel story the same unbeliever as he appears at the beginning but his blood was not on the apostles head brighter stars urive mviewers ferring to the early years of his j conversion and commission the life in jerusalem he had of story is told in such a way as course come from tarsus as to emphasize the supernatural a pupil of gamaliel he would be i elements and to show that there known by the jewish leaders jwas no room for unbelief in the verse 5 after the most face of such a definite revela- straitest sect of our religion i tion of the lord jesus the corn- lived a pharisee the pharisees mission was of course that min- were first orgnized to preserve istry to the gentiles which he purity of doctrine and practice i had so faithfully carried on more and more they had become but whose very mention had so sticklers for the form losing angered the jews the spirit of their original pur- but the apostle would not post close his statement without a announcement we are pleased lo announce that effective june is 1956 in association with gormley block co ltd we will be producing readymixed concrete for foot ings floors etc our own fleet of modern mixer trucks will deliver concrete made to your exact specifications in quantities of 5 cu yds or more gormley readymixed concrete limited gormlcv 5601 stouffvillc 320 gormley ont your faoritc movie jiars smile beams ihree limes as clear and bright from an aluminum screen recently developed for outdoor theatres the new screen has ron he rrane of hoth audiences and owners little wonder the latter lfpe it one operator found his receipts increased by sw000 in tu o months after he replaced his conenuonal screen with the highly rcflectise weatherproof aluminum job and so it goes still another improved product still another uve for this versatile modern metal tht result everybody gains by production from cana dian smelters that already ac count fora quarter of the world rrary aluminum aluminum company op but the small town cant al ways withstand such a blow its whole existence sometimes depends largely on one indus try let disaster in the form of fire or flood or tornado for that matter striken it and the town has suffered a serious if not fatal injury to its chief source of income in combating such natural dis asters the city has other advan tages over the rural area there are usually many more firemen and more and better fire equip ment to battle the flames there are large numbers of police to call on for assistance in these and other emergencies if the need is great enough and if more help is still re quired the city can provide far more volunteers from its own population than the small town or the farming area it is especially important therefore that the small com munity make the best of what it has even though spurred prim arily by the threat of possible war a civil defence organiza tion can help a community to combat natural disaster the federal civil defence or ganization has worked out plans flexible enough to fit the local needs of every section of the country all they require is a willingness on the part of each community to put these plans into use through civil defence plan ning the town with a twoman police force and a volunteer fire brigade can recruit and train other residents to help make the best of these facilities in what ever unexpected disaster comes it is only by effective plan ning that the maximum use can be made of the lighter man power available in the smaller areas and through civil defence co ordination several small com munities can work out a system of mutual aid that is they can he prepared beforehand to help each other when the unexpected situation makes such coopera tion urgent the farmer has not been for gotten either in canadas civil defence plans the planners have worked out means of warning him too of approaching dis aster and of bringing him aid when he needs it the plans are there and in most communities a nucleus at least of the services to put them into action already exists all that remains is for the resi dents of the community to ask j for them ard then learn how to apply them to the particular needs of their par of the counj try i j csvtl defence yeks only to litis bct bels thesssesci december the month you cant close the bus window which you couldnt open in au gust for christ evangelistic campaign commencing june 10 july 1 730 each evening orkham fair grounds corner no 7 and no 48 highways behold the lamb of god which taketh away the sin of the world john 1 29 you are invited to attend and to pray you car ads car ads and more car ads us yes everybodys interested in cars you but the papers full of em pages and pages us well whats wrong with that you most of em vague not enough details us doesnt apply to pontiac you wheres the difference us pontiacs specific lots of information you that so us sure we give you all the facts you like what v us go ahead ask me anything youd like to know you ok how many fbntiac series and models us 6 scries and 31 models more than any other make of car you mmhmin now whats the story on engines us 5 more and better than any other car you how about color and upholstery combinations us literally hundreds more attractive than any other car plain talk from us to you you so far so good tell me about transmissions us 5 altogether away ahead of competition you how do these things affect economy us pennypinchingcst car you ever drove you sounds like theres more of everything us yes sir thats pbntiac all the way you no wonder youre so free with the details us sure pontiac offers more were proud to talk about it you anything more i should know us nothing pontiac can 7 prove just drive one and see you now us no lime like the present you where do 1 go us to any authorized pontiac dcalci hell treat you right tlllbn patmic motors main st w stoujjiille on phone 372