ge 2 the stouffytui town thursday may 24 19w the stouffville tribune cstaeushed 1w a v son son publishers member of the canadian weekly newspapers association and the ontarioquebec newspapers association member of the audit bureau of circulations authom3 as icr4ai irutl pocfbcst dpt- ottawa printed and issued every thursday at stouffville ont in canada 1350 elsewhere 450 laff of the week c h net pubfohe jm tbomjj allocate edrtof this wintry spring this has been one of the wintriest springtimes in a good many years one cant help wondering what it means is it just a perverse downward squiggle on the longrange temperature chart it would have to be that if those scientists are right who say we are in a slow warming period that will eventually give this continent a much milder climate in support of this of course they always cite the receding of greenlands great glacial cap which has at last exposed farmlands covered by ice for many cen turies naturally some scientists think the thing is the other way around that the mild weather of recent years was the irregular stuff and this winter and spring what we should normally expect you can take whichever set of experts you wish to believe we like to go along with the mildtrending boys but if next spring isnt better than this one were going to ask our experts to run up to greenland to see if those ancient farms are still exposed sunday school lesson the chvbch ix asia minor llesson for may 27 art 1225 to 1555 i verse 47 i have set thee to be a light of the gentiles unto the end of the earth see isaiah 496 the words are a effort and success it win comr n amusing surprise to many when they learn that the firs oijs departmental stores had elevators whch j carried customers up but left them to walk down and it was several years before storeowners reversed the ruling it must have been hard on fat people although good for them a tamocs british editor mr sidney dark has this to say- to im trud i hatc a tmthcr who loves me so math he wants to cor rect my small trmmsxraoioas before they become major crimes about effort and success tnre is no success without effort there is no attainment without preparation nothing of any real value can be easily picked up before the craftsman can use his hands efficiently he must submit to the discipline of a on apprenticement however splendid his dreams no musician can write a symphony until he learns the laws of harmony the untrained may be ambitious brave and eager but they cannot win battles thekc is a chinuc ppovritb it is easy to open a shop but fit is hard to keep it open at the present time standards of living are high there are probably more opportunities for ad vancement than at any time in our history perhaps things come loo easily and we become soft there are so many elevators i that the idea of being carried along prevails everywhere we heard of a business executive who applied for a secretary he i asked one applicant what kind of a job he wanted the youth j said i want a job where the hours are not long and the pay is j sood the boss said there is only one job like that around here and i dont intend to resign all the same he probably iwas a hardworking man who gave all he had whex the pilgrim fathers were asked to account for their success they said it was not wilh us as with some other men whom small things discourage in an article entitled books written under difficulties the author said the plain truth i is that the greatest literature of the world has been written not t in luxurious surroundings but in squalid garrets in prisons frequently in beds of sickness and pain and under other cir cumstances which would have discouraged less determined people golden text now then we are prophecy concerning the serv- mbassadors for christ a artt of jehovah our lord jesus though god did beseech you the apostles apply them to by u we pray you in christ themselves in a secondary sense as the ministers of christ verse were glad and as many as were ordained to eternal life believed the joy of the gentiles was not in the rejection of the jews but in the fact that the door of salva tion was open to them this verse indicates the divine pre rogative and activity back of stead be ye reconciled god 2 cor 520 the lesson as a whole i approach to the ieon it is lime to get oat a map show tug the journeys of paul some bibles are equipped with a series of maps at the back including one of the eastern mediterranean region with the jour ieys ofthe aposte paul verse 49 and the word of the lord was published through out all the region so antioch became a center for the propa- i marked these however are frequently quite small and it j would be better to have a large bible atlas 1 look for tarsus in silicia on ration of the gospel that is the the southern shore of asia mi- normal order every believing inor and near the east end of the sr should be a center of ta- coast this was the birthplace diation of the apostle paul and this is mrt of the lesson wheie he spent some time after escaping from jerusalem as do j scribed for us in acts 929 3 j then look for antioch in sy- iiia just inland near the north ern extremity of the roast this lis where the first gentile church i was established and it was to this church that barnabas bro when ministers come together for earnest definite prolonged and undisturbed prayer some thing happens we do not know- what the special burden was which called the ministerial staff of the church in antioch lo prayer the results of their prayer meeting would suggest fiveyear census deemed necessary on june 1st 16000 canadian men and women across canada will begin taking the first nationwide quinquennial census previously the counting of heads was done every 10 years although manitoba has been conducting a midway census since 1886 and saskat chewan and alberta have been doing it since 1006 this years census wont he as comprehensive as the decennial census and therefore less expensive the cost is estimated to be s3000000 under the 8- 000000 figure of five years ago it figures out to ap proximately 35 cents for each man woman and child taking of the census is almost as old as the hills but the facts obtained werent always as confidential as is the case in canada marco polo tells us that in one place he visited every householder was compelled to write over his door the names of all in his house hold and the number of horses he had jn the 1790 census in the united states 600 officials knocked on doors asked five questions of who ever answered then tacked their lists on the walls of local taverns people who had been skipped could read all about their neighbors and if they were so minded add their own names and comment in canada the answers given by individuals to census questions are absolutely confidential every employee of the census is bound by a special oath and pnnalty against divulging any fact whatsoever that may have been learned through the census the bureau of statistics is forbidden to issue any statement that would directly or indirectly reveal information about a particular person or concern but that is not all census information obtained from or about you may not he used for taxation or mil itary purposes it is expressly forbidden by law to use data to tax a person or to call him for military service the midway census is deemed necessary to keep certain essential statistics more uptodate for ex- ample some provinces are now making per capita grants to municipalities to help them solve financial problems head counting is necessary at least every five years if these funds are to be distributed in a fair and equitable manner ijiyrl fief eiice notebook community resources for civil defence 12th in a series of 21 articles stockpiling at a central point- what can a small town with such welfare essentials as hlan- j its small population and limited kets and foods particularly dry- j resources do to defend itself and p powdered milk and canned i help defend the rest of the coun- j goods i try against disaster nuclear or while few small towns would cpnt correct blt the answer is quite j have to worry about actually being hit by an hbomb if war came many would be affected i by the dangerous radioactive i fallout from the bombs blast so the welfare planning could j prove a boon to the small towns own inhabitants for fallout can itive committee composed of the contaminate fresh vegetables i i reeve and two or three respon- milk eggs and so on food in i sible officials to lay down policy l cans however is safe a director and a small planning i ordinary buildings provide a committee i degree of protection from fall- these committees are made up j out basements are better and of the people who head the var- 1 root cellars even safer so natural a bit federal civil defence planners whose job it is to work out and guide into the operational stage a disaster plan for the whole country say that a small town or community needs an exeeu i ious services such as welfare i health police fire communica tions and others whose knowl edge makes them valuable to i civil defence planning since the whole of most small l towns and villages would be as reception areas for evacuees from cities their plans should he worked out with this role in mind the womens organiza tions in the churches for exam ple should he trained and ready cd plan for a small town should include a survey of the fallnut shelter available for its own residents as well as possible visi tors from less fortunate areas monitoring service that is per sons with the necessary equip ment for detecting the degree of danger from fallout this re quires training and civil defence to provide food for large num- provile training bers of refugees from a city hit the sman mvn cd plan by an hbomb this because of the danger from jon tree cutting fishing and hunt- fallout a small towns cd plan iing regulations governing the should also include a trained uses to which he may put his land are seldom greeted with enthusiasm however planning boards in this town ship and others are set up in an attempt to bring geographic and i it is pasv to be deceived by appearances one listens to a great musician and it seems so natural we say he is a born j musician the truth is that behind that apparent ease there lies hundreds of hours of concentration and stern discipline for i the greater part of his life paderewski practised eight hours a day and he said if he allowed himself to cut this playing in half he immediately noticed it and soon after he musical critics sensed it ox his own confession winston churchill writes his speeches as many as six times and he would agree with an i instructor who said to young ministers the secret of self- possession in the pulpit is thorough preparation when professor joiln- buckley said all the rich mens sons he knew had been failures he may not have been one hundred there was enough truth in his statement to make it a warning to all who get thing the easy way wasnt it carlyle who said genius is the capacity for taking infinite pains no doubt the children of poor parents have their troubles but it is wellnigh certain that making steppingstones out of difficulties has been the making of a great many to be constantly looking for elevators is to invite failure our quotation today was said by socrates as he passed through the market at athens how many things are here i can do without planning markham twp f article 1 by f h brennan the need for the conservation of natural resources is gener ally recognized and the aver age individual willingly con forms with restrictions imposed light his friend sauivpaulv from tat burdened about the regions beyond and 1 should not be surprised it that eager former persecutor saul of tar sus had something to do with arousing lhem to the needs of the great world to the west at tarsus here these two men re ceived their call to an itinerant ministry now mark seleucia on the coast just fourteen miles west of antioch this was their point of embarkation follow them n rate the holy spirit broke southwest to salamis on the p that prayer meeting and ieat coast of the island of cyp- the call of barnabas and irus then across cvprus o pa- the agelong missionary phos where they took ship in movement was inaugurated la northerlv direction hut with here we see a church and the i some tendency westward to holy spirit working in coopera pera on the soulhern coast of on the part of the holy asia minor it was here that spirit a sending forth on the john mark left them a loosing hie xow look straight north al- church did not murmur at hay- most halfway across asia minor tg to p wf iwo and vou will see antioch of piwho were probably their ablest sidia it is here that we find the and most beloved ministers apostles in our lesson today by the time the apostolic par- 1 v had fulfilled their ministry in crso by verse acts 131 in the church the island of cyprus saul the that vvps at antioch certain pro- junior member had become the iphets and teachers as barnabas leader our lesson reveals sev saul there was quite a era things about his missionary ministering staff at antioch by principles and practices it is a this time keeping pace with the stable fact hat although he growth of the church notice knew himself commissioned that barnabas heads the listand from the beginning as a mission- saul seems to have been the ary to the gentiles he consist- junior member operated on the basis of verse 2as thev ministered to the jew first the syna- and fasted the holv- ghost said gogue then provided there was separate me barnabas and saul lone was always his starting thev were praying men point and not infrequently it who in order to prav through was the opposition of the jews for parents only a love of flowers a me pre- j paredness of course could be j applied to feeding large mini- 1 hers of persons made homeless suddenly by a flood or a tornado or a landslide such as the one last fall that carried parts of xicolet quebec into the river economic tacts in harmony with j human purposes to this they hould also include a oommuni- zone land areas for permanent cations system it must provide uses that will accord best with moans of warning the farmers j the future needs and interest around ihe town jof the community they con- since to achieve maximum re- sider that land is an economic suits the countrys civil defence nnd social resource and en- organization must extend to evdeavour to guide the utilization cry community no matter howjof that resource for the benefit the welfare of people includes mtim it is being set up in prov- 0 the area as a whole providing them with a place to inces iji ontario on an area the first visible step towards sleep a small town plan should i j oac a embracing a the realization of these ideals include a survey of the sleeping num of towns and rommun- was ihe presentation last fall i space available remembering j jtif lnat c help each other to the taxpayers of markham of by nancy cleaver j that in an emergency people can i ru pach tmvn must sti av0 j sleep in barns lofts and garages rtircctor coordinate as well as the guest room i pffo wuh of the rcst a small town s civil defence 0 t a i plan therefore might require i owe my love of flowers to a gardener whether he is young i a teacher who was a garden en- or old it is good too for a child lhusiasta woman told a friend lo feel that he has his own share she met at the flower show i in a family enterprise of any attended a rural school and each kind the sense of belonging of us had a wonderful time with and pride in doing a good piece our tiny plots in the school gar- of work are fostered in garden- 1 den our teacher certainly had ing or any project which mem- a green thumb we learned how to prepare ihe soil sow the seed and care for the plants in the autumn many of us won pri zes for our bouquets at the fall fair i never had a school garden hut my parents both enjoyed gardening so 1 learned to love growing flowers too the friend answered a gardening hobby is one which may be begun in very bels of one home carry out to gether arranging flowers in an artis tic way is a real art many peo ple make the mistake of crowd ing too many flowers into one vase a mother who has a know ledge of flower arrangements can leach her daughter how to whats the law 7 iasl winter i found a cigar hut t in a bottle of pop which i had halffinished ii made nie violently ill anil i was so nans- hut possibly the distributor as eatcd 1 couldnt eat christinas well dinner two days later it was a tion he is more than a mediant cal dispenses in this relation ship he has entered into a con tract with you to satisfy your expressed need however to be on the safe side no doubt your lawyer would name as defendants not only the merchant and the manufacturer ihe official plan however be fore this was drawn up many hours were spent in visual ex ploration and systematic fact gathering with this informa- j tion before it planning board evaluated the future needs of csvlthout distraction were vvllling that drove him to the gentiles to forego the routine refresh- this he believed to be gods ments of food and sleep in such j order it was necessary that a situation hearts are made the word of god should first ready for the breaking in of the have heen spoken to you and holy spirit the word minister- o matter how often he was re- ing is a priestly word from which we derive our word lit- 1 the township as best they could as stated in the text of the offi cial plan it attempts to recon cile the conflictions arising from the spread of urban uses into a rural municipality the official plan envisages the major part of the township remaining agricultural for some buffed by those of his own na tion he continued to give them the first opportunity a second feature of his policy is the fact that he went to cities the great centers of population urgy verse 3 and when thev had years to come with a gradual hamis on tnem thev filling in of those areas already l them awav herc was a partially committed to urban mem0 ordination service j with the expectation that with uses high density development the pm them awav jthe establishing of the testimony is not contemplated in the im- has thp tho of loosing them in these centers it would inevit- mediale future however dwell- lrrtm t local obligations that ably spread to the outlying dis- ings of high assessment value might go awav to their new i nicts this actually is what on large lots will be permitted transpired in antioch of pisidia the official plan forms the ve i- tjlpv being sent and the word of the lord was first stepping stone towards the forth thp ghosl realization purpose of lutes ihe legal foundation for de j published throughout all the re- of the intent and seleucia was the coastal gion we find the same develop- the plan it consti- e antioch cyprus lment elsewhere it was so 111 was the home of barnabas so ephesus where paul continued future political and economic dej must have taken specia de cisions the planning board does in opportunity not claim to have foreseen all contingencies nor that the plan is complete yet continuing stu dies are being carried out to make and keep the plan as real crossword puzzle month before i could drink pop j again can i claim damages from the storekeeper possibly not since the cigar ixocnatk ikgumk skkii for hhttkk hoots for improved crops of- alf- ifa clover and all legumes fom me time nazm rt- v eme a retativl 7 bott e t isn t likelv that the mer- y vi coekhurn yewmaket irles pamphlets and hooks are vockuuih twnid kli printed dealing with this subject f ss wmtissi iltis strongly urges farmers to he early years and can be enjoyed one who wants to learn more f sf b to treat legume seeds with for a whole lifetime the seedsbout flower decorations may casonabie caie the nitro culture inoculant the catalogues anival is a real find further information at a obviously someone at the bot- ont agricultural college for event in many homes the love- public library prettv vases and m works was negligent cigar many years has been preparing y colored pictures of vegetables bowls of different shapes and buus hlvp no p in thp ma and flowers are most attractive s mav he gradually purchas- acture of soft drinks its pres ence in the bottle is selfevident even if they are almost too op- ed so that just the right vase timistic a little child can learn may be quickly found for a spe- the names of many favorite flow- cial bouquet ers and also the different colors on birthdays and other special by playing a little game of find- occasions a bouquet of flowers ing flowers or colors with an older member of the family when mother and dad are making plans on paper for ihe garden if there is a small boy or girl in the family do include the child in the discussion if at all possible promise the child n mall piece of land for his very own garden let him draw his cwn outline of what he wants to plant making a few suggestions of vegetables and flowers that are easy to grow if seeds are staited early indoors let the youngster help in caring for them turning the boxes toward tie light and watering the plants a rosebud or a plant will find its way to many homes with a little note from a sweetheart a friend or a member of the fam ily the gift of flowers gives pleasure to everyone in the house in the months when flowers are blooming in the garden a child will enjoy helping to pick a bouquet and arrange it for a sick or shutin friend or for someone who has shown special kindness a small boy or girl carelessness for which ihe own er of the factory is legally re sponsible as all pop nowadays is sold by brand names we assume of these cultures which are now made in dry form and very easy to ue for the conven ience of farmers these can be obtained at the offices of the agricultural representatives commercially prepared cul tures are also available at all course that when vou ordered seed dealers and otner outlets the drink in the store vou said cultures should also be used give me a bottle of brand for peas soybeans and brcis- xame please probablv the mer- foot trefoil thee inoculatlls chant took the capped boitle increase the number of nodules out of the case it had been deliv- 01 the roots of legumes so that ereri in uncapped it while you watched him and put it down in front of you no cigar butt fall ing in here it would be a different matter if you had said what do you recommend for a thirst and the plant can take up more nit rogen from the ar and thus produce a better root develop ment it is a cheap way to in sure a bette- crop of hay or pasture for next year should have the opportunity to he had selected a drink for you discover the joy which comes in that case you clearly rely on- from giving others pleasure a his judgment and recommenda- rrother who had sent her little girl to an invalid for more than two years so that all they which dwelt in verses 513 tell us of the apos- asia heard the word of the lord tolic progress through the island jesus both jews and greeks of cyprus their coming to an- i believe it is still the responsi- lioch in pisidia an inland city bility of christians in centers in what we know as asia minor of population lo see that the and the sermon preached there with a bou- fiowers make a very special quet of sweet peas from the gar- her pppeal to girls but boys too den said to her daughter when miy be quite proud of the flow- she returned home ers they have grown themselves smell you angers the small lessens of finishing up or a girl immediately noticed the tsk which is begun carefulness faint hut lovely perfume of the and paticree arc all learned by j sweet peas the mother said o the seel industry used a ree- ordhreaking r60000o0 tons of coal in the first nine months of 1955 when the production of steel reached an alltime high across 1 dlanirbtrt look kf axdv 11 word o promise 12 frt u fowr 1 otili for fatrtr 15 sd cnattntf 18 emmets 17 pld notirr 10 land ramuri lpl1 si french for wmmti 12 ooddua l is rlvtr sp 34 felines 34 bird 38 rodder etor- re pit 35 skilled 31 komanco 1 moni 33 guide 33 dlaconnes s3 todfra 34 compaea point 33 prorilut m hurled roelna at 43 cbaral eont- postuoee 4t waated a pouch 4 tl a kind act done to another person whether it is giving flowers or anv thing ejse always leaves some fragrance on the fingers of the giver copyright most of us are smarter than i we think says an educator and thank goodness not o lumb as some of our friends seem to think it wrtirm m- 10 toctrt after asset m bodrr r h 90ux m atm ftbbr w spread for atria a tutoni dtsu tt tardy 61 prdatory incursion s3 ratlroftd bbrl m lm trth tvoiloi rtm ipl r rp 9 abound dowm 3 knovlodfe 4 choff tmtrt t rjrett- uvt dlkctnr t arul taltb xlflmotud wituten flow t efhlopu uo if forth syrtam tfottr 11 formal w u am- a watm kft boum 3aaa tsniiriinna nnnnn pan traoa nnn ainhnfln nimnam an tinononnn asaan dob ann- nnnon fictin aaanaaati nimmm aqbo qqeclsliu aanaran oncci nrn cmnna- onnncnrurn 33 msocral epelnf 37 parnate raft 34 as it etaod 34 tratrpod 33 ctoaeta 34 a eoausectira 33 prohibit 37 rrvnah t of cajtla 3 oasda macsr- r to paul he i4t 44 to cotor 43 mohammedan noblea 44 shabbr 43 tsinbananl work era 1 keaemt of leurlh 13 acuahapod u emiua in the synagogue verse 44 and the next sab bath day came almost the whole city the sermon of the first sabbath had been so widely re ported that the second sabbth witnessed a mass gathering of the city probably in the town square verse 45 the jews were fill ed with envy contradicting and blaspheming here is a diagnosis of the disease it was a case of envy the popularity of the preachers determined the course of the jews how differed the bereans 1710 11 verse 46 it was necessary that the word of god should first have been spoken to you we turn to the gentiles the apostolic procedure was to the jew first but again and again ihe jewish ieection opened ihe way of witness to the gentiles opposition only increased the boldness of the apostles with the gospel a third item of interest is pauls method of preaching to the jews his sermon at antioch given in verses 1641 can cer tainly be taken as typical note the strong historical background the use of the old testament scriptures particularly the pro phecies concerning christ note how he focuses those scriptures on jesus of nazareth then comes the preaching of the res urrection as the great sign we see how the preaching of the resurrection becomes the basis for his appeal the sermon itself is worth careful study the purposes of god however reach beyond ihe jew and cm- brace the whole gentile world and we see paul making the gentiles glad wilh the free offer of salvation to lhem with the result that gods chosen ones are brought to faith and eternal life the first thing you should do every morning when you arise is to tell yourself that youre a very superior person says a istic as possible in the face of rapidly changing circumstances through the press it is intended i to raise contentious points of psychologist but wouldnt daily view not necessarily those of lying to oneself eventually prove the planning board as a whole i demoralizing with the express intention of timulating public interest and there are a million more can- soliciting constructive sugges- indians with jobs today than ten tions years ago tlllltll a itlxtlltvaltt 11 11t1v 11111111 3 small rtam 4 abcrre 44 kasl xfcav njtme a vatsuw is all localaoej so ltw ooraea citr 63 otartraiellon la strem a tin of tx umar cream for best results ship your cream to stouffville dreamery we pay two cents more per pound butterfat for cream delivered to the creamery cold storage lockers from s800 to 1200 per year or by the month stouffville creamery co to have oor truek call phon 18t5w numtuimiiiiiiiimniiiimh