j w- articles for sale i real estate implements i sale register j hay grain coming events sified axkinster scg3 for i to rent 3 looms la care- ifor sals old mode forc- both xlz good w new pa j moat apartment phone 2 j oc rubber and iron wheel 3jw clareraost poorer takeoff ruas we pi toronto pl 35354 auctioneer a s farmer phone gormley 531 1 miscellaneous i miscellaneous cntd was for sale acme me irtv coal or wood ho water front ap ov ood as new mrs alias meyer ena- house faree ccstosi maxurs loading h 5 2 2i ii if vol wish tour pork or beef killed cured and pro cessed ready to cook or stored without pala to tbern or rati jus call litt schelis meat market ltd stourtvilie 1h 220 will pick up and deliver ravfev signs sign posters truck lettering 494 phone siouffville 2ftjl we do custom killing also cartas acd smoking of meat for farmers oroyle s meat market ph 35 stouff 45tf for rent 2 genera elec tric floor polishers lawri roll ers enquire a- hendricks hardware or sals neusf rooms tpe i wood soorf pre hot water beater aluminum door i xl siorv 1 ears old bath hard- ure syni oil heated storm wfn- raspberry canes for chleftatt and new burg var ieties xh bros ph s4904 stouffvilie or dows double earace 2 acres on paved road ph stoaff- vil ls for sale heater small size good condi tion reonatie pit stouff- vl 6372 invents for piano tuning repairs s hoffman formerly with gerhard heiatz- maa phone lawrence barkey appliance repairs stfj rlouffvillo phone 33w3 well tile 50 zi immediate delivery 7f lome raker toncrcie products newmarket ph 112 ail orders promptly attended to radio radio television and small ap pliance repairs at reasonable rates haliicrafters sparton radiotv sales and service 23tf records scarfes th1x paints smith radio- electronic service slouflvillo phone 27fiwl sanitary contractor septic tanks pmipeil drains cleaned ami repaired 21 hour service c stunden istf richmond hill ph tu 4121 ken posting for piano tuning and repairing authorised deaer for mason risch very liberal tradeir allowance for your preent piano on new one used pianos alo sold easy- terms arranged 2 race st newmarket phone 80 4s4 or mr will cake phone cixto moutuille sale camera in carry ing d ao enlarger sell separately or together both la stood condition very reason able fur gove 535 i house lot for tale or st o- will e separ ately pit stouff for rent 100 acre fam without ho je phone clare mont 3330 sale cae cultivator jtooth ph stouff 4921 sellers ph ax s47t atkinson i siouff 363 garden tractor for sae a implement 2 vz hp david- rradley caiy i yr old- jim johnson re 2 stousvtle fh 292 5 foe sale african violets a lovely sift for mothers day a wide election of dowerin violets at clarkes violet centre on belfry drive off davis drive east newmarket don mills road tive semifirnihed roomed house all cit veniences suit young available july i mouthsly call stouff attrac- three- y coa- oup fso 00 60415 lec n n small hex house and other small articles for ale call at the house or phone 50j2 v d law ifor sale alo baby stoufiville tricycle arr hd wooden ph 143 cement- blocks plain rock faced septic tanks well ami culvert tile u bridge concrete products phone 201 iv 17- chalk refrigeration sales service itommerclal farm iloiisehold guaranteed repairs on all makes phono king i83w 1tf 21 hour service anywhere electric wiring houses farms and cottages wired wall plugs switches electric water heaters ranges toasters irons and other appli ances repaired k ii mlddlemlss 16tf phono 3g7 stoufiville trenching psptic tanks tile beds ornamental ponds back-fmil- ing and grading 50tf arnold rrillinger htonffvillo itrl ontario phone 00807 ken ogdens garage hallantrai3 all makes of 22tl tractors cars repaired phono stoiiffvillo 00021 sod xo 1 sod grown in vicinity orders taken 24 hours daily staceys sods phone km 0201 toronto isti aida cleaners try our new deep cleaning witn dowper guaranteed odorless phone stonrtville 343 mnrkham 335 6tf for sale apartment fri- gidaire hote5 60 cycle ap ply ada spicer co mr chad- wlck rri cormley phone rniu stouffvilie african violets for mother on lie- day or for a shutin friend give a beauti ful african violet in full bloom prices range fiom 30c to 125 mrs ira kusneli phone 342w stoufiville mortgage money needed we can place amounts of 55 oil and is 000 as first mortgage on sood properties at current interest rates if you have money to invest call s m sinclair realtor slonflaille 232 real estate when buying or selling consult ira d rusnell stouftvillc ontario phone stoukfville 842w representinc 16tf archie campbell keal estate broker paint for home ok farm 5250 pr gallon for houe or barn good quality outdoor or indoor paint different colors will deliver 3 or more jrals moffats of zephyr 43tf septic tanks complete eptic tank work drain dissins 4 ttf all work guaranteed call murray baker phone 651 newmarket live stock roofing brett anil orriex contractors all types of roofing troughing insulsiding phone toronto st 80010 or write 3 752 bnr 100 stouffvilie tribune d booth and n goldkind son of 13tf live we buy all kinds poultry highest prices paid for poultry 427 manning ave i toronto phono wa 25260 or call booths ill 123 stouff or 80w 1 electrical equipment tv radio repairs to all makes for appliance repairs call lawrenco barkey stoullvillo s5w3 3tf or leave at his home corner of clarke main sts west end to clear a few tons of swifts red steer fertilizers sellinc with all exrly shipment deductions available in following analysis only 42420 3 is fi free delivery on vs ton orders or over terms a jones cr son phone 2g3w3 502 ladys bicycle for sale in good condition stouff 66s21 w tradein bargains frigidaire 1 i cubic foot refrig erator cyclomatio defrost inc like new for 2 f f0 0 less than half original cost findlay coal and wood stove sood condition 9 co rangette good shape jlsno coal and wood space heater good appearance 1900 washing machine working good 13on hex1hucks hardware stouffvilie german shepherd x collie puppies all males fi weeks old murray phillips locust llil ph markham 3kuv4 10 chunks for sale 12 wks old and one holstein bob calf wellington yake ph claremont 331 dr rac iuvaor wsuoa 3 barrow- excejt c or kb plow ard urst oad r by rubber tired wheel vii articles are in sditkm agent for kev clarke prentice lh aa just markham 315 satcrday may it impor- saat auettos -a- oi res tarn worth swise horse cattle farm 6t0els 03-entrj- new hollsd bdt hay srars and large o of household fnrel- for sale case nurt s5i0t mr lathsra raberry rv stock- pfe- sro harry white canadas toost kpuiar garrit a-ii- tu- roto hoe for demonstrate oc apply bourse brock ud- picker ph plcfceriag 329 w3 international tractor xit with automatic m- pulse magnito variable sped governor good rubber and ready tor work price 150 oj ph gorniley 5216 mar kha c c m a lot fwp 10 oa nc 3 hig ma at dolts r 1 erty of t 1 p ria nt b la boyni p ds on t sa ter e at rn t ca n serve farm sod ken clar ke p enti e auc- tiort wk11n ksday ma s ex- tens ive aui tioa sale of 4i beaver seed oats for sale erralnatlor iff edgevae farms phone 67s10 stouff vilie 45tf for sale wellcleaned timothy seed is 00 per bu william watt ph stouffviite 60s10 512 grain for sale o bu res clinton oats e hu- res tarry oats 30 buvreg montcalm barley stiver bro sioiiffville phone iswl for sale quantity of baled alfalfa hay richard a fris- hy stouffvilie 6520 for sale garden tractor with plow cultivator 1h5s ford tractor baby combina- 1 tion play table and chair waller ivaron 10th st s stoufiville special for ilii week fi1rtu1er spreaders no 2 coekshtitt s 1 loc ff no ts coekshutt s i 10 i on gras seed attachment available for no jlls macliines w a jones son phone 203w3 collie puppies stood horn primary consideration phone stouff 90wl evenings after 7 please for sale 4 purebred tarn- worth sows due in 34 weeks second litter 1 b johnson ph stouffvilie 6600 1 for sale a spotted pony mare 3 years old 46 high ph claremont r3906 milliard stiner rri claremont for sale one llolstcin cow- due riitht away second calf ph stouffvilie 6730s ed ferguson electrical wiring installation service fc repair leslie leonard ph 3swl stouffvilla 13tf shoe repair your shoe repairs can all bo handled at georges shoe repair full or half soles and all types of repair all kinds zipper work done all lyjks new shoes for boys ami men for good health keep your shoes in good repair located in the holdex block 2 7tf main street stonftville lowest prices ever brand new round bobbin sing er electric console mode only jissoo including famous singer sewing course 2 weeks only small down payment singer sewing centre 102 main sl newmarket phone 107 e h neville sons your admiral dealer albert st stoultvitle phone 310 17tf harold air conditioning heating dealer for howard furnaces and oil burners sales installations service vacuum cleaning 3tf 07 main t newmarket ont phone 1si7 afur hour- siouff 10012 stouffville sand gravel limited are prepared to supply your requirements of crushed gra vel sand concrete gravel pit run delivered or at the bin tl plant phone 125 ofllce phones 370 c 120 for sale 1 brake machine 1 lister corn cultivator 1 rear end manure leader 1 sub soiler 1 electric home pasteurizer 1 snow blower 1 heater houser ftractor i set wheel weiehts tractor 1 102s tractor tire 1 lv car tube 4 6006s0xi7 car tube 1 li2s tractor tube 1 cush register 1 safe 1 large space heater pipes i small space healer priced for quick sale i hoi den v sons phone it i used equipment l 411 coekshutt forage har vester 1 case crop bower 1 case pt combine 6 with motor 1 lhc s pt combine with motor i no 11 coekshutt cultivator 1 lhc s tandem disc i- no 11 mh spreader 1 farm wagon on rubber 2 land rollers 1 1020 lhc tractor steel cash trade or barter w a jones cr son phone 203w3 s 12 cockshlit at new idea sales and service internationa 1 harvester and mccormick tractors and farm machinery repairs service chas richards and son aglncourt and stoultvillo phone agin collect 23tf bus anminster 34331 after 0 res anminster 31513 a m wood stoilltvillc specials this week no s seed drills with sfeol wheels footboards tractor hitch powerlift steel hopper single or double discs 20 run j0 reg 760 21 run silo reg s15 2s run sos reg s p 1 5 no 4a plows with steel wheels spring release steel shares mechanical or hydraulic lift fur 1 s36i reg jis 1 fur 14 416 reg 543 fur 14 iso res g95 cash terms or barter w a jones son cocksiiutt new idea sales service 02 head of resisered jerseys in- eluding fresh springers heifj ers herd sire fully accredit ed yacvlaawd government blootl tested tractor manure spreader good fertilizer seed drill side rake mower bindr surge milker interna- tonl milk cooler cabinet type i hay straw etc at lot 3 con 4 king township just south of klag city thej property of stewart bros note this is one of the extra good herds in the district i farm sold term cash jas remuer on pedigrees m a wilson gordon orr clerks sale at 1230 cattle sale at 230 pm sellers atkinson auctioneers saturday may 19 auction sale of household furniture carpenter tools electric bench saw edger etc on the west side of yonge street south of elgin mills po the pro perty of angus mcdonald sale at 2 p in sharp terms cash no reserve proprietor moving to bc ken clarke prentice auctioneers tuesday may 22 auction sale of farm implements trac tor horses cattle hay grain etc on lot 12 con 4 mark- ham twp at bittlonville the property of k 0 gray sale at 130 pm terms cash xo reserve farm leased ken clarke prentice auc tioneers tatsrsdsy may 10th christ anglican church loyalty dia ne to be fceld a the masonic hal at s9 pm all anglican are urjd to attend this public gatkerlbg ia preparation for ta extension fund campaign 1 peae accept this tavitatioa the gorailcy home school association will hold a gala baiaar ia the junior rooai of ss no 7 markham oa the doa mills road sat may 13th there will be bom- baking sew- ine white elephant table rum mise table surpri packages candy ice cream and afternooa tea our objective a piano for the junior room everyone welcome the child health clinic for babies and preschool children will be held friday may htb from 130 to 3 pn in christ church parish hall lmmunira- j tion will contlrua through july i and august pioneer hibred seed corn order your seed now for sprin planting s- phoxk jack morgan claremont 83010 cards of thanks wanted turnips wanted 200 bus field turnips nigh bros ph 64504 stoufiville highest prices paid for all kinds of live poultry norm davis ph mark 16sr 36tf wanted to buy ice cream freezer second hand in good working condition stouffvilie 29133 employment wanted foi ls year old youth on satur days allan elson altona cars for sale ip 17 chkv ton panel only 175 call cec hend ricks ph 2s3w perennials for sale canterbury bell coral bel pyrethuni daisy plants ateo pacific giant delphinium in king arthur black knight galahad white and astolat ser ies other perennials gladiolus and dahlia bulbs call at glad acres diiirwood or phone fi7l0 loss vague plank suo grooved well inp cood ph tongue and painted mand- gormley tclfl barn t1mrkrs in various lengths and size sound and dry ph cormley 21c presscrk pump meyers bull dozer ph gormley 5216 for sale a number of hommadp crib quilt rans- iris from 2 to 5 ph stouff 47j2 mrs joe houser irrigation systems a size for everv need prefabricated homes cot tiijics in rapes inquire about the various styles and plans as made by cardinal colonial or precision manufac turers bulldozing landscape planning and farm ponds basement excavation backfilling and cradine art stecklky tllslll stonfl clare prestov head opera- lor i52s siouff tstf iqtt your spring checkup phono gormley garagi3 goiinley v200 expert repairs prompt service body and fender repairs licensed mechanics 493 help wanted tv clearance 21 haliicrafters console only 2900 21 haliicrafters table model only s22900 smith radio electronic service stoultvillo plioue 270wl next to post office accommodation transportation available- leave 7th con aurora fide- road 7 am via don mills and victoria park rariye golden mile 71 am leave victoria jark and danforth at t10 pm ph stouffvilie filllo room poard single busi ness man requires room and hoard with breakfast and supper in stouffvilie apply in writing box 124 stouffvilie po wanted to rent small apartment preferably in west end of stouffvilie by june 30 th apply box 6 co the tribune cars trucks wanted for wrecking phone turner 4- 2236 36tf we wish to extend our heart felt thanks and appreciation for j th act of kmdnes words of ympathy cards and foral olfer- hiss received during our b- reavemeui in the loss of a father and brother a special word of appreciation o the staff of maple glen nursing home gormey drs mitchell and smith rev earmond mr j oneill and pallbearers stouff- ville pilgrim worker bloom- ington wa for their coope ra- tion and assistance leone leo wagg and family clara and arthur yanghan i wish to thank all the kind relatives and friends for their j lovely flowers fruit candy and other gifts o alsfor the beau tiful cards and kind letter and inquiries during my illness in toronto every one was deeply appreciated sincerely nellie davi wo wish to extend our sincer thanks and appreciation to all i our neighbours friends and rela tives for many kindnesses cards calls messages of sympathy and assistance during the illness and passing of a loving wife and mother especially thanking the ministers for their consoling words during our bereavement abram l reesor florence and cyril blelbr dead stock dead and crippled farm animals re moved promptly for sanitary disposal telephone collect to stouffvilie 235wl or toronto em s3636 gordon youdr ltd claremont 6w2 tf m nash paying best cash prices for all kinds of live poultry phone stouff 267j 36tf i wish to express my sincera thanks to my relatives friends and neighbors for the cards flowers and gifts received and the many inquiries about me during my stay in the hospital and since returning home it was all very much appreciated tom davis carpenter work wanted alterations and cupboards a specialty 30tf wm greexnury phono 2v2 stouftville we wish to express our j thanks to neighbors and friends for their help at the time of our sale and while moving to our new- home we also express our j appreciation for the lovely gifts mr and mrs leslie rowe if you need a good steady income and can work only- half days sell avon cosmetics experience unnecessary box 3 4 co the tribune oft- 2 for sale potatoes cobb lers from 1953 certified seed to bushels bruce clarke ph s5i14 doityourself reinforced sidewalk slabs 21 x 30 x i thick concrete curbing for sale r flat cornet complet with lyre and case good condition and moderate ly priced phone s40s sto doug hoover hch with 4 ft rounded lengths top furnaces oil com g vacuum cleaninc eav terms for fre- ktimate for prompt and efficient service call stouffville radio television centre hemlock hoards s00o board feet of full ilfxis hemlock boads real rood priced to sell- ph cormley 52161 starie posts reat steel stable posts from t to s ph ley 521t hea lencths j corm- nert to the rowling alley stouff 121 49t barn doors bulldozing specialists in irading cellars and ponds e van ilerkooy i phone gonnlc vwtt six and seven fool widths by 12 sood eomj plete with inside rollers track and hangers phone gormleyi for too fence ra manure stouff s0e0 for sale hand truck hoist in good condition smith welding stouffvilie is t farricated concrete specialties ltd formerly cy rellman associates 43tf stouffvilie 290 floor covering all tpes tiles inlaid linoleums plastic walltowall carpets ihe new sisa covering expertly in stalled free estimates 3stf spoffords stouffvilie phone 111 tator junior clerks wanted opening for junior cleiks male grade xi standing re quired excellent opportunity for advancing apply bank of nova scotia markham or stouffvilie ontario 4 1tf wanted experienced single farm hand to work on modem dairy and mixed farm steady employment start immediate ly apply gorman dixon ph 65105 of 1170 stouff 512 notice to residents of whitchurch twp please he advised that the township dumps situated on cfrr sideroad lot 71 con 1 and lot if con 7 at jacob groves farm will be open to the public on saturdays may 1 rub and 26th 1150 512 john crawford clerktreas labourers wanted for gen eral contracting apple k w retz ph 125 stouffvilie 2 mechanics wanted class a apply art rolton r h slnr- phv ltd ph stouff 359 car salesman wanted ap ply art bolton r h murphy i ltd ph stouff 159 domestic help wanted by october 1st a reliable honest mature woman to take 1 complete charge of lnrce home and give motherly care to ten year old boy r refer able protastant with know ledge of english no objec tion to one schoolage child a good home for the right party for full particulars write ralph t forfar 1s9 pirn st sault ste marie ontario township of whitchurch tender for brush and weed spray material sealed tenders plainly marked as to contents will be received by the undersigned until 1200 oclock noon thursday may 1 1051 to supply and deliver to munici pal shed vandorf ont in five 5i gallon containers approxi mately eighty so gallon of 24d weed spray material and en 10 1 zallnn of 24d 215t mixed brush spray ma terial tenders must state acid equivalent per gallon lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted ernest davis 502 road superintendent rri stouffvilie out township of whitchurch for working manager for dairy farm good working condi tion sood vage modern quipnvnr separate quarters for small family apply to george w smith rr3 new- mark- ph 7ijl eeninffs tender tractor loader and mower aled ender plainly marked o contents will n received n w icn 3 vcm lorne j bycr ttonfrnll rtionc 20c izes o an wanted reliable couple quire c fo- down payrn on ho e good merest p0 rot 14 stouff vie quilty heating station road pickering gas v oil aircondilioiiing units coal gravity furnaces sheet metal work kavemroiielifn 4tf 1 yea- fre sen pari i easy i vt i 1lt lo i geyx it a hall telephone stouflnlle 02l by rn n- signe un 11 1 200 oc ok n on tlmrmlaj may 1 7 1 for one i ndu rrai raceor ef nip- ped an a 3 5 d- fro iid d lo h idr way mo 1 ver rad w in e o ors- 191 r fnri i- r mo iel v a i romp eie with i yd front nd oadei and 5 ft cut hig dwa mow c- or f rtht r informs ion ar n ton wmc i to suit rail wanted logs timber land hardwood preferred ii si kite blackstock phone 21 or 31lf bruce rolling mt albert phone 0lw c bunker at goodwood we deliver gravel sand fill top soil also lawns j haded at reasona rle rates custom loading ph stouir ki2i 50tf machinery sale mh plow 2fur new reg 360 sale price 195 mh 3fur plow new reg 320 sale price 2 o o ferguson 3fur new reg 305 sale price 27v several good used plows all models mh oneway disc brand new re 4s5 sale price 350 cultivators all sizes new and used special prices chain harrows all sizes 60 up ferguson ioador 1 only new res- 210 sale price 173 ferguson soil scoop special 60 mh tractor spreaders new 3 7 5 up cohey p to spreaders reg 575 sale price 525 drills 1 only 15run fert tractor new latest model reg g7p sale price 575 mowers ferguson new model 2 only at 375 rake fereusop 1 only reg j 450 sre 400 milker outfit riteway 2 unit good as new 125 cream separator delaval s50 lb electric sale price 225 cream separator mh fioo lb electric sal price 1 75 new holland fr balers see us for vury best price ferguon tractors new 1 100 g young son mount albert township of whitchurch tender for asphalt prime soaled tendo scde h s plainly marked as to contents will be received by ihe undersigned until 1200 ocock noon thursday may it lf for supplying hauilnr and aj- plying approximately 50000 gai ions moth or less of asphalt prime to be applied on roads in the township as directed by the rocd superintend rt lxvt or anv tender not r- seeped rbi swocrtue 0rt notice to ratepayers of whitchurch twp please he advised that the ruilding inspector will bo at the township office vandorf each monday from 9 am to 12 noon and each friday from 1 pm o 3 pm to issue building per mits 512 john crawford clerktreaa tenders wanted for roofing of ballantrae school ss no 11 whitchurch work to be done n school holidays iowest or any tender not neces sarily accepted h crowhursl secretary rr3 stouffvilie newamazingr vpgmp clothes line 1 clothespins i lifclime warrants ira d rusnell slouitville ph 342w precast septic tanks sidewalks sump tile curbing etc large or small w tjim lhem all custom septic installations trenching ditching backfilling grading fabricated concrete specialties ltd formerly cy belltnati aorlates off stouff vilio 250