pc 2 ihe mouttvius trrtuhf thursday amfl xi 1956 the stouffville tribune established 1m a v nolan son publishers member of the canadian weekly newspapers association and the ontarioquebec newspapers association member of the audit bureau of circulations authorize a corwscm rat peorhet dept ottawa printed and issued every thursday at stouffville ont- in canada 350 elsewhere j450 c h noa publisher ju tson auoc editor a job well done the satisfaction of a job well done was felt on monday nijjht by members of stouffville lions club when they entertained players from the peewee hockey teams whom they have fostered again through out the winter nearly a hundred and fifty boys re ceived free hockey time again thi- year through the generosity of the club since its inception some years ago the i ions minor hockey program has grown by leaps and bounds more teams than ever having to be organized this winter for those wishing to take part and the work has become one of the local lions major projects special appreciation goes to several members of the club who have taken an active part in organizing and coaching the young lads throughout the season and their work was recognized at the annual dinner on monday night inited church paper has healthy growth circiil the observer across canada the circulation of the observer bimonthly magazine published by the united church of canada has just reached an alltime high of 162800 copies it was announced recently by united church head quarters twenty years ago the crciluation had gone clown to about 12000 it is now increasing at the rate of 1000 new subscribers a month some three hundred copies are received by stouffville residents ontario is the largest subscriber to the church paper with over 88000 homes receiving the puplica- tion each issue toronto has a circulation of 16771 with another 10000 subscribers in the immediate vicinitv of toronto saskatchewan has 16660 alberta 15000 british columbia 12000 manitoba 10000 and quebec 9000 the maritime provinces and newfoundland have a combined circulation of about 8000 a survey shows that 600 copies of the united church observer go to readers in the united states great britain and other countries central press canadian arthur carr right who became editor of a weekly publication 50 years ago is still mr weekly editor to the western ontaio weekly newspaper association celebrating its 50th anniversary in kitchener j c noel end g ellis goderich welcomed mr carr now editor of the palmerston observer with placards looncy as it may sound an ontario magistrate thinks that the next logical step to the baby bonus and the universal old age pen sion is a marriage bonus he thinks it would curb juvenile delinquency and family delinquency if young couples were given a lowinterest government loan of s000 to soooo to be repaid when the mans earning power has been fully established he also suggests that people should not be allowed to get married unless some state official approves the union young people he says may be physically at tracted and still not know what they are getting into in marriage all couples he suggests should appear before a registrar or somebody and prove they are ready to wed if they cant show they fully appreciate their responsibilities a marriage license should be de nied they should not be permitted to marry until they can satisfy the registrar that they are fit looney as this may sound to most says an ex change it has more than a touch of the frighteningly mad logic that has infested many minds in this modern world the thought process is that if the state is going to provide a bonus to children and a bonus to oldsters money mailed every month and no questions asked other than to see a birth certificate on top of all this to provide newlyweds with a generous lowinterest loan of unfixed term the state should have authority to say who gets married and who doesnt get married what should frighten canadians is that some of the abovementioned things have happened and the remainder are proposed with a straight face the terror in the whole process comes from the fact that every step taken in building up the state as a giant welfare agency subtracts just that much from the per sonal freedom of the individual citizen that canadians would ever require permission to marry may seem impossible it may not be impossible truro daily news for parents only parents and exams by nancy clearer exam time is very hard on centrate on the exam and keep parents especially mother slugging away last but not mrs black said vehemently house cleaning in the spring world hkalth day world health day is cele brated internationally in order to call to public attention every where t h e significance of health all over the world said dr gordon bates general di rector ofthe health league of canada today in a statement especialiv prepared for world health day this year the purpose of world health day is to destroy diseasecarrying insects and the health league of canada acting as a national citizens committee for the world health organization in canada is trying to call to public atten tion the importance of inter national boaltivin general and of the specific objectives world health day in 10m is bad enough but when sev eral children in the family are preparing for their final tests too life is hardly worth living most fathers and mothers would agree that exam time can be pretty grim if even one member of the family is worrying studying late and getting too little sleep the fa tigue and irritation which are almost unavoidable can certain ly raffle the home atmosphere what are some practical sug gestions which can make these days easier for the student and everyone else under the same roof both parents and boys and girls should accept the fact that there are poor medium and brilliant members of ev ery class naturally their stand ing in their examinations will depend in part on their mental equipment with which they are endowed but it will also bo determined by the amount of work they have done faithfully throughout the term there are all kinds of diver sions such as tv the radio movie comic books etc which lure many youngsters in their evenings away from their stu dies but parents help their children if homework and extra preparation for exams are ac cepted as a regular part of the evening routine free from the other attractions they can also assist bv pro viding a welllighted table or desk and a comfortable chair in a quiet corner awav from distractions they can see that he pupil has the necessary tools for work pencils rub- i ber ink ruler etc thus they i set the stage for exam time a childs studies are his own i responsibility and parents only least before answering a ques tion read it over slowly and carefully to find out exactly what is being asked if a pupil has kept up with his work reviewed each sub ject and doesnt get flustered when he writes his examination paper he can hope to make a reasonably good showing in deed he may even get a pleas- and surprise when his results come out and so may his par ents copyright vthe role played by insects in carrying disease cannot be overemphasized he contin- ned their specific role should be understood in order to real ize the part they play in spread ing diseases which cause sck- ress and death in many coun tries in canada insects play j harm him when thev get under their part as well as rodents j his load but mother or dad can and animals which may spread disease it is hoped that world health day wiil stimulate our citizens to study on this occasion the significance of world health as well as insect borne diseases world health day gives to our citizens the opportunity to study the ravages which result from insect borne diseases and 0 i to realize again the importance of health in the development of civilization he concluded position available for reporting and advertising work a position is open on this newspaper for a young man or one of mature years as fulltime reporter previous experience in advertising not necessary writing ability cenlial typing preferred young man applying should have at least junior matricula tion good working conditions hospitalization provided and contributory pension fund chance for advance ment the stouffville tribune phonos 153j2 or 152 stouffville hear spelling or memory work or ask the questions giv en at the end of a chapter they can encourage a child to plan his time and work first and hardest at the subjects he finds most difficult the teacher will usually be only too willing to suggest defi nite ways in which parents can encourage the scholar who is having a hard time at school in certain subjects at the same time mothers and fathers do well not to be too anxious about marks worry is very contagious one reason a child often enters an examination room in a state of nervous jit ters is that he feels unable to j measure up to the home expec tations of high standing mother should send her child to an exam in as confident a state as possible perhaps he has had some spe cial little treat for breakfast but if his appetite has vanished he hasnt been forced hi f it doesnt bur to remind a youngster to read over the methuselah there was a man in olden times of prestige and renown he lived so long those years ago he surely handed down some object lesson for us all who follow in his wake and wish to live out iongish lives if just for livings sake there must have been some things about this man we ought to know some things pertaining to that age that neer in print did show we wonder if he brushed his teeth through all those weary years or wore a tie and combed his hair and washed behind his ears what did he do in wintertime to keep from getting cold what did he do or leave undone that he should grow so old for near a thousand years you see to be all on ones own imagine that and then just think of some guys you have known he must have been some lad this man so constant on the go that none have equalled through the years for either weal or woe so we take off our hat to him and quietly hurrah he stands alone midst human kind the great methuselah wfr friends in disguise frw enjoy outicism most dislike it even intelligent and otherwise wellbalanced people can be depressed or exasperated by jt the poet tennyson could be made ill by unfavourable reviews of his poetry and the early death vi keatej haj ben attributed to a hitter attack on his poetry the danish artist dore was another genius who resented censure of any kind those or cs who are ordinary folk often act in much the same way we become suspicious of the critics and feel like telling them to mind their own business we think the criticism is personal and wonder why we have been singled out for attacks this isnt true everybody has critics i a realization of this fact ought to make us feel a little a good deal more comfortjtle the person who doesnt set some criticism hasnt been bor so cheer up youre in good company the apostle paix was loved by the galacian christians as we would say they would give their eye teeth for him but he felt it his duty to correct some abuses among them and instantly they showed resentment he wrote propably more in sorrow than in anger am 1 your enemy because i tell you the truth in loris fischers life of mahatma gandhi he says that one source of gandhis strength was he did not resent criticism indeed he welcomed it he used to say my critics are friends in disguise they do me a service for they force me to examine myself he knew it was utterly toolish to fly into a fit of temper when he was criticised repeatedly this little man who was a very big man thanked others for calling attention to his weaknesses he examined carefully what they said then asked himself how much of it was true few of us are big enough to do that giving advice they say is an art so is taking advice and it is more difficult many years aco there was a boy named william paley studying at cambridge university in england he had a lot of natural ability it was fairly easy for him to master even difficult subjects but with it all he seemed inditlerent almost lazy he spent most of his time in idleness and seemed to be out for a good time and nothing more he was wasting his time one day after being at a party the previous evening he was tired and listless he didnt want to open a book or apply him self to anything a friend of his saw how weary he was and knew the reason he said to paley william you are a fool to waste your time like this there isnt- a smarter boy in the college but you are not trying to do anything worthwhile i wish 1 had half your ability i would go places although 1 am your friend i shall renounce yourfriendship unless you stop this idleness and do something the words sank deep into paley s mind he knew they were true he could think of weeks of sheer indolence while he spent his evenings at parties which left him sick and tired the next day he began to apply himself to his studies from that time he never wavered in his resolution to work he rose every morning at five and often worked till nine at night his industry was unconquerable and although there vcr a good deal of competition in that college at the end of the year he stood first many- years afterwards he wrote many important books he was one of the most distinguished scholars of his day and had great influence throughout the world some of his writings became textbooks in cambridge the very place where once he had wasted so much time he said that he owed nearly everything to the good friend who had had the courage to give him a scolding otherwise he might never have wakened up paley- and gandhi lived in different countries and different centuries but they had this in common they could take advice and profit by it where smaller men would have flown off the handle they looked on criticism as a steppingstone to character our quotation today is by w l vvatkinson precious is the discipline of the disagreeable laff of the week ibm u try u thlhf t tub m waldbt rtrmto u fuy reionrcca tku mwtk themselves unto they gave prayer verse 2ft behold their threatening all boldness they may speak thy word the john and moreover that would be inexpedient in the face of their popularity as a result of the notable miracle neverthe less they must impress these threatening did not bring forth apostles with the authority of sunday school lesson the courage op the early christians acts 3 to 5 lesson for april 15 golden text lord grant unto they servants that with all boldness they may speak thy word acts 42 the lesson as a whole approach to the lesson in last weeks lesson i sug gested that chapter one verse eight constitutes the text of the book of acts this verse indicated the divine program of expansion and luke goes on to record how that program was put into effect as we read through these chapters it is roticeable that the expansion did not take place easily nor even voluntarily so far as the human agents were concerned there u no record of the board of elders of the church in jeru- alem gettiing together to study fith thomas was a master of j outline and here we have over 130 studies in outline a re- imarkable amount of exposition woven into these outlines here is homiletical material g their evidence a cry for safety but for new boldness in proclaiming the message that is the spirit of the martyr verse it signs and wonders to give added force to the message of the risen christ the wor child here signifies also servant verse 31 the place was shaken they were all filled with the holy ghost and they spake the word of- god with boldness it was appropriate that in the early days of the faith such signs should be giv en this was not a second pen tecost such fillings of the spirit should be the experience of all believers in view of the particular tasks to be perform ed the heart of the lesson the power of pentecost soon manifested itself in ministry both the ministry of teaching and the ministry of healing the clash with the sanhedrin was inevitable the council which had secured the death of lesus could hardly be ex pected to sit still while the apostles preached his resur rection and wrought miracit in his name we see peter and lohn then haled before the jewish sanhedrin to answer for their offense of propagating the faith of jesus of nazareth as the risen living christ of the sanhedrin and impose sil ence upon them once again the apostles were too much for them they pre sented a principle which as godfearing jews they were bound to accept namely that god must be obeyed before men in the application of the principle however these jew ish judges were not so happy they were dealing with men upon whom the divine compul sion rested the reaction of the church to all this was prayer and this is what strikes me about frieir prayer that in the face of these threatenings from the rulers they did not pray for the safe ty of the apostles but for new- boldness to go right on with the work and for new evi dences in signs and wonderi for the confirmation of the mes sage concerning the risen sa viour aplent verse by verse acts i13 they saw the boldness 0 peter and john with them in the person of the man who had been born lame and who when over forty years i of age had been instantly heal- unlearned and ignorant men j j liv e power of the name of ks lo itli iodic iff had been with jesu ig lesus- two circumstances ut- norant people are frequently j terlv confused the jewish lead- loud and bold in expressing l was the fact that while their opinions but that is not what is meant here despite a lack of rabbinical learning the apostles were able to express themselves on biblical subjects with clarity and conviction verse 14 and beholding the man healed they could say nothing the peter and john manifestly lack ed rabbinical training they had an amazing facility in handling the scriptures which they did i without any embarrassment or i hesitation the other was the presence of this man healed so nstantaneously that after more yon enjoy going anywhere by bus no driving worries no parking troubles fares are low charter a bus with a professional driver for your next croup kiting cnce of the formerly lame man so instantly healed in the name of jesus ccertainly embarrass- v i ban forty years of helplessness he was immediately able to stand and walk and leap it really looked like jesus of naz- victory over sleeping sickness a vast two million pounds sterling programme initiated in zululand by the south afri can government to eradicate sleeping sickness h3s cored a complete victory against this deadly and ageold illness sleeping sickness is transmit ted hy the tsote fly to animals lo eat up and man alike the programme used insecticides to wipe out the insect throughout zulu- nd now south africa health how they might implement the led the position of the sanhed- 1 s i i iuij v t areth back aga m a nd so it was for this same jesus risen and glorified poured forth his holy spirit upon these apostles so that they were teaching and healing in his name with that same authority and power which had characterized him it is interesting to notice how the members of the sanhedrin frankly confessed their dilem- ma when they got peter and i lohn and the healed man out of the council chamber what shall we do they said to each other there was no just rea son for punishing peter and original commission of the lord xor do we read that the elders of the church in antioch went into conference to draw up plans for pushing the testi mony of the gospel into the western world the initiative was always with god the be lievers seemed quite content to promote the gospel in jerusa lem and it required the hurri cane of persecution to thrust them forth bearing the glad tidings to the regions beyond then again in antioch it re- rin and enhanced the case for the apostles verse 15 they conferred among themselves in face of the embarrassment it was dee med wise to confer before mak ing a pronouncement verse 1c what shall we do a notable miracle hath been done we cannot deny it among themselves they freely admit their embarrass ment moulton and milligan suggest that saul of tarsus later paul may have been for complete information pleasure planned tours all bus travel servite see your total agent tlckeu an information snowballs barber shop phone stonffrille 370j mm quired a breaking in of the present and in later years re- spirit upon the leaders of that j ported the conference scene to growing church to secure the luke going forth of barnabas and saul to the great missionary undertakings which followed j ten verse 17 let us straitly threaten them straitly threa ts in one sense it is doubtless good to wait for the movings of god hut on the other hand our waiting should be that of a hebraism literally let us threaten with threat very emphatic the whole sit uation made punishment inex pedient hut they must try to men of vision not of men whose make their authority felt eyes see no further than our present activity vers is and they com- imanded them not to speak in in my devotional commenthe name of jesus they had to be content with a command to the apostles to desist from any form of promotion of the name of jesus verseld whether it be right in the sight of god to hearken unto you more than unto god judge ye if they expected their prohibition to be obeyed they were soon dis illusioned theoretically they would have agreed thoroughly with the principle enunciated by the apostles but the appli cation of it was a different mat- tary on the acts of the apos tles i suggest this simple out line of the book 1 pentecost and after acts 11 to 7vi 2 the expansion begins 81 to 1 2251 3 into all the world 131 to 1341i i the march on rome 201 to 2831 1 there are several excellent helps in the study of the hook of acts f f rruce of the uni versity of sheffield england wtxksxsgtxa ha two commentaries one is j ter hted on the english text in the new internationa com- menrarv on the new te-ta- examinaiiorv paper quickly authorities are confident that men and one based on the make a rough plan as to how j the whole continent can be 1 greek text for those who have much time should be spent m fred o this disease before the j some knowledge of the greek each question do them n any end of the centurv thev have campbell morgan expositions order you wish but it might be rafted a detailed plan calling j are a always excellent a spreading inecde ag- book that has jus come from i the tsetse fiv over ten ie press j outline st a sq ae klinres of n the acs of the apos v best to tackle the first dont wi the other plp tier or iro ev t or k g elit coa- 1 tropca africa verse 20 for we cannot but peak the dtvine com pulsion which moved the apos tles was something foreign to their judges what they had een and heard of jesus laid an obligation upon them from which they could no escape verse 2 2s rord the d t of the apotles and the react on of the church to the w h- grtffith thotnu dr grif- 1 tlrcatertrgs of the sanhodrta i we build homes large and small and buildings of all kinds repairs and remodelling good materials and workmanship guaranteed our house designing service is at your disposal k w retz construction co stouffville onl phone slouff 19r i i