ft inc nowmhi fwnm iwimkx jmkft 33 im of interest to farmers in the district farmer said in big squeeze between labor and industry first in time of dire need an official of the caaadian federation of agriculture said las week that the farmers are caught ir a big squeeze be tween organized labor and in dustry both are forcing prices said jack brodwick cfa policy chairman while the fanner takes less for what he sells mr brodwick was address ing a twoday marketing con ference ponored by the on tario federation of agriculture about 1000 delegates were on hand to hear the openingday report- of dropping prices ris ing casts surpluses and un wanted imports ofa president iioyd jasper said the conference was intend ed to make clear to the farmers themselves what the economic position of agriculture is today between i9m and 1 agricul tural income hjd dropped 23r it dropped another 12- m 4- mr brodrtek sad the frmer s often prone to dump hi problems into the governments lap 1 am afraid we must claim the problem chid as our own and through selfhelp go for ward he said he opposed any suggestion thut a substantial part of can adas grain surplus be used as livestock feed with a result ant increase in livestock out put it would be foolish he s3id to tr3de an exportable surplus of a longterm storage product like wheat for a surplus in meat products which have a short storage term and a lim ited market hdrcsfthevktrmsor immsmatg aid tudosshb cf strfvrrkr2andave away rgapy tbhm gygj o esg auction sale rfxjistkred hoisteins now cokhutt 0 tnutor forage harvest r combine farm slock implements hay grain etc the property of wm h champion at lot 11 rear con 4 markham township on hgy no 1 h miles e of inlonvillc wednesday mar 28 reg dairy cattle highcroft ivan jane no 1020- 303 horn july 20 1552 calf by side hixhcroft royal vicky no 9 9 4- 944 born march 5 1952 calf by side hlshcroft teial claudia no s7936r born march 2 1950 duo sept 1 highcroft texal beauty tosch no s32056 born march 12s 1949 calf by side hlshcroft teial dolly no 77s- 127 born feb 2s 1948 due july 1 lady rag apple poach beauty no 606633 born april s 1944 full flow highcroft duke diane number 1034479 born november 2 1952 due aug 1 hlshcroft texal betty no s01- 811 bora aug 2 194s full bow highcroft teial lady no 938- 931 bom march 11 1961 full flow highcroft ivan jessie no 101s- 742 born july is 1952 full flow highcroft sensation gay no 977966 born dec 1 1951 full flow highcroft teial belle no 969- 330 born sept 25 1951 full flow highcroft texal lass no s79- 367 born feb 19 1950 full flow highcroft maple sozanne no 1022413 born aug 18 1952 full llow highcroft sovereign liz no 969332 born oct 2s 1951 full flow highcroft beauty voyageur no 1097s77 born oct 27 1953 calf by side s open heifers from 1 vi years to 3 years old vaccinated registered the above cattle are from maple breeders bulls and are regis tered and vaccinated and are high producers grade shorthorn cow supposed to calf farm implements 50 cockshutt tractor on rub ber complete standard trac tor ths tractor is good as new used only one season cockshutt forage harvester used only one season motor driven complete with contin ental red seal 4 cyl motor also corn and hay attachments mh tractor grain and fertil izer drill 15 discs power life near new- graham holme chisel plow on rubber complete with sweeps used only one season fleury flissel 2sec cultipacker near new fleury bissel tandem disc har row- rubber tire wagon roller bear ings mh clipper combine motor driven with tank complete with motor eitra table for clipper com bine international 3ton truck kh5 with high sides for forage ori grain also an electric unload ing unit for forage work mh manure spreader on ruhber cockshutt forage blower with pipes new new mh side rake circular saw complete 3furrowtd ace bottom tractor plow set of 3sec mh springtooth harrows ford ferguson tractor on rub ber ferguson rear mounted mode power mower 7 ft cut near new set of lsec drs harrows set heavy dual wheels corrpte with axle suitable for making tractor trailer other implements hav grain approximately j ions mliei hay baled quantity of ihxel grain font black pony qsiet with children y yr d whitchurch twp federation of agr directors meet the directors of the whit church federation of agricul ture held a meeting in the council chambers at vandorf on march 7 at 8 pm mr m momihan reported on the hog producers and cooperative j hog selling convention held at toronto he explained the working of the cooperative hog selling and the ontario farm marketing act mr j sytema reported on the rural safe driving week sponsored by the ontario fed- eration and farm forums mr d mcculloch that the whitchurch federa tions last project brucellosis control is now operating in whitchurch mr h botham ex plained the working of the whitchurch wild life and con servation club there was a discussion on the spraying and inspection of cattle under the warble helps cvezpfod cattle need minerals saving in feed will pay research proves that acme quality product one that is minerals conditioners sold at the coop here cost nothing in livestock feeding the pro per feeding of acme minerals and conditioners pays the far mer back the initial cost of reported each bag many times over in feed efficiency alone let us see why these foregoing state ments are true feed costs are the major fac tor in producing milk or beef or pork experiments and tests have proven that the cost of produc ing a pound of beef or a pound fl of milk runs about 75 to 85 control act from this discus- feed once you have your cat- sion some information was for- tie warded to whitchurch town ship council a new project was suggest ed for the whitchurch federa tion that the concessions be numbered in whitchurch per mission and assistance from the whitchurch council will be asked for later delegates were appointed to attend a farmers mass meet ing held in toronto on march 13 and 11 a committee was appointed to arrange a public meeting this meeting will be held at the vandorf hall on friday march 23 new western pony saddle with bridle miscellaneous grain or oat roller woods electric motor 1 hp surge milking machine complete with piping and outlets two new single units electric motor i hp woods 9can electric milk cool- er complete with movable vat coal burning jacket heater 2 hot water radiators set of fieetrlc stock clippers oil space heater wheelbarrow moffat electric pail heater 2 uwrge tarpaulins 4 square new asphalt shingles no new window sash frames 2 automatic horse water bowls quantity of snow fence iarge pile of scrap iron set of cattle dehorners set of computing scales quebec heater bag truck set of beam scales extension ladder 35 ft ecetylene welding and cutting outfit grind stode blacksmiths anvil forge no of poultry fountains cylinder oil tank with pump number of oil drums large pipe vise forks shovels hoes and number of other useful articles not mentioned salt m 1 pm temis rash no reserve farm sold jas smith clerk ken a clarke prentice auctioneer 100kin6 aro0hd77t no need to spend houcs looking when you can piace an ao in this nfftspaper for those hard to find items t tests have proven 1 that without pure and available minerals livestock can assimilate only up to 80 of the entire feed ration 2 tests have proven that minerals therefore affect the feed value and assimilation of the entire ration up to 20 3 therefore by feeding no mineral or not enough miner als or not a pure and quality mineral the result is a loss of 1 ton feed value for every 5 tons fed this means that for every 5 ton of feed fed to livestock they only utilize and assimilate 4 ton and one ton is a complete loss and waste unfortunately we cant see full feed efficiency and full feed conversion so far as cattle are concerned so easily as we can see a snowstorm or a good rain it is of course easier to see with hogs or poultry but with cattle unless actual experi ments and tests are conducted as has been the case in many research centers the farmer just cant see full feed con version in its complete dra matic form it is nevertheless an established fact and can he accepted as such that pure minerals properly fed affect the feed value and assimilation of the entire ration up to 20 so when pure minerals fully available and assimilat ed by the animal are lacking even slightly feed efficiency goes down and feed costs go up as previously mentioned feed efficiency and feed conver sion are readily seen with hogs for example lefore the days of research in animal nutrition the farmer feeding hog no milk used only his own home grown grains fed his average pigs anywhere from s to 10 months and anywhere from mx to 1200 lbs of feed before mark eting them at 22 lbs today as we all know thanks to scien tific knowledge and antibiotics most pigs should be ready for market anywhere from 5i to 614 and some 7 months of age on not more than 000 to 700 lbs of feed per pig- pig feeders try acme growquick with new wonder antibiotics you will agree its a must for sows as well as raisins pigs although the very same prin ciples hold true concerning feed efficiency and feed conver sion where cattle are involved if the average farmer had the hog picture in view he would certainly feed more minerals to his cattle as well as making sure he was feeding a quality product such as acme the average farmer feeding dairy or beef cattle about 12 to is or 20 cows plus fi to 12 young cattle feeds about 2000 to s300o a year feed hay grains corn ensilage pasture etc which he raises himself this u excluding any of his w prop sup uirera fcedg toi a pure ari fully assimilated by the ani mal can result in a loss of anywhere from 500 to s0o of feed value in a single year the importance and value of feed ing acme is therefore obvious not to feed acme is in fact a disservice to good farm prin ciples and economy farmers are as realistic a group as may be found any where they will and do face reality the reality of the pres ent is unfortunately dellated prices for all farm commodities a carpenter only has to be a good carpenter a bricklayer only a good bricklayer a paint er must only know how to paint to earn their liveli hood farmers are different they are really a special group of people who must possess a varied group of talents and abilities they must be a jack of all trades as well as busi ness men as business men they must use every weapon and every piece of machinery available in order to cut their costs of production acme quality minerals and conditioners are a major wea pon and piece of machinery to cut production costs through better feed efficiency and feed conversion alone they pay for themselves many times over acme quality minerals and condiioners perform and are re sponsible for many many other vital functions which will be taken up in future articles acme quality minerals and conditioners perform and are responsible for many other do certainly reduce the cost of producing milk or beef or pork and therefore increase your profits whatever the prevail ing prices may be for these commodities more than just a mineral acme minerals and condition ers combined fully available and assimilated by the animal with vitamins a and d and cod liver oil and new won der antibiotics in acme grow- quick for pigs are quality guaranteed and already proven in thousands of barns if you are not already a sat isfied user drop over to the co op or call george timbers to send you some right away once you have tried it you will agree that acme is the leader in its field and well deserves its slogan acme for those who care enough to feed the very best farmers tries to mass find meeting a solution to current farm problems o sources of crude i own and operate- cose to ivx delegates from j cure access the federations of agriculture oil and to and the commodity groups met lake vessels in the eatons auditorium toj mr musgrave said it is quite tonto last week todiscuis the natural to ak why the farmers marketing of ontarios farm i have gone into the field of mar- produce among the speakers i keting grain and how it came contributing to the meeting was about mr charles mclnnis who urged the organized farmers were that farmers launch a program prompted to get into the grain meeting agrees on a new farm policy below is the official policy 3 to launch a cooperative statement drawn up in toronto salesmanship program wherein to send our salesmen to travel j marketing field by popular deon march 13 and 14 at the mar- 1 ontario commodity groups to all parts of the world to io- mard from managers ana direc- 1 keting conference fanners through their own salesmen cate new and better markets tors of local coops and grain mass meeting j will vigorously sell farm prod- tor the food we produce marketing boards the organ- j t meeting with malice ucts in the world markets and weve got to accept the ized producers were satisfied toward none affirms its convic- that the provincial government fact mr mclnnis said that that well informed manage- tion that part of the solution to give some leadership in this organized salesmanship can intent and staff with the we- the current deterioration in endeavour help provide us with the key- to prosperity and success in agriculture the selfhelp pro gram supported by marketing legislation needs experienced salesmen fortified with the power to deliver the goods to the party paying the best price it is not the governments full responsibility to market our products nor to guarantee us prosperity he said in a national crisis diseases col- fare of the farmer as price in- 1 farm income lies in the estab- 4 that the only type of gov- terest could do a better job lishment of effective commod- eminent agricultural policy of establishing a satisfactory i ity marketing programme in i that can be effective is one market compared with the old ontario and in the rest of can- which is comprehensive and method where the welfare ofjada in looking to marketing as covers all aspects of canadian the farmer was not considered a major means of stabilizing agricultural economy we rec- necessarily important it was and improving farm products ommend that the federa gov- recognized that in order to do prices this meeting recognizes i eminent establish a granary an effective and satisfactory that such a program cannot be j program involving outright job of marketing grain in peace carried out effectively if farm- purchase of sufficient western time economy a great deal j ers the provincial government must be learned and there is and the federal government no better way of learning than i do not meet certain responsi- lapse of markets or sudden and to get into the business jbilities unfair competition the govj up to the time that the uco i federal ernment has and must protect i grain marketing office was op us with floor prices these floor ened there was no method of prices should be determined by solving the problem of depress- a formula rather than by an led prices the moment there individual or by a cabinet de- j was any indication that the far- cision as it is at present mr j mer had produced enough any government we request establishment of legis lation if such is necessary to assure farmers that they can carry forward their marketing rain to lessen the danger of western farmers marketing their unsold grain through hogs and other livestock 5 to press our colleges and depts of education to provide us with trained personnel to assist in our marketing pro- rams mclnnis indicated that farmers i method of marketing that pen- 1 their marketing boards can en are to blame and must take alized the farmer for growing j joy rights to make deduction this responsibility upon them selves we have full production modern and progressive meth ods of production but we have not helped ourselves to a mod ern marketing program with salesmanship control of sup ply and surpluses mr mcln nis said don swain secretary of the out vegetable growers mark eting board in addressing the farmer delegates said i would personally like to see an ex pression of unity of purpose come from the floor of this conference defining the needs of agriculture in the field of farm marketing legislation and stating the determination of organized agriculture to aceept nothing less by way of action at ottawa than the necessary legislation to enable us to help i ing programs in both the national j o to seek ways and means and international fields and that of increasing research in the field of marketing so that a j pool of information is available enough is not good enough to for services and for stabilize- j i farm leaders maintain a satisfactory stand- j tion funds the establishment j 7 r recognize fully the val- ard of living on the farm and it of nonincentive floor prices ue of publicity in our market- is the determination of farmers j based on a known formula set j programsand to cooperate through their organizations out by cfa policy on farm 1 in a publicity program designed products t keep our commodity groups provincial government ye informed to keep the public in ask that assurance be given to general informed and to meet such as coops and commodity groups to do something about it this may be disputed but it would appear that depressed ontario farmers that there will intelligently criticisms which feed prices are the results of be an improvement in the ad- might appear in press and ra- overproduction i n livestock ministration of the provinces f clio and meat products agricultural marketing legisla- 1 s to press for establishment in order to assist the man- tion we request a new port- 1 0 p at the producion stage ager of the grain marketing i folio a marketing and co- division of uco a consulting j operation department to ach- ieve this improvement we re quest that this new department be established in the near fu ture with emphasis on market ing not on production engineer is now being engaged for the purpose of determining the advisability of using water transportation and to decide on a site for terminal storage it would appear that terminal storage located on water with a portion of the crop in storage would assist in orderly market- 1 ance that if and when further j and if thought necessary to i control prices at other stages in its movement to the con- j sumer 9 to urge that a national j commodity marketing confer ence be called in the near fu- ourselves solve our own prob lems in marketing arthur musgrave president of united cooperatives of on tario speaking of the future plans of his organization said we plan to increase facilities for production of plant food as rapidly as is practical main taining quality and pioneering if advisable in liquid fertilizer we plan to continue to ex pand the provision of petrol eum products of highest qual ity if necessary to huild or ac quire refining facilities to se- and improve the general price structure the two days of conference were taken up with addresses from prominent farm organiza tion leaders interspersed with questions criticisms and sug gestions from the floor york county federation was well represented with between forty and fifty delegates for the two days as the meeting drew to a close a list of recommen dations were drawn up by unanimous standing vote it was agreed to accept this as a policy of the marketing conference we compliment the provin- 1 ture to consider the points rats- cial government for its market- c al this provincial confer- ing legislation and for its assur- e and to take action 1 ance that if and when further i 10 that a summary of main legislation is needed it will be 1 points established at this meet- granted we request a new j be made available for our army unit- hunts for riel rebellion items a nationwide hunt for sou- venirs of the northwest re bellion has been launched by the governor generals foot guards a canadian army mili tia unit based at ottawa the unit hopes to gather enough mementos of the 18s5 fight with chief poundmaker to open a regimental museum in the cartiev square drill hal ottawa a fledgling unit only three years old when indians backing louis riel attacked at duck lake in the spring of 1ss5 the cgfg sent a guards company of sharpshooters to saskatch ewan to help quell the rebel lion two members of the com pany were killed and two more wounded at the battle of cut knife hill on may 2 a date the governor generals foot guards commemorate annually important auction sale mt forest threshing machine a ford major tractor 2car new farm equipment the property of g e clarkson at lot 14 concession 2 valghan township 2 miles north no 7 highway thursday mar 29 it would be better if irfl i be ecnfired to auto farm machinery ford major tractor real good on rubber and complete ford major 3fur tractor plow ford major cultivator mount forest threshing machine complete with clover attach ment grain elevator etc this machine is in exceptionally good condition size is 24 threshing relt ford major hydraulic lift ferguson tractor on rubber ferguson springtootn cultivator ferguson 2fur tractor plow ferguson 2fur disc plow sedore manure ioader for ford tractor ferguson rear cut 6 mower garden tractor with mower front cutting bar mh 2fur narrow bottom trac tor plow coby manure spreader on rub ber near new dion cutting box blower type complete with pipes reatty electric grain grinder complete with new motor ihc hay loader near new mh grain and fertilizer drill ihc side rake new mh 6 grain binder new barn ventilator with electric fan and rheostat control real good s flat racks case ft tandem tractor disc harrow 3 rubber tired farm won gears hay load- carriage steel iand roller spramotor orchard spray fitted with new pump fertiator set drag harrows a implements in this sale are good hav grain 2 wooden silos 12x30 good approx 20 fet of ensilage quantity of baled straw several htndrm ba of clover hay large mow of good loose mnedj hay j miscellaneous vega electric cream separator riteway milking machine com plete with piping 2 single units 3 pails electric motor s hp electric gem milk cooler 10can hand forge turnip drll 3 steel cattle stalls with stai chions grain elevator moffat electric pail heater stable feed cart on casters barrel of molasses xo of cattle water bowls auto matic quantity of snow fence quantity of galvanized piping various sizes quantity of poultry equipment horesfork draw rope with pul leys pile of scrap iron steel horse fork car and track 3 poultry shelters feeders forks shovels tools and other useful articles terms cash no reserve farm sold sale nt 130 pm sharp james smith clerk ken clarke prentice aiirtioners formula for and system for tak ing producer opinion by a mar keting vote ontario farm organizations this conference refers to the ontario commodity groups and to the ontario federation of agriculture the following reso lutions for their consideration and for their immediate atten tion 1 to recognize that we can solve our problems to recog nize that organization and col lective marketing is a real and lasting means towards a solu tion of our current situation 2 to maintain unity within the rauks of our farm organiza tions and to press on with vig our and vision towards better and more extensive marketing programs to ask the ofa to set up a marketing department to work with the commodity groups and develop a progres ive marketing program commodity groups and our county federation executives m advahtwe of thisqbick jhriftywyto pr0flt puceawaxtaihthis newspaper now to reach those that are ig0kik6 for wour offer tt1i1fmsltttsisi1slsislsitttt crea for best results ship your cream to slouftville creamery we pay two cents more per pound butterfat for cream delivered to the creamery cold storage lockers from 800 to 1200 per year or by the month stouifville creamery co to have our truck call phone lsgw mmmfhmmmt imcg fiism malwm cr0wh i2imjz a pig feeding progr reduces feeding com per pound of gain tout iocm mastk maut claremont coop phone 38 claremont master hc sujif nuns euilis icuk3l0i 1k1uzt ttmtf master ric cof fertkps firm i taut