fouffmttc iwkim vol 66 no the tribune stouffville thursday march 13 1950 eighteen page3 age3 late f l button was a leading citizen here for over fifty years a citizen whose name been moat prominent in business and community f stouffville for more than ftalf a century f lome but ton qc passed away at his home on main st early mon day evening march 12h mr button was at his desk as usual jan week and was at home in the early evening when he was suddenly stricken his pjing came as a profound jhok to the community and the entire area where few men were better known fred button ws born 77 years ago on the 9th concession of markham township one of two sons born to john r but ton and alma albera jones mr button received his early schooling on the oih line and at ringwood he was an honor student at ogoode hall gradl listing in 1002 his early business career saw him associated wih g smith macdonald in stouffville and in partnership with lennox lennox solicitors from 190g until 1310 mr button carried en business alone but in the latter year he entered another partnership with the late jas mccullough fortyeight years ago the laie y l button united in marriage with miss maud todd daughter of the late mr and mrs w h todd of stouffville to this couple was born one son who graduated from osgoode hall in 193s and has been associated with his father in business in addition to a busy business career this wellknown citizen has gained prominence in the community life as well he was charter member of the stouff- has j ville lions club and one of the the founders of the stouffville life lawn bowling club and had the distinction of being presi dent of the district association when the australian bowlers visited this country a number of years ago curling formed an interest and hunting and fishing were other sports in which the late mr button was sn ardent participant he was an enthusiastic supporter of the home bascbal and hockey teams and piloted the inter mediate ball club here at one time he served as chairman of the school board from 1005 until 1500 and led the move to establish the first secondary school in stouffville the deceased was most prom inent in the life of the stouff ville united church and com bined with his surviving bro ther e a button some years ago to present the church with a fine pipe organ there has been no keener follower of local municipal af fairs over the years than the late mr button punctuality was a byword in his business life and his vitality has been an amazement to his many friends and the envy of many men his junior besides his wife the deceased is survived by one son regin ald h button and two grand children eric and judith there also survives one bro ther ernest a button the funeral will be conduct ed this thursday afternoon ati 2 oclock from the stouffville united church interment will be made at the stouffville cemetery planning board approves plans for new subdivs f lome button qc need council ok plans for two new subdivi sions containing approximately a hundred building lots were approved by the stouffville planning board at their regular meeting on friday evening the one plan is an extension to the north of the edgevale subdivision and takes in the acreage immediately south of the former kellington farm the second plan is one prev iously before the board and owned by mr c e watson the subdivision lies immed iately east of tenth st south and has access to both tenth street and main street approval not filial this approval for subdivis ion is not final and is merely an ok on the structural lay out of the subdivisions as tq streets and size of lots whe ther or not the municipal coun cil will permit the development of these subdivisions is still a question and if they do what restrictions will be imposed is not yet decided dont favor septic tanks the planning board was in receipt at this meeting of a communication from the coun- f0r devel0pment markham township hires two three to go subdivisions either inside or outside of town with septic tank installations reeve dan iels reported that the utility commission now has four newj vacancies on the staff of wells operating at the town markham township were again reservoirs which should takei discussion at the coun- care of the immediate water problem providing a new sysifl uf tem of chlorinationis installed which will permit the full use nigh now on the staff of scar borough township assessment commissioner a j fleming reported the re- as it was announced that specia sessions had resulted in thf filling of two of the positions imeryiew this wccb several of position of lhe lp showed promise of good material said mr fle ming he expected that council of one of the ceipt of 13 applications for j assistant assessor of this num- j ber several will be called for of the supply main pressure i is very low in certain parts of town due to the fact in part that the large feeder main from the reservoirs is nearly conceion who is pi i would approve half closed to permit chlohn jll 8 2 applicants tion in times of fire the main i named to the i deputyclerk was mi j crisp a resident of who is harry j the 7th asently is opened to full capacity school problem the board discussed briefly the local school problem which has become so acute because of the influx of new residents to new subdivisions chairman henry ogden stat ed that he could foresee the tax rate reaching a hundred mills very shortly if the pres ent rate of increasing school costs continues secretary gar brown told the board that the public school trustees were desirous of meeting with the ty health unit stating that this i planning board to discuss this body would not favor any morel phase of development canada college he was en gaged at a salary of s3h0 to be directly responsible to clerk chas hoover this vacancy re sulted from the move to the staff of scarborough township of lloyd gohn mr crisp was chosen from a group of eleven applicants of whom eight were i called for interview next on the list was the po sition of clerks assistant it was announced that this post will be filled at the end of the month by mr m- a n shen- field of the don mills road who was engaged at a salary of 2700 he will replace john resigi reosurers notion accepted the resignation tendered to markham township council by the treasurer del ryder was accepted this- week the de cision to end the matter in this way came about after a full and heated discussion of recent staff changes its a form of exploitation of the staffi declared reeve alf lemasurier as he defended the record of mr ryder he repeat ed his statement voiced last week that the treasurer had done a good job of reducing tax arrears in the township the principle was all wrong he said when council to save mo ney would replace a valued employee with someone who offered to do the job for less i am all for saving the mo ney paid by the taxpayers continued the reeve adding that in this case there might bo no end to the process in this case he pointed out one mem ber of the staff had the forti tude to voice his opinion that the salary schedule was wrong when the treasurer of a busy township is paid less than a firstclass constable now we find said the reeve that we can save money by accepting mr ryders resignation and re placing him with a man who will do the same job for less by the same reasoning as soon as someone appears who offers to take on the job for less we are pledged to the principle of accepting that offer in order to save the ratepayers money here councillor vern griffin declared we gave mr ryder a raise this year he has done a- good job but i feel he did not go out of his way on be half of the township i move that his resignation be accept ed and that we advertise for a replacement here the reeve pointed out that mr ryders resignation hinged on only 200 which he was holding out for replied mr griffin we can get another man to do the job for less mr lemasuriers reply was in the form of a question when he asked what effect suoh a policy might have on the mor ale of the rest of the employees councillor donald deacon voiced the opinion that the treasurer in markham town ship does not have the full re sponsibility of a clerktreasurer he is still being supervised by charlie clerk chas hoo ver he said deputyreeve wm clark ex pressed his opposition of the principle of letting out an ern- ployee in this manner and ilar thoughts were express by councillor archie little on the motion of councillor griffin which was seconded immediately by councillor dea con council carried the reso lution to accept mr ryders resignation following the meeting reeve lemasurier expressed his wish to have published a letter writ ten as a resident of the town ship dealing with his feelings on this subject this letter ap pears els iwhere in this issue missionary on furlough presented with truck a lady missionary home on the money was raised by cit- leave from the sudan interior mission will be taking a new- pickup truck back to africa thanks to the generosity of her friends and relatives around markham miss hazel reesor a mis sionary for several years did her rounds in the sudan on bi cycle now the truck will be used as a delivery van and am bulance also her sleeping quar ters izens who felt her work could be- furthered if she had a bet ter mode of transportation norman reesor an account ant and wilbur reesor of lo cust hill started a fund and relatives and neighbours chip ped in 2000 when miss reesor sails from new york next month the truck will go too all expenses paid out of the 2000 ice revue most colorful ever staged on friday evening march 16 the stouffville skating club will present a colorful spring time ice revue in the arena the program under the direc tion of skating professional mr charles kiel will include both group numbers and solos aside from our own iocal skating talent mr jack underhill will provide two comedy acts and guy revcll of the newmarket figure skating club will do a solo number the club directors lionel cjiord pres elsie sanders iijftjty walter smith treas tnmy farr ethel mole and floyd forsyth along with the other members of various com mittees have put a consider able amount of time and effort into the preparation of the ice revue in order that they might present a high class show predict a grim tax future for markham and vaughan twps a grim tax future for rate- divisions murray jones plan- payers of markham and vaugh- j hing director of the metropoli- han townships was predicted tan planning board told the last week by a panel of ex- audience perls at the farmers market if urbanization is allowed to thornhill subject of the meet- scatter over a wide area it will lng was will education bank- cost more for services than if rupt v despite dire predic- the development is compact tions the experts unanimously he said agreed it would not chairman of tsv no 1 mar- nearly 00 ratepayers heard kham and vaughan townships prof robert w b jackson of i william liddeii said that pub- liic ontario college of eduea- 1 lie school enrollment had jump- tion warn that debenture debts ed from s19 pupils in 1kjl to of both municipalities were rap- about 2000 this year he said idly approaching the point at the current public school de- whlch the ontario municipal benture debt was 9s206 an itaard would refuse to allow additional 25 classroom local business people visit new york stare mr john houston local drug gist left last week for roches ter ny as a guest of the ko dak company as one of a group of 32 dealers from can ada the usa and peru he will attend a nineday conference designed to acquaint the visi tors with the latest develop ments in photography a fea ture of the conference will be a weekend visit to niagara falls where the delegates will be able to put their lessons to good use in taking pictures in color and in black and white this week saw the return to stouffville of mr and mrs erie lehman who spent a busy week in new york city high light of the trip was an evening of entertainment at carnegie hall the couple also saw the arthur godfrey show in pro duction former doctor badly injured by mad boar toga tons a tablecloth with but- mrs leah steckley buried wednesday in her 91st year a resident of gormley mrs leah steck- ley passed away suddenly last sunday morning march 11 19- 50 she was the widow of the j dr duncan smltn son of late joseph steckley and mrs a smith of ca v it- h i and now a resident of cvs wmiffl h badly injured recently when at tacked by an enraged bqar the pig ripped a 27stitch gash in dr smiths leg and he was rushed to a nearby doctor for medical treatment according to reports the wound has not responded to treatment and it is feared that the injury may have permanent results dr duncan smith a graduate of stouffville high school and of ovc of guelph worked in partnership with dr ronnie smith of stouffville prior to taking a new position at kemp- tville dr smith was making a rou tine call when the accident oc curred he was in the pen with the boar when the rope sud denly broke and the pig went mad he managed to escape from the pen with difficulty after the animal had cut his i leg quite severely with its teeth i yea stroke was suffered only rec ently a short family service was held at her late residence on wednesday march 11 with a service following in heise hill church and interment in the adjoining cemeierv mrs steckiey is survived by six daughters and four sons these are louisa mrs alvin winger elsie mrs roy wide- man annie ida mrs roy brillinger clara and luella mrs geo sheffer of stayner and elmer of- fort erie clar ence levi and walter of bar- rie big sale at teds teds clothing store former ly operated under the name of r f curtis for many years will be geared for a terrific- clearance sale this thursday friday and saturday we are clearing the store to the walls says ted topping and he adds still open are the positions of building inspector and treasure er the township is presently advertising for candidates to fill these posts the necessity for a building insieetor came i about when the present inspec- i tor walter craig was named to head the new water depart ment in a different category is the matter of the new vacancy in tlie treasurers departments del ryders resignation was this week accepted by council only after a lengthy and stor my session the report of this phase of the meeting is covered elsewhere in this issue must make more of agriculture speaker tells lions and farmers nearly ninety members of j 300 more tractors have been the stouffville lions club along put into use the trend as m with their farmer guests sat j many other industries is to- kxgvgkmknt- down to supper at the regular meeting of the club on monday evening the occasion was the lions farmers night a toast to the farmers was proposed by lion cec hend ricks and responded to by gor don ratclift the speaker gor don bennett of the ont dept of agriculture was introduced by district governor carl cas- key mr bennett a graduate of oac was appointed associate director of the dept of exten sion in 1931 and last year was made president of the canadian council of 1h clubs in speaking of the changes in the agricultural industry he cited the fact that the popula tion of ontario has increased 3s in 25 years the population of canada he said is increas ing at the rate of 1100 a day durin the weekend thieve which means that 000 more entered the office of the gorm- wards specialization the speaker had visited over seas countries last year to stu dy agricultural methods and he praised denmark particularly for the development of agricul ture there canada he said must make more out of her agricul ture if she is to maintain her preferred position in world markets in closing he cited the 4h club motto headhearthand and help he said it was imper ative that a program be carried on to develop an incentive in young people to continue oft the land breakin at gormley that a look at page 5 of this and mrs h walsh of stouff- issue will convince you that j ville ont the marriage to take the walls will be reached at r early stage of the sale mr and mrs janies pearson j meals have to be prepared each ley cement block company and day against this growth he escaped with cash amounting pointed out that only 15 of i to approximately 3000 the the population today is engaged burglars obtained tools from a in agriculture a considerable cpr shed and used drofrom a few years ago the j tendency mr bennett said is window the theft discovery to larger farms with a change wasnt made until monday mor- in methods since 1931 nearly ning of trail bc announce the en gagement of their only daugh ter mary jean to lcpl w ronald walsh only son of mr place march 31 1950 in the anglican church at trail bc help now by buying your easter seals driver hurt as car flips over on the 4th concession m- tr already the sum of s275 has been raised in stouffville since the annual easter seal drive was launched last week re ports harold spofford local campaign treasurer siouffville lions club have been most active in getting this years ap peal for funds off to a good start and this year have raised their sights objective will be 51000 last years target of ssc0 was exceeded and we will be doing our best to top the time said mi spofford the task of raising huge sums of money needed to help in the work of the ontario so ciety for crippled children is undertaken each year by 211 service clubs the current drive will continue until easter en velopes have been sent in the mail for your donation if you do not receive an envelope do not let that hold you back just send your donation to harold spofford treasurer easter jeals i thousand dollar mark this i stouffville ont j famous band coming for skating carnival further debenture issue dr jackson said new resi- 1 development of the areabring- dents of the townships an ask- ing a debenture debt of prob ing for the high standard off ably 5300000 services of the cities they left mr liddeii called but with low tjes and all the industry to offset costs and an the royal canadian army service corps outstanding trumpet band consisting of 10 men will play at the stouffville skating clubs annual ice re vue on friday march 10th would be needed with the full j next this well known band will play during the carnival and will perform their spectac ular and colourful march on more ice at half time another highlight will be the advantages of rural living he j increase in provincial eoucation show predicted that education costs grants he announced the 1955 march of the clowni are going to hurt public school budget at s3u0o former- in this ttt one means of controlling ind aid it meant ux rates of will come as a stirpr tots of service to insist e207 and 2ts m- for vaoghj other featbres the orderly ieciopsient of sutcian and markhim townships liass entertainment of the amusing the per- ent act e to ail u be soloist guy rcvell from new market and comedian jack underbill of hamilton eighty members of the stouffville club will perform such colourful and fast moving numbers as thum- belim wonderful copenhagen and scenes from hans christian andersen amongst others dont miss this evening of wonderful entertainment there will be many valuable door prizes too tickets are on sale at the arena teds mens wear waggs jewellers weld- ons mens wear carload gro ceteria and thos birkett and son a new model car driven by donald lockhart 25 of scarboro flipped over on the don mill road south of vic toria square early saturday morning and came to rest beide a large steel culvert the driver suffering from chest and shoulder injuries wai rushed by ambulance u the toronto eat general hospital two passengers in the vehicle his wife mrs shirley ixckhart 25 and her mother mrs minnie durie both of scarboro were unin jured according to markham po lice constable lew durant the northbound car mt a re cess jn the pavement causing the driver to loie control the vehicle then hit the cul vert and flipped over landing on its four wheels the pave ment was very slippery in the morning due to a light fall of snow during tfte night markham townsbtn police gay that the don miijs koad d ha become the most danger- out thoroughfare in the mun icipality they have named it suicide strip more acci dents occurred on this high way during 1955 than on any other road in the township and police believe the figure 3111 be increased this ye-