it a the stouffyiue tribune thursday january 11 1956 are you a skater hard to beat the of skimming over the ice feb 2025 for rural safe driving week sunday school lesson i big rally night february 20th i to be each the stouffville offers skating for arena for pleasure health the ontario federation of for agriculture along wth its rnem- held ber organizations and the on- county carlo government in a joint at the 85 rallies night program of safe driving la rur- throughout the province prizes al areas have declared feb 20 to the winning forums will be to 25 rural safe driving presented york county big week j rally will be held in the with the ontario federation j lions hal aurora february of agriculture pledged to the 20th at 830 pm of helping- to improve the yor county federation relation as bot gods cosckbx for sixxers flesson for january 29 golden tevt for the son of man is come 10 seek and to 1 2 a cru rg ave that huh was iom i ke irc doubtles the heart o ilie lesson what the pharisee- steaded condemraton of swinghammer heads local police assoc task of each wednesday and saturday night space contributed in the service of the community by john lab att limited 600000 ontario farm people for i ganizatioas with the assistance whom the ofa speaks are th weekly newspapers are throwing their weight behind i supporting the campaign in the provincial governments york county currently intensified efforts to reduce highway accidents during the month of january some 500 ontario farms forums are being asked to elect what they regard as the greatest safety hazard in their commurf- i icy in making their selection crown attorney alex hail of they have been cautioned to ontario county warned last bear in mind that the human j week that he would not toier- factor is the greatest single fae- ate the raffling of cars by serv- or contributing to unsafe driv- j ice clubs in the county any up as a boas crack down on car draws v ing on the roads once the farm forums have made their selection of the greatest safe driving hazard in their community they have been invited to submit a 100- word report on what measures they recommend for eliminat ing this hazard over scoo in prizes are being offered to the forums judged to have submitted the best re ports a top prize of 100 will be awarded to the forum sub mitting the best report for the entire province organizational meetings have been held by opa fieidmen in 42 ontario counties during the month of january to prepare longer he said the practice has al- ways been against the law but police had been tolerant toward i service clubs which raffle off cars to raise money in future 1 will order the cars seized and the owners will be haled into court and charged with gamb ling mr hall said i expect i service clubs will consider this sufficient warning and act ac cordingly in one respect at least 1956 is bound to be tougher than was 1953 in that it has 53 mon- davs one more than last year had any way you look at it the big news longest roomiest sedan in its field 210 hp commander 4poor sedan low price field is the champion 2dook sidam big new studebaker pinmurst station wjtooh craftsmanship with a flair makes studebaker the standout take a real good look at the big new studebaker youll quickly see its the biggest dollars worth in the low price field this year look at its styling its new longer bigger look thats craftsmanship with a flair look at its performance new takeoff torque in three new sweepstakes engines brilliant examples of the famed economy- engineering that has won studebaker 17 firsts in mobilgas economy runs look at the new ideas it offers flightomatic the smoother faster- starting automatic drive new safetyaction brakes exclusive safelock door latches plus many other features youd expect only in and meet the studebaker hawks more expensive cars and most important look at the choice sixteen exciting models in five great series see them today the fabulous 275hp golden hawk heads up the first full line of family sports cars the only cars in america to combine such per formance with so much comfort and safety plus room for five passengers four hawks in four price classes golden hawk sky hawk power hawk might hawk sludaoaharpacliard of canada limited where pride op workmanship still c ome9 pirsti les wilson mtw sales cor main street ninth street n stouffville 0nt iuke 1910 the lkssox as a whole approach to the lesson last week we saiv how our lord accepted invitations to meals in the homes of phari sees as well as others the mot ive of the pharisees in inviting him was not always of the highest for the most part they were seeking occasion against him if he h3d shown them favor by accepting only their invitations and championing their position in israel they would have dec very well sat isfied but they found fault with him becaue he just as readily accepted invitations to the homes of social outcasts such as taxgatherers and sinners he seemed to them to be very in- discriminating and they doubt less took it as a personal affront jthat he made no difference be tween them and those whom they so thoroughly despised this weeks lesson brings us to a point where their exaspera tion found expression in what they intended to be a biting criticism this man receiveth sinners and eateth with them luke 152 the rest of the chapter including our lesson portion is our lords answer to that criticism xotice the form of the an swer he pake this parable unto them saying that really is the title of the rest of the chapter we speak of the three parables the parable of the lost sheep the parable of the lost coin and the parable of the lost son actually it is all one parable in three different frames in matthew 13 that great chapter of parables we notice how our lord set apart the parables from each other and he spake many things un to them in parables v 31 another parable put he forth unto them v 24 another parable put he forth unto them v 31 another parable spake he unto them v 33 again the kingdom of heaven is like vs 44 45 47 in luke 15 it is different all three stories are presented under the one phrase this parable we must therefore look for three aspects of the one truth and that one truth may be summed up in such a phrase as lost men and a seeking god verse by verse luke 151 then drew near publicans and sinners the publicans were social out casts because of their occupa tion collecting roman taxes j a g c the sinners were social outcasts because of their conduct these were habitually attracted to the teaching of jesus verse 2 this man re ceiveth sinners and eateth with them this habitual flocking of the outcasts to jesus and his kindly attitude to them brought the suspicion and dis pleasure of the pharisees to a head in open criticism averse 3 and he spake this parable this parable covers verses 432 it is a triple para ble showing different aspects of the same truth verse 4 what man of you doth not leave the nine ty and nine in the wilderness and go after that which is lost jesus is defending his receiving sinners by an appeal to the attitude of men to sheep the superiority of a man even if asinner over a sheep is im plicit in the argument for wilderness read pasture land as different from tilled land the idea of waste land is not present verse s layeth it on his shoulders rejoicing the found sheep is doubtless fright ened and weary and weak the shepherd tenderly lifts it upon his shoulder what a picture of tender strength verse 6 calleth together his friends and neighbours rej6ice with me doubtless the friends and neighbours refer to the angels v 10 the good shepherd trod the path of sorrow alone but he calls for company in his rejoicing verse 7 joy shall be in heaven over one sinner that repenteth more than over nine ty and nine just persons a strange statement yet one i which we see confirmed in hu- iman experience verse 8 either what wom an doth not light a candle and sweep the house it has been suggested that the pieces of silver were the wom ans wedding token equivalent to a ring with us but i can find no good authority for this the woman had only ten pieces and the loss of one called for diligent search verse 9 rejoice with me for i have found the piece which i had lost like the shepherd she wanted to give expression to her joy by shar ing it compare i had lat with was lost of verse 6 there the sheep was experien- tially in a lost condition here the inanimate object cannot be so described here the only thing that can be said is that the owner had loss verse 10 there is joy in the presence of the angels of god over one sinner that re penteth whether the joy here mentioned is that of the angels or the joy of god expreed in tntj presence is matter of tjus man receveth sinners it s hs glory that he dc so and it is certainly our salvation that he does so for we were sinner and he received us it is now our privilege to herald this as the great truth of the gospel to sinning men every where this man receiveth sinners in hls reply to this criticism our lord used both the defen- sive and the offensive method xotice the form of his argu ment he appeals to the prac tice of the very ones who have criticized him what man of you either what woman j this is what we would call in legs parlance argumentum ad i hominni an argument address- ed to man he indicates what 1 a man who had lost one out of i one hundred sheep would do he would temporarily forget i the ninety and nine who were 1 safely browsing in the pasture 1 land and give all his attention to the one lost sheep in like i manner he describes a woman who having lost one of ten j pieces of silver temporarily paid no attention to the nine pieces which she had in a safe place j and devoted herself to the find- ing of the one lost piece the whole point of the argument is i am doing what that shepherd would do and just what that woman would do when i am giving my attention to sinners j although it is not expressed there is another argument im- i plicit in these two stories it is what we would call a fortiori argument which means ing from the lesser to the grea ter christ intends his hearers to apply this reasoning how much greater is a man than a a meeting of the york cosw- tv police association was hid last week at the aurora tire hall ontario provincial police olbcer louis swinghammer was named president other officers elected were george clayton markham twp bret vicepresident alvin i1 j lock keswicfc 2nd viceprcs j and ed forrester opl sect i treasurer wm h1u pc newmarket and ken mcghee markham ownhip police were appoint- i the association representa lives on the parent police asso- elation of ontario board bvron burbidge newmarket i william hill sr keswick and fisher dunham aurora were named executive members t a m hulse of aurora was present to conduct the installa- tion of officers for the year initiation night will be held sometime in march the asso ciation plans also to hold a dance later during the winter or early prtng lights fail as cheap power offered lindsay immediately after exmayor i chas lamb told the inaugural meeting of lindsays council j that he as hydro commissioner i would work for the very cheap- j est hydro and light we can pro- duce a string of lights blinked i out in the council chambers u 1 another exmayer col r l 1 moore took advantage of the i occasion to rib his former op ponent by saying that he could 1 see how mr lamb planned to sheep or again how much 1 more valuable is a man than a j piece of silver even a slave would bring thirty pieces of silver on the market the fact that the man in question was a sinner would make no differ ence ah this is defensive but in each case our lord presented his case positively or as we might say offensively he af firmed the jo3 of heaven over one sinner that repenteth he even insists that the joy of heaven over a repentant sinner i greater than the joy over those who need no repentance this may be difficult to under stand and we can only grasp it as an extension of human ex- perience we know how the joy of parents is more deeply felt over the restored health of than over the un- bring about cheap lighting while he was talking he cut off half the lights the itinerant chimney ex- i pert who turns out to be a swindler should not be confus ed with the chimney swift which is quite a respectable bird broken health of the others in the family and also how a year ning mother would have a depth of joy over a returning prodigal more than over those who had caused her no pain at least it is joy of a different sort there can be no doubt that jesus ostensibly taking lie pharisees at their own esti mate was here telling them that cod had more joy over a repentant sinner than over them ecrd 10 offer down pay nothing more until june 1st no inferest or carrying charges no more painting or repairing never again get more out of living more 5 comfort in the summer more fuel saving warmth in ihc winter and get the most for the least cost save now on famousquality mwm xefane alcoa hlumuium camblnoliwi scitim nd storm windows combination dooi atvmtnwm okch tnclosums j will never rust itain or warp troublefree t oyjl e operation beautifies and adds value 10 i y your home has patented tamperproof lock for your childrens safety on the inside and for protection from prowlers on the outside many other modern features complete price quoted in advance no extras easy yr avritc for free estimate mitchell aluminum sales ltd po box is downsview onf phone sterlinff 82901 t ice x3zex3z3eez 5 53 sb05cs cream tor hesl results ship your cream to stouffville creamery we pay two cents more per pound butterfat for cream delivered to the creamery cold storage lockers from ss00 to si 200 per year or by the month stouffville creamery co to have our truck call phone i86w ccccc imnltvlinnniminnm