Ontario Community Newspapers

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), January 19, 1956, p. 6

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p3 6 the jtooffvjue trjkjne thukd4y jahualty ww o hearing county of yorh coustt op york the ontario mcmctpat board in the matter of stetios 30a of the highwav improvo- snent act rso 1950 chapter 156 as enacted bjos 1954 chapter 34 section and ix the matter of section 390 of the muciciiml act mso 1950 chapter 243 and ix the matter of an application of the corporation of th chanty of vork for approval of its bylaw nurnbr sim en titled a bylaw to reguiate the location of bandings and structures on land adjacent to certain county roads notice of hearing take notice that the ontario municipal board has ap pelated tuesday the tlii day of january 1956 at the hour of half past w oclock in the afternoon at the york county btidirg newmarket for the bearing of a parties interested in support of or apposing this application dated at newmarket this 1 1th day of january 1355 j 1- smith clerk of the county of york the municipality of the county ok york itviwv no 2ti8 a bylaw to regulate the location of buii-d- ixgs and structures ox land djacknt to certain county roads whereas it is deemed to be necessary and desirable to reg tlate the location of buildings and structures on land stij iu to certain county road and whereas authority is granted under section 30a of the hlffaway improvement act as amended by section 2 of the highway improvement amendment art 195 1 to exercise such power subject to the approval of the municipal board now therefore the council f the corpora tion of the county of york enacts as follows 1 no person shall erect any building or structure any part of which is located closer to the nearest limit of any of the county road or part of county roads as defined in schedule a attached hereto than 25 feet where the road is s6 feet aide 33 feet where the road is 66 feet wide and in no case closer to the centre line of the original road allowance than 6s feet 2 no personshall erect any building or structure any part of which is located closer to the nearest limit of any of the county roads or parts of county roads as defined in schedule k attached hereto than 32 feet where the road is s6 feet wide 12 feet where the road is 66 feet wide and in no case closer to the centre line of the original road allow ance than 75 feet 3 in the event a municipality through which a county road or a suburban road passe ha- a bylaw in force to regulate the location of buildings and structures the regula tions of the bylaw with the greater restriction shall apply 4 any person convicted of a breach of any provision of thi bylaw shall forfeit and pay at the discretion of the con victing magistrate a penalty not exceeding the sum of 5000 for each offence exclusive of cots 5 this bylaw shall come into effect upon the day that it is passed by council subject to the approval of the ontario municipal roard passed this 2nd dav of june ad 1555 sgd ralph e corner warden sgd j l smith clerktreasurer schedule a the county roads or parts of county roads defined by rylaw no 2713 and referred to in paragraph no 1 are as follows i the whole of county roads nos 16 is and 32 as de scribed in bylaw xo 2666 ii the whole of county road no 15 as described in bylaw xo 2666 excepting that portion of the county road within the limits of the town of aurora hi the whole of county road no 21 as described in bylaw no 2666 excepting that portion of the county road ex tending easterly and southeasterly from the canadian national railway rightofway on the 5th concession of the township of georgina a distance of one half mile fiv the whole of county road no 13 as described in bylaw no 2666 excepting those portions of the county road within the limits of the police villages of holland landing and mount albert schedule b the county roads or parts of county roads defined by bylaw no 27 id and referred to in paragraph no 2 are as follow i the whole of county roads nos 3 s 14 22 and 31 as described in bylaw no 2666 ii the whole of county road no 6 as described in bylaw no 2666 excepting that portion of the county road ex tending northerly from the southerly limit of ivot 13 to the northerly limit of iot 21 in the township of vaughan and that portion extending northerly from the southerly limit of lot 1 to the northerly limit of lot 5 in tha township of king iii the whole of county road no 7 as described in bylaw no 2666 excepting that portion of the county road in the village of woodbridge and those portions extending northerly from the southerly limit of iot s to the norther ly limit of lot 9 in the township of vaughan and from the southerly limit of lot 24 to the northerly limit of lot 25 in the said township fiv the whole of county road no ll as described in bylaw no 2666 excepting that portion of the county road within the limits of the police village of king city v the whole of county road no 12 as described in bylaw no 2666 excepting those portions of the county road extending northerly from the southerly limit of ixt s to the northerly limit of lot 11 in the township of east gwillimbury and northerly from the southerly limit of lot is to ihe northerly limit of iot 21 in the said township and northerly from the southerly limit of lot 12 to tiie northerly limit of ixt 14 in the township of north gwillimbury vij the whole county road no 25 as described in bylaw xo 2666 excepting that portion of the county road within the limits of the village of richmond hill and that portion of the county road extending westerly from the canadian national railway rightofway in the 3rd concession of the township of vaughan to a point meas ured one half mile west of keele street the corporation of the county of york hytaw no 2010 a iiylaw to consolidate the bylaw estab lishing a county road system in the county of york and all bylaws amending such hyiaw under the highway improvement act whereas the bylaw establishing a county road system in the county of york has been amended from time to time by adding road to and removing roads from the county road system and whereas certain roads formerly included in the county road system have been assumed by the province of ontario as part of the kings highway and whereas under the municipality of metropolitan toronto act 1953 all roads within the metropolitan area or on the boundary between the metropolitan area and an ad joining county which on the 31st day of december 1553 formed part of the county road system were removed there from on january 1 1954 and whereas in order to attain greater efficiency in the administration of the county road system it is deemed expedient to redesignate and redescribe the roads comprising the said system in one consolidated schedule making such revisions or correction in the existing descriptions and re corded mileages as are necessary to make them conform with the present situation therefore the council of the corporation of the county of york enacts as bylaw number 2666 as folix3ws 1 bylaw number 11s5 being taken together with and supplementing byiaw number 1053 the original byaw estab- lishine the county road system in the county of york as amended by bylaw number 1450 being the last consolidating byiaw reestablishing the said system and further amended by subsequent amending bylaws are hereby amended by striking out therefrom tne schedules referred to in the slid byaws and by substituting therefor schedule a annexed here to 2 the roads as designated and described in schedul a annexed hereto shall constitute the county road system of the county of york 3 the numbers by which the several road comprising the county road system are designated in schedule a here to annexed shell be used for all purpose of administration and accounting 4 this bylaw shall not come into force unless approved by the latenanicoverroriacounci and upon being so ap proved shall be deemed to have com into force so far as approved on the is day of january 1954 passed at tie city of toronto this isth day of april lilt designation description county being that jscrtiot of the road or deriato- road thereof in the township of markcam xo 3 commencing is the township of markham oa kennedy the road between concessions v 4 vi at the north road imil of the road between th townships of scar- boro and markham steeles avenue thence northerly aon the said road between concessions v vi to the southerly limit of kings highway no 7 a total distance of approximately 253 miles county being that portion of the road or deviations road thereof in the town of newmarket and la the no 3 township of whitchurch eagle commencing ia the town of newmarket oa street eagle street at the east jimit of king s highway no 11 yonge street thence easterly and northerly along the said eagle street to water street thence easterly along water street to prospect avenue thence continuing easterly along gorbarn street to the boundary between the town of newmarket and the township of whitchurch thence in the township of whitchurch continu ing easterly along the road in lot 33 to the west erly limit of county road no 12 being the road between concessions ii and iii a total distance of approximately 260 mies county being that portion of the road or deviations road thereof in the township of vaughan and king no commencing in the township of vaughan on dufrerin the road between concession ii and iii at the street north limit of the road between the townships of and vaughan and north york steeles avenue keele thence northerly along the said road between street concessions ii and 111 to the southerly limit of kings highway xo 7 again commencing in the township of vaughan on the road between concessions iii iv at the northerly limit of kings highway no 7 thence northerly along the said road between concessions hi iv to the boundary between the township of vaughan and the township of kin thence in the township of king continuing northerly along a diversionary road across lot 1 in concession iv to tiie road between concessions iii iv thence continuing northerly along the said road between concessions iii iv to the southerly limit of the road between lo 5 and 6 again commencing in tile township of king on the road between concessions ii iii at the north erly limit of county road no 1 1 being the road between lots 5 and 6 thence northerly along tiie said road between concessions ii fc iii to the northerly limit of the road between lots 25 and 26 a total distance of approximately 1546 miles county being that portion of the road or deviations road thereof in the t hip of vaughan and the no 7 village of woodbridge weston commencing in i uwnship of vaughan on the road weston road at the north limit of the road between the townships of vaughan and etobicoke steeles avenue thence northerly along the weston road in concession vii to the boundary between the village of woodbridge and the township of vaughan thence in the village of woodbridge continuing northerly along the weston road to the southerly limit of kings highway no 7 again commencing in the village of wood- bridge on wallace street at the northerly limit of kings highway no 7 thence northerly along wallace street to pine street thence easterly and northeasterly along pine street to the boundary between the village of woodbridge and the township of vaughan thence in the township of vaughan continuing northeasterly northerly and northwesterly along the weston road across concessions vii and viii to the easterly limits of kings highway no 27 in lot 25 concession viii a total distance of approximately 73s miles county being that portion of the road or deviations road thereof in the townships of markham whitchurch no 8 east gwillimbury and north gwillimbury don mills commencing in the township of markham on road the road between concessions hi and iv at the north limit of the road between the townships of scarhoro and markham steeles avenue thence northerly along the said road between concessions iii and iv to a diversionary road in lot 35 concession iv thence northeasterly along the said diversionary road in lot 35 concession iv to the boundary between the townships of markham and whit church thence in the township of whitchurch continu- ing northerly along a diversionary road in lot 1 concession iii to the road between concessions iii and iv thence northerly along the said road between concessions iii and iv to the boundary between the township of whitchurch and east gwillimbury thence in the township of east gwillimbury con tinuing northerly along the road between con cessions iii and iv to the boundary between tha township of east gwillimbury and north gwillim bury thence in the township of north gwillimbury continuing northerly along the road between con cession iii and iv to the southerly limit of county road no 12 being the road between lots 15 and 16 a total distance of approximately 3072 miles county being that portion of the road or deviations road thereof in the township of georgina and in the no u village of sutton jackson commencing in the township of georgina on the point road in iot 2 in concession vi at the north limit ronil of the markham road kings highway thence northerly along the said road in iot 2 concession vi to the boundary between the town ship of georgina and the village of sutton thence continuing northerly in the village of sutton along the extension of the said road in lot 2 concession vi to high street again commencing in the township of georg ina on the road between concession vi and vii at ihe east limit of the said road in lot 2 concession vi thence easterly along the said road between concessions vi and vii to tha west limit of the markham road kings highway again commencing in the village of sutton on high street at the southerly boundary of the said village thence northwesterly along high street to main street thence westerly along main street to daltoa street thence northerly along dalton street to the lake shore road again commencing in the village of sutton on the lake shor road at the boundary between the village of sutton and the township of north gwillimbury thence easterly along the lake shore road to the boundary between the village of sutton and the township of georgina thence continuing easterly in the township of georgina along the road between the township of georgina and the village of sutton to the west limit of hedge road a total distance of approximately 341 miles connty being that portion of the road or deviations road thereof in the township of king no ii commencing in the township of king on the king road between lots 65 and concession i at the road west limit of kings highway no 11 yonga street thence westerly along the said road between loti 65 and 66 in concession i and continuing westerly along the rojd betweln lots 5 and 6 in concessions ii to v to the easterly limit of kings highway no 400 again commencing in the township of king oa the road between lots 5 and s at the westerly limit of kings highway no 400 thence westerly aong the ad road between ite 5 ard 6 across concession v to xi to the boundary beoren the connty of york asd the county of pej a total distance of approximately ijs9 asiies deoffnadon description designation description connty being that rortioa of the read or deviation road thereof la the townships of whitchurch east no 13 gwillimbury xorth gwiuimbury and in the village sutton of sutton road commencing in the township cf whitchurch oa a diversionary road in lot 29 in concession iii a the west limit of the road between concessions iii and iv thence northerly northwesterly and westerly along the said diversionary road to the road be tween iot 30 and 31 thence westerly along the road between lots 39 and 31 to a diversionary road in lot 31 concession 111 y thence westerly north westerly and northerly along the diversionary road in lots 31 and 32 concession 111 to the road between concessions ii and iii thence northerly along the road between con cessions ii aid iii to the boundary between the townships of whitchurch and east gwillimbury thence continuing northerly in ihe township of east gwillimbury on the road between concessions ii and iii to a diversionary rosd in lot 15 con cession iii thence northeasterly northerly and north westerly along the diversionary road in lots 15 and 16 concession iii to the road between concessions ii and iii thence northerly along the road between con cessions ii and iii to the boundary- between the townships of east gwillimbury and north gwillim bury thence continuing northerly in the township of north gwillimbury on the road between conces sions ii and iii to a diversionary road in lot 4 concession iii thence northeasterly northerly northwesterly northerly and northeasterly alone a diversionary road in concession hi to the road between lots 15 and 16 concession 111 thence easterly aiong the road between lot 15 and 16 to the road between concession iv and v thence northerly along the road between con cessions iv and v to the road between lot 23 and concession ix base line thence easterly along the road between lot 23 and concession ix to the boundary between the township of north gwillimbury and the village of sutton thence continuing easterly in the village of sutton along the said road between lot 23 and concession ix base line to daltou street thence northerly alone dalton street to county road no 9 being the southerly limit of main street a total distance of approximately 2305 miles county being that portion of the road or deviations road thereof in tiie township of east gwillimbury and no 13 on the boundary between the county of york and mount ihe county of ontario albert commencing in the township of east uwillim- road bury on the road in lot 10s concession i west of vonge street at the east limit of kings highway xo ll thexce easterly along the said road in lot 10s in concession i west of yonge street to yonge street thence southerly on yonge street to the north- easterlv limit of kings highway no 11 again commencing in the township of east gwillimbury on the road between lots 106 and 107 in concession i east of yonge street at the east limit of yonge street thence easterly along the said road between lots 106 and 107 to a diversionary road in lot 106 thence southeasterly easterly and northeaster ly along the said diversionary road to the road between lots 106 and 107 thence easterly along the said road between lots 106 and 107 and along the voad between lots 11 and 12 concession ii to the west limit of the road between concessions ii and iii again commencing in the township of east gwillimbury on the road between lots 10 and 11 at the east limit of the road between concessions ii and iii thence easterly along the said road between lots 10 and 1 1 to a diversionary road in lot 10 con cession iv thence southeasterly easterly and northeaster ly along the diversionary road in ixit 10 concession iv to the road between lots 10 and 11 thence easterly along the road between lots 10 and 11 to the westerly limit of the markham road kings highway again commencing in the township of east gwillimbury on the road between ixjts 10 and 11 at the east limit of the markham road kings highway thence easterly along the said road between lots 10 and 1 1 to the westerly limit of the road between the county of york and the county of ontario again commencing on the road between the county of york and the county of ontario at the south limit produced easterly of the road between lots 5 and 6 in concession ix township of east gwillimbury in the county of york thence northerly along the road between tha county of york and the county of ontario tooths north limit produced westerly of the road between lots 20 and 21 concession i township of scott in the county of ontario a total distance of approximately 1542 miles connty being that portion of the road or deviations road thereof between the townships of markham and xo 14 whitchurch and on the boundary between tha stouftvllle countv of york and the county of ontario road commencing on the road between the townships of markham and whitchurch at the east limit of kings highway no 11 yonge street thence easterly along the said road between tha townships of markham and whitchurch to tha westerly limit of the markham road kings high- wav again commencing in the township of mark ham on the road between the township of mark ham and whitchurch at the easterly limit of kings highway no 47 in the village of stouffville thence easterly along the said road between the townships of markham and whitchurch to the road between the county of york and the county of ontario thence southerly along the road between the county of york and the county of ontario to the southerly limit produced westerly of the road be tween concessions viii and ix in the township of pickering in the county of ontario a total distance of approximately 1227 miles coonry being that portion of the road or deviations road thereof in the township of king town of aurora xo is and in the township of whitchurch anrora commencing in the township of king on tha road road between lots 20 and 21 in concession ii at the east limit of county road no 6 being the road between concessions ii and iii thence easterly along the said road between lots 20 and 21 in concessions ii and continuing easterly along the road hetween lots so and si in con cession i lo the boundary between the township of king and the town of aarfts thexce continuing easterly in the town of aur ora along wellington street to the westerly limit of yonge street again commencing in the town of aurora oa wellington street at the easterly limit of yonge street thence easterly along the said wellington street to the boundary between the town of aurora and the township of whitchurch thence continuing easterly in the township of whitchurch along the r03d between lots 0 and si in concesion i and along the road between ixts 20 and 21 in concessions ii to v to she westerly limit of the markham road kings highway again commencing in the townhip of mark- htn on the road between ixts 20 and 21 in con cession viii at the easterly limit of the markham road kings highway thence easterly t the road between lois 20 and 21 to th boundary etwees the county of york and th county of ontario a total distance of appoxlxateiy 1361 aile county being that portios of the road or deviation road thereof ia the township of king no 16 commencing ia the township of kac on tha ilotdtonn road between lots 23 and 26 at the westerly limit road of county road no 6 being the road between concessions ii and hi thexce westeriv along the ld road between lots 25 and 26 to the road between concessions iv and v thence northerly aiong the said road between concessions iv and v to the established road la lot 2s concession v thence westerlv along the said established road to the easterv limit of kings highway no 400 again commencing in the township of king on the established road in iot 2s concession v at the westerlv limit of kings highway no 400 thence westerly and northwesterly along th said established road to the road between lota 30 and 31 concession viii thence westerly along the said road between lots 30 and 31 to the easterly limit of king highway no 27 a total distance of approximately s64 miles county being that portion of the road or deviation road thereof in the township of georgina xo is commencing in the township of georgina on tha park road between lots 6 and 7 at the north limit of road the oad between concessions vi and vii kings highway thence northerly along the said road between lots 6 and 7 to the southerly limit of the road between concession viii and ix a total distance of approximately 175 miles county being that portion of the road or deviations road thereof in the township of georgina and on tha no 21 boundary between the county of york and tha uilora county of ontario road commencing in the township of georgina on tha given koad known as the pefferlaw road at tha south limit of the road between concessions vi and vii kings highway thence southerly southeasterly easterly and northeasterly along the given road known as the pefferlaw road through lot 21 concession vi and lots 21 22 2 24 25 concession v to the boundary between the county of york and the county of ontario again commencing in the township of georg ina on the toad in lot 21 concession i at the north limit of the road between the county of york and the county of ontario thence northerly along the said road in lxt 21 concession i to the road between concessions i and ii thence easterly along the road between conces sion i and ii to the boundary between the county of york and the county of ontario again commencing on the road between tha county of york and the county of ontario at the south limit produced easterly of the road between the townships of georgina and scott thence northerly along ihe road between the county of york and the county of ontario to tha southerly limit of kings highway no 4s a total distance of approximately 1050 miles county being that portion of the road or deviations road thereof oil tiie boundary between the county of no 23 york and the county of peel indian commencing on the road hetween the county of line york and the county of peel being the indian line at the north limit of the road between the town ships of vaughan and etobicoke steeles avenue thence northerly along the said indian line to the southerly limit of kings highway no 7 a total distance of approximately 127 miles county being that portion of the road or deviations road thereof in the village of richmond hill and in tha no 2 townshipof vaughan maple commencing in the village of richmond hill on road ihe road adjoining the southerly boundary of tha village of richmond hill vaughan road at ihe west limit of yonge street thence westerly along the road adjoining the southerly boundary of the village of richmond hill vaughan road to the boundary between tha village of richmond hill and the township of vaughan thence continuing westerly in the township of vaughan along the road between lots 45 and 46 concession i and along the road botween lots 20 and 21 concessions ii toy to the easterly bound ary of kings highway no 400 again commencing in the township of yaughan on the road between lots 20 and 21 at tha wester ly limit of kings highway no 400 thexce westerly along the said road between lou 20 and 21 to a diversionary road in lot 21 con cession thence northwesterly along the said diversion ary road in ixt 21 concession v to the road be tween iots 20 and 21 concession vi thence continuing westerly along the said road between lots jo and 21 concession vi to a diver sionary road in lot 21 concession vii thencp1 southwesterly along the diversionary road in lot 21 concession vii to the road between ijts 20 and 21 conceolon vii thence westerly along the said road between lots 20 and 21 concession vii and ylii lo tha easterly limit of county road no 7 being the weston road a total distance of approximately 911 mllei connty being that portion of the road or deviations rond thereof between the town of newmarket and tha no 31 township of east gwillimbury in tha town of huron newmarket and between the townships of whit- street church and east gwillimbury commencing on the road between the town of newmarket and the township of east gwillimbury known as davis drive formerly huron street at tha east limit of kings highway no 1 1 yonge street thence easterly along davis drive between tha town of newmarket and the township of east gwillimbury to the boundary between tha town of newmarket and the township of east gwillimbury thence continuing easterly along the said davla drlvo in the town of newmarket to the boundary between the town of newmarket and tha town ship of east gwillimbury thence continuing easterly along the said davla drive between the town of newmarket and the township of east gwillimbury to the boundary be tween the town of newmarket and the township of whitchurch thence continuing easterly along the road be tasen the townships of whitchurch and east gwillimbury to the westerly limit of county road no 12 being the road between concessions ii and iii a total distance of approximately 253 miles county reing that portion of the road or deviations bond thcrnf botwven the townships of east gwllllm- no 32 bury and north gwillimbury nivenhoe commencing on the road between th townships road of east gwillimbury and north gwillimbury at tha cist limit of county road no 12 being tha road between concessions ii and iii thence easterly along the road between th townships of east gwillimbury and north gwillim bury to the westerly limit of the markham road kings highway again commencing on th- road between tha townships of east gwillimbury and north gwlij imbury at the easterly limit of the markham road kings highway thence continuing osterly along the road be tween the township of east gwillimbury and noth gwilumnury to the boundary between the county of xnrv and the county of ontario i total distance of approximately 70 rail

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