th 2 the stouffylui tribune thursday september 22 w55 the stouffville tribune cstabushtd 1m a v nolan son publishers member of the canadian weekly newspapers association and the ontarioquebec newspapers association member of the audit bureau of circulations autfeorlx coadcuu mtl fojtoslc df 01 printed and lued every thursday at stouffville ont in canada 250 elsewhere 350 c hsoin pubiltbar ju ttomu auoc editor what geese is it wont be long until wild ducks and geese begin to number themselves across our skies southernbound on this seasonal subject a little lad writing an essay for his teacher outdid himself with the following offering geese is a low heavy set bird which is mostly meat and feathers his head sits on one side and he sits on the other geese cant sing much on account of dampness of the moisture he aint got no between- thetoes and hes got a little baloon in his stummick to keep from sinking some geese when they get big has curls on their tails and is called ganders ganders dont halt to sit and hatch but just eat and loaf and go swimming if i was a goose id rather be a gander action too little and too late reeve elmer daniels made a very significant com ment at the last council meeting which passed by council with very little attention he stated that time was fast running out for doing any sidewalk work in town this year it would appear that there has been little combined effort made to have sidewalk work done this year which means that double the amount will be needed next year while there is still time there is little action taking place once again citizens who attend the many functions at the fine new high school as well as the students who must go there each day appear destined to stumble along over coarse gravel and cinders and play tag with the cars on the muddy road leading to the school the high school is a public building and even if no homes existed on the street one should at least expect a sidewalk we agree that the home owners on the street will benefit and should contribute this sidewalk is a necessity and should not be delayed be cause of bickerings between ratepayers and the muni cipality serving your community municipal elections throughout the district will be taking place in less than three months and it is not too early for ratepayers to be giving some thought to this important business undoubtedly municipal elec tions this year will create more than ordinary interest due to the large increase in the number of voters and the growing perplexity of municipal problems due to the rapid development of the whole suburban area in richmond hill stouffville in markham and whitchurch townships there are thousands of new residents who will be exercising their municipal fran chise in their new homes for the first time all are vitally interested in municipal government as the great majority are homeowners with a stake in the com munity municipalities in this district have been fortunate in that through the years they have enjoyed good municipaj administration the best possible guarantee of continued efficiency in municipal government is the active interest of the ratepayers with so many new residents in the area and so many major developments underway it is very likely that some of the new citizens some representatives of the newly developed areas will seek places on municipal councils and school boards this is as it should be and we hope that new citizens willjiot be backward inoffering their services on public bodies too often new candidates decide on nomination day to contest an office and learn to their sorrow that the job of getting known and getting elected in a municipality is a bigger undertaking than was anti cipated those who are interested in offering themselves for municipal office or for positions on school boards- would be well advised to make plans well in advance of nomination day in fact its not too early now to make any such intentidns through the press and in this regard we assure you we will be most cooperative if you are interested in offering your services in pub lic office whether it be for municipal council or school trustee we suggest you make your intentions known as soon as possible once a candidate has announced his or her intentions through the press the way is open for friends neighbors ratepayers associations or kind red organizations to press the claims of their candidate for the support of the people of the whole community administration of municipal affairs is important business in any community in communities such as richmond hill and surrounding municipalities the ad ministration of municipal and school affairs takes on added importance due to the growth and development now under way it is important to the future welfare of the district that our public servants be men and women of ability and vision the liberal telephone call brings a prayer a telephone call to liberty 11311 in cleveland will bring a oneminute recorded prayer that begins this prayer must come from your heart as well as from the oice that speaks it dial a prayer was started this week as a special commun ity service by the east cleve- land congregational church the nondenominational service is on a roundtheclock basis installed at the church are two machine like those vised for transmitting recordings of the weather and time twice a day the churchs pastor rev earle c hoch- wald prepares a new recording he says the service grew on of the recognition that many- persons desired prayer at cer tain moments during the day but were reluctant to go to a clergyman almost a fourth of all the radio in the vjs are n auto mobiles for parents only star gazing laff of the week star gdz3 is as ola as man kind it is a hobby which fas cinates a ehud ano never loses its charm with the pacng years astronomy is a fieid where there is always some thing new to learn something for which to search fresh dis coveries are being made ail the time and during the last cen- tury some of the important ones have been first noticed by amateurs especially in the country or at the lake or sea shore where no electric lights dim their brightness on any clear night the stars shine down in aii their beauty some 9000 stars can be seen with the naked eye ail over the earth throughout a whole year but only 2500 to 3000 stars can be sefn with the un- aided eye in any place at one time telescopes have been used for iess than five centuries star gazers can find out a great cieai about the heavenly bodlei with ust their two eyes the indians used to test the eyesight of their children by- pointing out the second star in the handle of the big dipper and see if they noticed that there was a tiny star beside the main star a little rider on the back they called it like many other races they often called the big and little dipper big bear bear astronomers lra minor and crsa major and use latin names for many of the constellations it is fun to look at the stare or the moon through good herd glasses but it is much more ex citing to have the privilege to view them through a telescope in most areas some amateur astronomer owns a telescope and is glad to allow another star enthusiast to catch a glimpse of the heavens through its lenses observatories are stationed in definite places and are usu ally open to the public at stated times a visit to a planatarium like the one in chicago is in deed a high occasion a glimpse into the wonder and the majesty of the night skies simple star maps are inex- by xancy cleaver a reai find for star enthusiasm three of the many exceiier boofcs on astronomy for young readers are the stars for san by w maxwell reed you am ong the stars by h and n schneider and stars by zim tnd baker drawing a map of ones own from observation of the stars on a clear night after studying them for a month is a gocx test of how much information you have acquired a large round cookie tin cur be converted into a spleno lar map by painting it a darii blu then trace a star map and using nails of three size- punch holes big one for the first magnitude stars medians ized one for the second mai nitude stars and the smalles- holes for the lesser ones an outline of the constellation and their navies can be mark ed with luminous paint place a hat flashlight facing upward inside the tin put on the cove and you have a very special star map of your own marking if amateur photography is a favorite hobby why not try a fast film of the path of the stars on some clear mooitles night a circular tube card board lens hood two or three inches iong will keep out stray light and protect the negative from dew marks even if it does business directory brierbush hospital ambulance service okay now lelt bar jomr rendition of good nlrht ladles editors of long standing honored vancouver three pioneer nd i m- mii the field a tripod camera i ueeki newspaper editors term tiiem can be pointed to the north whose combined journalism star or a box camera sup- careers total 170 years were ported on a leve ciiair and the honored here with special film given a time exposure of i awards at the annual meeting several hours because of the of the canadian weakly news- motion of our rotating earth papers association other longer lhe exposure the j longer will be the arcs traced by the stars with the stationary j north star the centre hub ofj the wheal j star study can be carried on in any season children and i older boys and girls top love stories on action and adventure every race which ever lived has its own legends about the mighty figures which people the night sky the red indians the egyptians the greeks the oriental nations have all con tributed to the wonderful treas ury of star stories why not try the hobby of star study and pensive and not too difficult toj learn the legends lust- see for follow the little booklet an yourself how much vou and easy pocket star guide for be ginners by h r kingston is i your family will enjoy it copyright liuiiiniitititisttnmtyiili tx i cream for best results ship your cream to stouffville creamery we pay two cents more per pound butterfat for cream delivered to the creamery cold storage lockers for immediate rentals stouffville creamery co i to have our truc call phone lsgw i i i it we have tomorrow a few years aco professor arna bontemps a negro teacher in virginia usa wrote a book for his people entitled we have tomorrow 11 was widely read as it deserves to be it was good reading for anybody bontemps reviewed the lives of scores of negroes who had made good in the best sense of that word his main contention was that the future held great opportunities the injustices of yesterday should be forgotten as water that has gone under the bridge ijnioucht it was a good book and i agree with the author that much as we define people of yesterday it is the present and the future with which we have to deal let us forgive and forget the past 1 we have tomorrow many of us think of heroes of yesterday and the struggles in which they tool part forgetting that each day presents a challenge and an opportunity it is a great mistake to think that all the romance and adventure is over actually the events of everyday life are just as exciting if we have eyes to see it a young man once called on bishop phillips brooks the famous boston preacher the bishop talked of the great days of the past of stirring times when the nation was young and grow ing and every new day brought its adventure the youth was thrilled as he heard of brave men who held their lives lightly if only liberty and truth prevailed to the bishop he said i wish i had lived in those faroft days i think i too could have been a hero then the bishop said something very wise and true my bo he said every age brings its opportunity and it you cannot be a hero now you would not have been a hero then somehow the past with its adventures and fierce struggles seems so wonderful to us that we find it hard to believe anything happening in our day is important or interesting but it is there is an old proverb distant field look green strange to say this saying is very much like one written thousands of years ago and found in the bible wisdom is before him that hath understanding but the eyes of a fool are in the ends of the earth years ago a sunday school was established on the outskirts of a large and growing city the school like some other causes in the community had quite a hard time in the beginning the people were so busy building their homes arranging for streets and drainage for firehouscs and postal delivery and a score of other things that while there were many children eager to attend sunday school there were not sufficient teachers in the community there was a welleducated young man who wa keen to go to africa as a missionary he had read of livingstone and many others who had gone there and he could recite from memory the story of their hardships and thrilling exploits several times he was approached and asked to teach in the sunday school but he was not intereseted his mind was on africa and of the needs of those neglected and ignorant people to the boys and girls who were running the streets of his own district he was more or less indifferent not long ago the man died he never went to africa and he never realized that he could have been a missionary right at home there have peen great heroes in faroff time but there are equally great heroes today there have been occasions in history when it seemed as if evil would prevail over goodness but brave men stood out boldly for righteousness and truth who will deny that there are forces of evil today which must be checked and overthrown opportunity i at our door our quotation today by charles wesley to serve the preterit age my callino to fulfill o may it all my powers engage to do my masters trill 7 the three editors hugh sav age o the cowichan bc leader fred j macpherson of the bridgewater vs bulle tin and l oilier perrier of the st jean que le canada franeais were awarded honor ary life memberships in the cavxa in recognition of long and distinguished newspaper careers between them the veteran newspapermen have run a ga mut of accomplishments soldier sailor miner explorer musician language scholar and pioneer printer mr savage started hi news paper career 55 years ago as a reporter for the vancouver province and assumed h i s present post as editor of the cowichan leader in 1h he is a former president of the c v n a mr savage twice represented canadian weekly newspapers abroad at imperial press conferences he was a director of the original canad ian press association and was elected as an independent mla in bd in 1913 mr perrier has made a life long career with his newspaper le canada franeais starting with the weekly when he was 21 he was elected a director in 1917 he is pastpresident of the frenchlanguage weeklies as sociation of canada mr per rier was promayor of st jean in 1910 a veteran of 65 years exper ience mr macpherson s first job was as an apprentice prin ter in stellarton ns early in his career he worked with weekly newspapers across no va scotia in 1932 he purchased the bridgewater bulletin sask paper wins canadas best weekly news paper with a circulation under lov is the grenfell sask sun second and third paoes were won by the parksville-quali- aim beach cbci spotlight winners of the competition for the best editorial page were first the agassiz-harri- son bc advance second j the elora ionti express 3rd i er in the compe paul w j mingay ba barrister and solicitor wldeinan block markham tuesday a- thursday krenings saturday morning ihonr t1 residence eckardt avrio unionvilie pboo 324 reidnt member of slrdkbmott mrm a won rogers mackenzie a mixgay barristers solicitors notaries and tne rimbey aka recibc progres- third the coltfce mission city bcvfraser 502 bay sir r iqutlam bci herald valley record toronto l phose em i2l4 the claresholf aita local press bei front page compe tition winners were first the grenfell sasjcj sun second the parksequaicum beach awards made at newspaper con the brampton conservator was awarded the oscar of weekly newspaper publishing in vancouver at the annual meeting of the canadian week ly newspapers association the conservator was voted the best allround newspaper in its class large weekly newspapers with a circulation of at least 3000 and was awarded the mason trophy second and third places were claimed by the midland free press herald and the yorkton sask enterprise an award for the best edi torial page in the over3000 cir culation class was won by tht swift current sask sun runnersup were the newmar ket era express second and the tillsonbarg news and the yorkton sask enterprise both tied for third place the brampton conservator also won first honors in the best front page competition second and third were the port credit weekly and the midland free press heraw in another division of the competitions the oakville tra falgar journal was selected as the most outstanding weekly newspaper in canada with a circulation of more than 2000 close contenders were the courtenay bc i comox dist- rict free pres and tne aurora banner winners of the best ed itorial pge competition were first the oakville trafalgar lournai second the melville sask i advaneo third the brampton peel oa7tte lead- on for the the dry creek the creek is there its winding ways remembered well from days but what a change no rippling gleam reilectini from a murmuring stream- no minnows darting round about in search of food no perch nor trout no crawling leech nor lurking crab await for tender toes to grab just stone and rock and things that stink all starkly bared from brink to brink wed like a picture but to take it there just now would cause an ache wheneer again wed have a look at thatonce so refreshing brook so we shall pass to come again when there has been a bit of rain we also have a growing wish to see again those little fish for tis so lonesome standing here with all that creek so dry and drear indeed we hope some future day will wash the lonesomeness a way- restore again a sense of weal with righted wrong and homey feel w f r byiu ambllaxce 21 hour service ambllaxce taxi richmond hill richmond hill tit- 41soo tv 41408 b v cab r cam dental neil c smith lws lius graduate of rniveraity of toronto office over canadian bank of commerce telephone 167w stouffville e s barker lus 1kus honor tjradaate of university of toronto office over harold grill phone 274v stouftville medical dr s s ball physician and surgeon xray office corner of obrien main rhone 196 coroner for york county dr ij button dr d w brodie telephone 571 h75w xkay hours daily 9 to 12 am and 130 to 300 pm evenings t to 9 pm sundays 11 to 12 am and by appointment olllcc over button illk acton free press best in 1000 class the acton free press was voted the men outstanding weekb- newspaper in canada with a circulation of more than 1000 runnersup for the award and the charles clark cup were tiad for second the clin ton ont newsrecord and the renfrew advance third the ladner bc optimist winners of the competition for the best editorial page were first the port elgin times 2nd the renfrew advance 3rd the clinton newsrecord winners of the best front page competi tion were first the acton free press second the ladner op timist tied for third the clin ton newsrecord and the high river alta times drs mitchell smith physicians vv surgeons xray phone 230 stouffville office hours daily 912 am 11 pm 79 pm wednesday office closed in am sunday officoopen 23 pm chiropractors a c kennedy chiropractor church street stouffville monday and friday 9 to 12 am optometric e a grubin ro optometb1st piefon stouffville at stouffville office on the fol lowing mondays and tuesdays afternoons and evenings only sept 19 20 oct 17 18 nov 14 15 dec 12 13 phones 80j2 and 21j1 main st west 3 doors west of albert st phono ihj2 for appointment garnet v gray ro optometrist wm birkett hfasiiience hours 10 am lo ioo pm every tuesday evening by appointment insurance stouffville floral roses wedding bouquets funeral designs cut flowers milt smith prop phone 70w birkett son general lnsurnnco agency stouffville ontario insurance in reliable companies at reasonable rates prompt service phones 2591 and 2592 ken laushway general insurance phone 270wl k 270w2 stouffville ontario fire automobile liability f g aisop insurance stouffville ontario fire life auto casualty v 11th year in business main st kant phone 223w barristers fred m pugh general insurnnre phono stouffville asu2 what if the unexpected would happen today how would your dependants fare consult your local mutual life of canada representative fred m pugh day anj xigat serrtc maiernity medical and suriical member of the allied prlrau hospital association government ilrentwj main street east stoafftille marie jack hairdressing ilod avenue stoustilla permaxext waving hatrstylink and shaping machine maehlneess cold war phone 381 betty beauty salon victoria street machixeless machine cold wave hair styling a shap1xo phone stouffville 307 r itadgero auctioneers sellers atkinson ph asia 2rtlw2 ph sto 3si licensed auctioneers and sale managers over 30 years experience rales conducted anywhere spe cializing in farm stock furni- ano lsoi vaixa ou iv paiod pue pajuiiaad sum paeiij po pun posn nuostd ii iiv skies xiiadqm pun jni rates are most reasonable for this completa service which really pays off no sale too big or too small ken clarke prentice auctioneers licensed and authorized for the counties of york and ontario farm stock implements house hold furniture ileal estata srdes our specialty at fair and reasonable rates dual servlc for the price of one mllliken po th ax 35ss1 markham po ph mark 34s prentices have been established auctioneers since 1890 a s farmer licensed auctioneer york cty uxbridge pickering townships farm stock and furniture sales a specialty address gormley po tclephono gormley 3811 real estate when puyinf or selling reai estate farms residences business properties contact george w allison rcgd real estate broker phone 244 funeral directors l e oneill stouffville funeral director and embalmer continuous telephone service day or night phono stouffville 98wl theaker drewery funeral directors amitulaxce service phone 8103 ml albert j w dixon funeral director private ambulance markham kindness courtesy service telephone 90 markham ontario stouffville machine todi works telephone 2t8 rear of cnr station electric and acetylene welding farm machinery machinery repairs most outsundin front pe in the class were first the cour tenay bc comox district free peis second the oak- ie trafalgar journal thir insure today the coop way for information enquire t your local coop or write to john sytema newmarket ph 311j4 accountants john c wylie fcis chartered serretarr public accountant auditor income tav iteturn ru2 stouffville telephone itlji farm accoiififfns service joy beauty salon permanent wavinjf individual slylinjj razor shaping mrs verna austin propw phone stouftville 9872