Ontario Community Newspapers

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), September 15, 1955, p. 11

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stopovers at honolulu top tonic for editor b john freeman canadian weekly newspaper editorial representative and editor of the lakeshoe news poime claire who recently returned from a 2vjoinile trip with canadian pacific airkoes whkil took him to australia via hawaii and fiji arrival at hawaii is an ex perience no traveller wiu ever forget having read the adver tising literature pertaining to hawaii like other weekly editors had admired the copy writers style more than i had his veracity phrase like ha- ati lotus islands of the pa cific had sounded wonderful foul unreal before i left hono lulu airport next day i had cause to revise my opinon elegant accommodation warm scented winds bright sun pounding surf and the seeming ly unending happsnes of the people create a state of mird absolutely guaranteed to plac ate the ulcers of any number of weekly editor i could have spent trie whole four weeks there and to the devil with the rest of the tour hawaiian lag surprie one point that never fail- to rouse the interest and curiosity of visitors to hawaii is the sight of what appears to be the union jack flying in the top quarter of the hawaiian flag next to the staff inited states territory since 3ss when its annexation took place hawaiis flag is made up of nine stripes alternate white red and blue and as a union of blue the crosses of st george st patrick and st andrew a clue to this design of the flag is found in the fact that hawaii was originally known as the sandwich islands being named after the first lord of the british admiralty the bar of sandwich actually the first european to set foot there was captain james cook who some years earlier had discovered and claimed australia for the brit ish crown the famous captain was sub sequently killed in a misunder standing on a return visit to the islands and a monument stands to his memory thereon besides the natural beauty of the resort and of the maidens whose charms are an obvious adjunct to the scenery won der if this will get past the wife the islands themselves have a history and culture that begins for most hawaiians with the reign of king kame- hameha i who conquered all the islands and brought them tinder one government tale of two stame through circumstances and not by design there are two bronze statues of the king ex actly similar on the island of hvaii and thereby hangs a tale according to paradise ha waiis wellread monthly maga zine the people of hawaii com missioned a bronze statue of their beloved king from flor ence italy the statue was eventually finished and ship ped v j boston where it was transshipped again the last leg of thetrip would take the boat around the horn unfortu nately however the ship caught fire and sank off the falkland islands luckily all eight feet six in ches of the bronze statue were insured and a copy was order ed right away this one had a smooth trip and was unveiled in 1ss3 with the heavens ex- pressing their approval and joy by pouring rain on spec- tatorsuntil just a half hour be fore the formal ceremony and then the sun shone brightly for the rest of the day the punchline is m the fact that vears later the original statue was found in the falk- lands by a ships captain who took it to hawaii in the hope of finding a buyer his custo mer was the kingdom of ha waii which erected th dupli cate statue near the famous warriors birthplace grapefruit for breakfast breakfast at the royal ha waiian vvas marked by the in credulous observation of the beautifully gowned hawaiian waitresses concerning the breakfast order of my new found travelling companion hon marsh you come all this wav to eat grapefruit in hono lulu apparently the spirit of ha waii later catfght up with ron as he had to be practically drag ged onto the plane as it left for the fiji islands on what is the longest leg of the whole flight some 3000 miies during which time we became mem bers of the equator club and dateline club as we headed into the night flying below the milky way brightest of ail the heavenly galaxies in the south ern hemisphere when the stewardess an nounced you are now crossing the equator i was no different to the other passengers all looking down for that thick black line on the oceans sur face its at about this stage in the flight that you are caught with the impression that the airline is trying to give you back as much of the fare as possible in food and refreshment the ser- vice is outstanding our stop at fiji was of short i duration v had a cold shower jand i bough a set of lovely earrings of tortoise shell and mother of pearl for the little woman at home very helpfu if one is to get the tig i- ecome upon return and especially so i if she is doing the job of pub lishing the paper in ones ab sence according to reports o the plane stewardesses who some times stop over at fiji there is an excellent resort on the other side- of the island if one wants to really get away from it all we had breakfast on leaving fiji and landed at sydney around ii am after a refuel ling stop at aucklands airport in new zealand arrival sydncy we cannot omit mention of the excellent service given tourists and visitors by the cus toms at sydney airport the familiar queue is noticeably ab sent and passengers are sum moned by name in a quick and courteous manner make sure you have the offi cial tamp as required on your certificate of vaccination i didnt and as a result got the needle again administer ed by an australian mo cour tesy of the australian govern ment i must check on my return to quebec whether or not doc macdonald billed me for that first needle job he told me the stamp was not necessary aussies live well the canadian visitor to aus tralia will find much to interest him in this land of some ten million people who are so very like canadians in many ways but so different in others the average australian en joys a high standard of living secohd only to the usa and canada with nearly every family owning at least one au tomobile mainly because of dollar restrictions most autos are of english or continental make however many aussies now drive the wholly austral ianmade general motors pro duced holden sometimes known as the poor mans chewy it is a popular make and has astonishingly high picktip and performance residents in the higher brac kets generally go for the higher priced jaguar with some fam ilies owning say a jag and also a smaller car as a secon dary automobile vhile i was in australia general motors announced plans to build a s1200000d new plant they also announced a profit of 21000003 over the preceding year the climate is a direct re versal of canadas with the heat of summer curing the months of december and january one of the most enjoyable peus in which to make the trip and yet not be in the peak travel ling period ivould be during february march or april oh and yes a must for all overseas guests is a visit to one of the animal sanctuaries vhere good cloeup pictures of australias strange animals may be taken and dont forget to take some snapshots of the koala bears theyre as cute as the publicity photos depict thcml to be continued new winter barley licensed for sale winter barley is becoming more popular each year in cen tra and southwestern ontario where in the southwest por tion of the province in particu lar yields are often higher than for spring barleys according to w w snow extension spe- cialit of the western ontario agricultural school at ridge- town mr snow reports that souihvcern ontario is the area best suited for winter bar ley- production but that some areas of central ontario can produce good crops particular ly if a very winterhardy vari ety is used although winter barley is not so winterhardy as wheat es pecially where the oil is heavy or not too well drained there ls a distinct difference in the ability of varieties to withstand winterkilling hudson is a new high yield ing variety of winter barley re cently licensed for sale in can ada it is winterhardy and may often be grown successfully under conditions that would eliminate much of the stand of varieties such as wong hudson stands well and has advantages in this respect over tennessee which has heretofore been re garded as the standard for win terhardiness winter barley lias other ad vantages as well it matures earlier than other common small grains and is often ready for combining or threshing two weeks before winter wheat this of course spreads the harvest season and helps re duce the pressure of work at a busy time the law gives pedestrians the right of way under many cir cumstances but makes no pro vision for flowers oxen pond building at humber field day sponsored by the humber valley conservation authority to demonstrate the many pha ses of a conservation program a field day will be held at dal ziel pioneer park at the hum ber forest and at cold creek on saturday sept t a pair of oxen field naturalists foresters archers and the amateur radio emergency corps will all par ticipate the radio men take par in a communicsions test of the humber authoritys flood war ning system the oxen are be ing brought here for a demon stration of century old farm equipment toronto anglers and hunters will give a demon stration of field archery at dal- zie park and the field natur alists will study wild life in the cod creek valley west of no- bleton at first glance some of these activities may seem remote from our program said eric baker authority chairman but each has been picked to dramatically demonstrate as pects of a conservation program in this watershed to under stand pioneer farming methods as they will be demonstrated is to comprehend the changes in agriculture as they have affect ed the soil and erosion flood warning of course is a project instituted from our hurricane hazel experience archery and field naturalists activities are just two of the recreational programs sought by the million and a quarter people of the metropolitan region in suitable areas as part of the educational program to illustrate the vast changes hi watershed condi tions over the past century and a half the authority have ar ranged a live demonstration of pioneer life houseliold and farm equipment from the per manent collection in the 12v yearold dalziel barn now re stored by the authority will be used men and women in per iod costume will operate looms churns and cultivating imple ments which belonged to the family of henry snider who settled in the area some loo years ago the field naturalists will hold their regional gathering near coventry about two miles west of nobleton and a mile north of king sideroad some iioo or more members are ex- peeted to attend following an afternoons survey of the wild life they will summarize their findings at the dalziel pioneer park in a section oftbe humber forest south of palgrave a tree planting demonstration will see macoobbbcbaobobbopbt bakeri five acres 1 mile north of no t highway- 10th con men a women winter coats skat a boots all chwerfleld a chair 92s0o klertric stov saooo aorlmnt of socond hand furniture antique opn daily 10 pm the stouffvule trjune thursday september 15 1955 p tl 6th line whitchurch sgt ken harper of portage la prairie spent sunday with his parents mr and mrs ros- harper ken is taking 6 weeks nco course at camp borden mr and mrs harry white donald 31a jimmy spent sun day with mrs pearl smith mr and mrs dudley white and lena spent friday evening with mr and mrs harry white mrs wm pattenden balan- trae is spending this week with her daughter mrs nor man stockley husband and family sunday dinner guests with mr and mrs gorman dixon were mr and mrs bill mitchell and murray sunday dinner guests with mr mrs bruce clarke were mr and mrs morris ebv and steven and peter lambert rev david and mrs clarke and children spent the week end with mr and mrs elmer clarke and rev and mrs nor man rowan corporation a business de vice for obtaining individual profit without individual re- sponsibilitv comedian part of the famil iar saying which came first the comedian or the 2000 white spruce trees planted by humber equipment in some two hours between 3 and 5 pm r j burgar zone for ester for the humber water shed area will explain refores tation practices the activities at the dalziel pioneer park will begin at 1 pm and continue until 6 pm in addition to the pioneer far ming demonstration modern farming techniques that con serve water and soil resources wiil be illustrated during the afternoon a farm pond will be actually constructed at the dal ziel site picnic facilities at dalziel pioneer park will be available to those who attend apartment a cracker box with partitions grass seed quality mixtures for all conditions for clay or sand in sunshine or shade from 50c per lb special prices on quantities evcrv seeding job should be fertilized we carrv a full link 01 fertilizer our landscape department is prepared lo do any size grading and seeding job at prices that wil sur prise you call now for free advice and estimates garden supplies sandy loam rotted manure peat moss available at our garden centre or delivered to your door special prices on truck loads u nionvi lie n ursencs garden centre no 7 highway unionville phone unionville 95 tribune classifieds get results t beet pulp i i stretch your cattle feed by getting t a supply of this economical feed 4 x x we have a good supply at the moment so gel your a j order in for prompt delivery x reesors marmill limited markham phone 9600 t t jplan t visit the 1b35 free admission 32 ibitors c h bell son k h middlemiss malloy plumbing stouffville fruit market waggs jewellery china stouffville radio tv carload groceteria houstons rexall drug store lorne byer heating stiver bros e h neville sons prizes free samples harolds grill raxlin furniture stouffville coop hamilton automotive ed garnet plumbing hendricks hardware geo allison stouffer hardware oneill furniture ratcliffs iga foodliner spofford co r h murphy ltd bank of nova scotia horticultural society stouffville bakery ltd patrick motors york county health unit ontario provincial police les wilson motor sftles maple leaf dairy brierbush hospital to

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