p9 j the stouffyllu tjuwne thursday aug tl 1955 victoria gardens subdivision makes unionville village potential slum towsity values wi further depres ses the j ate to the point that ir3ny fine a prfojold homes housing one family be sold to acccsrirrkxiate 3 4 families which will caiue i school health and police pro- era second to none it the j to new fact book about canada since the markaam ehp planning board ea of its approval i cpe on the victoria subdivision abutrfng tin village of unlonviue l tion has been rile n the viba second to none in the ail the coal mines in lage and property alues have county especially as more than scotia vere once gven taken an alarming drop j 33 of the residences in the f pit to the brother of geor looked at ietoselv by a tax- police village are equipped a royal spendthrift wfao in payer in the polite village ixhvttij only very rudimentary two yews sosl tne mines to his teif it provider a sorry future forma of sanitation creditors for this charming little coraj the sewage treatment plant in the ifctw years the aver- munity y bot located in the new a p f has teereas- the total revenue collected in subdivision a these places de- from 12i t0 acre- v5 nd in vaiue of land buildings xova cs a e iv the village is in the rmgapovi hood of four thousand dollar yearly out of this mgnificen bum the village trustees mair i precjaie property values but will be located on the creek he ss rom how the railway bridge everv sjooo to slo000 in just the i oust lo years the numoer of canadians employed on farms the main road the bridge by pollution over a wide area and decreased from 1100000 to the planing mill storm sewers w certainly curtail any dec- half of the pomander road ent deveolpment to the east v rainfall causes a flood the courage of daniel illustrated sunday school lesson scripture dariel 1 5 by alfrd j buchr krg nebuchadnezzar told his master of the eunuchs to bring certain healthy intehrt boys of the captured jews to him lie brought daniel and three ethers they were to be given food ard wine ircm ue kiass table to keep item in health daniel refused to eat the kings food for fear it would pollute him he per suaded the master cf the eunuchs to give the lads nothing but pulse and water to prove that they would be as healthy ts these who lived more sumptuously- brought before the king at the end of the period the jewish lads were found to have knowledge and skill in all learn ing daniel had understanding of all visions and dreams all were found bet ter than the magicians and astrologer cf the realm belshazzar nebuchadnezzars successor gave a great feast and members of his court drank wine from the gold and i silver vessels taken from the jewish temple a hand wrote on the wall and daniel interpreted the word htreet lights and twentyfive percent of the fire department and also contribute t the com munity centre the library and various other activities surely even the present mu nicipal board would not ton- in sider the issuing of debentures to cover the installation of sew- building values at 5160000 about soooqo while same period the number of ca- i nadians employed in manufac- according to recent press rej h increased from 030- thirtyfour building permits eases the subdivjders nave en- 000 more n3u j total value of which reached itstecp the approval o both the such are i0me of the ucm of s15 mark were issued scaool and village trustees on j information contained in the j for the month of july by mark- 11th annual edition of quick ham township behslf of their project as well the patronage of a number prominent people few of whom pay taxes in the milage canadian facts the pocket an nual of facts about canada re leased this week by the pub- mai ices should council approve the plans for the victoria gardens subdivision and the debentures toe approved by the municipal board the ratepayers of the police village of unionville will find themselves with a road to keep in repair over iwhich the necessary construc tion materials for four hundred homes roads sewers commer cial assessment water pumping station and sewerage disposal pystem have been trucked and also the materials for seven more subdivisions etc to be constructed north of the vill age at the present time all nor mal healthy growth in the area is being held up repairs and reconstruction are being kept at a minimum which is in it self an unhealthy sign proper- j matter will be attended to be- ifore further negotiations are i undertaken i the school population in the new development will be taken care of in the new 14 room schoolhouse financed by a much depreciated provincial grant due to the increase in population in the school section s10o a lot from the subdivides and the rest from the ratepay ers in the unionville public school section another million dollar high school is of course inevitable those people who have been sold a bill of goods on free sewers and water in the village should take a close look at the total cost before they contract for more than they expect properly owner mrs strickland unionville sue of dwellings am- s121to0 accessory s7i2 commercial irial 527000 twenty- tank permits were world the united states and soviet russia have more miles of railway track than has can ada canadian railways operate 4s1s locomotives fi55j passen- gss cars and 1s79s0 freight ears since 1930 the average week ly wage in canadian manufac turing plants has increased from 2014 to 5s3g this year canadians will pay about 7 billion in taxes to the federal and provincial govern ments compared with ss00 mil lion in 1039 it is estimated that canada must have a population of 30000000 by the year 1975 to meet responsibilities of defense and to fill a framework of gov ernment that is four times too large for the country the new edition of quick ca nadian facts which carries lip- total va minted to buildings and indust one septic issued the building permits involv ed the erection addition to and repairs to housesahd garages as well as an addition to the menuonite church on the 5th concession which amounted to s 1000 the report for july shows a decrease in total value of build ing in the township compared to may when building reached the threequarter of a million mark in comparison 32 per mits were issued in may but the incerase in value was caus ed by the application for a per mit to build the high school at thornhill ontario govt is discussing pipe line attorneygenera porter of ontario said yesterday that on tario has been discussing under taking the building of part of a naturalgas pipeline from western canada to ontario commenting on ottawa re ports saying federal authorities hope both federal and provin cial aid will be provided to start a proposed allcanaciian pipe line in 1958 he said what we have been talking about is that a certain part of the pipeline be built by the provincial government and paid for in rents mr porter was in ottawa last wednesday discussing the ques tion with federal authorities premier frost of ontario met prime minister st laurent there last week illpad discussions mr porter said today discus sions so far have been broad and net gone into details mr porter said a provincial subsidy to lower the commer cial price of natural gas from winnipeg to toronto is the wrong way of looking at the problem however the attorneygener al reiterated earlier statements that discussion of possible on tario financial participation in a pipeline i still in the realm of speculation before the prov ince could look at any proposal it would need much more in formation about ail aspects of the plan pay own way he said a scheme should be so set up that it would pay it own way a subsidy meant a deficit if the province were to build part of the pipeline rent could he kept down during the first few years while market were being established said mr porter a private company could not do this he said if such a scheme would fill the bill the prov advi is i advertisement 1 people buy the tribune read and read it to buy todate information on all sig nificant aspects of canadian life is released this week to newsstands and book stores aatmejtjcjcsxsocsxjsfsxxjocv wxsxxxssjss dr jimmie johnson evangelist rev merrill dunlol organist pianist mr clyde taylor musical director elistic in the stouffville are sunday night at 730 week nights and saturdays a great opportunity jptan and m d jar fill eminent trichologist demonstrates causes oj baldness and how it can be prevented how to have hair for a lifetime to be demonstrated here by famous trichologist offers written guaraxtee an exclusive interview by ward allen london ontario special m huell director of jarell hair experts of canada exploded the myth of baldness today in exclusive interview hereditry stems from a misinter pretation of the theory of gene tics theory does not state that any person must he bald because baldness exists in the family baldness is unnecessary costly what it does say is that in some behold now is the accepted time behold now is the day of salvation 2 cor 62 special youth for christ program each saturday night sponsored by the ministerial association the christian mens fellowship the youth for christ and a plague to mankind says jareh no man need be bald no man need suffer the stigma of premature old age that is forced upon him because he is losing ills hair the jarell method of hair and scalp treatment can pre vent baldness can turn color less fuzz into healthy growing hair can make you look youth ful again demons i ration to he held in stoufvville out this revolutionary method of families a tendency exists to wards an undernourished scalp the purpose of jarell hair and scalp experts is to teach the methods of strengthening the weak scalp and nourishing it to a healthty vigorous condition jv healthy scalp will grow hair if it is not already completely bald assures jarell ls there hope tor the completely pah in his travels throughout the uniteil states and canada jareil liomc treatment for the hair htiil has collected hundreds of testi- mtlp will he letiionrntcfl in monies of his ability to develop stonrfville vkiksia v oxijvj weak fuzz into healthy mature august 1th at the mansion hair all of his clients have house hotel tihiioloist es started with a private examina- lnurieis will conduct tin private tion hair and scalp analysis and individual interviews from in a diagnosis of the disorder jarell noon until 1100 pm on august is quick however to tell a hope- 1 onlv there is no cost or less case that he cannot be help- obligation and you need no ap- ed we strongly advise say pointment j jarell that no person who is kkasov foh halonkss completely bald hold any hope there is always a reason for t whatsoever of regrowing hair if baldness continued t hi- nation- there is any fuzz at all we can ally known authority hair can- restore a healthy scalp condition nor fcrow through a scalp that is and the hair will grow normally infected with dandruff excessive again as nature intended oline- or fxireme dryness a oiler a fiuaranteo sfulp that has never been exer- jarell hair kxprt of canadn cied cannot be expected to pro- offer a guarantee to anyiienl dure healthy hair men and i who enrolls for treatment if he yes wonn too walk he treei or he u not completely delighted today completely devoid of na- ith results at the nd of 30 lures greatft ornament han days the money invented will be simply because they were not 1 graciously refunded pledged taught the haie rule of hair jarell we must have atified and scalp hygiene while thy clients we mui regrow hair were growing np the slmpie j aftr all it ix our bea advenhe- answer emphumzed this expert menu is that children should be taught your hair healthy je v m5t imp basic rule of if you have a scalp diorder or if hair and scaip hygiene that they you are worried about your hair are iaught for the proper care of jrl trtchoogit dcs inurier at their teeth if this were the case j tlic mansion house hotel in 10- stouffviue august only j from it noon to f00 tm the public is invited the examina- 30 j uons are privsie and open t ui4 riin and women you do n o need an appointment and you aiity baldness woum day jferctlilj not involve trkhologfs jarell dodged us 1 he quickly took up moit widely spread theory haldcfrs heredity mankinds j win no be embirraed or ogh- unrealistic belie thai baldness u gated tz my way the courage of daniel temperance he nefuses to be defiled by heathen customs i by newman campbell in last weeks lesson we road of the courage of shadrach me- shach and abcdncgo in facing death in the fiery furnace rather than to bow down before a pagan idol today we find daniel refusing to eat the rich fcod and drink the wine ordered by king nebuchau- nersar for the four chosen youths and persuading the master of the eunuchs to allow them to cat pulse edible seeds such as peas beans lentds and the hke and to drink water only daniel the hero of todays les son was brought to babylon in the first deportation ordered by nebuchadnezzar he was a boy at the time and it was in the reign of king jehoiakim king nebuchadnezzar must have been impressed by the intel ligence of the jews of the upper classes descendants of royalty so he ordered his chief eunuch to find children in whom there was no blemish but well favored and skilfull in all wisdom and cunning in knowledge and under standing science and such as had 1 ability in them to stand in the kings palace and whom they might teach the learning and tongue of the chaldeans scripture daniel 1 s nebuchadnezzar died and bt shaizar succeeded him on tha babylonian throne betshixar made a great feast to a thousand of his lords and drank wine after commanding that the gold and silver vessels which had been taken out of the temple at jeru sal em by nebuchadnezzar should be brought and the whole com pany drank vvine out of these v sels sacred to jehovah n4 i praised the gods of gold and of silver of brass of iron of wood of stone that same hour the fingers of a ghostly hand appeared nd 1 wrote on the wall of the palace and when the king saw it he wa troubled he called for his ai trologcrs and soothsayers to in- terprct the words which werei alcnc mcnc tckel upharsin all these wise men of babylon were baffled they could not tell the king what was meant by these four words the queen how ever said she knew of one who possibly could explain what they were she meant of course dan i iel so it came to pass that daniel was brought before the king who promised him that he should be- clothed with scarlet and have a chain of gold about his neck and memory verse lt is good neither to tn flesh nor to drink wine nor any thing whereby thy brother slu nbleth roman ltl daniel hananiah mishacl and azariah were chosen and brought before the kirtjr he ordered them to be fed food from his own tabic and also wine however daniel purposed in his heart that he would not defile himself with the portion of the kings meat nor with the wine which he drank so he begged the master of the eunuchs who respected daniel to allow the four jews to eat only pulse and drink only water daniel was sure that on such a diet he and his companions could come before the king after a cer tain period and look as healthy and be as intelligent and learned as any fed on richer foods with these foods the four youths would not be violating the jewish dietary law and would be true to their clod in whom they put their trust after the trial period had passed and they appeared before the king and he talked with them he found that there were none in his kingdom who could match thenr in all matters of wisdom and understanding daniel had understanding in all visions and dreams and they were ten times better than all the magi cians and astrologers that were in all his realm be the third in rank in the king dom as he had promised the mci who failed to interpret the words daniel refused the gifts the scarlet robe the gold and the office of third in rank as ruler of the realm but he told belshazzar because thou hast not humbled thy heart but hast lifted up thyself against the hord of heaven this warning was sent the meaning of the writing mcnc god hath numbered thy kingdom and finished it tckcl thou arc weighedin- j the balance and art found want ing peres or upharsin thy kingdom is divided and given to the medea and persians i they clothed daniel in scarlet j and put a gold chain about hia neck saying he should be the third in rank of the kingdom but that very night belshazzar was slain as darius and his medea j and persians attacked and over threw the kingdom where did daniel get his high ideals and tremendous courage from his parents who had in stilled the ideas into him just a i in todays homes in which tem perance is practiced and high ideals cultivated children are trained in ideals based on copyrighted outlines produced by the division of christian tbdtkalml national council of the churches of christ in the usa and used by permhtoj distributed by kinr feature syndicate tribune classifieds get results congratulations to stouffville baking co fhwu installation of s wedcnfr2cbs5fe now serving soit ice cream cones take home bulk pack mckellar refrigeration company pelerboroufth onl distributors in eastern ontario