ground observer corps news kverv person this r junlty has the op rtunity lay a role the air irrse of our osrv top air force officials hi stated flatly that a potential enemy is presently capable of reach- ths country with at- critic bombs and other weapons of modern warfare based on e premise that azgression can best be discouraged by a j strong defence the air dcfeye5 of this country are rapidly be ing brought to peak effective ness this is a ob worth undsr- taking and the way is left open to us to do our part by becom ing members of the ground observer corps civilian vol unteers are needed to spot air craft which might be enemy bombers bombers capable of carrying atomic bombs to important industrial targets here in canada how do we fit into the pic ture as you know a hostile enemy plane must be detected and intercepted befor it nears its ultimate target although our community might not be an initial target or be located houstons rexall drug store near a target we can help de tect these planes before they get within bombing range of their objective upon this warn ing system which depends or us rests the safety of the entire country sad its ability to light back should we be attacked we hope we shall never be at tacked but we catnoi afford to rsta- can do its part bat limited ia certain areas due to and own operating peculiarities which make it in effective at low altitudes these felted spots must be guarded civilian volunteers house wives farmers teachers storekeepers citizens in all walks of life must assist in dying this job a mem bers of the ground observer corps you can do your part in defending canada right here in your own community by be coming a member of she ground observer corps ask your local chief observer for more information today the exercie held during the past weekend was very success- the past week mr bill baker port perry has been made an assistant regional supervisor in mr bert chewins territory while mr alan jackson rr 1 xestleton and mr stan xor- rish tyrone have been made chief observers in their respec live districts clare keere the stoufiviile tribune ttsbjsday march 51 1966 page t vast new development would benefit unionvilie planners say so this is spring notice of special grants to all municipalities and school boards in ontario for the information oj heads oj municipalities and school boards elementary and secondary it is announced that the government of the province of ontario will pay a special unconditional grant equal to onehalf of the basic uncon ditional subsidy payable under the municipal unconditional grants act 1953 to every municipality in the province while these grants are completely unconditional they are primarily in order to assist municipalities in special welfare matters where required and at the same time to stimulate employment the total sum being paid for this purpose is 53750000 and the government of the province of ontario will pay to each school board in the province a special grant of 5400 for every child of average daily attendance in the elementary and secondary schools of ontario the total amount being paid for this purpose is 53500000 these grants amounting to 57250000 arc uncondi tional and will be paid as soon as possible about april 15 1955 estimated amounts payable to each municipality and board are being communicated to the clerk of the municipality in the meantime enquiries should be directed to the department of municipal affairs parliament buildings toronto each municipality and board should lake these grants into consideration in planning programs and setting tax rates for the year 1955 g h dunbar minister of municipal affairs w j dunlop march 24 1955 minister of education a little helps a lot i theyre only little pieces of colored paper those easter seals which are now being sent to stbuffville residents with a request that the return envelope enclosed be used to send a small donation to the work of the ontario society for crippled children but they mean so much to crippled youngsters hope for the future through elimination of handicaps which can be remedied by early and adequate treatment your donation neednt be a large one although of course the bigger the better but large or small it will help bring health and happi ness into the lives of crippled children wont you send your envelope in today and make life happier for those who through no fault of their own need a helping hand space contributed in the service of the community in john 1ibitl limited jjfmm i i ifr ii ifr mm4fm4fmf m t tft m fqftmm m continued from page 1 and the winding watercourse to the pleasure of living to thhe pleasure of living the method of grouping the houses in courts of six ten or twelve at the same time cre ates a new functional type of road a kind of neighbourhood collecting road without abut ting individual driveways the houses front towards the cen tre of the courts and the indi vidual drives branch off the court drives thus providing for increased traffic safety utmost care and considera tion has been given to make the connection between the exist ing village and the new devel opment harmonious and pleas ing the old church presently used as legion hall will be sur rounded by open space so that this unique piece of wonderful architecture can be enjoyed more than at the present time as an architectural counter part another distinctive build ing will be erected at the knoll along the future extension of victoria avenue towards the west it will be shown that ar chitectural features can be har monious even if they are of different centuries the area of the existing rink a real centre of community life is proposed to be enlarged by donating to the township approximately i acres of land adjacent to the rink and to allow for a walking access to the rink from the south the proposed neighbourhood and the existing village of un ionvilie will be surrounded by a greenbelt in the future as a contribution to this greenbelt liver the dsposa plant will 3 acres of woodland will bebe of moot modern design jdonated to the township andjadopting all new principles of jit is hoped that an equestrian sewage treatment and t will i path might become a fact in the definitely not produce any od i near future using part of this ors or other nuisance the jiird with the cooperative as- j above ground structures will stance of neighbours at theibe nice in appearance and the lorth and northeast j ground properly landscaped the described piece of wood- thus making the plant not an land also contains the water supply area test wells which have been drilled indicaved that a large quantity of waer is available ranging from i mil lion gallons per jay to one million or more or in other words enough to supply the proposed neighbourhood the existing village and other fu- tvre developments a water supply system in accordance with the requirements of the prov dept of health will be constructed to supplv the pro posed keighbourhood and the pumps tank filter and main pipes will be of enough capac ity to supply also th existing viiiage the conneciou to the water supply system is offered to the present residents of unionvilie at no charge at the following points opposite the eld township office at main street at the dead end of pom ander avenue at the dead end of eureka street and at a point approx 2oo ft southwest of the rink but it should be left to each individual to de cide whether he wsnts to con nect or not the proposed neighbourhood will be serviced by a sanitary wer system with a sewage disposal plant at the low lying land near the fork of rouge eyesore but an asset again the plant will be designed of enough capacity to serve also the existing village and the residents are invited to connect at no charge at a point approx at the intersection of main st and victoria avenue the increae of school aged population will require an ad ditional school which is pro posed to be erected some 1200 feet west of the rink from the point of view of administration it will be an extension of the existing school the developer will carry his share of the cost of construction and no addi tional tax burden will fall on the present residents of the area looking into the far future it was felt to be advisable to investigate how the proposed neighbourhood would fit into other future residential devel opments which might or might not take place in the years to come in addition thought was given in respect to the location of future industrial and com mercial buildings for the rea son that if the latter should not be located properly relative to residential neighbourhoods the previous and present efforts to create something better than usual could be easily spoiled thus a master plan has been designed showing one logical way to locate different kinds of developments la the next 50 years or so a d ditiona neighbourhoods if they should develop should be located on high lying land between the creek valleys the latter forming natural green- bells separating the individual nighbourhoods the green belts should accommodate the future main collecting roads thus making the beauty of the val leys available to the public the sije of the neighiwurhoods should be determined by the elementary school so that the children would have safe walk ing to the school with a dis tance of less than 3 mile to cover the future community core misleadingly known as com mercial centre should be lo cated in the centre of several neighbourhoods the buildings should be embedded in nice green areas thus again empha sizing the garden village and country like impression the core should provide location and space for one senior high school and maybe three junior high schools in accordance with the new educational scheme introduced by the provincial dept of education hope re port separate schools several churches funeral chape and cemetery hospital theatre li brary recreational centre res taurants bus terminal fir hall arage for road equipment shopping centre including car shop and service station and a main ollice building industries which wilt be ne cessary for the economical bal ance of the community should be located a certain distance off the residential district and due to prevailing winds preferably south or east of the latter with a logical area designated indus trial with water supply and ewage disposal available and with good railway and road connections new industries will certainly be attracted to move into the township the steadily rising number of automobiles will increase the traffic congestion along main street of unionvilie and the day will come when a di version of the tiow of through traffic will be necessary it seems to be wise to consider at the present time where such a diversion road could be lo cated and to leave a strip of land free for this purpose thus it woyld be avoided that new buildings would have to be torn down if such a diver sion road were constructed in the future the mentioned masterplan incorporates the suggestion to locate the diver sion road east of unionvilie ilong the creek valley and to swing it more westerly north of the rink it is sincerely noped that the wonderful community spirit o the village of unionvilie will be increased by the addition of the proposed neighbourhood to lie existing village and that more people among them the developer and the planners themselves could pnjoy the pleasure of we- plsnned sub urban countrylike life m sx v v 0 4 w wm w its the largest mid finest fleet of trucks ever built by the nations no 1 truck buildei wloatever your task or trade theres a new chevrolet truck to make or save you money on every job come and look em over now chevrolet introduces work styling an exclusive development in truck design plus new engines new capacities new overdrive and power steering new features and advantages throughout heres what happens when canadas leading truck builder pulls out all the stops here arc trucks that arc new from the drawing board out and they have a whole truckload of new advan tages for you a new kind of truck styling fleet functional stvling that fits your job for the first time in any truck line two distinctly different styling treatments arc offered one in light and mediumduty models another in heavyduty your handsome new chevrolet truck will be a profitable advcrtiscmcntonwhccls for you and your business a new outlook for the driver truck driving was never like this the completely new flitcridc cab is every thing a driver could wish for from its big sweepsight windshield to its con cealed safety step that keeps clear of mud or snow the new seat is broader and softer new instrument panel and controls arc the last word in con venience new highvoltage engines with a new 12volt electrical svstcm for quicker surer coldweather starting and increased generator capacity plus more efficient cooling and lubrication systems an improved fuel system and completely redesigned engine mount ings theyre the smoothest quietest most powerful chevrolet truck engines ever built and much more thats new like the smoother loadsteady ride new highlcvel ventilation tubcless tires standard on lon models new stronger frames of standard width new power steering and power brakes for heavy duty models new 19500 lb max gvw in 1700 series and theres a new choice of transmis sions standard or automatic come in rnd see the newest things in trucks optional at extra cost automatic transmission on y li- and jton models a glnthal motohs valut chas cooper limited phone 103 104 cfaremont ontario