e 4 tfce stousrtn tribes t5tts s4sy march 17 s christian living temperance illustrated sunday school lesson tum3t scripture acts 501735 roman 61214 epoestans 5is1 cokrselans si11 tbanfoafeas m peter losic j6fc stlst news for the farmer on his last missionary journey paul went to miletus and called the church elders from ephesus to come to him he talked to them of his manner of life when he was among them and of his preaching he told them that they would see him no more paul told his friends in ephesus that he was going to jerusalem not knowing the things that shall befall me there save that the holy ghost witnesseth in every city saying that bonds and afflic tions abide me but none of these things move me after telling the elders of the ephesian church that he had shown them in his own life how to live righteously paul knelt with them and prayed then they wept and fell on pauls neck and kissed him grieving that they would see him no more peter the apostle of jesus christ wrote to the tarlous scattered churches telling them to be sober hope for the grace of jesus christ as obedient children and to be holy in all things even as christ is holy memobxjmiselpeur 11516 he 5oldett dei christian living besscd to gve than to receive are upon the earth as paul tbmpehaxce and when he had thus spo- writes to the colossians and we are tohl how we van live ken he kneeled down and he further writes like christ prayed with them ail and they but now ye also put oft all alt wept tore and fell on pauls these auger wrath malice neck and kissed him sorrow- blasphemy filthy communiea- irg most of all for the words lion out of your mouth lie not he spake that they should see one to another seeing that ye his face no more and they ac- have put off the old man with companied him unto the ship his deeds and have put on this parting will remind us the new man which is renewed all even small children of in knowledge after the image of partings from some one be- him that created him loved with the possibility of put on therefore as the words of john never seeing him or her again elect of god holy and beloved jiy i children these that is one of the deplorable bowels of mercies kindness things write i unto you that facts about divorce when there humbleness of mind meekness ye sin not and if any man sin the teacher will study them are children longsuffering we have an advocate with the all youngsters usually love both furthermore- then we be- father jesus chrisi the right- paul was on his third mis- parents and suffer when one seech you brethren and exhort eons sionary journey it was to be leaves the home and they may you by the lord jesus that as and he is the propitiation his last when he was in mil- see him or her no more it is ye have received of us how ye f j aru not for ours etus he sent to ephesus 20 proved that children of such ought to walk and to please onv bu also for the sins of miles away and called the eld- broken homes more often take god so ye would abound more the whole world and herebv we do know that scripture acts 201735 rom are 01214 eh 5121 col 3 111 1 thess 41s 1 peter 1 1310 1 john 2117 by newman campbell if we would learn how to live our lives as christ would have us we should carefully jtudy the lesson assigned us today we are given so many references thai we can mention them only briefly but of course grow right things what happens in the right places ito canadas milk supply milk production in a popular p3ime tor the amateur gardener at this time of year is studying seed cata logues humorists suggest that e pictures in the catalogues often excel the results in the the last two or three years garden if this is so the blame can often be laid at the door of the gardener because he didnt study the catalogue well en ough practically all nursery cata logues in addition to giving jpecific planting instructions indicate whether a particular plant or shrub is hardy or only semihardy in different geogra phic areas whether it grows best in sun or shade whether it likes heavy or light soil or has a preference for wet or dry- places in the garden with this information avail able there is no reason why the amateur gardener cannot ar range his plantings in such a way that they will grow to best advantage he knows that he has put the right plants in the right places and proper atten tion and care throughout the growing season will bring sat isfactory results we know him if we keep his commandments he that saith i know him and keepeth not his commandments is a liar and the truth is not in him but whoso keepeth his word in him verily is the love fit paul preaching at ephesus ers of the ehesian church to to crime than those who have and more come to him a normal home life for ye know that command- and when they were come especially is it true of older ments we gave you by the to him he said unto them ye persons who have had a be- lord jesus for this is the will know from the first day that i loved pastor who comforted of god even your sanctifica- came into asia after what man- them in sorrow rejoiced with tion that ye should abstain ner i have been with you at them in happiness and helped from fornication that every all seasons them spiritually for many one of you should know how and now behold i go bound years we all have memories to possess his vessel in sancti- 0 perfected hereby know in the spirit unto jerusalem of such a loss to ourselves our fication and honor we that we are in him not knowing the things that fellow church members and that no man go beyond and he that saith he abideth in shall befall me there the town or city where he lived defraud his brother in any mat- im oifht himself also so to and now behold i know we may weep too if such a ter because that the lord is wa even as he walked 1 that ye all among whom i have one leaves us to be seen by us the avenger of all such as we j 216 gone preaching the kingdom of no more also have forewarned you and god shall see my face no more in the days of paul almost testified memory verse but as i have showed you all things 1900 years ago the same sins we have six different books he which hath called you is how so laboring ye ought to were committed as plague our of the testament in which we holy so be ye holy in all man- support the weak and to re- modern world we are still are given references in this ner of conversation because it for i 16 fcrt u ti i ii j li l- t f t ti ouyiivit iilu htrdk uiu lo ic- muuei u wonu w e are sun re given reieieiices m uus ner oi conversation oeci lof convrion hill i u 1 r i m i ks member the words of the lord battling them we must still lesson and our sace is limited is written be ye holy lz vi tii i16 v jesus how he said is more mwtify our members which we close therefore with the am holyl peter 115 a wife is sometimes proud of what herhusband stands for but more interested in what he helps with among the many illusions of minors the greatest is that theyll be able to do as they please when theyre grown be sure your insurance fully covers all expenses in connec tion with a broken jawbone be fore you turn the other cheek tiny flashlights for womens purses are becoming popular but wouldnt it be smarter to keep all the junk in the dark dl i this pedal does more than just feed gas to an eager and highpowered v8 engine when you give it the extra nudge that moves it beyond the full throttle position something hap pens that never happened before in an automobile you hear a businesslike purr which tells you that twenty power vanes deep inside the 1955dynaflow drive have changed their pitch just like the vari able pitch propellers on a modern airliner and with the same result in the way you gct-up- andgo with a safety surge of power for pulling out of a tight spot on the highway words cant describe it its a new sensation- something you simply must try for yourself theres nothing like it on the 1955 newcar horizon fact is theres a lot to sec at your buick dealers theres fresh new styling theres higher horse power in every buick v8 engine theres a new airpower carburetor andthcrcsgoodoldfishioncd illustrated czxtury 2door 6passenger rrvnra integrity in every nut bolt and rivet but this year dont simply make a visit to the showroom where these trim and thrilling new beauties are on display the smart thing to do if you want to know whats what in new automobiles is to get behind the wheel of a 1955 buick and drive it how about doing that soon standard on roadmaster optional at extra cost on other series when better automobiies are built buick will buiio them buick power hits new peaks 236 hp in the roadmaster 236 hp in the super 236 hp in the century 188 hp in the special and all with better gat milaagu to bocll thrill of the year is buick a oiniial hoioii vaiui mole motors limited phono 372 srouffvillc new 4h tractor club to be formed in county farm boys and girls in york county are eagerly looking for ward to the beginning of the 1955 4h club season it is an ticipated that all former clubs will be organized and new clubs may be formed where neces sary to serve any area provided there are a minimum of ten members 4h clubs have as their emb lem a 4leaf clover with the letter h in each leaf signify ing the development of head heart hands and health while the motto of toe 4h clubs is learn to do by do ing this principle is applied throughout the club season whether the project involves raising a calf or a plot of grain and final awards are made on the basis of the work of the member through the season to a greater extent than on the stock or produce exhibited at the fair other special features of the club year are the sum mer bus trip the kiwanis lun cheon in the fall and the regu lar summer monthly meetings 4h clubs in york have been largely calf clubs and many- boys and girls are carefully looking over the eligible calves in the barn or hoping that their favourite cow may yet present them with a heifer calf for use in the calf club for those wishing to purchase calves usually good calves may be bought at reasonable prices for club work other types of clubs may be formed in any area where there are ten mem bers these include swine clubs grain poultry and potato clubs and many other types of clubs calf clubs to be organized this year include the sutton club already under way the schomberg woodbridge mark- ham and sharon clubs a ba by beef club will also be organ ized on a county basis a tractor club will be orga nized in the east central area of the county and open to boys in east gwillimbury whit church and east king only one tractor club can be organized in the county each year and be cause of this boys in the above area should take advantage of the club this year tractor club members must be 14 years old by may 1st a few of the rules for joining are as follows mem bers must be farm boys and girls 12 years old by may 1st and not over 21 by november 1st calves must be grades or purebreds not cross bred but must be sired by a purebred bull calf club calves must be heifers born between jan 1st and may 1st baby beef club calves may be steers or heifers born between may 1 1954 and feb 1 1955 calves must be owned on the farm where the boy resides organizational meetings will be held early in april and boys and girls interested in joining a 4h club are invited to get in touch with w m cockburn or ed pearson at the dept of agriculture newmarket plant a hed6e tzz proptr pudltnk tin cdcc ll t brtath inll rinl or karlt tdert btit qmj onlj chinese elm r mnt t growing 9lneb ilit 100 for s2c9 ljlnti lit 100 tor 4 so ninth lie 100 or 550 hlnrb 100 or 8 s 111 ill 35 for xi os sis 00 prr 100 311 2s or s9 or s2s00 prr 100 privtt iutiinif rliy mtdialo cravlh tho onlr brr kip 18ln 1j or 19 or 1100 por 100 nx belts o bit rir win baibr lrsipunit is or 1848 or 81188 pr 100 red barberr mn loetor 81885 1ju is for 8888 or 2200 prr 100 paeony roots- kh whlu or pink 1 or slse rapp khh iirr orurr fntt cnd flnril 111 glde gold brookdalekingsway nurseries botrmanylixe ontario tbno d7 or mfbt mrtrt jj14i httmtttttkh11ihilllltrm cream for best results ship your cream to sfouffrille creamery we pay two cents more per pound butterfat for cream delivered to the creamery cold storage lockers for immediate rentals stouffville creamery co to have our truck call phone 186w bv federal inspectors in 1934 i aid of this fcourit 6 percent i was of canada firs gride qua- jiity the ijercette oi the to jta make graded is increasing canada eac war ard there was sh 1 rcent durjp mc butter graded in een years most jj t j j953 ll indica tion butter manufactttws are paying increased auehion to quality unfortunately per cap ita consumption of bitter his decreased by 10 pourjs in the pat 10 years and tie surest has increas tag the i of the increase taking place in when conditions favoured such increase u m seattle asso ciate chief dairy products grading and inspection servi ces states at the annual con vention of the saskatchewan dairy association ise of fluid mik as such in creased u 4 percent in the fif teenyear period said mr beat- tie due to increases in popula tion and continued education and publicity on the food value of milk over the same 55year period mik utilized for manufacture of butter decreased by 70 per cent in the years 11539 over 53 percent of canadas total milk supply was made into but ter in li53 only 40 percent butter continues to be the larg est single outlet with fluid milk next at 0 percent miik for cheese has followed a similar trend to butter in the 193539 period 9 percent of the milk went into cheese in 1933 only 5 percent was so util ized there is a trend toward larger and fewer factories many of them occupied to man ufacture other dairy products as well as cheese depending on market conditions consumption of cheese by- canadians is disappointing there has been a slight increase in per capita consumption the past few years mainly attrib uted to improved packaging and a genuine desire by many- retailers to sell cheese of bet ter quality canadians do not yet seem to consider cheese as the main dish of a meal but rather a sandwich proposition or the small partner of some varieties of pie says mr beat- tie practically all canadas cheddar cheese is graded by- federal graders and the re sults for 1954 show over 94 per cent to be of canada 1st grade quality concentrated milks and ice cream required considerably more milk by 1953 and their combined requirements of milk increased by bi of canadas total make of butter cg percent was graded way to regain thus lof ground is for cream produce to furn ish the highest pos- miality of raw product and te manu facturers to process this raw- product to the ivstof their ability at all times it respon sibility does not enjwnh the making of a tine prfiuct in- less this product ispackaged neatly cleanly andittractive- y the work has be in vain mr beanie stated e hadte cently been shown hrough a paper factory in oiirk spe cializing in making prchment butter wrappers wppers for four different cretfcries are printed in one openpn on otto large sheet later cjinto the correct size for thejur wrap pers on the large sheetne of the brands was outstancg it had a very attractive our com bination the letteij was ef fective and it detiply denot- d good taste in den and gen eral makeup two the oth ers were satisfactt but the fourth wrapper wan atrocity and should not lia been des ignated to cover t food for human consumpticthe main panel was a dull less green with the lettering e in black eyesore ratheijiah eye- appeal is the jription in this case butter liufacturers j would be well afed to ex amine their wraps to see it j there is an ojitunity to brighten up theiroduet more than niniiths of all energy produced m mineral fuels and water er in ken tucky is supplies bitumin ous coal the worlds ifst suspen sion bridge spank arkansas river 1053 feet re the river bed norway boasfne of the lowest crime rail the world and its police no guns win exciting trls around the world british columbl quebl hies be- and 955 tha telegran every boy anil tween the ages 16 as of july to join the te per club to see mow canada and th id one tely clifflub member will 168 miles arourhe world in ws four tclipcr club members y to vancouver for reck vacation in ish columbia four tely clipper mem bers will drivcebec city for a oncfaca- tion in f re h canada see detailtb the telegrj toronto i orov ti tirf now from your nrlimlt 11 your llrtf v mtphonu impfr 860 l eoy food in quhty and g geral eleric refrat0r jg ideal forestaurants summer and large homes ft of shelf food com- big tradein allowance easy terms partmevegetablc crispcarous ce warf6 onis900 j w perkin c unionville harare stouflviiie 62613 onvillc 16