2wbttfrii in k u i her doll begins a journey to a happier world when maria cozzi daughter of the italian counsellor in tokyo burns it during a buddhist ceremony the rite sends the souls of broken and discarded dolls to a special place in paradise reserved for dolls as thousands cheer a parisian seamstress clambers up a ladder to place an of fering of flowers before a statue of st catherine patron saint of seamstresses in the paris fashion industry girl wears a catherinette hat denoting that she is at least 25 years old and still unmarried the offering of flower climaxed the festivities moving monastery has the wandering monastery finally come to rest at last in 1141 king alphonso vii of spain built the monastery of st bernard of saeramenia for the cistercian monks more than 800 years later famed newspaper publisher william randolph hearst found it and recognized that it was one of the finest examples of rld he bought it in 1925 his estate at san simeon s edgemon bought it they al beauty on twenty acres of ery required nineteen months latest creations of antonio european hair stylist are presented in a show in berlin model at left wears a flat hat formed like a bear while a dior model right is show ing off a creation known as marianne with lace gown romanesque and e rly gothic an hitecture in the w ordered it taken ap irt stone by st one and shipped tc calif after hearst s death in 195 ray moss and w shipped it to florid i where it no i stands in its origir tropical gardens nor h of miami r storation of monastf ma m if y is 1 i 11 ii i ills m h xml ill h tiff j mm ca pi rwv- i corbels in left wall represent noble families of the time life v m 1 1 simi v catamarans and outrigger canoes are the sleighs of winter in hawaii when the temperatures slip to 70 degrees oralce kiewitt left beverly fortye and pamela gregg keep warm with flower leis instead of mufflers want to sign on with crew at the end of this wolk can be found statue of alphonso vii founder of monastery moorish slaves made intricate columns foreground kirn features syndicate puerto ricos own regiment the 65th infantry officially returns to its perma nent encampment as a unit of the united states armed forces antilles in a ceremony at camp loscy gen kenneth sweany commanding officer of the antilles area is transferring the regimental colors from the far east to the caribbean command