touffutlle rtbiim vol the tribune stouffville ovi sept 17 1s53 stouffville bylaw bans parking within 15 feet of all intersections parkin within fifteen feet any intersection is toeing satined and bigns are to be posted to this effect it was a- sreed bv stouffville council on fhuxsday evening council kissed a bylaw authorizing po- ice to enforce the regulation ilong with a number of other visions in connection with deal traffic in addition to the parking emulation governing corners jersons shall not dark closer han six feet from anv fire hv- lrant making a lturn on the lain st is also forbidden viumlay parking council has discussed for ome time the advisability of urtoirig the parkins of vehicl- s on main st on saturday ev- nines for long periods when he occupants were apparent- v only usina the vehicle as a randstand to watch the pas- ers by thus there is inelud- d in the bylaw a clause which orbids parkin on main st etween albert st and church t for more than an hour be- veen the hours of 6 pm and pm violation of any of le clauses of the bylaw carry enaltv of not more than s10 r the first offence and s25 r subsequent offences the local provincial police liters or anv police or traffic ficer is authorized to enforce ie bylaw and they shall also ev promptly all signals or tiers iven bv these officers stouffville nursing home announces expansion mr e austin proprietor of the stouffville xursing home at the corner of main street and obrien ave has announ ced this week the opening of the stouffville nursing home annex next door to his pres ent establishment mr austin ha- acquired the former dr veil smith resi dence more recentlv occup ied by mr and mrs lloyd graham who came here sev eral years ago from toronto- mr austin has completely modernized the interior and the premises is opening for business this week population and assessment are still climbing assessor er good has jus completed the latest a-se- ment cu the village of stoutl- ville and along with it the vit al statistics in respect to the population the total assess ment for purposes of the 1934 tax levy is 1064753 this is an increase of 51000 over last years figure population since last fall has jumped another 110 to stand now at 1893 at the pre sent animal rate of increase the population should reach two thousand within the next year or so which is sufficient to give stouffville town sta tus if it so desired greatest amount of assess ment is realized on the build ings with 804400 being the a- rnbunt of assessment s2005s5 for land and s597cs for busin- 12500 firefighters picnic wednesday at musselmans this wednesday 2500 fire men from al parts of the wot id will congregate at mus- i selmans lake for a corn roast anil dance the occasion is part of a joint convention of the internationa fire chiefs i association and the canadian fire chief- association the convention will have chiefs from london england from the usa peurto rico the philippines japan and many other countries the toronto fire department is the host there will be a big parade in toronto in connection with the affair a memorial service fashion shows for the ladies receptions and the outing to musselmans lake- whitchurch concerned over school financing int county judges to well at cne wednesday sept 9th was inior judging day at the ca- idian national exhibition lis is always a popular event ith junior farmers from on- rio county besides the ex- rience of judging the owe ovidesj a complimentary ncheon and free seats on the andstand at night the following is a list of ys and girls from ontario unty and their standing in e various classes ury cattle sr sec- n ross evans oxbridge 3 5th floyd evans ux- idge no 3 9th lie ef cattle sr sec- n jd thomson brooklin 1 1st cloyne stearman ibridge no 2 2nd ef cattle jr section n semple pefferlaw no 1 h tie rm machinery jr tion donald crosier wack ier ilth luit vegetables jr tion grace shier canning- no 1 6th a in roots sr sec- n everston nouon locust 1 no i 1st boss evans bridge no 3- 12th floyd arts uxbridge no 3- loth irs we redman of north and son mr clarence red- n and wife and daughter rgaret of hamilton visited the home of miss myrtle tson during the weekend terms issued for pickering fire area at the regular meeting of stouffville town council on thursday evening the mem bers agreed to give fire pro tection to a portion of picker ing twp adjacent to the stouffville pickering town- line 1 mile east of altona for this service the township of pickering must agree to pay 0000 for the first two hours in which the engine is in use and 2100 for anv additional time the agreement has been sent to pickering township for their consideration goodwood walks completed for 964 the new asphalt sidewalks have been completed in good wood at a cost of 96400 the council had previously budget ed 1000 for the job a few weeks ago a number of resi dents in the hamlet rose up in arms when a considerable a- mount of gravel was placed in front of their property in ord er to raise the level of the walks steel tile was also pur chased for drainage purposes the gravel was later removed and the tile returned the resi dents involved claimed that the gravel was overflowing on to their property and also ob jected to having the water drained over their land through steel culverts placed under the walks it is coun cils plan to have the ditch on the east side of the road clean- nod out this alleviating much of the trouble caused by spring and fall floods local girl injured in crash near claremonf miss dorothv brown of stouffville suffered facial lac erations requiring eight stit ches when the car in which she was a passenger went out of control on the 9th conces sion of pickering near clare- mont on saturday night the injured passenger was treated bv dr hb freel of stouff ville york county holsfeins tops at the cne fanning bd advised o study zoning roblems in whitchurch eputy reeve fred tim- brought before the mom- of whitchurch township ncll on saturday the ques- of whether or not the loo lanning board should be siring a zoning bylaw for municipality he stated since the work of the d had lessened somewhat ecent weeks that bodv id meet only once a month i now on unless council iicd it advisable to nro- vvith plans for possible up think we should definite- art preparing now and wait until industrial sites built up with houses councillor mccarron ulicillor legge expressed dew that while prepara- should be made he was n favor of zonirnr the land srivate citizens forcing i to pay taxes on land h thev could onlv dispose r industrial purposes and is was councils wish hcv should purchase land and hold it eve mcuiughlin slated steps should be taken to- s future zoning s a very ticklish thing zoning but i think now is ime to five it some ht said councillor ora ham a communication from the toronto york planning ar ea stated that following the dissolution of york county the toronto and york board would be dissolved and the whitchurch board would oner ate independently and not as a subsidiary to the t y board as formerly chairman fred timbers of the finance committee was named as council representa tive to meet with the stouft- ville district high school board and representatives from markham concerning the disposal of the stouffville school assets when the high school moved into their new premises now being erected feigns ave improvement a sufficiently signed peti tion was placed before coun cil by gf laceyi fergus ave ratepayers wilcox lake agree ing to a price of 1000 and 10 for each culvert for ditching and grading of the street chas dennie was paid 65 for three sheep killed bv dogs and geo druery will receive 25 for one sheep killed coun cil agreed council also sanctioned the purchase of three fire extin guishers a a cast of 6 each for the municipal building york county exhibitors showed the grand champion bull and the junior champion female in the holstein classes at the one the grand cham pion bull was illehee sover eign supreme owned by hc mccloakey queensville he headed the aged bull class and then went on to the supreme honor state he will be recal led as the all canadian three year old bull for last year al so the reserve grand champ ion at the royal winter fair and the grand champion at the york black and white day which was held in connec tion with markham fair sb roman king showed the junior champion female she being the first prize jun ior yearling heifer texal fond hope darkle roman al so had the first prize milking three year old heifer the first prize senior heifer calf the second prize dry aged cow the second prize senior get- ofsire and the third prize gra ded herd the joint entry of ly liv ingston woodbridge and jm eraser streetsville was sec ond in the two year old bull class hc mccloskey showed the third prize junior yearl ing bull and the fifth prize milking two year old heifer the york county entry was third in the strong count herd class which was won by peel dr hector 1 astango bramp ton ont was premier breed er and premier exhibitor with his rosafe entries he showed the grand champion cow grenvue nettie jemima and the reserve grand cham pion and best uddered female a bc shamrock mildred sb roman king had the junior champion female two sons of the four times allcanadian and 20000 spring farm sov ereign supreme were grand and reserve grand champion bulls the top award going to the aged bull illehee sover eign supreme owned by hc mccloskey queensville who headed the aged hull class and the reserve grand to hun terholme rag apple supreme the winning two year old for sherwood burlington ross albert g hunter and am segsworth burlington show ed the junior champion bull while the joint entry of ds dunton sons brampton and jg cation cheltenham was reserve junior champion a total of 256 head were shown by 7 exhibitors peel won the county herd class with halton second and york third this was the champion ship holstein show for the ten counties of west central ont ario the judge was wm k hepburn jamesburg xj consider new 45000 school fifth of uxbridge three members of the ux bridge township public school area board mr jack kidd mr earl tindall and mr walter beach appeared before coun cil at their regular monthly meeting on monday evening to discuss the over crowded condition in the fifth line school a the present time there are is pupils in attend ance the board members mentioned the possibility of e- recting a new school building in the area which would cost approximately 15000 noth ing definite was decided how ever another joint meeting be tween whitchurch and ox bridge township councils is to be called in the near future to discuss encroachment by lo cal gravel companies on the townline road road supt stan slack informed council that in one particular place the grav el pit had undermined the road to the extent that a hy dro pole was now practically left suspended in space whit church twp are to engage an engineer to look into the mat ter a representative from tucks poultry v farm ux bridge appeared before coun cil requesting that the mem bers make some provision for fire protection in the area in the district there is much waste land and a grass fire would be disastrous to build ings if the outbreak got out of control uxbridge township has no bylaw regulating the starling of fires by residents in the municipality whitchurch township coun cillors meeting in regular ses sion on saturday afternoon expressed grave concern over the ever increasing rise in school debentures in the town ship reeve mclaughlin stat ed that tile problem was be coming increasingly worse and whitchurch twp could not go on issuing more and more debentures in definitely in addition he said grants under the new york county setup would be less than those enjoy- 1 ed formerly j clers jack crawford reveal- ed that the municipality 1 ood to iose between 12000 and 13000 or about 14 due to arrangements in setting up the new toronto metropolit an area the time is coming when we will just have to tell the gov ernment how much were go ing to pay and no more and it will be up to them from there on stated reeve mclaugh lin clerk crawford told coun cil that when the township debenture debt reached 20 of the total assessment mun icipal finances were at a dan ger point whitchurch is pre sently committed to a debt of about 18 reeve mclaughlin told the members that an effort had been made through the depu ty minister of education to have a change in legislation whereby the school grants would remain the same as for merly in old york county but so far the effort had failed communication was receiv ed from secretary m gilchrist of the vivian school section requesting council to prepare debentures for 10000 for a new tworoom school at viv ian tentative approval has been given by the depart ment for the school which was recently voted in bv section ratepayers on a very slim maj ority the board also asked for an advance of 1000 on the debentures for the pur chase of a school site and the drilling of a well the clerk reported that in school section 13 there are 297 pupils this term as again st 231 last year and a special meeting is called for this week to deal with the prob lem at oak ridges deputy reeve fred timber suggested that the township finance committee meet next week to consider the school financing problem and a re port be ready for the council meeting of sept 24th coun cil agreed to the suggestion and added to this resolution the names of reeve mclaugh lin councillor mccarron and clerk crawford as representa tives to the special school meeting for ss no 13 recent visitors with mrs g miller church st were lady mccoll london england al- lister mccoll new york mr and mrs hugh mccoll toron to and mrs eeg montreal william conners death is sudden after a very brief illness william henry conner of stouffville passed away on tuesday of this week in weir lesley hospital in toronto he was in his 73rd year and had lived retired in town for the past six years will connor as he was fam iliarly known to a great host of friends was the only son of daniel and adelaide conner and was born on the home farm which is on the townline just west of stouffville in 19- 05 he married sophia e grove and the couple farmed this familiar acreage until retire ment to town william conner was weed inspector for mark ham township for a number of years and was widely known throughout the farm ing fraternity his farm was always a model of neatness and he was a great lover of animals the deceased was a member of the united mission ary church he was secretary of the sunday school for some years served as steward and held other oflices and exem plified the stauncn christian life throughout his years he had a keen sense of humour and his ready wit can be at tested toy many of his friends the funeral on thursday af ternoon will be conducted from oneills funeral chap el with public service in the united missionary church at 230 rev m mcguire of pon- tiac mich will conduct the service assisted toy rev fg huson interment will toe made in the stouffville cemetery stouffville red sox are in lindsay this wednesday after noon for the second game of the tricountv league play offs there were 22 parking viol ators fined last lnonth in stouffville according to local opp thirty seven other con victions were registered while 21 are pending seven were prosecuted under the liquor control act harold hodgson and don lewis lost their hockey skates in the oshawa arena fire on tuesday morning they had been practicing with the jr a generals mr and airs frank gostiek of edmonton alia were vis itors last week with mr and mrs frank gostiek clare- council commended whitchurch township council received a letter from the lords day al liance last week warmly commending them for their recent stand in ban ning sunday dancing in the township the alliance congratu lated the councillors on their action and hoped that it wotdd be an exam ple to others to preserve the sabbath hall carefaking shameful says councillor booth at the regular meeting of stouffville council on thurs day night councillor delbert booth said he felt some action should be taken to clean up the dirty committee rooms a- bove the council chambers the floor is a shameful mess and the windows are dir ty pointed out councillor booth who can we make respon sible questioned reeve og- den councillor elmer daniels said that the provincial police officers occasionally swept up the floor and olerk garfield brown mentioned that he had run a vacuum cleaner over the floor one clay the room should be clean ed every day exclaimed reeve ogden clerk garfield brown said that he would contact the pro vincial police and see if some working agreement could be reached pickering twp would benefit if expansion of scarborough township water system is un dertaken to add 10000000 gal lons daily to the system as ur ged to the toronto metropoli tan works committee by reeve oliver crockiford pick ering township would stand to benefit from the move the proposal is that the expanded system could easily serve the thickly populated roseibank rouge hills fairport sec tions of adjoining pickering township in the meantime the village of pickering pro poses to obtain its own water supply from nearby ajax mont the western visitors al so visited other members of the family in this district local girl works among miles of files stouffville municipal council sanctioned their annual 20 grant to the local jcursery school on thursday evening barbara murray of stouffville daughter of mr and mrs jos murray is seen here working a- mong miles of files in the new workmens compen sation board building on harbor st toronto waxer- front each one of these files contains all the in formation on an injured workmans claim and if laid end to end they would stretch 750 miles