ijt slouffwllc nbttiie the tribune stouffville ont august 20 it kcupants trapped n overturned uito on 8th con residents on the sth es on of markham witnessed a- ther weird accident on sun- ay afternoon folkwing t rief shower of rain a car dri en by mr ted zimmerman of higbfiesd rd toronto ent oat of control on the ct pavement and turned over i a deep ditch nearby rs- enu- arrived on the scene and ere forced to lift the auto in der that the passengers uld escape one passenger a nail girl was quite seriously ljured and was rushed to the oronto east general hospital he roof of the auto was com- letely flattened out but not window in the car was even acked prosperous farm carved from wasteland restaurant props ined 500 the two operators of the rand grill in stouffville were ssessed fines totalling s500 id costs when they appeared efore magistrate hollinrake police court at newmarket ednesday morning to answer targe of illegal possessionone mndin also charged was as- ssed si 10 and costs the targes were laid by the toufiville provincial police quantity of booze taken in le raid was confiscated j stouffville high school 1 upper school results additional locals the sale has been announc- 1 of the len buckland house i victoria st to mr john v ard of tenth st the sale as negotiated by geo allison eai real estate broker next wednesday august 20 ill see the local arena a blaze colour on the occasion of ie stouffville horticultural icietys annual show blow sand farm now supports eighty cattle rev and mrs win heapps dallas pennsylvania pastor the first methodist liurch there are visiting at ie home of mr and mrs ira usnell for a few days rev eapps who resided here as a ung lad also spent some me visiting other friends ihe death occurred in toron- on sunday aug kith of mrs x campbell mother of mrs hn scott formerly of stouff- lle the funeral was conduc- d on tuesday evening with termeni in victoria lawn emetery st catharines on ednesday morning mr and rs john scott are presently ving in blackstock where rs scott is on the school aff the john hepburn co pro- ded some excitement or ain stree on monday after- ion when one of their big ansports missed the turn at dward st and had to negoti- e the church st corner to l turned around the trans rt was loaded with two eat steel beams each 70 ft ng which were destined for ie new high school gymnast- n wing stouffville street ccr- 3rs were not mean for loads this length and the driver id to display some real skil- d truck handling to make the irnalriut a miscellaneous bower as held last thursday even- ig at the home of miss gert- ide todd in honour of miss ettyjean freel whose mar- age to dr donald davis will ke place on september 5th the stouffville united hurch the tea table which as presided over by mrs j nits and mrs fi mutton as attractively adorned with silver bowl of flame pink zin as and babys breath and ime pink candelabra the tea tendants were mrs thos astlllgs mrs harvey feasby iss jean pipher mrs harry hell mrs lloyd weldori mrs ell smith and mrs john but- n hettyjean is a graduate stouffville high school and diversity of toronto and has cently been teaching at wat- down high school kngagkmkxt mr and mrs wilbert craig ih to announce the engage- ent of their oldest daughter rol mildred to douglas w evnolds vounger son of mr d mrs clifford reynolds of sremonl the wedding will e nlice at 3 pm sst sept at tyrone united church a c mcdermott of sandoon farm goodwood has taken 150 acres of sandy soil which hitherto has only supported reforestation plots and has brought it up to support 80 head of registered shorthorn cattle some of the land is still in the process of reclamation other parts are in woods and will remain wooded so long as he has control of the farm the venture began in 1941 mr mcdermott is general manager of canadian bonded credits a toronto financial firm he has had ample funds with which to prosecute his plans a good deal more money than the average farmer has at his disposal but he insists that he has dore nothing that cannot be done by any other farmer though the process will take longer if the monev isnt readily avai able mr mcdermotts land cost him less than an average of s35 an acre to buy but it is now producing several crops of alfalfa a year deri corn for feeding equal he believes to good crops of the canadian corn belt in southwestern ontario turnips and corn silage this is the process first the eroded sandy knolls are planed down with a bulldozer next all the barnyard manure his cattle produce and any thai he can buy is harrowed into the straggling remains of the grass roots fertilizer as recommended on soil analy sis by the ontario agricultural college is added rye s sown it is plowed in as a well grown green manure crop then the land is sown with alfalfa and brome grass all around sandoon farm are bald sandy knobs and bare sand choking out the native canadian blue grass xot because there isnt enough water in the area there is plenty of water its only 125 feet below- the mcdermott ranchhouse perched oi a ridge 1120 feet above sea level only a few ifeet below the dagmar ki runs highest point down in the valley the water oozes quietly out of the sand on top of the clay hard pan and provides spring water for several trout ponds but if this sand is over grazed there is soon no humus to hold moisture at the grass roots then the topsoil blows merrily into thenext county anil the incautious farmer is starved off his land grazing on sandoon farm is closely watched the one section of canadian blue grass that has been retained as open ran has been harrowed and ferti lized with both manure and commercial chemicals the cattle prefer it to the lusher alfalfa pastures nearby mr mcdormou is growing i rogressively less corn he is going into grass silage next year and will have only a small crop of dent corn for cob feeding even this small area of corn will have to be rotated shout the farm on i longterm basis jo maintain the level of oil fertility and freedom from erosion bat i his objective 100 license on swill feeders a copy of bylaw prepared by pickering township coun cil regarding the licensing of swillfed piggeries was forwar ded upon request to markham twp and presented at their i egular meeting on monday evening the bylaw has been given three readings by pick ering council and is now b fore the department of muni cipal affairs for their approval the bylaw states that any per son or organization breeding or raising pigs with garbage shall obtain a license which shall be issued by the town ship treasurer on approval of council for a fee of 10000 an nually before any licence is issued the treasurer may re quire that the inspector of health for the township should inspect the premises and certify that they are in proper sanitary condition if proper sanitary condition s not maintained the license may be cancelled and opera- ion shall immediately be discontinued the bylaw states that no building or en closure used tor such purpos- t shall be located within 200 yards of any boundary ihe business must be carried on without causing i nuisance with smell smoke or noise o iber requirements are also bsted thus placing the swill- feeders under strict regula tions the bylaw was studied y the individual council mem bers but was not liscussed at ny length no tribune next week there will le no issue of the tribune next week while the staff is enjoying summer vacation the front office will be open each day except saturday for the con venience of subscribers and classified advertisers due to the fact that sever al members of the stall are making the long trip west to saskatoon to attend the national newspaper conven tion the next issue will be on thursday sept 3rd the issue following this will also be on thursday sept 10th due to the labor day holi day hockey club bingo aug 29 stouffville clippers local nior hockey club will sponsor c gigantic bingo in the local a- rena on saturday night aug 29th more than si 000 in priz es are being offered featuring a grand choice prize including a new bicycle a chrome kitch- i n set chest of silverware aid several other grand prizes there will also be sharethe wealth games and a numbe- of extra special prizes which have been donated by various business firms admittedly the money to buy the best mcii the right implements to hire the right farm managers and help has been an important factor but a c mcdermott is con fident that bis venture will have more than repaid all the money and thought he has put in it within 15 to 20 years depending on the beef mar ket xone of the buxom stolid shorthorn- from san doon go to beef of course but il the market is high its easier to sell them for big prices as breeding stock par ticularly when you keep on picking up grand champion ships at the cxe and prizes at the chicago stock show peaches farmer was active church worker on monday morning august 17th mr george ho ver well known farm resident on the 7th concession of markham at peaches passed away in the toronto fast general hospital following a lengthy illness of about two years born on the 7th south of the townline the son of mr and mrs christian hoover the de ceased moved to his farm at peaches in 1017 it was only recently that mr hoover dis posed of his farm and purchas ed the home of the late am brose stover in stouffville while health permitted mr hoover was tin active worker in the peaches united church where he served on the board of managers and also acted in the capacity of sunday school superintendent besides his wife the former annie gayman the deceased is survived by three daughters dorothy imrs john mccaus- land of beaverton ruth mrs jim painter of ringwood fern at home and two sons lome of zephyr and earl at home funeral services were held wednesday afternoon at 230 at the home and 3 oclock in the peaches united church conducted by rev geo robins assisted by rev r chapin with interment in peaches ce metery the pallbearers were vorman jarvis nelson smith harry warriner henry mil ler allan lewis and charles hisey former resident s p lennox dead the death occurred in toron to on monday of this week of samuel p lennox former res ident of stouffville deceased is the husband of ilttie mark- o and is also survived by one daughter mrs dave galloway and a son howard mr lennox was connected here with the local vinegar works which op erated in the factory now the gold fish supply co deceas ed was a member of richard son masonic lodge the funer al on thursday will be conduc ted from the trull funeral home danforth ave with in terment in resthaven memor ial gardens 170 members of meyer clan gather here one hundred and seventy members of the meyer family connection gathered in stouff ville memorial park on satur- oay afternoon for the first re union af this family held in the local district most outstan ding visitor at the gathering was dr wilhem meier from france who is on a business trip to canada his first trip to this country dr meier is in the investment business in the land of the tricolour and will visit the new edmonton oil fields and several lage centres in the united states before re luming to europe he is ac companied by his daughter franziska meier mrs meier and the doctors 1 other child ren live at 31 rue du chemin de fer bougwal which is just cght miles outside of paris in reference to the turmoil and serious strikes which are rampant in france right now dr meier told the press he is little alarmed since govern ment upheavals and strikes in france are a common occur rence he stated that he was greatly impressed with cana da and the high standard of living which we enjoy the meyers who gathered here on saturday are descend ants of david edward and barbara meyer who came to canada in 1830 dr meier is a grandson of henry meyer who remained in the old land the oldest man on th grounds was jacob meyer church st stouffville who vas 80 in may paul burkholder offered prayer at the commencement of the program whicn followed the dinner russell wideman of markham acted as chair man and welcomed the many visitors a brief summary of the family history showing the connecting link between the past and present was given by mrs dx reesor while the feature talk was given by dr meier a quartette mr and mrs lewis reesor and mr and mrs maurice hoover and a trio misses ruth meyer charlotte anne mcxair and joyce byer favored with vocal numbers visitors from a distance in cluded kathleen thompson sudbury clayton davis otta wa fred davis ottawa marjorie tyler calgary grade xiii results xote i 73rcioorc 11 mjkjwmorle plnv i iii go3c5r a- mv rewmarker nays here friday bodendistel james eng v comp 11 eng lit 1 alg cri geom cr bot crzool ill fr au cr fr comocr ex cr cr cr iii el bolender florence crj el cr geom cr bradbury bill bc ill el cr brown audrev ec ill el i hist ii geom cr bot i zool 1 chem cr brown ira ec cr el cr dot cr zool cr clarke louise ec ill el ii hist cr geom cr bot cr zool ii also conservatory music hewlett jim el hist cr phvs cr chem fr au cr hisey banbara ec el ii alg cr geom trig ill chem cr hunt harrv ec cr ii martin ann el cr zool ii fr c cr paislev helen el ill alg cr trig i bot i zool 1 paisley jean ec cr el 1 hist ill alg cr geom ill zool 1 chem cr fr au cr paisley phyllis hist cr geom cr bot ii chem cr also conservatory music pearce marilyn ec ii el cr alg cr trig i fr au cr fr c cr sellers grace ec cr e l cr hist cr bot ii zool 1 chem cr steckley doris ec hi el hi hist ii geom ill bot i chem hi fr au cr fr c cr also cons music thompson glenn ec hi el ii hist cr geom i timbers ruth ec hi e l cr bot cr wideman mary ec ii el ii bot ill zool ii mcwhirter douglas alg ill geom hi trig ii phys cr xote eleven of the above candidates attempted fewer than the eight papers required for an honour graduation di ploma the above results represent the highest percentage passed during the past four years xewinarket juveniles will be the visitors here on friday ev ening of this week to resume the group playoffs stouffville took the first game 51 while stouffville are in the midst of oba competition the group contests are being worked in whenever there is an op n date agreeable to both teams lucky escape as car crashes locust hill bridge two toronto men luckily es caped serious injury on satur day night when their car crashed into the cement abut ment of the locust hill bridge the auto was almost complete ly wrecked and although its occupants were taken to the toronto east general hospital they were released on sunday mr jos brooks the driver was attempting to pass on the down grade when amther car approached from the east brooks was blinded by the headlights and lost control of his vehicle the car hit the north guard rail veered into the end of the bridge and bounced back some eighty feet the passenger walter barron of unionville suffered minor chest injury constables don dukes and clarence wide- man of the markham twp force investigated mrs see ien wilkes adv on sum mer clearance specials and back to school togs for junior local murder case remanded j j robinette qc of tor onto will represent roger buck corbett is of ux- brldge when he ppears in court in whitby to no tried on a murder charge thursday morning in the absence of mr robinette cor bett was given a weeks re mand by judge john grudetf it was indicated that the pre liminary hearing will proceed in september although no date has yet been set the accued is being held without bail ii the ontario county jail at whitby corbett is charged with hooting his brother ted in their uxbridge home on july 23 following a family quarrel both brothers were employed n ctahawa seventeen years for wideman bible school this week will mark the com pletion of the 17th summer bi ble school held in the wide- man church on the sth conces sion of markham on friday evening at 8 oclock the stud ents will present their annual closing exercises to which all parents and friends are invited this week the daily attend ance figure reached 15g rang ing in age from four to sixteen there are eleven classes super vised by twelve teachers and headed by ad grove the teachers are arietta mcdowall mrs sam roberts gladys wright anna grove ada hoover david groh patricia grove mrs l mcdowall elsie hoover grace schmucker em ma martin helen reesor and mrs annie dyke over thousand at sunday service arena campaign more than a thousand peo ple were on hand sunday even ing for the great sunday ser vice in the current evangelis tic campaign in the stouffville arena practically the entire floor surface was required to accommodate the congregation the meetings being conduct ed all this week are feauinng bishop cf derstine of kitch ener and singing of a large local choir led by cyril red- ford extra meeting monday arrangements have been made to extend the meetings one extra evening to monday night at which time there will be a service of sacred music presented by the community choir which has led the sing ing throughout the campaign the choir will sing numbers which they have done in the meetings and other vocal and instrumentalists who have ta ken part will be on the prog ram the public is most cordi ally invited to this special m sical night which will be con ducted by mr cyril redford dr and mrs- treadwell mr and mrs foster capt atkin son and miss patricia atkin son were visitors of mr and mrs workman rr 2 stouff ville on sunday funeral for motorcycle victim largely attended very large concourse oil stouffville cemetery and the friends attended the funeral service on tuesday afternoon for the late newton allen mad- ill who passed away on satur day morning in toronto gen eral hospital as the result of injuries which he sustained while riding his motorcycle en friday evening the service on tuesday was conducted from the ie oxeill funeral chap el by rev xorman rowan the deceased was a stouff ville boy son of mr and mrs ernest madill main street and was in his 25th year he has been employed at general motors in oshawa art prior to that was with canada line materials he leaves to mourn ms loss his wife the former ruth elson and a three year eld son rex there are also tive brothers preston clifford wray ralph and ross and a sister laura following assisted as pallbear ers john chambers alex bell dave white john thorn xor man lehman and jack val- leau the accident which resulted in xewton madills death oc curred on the 9th concession of whitchurch north of mouirville while he was riding ins new motorcycle to mussel- mans iake his bik was be lieved to have struck a pot hole in the oiled road and he was flung heavily to the ground a passing motorist jim schnlder of toronto drove to stouffville for dr hb mit chell who rendered first aid md the injured man was rush ed by police constable vander- kooi to hospital he was trans ferred from the east general hospital to toronto general where an emergency head op eration was performed early saturday morning and from interment was maoe in the vhlch he failed to recover