the tribune stouffville ont thursday august 14 1952 sec u acta o bf goodrich extra cushion tires enjoy a smoother ride extra mileage extra safety the lure of ownership vovm r v avaiiabie in popuiab pa5senge8 tire sizes at r h murphy ltd pord monarch sales service stoultville ontario there is a pride in ownership that sometimes tempts men to acquire properties they would be better without a certain city is served by two public utilities each of which holds patents that give it a monopoly of its own products but their pro ducts compete with each other and are sold at competitive prices one of these utilities is owned and operated by the municipality itself which furnished the capita to establish it and operates it through an independent com mission the other is owned and operated by a company of private citizens who invested their own money in the enterprise both companies are well man aged both give good service to the public and both are good employ ers the privatelyowned company pays large sums into the city treasury every year- as taxes on its property and also large sums to the government as taxes on its profits up to the present it has been able to pay reasonable divi dends to its shareholders the publiclyowned corporation pays no taxes and no dividends all its profits go into reserves to be used for its own purposes one would think that the citizens would be anxious to see the privatelyowned company con tinue to operate not only for the sake of the taxes it pays but also for the healthy competition it offers to their own municipal plant most of the citizens take that view but there is an element among them that would gladly sac rifice these substantial benefits in order to be able to make the vain boast that their city owns all its utilities and nobody makes any profit out of them western girl in ecstern sulky race circuit jacqueline sharpe of beechy sask is one of canadas sulkie drivers she is doing the eastern circuit of the trott ing races now driving her fathers horse yffsw yf jct3csccx5ssccx 3eeeeoled 3sja -c-gipgge- dancing dancing every saturday van walker his orchestra featuring- the voice of walter scott cedar beach gardens north shore musselmans lake why pay more for less toronto star w 30c star weekly p wk 10c total p ww 40c the telegram 6 issues pc week plus weekend picture magazine plus 16 paces of colored comics still only 25 with tely home delivery every week you save 15c for horn delivery or tho tely pcasa contact th- tly carrltrsaleimon on your street writ the tclegton bay and mclinda sr toronto 1 or 3 telephone waysrley 6011 the telegram daily pluj weekend your bes1 newspaper buy b ib 30e 33333333 3332333 333333333 d j smith warm air furnaces air conditioning units oil heating equipment tinsmiths specializing in custom sheet metal work phone unionville 96 htvmifmfwmftiwniwmg hello homemakers an ideal picnic lunch is one that does not involve a lot of baking or mixing dont you agree for a pleasant picnic just pack a few tilings on the spur of the moment to eat at a different location roadside picnics are becoming more popular today and in many instances its only courteous to eat lunch on the way to visit friends by the way do you know that the ontario depart ment of highways place more than 22000 tables along the wayside for picknickers the menu that often fills the bill and the picknickers too may be weiners in rolls with relish or mustard potato chips small toma toes fresh melon and spoons for each along with a thermos of cold fruit juice or hot coffee and paper cups a secondhelping lunch may be sandwiches of cold meat peanut butter and egg salad radishes green onions and carrot slivers a salt shaker for green cheese and crackers and fruit juice or milk with plastic tumblers everyone expects pickup items on a picnic we like eggs cooked- inshell fried chicken pieces cubes of cooked ham wedges of cheese buttered bread raw fruit and tarts or cookies take a tip 1 our doctor points out that ddt is a poison which kills insects pests such as mosqui- travel relaxed and carefree marmill the quality feed 18 growing pellets or crumbles assures rapid growth no waste when you feed pellets we sell the famous blue coal order next seasons supply now take advantage of may june special cash price central feed store phone 277 e r daniels prop exhibition august 22 to september 6 fare and onehalf for the round trip good going thrsdcy august 21 fo saturday september 6 inclusive return limit september 10 full information from any agent toes or flies also it can be harmful to man if it is used so that even small concentrated amounts are allowed to contam inate food dishes and cooking utensils this spray may be used in other rooms except the kitch en 2 when you spray other rooms except the kitchen for flies and mosquitoes close all windows and doors then point the spray er toward the juncture of wall and ceiling do not aim directly at the wall spray until the room is filled with a fine float- mist and leave the room closed for at least 15 minutes then sweep up dead and paralyzed in sects burn or wrap tightly for outside garbage pail 3 select a durable sprayer that does not squirt or drip unfort unately a good one costs twice as much as a cheap one if you use the spraying attachment with a vacuum cleaner you will have excellent results 1 poisons should not be kept in the kitchen where they may be used by mistake in food prepar ation or in the bathroom where they may be mistaken for med- cine neither should they be be used or stored where there is the slightest danger of children or pets getting at them 5 the label on poisonous materials should be read carefully and the antidote noted before poison is used g garbage pails need a good scrub bing once a week with soapy water and a stiff brush scald with boiling water and washing soda or a disinfectant dry pail and brush in the sun 7 bread and cake boxes should be washed and aired once a week before refilling line with wax paper keep that extra loaf of bread in the freezing unit of refrigerator and toast slices if you forget to remove it in time to thaw 8 wooden top counters and tables should be scrubbed with a brush dipped in suds wiped with a 2qqoqrab5eisisairaqq3qqe aeseesaezmsnesane phone 263w stouffville for your wheat cleaning and treating appointment state your name and phone number number of bags of grain to be cleaned if to be treated for smut if to be graded for removal of wild oats or tares approximate date you wish then have your grain ready for our phone call on previous evening giving you hour of ap pointment we sell shurgain and swifts fertilizers dicksons hill mills 263j evenings irvmnr3nnnnnhanm2aha cloth wrung out of clear water and then a dry cloth if the wood becomes soaking wet it will swell and open at the seams 9 cover all food and store in a cool place 10 wash food to be served raw be fore it is cut or served even iberries should be rinsed by plac ing them in a sieve cover then submerge in a bowl of cool water this prevents crushing the berries 11 wash your hands in soapy water more often than you think is necessary the suggestion box 1 to carry milk without a thermos pour it into a sealer place on the rubber ring and seal secure ly immerse in a pail containing cold water and cover to keep sandwiches moist wrap in wax paper then in a damp ened towel transport cookies in a box so they do not break if you build a fire to make tea or coffee at a picnic notice which way the wind is blowing and light on the leeward side if you picnic near sand clean the dishes and utensils with clear sand if you sit in the sun to eat keep your hat on so that it protects the back of the neck never go swimming for an hour after eating be sure to clear away all your debris before leaving picnic site fs serve coke cold if lee cold canadian national lixhdina federal taxes coke is at its delicious best when served ice cold keep it in the coldest spot in your refrigerator cow h a rtrittred frodvmort authorised bottler of coccou uir contract with coccou ltd uxbridge beverages limited uxbridge phone 205w