the tribune stouffville ont thursday july 10 1s52 make these classified advs your market place miscellaneous custom combining straight or pickup cecil reesor ph 63621 stouffville h2 transportation driving to toronto five days a week leave stouffvllle 7 am return 646 pm ph 342 stouffvllle would like to hear from some body thinking of making a garden tractor as i have the necessary parts for making one that i would sell reasonable lea keeping main street hunters attention prepare for the future buy a springer spaniel puppy now the ideal bird dog on land or water a wide selection at reasonable prices some ready to train mrs john dowling claremont ph 3612 custom combining careful attention given to all kinds of grain and clover with our new eelf propelled machine leave your name now to ensure getting your combining done when you want it rates reasonable w a jones ph 263j stouffvllle 102 live stock sah register i artcles for sale s pics for sale 11 weeks old bruce baker ph 0206 stouffvilie prompt milk cooler service to all makes reasonable rates wes tv right ph stouffvilie 242 96 saturday july 12 for sale 9 pigs 8 weeks old ph stouffville 60821 9 pigs weighing 150200 lbs for sale geo courtney ph stouffvllle 61804 for sale small pigs apply to allan hoover gormley ph sto 62501 for sale 13 small pigs 8 weeks old ph 65212 stouffvilie ross mckay w j haley mamon and general contractor for complete masonry service call stouflviue s8v0 103 w j haley stouffer st for sale sired by- richard a 65202 serviceable age boar english large white frisby ph stouffville young holstein cow for sale fresh second calf vaccinated j h houck unionville ph stouff ville 60509 f auction sale at tie stouffville livestock sales arena selling livestock our specially fresh cows springers heifers sheep calves pigs horses pickup and delivery can be ar ranged come early and bring something to sell this is your community sale you bring it well sell it sale every saturday at 1 pm make this your market where buyers and sellers meet sellers and atkinson auction eers tf every saturday from 2 pm on rain or shine auction sale of new and used furniture every thing for your home in an en closed arena free parking de livery service arranged a simp son co ltd stop 10a yonge st at top of willowdale phone baldwin 10s33 orders taken for raspberries noon evenings stouff 66s10 cement for sale american any quantity lomes transport ph 399 stouffville 3tf implements lemonville late cabbage and late celery plants for sale victor smith smith greenhouses goodwood for sale ladys bicycle ccm good condition fit 20j3 stouff ville small air compressor for sale apply c w watson ph 61407 stouffville for sale lawn umbrella metal table may be seen on back lawn mrs chill turner for sale 6piece dinette suite excellent condition sacrifice ph s4w3 stouffville wanted bray specials on started pullets in effect another week shippers choice breed heavies 3 weeks 2590 4 weeks 3090 medium 3490 and 3s90 for your own choice of breeds or dayolds mixed pullets ask us fred wise rich mond hill custom combining phone manford dean 215 markham 104 accommodation and board 22 up weekly reduced for children home cooking private beach also housekeeping cabins holiday lodge connor drive musselmans lake 102 brush and spray painting of all kinds 10tf free estimates given a heaton son phone 2cj2 stouffville i am now equipped to install large septic tanks for restricted areas for quick service reason able prices call murray baker ph 651 newmarket 917 bicycles reconditioned and guaranteed in good shape 25 30 shipped cod express write me with confidence a thomas 363 parliament st toronto 96 loud speaker systems for sale or rent phone 242 stouffville 7tf wes wright custom combining baling p walters son 84 stouffville phone 62308 baby chicks hillside poultry farms have been raising chicks for canadian farm ers for more than a quarter cent ury theyre canada approved some of the very best and at prices within the range of all hundreds of customers testify to their excellence price lists are ready tell us when you need them breed and quantity agent orval wilson whitevale markham 55w3 37tf call ontario rendering company for dead disabled animals satisfaction guaranteed sanitary removal special weekend and holiday service call collect stouffville 184w uxbrldge 15w 42tf for fast service call direct collect toronto howard 0182 help wanted wanted experienced body and fender iman young man for ser vice station work apply w g garrett son ph 265 sto hay and grain wanted used bicycle boys shirley bone stouffville wanted a large cogwheel for frost wood new s mower ph 61104 stouffville small house or flat wanted im mediately in the village of clare mont four or five rooms couple and one child 5 years replies an swered mr a w poge co thornhill post office ontario wanted cream separator 600 to 700 lbs capacity ph carl reesor stouffville 63621 house or apartment wanted to rent in stouffville by young couple applv box y co stouffvllle tri bune 11tf hay wanted in vicinity of ringwood ringwood farms ph 147 stouffville wanted to rent small or large farm by reliable party will pay up to 10000 a month with option to purchase call toronto ce 11730 reverse charges 103 tenders foh building sealed tenders will be received by the undersigned until july 31st 1952 for the old dicksons hill church and contents 1 brick build ing 30 x 40 1 hot air pipeless fur nace sergeant 262 feet of seating the highest or any tensor not necessarily accepted 94 elmore barkey secretary rr4 stouffville oustom baling hay and straw wire tie pick up and stationary good weight per bale also buy sell cliff morgason ph 66907 stouffville 720 custom baling we are pre pared to handle your custom bal ing requirements reasonable rates edgevale farms ph stouffville 67906 8t custom baling hay straw wire tied pickup and stationary a lageer ph claremont 1516 or mi albert 4120 84 custom baling wire tie pickup good weight bales also selfpro pelled combining we solicit your patronage and will try to please you samuel winger ph maple 62r22 2tf sewing machine sales and service new machines from 9950 all with reverse stitch guaranteed repairs to all makes k middlemiss phono 807 stouffville 42tf we do custom killing also curing and smoking of meat for farmers oboyles meat market ph 3501 49tf feed wheat alaska oats for sale mrs r birrell ph 14r5 claremont cone 7 feed grain for sale a quantity of oats and mixed grain fred winn ph 66712 stouffville western grain call us for prices on western oats and bar ley chop bruce bros ph 63602 stouffville 94 cars for sale 47 chevrolet sedan delivery in excellent condition throughout maple leaf auto sales stouffville cherries orders taken now for black yellow sweet cherries ph clifford winger stouffville 61509 for sale one kordferguson mr and mis bill hilts and tractor and plow in good running baby joanne have been spending order ph 121w markham a few days with mr and mrs jchas ratcliff for sale mh 10ft power master bobbie rae celebrated takeoff binder in excellent eondl- his birthday bv entertaining tion chas ratcliff ph 60314 several friends on tuesday prompt milk cooler service to g pif sunday all makes reasonable rate wetife cake and family mrs mcknight and hi wright ph stouffville 242 96 er sons bill and eric are holidaying with for sale masseyharris ponv mrs spence tractors 2 used two years hv- miss kutn timbers spent last draulic lifts lights also good week in indiana at the winona used pony implement ph turner lake conference 42143 richmond hill 94 i the regular monthly meeting of i the iemonville vvjv will be held massey harris binder for on wednesday julv 10th at the sale like new also mcdeering j home of mrs walter cray at 2 30 oneway disc mounted on rubber i pm all ladies are invited to done about so acres victor foote attend phone 6210 stouff 2furrow case tractor plow for sale also 4 cement well tile and top bruce clarke ph 65114 stouffville 102 for sale forage blower john deere used only one season good as new priced for quick sale if you need a blower dont miss this one stouffville coop ph 122 or 269 service as usual in the local church on sunday at 045 am cedar grove for sale 3burner coleman range with oven good condition phone stouffville 65s13 mrs o yakeley several thousand feet of hem lock lumber for sale 1 and 2 also summer stove wood ph 49jl stouffville 113 for sale viking 1000hour battery radio new condition also 2 coleman aladdin lamps new mrs r birrell ph 14r5 clare mont guernby electric stove com bination wood coal to inspect fred watson implement dealer agincourt for price call hubert em 41672 after hours mo s05s 113 special 1 only 12 eu ft deep freeze we are clearing this last unit from our stock at cost price new models will soon arrive take advantage of this unique offer now stouffville coop ph 122 or 269 professional material for home gardeners drop in to the coop for your home garden sized package of ddt dust denis dust and fixed copper dust rea sonably priced stouffville coop phones 122 or 269 coop universal milk cooler 6 can capacity side entrance drop in hermetic unit 5 year warranty spray type cools faster cheaper and more efficiently 49500 com plete stouffville coop ph 122 or 269 for sale wrecking 1940 dodge 2ton truck anyone wanting parts phone 65212 stouffvllle 1951 meteor custom overdrive twotone whitewall tires radio iinany extras excellent condition ph 347w stouffville lost and found 5 guernsey heifers came to my premises lot 11 con 9 pick ering on tuesday would owner claim and pay expenses ph 8r5 claremont ogdens garage all makes of tractors cars repaired ph 254 stouffvllle 7tf old horses 1500 at your farm also dead and crippled stock pickup service phone collect aglncourt 18j12 campbell mink 24u lost roan calf about 400 lbs strayed from lot 21 con 2 ux- brldge anyone knowing the whereabouts of this animal call 1401 mount albeit john mcgill- ivray estray bull came to my pre mises lot 12 con 9 pickering owner prove property and pay damages earl mcmulien clare mont ph 4008 93 eavetroughing and furnace repairs free estimates given a wittal phone stouffville 66512 6tf orders taken for custom bulldozing cellars ponds gravel pits or any other type of bulldozing iindscajm grading 6tf art steckley phone stouffvllle c08i0 piano tuning repairs s hoffman formerly with gerhardhelntzman phone fairs radio electric stouffvllle 300 2 2tf ah orders promptly attended to electric wiring houses farms and cottages wired wall plugs switches electric water heaters ranges etc installed radios ranges toasters irons and other appliances repaired k ii mlddlemlss 16tf phone 367 stouffville washing machine repairs all makes of washing machines re paired and serviced by capable mechanics we pick up and deliver and guarantee prompt and efficient service oor rtares ar reasonable c h bell son phone 28iw stonffrllle albert lageer wood choice hardwood immediate delivery claremont 1516 mount albert 4120 30tf maple leaf trade ins real bargains 40 pontiac coach 475 40 plymouth sedan 475 3s chev coach 295 37 ford coach 175 35 pontiac sedan 95 32 pontiac sedan 75 30 ford coach 75 29 plymouth sedan 75 maple leak auto sales main st stouffville british ontario motors reconditioned used tractors imple ments cars trucks ford and case tractors from 45000 6 row potato duster 19500 used cars and trucks from 5000 to 129500 easy terms trade or cash british ontario motors lcaskdnlc uxbridgo 102 tepp dust used so successfully for cabbage aphid control last year must be made to order ser ious buildups of aphid on cab bage cauliflower sprouts turnips and peas should be forecast 3 to 6 days ahead so that we can order your requirements we will not be able to carry this material in stock you must order ahead stouffville coop phone 122 or 269 the garden party has come and gone once again and once again no rain to mar the evening this years show can now be labelled one of the best to date the keppo family which we promised would l on a superb act certainly lived this machine has been used to cut i uu lo lu expectations there was a one crop onlv it is in new condi- 1 o1 interest about this family tion and priced very reasonably ua we picked up after the show for quick sale stouffville coop i alul which now that you have seen the act might be of interest to you the two little girls who are nine and ten years of age seemed to be made of rubber and feathers when they went through their contortions on the stage this agility takes endless practic ing and even after the show was over last saturday night they were hand standing against the wall twisting through their fathers arms and legs and going at it all was ahead of them 1 used case forage harvester ph 122 or 269 swather 12 ft wide cockshutt used two seasons excellent con dition guaranteed to inspect fred watson implement dealer agincourt for price call hubert em 41672 after hours mo 805s 113 1 only used gehl forage har vester complete with blower this machine is motor mounted jyg jf j show and complete with hay and com instead of all over the little girls i co 1 still speak finnish having not english ph 122 or 269 quite pea mastered yet but good hay loader used j keppo speaks english very i well the ten year old daughter sixft mower for sale 3 years 9000 oil bath 5000 eightcan unit llas l a problem at the mom- complete milk cooler 15000 ent sll 1 growing so fast she can horse and stock trailer new tires i hardly keep up with the act a good 75 show pony 14 hands feat sne practices today may be well broken 20000 two ice ver difficult for her to do to- boxes 300 1000 corn scuff- morrow and she is continually ler 4000 mare good to ride work 15000 win pearson 2nd farm south of snowball aurora 144r4 for sale otaco rubber tired wagon new binder potato dig ger potato planter 6 spaced seed drill case hammer mill de- laval milking machine 2 units miss a pepper rri agincourt for sale litter carrier track 24 stanchions water bowls ap ply after 7 pm weekdays or all day saturday or sunday first farm west of don mills on steeles ave south side cards of thanks plumbing and heating catalogue free the 1952 catalogue is off the press write for your copy or visit the new warehouse and see for yourself the model bathroom dis plays in white and coloured fix tures in standard size bathrooms with tiled or painted walls just the way you want a bathroom in your own home we have sinks and sink cabinet units lavatory basins and toilets pressure sys tems and electric water heaters range boilers pipe and fittings in copper galvanized and cast iron septic and oil tanks refrigerators and electric ranges a complete line of furnaces air conditioning units and hot water heating sys tems with convector rads we de liver to your nearest railway sta tion you pay no freight 105 s v johnson plumbing supplies streetsville ontario real estate for sale new house five large rooms hardwood throughout all modern conveniences insulated full size basement apply everett jones church st stoiiffville 11tf for sale 1500 cash balance arranged first mortgage at 5 new storey and half unfinished clapboard house in village of stouffville geo allison real es tate broker ph s7jl stouffvllle coming events newmarket summer show and trade fair under auspices of the newmarket horticultural society will be held in the newmarket mem orial arena on august 131415 and 16th 116 i would like to express my appre ciation and sincere thanks to my many friends neighbors and rela tives for their many acts of kindness shown us during my husbands long illness and our recent bereavement i would also like to thank those who so willingly helped and those who sent floral tributes mrs w morris and billy i would like to thank my friends neighbors and relatives the siloam wa the siloam cgit the good wood united church and sunday school and wa and the goodwood baptist church for the lovely gifts of flowers fruit cards and letters also those who called io see me since my recent accident challenged by the agility of her small sister although the keppo family won our hearts and our admiration last saturday there was not an act that didnt hold appeal for all of us the children were as usual awe struck when miss cheevers danced and laugh ing enviously when cy lenoard came on stage with happy it was a very good show from beginning to end the fine weather held for the cedar grove locust hill sunday school picnic on tuesday and children and adults turned out and had a wonderful time rev and airs woodhouse who had been visiting in the village since sun day stayed over long enough to attend the picnic and renew old acquaintances there was a slight breeze through woodland park on tuesday and that plus the pool plus numerous ice cream cones kept the children cooled off be tween races harold lapp packed up his sun day school class and took off for penelon falls and a day of fish ing last monday mister a v milroys daughter kathleen bonner was visiting her father over the weekend ml pisgah the whitchurch township sun day school girls rally took place at lemonville fellowship centre mrs douglas beaehl thursday afternoon and even- ing of last week there were ten members of the mt pisgah sunday school in attendance the election of- officers for the coming year took place and miss dorothy baycroft of mt pisgah will be the new secretarytreasurer the girls are under the leadership of mrs cliff burkholder of bethesda mr and mrs metro sudeyko were hosts to fourteen neighbors at a dinner in their home on thursday of last week it was chalk refrigeration sales r service commercial farm household guaranteed repairs on all makes phone king 2fli5 8tf 24 hour service anywhere i general brickwork chimneys built or repaired 35 years experience jack styles cedar valley ontario 4 46 mos s3d spray painting flat roofing insulation phone aurora 70rl5 w yake c33hzee3eee22iie ttttttrrrr dead stock dfad and crippled farm animals removed promptly for sanitary disposal 52tf telephone colloot stoaffttllc 235 torwnto ell 33a30 gordon young ltd 160 acres at oakwood village fronting no 7 hgy 140 workable clay loam well built on good out buildings brick house large barn with good stabling suitable for dairy or beef running water highly productive farm reason able roy webster oakwood rri out ph 24r5 103 investment opportunities we have a number of excellent op portunities tor investment of first mortgage monies at 6 in amounts from 1000 to 5000 call collect tor further information 27tf wignall and shepherd real estate brokers markhnm phone 230 personal skinny girls get lovely curves gain 5 to 10 lbs new pop try famous health weight- builder osirex tonic tablet in troductory getacquainted sire only 60c all druggists theres something pretty liope- less about the party who does nothing but hope the olde tyme dance of the sea son sponsored by the vandorf com munity centre board and whit church conservation club is to bo held at glendale pavilion mussel- mans lake on wednesday july 23 entire proceeds to be used for devel oping community park project at vandorf admission 100 per cou ple 112 saturday july 12th gigantic bingo in the stouffville arena sponsored by the stouffville athletic club hundreds of dollars in the finest bingo prizes ever offered dack shoes sports coats f0 gals gas cedar chest chrome kitchen set silver ser vice set axminster rug beatty electric ironer kroehler relax- er chair many regular 5 value games time 815 in memoriam sanders in loving memory of john blake sanders who passed away july 5 1949 always remembered by jack elsie and family reesor in loving memory of barkis reesor who died july 15 1939 remembered by his wife and family blanche blake kenneth and family sadly miss ed but not forgotten when youve decided to believe only half of what you hear be sure you pick the right half of cement weighing tons pine orchard new church front junked a demonstrator of a ona viewlroyr the swt zvl- f mlss bunker sons stouffville motors m ianv snioxtiin of aurori mr and mrs ed mccolgan and miss patricia mckenna of toronto and mr and mrs jack burke of london were supper guests with mr and mrs lames macdonald on david portingale vho has lived saturday at the w lundy home for seven mr and mrs arthur dunne and years has gone to bc where he family of colgan were sunday will live with relatives visitors of the j macdonalds and mr jim link has accepted a took jamie home with them for a position at mcnabbs hardware in weeks holiday town miss dianne broome concord mr and mrs albert boake and is on a two weeks holiday with family spent sunday with the me- j her cousin sheila asb farland family at warkworth i mr and mrs alfred hawke of dianne and bernice chapman toronto are on a two weeks visit have returned to toronto after with mr and mrs harvey biddie- attending school here for a couple combe of years living at the widdifield miss alma carlisle is leaving home i toronto on tuesday july 22nd mrs j sheridan and baby girl for england she will teach in a are visiting her parents a few town about one hundred miles days north of london for a year and miss mildred pyle has taken a will be one of the fortunate ones position in the muskoka district to view the coronation next year miss lorraine brammar is alien ding bible school for a couple of weeks the wav mot at mrs 1 pyles home on wednesday and worked at a quilt mrs sheppard gave an interesting paper on gods beauty in nature several from here attended the balsdon pegg wedding on satur day in hope church it is claimed thai chlorophyll will kill all ordors but were skep tical grass is loaded with chloro phyll and goats eat grass trees cover onefifth of the earths surface and thats no place to stand when a thunder and our best lightning storm is raging wishes go with the young couple glad to see a good crowd to the edmonton journal claims church sunday also a good atten- tr0ud with the world is that dance at ss there are too many people ready lo congratulations to miss isabel cl cody rx on obtaining her ba at toronto university recently carry the stool when the piano has to be moved