the tribune stouffville ont thursday july 3 1952 make these classified advs your ifi place miscellaneous rooms for rent two or three furnished rooms in private home in village near stouffville box m o stouffville tribune ccstomcomhlvivg careful attention given to all kinds of grain and clover with our new self propelled machine leave your name now to ensure getting your combining done when you want it rates reasonable vv a jones ph 263j stouffville 102 v j haley mason general contractor for complete masonry service call stouffville 38w 103 w j haley stouffer st custom combining phone manford deun 213 markliam 104 cars for sale for salk ms dodge coach 14000 miles on new motor re painted front end realigned good tires 35000 ph 65504 stouff for sale 1s4t 2ton truck kw mileage good running order tu 4249 richmond hill sale register for sale 1941 chevrolet 14- ton panel truck wonderful motor good tires 350 or best offer m h connor brougham ph mark- ham 2g6j13 i have accommodation for 3 or 4 men of good steady character ph 276 mary e mcorogan accommodation and board 22 up weekly reduced for children home cooking private beach also housekeeping cabins holiday lodge connor drive musselmans lake 102 floor sander for rent g acton ph 74j2 stou 83 spray painting inside and out houses and barns a heaton son ph 26j2 stouffville 9tf i am now equipped to install large septic tanks for restricted areas for quick service reason able prices call murray baker ph 651 newmarket 917 bicycles reconditioned and guaranteed in good shape 25 30 shipped cod express write one with confidence a thomas 363 parliament st toronto 96 electrical wiring installation service and repairs leslie leon ard ph 3svl sto loud speaker systems for sale or rent phone 242 stouffville 7tf wes wright custom combining baling p walters son 84 stouffville phono 02308 british ontario motors reconditioned used tractors imple ments cars trucks ford and case tractors from 45000 6 row potato duster 19500 used cars and trucks from 5000 to 129500 eov terms trade or cash british ontario motors leaskdale uxbridge 102 saturday july 5 auction sale at the stouffville livestock sales arena selling livestock our specialty fresh cows springers heifers sheep calves pigs horses pickup and delivery can be ar ranged come early and bring something to sell this is your community sale you bring it well sell it sale every saturday at 1 pm make this your market where buyers and sellers meet sellers and atkinson auction eers tf articles for sale strawberries for sale also spring roosters from 4 to 5 lbs pete savoretti ph s6s22 stouft- ville cement for sale american any quantity lomes transport pk 399 stouffville 3tf implements cards of thanks help wanted young man wanted for helper on ice truck apply post office mus selmans lake ph 136w2 live stock prompt milk cooler service to all makes reasonable rates wes wright ph stouffville 242 96 help wanted 2 high school girls to help in childrens board home best wages phone mrs m venn stouffville 60713 for sale 11 pigs nice chunks s weeks old bert baker ph sto 60206 pullets for sale 100 hamp x rock 4 months 75 peels rocks 5 months 75 sussex x hamp laying h thompson 1025 lillian st newtonbrook ph ba 1s183 for sale dalmatian pups 10 weeks old ph 68512 stouffville young holstein cow for sale fresh second calf vaccinated j h houck unionville ph stouff ville 60509 for sale 2 good work horses 9 and 10 years old j g mann ph 67s03 for sale 20 young pigs and one bred sow alex gray claremont ph 25sw3 markham 225 barred rook pullets for sale starting to lay ph 4r22 clare mont for sale holstein heifer to freshen in 1 week ph stouffville 64203 custom baling hay and straw wire tie pick up and stationary good weight per bale also buy sell cliff morgason ph 66907 stouffville 720 if you wish your pork or beef killed cured and processed ready to cook or stored without pain to them or you just call sohells meat market ltd stoultville phone 220 will pick up and deliver 83 custom baling we are pre pared to handle your custom bal ing requirements reasonable rates edgevale farms ph stouffville 67906 8tf custom baling hay straw wire tied pickup and stationary a lageer ph claremont 1516 or mt alb 4120 84 custom baling wire tie pickup good weight bales also selfpro pelled combining we solicit your patronage and will try to please you samuel winger ph maple 62r22 2tf sewing machine sales and service new machines from 9950 all with reverse stitch guaranteed repairs to all makes k middlem1ss phone 307 stouffville 42tf we do custom killing also curing and smoking of meat for farmers oboyles meat market ph 3501 49tt ogd ens garage all makes of tractors cars repaired ph 254 stouffville 7tf old horses 1500 at your farm also dead and crippled stock pickup service phone collect aglncourt 18j12 campbell mink 24u orders taken for custom bulldozing cellars ponds gravel pits or ny other type of bulldozing landscape grading 6tf art steckley phono stouffville 00816 eavetroughing and furnace repairs free estimates given a wittal phone stouffville 66512 6tf piano tuning a repairs s hoffman formerly with gerhardhclntzmnn phone fairs radio electric stonffvillc s6 2 2tf all orders promptly attended to electric wiring houses farms and cottages wired wall plugs switches electric water heaters ranges etc installed radios ranges toasters irons and other appliances repaired k h mlddlemls 16tf phone 367 stouffrill a chance you cant afford to miss another couple of weeks on bray specials in started pullets shippers choice breed heavies 3 weeks 2590 4 weeks 3090 medium 3490 and 3s90 for your own choice of breeds or day- olds mixed pullets ask us fred wise richmond hill stiver bros stouffville baby chicks hillside poultry farms have been raising chicks for canadian farm ers for more than a quarter cent ury theyre canada approved some of the very best and at prices within the range of all hundreds of customers testify to their excellence price lists are ready tell us when you need them breed and quantity agent orval wilson whitevalc markham 55w3 37tf call ontario rendering company for dead disabled animals satisfaction guaranteed sanitary removal special weekend and holiday service call collect stouffville 184w uxbridge 15w 42tf for fast service call direct coliject toronto ho ward 0182 ip p p p jp ip sales agents wanted male female turn your spare time into money sensational handpainted ties terrific sellers free picture catalogue sent by return mail oriental art studios 2035 st timothee montreal que hay and grain for salk wooden silo 12xls good condition also complete set of 12 ft silo forms j m nighs- wander ph 66604 stouffville for sale guitar good condi tion ph s2wl stouffville for sale bridesmaid gown or chid taffeta matching mittens and headdress pick 97j3 for sale electric saw south ampton iron works 1 hp 110 cycle complete with blade two foamite fire extinguishers ra diator shell and complete door for international k6 or 7 never used applv 322 gerrard st e toronto ra 3104 92 western grain call us for prices on western oats and bar- lev chop bruce bros ph 63602 stouffville 94 seed wheat and alaska oats for sale mrs r birrell ph 14r5 claremont cone 7 cabbage plants for sale eddie hoover ph 1607 claremonv for sale 100 bushels of good clean buckwheat j r wilkin 1 mile east and 1 mile south of balsam ph claremont ssrl3 92 wanted wanted to rent small or large farm by reliable party will pay up to 10000 a month with option to purchase call toronto oe 11730 reverse charges 103 urgent transportation wanted ringwood to toronto queen and university working hours 9 to 5 ph 67j2 stouffville wanted several second hand single beds and mattresses apply grand grill stouffville s6jl high school girl would like work in stouffville as mothers helper for summer months ph stouffville g5216 farm wanted 40 to 50 acres with house and other farm build ings within 30 miles of toronto apply box f co stouffville tri bune tenders for building sealed tenders will be received by the undersigned until july 31st 1952 for the old dicksons hill church and contents 1 brick build ing 30 x 40 1 hot air pipeless fur nace sergeant 262 feet of seating the highest or any tender not necessarily accepted 94 elmore barkey secretary rr4 stouffville wanted old windmill not in working condition will remove apply to box w co the stouff ville tribune lost and found estray bull came to my pre mises lot 12 con 9 pickering owner prove property and pay damages earl mcmulien clare mont ph 400s 93 coming events plan to attend lemonville wa strawberry festival at lemonville school on july 4th at 630 pm program and play in doubt about daisie admission 75c 30c 92 the fretz family reunion will be held at victoria phrk vineland station at vineland stop light on the queen elizabeth highway on saturday august 2 1952 all rela tives are invited to attend albert lageer wood choice hardwood immediate delivery claremont 1516 mount albert 4120 30tf washing machine repairs all makes of washing machines re paired and servioed by capable mechanics we pick up and deliver and guarantee prompt and efficient service our charges are reasonable c h bell son phone 281 w stouffville ttitirg spray painting flat roofing insulation phone aurora 70rl5 w yake genhral brickwork chimney bailt or repaired 35 tear bxpeorleoce jack 8tttes cedar vhcy owuato 4 4t m ittttt dead stock dead and cripplkd farm aximai8 rkmovkd promptly for sanitawt disposal 5 2tf telephone collect mttdttlm cos torasto em 8300 gordon young ltd the annual decoration service at claremont cemetery will he held on sunday july 6th at 230 pm rev harold lackey will be the speaker and the maurice kennedy family of quaker hill will provide the music in event of rain service will be held in baptist church the motiigrcraft advice room is always open the second and fourth tuesday of each month therefore the next clinic will be on july 8th from 1230 to 430 pm in the united church basement all mothers and babies welcome hid in memoriam bond in loving memory of john bond who passed away july 5th 194s it is not at the time the tears we shed that tell of a heart that is torn but the lonely tears of the after years and remembrance silently borne oh happy hours we once enjoyed how sweet their memory still but death has left a loneliness the world can never fill sadly missed by wife and family hoover in memory of our son cpl gordon hoover who was killed in action july 4th 1944 there is still an ache in our hearts today that countless years wont take away we smile with the world but never forget in our garden of memories he lives with us yet mon dad brothers and sister its still better durham memorlai arena certificates chalk refrigeration sales service commercial farm household guaranteed repairs on all makes phone king 2lrs stf 24 hour service anywhere for sale 3burner coleman range with oven good condition ph 65s13 stouffville for sale cedar posts anchors and braces walter vague phone 66907 stouffville truck body 10 x 7 with racks near new thos mcgriskin cashel lot 26 con 5 markham for sale good used davenport also 9ipiece diningroom suite ph stouffville 64203 for sale bed ribbon springs wash stand electric plate sewing machine ph 4 9j4 stouffville for sale new white enamel 4- burner electric stove reg 275 for 125 english motor bike new reg 200 for 75 girls english bike new 35 washing machine white enamel apartment size new 5000 originally pur chased at less than cost for public contest now cancelled apply roys farms claremont 20 from factory lo you baby chenille bedspreads 525 each lowest price in canada beautiful first quality completely tufted no sheeting showing all colors double or single bedsizes now center pat terns in dowered or solid designs sent coi plus postage immediate moneyback guarantee order one you will order more new add ress town country mfg box i41kj place d amies montreal quebec 92 tomato growers it will soon be time to start your late blight control program the government recommends using ziram spray for the first second and fourth applications and fixed copper spray for third fifth and subse quent sprays if you will place your order for zc spray and co os spray now we will have it in stock for when you need it stouffville coop ph 269 or 122 plumbing and heating catalogue free the 1952 catalogue is off the press write for your copy or visit the new warehouse and see for yourself the model bathroom dis plays in white and coloured fix tures in standard size bathrooms witli tiled or painted walls just the way you want a bathroom in your own home we have sinks and sink cabinet units lavatory basins and toilets pressure sys tems and electric water heaters range boilers pipe and fittings in copper galvanized and cast iron septic and oil tanks refrigerators and electric ranges a complete line of furnaces air conditioning units and hot water heating sys tems with convector rads we de liver to your nearest railway sta tion you pay no freight 105 s v johnson plumbing supplies strectsvllle ontario real estate house for sale on second street 9 rooms 3piece bath hotwater heating practically new furnace with oilburner a number of the rooms have hardwood floors builtin cupboards in kitchen two verandahs and balcony and a 2- storey garage could quite easily he converted into an upper and lower duplex ph 190 stouffville 160 acres at oakwood village fronting no 7 hgy 140 workable clay loam well built on good out buildings brick house large barn with good stabling suitable for dairy or beef running water highly productive farm reason able roy webster oakwood ritl ont ph 24r5 103 investment opportunities we have a number of excellent op portunities for investment of first mortgage monies at 6 in amounts from 1000 to j5000 call collect for further information 27w wignail and shepherd real estate brokers markham phone 3s0 personal skinny oirl6 oet lovely curves gain 5 to 10 lbs mw pop try famous health a w4gbt- builder oetrex tonic tablets in troductory getaoquainted size only 60c ah druist for sale john deere used for- we wish to express our heartfelt age harvester pickup and corn thanks and appreciation for the acts harvester d l mairs brougham of kindness messages of sympathy ph pick 9swl aud beautiful floral offerings from r 77t7 oar neighbors relatives and frieuds 1or sale masseyharrls pony received during the illness and death tractors 2 used two years hy- of a fatur amj j draultc lifts lights also good tue uunu used pony implements ph tl rner 42143 richmond hill 94 1 oar appreciation is extended to the patents and trustees who gave furrow case tractor plow for generously of their time and as- sale also 4 cement well tile and nsianco to make our annual school top bruce clarke ph 65114 picnic a wonderful success stouffville 102 i m reesor and mrs windsor for sale hay rake also hay teachers tedder for either tractor or horse during mv stay of ten days in hitch good condition ph 3303y countv hospital 1 was so well claremont norns hardy treated by the nurses doctors and waterloo threshing the 1 wm very happy and v contented it wasnt a case of count ing the days and hours until 1 could get out of there but rather was it a time of pleasant relaxing and enjoy ment every time a nurse entered the room it seemed as though an an gel of love and mercy had floated into my presence how kind and pa tient they were the food was not only excellent but so nicely served so thanks to those 4n charge of that particular part of hospital work i would like to thank all those who were so kind in calling sending cards gifts etc including the tab ernacle christian baptist baker hill and sixthline baptist hurdles the kindness of all meant good cheer hjleuty for me which was very much appreciated mrs tom simpson for sale machine 22 x 36 excellent work ing order victor foote ph sto 62104 prompt milk cooler service to all makes reasonable rates wes wright ph stouffville 242 96 1 only used gehl forage har vester complete with blower this machine is motor mounted and complete with hay corn attach ments stouffville coop ph 122 or 269 masseviiarr1s binder for sale bruce foote ph 67s14 stouffville for sale forage blower johni deere used only one season good as new priced for quick sale if you need a blower dont miss this one stouffville coop phone 122 or 269 favorite threshing machine for sale straw cutter seed clean er and chaff blower 24 x 36 5 years old also inter power mow er horse corn cultivator hay rake and new power manure spreader w brignall ph stouffville 60513 for sale masseyharris 30 tractor tandem discs plows like new clear title reasonable apply el cheeco ranch rr2 black- water 1 wish to express my sincere thanks for the sympathy the pray ers and the many kind deeds also the words of appreciation received of my dear husband during my re cent bereavement mrs p j wiebe 1 used case forage harves ter this machine has been used to cut one crop only it is in new condition and priced very reason ably for quick sale stouffville co- op phone 122 or 2g9 for sale mh 10ft power takeoff binder in excellent condi tion chas ratcliff ph 60314 for sale 10 ft hay rake also buckrake for ford tractor merviri annis brougham ph 242jl pick ering hay harvest specials farmall a tractor with mower cultivator real bargain 22 mcoormick thresher excellent condition priced to sell see our reconditioned tractors of various sizes cy bellman sons 25000 reward to anyone giving information leading to arrest conviction of any party who on night of june 15th stole a 125lb pig from pen on rov farms claremont phone 20 r g roy 6th line whitchurch mr and mrs george rosser of ottawa were visitors saturday even ing with mr and mrs norman steck- ley mr and mrs lome wideman and boys or toronto are visiting with mr and mrs s ii foote for a while mr and mrs gorman dixon vis ited on sunday with mr and mrs russel couperthwaite of mongolia mr and mrs harry white and family were sunday visitors with mr win dennie of gormley a number of local young people were guests at the steckley home for tea sunday evening it was the occasion of miss june steckleys birthday congratulations to mr and mrs kenneth harper on the birth of a son on june 20th mr and mrs mervin harper and family and miss grace talbot were sunday visitors with mr and mrs ross harper mr and mrs george holden and family of toronto were visitors on sunday with mr and mrs rae hol den mrs baker of toronto was a week end visitor with mr and mrs floyd ratcliff and family miss jo stevens of toronto visited on sunday with mr and mrs how ard ratcliff to the many friends and neigh bors who were so helpful and gener ous with their time and energy dur ing the auction sale on our farm we wish to extend a sincere thank you we have many fond memories of the friends and neighbors at brougham and do appreciate the many kindnesses extended during our preparations to leave the com munity mr and mrs milt burk i would like to take this oppor tunity to thank my many friends and neighbors for their many letters and lovely cards sent to be during my stay in the hospital their thought- fulness and kindness is very much appreciated mary e mcgrogan i would like at this time to thank the womens institute for their generous help when i came home from the hospital i am sincerely grateful mary e mcgrogan 1 would like to express my appre ciation and sincere thanks to my many friends neighbors and rela tives for their many acts of kindness shown me in my recent sad bereave ment i would also like to thank those who so willingly helped serve at the house and all those who sent floral tributes mrs a ii shaffer we wish to express our sincerest thanks and appreciation to the pu pils trustees and our other friends at ballantrae for the lovely coffee table and floor lamp presented to us at the community picnic thank you for the gifts and good wishes joan reesor and willis hoover laker toronto class open hunters gay boy j e cottrelle planet don margrave magic carpet lt col baker murphy motors trophy to 1 e cottrelle class hi saddle horses open silouette mr ewerth hamilton dolly lee j proud palermo rosie miss b grant toronto dr watson trophy to mr ewerth class ii handy working hunters carrousel don umphrey tor onto state fair e cottrelle planet don hargrave chamber of j commerce trophy to don ump hrey class 12 open jumpers i black velvet green gables i brampton kroelite wm wright i midnight l ruby challenge i trophy by stoultville legion to green gables kami horse show results continued from front page sir charles clayton ruby my boy fay uusnell class 3 saddle horses open kays surprise miss ruby bar row maple rosie miss grant pepsi cola miss arthurs toronto iatcham trophy to ruby barrow class 4 green hunters my prelude yellow knife farms unionville gray sun don hargrave dicksons hill bed vel vet green gables farm bramp ton calvert distillers trophy to yellow knife farms class pleasure hack flares e fowler midnight l ruby gray sun don hargrave les wilson motor sales trophy to e fowler class fi working hunter magic carpet luther winchell marvis geo hoehm honey yel low knife farms dr ralph har grave trophy to luther winchell class 7 saddle pony open silouette lady mr ewerth hamilton dolly lee jack proud sir charles clayton ruby ham- mal trophies to all winners class 8 knock down and out stake kroflite wm wright hamil ton black velvet green gables brampton stair clift lt col births forbes mr and mrs fred forbes goodwood rrl wish to announce the arrival of their daughter on thursday july 3 1952 at the briorbush hospital stouffville ham mr and mrs john ham stouffville are happy to an nounce the birth of their son on saturday june 28 ism at the brierbush hospital stoultville mansell mr and mrs john mansell claremont are happy to announce the birth of their daughter on wednesday july 2 1952 at the brierbush hospital stoultville paisley mr and mrs eugene paisley stouffville rr3 are happy to announce the birth of their daughter brenda susan on monday june 23 1052 a sister for gary and grant raymer mr and mrs nelson raymer ringwood are happy to announce the safe arrival of a son a brother for larry and wayne june 17 1052 at mark ham nursing home markham doctor up for trial charged with manslaughter and abortion dr earl b douse last j week was committed for trial by magistrate w w mckeown his toil of 5000 was renewed dr clotjse is a 50yearold gen- jeral practitioner from box grove jmarkhan twp who operates a suite of offices on bloor st e the charge arises out of an alleg ed ojieration on a 21yearold tor onto woman