Ontario Community Newspapers

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), April 3, 1952, p. 14

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the tribune stousviile onu thursday april 3 1u52 p we want 20000 board feet of maple in logs or plank john madsen mfg co unionville phone 34w i i this weeks sunday school lesson youre not really natural unless you can see that many of the attitudes and arguments of both sides are silly giving a new twist to an old gag one might say that france certainly should have clean gov ernment she changes it so often it is often the case that whether you consider a person your friend or your enemy depends upon whether hes flattering or frank a woman in illinois hit her hus band with a book kocking out two teeth because he trumped her ace a nice lesson on bridge work iim buys- whys ww aweekiy information service montreal april has a freshness that reminds me of something yes youve guessed it jell0 jelly powders so refreshing and so marvellously tangy truly jell0 is as tempting as an invigorating april day of course theres good reason why jello makes such delight ful desserts and salads ysee jellos fruitfresh flavor is locked right in each tiny particle you mm release it by adding hot water to the jello any way you serve them plain with fruit or whipped jello dcsserta are as fresh and delicious as an april breeie and once youve tried them youll eerve tempting jello salads often too remember there are 7 delicious lockedin jello flavors keep several packages of jello on hand bating fun arent you glad you tried this pleas- a n t effective remedy for the blues yes speedy sparkling sal hepatica will transform you into the belle of the ball in no time it brings fast welcome relief from headaches due to irregularity cold symptoms stomach upsets or con stipation a glass of pleasant- tasting sal hepatica before break fast or supper will make you feel like a new woman you see with sal hepatica theres no feeling of discomfort that continues for hours til ordinary slow acting laxatives bring relief effective and safe for all members of your family sal hepatica is a product of bristolmyers who also make bufferin pain relief tablets a big smile and compliment to you from hubby when you serve delicious red rose coffee yes you can always count on red rose to give you the best cup of coffee youve ever made or tasted superb flavour deepdown heart warming good ness they re yours in a cup of red rose coffee so when you want to please hubbyor when guests drop in or just when you want a truly satisfying cup of coffee do be sure to serve red rose and when youre buying red rose coffee ask for red rose tea as well its every bit as good as red rose coffee here in lots of time for easier is the recipe youll want to keep for entertaining now and later on its swans downs easter glory cake and delicious tasting and as gorgeous looking as the swans down cakes youve come to know and love simple to make and calling for only 2 eggs the easter glory cake will be a favorite with swans down cake flour the flour thats sifted and re- sifted until 27 times an fine as ordinary flour cakes are always moist and tender use recipe for happy day cake on back of swans down cake flour package bake in layers as directed in recipe cool prepare your favorite fluffy white 7 minute frosting spread between your feathery cake layers and on top and sides of cake sprinkle generously with bakers coconut garnish with varicolored jelly beans arranged in groups to represent eggs in nests your grocer carries the recipes for both cake and frosting on his easter glory cake display to mix to bake to frost what you want is a coke to tcorh refreshed when you take a midmorning break make it a real break with delicious icecold cocacola autfcorlaoo ketllw of coccou uiyw contract iu cocacola ud uxbridge beverages limited uxbrjdge ont phone 205w fcalvb raptooracjuoji m a fellowship of many followers golden text- herein is my father glorified that ye bear much fruit no shall ye be my 1u- ciples johm 15 8 the lesson as a whole by j c macaulay dd approach to the lesson among the themes which have inspired the noblest writing friendship takes a high place i have two delightful books before me now friendship bv hugh black fleming h kevell co 316 third ave westwood nj sliio and friendship the master- passion by h clay trumbull out of print one cannot read such books without being consci ous of breathing a clean pure air of being lifted to the uplands of human thought where pettiness and selfishness seem remote and alien but the greatest book on friendship is the bible while it does not attempt a definition of friendship nor give a formal his- tory nor oiler a course in friend shipculture yet there is no aspect of the great theme left untouched as for examples of friendship where shall we find them nobler than ruth and naomi or david and jonathan yet even these are not the ultimate of friendship for that we come to our lord himself the shadow of the cross is already upon him and he is with those few chosen disciples whose slow ness of understanding lack of faith and selfish aspirations have given him many a pang of grief but these are the men to whom he opens the door of perfect friendship read john 15 1315 those who are so knit with christ in the bonds of high and holy friendship find a friendship of like character springing up among themselves so we find paul a man with a great capacity for friendship it would seem as if when he met the lord his great capacity for hatred was ex changed for this other paul and barnabas paul and silas paul and timothy paul and luke paul and priscilla and aquila these are but a few of the many friendships which enriched the life of the great apostle the more we know- christ the bigger place will friendship find in our lives in our three passages we have respec tively 1 the basis of friendship 2 the appeal of friendship 3 the practice of friendship verse by verse john 155 i am the vine without me ye can do nothing this negative statement should keep us fromtoo much selfconfid ence but notice that in this won derful verse our lord is offering himself to us in all his fullness of life and power as our allsufficient resource for a life of rich fruitful- ness what a lovely act of friend ship verse 6 if a man abides not in me he is cast forth burn ed this is an enlargement of the last phrase of verse 5 abiding in christ is the place of the true be liever a man may profess to be a christian but if he is not abid ing in christ it is evident that his confidence is in himself not in christ the end of that man is the fire verse 7 if ye abide and my words abide ask and it shall be done god is prepared to commit himself absolutely to answer the prayers of the one here described because such abid ing and such submission to his word are guarantee that the pray ers will be of such a nature as he can grant verse s my father glorified ye bear much fruit my disciples the answered prayer glorifies the father a supreme end in the thought of our lord and aims at producing greater fruitfulness in the christian dis ciples are always in the making our advance in discipleship is measured by fruit bearing and the glory we bring to the father verse 9 as the father hath loved me so have i loved you how rich we are in such love how we should seek to live in the full beam of it phil 214 do all things with out murmurings and disputings this follows from verse 13 if god is moving us to do that which is pleasing to him it ought to be pleasing to us and done without outward complaining or inward questioning verse 15 blameless and harm less without rebuke as lights in the world for lights read luminaries such as the sun moon and stars are in the heavens harmless is rather unmixed therefore pure there must be no spots in the sun to dim the light of our testi mony verse 10 holding forth the word of life the phrase belongs to verse 15 our lives must not dim the light of the word which we hold aloft for the guidance of others that 1 may rejoice in the day of christ see how the apostle enforces his plea for holi ness by an appeal to personal friendship i have expended much labor on you now do not let me sec the reward of my toil when we all stand before the lord rom 1c 1 phebe a ser vant of the church which is at cenchrea phebe is thought to have been the bearer of the letter to the romans she served the church as cenchrea about nine miles from corinth as deaconess as the word servant suggests verse 2 that ve assist here for she hath been a sue- courer of manv and of myself also the greek play upon words should be preserved stand by her for she has stood by many paul is anxious that she should receive in the distant city the same treatment she continually meted out to others we do not know how specially she had help ed paul verse 3 priscilla and aquila i see acts is 2 is lit 2126 appar ently they were now back in rome verse 4 who have for my life laid down their own necks the expression means that they saved pauls life at the risk of their own perhaps this was in course of the tumult at ephesus acts 19 verse 5 the church that is in their house before the days of church buildings believers met in homes see acts 12 12 is 6 7 1 corinthians 16 19 so wherever this godly couple lived their home was at the disposal of the church epaenetus the first- fruits of achaia for achaia read asia and remember that it means the western portion of asia minor verse 6 mary who bestowed much labour an unknown mary but not unknown to god verse 7 andranieus and junta my kinsmen probably meaning fellow jews see chap 93 fellowprisoners refers not to the moment of writing but to a previous experience they were older in the faith than paul and well known to the apostolic band the heart of the lesson in the first of our printed pass ages we see the one who can do everything befriending those who can do nothing the benefactions however are not of the nature of handouts which only render the helpless more helpless and the unproductive still less productive we are invited into a relation with christ which means that his life his power his productiveness flow through us we are asked to abide in him as a branch abides in the vine it is the place of trust and dependence and it becomes the place of fruitfulness the character to which we could never attain- by diligence and discipline grows upon us as the fruit of the spirit gal 522 23 and life becomes productive of good works otherwise impossible here too prayer becomes a reality we have power with god and instead of dishonoring him by our impo tence and the degradation of that divine image in which we were created we bring glory to him as we show more and more the like ness of christ 2 cor 318 this relation to christ as branches in the living vine sets us in a new relation to the world this is a world of darkness where black passes for white the crook ed goes for straight and perverse- ness abounds the branches in christ are set as luminaries in such a world to rebuke its iniqui ty and to lead those who will to the light of life we are to extend the word of life to those who are alienated from god but un less our lives show fair against the word which we preach we shall only darken the testimony we owe it to thosewho have minis tered to us in the gospel as well as to the needy world and the god who has saved us to keep our testimony clear pnil 21416 there is nothing very personal about the idea of branches and luminaries but our third passage romans 16 17 shows the follow ers of the lord related to each othei as real distinct individual personalities the deeper we abide in christ and the more fully we show forth his likeness the more truly and completely shall we be ourselves personality is not des troyed in christ but developed to its highest and best so we see phebe the woman of action pris cilla and aquila the noble couple ready to risk life itself in the cause of christ and always keep ing open house to the church mary the unknown quietly be stowing loving ministry and so all the way through this wonder ful chapter of personalities here is where christian friendship has full play business directory ar a c marie jack hairdressing lloyd avenue stouffville permanent waving machine machineless cold wblt halrstyllng and shaping phone 17wl aoc ace j gl c zx brierbush hospital day and night service maternity medical and surgical member of the allied private hospital association government licensed main street east stouffville stouffville sand gravel limited are prepared to supply your requirements of crushed gravel sand concrete gravel pit run delivered or at thf bin ilnnt phone 125 offw phone 370 and 12fl gsazzbbbgg5bsgbizzzgbbsz5si joy beauty salon near cnr permanent waving individual styling razor shaping phone stouffville 9sw2 dental neil c smith lds dds graduate of university of toronto office over canadian bank of commerce telephone 167 stouffville e s barker lds dds honor graduate of royal college of dental surgeons and of the university of toronto office over harolds grill phone 274w markham everv tuesday medical dr s s ball physician and surgeo xray office corner of obrien main phone 196 coroner for york county dr f j button stouffville ontario telephone 371 xray hours daily 9 to 12 am tuesday thursday saturday evenings 79 pm mri bv aooointment office over button blk dr herbert b freel physician telephone 164 xray hours daily except sunday 9 to 12 am tuesday- thursday saturday 7 to 9 pm a c kennedy chiropractor church street stouffville monday and friday 9 to 12 am andrew dee nicholson chiropractor and electrotherapist radionics slenderizing equipment 3467 yonge st toronto 12 ph hyland 2110 res mafalr 5702 c w kusiar chiropractor wednesday 28 pm saturday 94 pm daley manor phone 193 cor main obrien stouffville optometrical e a grubin ro optometrist picton stouffville at his office in stouffville on monday march 31st garnet v gray r0 optometrist office hours 080 am to 500 pm evening by appointment every tuesday corner obrien main sts formerly dr balls residence phone 103 for appointments insurance birkett son general insurance agency stouffville ontario insurance in reliable companies at reasonable rates prompt service phones 259wl and 259w2 h 0 klinck phone 44w3 stouffville fire auto burglary sickness and accident fidelity bonds experience strength and service unexcelled f g alsop insurance for every purpose phone 50v2 tax service f m pugh phone 38v2 stoiittrllle life fire auto saving made easy security made ertaln when you have a policy with the mutual life of canada prompt and courteous service its just common wnce to buy coop inuranc for information call john sytema xrvrmarkrt 2iiji or your looal coop kennies transport phone 121 stouffville sand gravel loam screened stone any size daily service tc toronto phone wa 9003 toronto auctioneers sellers atkinson ph agin 201w2 ph stoufl 363 licensed auctioneers 25 years experience sales conducted anywhere specia lizing in farm stock furniture and property sales all sales per sonally listed and advertised bllli prepared and posted no sale too big or too small ken clarke prentice auctioneers licensed and authorized for the counties of york and ontario farm stock implements house hold furniture real estate sale our specialty at fair and reasor- able rates dual service for the price of one milliken po ph agincourt 52ws markham po ph markham 200 prentices have been established auctioneers since 1890 a s farmer licensed auctioneer york county uxbridge pickering townships farm stock ad furniture sales a specialty address gormley po telephone stouffville 67312 real estate consult j a willoughby sons for complete real estate service head office toromto 156 yonge st ad 0605 city and country homes farm and small acreages industrial business propertlet harvey moyer is your local representative phone 83jl stouffville when buying or selling real estate farms residences business properties contact george w allison regd real estate broker phone 87jl ernest ridout real estate ltd head office 1172 bay st tor farms homes or any kind of property consult stan hastings 63715 stouffville or rich bui 18 stouffville cleaners phone 343 cleaning pressing minor repairs invisible weaving done by experts enquire at office pickup and delivery service monument works stouffville orders promptly executed p tarr proprietor telephone 81wl funeral directors l e oneill stouffville funeral director anb embalmer continuous telephone service day or night phone stouffville 98wl j w dixon funeral director private ambulance markham kindness courtesy service telephone 90 markham ontario lt1lmll11 thos j wignall funeral director dignified efficient service ambulance 2 hour jtrvice call markham 239

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