3220 copies this week tibuwt full poge of classifieds vol 2 no is the tribune stouffville ovt march 27 li32 evening classes stage successful hobby night clippers prepare for first round ontario senior playdowns in spite of inclement weather the legion hall was comfortably rilled on wednesday evening march linn for hobby club night and those present expressed their enjoyment of the evenings pro gramme on display were some delightful dresses for children made in the smocking class under mrs elmer sheiks guidance mrs oneills sewing group exiubiteid attrac tive dressmaker suits dresses and blouses lovely coffee tables of modern design and tables lawn chairs modern chesterfield lamps and a childs table and chairs were included in the handiwork on dis play by mr d bacons woodwork class the junior and senior art classes numbering some 25 students in all had a very good display of their work mostly landscapes one portrait was included being that of an indian woman painted by mr jack smits mr a hodgkirfs was the instructor in art again this year one of the unique features of the evening was the presentation of a brief series of interviews recorded in the local high school classroom by the staff of the tues day evening classes in english for new canadians the introductory remarks by principal george pearce were followed by impromptu interviews by mr pearce mr oliver and mr sherwood these questions were designed to give the audience an insight into the problems involved in emigration from europe to canada impressions the students had of canada before coming here as compared with their present views types of work in which the new canadians are engaged and the goals toward which they are working this type of publicity does much to foster understanding and bieak down false barriers between established canadians and those who have recently joined our ranks so that each canadian whether new or old can make his own distinct and personal contri bution to the building of a finer canada some 40 students now attend these new canadian classes which are being held in stouffville high school for the third year these students are young men and women and include nether- landers germans czechoslovaks russians and danes included in the students inter viewed were john assinck cor vandergeest karel lensen dien groot zevert mrs rosel franske gerrit spromsen gustav laen- erert and john christenson the dramatic class with a cast of eleven presented wilbur brauns comedy farce aunt tillie goes to town under the direc tion of miss i m nicholson mrs lucy topham as aunt tillie trask was a spinster who dis liked men and didnt worry about dressy clothes tlfrough an accident she found herself foi ed to wear mens clothes but finally she found herself bedecked in glory and on her way to the altar aunt tillies designing maid lucinda talbot mrs a mccon- nochie was more concerned with catching a man which she did than anything else audrey keith was a hysterical novelist lizzie 1 parsons by name douglas picker ing played ronald howland a womanhater but he succumbed when his wealthy employer luther lorrimer fred camp- bell offered him a wonderful position open only to a married man he persuaded ellen neeland miss nicholson to marry him jack barkey sr convulsed the audience as mervin tucker bridegroomelect who postponed his wedding because he was in a jam which incidentally he man aged to be in all through the play his clothes missing he was forced to don ladys attire but untimate- ly he rejoined his own suit and was united with his fiancee pamela marsh mrs joan cadieux although playing a small part boot bud sanderson contribut ed greatly to the humor as charlie one lung the chinese cook as did dr haltie bing mrs john scott as the chiropractor who undertook to cure mervin in the disguise of aunt tillie- of what ever ailed him or her mrs tillie tucker mrs j ridoul contribut ed to tiie general consternation bv being a third aunt tillie the play brought out some good acting and requests have been received for a repeat performance the evening programme was the culmination of evening classes hold in the local high school stouffville clippers are pic tured here following their victory over orillia gave them the oh a b group champion- final which senior ship left to right front row right tim geo stark ronnie bell hal ike harper gibson blake eatough bud gay jack watson frank stephenson petch bert polly minton back row left to in oneill manager coach nick ban- watson morloy baker jim mach- coach stunden ronnie herb sub bob bangay playing secytreas rumney absent photo by cadieux rose norm goalie telf jack 423 members in horticultural society mrs susannah shankel i funeral here friday the local horticultural society has again gone over the top with members to date numbering 423 j resident in stouffville for more the credit is due the canvassers j than half a century mrs susan- who did an excellent job for two j nah shankel passed away at her years previous stouffville has headed the villages of the province in the number of members if a canvasser has not yet approached 1 you and you wish to become a member and receive a premium for just one dollar you may feel free to call the secretary 22w2 at a wellattended meeting on monday night mr ussher of the dept of lands and forests tor onto showed pictures of birds also some of algonquin park mrs fred byer gave two lovely solos and mrs levi forsyth and mrs ed nigh favoured the aud ience with a piano duet included in the program were reports of the recent horticultural convention at the king edward hotel given by mrs harry stouffer and mrs harold dixon the young peoples group of stouffville united church are packing a bale to be sent to korea next month anyone having good used clothing or new articles they might wish to donate may have them flicked up by phoning either bill murphy 181 or larry bell man 200 or else leave them in the united church basement the members of the group are asked to bring their contributions to the next regular meeting which will be monday april 14 home on church st on wednes day march 2gth in declining health for some time mrs shan kel was forced to her bed a couple of weeks ago and died in her sleep deceased was a very well- known and popular lady in the community and while resident for many years in the present lloyd weldori home on main st her pleasant greeting to the many passersby will long be remem bered her husband the late wil- mot shankel who predeceased her more than thirty five years ago was a barber by trade the late mrs shankel attended services in both the anglican and united churches she was quite active in the work of the eastern star order during its organization period here deceased is survived by two nieces mrs crockett montana and mrs long lockport ny the late mrs shankel was born in lockport the funeral service will be con ducted from the chapel of l e oneill on friday afternoon at 2 pm with interment in the stouff ville cemetery department approves site for new high schoolwill open up new development area used machinery brings good prices at local farm auctions an option has been taken by the stouffville high school area board on ten acres of land lying on the north west boundary of town and this site has been approved by inspectors of the department of education a meet ing of representatives of the three municipal councils involved markham township stouffville and whitchurch township will be called shortly to approve the expenditure the site chosen is on the lam bert stoufter farm and will be accessible from edward st and a new street which will ultimate ly run east and west the land is welldrained and was highly recommended by the department as an ideal location it can be readily served with both water and hydro lines the erection of the new school on this location is expected to if the stouffville clippers do not open up an entire new develop begin the first round of their sen- ment in this section and it is mr ior b semifinals here on satur- stoufters intention that this area day night there will be public should be subdivided for home building all streets running north from main st will be continued northward to join the new east and west artery once the area is i finally mapped stouffville area board is show ing real energy in proceeding with the job of providing a new school j and the membership of the board i is to lie commended in this regard skating in the arena maple syrup run is slow so far for the next few weeks anyone with a maple tree growing in his backyard should be in for a real treat for its the time of year when the sap begins to run and the maple syrup industry swings into high gear up to the present time the weather has not been favorable for tapping as the days have been too cold ratcliff bros began operations on monday and report slow pro gress they expect however that the situation will improve nearer the end of the week messrs nor man and levi fretz in the clare- mont district report the same results 1500 was paid for a threshing machine at the alf jarvis auction j sale last week a s farmer auci tioneer who conducted the sale told the tribune that secondhand implements are bringing good prices in addition to the thresher 500 was paid for a 1020 tractor on rubber 200 for a john deere manure spreader and 200 for an international plow top price in the live stock offer ed for sale was a shorthorn cow which brought 325c0 holsteins averaged 25000 oats went at 115 a bushel wheat at 210 and leghorn hens for 150 each ontario hog producers confused hilol tham farm is soli the sale was revealed this week of the 150acre farm on the 7th concession of pickering near brougham and belonging to mar shall connor the place has been sold to edw timljors of armadale ken campbell representing the w 1 warren real estate firm negotiated the sale therell be a matinee each after noon thursday friday and sat urday this week during the show ing of the royal journey at the stanley theatre stouffville albert jones of green river dies in general hospital on monday march 2ith mr albert jones of green river passed away following an illness of almost one year born ii wales the deceased had been living at green river for the past twenty- one years the late mr jones was removed to the toronto east gen eral hospital on sunday when his condition took a change for the worse his wife the former margaret shephardson survives funeral service will be held at the chapel of l e oneill stouff ville on thursday march 27th at 20 pm conducted by rev d davis of stouffville united church with interment in stouffville cemetery mrs lambert malloy is present ly confined to wellesley hospital toronto where she was rushed on tuesday afternfmn of thi week mrs malloy gave birth to twin boys on tuesday evening both stillborn considerable confusion has been caused among ontario hog pro ducers about the recent announce ment made by federal agriculture minister gardiner regarding grade a hogs and the 2flcent floor price upon inquiry the ontario producers association found the following 1 premiums will be paid on grade a hogs weighing from 200 to 210 pounds live weight but not on hogs weighing under 2c0 pounds live weight this move has been described as temporary it is designed to encourage farmers to hold hogs off the market for a week longer to ease the current market crisis 2 the 26cent floor price applies only to hogs sold on a stockyard market and does not apply to hogs going direct to a packing plant i processors may pay any price they choose for hogs delivered direct to their plants the agree ment is the processors will take all hogs offered on the stockyards at 26 cents therefore producers should instruct their shippers or agents to ship their hogs to the stock yards and not to accept less than the 2gcent floor price toronto processors are now pay ing 25 tents per claremont floodlight campaign proceeding claremont business and com munity association headed by the president chas cooper and assis tants gerald allman dick cooper and jack mansell are going all out to put the floodlight campaign over the top a house to house can vass is to be made to collect the necessary funds the association has already 1100 on hand and need approximately 1500 to com plete the work the supporting public are asked to give gener ously to this worthy project in order that the younger folk may compete with an equal bases with other sportsminded communities john wright dies in 92nd year possibly one of the eldest residents of whitchurch twp mr john wright passed away at his home on the 7th concession on monday march 21th born on a nearby farm in the year 100 the late yir wright has spent the greater part of his life in whit church where he tilled the soil during his many years of active life it was only a few days before his death that tie was forced into bed and although in failing health during the past few months the deceased had been living an active life in spite of his years his wife the former martha jane jordan predeceased him in 1911 he attended the sixth line baptist church the late mr wright leaves to mourn his passing one daughter etta on the 7th concession and one sister margaret mrs prade in oakland california funeral service was held at the chapel of l e oneill stoufrville on wednesday march 20th at 2 pm conducted by rev norman rowan of the sixth line baptist church with interment in the adjoining cemetery the pall bearers were messrs fred liar- wood maitland spence george hood stanley hastings s j foote and arthur paislcv cedar grove group wins drama trophy the cedar grove young peoples union was awarded the trophy at the toronto east rural drama festival at mount albert last friday evening for their splendid performance in the oneact play high windows tills play under the direction of miss ruby keesor was definitely the choice of the audience as well as the adjudi cator mrs j w bowman of newmarket miss marion mc- cowan taking the lead as emily winthrop a scheming old lady who murdered her husband in order that siie might collect his insurance received the praise of all for her acting misses doris lapp and lois fair as a reporter named linda norton and mrs winthrops secretary nurse judith ware and jim murison as step hen craig a lawyer and lome reesor as walter hodge the nephew of mrs winthrop com posed the rest of the cast all did themselves proud in their roles and proved tough competition for those in the stouffville group presenting a religious play the voice of imoses helen goudie as miriam marion murphy as judith her nurse derek chadwick as moses john davis as his brother aaron and isobel mccreight as moses wife llama held their own quite well and as the adjudicator pointed out with the help of a director many little things could have been smoothed out which all would have added to the effective ness of their play however since this was stouffvilles first attempt at festival work we know that they now have some experience they will certainly make use of next year after hearing the remarks of mrs bowman which were tooth helpful and interesting to all the girls of the mount albert group sjcrved a tasty lunch to the com petitors the cedar grove play will be presented at other festivals in the future and they are wished success by everyone uxbridge group prepares to fight liquor sales outlets prohibition forces are gathering their strength in the uxbridge dis trict in preparation for the plebi scite vote on may 7 which is on the question of whether or not a liquor store and j or a brewers warehouse will be permitted in the town a meeting of the ontario coun ty temperance federation is call- hundredweight ed in trinity united church ux- less for hogs delivered to their bridge on friday march 28 the plants than they are for hogs meeting will begin at 230 with the bought on the stockyards this showing of a film rev w g amount it is explained varies rerry will give the address of the over ontario some plants which afternoon others taking part in- previouly paid on the toronto price are now paying 5 cents to si lower elude rev h a kennedy rev iki mcgowan the evening session lxgias with a film at 640 followed by a pres entation to winners of an essay contest which will he made by mrs c lee at this session there will be an election of officers again the main speaker will be rev w g berry the plebiscite campaign in ux bridge is rapidly warming up both sides are girding themselves for a stiff fight letters are begin ning to pour into the local news paper office on the subject some signed others with a pseudonym several prominent members of an uxbridge service club are strongly and actively supporting the pro posal to obtain a liquor store neil weir whitchurch farmer produces prize bacon another capacity crowd of york county farmers turned out last wednesday in the newmarket town hall to see the largest seed exhibit in several years and the best quality bacon show in the four years the latter has been held thirtyeight exhibitors enter ed an even hundred exhibits including nine lbushel lots of sealed registered seed which was sold by auction the first prize registered beaver oats brought 300 per bushel as also did the top lot of registered barley most of the oats were knocked down at 225 per bushel addressing the packed house g r johnston of the field hus bandry department of the ontario agricultural college and a mem ber of the special silage research committee in his discussion of storing forage crops cautioned against over enthusisin in grass or grasslegume sillage w s mcmullen of the domin ion live stock branch outlined and explained the reasons for the recently announced changes in weights of market hogs faced with a shortage of cold storage space this temporary increase in weights was put into effect to delay marketing and avoid a stor age crisis pending the canning of some ten million pounds which can be stored in common storages mr mcmullen complimented the york producers on the excellence of their bacon display the best he has seen so far this year with ten carcasses being awarded first grade red ribbons mr murray mcrae of the federal grading service discussed the 24 carcasses four being shown by each of six townships king township with three red ribbons and a blue was the win ning township with hogs from w h crang newmarket walter archibald sehomberg clifford white king and jas morgan second township was north gwillimbury with two first one second and one third east gwil limbury and whitchurch were 3rd and 1th respectively however neil weir of stouffville exhibiting for whitchurch had the champion carcass and aird bros of baldwin for georgina had the reserve champion the junior farmers seed judg ing competition brought out nine teen contestants who judged three classes of seeds had twenty weeds and ten forage seeds to identify this was under the direction of assistant agricultural represent ative ed pearson who later an nounced the t eaton trophy win ners as follows carl boynton woodbridge angus morton of queensville duncan watson of woodbridge and harold harrison of holt these and four others will also receive two bushels of regis tered eeed secretary w m cockburn of the soil and crop improvement association states that the win ners of the seed show will be available next week