the tribune stouffville ont thursday january 26 1949 tin combine j cup mli shortening and 1 cups molasses and add i beaten egg stir until well blended mix and sift together 2k cups sifted flour 1 teaspoon magic baking powder 1 teaspoon magic baking soda 1 teaspoon cinna mon 1 teaspoon ginger ji teaspoon doves h teaspoon salt and add alternately with cup hot water bake in 242h cup cake pans in moderate oven 850 for 30 minutes ttien blend one 3oz package of cream cheese with enough milk to make of sauce consistency top each serving with a spoonful ag1c mgciiti iiia isss ik8z fight poultry colds with a ths only flocwaf pawdw dry chlortm for datltng poultry agolntl brmltllnf o- ordars jutt dst owe birds hseds hthlf is toflnsly divided his ii tohivs slowly pro longing hsahntnt for orinklnt water a llllls hth15 la drinking wafer makm ii tafs and help pr- vsnt tllmt a your nearest dealer visits john deere plant in mayfair restaurant monday thru friday 8 am 11 pm saturday 8 am 12 pm precision engineering scientific quality control and modern pro duction methods that would do credit to the finest factories in the world are used in the manufacture of john deere farm implements according to fred e byer of stouffville who took in a fiveday tour of john deere plants in west ern illinois and eastern iowa these controls and methods not only contribute to the outstanding quality of john deere farm imple ments said mr fred e byer but are to a large degree responsible for the fact that john deere pro ducts have not increased in cost as much as most other lines of hard goods since the war the first three days of mr fred e byers tour were spent in moline and east moline 111 where five of the sixteen john deere man ufacturing plants are located in moline mr byer saw the john deere plow works established more than 100 years ago and home of worldfamous john deere disk tillers and john deere trussframe moldboard plows the john deere wagon works where rubbertired wagons beet and bean tools stalk cutters and crop dusters are made and the john deere planter works largest corn planter factory in the world which among other implements pro duces corn planters with goacre daily capacity in moline mr byer also saw the john deere testing and research laboratories where highlytrained specialists are employed in neverending search for new ways to improve john deere implements hello homemakers spend a lot of dollars every week do we get the most out of every dollar we spend for meat if the last survey we took gives an accurate indication of the average cost per serving of meat then there should be a reckonin somewhere while reviewing a few dos and donts in meat cook ery perhaps you can determine where you may be losing out 1 do not sear a roast a low roasting temperature prevents shrinkage therefore saves serv ings the meat will be well brown ed and juicy and the dripping will be light coloured usable if a constant temperature of 325 or 550 degrees is maintained 2 the use of a roastmeat ther mometer is economical because it ensures the meat being done to suit your familys taste 5 do not cover the meat while roasting because steam will form and give the roast a watersoaked flavour 1 less tender cuts of meat are best cooked by moist heat as in braising or in water cooking a long slow cooking period for meat pays in better flavour more tend erness and more servings 5 do not boil meat as high tern peratures toughen the tissue in water cooking keep the water just under the boiling temperature this is called simmering use skimmed fat drippings for pan frying spice cakes muffins and bread stuffings 7 bones and inexpensive pieces may be simmered and the liquid combined with left over vege tables some rice or bailey to make good homemade soup s read directions on prepared or partially prepared meats for best results 0 cuts of fresh meat recom mended for roasting 1 standing or rolled rib of beef 2 leg loin shoulder boston butt of pork 3 leg crown shoulder boneless roll of lamb 4 leg loin shoulder bone less roll of veal 10 for braising 1 beef rump round chuck heart liver flank brisket short ribs neck 2 lamb riblets neck pieces 3 veal shoulder loin chops leg steak cutlets 4 pork shoulder loin chops spareribs heart liver canadians 11 for watercooking at the sim for meat please god not to mine not to mine this horrible crippler not to mine this thing with the long scientific name poliomyelitis this thing that mean misery and pain in the language of the little ones not to mine to wear a brace to hobble to limp not to mine to hear the laughter of others to watch them at play to cry the bitter tears of childhood lost forever please god not to mine and let me help those to whom it does come this crippler this destroyer let me give to help the helpless let my dollars and my prayers go with these little ones that some day some time children everywhere will walk without fear free of childhoods greatest enemy poliomyelitis i am glad i have the privi lege of giving to the canadian march of dimes mering point 1 plate shank and corned beef also tongue ox tails and heart 2 neck and breast of lamb 3shoulder breast tongue and heart of veal 1 hock picnics neck lxne heai t butt of pork 12 plan for serving large haml it is often economical to buy half of a large ham at once to be used in different ways on successive days for example meal no 1- broiled ham slices meal no 2 baked ham meal no 3 minced ham in biscuit jelly roll meal no 4 hot ham sandwich with cole slaw meal no 5 split pea soup made with ham bone stock 13 plan for serving large pot roast meal no 1 spiced pot roast meal no 2 hot beef sandwich meal no 3 casserole of minced beef and vegetables meal no 1 cubed beef in spiced tomato soup meal no 5 beef roll in pastry barbecued spareribs 1 pounds pork spareribs 2 onions sliced is cup ketchup 1 tablespoon worcestershire sauce teaspoon chili powder 1 cup water cut ribs in pieces for serving place in baking dish put onions over the top then mix and add other ingredients cover and cook in moderate electric oven 350 f about 2 hours makes 6 servings pork hocks with cabbage 4 pork hocks 1 quart freshly cooked cabbage seasoning cover hocks with water bring to a boil simmer 1 to 2 hours or until tender add cabbage and cook 30 minutes serve hocks on hot buttered cabbage makes 1 serv ings split pea soup ham bone 1 pound split peas 2 carrots diced l onion chopped fine cover goodsized ham bone with water simmer slowly 2 hours re move bits of ham from the bone and add to the broth add split peas carrots and onion cover and simmer 1 hour on electric element turned to low season to taste makes servings tho suggestion bob mrs c m says make mock chicken legs by grinding veal shank and mixing it with egg roll a spoonful in crumbs and then wrap witli bacon mrs t r says always soak kidneys r hour in salted cold water before using drain cut in vs inch slices then pour on boiling water mrs c w says use grated pars nip in leftover iamb for a good flavoured meat loaf salada tea bags are handy for afternoon tea salada tea bags information concerning about three hundred million people in the western hemisphere will be gathered in the 1950 census central feed store e r daniels ph 277 stouffville marmill chick starter assures rapid growth strong bone good feather develop ment available in regular grind coarse or pellet form letter from east york member dear people of york east the minister of lands and forests the hon harold scott had been telling the members of the legislature for some time that southern members had no idea of the vastness of the empire which his department administered and that he wished we could see it so early last fall arrangements were made by the cabinet of ontario to invite all the mpps to go on a tour of northern ontario that we might have a better grasp of the problems and the richness of the resources of that area since the trip was to occupy roughly ten days many of the members felt that they could not spare that much time but about half of the members did spend some of the time they were cutting in and out as their circumstances demanded as the only member 1 presented a problem to the minister and mr p o rhynas the personel man ager of lands and forests depart ment who was in charge of the trip two sleeping cars provided accommodation for the male mem bers of the legislature mr and mrs frost flew as did mr and mrs scott i went on the passen ger train and was very comfort able more comfortable than the brethren except for the awkward hours at which transcontinental trains pass through some of the stations terrace bay and the development of the pulp and paper mill there with its accom panying beautiful town was the first place that the party all got together almost no pulp as such is now exported from ontario so if the great pulp mills of united states are going to use canadian wood they must of necessity move into ontario on the north shore of lake superior about one hundred and fifty miles east of fort william was chosen as the sight of the terrace bay development in forests where only the deer i am not sure about the antelope played before a company from winnipeg brought huge machines to build a model town the kim berlyclark company had built one pulpwood town in ontario prev iously at kapuskasing and they wanted this one to be even better there are only seven models of houses but the town is so artis tically set out among the trees that seldom is there a repetition of the same type of house on a block or crescent but where it occurs lengths and raised up into the mill by a jackladder the first opera tion is the debarking or possibly one should just say barking next they are chipped into small bits and from then on they go into different vats of sulphate bleach in the first they are a miserable dirty colour and the next lot of vats a beautiful golden shade and the next snow white the jiulp is then ready for the great rollers which with pressure and heat eliminate the moisture and the pulp itself is cut into sizeable sheets and baled fpr shipping to the paper mills all the women who use kleenex for every con ceivable chore including dusting and shoe cleaning as i do would be interested in seeing this oper ation the mill is many stories high with innumerable stairways so we were quite ready for the very fine dinner that the kimberly- clark company entertained us with in the modern threestory hotel which they have built in terrace bay it is such a modern hotel that our royal york and king edward look quite antiquated in comparison and from the second and third stories one can get a panoramic view of the shore and the lake the catch is that the highway around lake superior stops short just six miles east of terrace bay which i think will mean a great deficit for the com pany in its hotel department if we had enough initiative about which we hear so much we would complete the highway from duluth to sault ste marie on the north shore of lake superior i know it would be expensive but it will be done some day why not now americans by the thou sands would take the motor swing into ontario entering at duluth and possibly returning by way of the soo we canadians are slow about things like that then the road would continue from the soo to sudbury and north bay of course one can drive over that part now if brave enough but it could hardly be called a road which would entice tourists certainly it is not a highway the thing wo heard most often on this trip was the need of roads it was stressed at every stop we made the other incident of outstand ing interest at terrace bay was viewing the great hydro develop ment of agusabon to achieve this a river that drained a lake north ward was drained south into superior by which a drop of hundreds of feet was obtained all which made charles cox mpp for fort william very annoyed and gave him material for innum- some change is made in the paint erable speeches in the legislature or shutters or some part of the accusing the government of having exterior making the repetition the development close to the inconspicuous i was not in any of j kimberlyclark pulp and paper the houses because i couldnt be a mils for their benefit rather than lady and go to the tea parties and j at the head of the lakes for be an mpp and see how kleenex ontarios benefit but i will not is made out of trees at one and the enter the scrap between the same time but airs frost and mrs i liberal member from fort william give to the canadian march of dimes the canadian foundation for poliomyelitis 410 bloor st east- toronto 5 contributed in the service of the community by orewebs since 181 j marmill 24 milk maker a quality feed for your dairy herd marmill laying meaj clo the mash that is fortified with cod liver oil available in pellet form scott who were in some of the houses tell me that they are really delightful comfortable and roomy and artistic of course being an ornery creature i couldnt help wondering why our governments federal provincial and municipal couldnt have done as well in building housing projects as an american pulp and paper com pany it is an interesting tiling to go through the pulp mill itself the woods operations are a very con siderable distance north of the mill and the logs are brought down by water cut in sixteen foot and the government of ontario at the end of this interesting visit i came smack up against one of my middle of the night take- offs the train wasnt to pass through schreiber until three in the morning so after consulting with the driver of one of the buses that had been at our disposal all day at terrace bay i returned with him as the only passenger in the bus arriving at the hotel in port arthur at 315 am agnes macphail mpp for york east 11 pepler ave toronto fi ont cgcaas333aa3aaa gssobp your singer representative will be in your district every second day guaranteed new and used singer sewing machines new singers 8950 and up easy budget terms repairs to all makes complete line of sewing needs for prompt courteous service please write or phone singer sewing machine co 102 main st newmarket ont phone 1075 we are the only authorized singer agents in this district cegsgesssrcgcecaaaacggsgssagsasssngsssssab nanaae blue coal pocohontas stoker call at store for calendar jfhnpbll cake mix f