the tribune stouffviuo ont thursday january 19 1950 fatt 0 cucectf fragrance is sealed in vacuum tnyt farmers attention recent drastic price reduction in farm products demands immediate action on the part of farmers every farmer is invited to attend a protest meeting in the port perry high school saturday january 21 st at 130 dm special speakers will be in attendance this meeting is sponsored by the ontario and durham federation of agriculture w i3smk5 mssss aaa f haisfiojsjiiyosaiiim thos wignall funeral director honour graduate ontario licencing examinations dignified efficient service heated ambulance phone markham 239 members op grand jury report on public buildings a grand jury convened for assizes of the supreme court of ontario at whitby is entrusted with two duties it firstly is required to determine whether or not criminal actions on the docket are worthy of consideration by the judge and a petit jury which is later empanelled for the purpose the only criminal action on the docket before the assizes now in progress in whitby was not con sidered so and the jury returned a no bill in a rape charge against three youths mr justice wishart flett spence who is presiding consequently dismissed the charge to inspect publicly owned county building and report that report was delivered yesterday after sln land letter from east york member dear people of york east several studies have been made of how to get the overflow of the city of toronto and the city itself into closer relationship the tor onto and york planning board made a report on what they thought should be done december 1 1949 and now another has come out at least the first section of it in rder that we may know some thing of what they have found it seemed best to make a digest of the report of the civic advisory council of toronto the council is composed of fif teen persons some of whom live in the city and others in the sur rounding suburban area they are highly qualified people and the tmdings are worthy of a close study like the committee many people in toronto and the sur rounding municipalities work in one and live in the other the transportation they use is going from where they live to where they work passes through other municipalities so that whether we like it or not we are all involved in the problems of the metropoli tan area this advisory council defines the metropolitan area asincluded in york county as far north as the northern boundry of markham stouffville and vaughan town ship and as far west as the west- trn boundry of toronto gore and toronto township at the moment it is difficult to think of much of that area as being metropolitan but a couple of decades in the future our view may be very different the large number of local governments seek industrial and commercial expansion while none are eager to provide for houses clue to costs of providing the essential services demanded by the residents of the new housing in north york township a part of which lies in york east con stituency they are planning this year to open a new school every month to take care of the children in this rapidly expanding com munity in addition to schools there are the important matters of water and sewerage and garbage collection fire and police protec tion all of which costs a great deal i suppose this is the reason why no municipality in the metro politan area has entered into an agreement with the dominion government for the provision of subsidized low rental houses for veterans the city cannot do so graxdma sends cake david hayden six of tor onto celebrated his birthday recently with a cake sent by his grandmother in glasgow david is a patient at the hos pital for convalescent child ren and may be there for another year because of a spot on his lung enforce curfew law at pexetang the council of penetang some so miles north of toronto revived a 57yearold curfew tuesday night it called for enforcement from now on of the bylaw forbid ding children under 1g from being on the streets after 9 pm penalty for the first offence is a 1 fine the second 3 and from there on 5 the town of uxbridge enforced a similar law 50 years ago but has long since discarded it second duty of the grand jury is replaced which the jury was dismissed members of the jury visited the ontario hospital they were shown around the various build ings and wings and their report delivered last week to mr spence stated that everything was found to be in good order the visit to the registry office of the county of ontario elicited the fact that an adding machine and a typewriter were- necessary that more temporary and perman ent staff were needed that more storage space for documents was necessary and that the lock on the front door should be repaired or the unintegrated system of fire protection throughout the metro politan area constitutes a very serious difficulty this problem is related not to lack of cooperation between the municipalities but rather to financial consideration toronto gore townships has no fire protection whatever and many others are composed of voluntary firemen others have a mixed group and only five permanent employees in police the chief difficulty is the lack of unified command of the twentythree police forces serving the metropolitan area the police radio systems have not been un integrated and as is the case in fire protection police services pre sent another financial problem less splashing in 1930 effective january 1 1950 adequate mud guards or fenders to prevent splashing must be install ed on all motor trucks and trailers the highways department an nounces an amendment to the ontario highway traffic act makes such safeguards compul sory instructions to police to watch for offenders have been sent out the department states this act applies directly to trucks and trailers without mudguards and fenders passenger motor cars being already equipped with front and rear fenders it is patterned after the english law and some states in the united states also have a similar law in effect stated j p bickell ontario registrar of motor vehicles oooaaotxx3at3t3tqtyg006mt30 the mixing bowl y ahht auam my kim hello homemakers this week we wish to call your attention to an eminent nutritionist who is do ing an important job for the pro vince that person is dr e w mchenry department of public health nutrition university of toronto he is chairman of the ontario interdepartmental nutri tion committee which will be re sponsible for coordination not only in the publication and distri bution of nutrition material but also in the planning of nutrition improvement programs the point of emphasis in the re cent ontario nutrition bulletin is a satisfactory source of vitamin c such as a glass of tomato juice an orange or a half grapefruit every day and the following is an excerpt from the bulletin why vitamin c is needed to help build bones and teeth vitamin d calcium and phosphor us are also needed for the same purpose to prevent scurvy a disease in which there is a weakening of the walls of the small blood vessels one sign of scurvy is swollen gums that bleed easily to be healthy an adequate in take of vitamin c is needed where vitamin c can be obtained vitamin c is found in citrus fruits berries tomatoes vitamin ized apple juice and certain vege tables especially cabbage vitamin c is easily destroyed during cooking a large portion of the vitaminc content of vegetables can be lost in cooking to ensure that satisfactory amounts of the vitamin are obtained it is advis able to use good sources which are served without cooking how much vitamin c is needed children need evcrv day the a- mount of vitamin c contained in central feed store e r daniels ph 277 stouffville marmill fattening pellets put the extra finish on your birds that places them in the premium class excello hog grower assures rapid economical growth and development marmill 24 milk maker a quality feed for your dairy herd phone for price on this high quality feed try marmill clo laying meal the mash that is fortified with cod liver oil when you change your pullets to a laying mash this feed is also available in pellets blue coal we- expect to have an ample supply shortly sssx3ss3ftcsxs3cssckjcxss3cs3e mw mmmmom xmimmmkhmmm canadas mot tamput his trucks 87 uric moju thousands of pacialuad varistsoniavery truck havyduty ancinaarad ivory international truck in th line it all new and every new international truck from the lightest pickup to the biggest truck m the line in other wor tic every truck from 4200 to 90000 pounds trot vehicle weight it htawdutv encinttmd that meant the new international trucks will jive you lexer operating end mainte nance cost it meant theyll uit longer look at the record for 18 straight year international has been first in the sale of heavyduty trucks 16001 pound and oergvw the cost- contckiut men w ho buy the truckt buy on bam of performance proved by their own cost records the ume management the same engineers the same production men the same test experts who have made heavyduty inter national trucks such an outstanding value have developed every urttfe new model com in find out what this heavyduty en gineering of every new international from the smallest pickup to the largest truck built means in terms of operating economy come in find out how this heavyduty en gineered truck stamina is combined with new comfort and ease of handling corn in find out about the nw features new advancements new improvements each one proved under actual operating con ditions in years of test from coast to coast featuring th imw comfovision cab s roomlet i cob on th rood i international trucks stouffville motors ratcliff pipher phone 170w much the same difficulty is found in the providing of hydro there is great duplication of vehicles equipment and personel and lack of economy in location in relation to transportation the advisory council found that the basic problem was the moving of a large number of people into and out of the central business area this usually must be done on streets that were not designed for the density or types of traffic that now uses them the people who must be transported to and from work daily tend to reside increas ingly in suburban area thus stretching the lines of communi cation between homes and work places the roads over which these people must travel may cross several municipalities and the public transportation organization may differ in each in the matter of health and wel fare while the act of 1937 stip ulates that all municipalities shall have a local board of health and lays down the composition of such hoards the metropolitan area we are talking of has only two health units namely east yorkleaside and peel county health unit since we have gotten a consider able distance away from the dis tressed thirties pulblic welfare costs are low no more in fact than 2 to 1 of the total municipal expenditures but in case of unemployment relief again being needed most municipalities in such a situation would face extreme financial difficulties it is said by citizens voluntary agencies that local municipalities tend to slough oft problems wliich are properly a public responsibility the advisory council thinks that taxation being spread over the whole urban area would tend to improve all services it would be necessary however to have a dual taxation structure to protect rural lands against the costs of providing services which they would not enjoy it seems that both the city of london england and new york usa have a borough system which leaves certain responsibil ities at the local level while inte grating the more important ones over the large area and yet their systems are different in many particulars in 191g the legisla ture of ontario added an extension section to the municipal act con ferring on the municipal board power to create interurban admin istrative areas considering of parts or whole of municipalities for the joint administration there in of education fire and police pro tection planning highways sew ers and sewage disposal garbage disposal public health including hospitals welfare including un employment relief or any public utility as defined by the depart ment of municipal affairs act such a method could it has never operated but could there are still other methods found throughout the world of administrating several municipalities that are closely link ed physically economically and sociallv a driver carefully train ed to drive in all sorts of weather and all sorts of traffic a bus equipped with the best safety devices and reg ularly inspected these are the added safety features you enjoy at low cost when you travel by bus round my one of the following foods eight ounces tomato juice one medium size orange about two inches across onehalf grapefruit four ounces one small glass orange juice fresh or canned four ounces vitaminized apple juice containing added vita min c one large serving cabbage salad sufficient vitamin c can be ob tained from a combination of read ily available foods for example one baked potato and liberal por tion of raw turnip or one small glass tomato juice and one serving cabbage salad what is the cost at average present prices the daily requirement for vitamin c can be obtained for one cent by using raw spin ach turnip cabbage or baked po tatoes for tmothree cents by using oranges or grapefruit or their juices or tomato juice or vitamin ized apple juice cook to save vitamin c although all vegetables are not good sources of vitamin c some of the commonly used ones are ap petizing and cheap means of ob taining this vitamin some vitamin c can be lost when vegetables are stored for several months a great deal of the vitamin c can be re moved or destroyed when vege tables are improperly cooked to obtain the most vitamin c for the money vitamin crich vegetables like cabbage and turnips should be used raw in salads or in wedges if cooking is done vegetables should be left in fairly large pieces and placed in boiling water as little water as possible should be used and the cooking water should be saved to be used later in soup gravy or in vegetables or fruit juice drinks vegetables taste bet ter and vitamin c is retained to a greater extent if cooking time is shortened and if the vegetables are served as soon as possible after cooking take a tip 1 when orange juice is made at home be sure to ream oranges at last minute or store juice in covered glass in electric refriger ator 2 orange slices are our favorite peel oranges and slice crosswise arrange in circle- on bread and butter plate 3 make your servings of raw salads really generous add plenty of finely minced parsley grated carrot turnip or onion to shred ded cabbage cooked potatoes or cooked lima beans 1 peeled slivered carrots or tur nips kept in a covered jar in the refrigerator make nourishing tid bits 5 tomatoes canned in the jars or tins contain much more vitamin c than openkettle processed to matoes serve commercially can ned tomatoes cold right from the can to get their best value 6 a dash of lemon juice added to fish or salads at the table and your family will be rewarded more vitamin c trip 2120 1255 1505 4280 subject to change washington north bay montreal new orleans 11 pepler ave toronto c ont agnes macphail mpp york east tickets and information stouffville motors phone 170 chakgk driver failed to stay at accident bruce chambers of zephyr scott township was remanded in cus tody until january 19 unless bail of si 000 was provided when he was arraingned before magistrate frank s ebbs in police court at whitby last week on charges of failing to remain at the scene of an accident in which he was involved and careless driving chambers was involved in an accident early sunday morning ian s when he is alleged to have failed to stop after striking pedes trian glen wilson on county road no 2 wilson who is 42 years of age suffered body bruises but was not hospitalized wilson resides in uxbridge where chambers will 1iave his hearing today jan 19 chambers auto was traced through a radiator cap and pieces of a broken headlight round at the scene of the accident he was arrested by provincial constable j roy bone