Ontario Community Newspapers

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), January 12, 1950, p. 3

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the tribune stouffrille ont thursday january 12 1950 the stouffville tribune established 1888 member of the canadian weekly newspaper association and ontario quebec newspapers association member of the audit bureau of circulations authorized as second class man post office department ottawa issued every thursday at stouffville ontario in canada 200 in usa 250 a v nolan son publishers notes and comments tallest trees there is a longstanding dispute among australia california and british columbia regarding the honor of having the worlds tallest trees when the matter was raised recently in the australian geographical magazine walk about reference was made to a letter written- on jan 18 1889 by david boyle of forest hill 25 miles from mel bourne victoria mr boyle stated that he had measured a eucalyptus tree in the ranges nearby and had found it to be 466 feet high it was 114 feet in circumference at the base and 81 feet at four feet from the ground ing from 5000 to 20000 among them are grand cham pions and other animals which have been awarded all- canadian honors in their groups the value of a bull such as this to a breed of cattle cannot be overestimated by the use of artificial breeding methods it is possible to do a large scale job of breed im provement from this one animal and that has been done to a remarkable degree in the case of sovereign it is unfor tunate for the holstein breed as well as for his owners that he died at such an early age when he still had many years of possible useful service ahead of him strange things happen scarboro township council has adopted a plan of pay ing persons who furnish valuable information to police which results in the apprehension of thieves or others who are being sought for wrong doing surely it should not be necessary to pay persons for this service after all the police are only trying to protect the public and are entitled to assistance by every lawabiding citizen it should not be necessary to pay mr john public for protecting him against robbers where a person comes to grief in aiding police then we feel they should be reimbursed such as the wife and family of the man in toronto who was shot dead while attempting to intercept a robber coming out of a loblaw store in the east end of the city some months ago dual radio the national council of women in its brief to the royal commission on arts and sciences objected to cana das socalled dual radio system for the very reason that it does not offer a dual system the brief pointed out that with cbc carrying commercial programs on both a national and a local basis there is no opportunity for a listener weary of commercial announcements to dial them out en tirely unless he shuts his radio off to correct this system the ncw recommended that all commercial broadcasting be left in the hands of private stations on a network of their own the cbc as a result of its construction of a series of highpowered stations across the country is now in a position to reach most of the populated areas of canada and should concentrate on its true function of providing national programs of public in terest on a noncommercial basis there is much to be said for the proposal not only would it accomplish the purpose which the national council of women have in mind but it would eliminate the constant bickering between the cbc and the private stations should such a step be taken it would not be without precedent australians are provided with just such a ser vice and are able to choose between the noncommercial offerings of the australian broadcasting corporation and the largely commercial schedules of private stations from all reports they are pleased with the arrangement fe buys whys fjvptviiv a weekly information service montreal some of the sweetest mem ories of home are bound up in the cakes that mother bakes 1 particularly so if they are swans down cakes delicate light riohly flavorful moist to the very last crumb these are the things that make a swam down cake exceptional for swans down cake flour is sifted again and again until it is 27 times as fine as ordinary flour enjoy like countless women wonder ful eake baking success every time by baking with swans down he refused to work the other day a farmer resolved to have the exterior of his house painted and if the price proved inviting he would have his outdoor buildings painted as well the price to be paid was 150 per hour after the work had continued for three weeks the farmer found that his cash account would not stand the strain but offered to pay the workman who had a wife and four children in apples potatoes eggs and such farm products the offer was flatly rejected though a little over a months work would have earned a winters supply of the farm products we have mentioned the workman was asked to work the same hours as the farmer wrought but was met with a flat refusal the workman still is idle he had priced himself out of a good job that would have led to other jobs exeter times advocate death of a bull great prominence has been given in the newspapers to the death of a famous holstein bull montvic rag apple sovereign owned jointly by thomas r dent mla and clark brown of woodstock this fine animal has died at the age of seven years leaving behind it a record seldom equalled or surpassed in the history of live stock in canada progeny of this famous bull have gone to many countries of the world to serve as foundation stock for holstein herds while those which have remained in canada have won the highest exhibition and production honors known to this country known to holstein men as sovereign he has left behind 1235 registered progeny their worth can be judged from the fact that many of them have sold for prices rang- why not forget it the edmonton journal last week called attention to a rather pitiful case that will call for public sympathy all across canada says the live daily governments are queer things they can spend public money at times with the abandon of a drunken sailor yet at other times they display all the meanness and covetous- ness of the village miser a striking example of this latter characteristic turned up this week with the disclosure that the canadian govern ment is pressing a vancouver couple for 883 the costs of repatriating the woman from a japanese prison camp during the war they have even been threatened with pro secution if the money is not paid in two weeks what makes this harrying peculiarly petty and mean is the fact that both the husband and wife served with dis tinction as volunteers during the seige of hong kong in 1941 the wife who was a nurse was decorated for bravery both were captured by japanese spent years in prison camps and lost all their possessions after so many mis fortunes it seems a pretty hard measure to be billed by the government with the expenses of rescuing the wife in this case at least it would surely be the part of fairness and decency for the government to forget about the whole thing indeed it is hard to understand why any civilian who was repatriated from german or japaneseheld territory during the war should be compelled to pay the costs of his or her passage nobody has ever suggested making prison- ersofwar pay their way home and the position of civilians caught in a theatre of war is not so very different we do not know how much money the government spent repatriat ing civilians but it is probably not a large sum of the scale of present public expenditures we doubt whether it would unsettle the budget too much if the department of finance simply chalked the whole thing up to war costs and stopped bothering people who have had more than their share of trouble already last chance to send for this spe cial special offer the folks afe i heinz have invent- i ed some very handy plastic cap covers specially designed to fit over the tops of heinz baby food tins when your baby doesnt cat a full tin of lleinz baby food at one meal time simply leave the balance in the tin cover it with one of these plastic caps and store it in yout refrigerator mothers whove used these caps tell me theyre ussful as can be they save food money time and bother write to me barbara brent 1111 crescent st montreal pq enclosing 10c in coin or postage stamps and 3 labels jrom heinz baby food tins and youll receive three plastic cap covers and two plastic baby food savers for scooping out the las good morsels of heinz baby food from every tin i be sure to tell me whether your baby is a boy or a girl so ill know whether to send these five foodn -money- carers in pink or blue simple enough for everyday grand enough for companybest heres a dessert to tempt the fancy of the whole family so fresh- tasting so sparkling and gay jellos seven glorious locked- in flavors are popular anytime serve jell0 often jello banana bavarian cream 1 package lemon jello 2 cups hot water 14 teaspoon salt 23 cup sugar 12 cup heavy cream 5 bananas dissolve jello in hot water add salt and sugar chill when slightly thickened fold in cream whipped only until thick and shiny but not stiff crush bananas to pulp with silver fork and mould at once into jello mixture chill until slightly thickened turn into mould chill until firm unmould serves 8 sunday school lesson lesson for jan 15 golden text and the multitude of them that believed were of one heart and of one soul neither said any of them that ought of the things which he possessed was his own but they had all things common acts 432 approach to the lesson fellowship implies joint partici pation in the early church this was very real the young believers found themselves ostracized by those with whom they tiad walked in their unconverted days separated to the risen christ they confessed his name in baptism and came together for instruction in the truths of the new dispensation and for communion one with another and with their lord and saviour observing the simple ordinance of the breaking of bread and uniting their hearts in prayer they entered into a most intimate and precious relationship with each other the reality of this spiritual fellowship led to deep concern for those among them who were in temporal need so that those to whom god had entrusted abundance of this worlds goods were glad to share with those who had need persecu tion only deepened this fellowship and made the believers dearer to each other and more appreciative of the grace which god had be stowed upon them that which led these early christians to share temporal tilings with one another was their sense of a divinely established unity so that they recognized the precious truth that those who were added to the lord acts 511 were necessarily members one of another eph 12 the rcvela tion of the church as the body of christ had not yet been made known that awaited the conver sion and illumination of paul the apostle to the gentiles col 124 25 but the fact existed before the truth of it was proclaimed re- cause of this spiritual unity the believers were of one heart and one mind and none said that the things he possessed were his own the historical setting the events recorded in our lesson followed very closely upon the pentecostal enduement the church of god in jerusalem grew rapidly and was characterized by intense devotion to christ and hearty fellowship among its own the old home town r ff u 1 fjtftt of by stanley members verse by verse acts 2 2 they continued steadfastly in four things the apostles doctrine or teaching receiving needed instruction as given by the first leaders in the church fellowship one with another as having a common faith and common interest the break ing of bread probably what we call the communion the daily observance of the idyds supper ip remembrance of their saviour and in prayers the expression of the sense of need of divine hell and sustenance verse 43 fear came upon every soul tile awesome sense of gods presence in the spirits power was realized by them all it was he who wrought through the apostles in the working of miracles for the relief of human suffering and the accrediting of the new message verse ll they had all things common this was not by command of the lord but by common consent love was so active that those who had been blessed with wordly goods shared gladly with those who had not verse 15 as every man had need some have called this ah experiment in christian com munism but it was more than that it was the gracious activity of divine love shed abroad in the hearts of these early believers by the holy spirit rom 55 vore ifi in the temple and from house to house as yet they were not separated from the temple and its services- but they found their more intimate fellowship among their own groups in their homes where the joy of the lord was manifested verse 17 the lord added to the church daily such as should be saved it is by the spirits bap tism that the lord adds to his church actually the word church is not found in the best manuscripts the revised version has added to them but the thought is the same a new com pany had been formed to which the lord himself added those who were being saved acts 131 they were all filled with the holy ghost after being released by the chief priests who had arrested peter and john and had commanded them not to speak again in the name of the lord jesus the apostles sought out their fellow believers and joined with them in earnest prayer as tney waited on god special manifesta tion of the lords presence was given iii the shaking of the house in which they met and they were all refilled with the holy spirit while there is but one baptism in the spirit there may be many fillings for special service verse 32 they had all things common this was the outward evidence of the spirits unity there does not seem to have been any prearrangement about it no propaganda of any kind but be cause the love of christ filled their hearts these devoted followers of i lis found joy in sharing what they possessed witli others verse 33 great power and great grace these were the two things which above all others were characteristic in those days the ministry of the word was in great power as the holy spirit delighted to honor christ and when that word was received irilp honest hearts it produced great grace in the lives of the believers these two things should always go together and will when there is true subjection to the lord verse 34 neither was there any among them that lacked those who possessed real property sold it of their own volition and brought the proceeds to the com mon treasury evidently admin istered by the apostles though these never sought such responsi bility acts 62 it was love in action seeking not its own but delighting to serve and bless others they had seen by faith a brighter world above so they held the things of this lower scene as of little worth verse 35 distribution was made into every man according as be had need there was nothing forced or artificial about this it was one of the evidences of grace working in the lives of those who believed carnality soon brought such blissful conditions to an end the heart of the lesson the coming of the holy spirit which united believers to christ and to one another resulted in the formation of true christian fellow ship which drew the hearts of the children of god together in devo tion to christ and concern for one anothers welfare it would be a great mistake to think of social service as the out standing theme of this lesson rather is it devotion to christ to which our attention is directed ive always marcelled at the economy of tea now a pound of tea produces at least 200 cups of full flavored bever age i that means a family of four can have tea every meal for two weeks from one pound whats more tea tastes better with milk than with cream milk costs much less everything considered tea costs you only about lo a cup including the milk and sugar its no wonder tea is canadas most popular beverage i no wonder nearly 9 billion cups are consumed annually or more than 750 cups per person when the heart is loyal to him when he has his rightful place in the life selfishness will be rebuk ed grace will reign and love of the brethren will be manifested in gracious care one for another the christian brotherhood is made up of regenerated men and women who are taught of god to love one another 1 thess 49 it was no attempt to reform the world that these chapters present but a separated unworldly people walk ing in love as the result of the working of the holy spirit in their lives clever cat is snoopy seen here with chum donna reid three at campbellford out home animal began acting strangely one night recently kept jumping at the owners casey and harold jones when they went outside they saw flames shooting from the chim ney fire was extinguished joy beauty salon near cnr permanent waving individual styling razor shaping phone stouffville 98w2 mayfair restaurant monday thru friday 8 am 11 pm saturday 8 am 12 pm a 500 year old plan to connect marsailles with rotterdam through switzerland is being discussed a- gain with little damage but the brothers thank snoopy for that canadian milk sent to holy land canadian milk is going to the holy land because of the united nations international childrens emergency fund arab woman and child are at distribution centre

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