Ontario Community Newspapers

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), December 29, 1949, p. 12

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the tribune stouffvffle ont thursday december 22 1949 make these classified aovs your market place wanted wanted 2 or 3 roomed apartment in stouffvllle by january 1st box b stouffvllle tribune wanted middleaged woman to live in and assist with light house work all convenience- apply miss verna cockerlll blake st good quality turnips carrots wanted very highest prices now paid by us r e brown son phone 170w2 374 miscellaneous articles for sale live stock 12 tons of timothy hay for sale also 20 tons of oat straw w j dennle ph 66114 stouffvllle apples for sale snows spies russets and bellflower varieties all sprayed fruit ell lehman ph claremont 1508 362 for sale quantity of chrome and leather furniture booth type suitable for restaurants cafes etc each set will accommodate eight people apply kenwood hotel jacksons point 32tf 13 pigs for sale 6 weeks old loss hill claremont ph 3rl4 thirty pigs for sale 7 weeks old fred pllkey altona ph 61309 stouffvllle grade holstein bull for sale 10 months old george dowswell ph stouff 67606 362 5 geese for sale pete savorettl ph 66822 stouffvllle piano tuning repatrs s hoffman 32tf formerly with gerhardhelntzman phone stouffvllle radio electric 366 all orders promptly attended to wood for sale dry softwood hard i body and limb cut stove length and delivered forfar bros ph stouffvllle 63612 2tf carpenter work wanted al terations and repairs done on short notice les ogden phone 65827 stouffvllle 344 and wood for sale cut your own 100 per load brush to be piled dawson hare ph 64721 stouff vllle 34tt generators starters voltage regulators exchange service 22tf auto glass installed paris auto supply ltd phone richmond hill 86 cars wanted for wreckage blabs for sale cut and delivered eckardfs sawmill ph stouffvllle 61212 18tf dry hardwood for sale 1750 a cord cut to stove length deliv ered custom chain sawing phone 60405 jack leary 344 coming events we do custom killing also curing and smoking of meat for farmers oboyles meat market ph 3501 49tf order now for immediate delivery hard body limb wood i dry soft wood slabs f cedar posts lageer bros jutf phone 4120 mt albert radios 1 appliances 1 complete repair and servicing by ex- pert technician all work fully guaranteed 20tf f bell son wr phone stouffrille 281 old horses 15 we will pay you 1500 for your old horse at your farm chas campbeiil phone agincourt 18 12 collect agincourt rr2 1tf ringwood upholsteries and general furniture repair also car cushions and truck seats thos cracknell ph stouff 67903 45tf washing machine t re pa irs all makes of washing machines re- paired and serviced by capable mechanics we pick up and deliver and guarantee prompt and efficient seiyice our charges are reasonable c h bell son phone 281w stouffvllle sale register wednesday jan 11 4 acres of standing timber mostly pine maple beech and white ash this is a good bush a number of the trees are first growth 85 ft high will be sold in acre lots lot 1 con 5 scarboro twp easy access to bush property of thomas reesor sale at 2 pm terms cash no reserve as all trees must be re moved for hydro high tension line ken clarke prentice auction eers cards of thanks euchre friday january 6tli ioof hall prizes refreshments proceeds go to cancer polio and tb fund for welfare work stouffvllle lodge no 384 at 800 pm 372 watch this space for particulars of the dance euchre on friday january 1 3 1 950 tickets now on sale claremont business association for sale 21 pigs 11 weeks old m sudeyko gormley ph stouff vllle 62520 bray hatchery has a folder how to make more money from the birds you sell its yours for your name order your chicks now for early delivery hatchery has some immediate delivery contact us well give you all the data agent stiver bros fred wise bray brooder richmond hill in memoriam nokes in loving memory of a dear husband and father frank nokes who passed away suddenly at glen major on dec 26 1947 the blow was great the shock severe we little thought the end was near it is only those who have lost can tell the sorrow of parting without fare well but god is good he gave us strength to bear our bitter cross he is the only one who really knows how bitter is our loss lovingly remembered by his wife dellma and sons george bobbie and dennis mmmiruntnl lost and found in loving memory of wesley johnson who departed this life on january 2nd 1948 silently the angels took dear father into the mansions above there shall be rest from earths toiling safe in gods love sadly missed by daughter lorna and husband and grandson robert lost 8ply tire 850 16 satur day morning between brooklin stouffvllle on no 7 hgy reward alex soline 135 byron st whit by 372 lost hub cap for 1940 dodge finder please phone m reesor 61203 stouffvllle ellicot in loving memory of our dear granddaughter dorothy maud who passed away december 30th 1945 and while she rests in peaceful sleep her memory we shall always keep ever remembered by grandma and grandpa real estate found mans zippered overshoe size 9 on 9th of markham on tuesday harold badgerow ph 64708 stouffvllle announcement mrs g a m davison unionville extends to all best wishes for a happy and prosperous new year the issuing of 1950 motor licenses will commence on tuesday jan 3rd at her residence one door south of post office i would like to take this opportun ity to thank my neighbors andfriends for the cards flowers fruit and many delicacies i have received while in the hospital and since coming ihome also for the kind inquiries and many kind acts done- for myself and family we are truly grateful to all ma earl keith second call for tenders sealed tenders addressed to the undersigned and endorsed tender for office building for geophysical services agincourt ontario will be received until 3 pm wednesday january 4 1950 for the construction of an office building for geophysical sendees agincourt ontario plans and specification can be seen and forms of tender obtained at the offices of the chief architect department of public works ottawa ontario and the district architect36 adelaide street east toron to ontario tenders will not be considered unless made on the forms supplied by the de partment and in accordance with the con ditions set forth therein each tender must be accompanied by a certified cheque on a chartered bank in canada payable to the order of the hon ourable the minister of public works equal to 10 per cent of the amount of the tender or bearer bonds of the dominion of canada or of the canadian national railway company and its constituent companies unconditionally guaranteed as to principal and interest by the dominion of canada or the aforementioned bonds and a certified cheque if required to make up an odd amount note the department through the chief architects office and the office of the district architect 36 adelaide street east toronto ontario will supply blue prints and specification of the work on deposit of a sum of s1500 in the form of certified bank cheque payable to the order of the minister of public works the deposit will be released on return of the blueprints and specification within a month from the date of reception of ten ders if not returned within that period the deposit will be forfeited by order secretary department of public works ottawa december 15 1949 362 business change we wish to thank our many friends for their patronage in the past and wish you a very happy and prosper ous new year we are happy to announce that we have sold our general store business here at lemonville to mr dave greer who will open shortly with a well assorted stock cakes store lemonville ontario st0uffville arena programme for the coming week thursday dec 29 430 pm juvenile practice 700 pm thl 5 hotkey games friday dec 30 400 pm midget practice 745 pm oha senior doubkheader eclipse ac vs stouffville midland vs markham saturday dec 31 130 pm free skating children under 12 800 pm public skating monday jan 2 830 pm oha senior hockey exhibition tuesday jan 3 430 pm free skating beginners under 8 yrs 700 pm thl 5 hockey games wednesday jan 4 800 pm public skating sawmill almost new 50 inch blade edger in good running or der cost over 150000 last spring reasonable make offer can be seen at clarkson ont write clark- son post office box 138a 372 small house for rent vacant markham village do children ref erences required apply box r tribune usa reports greatest ment buying spree install- groundhogs out day before christmas one farmer driving into town from the east last saturday morn ing told us that he got out of the car just to chase a groundhog since he was filled with curiosity to see if he could catch it on foot he couldnt the farmer said the groundhogs were being drowned out of their winter quarters and as he saw two he estimated this was one family disturbed from their long worker in winter sleep by the recent lieavyiman he stated he is interested in rains and the absence of frost in getting a park and better school hear explanation of high taxes whitchurch nomination continued from front page deputyreeve mclaughlin said no money was squandered that every cent spent was necessary and when it came to decisions he always asked himself what he would do or the question if it was purely a personal expenditure mr campbell said that he was interested in the wilcox lake development where he maintained conditions had become so bad something had to be done not asking the ratepayers for any thing since the proposed new road improvement would be a local improvement all chargeable to the area mr campbell is a tool aurora and a family the ground gcobooooeeogoooeeeecoboboeoogoaei youth for christ stouffville notice to creditors in the matter op the estate op clarence preston sander- son late of the township of mark ham in the county of york farmer deceased notice is hereby given pursu ant to the trustee act that all persons having claims against the estate of the above named clar ence preston sanderson who died on or about the 14th day of november 1949 arehereby required to send post prepaid or to deliver to the undersigned administratrix or her solicitors full particulars of their accounts duly verified on or before the 7th day of january ad 1950 after which said date admin istratrix will proceed to distribute the assets of the said estate having regard only to those claims of which she shall then have received notice dated at stouffvllle this 19tb day of december 1949 363 blanche sanderson administratrix gormley rr ontario mccullough button solicitors for the administratrix stouffvllle ontario no sunday milk trucks a recent executive meeting of district no 4 of the toronto pro ducers association devoted con siderable discussion to the matter of no sunday pickups points which came out of this were the dairies took this step without any previous discussion or notice to those concerned that is truckers and farmers many shippers have been embarrassed by lack of cans to carry over the weekend in the hot weather next summer cooling systems will have to handle double their normal capacity how many will be able to do so how much milk will be lost by spoilage and lowered quality other topics discussed wfcre the failure of the quota system and the dairies threat to withdraw bonds in february resolutions concern ing these matters were adopted o h a holiday hockey special at the stouffville arena fri dec 30 senior doubleheader two games for the price of one beginning 745 pm eclipse ac vs stouffville happy new year to all saturday at 800 pm new years eve party and watchnight service at fellowship centre lemonville e n rowan director free 1000 free to any person providing the name of a prospect for a petrolane stove or hot water heater if you know of a friend who might be interested write to us giving his or her name and address if a sale you will be paid 1000 write or phone to this offer expires dec 31 1949 the petrolane corp ltd thornhill ont phone 251 at945 pm midland flyers v markham csssssacxxsscxsxsttttcxsxsxjcmtt we work on small margins atlas knobby grip tires for mud snow 60016 for 1500 ah guaranteed imperial 3 star antifreeze esso rad 440 per gal alcohol 170 per gal champion spark plugs 65c atlas kl batteries 12month guarantee 1250 4142 chev mufflers 625 j e brignall phone 2 open 24 hours a day claremont 11t11 conditions for the settlement his boy is attending school only half a day because of lack of accommoda tion he said the wilcox lake tax payers pay more taxes per foot of property owned than did the farmer a mile and a half of ditching was done this year and certain bull dozer work that will make the roads better for snow plowing fred timbers told the meeting weeds had been destroyed by spraying and cutting using town ship machinery for cutting- with local workmen being a substantial taxpayer he regretted the increas ed taxes as much as anybody but there was no escape mr sid legges nominator called attention to the fact that mr legge was the only man on the council road and mr legge said that he took the blame for the increased costs for policing he was proud that there were no outbreaks last summer at the lakes such as had marred the life of other com munities he realized that perhaps one constable might meet the needs of the township for a few winter months but it was never possible to pick up a trained man in the spring police like other people want steady employment and do not wait around for a job in the summer only anyway as things are today it is no longer safe for one constable to go out at midnight alone police expendi tures were over 5000 and total receipts about 500 mr baycroft felt that after having served a year on council he should be a more valuable man next year he didnt think police costs too high protecting the over three million dollar assessment of almira we wish one and all a very happy and prosperous new year mr and mrs john timbers spent monday with mr and mrs oran loveless and family of agincourt mr and mrs peter stickley had christmas dinner with mr and mrs edgar stickley and family of victoria square they also spent the evening with mr and mrs lewis heise mr and mrs bill simpson ronnie and little karen stewart of monday with mr and mrs chas ballantrae had christmas dinner conner miss doris conner of stouffville was home for the day mr and mrs mansell timbers and mr and mrs harley timbers had christmas dinner with mr and mrs sanders of richmond hill mr and mrs andrew steiner of the 8th line spent christmas day with mr and mrs allan wideman mr and mrs geo cober and mary had dinner sunday with mr and mrs clifford winger and family of gormley the township if actual values were totalled they would run to double the figure quoted he said george styles said he came from that place called seldom seen but its always seen by the asses sor and the tax collector he noted election campaign as a garage owner herald the settlement he- represented spent all their money repairing their cars fix their roads and they could spend the money improving their properties returning officer john w craw- ford wound up the meeting by explaining the tax slips sent out this year some misread them and complained about 17 mills for relief actually relief was onry twotenths of a mill the 17 being for general township expenses the tax rate was struck without the knowledge that the provincial subsidy of one mill would be paid later the government decided to make payment in some form and they did so the finances will be that much better off he said the k teachers federation was forcing salaries higher which reflects in the school costs they had forced the government to set a minimum salary of 1800 for teachers and if- this is not paid he had to with hold the township grant on salaries somebody shouted from the audience that the federation was a closed shop ballantrae school said vern davies from the audience had a second teacher about 19 years of age getting 1600 and the grant couldnt be paid some other ratepayer said i think that is a good salary for a girl just through normal school flaiajsimajemsisjsisejs i pps j lw may the joyous bells ring out the news of new year and greetings of joy and a success maple leaf dairy eraiajsiasisjajsiaissejseisiaasjaaisisjsis mtrewn iiwiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniihuiwiiriiwnrirtiiiiibiiiiiii iii h greetings for a happy prosperous year from the staff of international motors mccormickdeerinji dealers

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