whitchurch council may all appeal for re- electioh to present positions iouffrriii ribmw the tribune stouffville ont december 22 1949 second section if the farewell remarks at the final council meeting of the 1949 members are any indication whit church township council may be found standing for reelection to their present positions from the reeve down each member indicat ed that he might seek reelection without advancement although councillor sid legge said he would not commit himself but certainly would be found seeking some position on the council reeve ed logan said 1919 had been the heaviest year since he first entered council it was natural for the ratepayers to com plain about increased taxes but they were prone to overlook the fact that everything is higher and school taxes account for onethird of the total collection and over this item council had no control the road budget of 50000 was quite a record but of this sum 12500 went for new machinery while the usual maintenance costs were about normal deputyreeve ivan mclaughlin declared council had received good value for the large budget and that he would likely be found seeking reelection for his present position good sound criticism said coun cillor sid legge is something i think necessary he would liked to have seen an enlarged oflice for the clerk and treasurer which he maintained had to come before long business is cramped and present congestion is ridiculous there is not even a drop of water on the premises said mr legge mr legge pointed out that the police were hampered in their duties when persons come to interview them they have to be taken to newmarket usually and he continued i think we are large enough to provide our own accommodation my name will be on the ballot but just where i havent decided probably right where i am now councillor fred timbers and councillor r c baycroft are likely to be out for reelection although mr timbers said he would have to feel better than he had been feel ing the past few months i do not feel like pressing for advancement and if i do not feel better in health you may have a new councillor he concluded mr baycroft noted that while taxes mount higher better roads are the result and the whole township is improved if the rate payers see fit to return me i will be back next year he concluded last minute message from merchants of our ihl sfii v is mm pickering farmers buy water by tank loads dairy cows drink 12 gallons daily i sb i w the shocking situation on num erous farms in the south part of ontario county in the brooklin district is the hard fact facing these farmers this christmas that wells are dry and water has to be brought by the gallon water is one of those things we all take for granted until a day comes when the well goes dry then consternation rejgns and we probably wake up to the wonder ful job nature has been doing in filling the old well or the village reservoirs down through the years eover in pickering towning in truckers that little it brings the outlay on the part of the con sumers to close to 20000 it is fortunate that the whitby puc is able to supply this water it might not be in a position to do so had not expenditures of about 1g0000 been made in the past few years to enlarge filters and pumps and build larger storage tanks these additions were made in the expectation of industrial expansion but they serve well at the present time when the demand for extra water is so great in order to appreciate the plight the ajax locality and about of a farmer whose well has run dry brooklin three truckers are kepi busy hauling water filling wells where nature has refused to no longer do the job unless there are torrential rains and open weather the situation will grow worse as winter depends expense of hauling at 1 and 5 per tank load is just one item to consider the inconvenience to stock farmers is tremendous and could ultimately drive some off the land if nature fails to restore the natural water channels in the areas now dry in the past year and the water shortage has been evident for al- vmost a year the whitby public utilities commission which sup plies the truckers with water has sold 2003000 gallons that has it must be realized that a dairy cow drinks from ten to 12 gallons of water a day a man with a herd of 20 or more cattle has to have water and lots of it one of the things which cannot be skimped in raising cattle is water and parties larly dairy cattle in order to keep their herds happy farmers have to have a con tinuous supply of water and that means having their wells filled regularly the trucks cannot bring more than about 800 gallons at a time so they have to come quite often a good thaw would help the sit uation somewhat but even that would not keep the farmers sup plied with water for very long at meant an income of 1444 to the the present time it looks very commission and if you figure it much as though they are going to out on the basis of 4 a tank and have to depend on the truckers it is few farmers who pay the until spring roads at lake wilcox present a problem tradesmen who serve the wil cox lake summer resort are none too happy about the condition of the road that leads from yonge street to the lake last week they got a notice in the daily press complaining about the lack of road building on that stretch with perhaps fifty families from the city unable to find accommoda tion in toronto remain in the summer cottages and apparently expect to obtain real service of a public nature they are serviced with a garbage collection which they pay for but expensive winter roads and schooling is another matter the cottages do not bear impressive taxes and farmers may be asking if they are expected to build roads for this kind of dwel ler it appears the answer may be build the roads and increase the assessment so that it will meet the cost seems only fair a christmas tree railled at by jay and jeered by racuous crow though hailed with joy by wren and chicadee hemmed in where wild plum brakes and hawthorns grow a sturdy little spruce but lonesome tree a passing driver chanced to glance that way when cheery smile replaced his weary frown he saw in vision children christmas day to the little tree he said you go to town so carefully twas taken from its place and scarcely missed amid the tangle there but in his home was trimmed shaped to grace a cosy nook hard by the open stair and former local girl bereaved by death of husband funeral services were held on saturday at peterboro for r mel ville moore manager of the g l crooks catering service at the woodbine race track who died suddenly at his home on millwood avenue toronto in his youth mr moore played hockey and won championships and was known locally in this field of activity mr ed pennock who is a bed patient now but was active in sporting circles forty years ago recalls mr moore as a keen athlete deceased married a stouflville girl mary louise sanders obrien avenue mrs moore survives her husband to gether with one daughter char lotte louiseand three sisters mrs f- ft kobbitt and mrs bruce the spoils with his father and hutchinson both of peterboro and brother who were with him on d a patterson of hamilton the hunting expedition there it stands aglow the radient light of tinselled splendor on branches borne the homely gifts bring raptures of delight to childish voices in the early morn oh spark of yule far from your own terrain we pay to you a tribute full and free for age and youth are rendered kin again in the festive air around a christmas tree fr shoots wolf at caygkon theres still the odd wolf four- legged in the bobcaygeon area proof of this statement comes with a report which tells of the shooting of a wolf on the outskirts of the town lawson fogue is the gentle- man who will collect the bounty i for its pelt although he may share m in a im eg iy r m hometown mother and dad are holding last minute con ferences mary is all excited and bill almost wears a frown its the day before christmas and those last frantic hours are near at hand when just one more gift must be purchased we think that this christmas as never since before war days have the stores in stouffviile groaned with so much to buy so much to choose from and so many desirable things for every mem ber of the family for the christmas pudding and for the whole yuletide season when all the goodies are on the table shop at home of course why go elsewhere when you can shop in comfort here in stouffviile and despite the fact only a few days are left the stores are laden with goods this doesnt mean the grocer the baker and the other shop keepers havent had a bumper christmas it means they have a good supply of everything or nearly everything in popular demand because of this they make this united plea to come down and shop the last few days the last few hours if you have to and find everything to your good taste and best judgment now just a closing message on christmas day lets all go to church rich in the knowledge that this christmas by shopping at home you have con tributed to a better christmas season for us all k in stores open both friday saturday evenings this week m fm 1 stouffville merchants association is i jr v c m fi wm p k w sdzcfaw for mother glamour galore lovely em broidered satin slip pers 198 up for dad warmhand- some wool lined step- ins fine leather 115 up for the tots fuzzy foot warmers in gay designs 125 up lehmans mrs main street shoe store stouffviile