the tribune stouffvule ont thursday december 22 1949 enjoy ms jfk in 60 seconds i tender moist dark foc fflftpbll5 m cake ml tmsssssmi a 8ingos for fowl at the a veterans hall stouffville on thuis dec 22 ffllse do your christmas at home select your christmas gifts from your singer sewing centre representative complete line of sewing accessories pinking shears scissor sets electric irons sewing cabinets sewing stools electric portables and consol model sewing machines for prompt and courteous service please write or phone singer sewing machine co 102 main st newmarket ont phone 1075 order your christmas fowl now round sirloin porterhouse steaks standing rib roast prime rib roast rolled round bone shoulder roast stewing beef bless brisket or plate bone in stewing lamb bone in shoulder lamb lamb chops leg of lamb pure pork sausage ox tongues fresh or pickled side bacon smoked back bacon pe ameal back bacon oboyles meat market telephone 35 s 65 lb 55 lb 65 lb 45 lb 45 lb 25 lb 25 lb 35 lb 55 lb 55 lb 40 lb 30 lb 60 lb 85 lb 85 seldom seen let me say right at the start that i am just devoted to christ mas merry christmas no time in the year like it its all brightness and light and christmas trees with candles and holly berries with little children dancing in a fin and everyone pretending to be a first class real fellow and pretty nearly succeeding in it i was brought up on it werent you it was a sort of family tradi tion house all hung with mottos of merry christmas and cotton wool and ret flannel you had all that in your family too didnt you aud your brother jim always gave jour brotliei dick a necktie every christmas just the same as the one dick gave to jim and your mother paid for both of them didnt she so as to teach the children to be generous quite so and in that case youll agree with me that of all the side issues and extras that go with christmas and make it what it is there isnt one tliat for warmth and character is in it with christ mas shopping the pleasure of anticipation that warm glow about the heart eh that joy in generous giving far ahead of getting any thing for yourself thats you isnt it yes im sure it is doesnt it get you anyway i want to have my say and give my advice about it even if it is largely made up of dont and of warning you what not to do first be very careful about that idea of starting christmas shopping early in the year- right back in january or february when tilings are being sold off i tried that out a year or so ago theres nothing in it i went downtown in january and picked up a bird cage and a pair of braces boys size i admit the things were cheap the bird cage was only 80 cents and it was worth eight dollars the man in the shop admitted this himself but its been no good to me i know no one with a bird people dont seem to keep birds now yet this is a fine cage big enough for a penguin with a bar for it to swing on and little spaces where you put in food and water and other little spaces where you take out whatever you take out too bad i cant use it i may offer it in a raffle for a charity however let it go the other item was the braces 60 cents and worth two dollars suitable for a boy of fourteen but with a little wheel to jack them up to a boy of sixteen boys grow so fast all mothers and fathers will get the idea of that little wheel but i want to speak about these 60 cent braces and i want to speak seriously and especially to mothers and fathers thats no present to give a boy and you know it you dont understand me oh yes you do youve no right to give a boy something useful something hes got to have to give a boy for christmas a pair of braces or six collars or an overcoat or a paif of winter mitts or anything thats useful and that he has to have and youve got to buy for him sooner or later is just a lowdown trick unworthy of the spirit of christ mas when a boy thinks of christmas he knows just what he wants i mean not the particular thing but the kind of- properties and qualities that its got to have it has to be something more or less mechani cal more or less mysterious with either wheels in it or electricity a something that goes you know what i mean those braces i never gave them away i have them still as i stood with them in my hand thinking where to send them my mind conjured up a picture of how i felt long ago over sixty years ago when 1 opened my stocking one christmas and found all wrapped up in boxes and parcels that might have been filled with magic just such junk as that there was a little round hard box with a tight lid that might have turned out to be magic music or god knows what for a childs imagination outstrips reality but it was only collars i had hard work to choke back tears and after that flat and long and mysterious was a box that might have held why anything der ringer pistols cherokee daggers anything but did it no it had in it a pair of braces just like these wheel and all that broke me down there is no blame all parents do it must do it in such a crowded family as ours was with a census that went up each year give those braces away no sir give them to some poor child no sir there is no child so poor that i should wish thai evil gift upon him i wear those braces myself wheel and all between the shoulder blades as a monk wears a hair shirt to remind me of the true spirt of christmas but it is getting late way after nine oclock i must start at once the shops close at midnight repair work we are prepared to handle repairs to all makes of tractors cars or trucks we have installed a steam jonny have your tractor or car motor clean ed up tractor cleaning and painting our specialty licensed mechanic to check all work let us quote on your job 344 fred e byer john dcerc sales service stouffvule ont ph 271 jl theres still time to get some of stovers delicious christmas cake flavourrich finest ingredients fruits nuts the stouffville bakery main st stouffville open this friday saturday night ft york fwtao meet at thornlea the second open meeting of the york association of the fwtao was held at thornlea public school on thursday evening dec 8th it was reported that the associa tion had contributed 5055 to the exchange teachers fund a sing song of the christmas carols was led by miss stallwood of stouffville mrs purcell of new market reviewed the new booklet we the teachers of ontario a copy of which had been sent through the association free of charge to each member miss stallwood played a piano solo miss barnes of newmarket introduced the guest speaker miss macvicar of victoria college tor onto miss macvicar held the audience spellbound as she told of her experiences as a dayschool teacher on an indian reservation on the west coast of vancouver island miss v hosie of stouffville thanked miss macvicar it was decided to have the next open meeting in february prob ably in newmarket miss maxine marshall principal of thornlea school served a delicious lunch school trustee forest hill village old stouffville boy norman borins has been elected a school trustee in the fashionable forest hill village where the schools public and high are run on a standard of refinement above most of the province that is the build ings and fittings so far as the scholars go they are no better than the general run tribune readers from montreal to alberta scan the pages for dickson hill news any suitable items will be greatly appreciate by the correspondent it is reall amazing to hear of the number o homes who keep in touch with th community through this medium despite postwar industrial ation agriculture is still the mos important canadian primary induf try natives of the west indies wh regularly chew sugar cane ar said to have better teeth onj th whole than canadians 6isggsssi sssssssssssssssssssssssssss eggs wanted by reg grading station cases supplied and picked up at your door for a reference aak your neighbors about our grade price and prompt weekly returns eggs in small lots may be left at carload groceteria for our pickup write or phone p hutton grover 8970 40 kenworthy ave toronto 13 et to ty ogdens fine cut easy to roll delightful to smoke