the tribune stousville ont thursday september 15 1949 business directory lehmans shoe store oloves shoes socks boots and mitts footwear for all the family stoaffrille phone 43w2 opposite the town clock shoe repairing womens hosiery brierbush hospitol day and night servloe maternity medical and surgical jfrember of the allied private hospital association government licensed main street east stouffvuie auctioneers sellers atkinson ph ag 201w2 ph stoufl 290 licensed auctioneers 25 years experience sales conducted anywhere special ising in farm stock furniture and property sales all sales personally listed and advertised bills prepared and posted dental neil c smith lds dds graduate of university of toronto office over canadian bank of commerce telephone 167 stouffvuie sunday school lesson golden text cause iue to know ruinous costs burden some towns e s barker lds dds honor graduate of royal college of dental surgeons and of th university of toronto office over marie jacks beauty parlor phone 27402 markham every tuesday medical dr s s ball physician and surgeon xray office corner obrien main phone 196 coroner for york county then clarke prentice auctioneers licensed and authorized for the counties of york and ontario turn stock implements household yurnitore real estate sales our jpeclalty at fair and reasonable rates dual services for the price of one miuiken po ph aglncourt 52w3j markbam po ph markham 206 no sale too big or too small piratites have been established amctloneers since 1890 a s farmer licensed auctioneer tori county uxbridge pickering townships farm stock and furni ture sales a specialty address gormley po telephone stouffvuie 67312 real estate dr f j button stouffvuie ontario telephone 371 xray hours daily 9 to 12 am tuesday thursday saturday evenings 79 pm and by appointment office over button blk dr herbert b freel physician telephone 164 xray hours daily except sunday 9 to 12 am tuesday thursday saturday- 700 to 900 a c kennedy chiropractor church street stouftville monday and friday 9 to 12 am optometrical consult 3 a willoughby sons for complete real estate servloe head office toronto isc tonge st ad 0605 city and country homes i firms and small acreages 1 industrial business properties harvey mover is your local representative phone 83 j 2 stouftville when buying or selling real estate farms residences business properties see george w allison begd real estate broker stouffvuie phone 3s012 e a grubin ro optometrist plcton ontario dates of visits to stouftville office announced in local columns w c mcdonald ro optometrist toronto ontario at stouftville every saturday 2 pm to 9 pm in rear ot marie jack beauty parlour phone 17 6 w at markham every thursday 2 pm to 9 pm former telephone office ph 4w insurance stouffvuie monument works orders promptly executed p tarr proprietor telephone 81wl birkett son general insurance agency stouftville ontario insurance in reliable companies at reasonable rates prompt service phone 25902 r stoutfvill s the town of madoc is duly the way wherein i should walk for h prospects of having i lift up ny soul natotom to pay outrag costs for dome- lo c jj enfp anri smvorc in that fmim approach to the lesson the psalms abound in practical instruction as to every detail of our daily lives they point out the folly of intemperance and other forms of wickedness and show the way to purity of heart and life and that consistent behavior which meets with the divine approval true happiness lies in the path of selfdiscipline which is the basis of character man is prone to imagine that he will find greater joy and gladness by taking his own way living in selfish indulgence endeavoring to gratify every natural impulse whether lawful or not but experience proves what the scriptures teach and what these psalms emphasize that obedience to god and restraint upon ones own natural tendencies bring lasting complacency and success in life it is an utterly false philosoph ical system that tells us the best of life is found in selfindulgence rather than in selfcontrol the world abounds in disappointed wornout spiritless men and women who have in early days quaffed pleasures cup to the full given loose rein to their own impulses and are now disillusioned and realize when too late that they have missed the true joys of life because of the determination to drain the cup of pleasure to the dregs in youth and early maturity instead of living soberly righte ously and godly in this present world titus 212 the pleasures of sin are but for a season heb 1125 pleasures forevermore are only found by those who set the lord always before them and endeavour to live as his word commands psa 1g 11 it cannot be emphasized too often that the first prerequisite is the new birth by which one be comes a child of god and receives divine life that life manifests it self by loving obedience to the word of god the historical setting all of these psalms which we are to study today were written by david and express the prin ciples which save for his great failure dominated his life and made him to be a man after gods heart we have no way of deter mining the special circumstances connected with their composition but they were all intended for use in the services of the sanctuary verso by verse psa 15 1 who shall abide in thy tabernacle to abide in the sanctuary is to live in fellowship with god he will be sanctified in those who come nigh to him lev 103 verse 2 he that walketh up rightly worketh righteousness speaketh the truth in his heart our walk that is behavior work or service ancl the testimony of the lips must all agree if we are to have the divine approval what is here emphasized is not the faith that brings us into relationship with god but the manifestation of that faith in the life after we know the lord verse 3 he that backbiteth not the verse deals entirely with our attitude toward our neighbor we cannot be right with god and yet seek to injure others by false reports or even by an unkind con tic water and sewers in that town of 1500 people the ratepayers voted to spend 200000 on sewers and water works and now they find if the work is proceeded with that the cost would be outrageous its a wonder the ratepayers didnt realize that before they voted in favor of the big expenditure for so small a municipality one would think that one step at a time would be good going for instance a water system could be built first and would greatly improved the sanitary arrange ments of the place as it would any town without domestic water sewers could come later if madoc proceeds with the idea of spending 200000 as they voted to spend then the costs will run something like this according to their engineers figure the annual payment of principal and interest would run around 17000 per year and would be raised by the revenue from an estimated 150 water users at an average of 40 per house per years and 150 sewer users at 30 per year then the general tax rate would bear 15 mills for these ser vices to make up the annual sum required to pay principal and interest thus the property owners in madoc would have a tax of 70 each year plus 15 mills for water and sewer before any of the ordinary taxes of the village were met in fact these special taxes would exceed the amount the villagers now pay for schools and general taxation other towns have gotten them selves in much the same predica ment as madoc by piling in sewers before the big end of water systems have been paid for few small towns can afford the burden of expense brought on by paying for both water and sewers at the one time the department of munici pal affairs which is very sharp on some issues certainly does not appear to take a stand against municipalities that burden the taxpayers in this way menxox1tes receive tribute from vienna a reverent tribute to the non- denominational character of relief work by the mennonite central committee in europe has come from grateful catholics in vienna she can bake an apple pie would you like the recipe for a 100 apple pie here it is as given at the cne on thursday by mrs c jeremy of coldwater ont and mrs jeremy jirfnonisiirpfvii s ow for she won first prize adian mennonite churches with a osr v f wooden crucifix handcarved by a j m er ff 2sss viennese craftsman this wood- her own daughter carver felt a personal gratitude for sfffis b the menn0n erx- ototffl th cross received a special th fr tv judg blessing from the bishop of vienna i gj sliethev have it has been brought to the can- h d is j iia nnw r thfntr m ever tasted anywhere for two pies mrs jeremy always uses 3 cups of flour lb of lard and shortening mixed tspn salt about 1 tspn white sugar never any soda or baking powder dampens dough with milk and be lieves one of the secrets of making successful pastry is to chill the dough before it is put into the oven she uses wealthy apples when possible on them about cup of white sugar matters mentioned here builds on a solid foundation of practical righteousness psa 241 the earth is the lords and the fulness thereof god is creator and owner of all things therefore his will should be binding upon all men verse 2 he hath founded it upon the seas and established it upon the floods in marvelous wisdom god has bounded all lands by the mighty waters which are held in place by what seems of all created things the weakest the sand of the seashore all creation obeys his will man alone attempts to violate it verse 3 who shall ascend into the hill of the lord or who shall stand in his holy place the question is similar to that noted already in psalm 15 1 it has to do with mans ability to enter into the presence of god and enjoy his fellowship verse 4 he that hath clean hands and a pure heart practical righteousness must be characteris tic of all with whom god deigns to hold communion righteousness is imputed to all who believe but righteousness must be manifested in the lives of all who are born of god he demands truth in the in- adian office of the central men nonite committee in kitchener by director c j rempel who returri- ed this week from a threemonth tour of mennonite relief stations in europe the director said the inter denominational work of the men- nonites is somewhat unique in europe most of the other agencies operate on the basis of if you dont believe as we do you can go some place else for help mr rempel visited germany france holland switzerland and sections of austria returning via england he found holland making the best recovery progress of any country visited the dutch still enforce a strict food rationing and their tight economy seems to be paying off due to a hot summer crops throughout europe are being har vested about three weeks ahead of schedule the yields vary from fair to good mr rempel found rural districts showing best signs of recovery children xeed help the same cannot be said for the cities he said mass feeding and emergency feeding work of the mennonite committee is no longer necessary on a large scale but great want for food and clothing is still evident among children hospital dischargees the aged and university students unemploy ment is mounting the director said many german youths are not too hopeful or ambitious about the future they cant get work and with nothing else to do great numbers are seek ing admittance to universities here they are faced with the difficult problem of finding sleep ing accommodation and food universities have reached a point where they will not accept a new student unless he has proof of a place to sleep the mennonite committee is providing a supply of meat and flour twice a week throughout europe mr rempel found uneasiness about the future and fear of another war another thing that causes a pain in the neck is having to take it on the chin cxr president praises uk railways toronto sept 1 the railroad world will admire the remarkable way in which the british railways have restored normal operations after the tremendous damage and dislocation of services suffered during the war said r c vaughan cmg chairman and president of canadian national railways on his return here recently from a visit overseas wherever the canadian nat ional railways has offices i found them to be active and efficient in serving the interests of the com pany and of canada he said on his overseas tour mr vaughan visited london southampton ant werp brussels rotterdam paris liverpool edinburgh and glasgow the christian science monitor says americans need more land marks of their past mayfair restaurant monday thru friday 8 am 11 pm saturday 8 am 12 pm struction on what may actually be w nartsnnr irn s for r 11 true we are responsible to guard p f for inte anothers reputation as carefully v ulxn as we would have others guard velse he sha11 lecelve the funeral directors funeral director ambulance service r g clendening markham ontario phone 9000 h 0 klinck phone 39wl stouffvuie fire auto burglary sickness and accident fidelity bonds the standard lite assurance co the pioneer of canadian life insurance a mutual company with 117 yean experience strength and service unexcelled d a beer insurance of all kinds 20th anniversary ph pickering 241w2 address brougham ont ours verse 4 in whose eyes a vile person is condemned the godly man will not endeavor to curry favor with the wicked but will abhor his evil way even as he honors those who fear the lord the last sentence is most signifi cant he that sweareth to his own hurt and changeth not no excuse can justify the breaking of a con tract once agreed to even though the result may be disadvantageous to the one who has given his word to abide by it verse 5 he that putteth not out his money to usury the law of moses forbade exorbitant interest rate on money loaned out to those in need extortion is abhorrent to the god of all grace we show our real character often by the way we handle our financial affairs the taking of bribes to l e oneill stotjvfvnile funerall director and embalmer ooatlnuou4 telephone service day aud night phone stouftville 9s01 f m pugh phone 38w2 stouffvuie ltle fire auto before you die see f pugh your mutual life rcpresenuuve a company with aa outstanding record or low cost ufa in surance since 1869 prompt and court eous service blessing of the lord and righteous ness from the god of his salvation god answers in righteousness those who walk uprightly before him he delights to bless his obedient children verse 6 the generation of them that seek thy face 0 jacob the name jacob stands here for the congregation of israel those who endeavored to honor god in lives of purity and uprightness would seek the fellowship of others who sought thus to honor the name of the lord psalm 1438 cause me to hear j thy loving kindness to know the way wherein i should walk the subject soul realizes its own frailty and so turns to god for instruction and guidance he never fails those who thus confide in him verse 9 i flee unto thee to hide me our safety in the midst of a world of evil is in keeping farmers we have about 5060 holstein heifers and cows tb and bloodtested mostly all springing freshening in september and october reasonably priced orders taken for any kind of young cattle come in and see us max heidt rr4 port perry phone port perry 198r21 khin a2 abominable in the sight of god he who is careful in regard to the f g alsop life auto fire sickness and accident insurance phone 5002 stouftville ont taxi service george coltham ontario land surveyor municipal and farm surveys and general engineering box 443 aurora xxwoooooooocxkxmi stouffvuie machine tool works telephone 853 rear of cnr station electric and acetylene welding farm machinery machinery repairs phone 866ii 3oooocoooooa in paths of confidence and devotion our refuge and defender verse 10 teach me to do thy will we need his help not only that we may understand what he would have us do but that we may have the power to carry out in our daily lives that which we know is in accordance with his word the heart of the lesson the highest privilege anyone can have while here on earth is that of entering into fellowship with the lord so that we enjoy communion with him through prayer and meditation upon his word but he only reveals himself to those who judge themselves in the light of his truth and seek to walk before him in practical righteousness it is a poor thing to prate of justifica tion by faith if faith has not made us just in our attitude toward god and our fellow men we need to be continually before god in the place of confession and selfjudgment that he may be free to manifest his power on our behalf keeping us from all evil and leading us on attention farmers we are paying the current market price for dead crippled farm animals horses cattle hogs telephone collect for immediate service gordon young limited toronto ad 3636 stouffville 255 uxbridge 27 or oil burner equipment e j mcdonald j a prankum markham rri phono aglncourt 271ml oil hurners gravity fur naces air conditionikg eavestroughlng water pressure systems oooeoccooocxooocxooooockoaa eggs wanted by reg grading station cases supplied and picked up at your door for a reference ask your neighbors about our grade price and prompt weekly returns eggs in small lots may be left at carload croceteria for our pickup write or phone p hutton grover 8970 40 kenworthy ave toronto 13 oowcxoeowoooowceaooocoaaai