the tribune stouffvule ont thursday june 30 1949 quality feeds we can give immediate delivery on barley oats wheat mixed grain gluten meal oilcake meal soya bean meal bran schu macher feed 24 per cent quaker dairy ration 24 per cent purina dairy chow stivers mixed feeds axe giving satisfaction chowmix growing chow- mix fattening chowmix egg mash chowmix hog grower chowmix hog finisher chowmix pig starter porko hog grower porko hog finisher porko pig starter porko hog concentrate seeds for late seeding and pasturo supplement seed corn sudan grass sugar cane rape seed peas oats swede turnips fail turnips millet american cement on hand local and personal happenings service stiver bros vaughan wants school area but not one big school hands off the little red school house says farmers farmers are opposed to public school areas chiefly ibecause they fear it will lead to one big school and subsequent heavy transporta tion costs as the high school areas are proving recently whitchurch township council asked for a direction on this matter by appealing to each school sections and the indication was that no school area was wanted in the township vaughan township council is now engaged in trying to form public school areas for that towship and the appeal to the people will ibe read with interest since the question is so vital in all townships at this time when farmers are saying hands off the little red school the vaughan appeal or explana tion reads as follows the council of the township of vaughan is considering a bylaw which if passed will establish two school areas in the township to administer and regulate elemen tary school education in the town ship many inquiries have beer- made as to the operation of such an area and the ipurpose of this article is to acquaint interested persons in the township with the functioning of such a school board the present administration of rural schools is iby a board of three trustees this system was establish ed on recommendation of egerton ryeron over a century ago and was designed to meet the trend of education at that time today it still serves a useful purpose but it has been found that under a township school area where an elected same as the township council board of five persons administer the affairs of all the schools in the area more uniform ity prevails when the toylaw is passed the existing sections are dissolved at the end of that year and the term of office of the present trustees expires at the annual nomination meeting of the township nomina tions are received for persons to act on the school hoard for the area in the same manner as for the council five to be elected in each instance youth for christ 800 pm film 815 pm song time led by keith clark featuring lenore spence soloist heise quartette from peaches gladys at the piano youth for christ girls- choir sentence sermon by mr rowan 930 pm closing film beyond our own mrs oldham my jesus i love thee remember now thy creator in the days of thy youth a chapter of the eastern star was instituted last week in whitby with a membership of sixty sun beam chapter oshawa was in charge of the institution mrs robt young left this week to spent some time in the old home town of cobden ontario mrs young will be away until the latter part of july mr john sanders has taken over the management of bill ball motors from june 29th to july 18th during absence on holidays of mr ball wholesalers are advancing the price of canned goods on the assumption that the 1949 crop will be short of course what the can neries are marketing at this time is the 1947 and 1948 crops which were abundant miss joyce woods daughter of mr and mrs arthur woods stouffville has been successful in passing her grade 7 music examin ation and her grade 1 theory in which she obtained first class honours joyce is a pupil of peggy woods clark markham the following pupils of miss bertha stouffer were successful in the recent examinations at the conservatorv of music toronto piano gloria hallman gr ill hon betty lewis gr iv hon joyce jacob gr v lois mckewen gr vii theory lois mckewen gr ii phyllis paisley gr ii hon pupils of miss a lehman atcm piano and theory examin ation results grade viii piano pass margaret hisey grade vii piano pass june smith grade i piano pass joan chadwick grade ii theory 1st class hon margaret hisey grade i theory 1st class hon june smith hydro interruption coining the hydro will be shut off in stouffville next week on thursday and friday afternoons from 1230 to 430 each afternoon to enable a special gang of men to make improvements to the system in the village everybody should make a note of this cutoff so that they may be prepared on the two days of the interruption when the work is completed of installing a heavier line of wire it is expected that the change will take care of the increased power flowing along this system for use here the change will be made by the markham rural hydro gang and a special contingent of men from toronto preserving needs kettles 120 and up cullinders 125 strainers 20c to 98c food mills to mash vice or strain fruits vegetables small 239 medium 250 large 689 jar funnels 25c each viceroy jar rubbers zinc jar rings glass jar lids pyrex measures 2cup size 74c rubber cooling mats 16 x 14 90c presto ware visual cooking utensils frying pan 425 sauce pan dutchoven 895 presto cookers various sizes 525 special this week refrigerator sets 3 pieces in color regular 370 per set for only 340 electrical radio appliance repairs k h middlemiss electric hardware stouffville phone 367 the school board for the area upon election takes office for the coming year the new school board assumes all liabilities and assets of the existing sections comprising the area and immediately arrange for adequate elementary education in a uniform manner in the most economical manner the common practice is to appoint a supervising principal who also may act as secretary to the new board this supervising principal is constantly in touch with every school and is very helpful to beginning teachers and even other teachers who are weak in various phases of teaching in the schools this principal will be able to watch constantly every class in the township and ascertain the progress of that class with relation to other classes in the township and thus eliminate the loss of time suffered toy many children who quite frequently attend a school where a teacher through lack of help is unable to impart knowledge comparable to other schools an inspector making one or two visits a year is unable to do this many other benefits are preva lent under a township school area board than under the present three man trustee board of an individual section these may toe in the form of itinerant teachers in special sub jects such as anusic manual train ing household science and agricul ture more equitable distribution of school costs saving on purchase of school supplies more efficient teaching or improved administra tion and supervision greater provincial aid the financial support of educa tion under a school area board is similar to the present system with two exceptions the first excep tion is that the department of education gives a larger grant to a school area hoard than to the existing three man school board which to the two areas in the township of vaughan would continued on page eleven your best market for eggs hogs lambs calves live poultry weddings yotxg ijehmax a wedding of local interest took place in st- lambert united church montreal on wednesday june 22nd 1949 when the mar riage was quietly solemnized of miss anne elizabeth lehman daughter of mr john w lehman of stouffville and the late ethel lehman to mr john m young reverend j d mccrae officiated at the ceremony and the guests included mr and mrs john leh man of stouffville after the reception the couple left for an extended trip to the rocky mountains and the pacific coast on their return they will reside in hampstead quebec crouch leeson adele leeson rn only daugh ter of mr and mrs ross leeson manitoulin island became the bride of dr stuart mcfoul crouch son of dr and mrs s stuart crouch in timothy eaton imemorial church on wednesday june 22 at 3 oclock rev d a maolemm officiated the bride wore a gown of ivory brocaded satin the brides mother wore gray lace and the grooms mother wore blue and fuschia taffeta a reception to nearly 100 guests was held after the ceremony at 05 hyhland ave rosedale the toast to the bride was proposed by rev norman rowan of second mark ham baptist church near stouff ville many out of town friends and relatives of the bride and groom attended the cecemony they came from manitoulin island goderich seaforth stouffville and other towns following a trip to the lauren- tians the couple will reside at 185 st clair ave v toronto parr ratclifp baskets of mixed summer flowers were effective in second markham baptist church for the marriage on saturday afternoon june 25th of helen doreen daugh ter of mr ross e ratcliff stouff ville to norman fleming farr son of mr and mrs torrance farr king rev norman rowan offici ated assisted by rev f h- muir the wedding music was played by mrs howard ratcliff and during the signing of the register mrs jas oldham sang through the years given in marriage toy her father the bride wore a portrait gown of white moire taffeta with full length veil held in place by orange blossoms she carried a cascade of red roses the maid of honour miss evelyn hisey tor onto wore embroidered pink organza over taffeta and carried a nosegay of old fashioned flowers mr harold atkinson stouffville was hest man and the ushers were mr david ratcliff and douglas farr a reception followed at the home of the brides father attended by over a hundred guests mrs delos hisey aunt of the bride wearing navy blue crepe with peti point received the guests assisted by the grooms mother who wore pink with brown accessories later the bride and groom left on a wedding trip to usa for travelling the bride wore a navy and white ensemble and corsage of red roses upon their return they will reside in stouffville tate weldon in stouffville united church on saturday june 25th standards of orange blossoms and pink peonies formed a lovely setting for the marriage of laura eileen weldon daughter of mrs w franklin riches and the late carl ross weldon and francis tate son of mr and mrs frank j tate of toronto rev douglas davis officiated miss patricia stalhvood was at the organ previous to the ceremony mrs claude brillinger sang the lords prayer and during the signing of the register ill walk beside you the bride was given in marriage by mr w franklin riches and wore an original gown of white guipure lace over satin with cathedral train her finger tip veil of tulle illusion was caught to a coronet of sequins and she carried a cascade of white roses miss marion weldon sister of the bride was maid of honor and the brides maids were miss carol weldon sister of the bride and miss ruth gooding their bouffant gowns were of white organdy over taffeta with sashes of killarney green velvet they wore white organdy and taffeta poke bonnets with ties of green velvet and carried baskets of white carnations and bouvardia ronald wyatt of guelph was best man and the ushers were dr william blastorah of toronto and norman thomas of guelph after a reception at the home of the brides parents the bride and groom left on a honeymoon trip to the laurentians for travelling the bride wore a suit of honeybeige gabardine with killarney green accessories and corsage of johanna hill roses mr and mrs tate will reside in guelph where both are members of the public school staff last saturdays bride marion selena hunt daughter of mr and mrs ernest hunt was wed to willis hunking son of mrs hunking and the late charles hunking of shel- burne in gormley united missionary church june 25 mrs t a reid of toronto has been spending a few days with mrs e a wilson william street middleton clan picnic in the couchiching park orillia on july 1st kitchener mennonite bible school under direction of bishop c f dirstine opened its 21st season this week with an enrol ment of 400 pupils in the newly renovated first church a heavy shower of rain last fri day evening was the best down pour local gardens have received since they were planted two months ago notwithstanding potatoes and other vegetables look very promising about thirty girls comprising the cgit group in stouffville enjoy ed a happy and delightful weekend at camp ahshunyoong lake simcoe the guide leaders mrs l murphy and mrs l e oneill were in charge of the holiday makers ken campbell with j w warren real estate reports the sale of the 50 acre chas clossen farm on lot 1 con 10 markham to wm dyck of stouffville he also sold mr clossen a 100 acre farm toetween uxbridge and greenbank owned by roy crapper friends will regret to learn that mr david atkinson of north mark ham is not improving in health very quickly a patient in the brier- bush here mr atkinson suffered a stroke six weeks ago and shows little or no signs of improvement he is the father of our business man mr walter atkinson pro prietor of international motors corner view the home of mr and mrs john scott was the scene of their wedding anniversary on saturday june 18th guests were mr and mrs w n campbell mr and mrs james gellmor toronto mrs john sears port mrs wm burnham uxbridge mr and mrs ray burnham and daughters sandford rev f herman mark ham pickering farms limited phone 886 day or night whitby ontario lawn bowling news with the fine summer weather here now and good greens the activities of both the mens and ladies bowling clubs should be in full swing with this end in view would every member ex- member and prospective member of both clubs be at the greens on monday evening july 4th at 715 sharp for our regular game would the conveners of all committees please be prepared to report on the work for which they are respon sible too bad the club house and grounds couldnt have had the repairs necessary before the mens free tournament on wednesday july cth mr and mrs w h mcnatob were in town for a day or two enroute from their home in mooresville indiana to pictori dis trict for a holiday old stouffville boy mr mcnabb felt it necessary to visit the home town enroute incidentally mr and mrs mcnabb reached here saturday evening but had to drive to aurora for over night accommodation a situation of this kind emphasises again the need for a hotel in this town one cannot think of a more pressing need nor a better opportunity for persons anxious to be in this kind of business engagements mr arthur lamb announces the engagement of his granddaughter joanne mary to mr albert joseph smalley son of rev w e and mrs smalley of king the mar riage will take place in stouffville on saturdaywuly 23rd at 3 pm in the united church mr and mrs arthur j prouse announce the engagement of their daughter gladys alberta to mr john inglis georgetown ont the wedding to take place in clare- mom united church on saturday july 23rd at 3 pm during the twenty years in which principal cedric watson has been at the head of the stouffville public school some 450 pupils have been sent up to try the entrance most of these were granted entrance standing on term work and of those who actually wrote the june examinations the failures were less than five per cent which is a remarkablely good showing for any school principal newspaper cup returns to stouffville it was mark twain who said when he read an account of his own death in the newspapers the report is greatly exaggerated we felt much the same way after announcing that the clark memorial cup donated to the weekly newspapers in the pro vinces of ontario and quebec for best allround weekly in towns of 1500 and under had again been awarded to the tribune after announcing our retirement- from the contest in other words we suggested the tribune was a dead issue so far as this competition was concerned we pointed out that stouffville now exceeded by one hundred the population stipulation but the judges had evidently completed their work throughout the year toy checking each issue against those of other weekly publications in this class and declared the tribune in their opinions stood tops we appreciate the findings and are happy to toring stouffville into prominence again through radio broadcasts last saturday and sunday and by mention in 500 or 700 newspapers across canada just what is going to toe done about the population ibarrier we do not know nearly every town and vil lage has grown in size in recent years and the population restric tion may be raised this is a matter for the executive to deter mine tout in the meantime the beautiful clark cup reposes in the office of the tribune we would have no regret in toeing disqualified on the population requirement since we are in possession of the knowledge of where the tribune stands in this big field as previously stated the clark memorial cup has been held toy the tribune for seven years or all but three years of the nine since the late jos atkinson offered it for annual competition the annual meeting of the ontarioquebec division of the cwna held in buffalo in con junction with the new york state weekly newspaper association was the first time the local associ ation ever met outside canada mr chas nolan was in attendance and received the award made to this newspaper the announcer explain ed that inasmuch as towns had grown beyond the limits of certain classses the paper had been judged on each issue through the past year and little or nothing could be done where it appeared a town had increased in population they said that practically all rural places were up tout papers would remain in the classification they were placed last year there were three trophies awarded the fort erie times was adjudged the paper with best editorial page and the bowman- ville statesman received the silver for paper in towns over 4500 for toest front page and of course the clark cup to the stouffville tri bune supplies molasses carload of molasses just arrived in steel drums 34c per gal coal remember the price of coal is advancing 10c each month so order early and save 55c a ton before july 1st roofing full lines of 3 in 1 shingles asphalt and mineral surfaced roofing cedar shingles in 3 grades quantity of nails roofing nails and shingle nails wire fence- poultry fence hog fence standard 9line 8line and 7line fence barbed wire brace wire and staples ths stouffville coop association two phones for your convenience 269 and 122 x