the tribune stouffville ont thursday june 30 1949 prices sixk with zixc decline in price of zinc has led cto reductions in prices asked for galvanized ware pails tubs etc hardware and metal reports in- creased cost of imported rod is warned for recent boost in wire nail ixise price helicopter sprays insects case implements wynn bros ph 141 unionville used garden tractors new selfpropelled case combines a6 and f2 combines new and used threshers one 47 ford 1ton truck with stock racks in new condition cheap binders 7 and 8 foot used new and used pickup balers automatic and wire tie see us for your tractor requirements new and used full line beatty barn equipment new and used cream i for best results ship your cream to stouffville creamery we pay two cents more per pound butterfat for cream delivered to the creamery cold storage cockers and fast freezing facilities stouffville creamery co to have our truck call phone 186w one of the many hazards that farmers have to contend with is the combating of in sects that are injurious to crops fruits and vegetables in france the farmers are trying to cope with colorado beetle menace that has broken out one of the methods being used to kill the insects is shown in above picture a helicopter is toeing used to spray a potato field near caen an estimated 1000 acres in the neighborhood of cannes will receive same treatment seldom seen imagine the plight of canadians who might try to begin life anew in a foreign country without know ledge of the languageand you have an inkling of the tremendous diffi culties xew canadians who come here as displaced persons have in beginning a new life among us recently four young new cana dians from one of the baltic states gave- us an interesting and delight ful evening a friend who is gett ing great enjoyment out of his in terest in xew canadians in hi community brought these fine young people to our home at sel dom seen they were bright intelligentwell i in 19js it was extended for another farmers borrowing more 3 i it ex freely under farm improvement loans act canadian farmers are making good use of the borrowing facilities provided for them under the farm extended the powers of the ibanks by authorizing them to take as security a lien on implements and equipment purchased b3 bor rowed funds or a mortgage on the farm property marked a new de parture in canadian banking and is permissible only on loans under improvement loans act bankers he filv report total amount loaned in i all kinds of farm improvements 1948 was ahead of the 1917 total can be financed under this act and 1949 borrowings to date are i building or improving a estimated to be well up to the fig- f house purchasing new ma- ures at this time a year ago may chtnery or equipment construction be considerably higher of a granary tarn housing for the primary purpose of the help purchase of livestock farm improvement loans act has encing or drainage work etc been described as an effort to fill lne longer term for wnich the a gap in the canadian credit sysj may be made replaces the tern to meet the needs of agricul- old type of loan which was usually ture it was aimed at providing in- made for a matter of months termediate and long term credit when the act was introduced in for farmers under more convenient j then finance minister j l terms and conditions than existed hsley indicated that one of the formerly main objectives was to make farm loans may be obtained for per- life more attractive by enabling iods up to 10 years the maximum residents to have many of loan that may be outstanding at u comforts and conveniences en- one time to any one farmer being ipsfp w urban- dwellers 83000 interest is payable at 5 loans which have been made in- these loans are made by the elude those for purchase of new chartered banks which are guaran- machinery construction of tobacco teed against loss by the govern- purchase of tractors com ment up to 10 of the aggregate and harvesting machinery principal amount of loans made by purchase of the last three items each bank the governments liabil- has been the reason for many of ity is limited to an aggregate prin- the l in the last few months cipal amount of 250 millions in other loans- have been made to en- loans by all banks over six years awe farmers tq buy livestock and the act came into operation in m some cases to dram or clear 1945 to be effective for three years land i bankers say that one peculiar enjoy buy the large package 4dmd76s7sc poid ras mk in 60 seconds i tender moist dark fiwpbcllj lo cake mix thing is that the volume of bor rowing seems to vary among dis tricts some districts showing a general tendency among the farm ers to borrow others reporting very little tendency that way in the annual report of the fila loans for the purchase of farm im plements and farm trucks consti tuted 877 of all loans made with a total value of 26759107 this represents an actual sales volume of 45119094 for farm implements and farm trucks the report adds approximately 461 of all trac tors sold in the prairie provinces were financed under this act 454 of all combines and 634 qf all threshers in the whole of canada approximately 289 of all trac tors were financed under the act 409 of all combines and 389 of all threshers some 26711 farm ers used the act for the purchase of farm implements and trucks the report states the report adds that the wide use of the act by the farmers for these purposes indi cates that the act is not only re ducing the cost to farmers of ob taining temporary financing for this purpose but is also helping to reduce distribution costs to the im- iplement companies a fact which should be reflected in the prices of the implements themselves farm building loans in 1948 at s13509s1 were somewhat smaller than the sl780398 in 1947 loans for the construction of 328 new farm dwellings represent about 10 of the total farm dwellings constructed in canada in 1948 loans for this purpose are expec ted to show an increase in 1949 s materials become in greater supi ply- the report states that for the fourth successive 3ear there have been no claims for losses the total loans made to date under the act are 60754259 total in 1948 was 29331130 in 1947 18160821 poised and keenly interested in j working out a constructive future j for themselves as good canadians their experiences with both rus- j sian and german armies of occupa tion as the tide of war ebbed and flowed over their own country as slave labor in germany and in the displaced persons camps were bitter but they did not embitter them having completed a year in the assigned work which they under took they now wish to follow the careers they began at home in which they can be most useful to themselves and to canada one of them was within a few weeks of graduation in science another had completed a matriculation course and the others had high school training when they were taken from their homes to germany be fore they can become most useful here they must acquire a working knowledge of english but there is no place in this district where they can be taught they have done well in picking up conversational english but they cannot pursue their studies until they learn the language better surely the educa tional authorities of the provinces of canada can provide night classes for new canadians wherever they may be situated these earnest in dustrious new citizens should be en abled to expand their capabilities as quickly as possible old josh holland has discarded about 80 per cent of her windmills while a german inventor has devised high altitude wind wheels to drive tur bines for cheap electric power mayfair restaufant monday thru friday 8 am 11 pm saturday 8 am 12 pm the allmetal allpurpose suburban the fanner suburbanite or merchant will find tho sub urban ideal for load hauling with the rear leat folded forward and the tailboard down there a carrying pace 7 feet 5 inches long and an extrome inside body width of s feet it will do anything a light delivery unit will do and its in stantly convertible into a six- passenger sedan louti find a wide range of uses for this new allmetal dodge suburban open the wide doors and youll be amazed at the seating capacity and the space provided or luggage and vacation equipment in this newest dodge theres plenty of head leg and elbow room in both front and rear seats its lively 97 hp engine operates with traditional dodge depend ability and economy gives you ample power for hill climbing and heavy going off the boa an track low pressure tires safetyrim wheels luxury springing and powerful hydraulic brakes assure you a safo smooth ride with tho rear seat folded flush with the floor an easy onehand opera hon the now dodge suburban can double as a roomy panel delivery vehicle you can easily load it with any type of merchandise without a worry its allmetal interior is hard to daraago the longwoaring vinylfabric upholstery is safely and easily washable inspect this great new addition to the famous dodge line at your dodgedesoto dealers showrooms youll find it just the car youve always wanted at a price you are willing to pay see the beaufifuj new dodge models the distinctive desoto vrith tiptoe gear shift and the famous dependable dodge jobrated trucks at v stouffville mole motor sales phone 372 gray lcoach awes pack up the tackle and lets go after those big ones that got away last year now our lakes rivers and streams give us another chance to prove that the story of last years outing wasnt just another fishing yarn youll enjoy going by bus fares are low meaford 750 notfhbay 1255 sutton 445 burks falls 985 round trips subject to change tickets and information