the tribune stouffville ont thursday june 16 1949 campaigning to visit united states sharmoii douglas princess margaret rose wants to visit the united states this fall and is wearing down her father in her efforts to get his permission court circles have reported the princess who will be 19 in august launched her campaign for a trip to the us after her return from a months visit to the european continent the marquis of blandford who has been margarets number princess margaret one escort for months recently visited the us he undoubtedly has increased the princess in terest in the us scene the princess long has been interest ed in visiting the us moreover one of her best friends is at tractive shannon douglas daughter of lewis douglns us ambassador to england mayor mccallum has invited the prin cess to visit toronto on her way back to england warned against two us firms r b whitehead kc of toronto provincial supt of insurance warns that there are two compan ies transacting insurance business in ontario which are not licensed under the insurance act to do so they are the american farmers insurance company and the bank ers national insurance company both of phoenix arizona he adds that representatives of these companies are known as membership counsellers and material furnished by the compan ies to such representatives includes applications for life and accident and sickness insurance any person using or attempting to use such forms in the sale of in surance would be acting as an in surance agent within the meaning of the insurance act and would be contravening the provisions of the act so as to render themselves liable to prosecution when its time to eat its time to refresh dont neglect that rusty roof your old roofs made to look like new with added new life by our paint job leave vour painting problems with 2tf a h eaton son brush spray painters phone stouffville 26j2 this is a family affair your future and canadas conditions havebeen good the last few years more people are working than ever before making more spending more saving more isnt that what you want after all you have a family to think about and you are planning for their future the liberals are planning and working for your familys future too here are some of the things the liberals are doing family allowances are increased already a bil lion dollars has been invested in canadas children millions of boys and girls are better clothed fed and housed have a better chance for an education and a real start in life because of this- liberal measure it has brought new security and wellbeing to countless canadian homes in housing too the liberals have taken the lead in providing canadians with decent homes more homes have been built in canada in relation to population than in any nation already a million cana dians live in homes built since the war the liberal government is ready to help solve the lowrental housing problem and has offered its cooperation to provinces and municipalities tien there is the liberal health program already federal grants arc helping the provinces to increase their health services but the liberals aim is a nationwide contributory health insurance plan which will end for everyone the tragedy of inadequate health care and the financial strain of lengthy illness or take employment liberal measures are help ing to maintain employment in canada at record levels and at the same time iincm- eloyment insurance reserves have been uilding up the government has encouraged enterprise and high production plants have expanded new industries started up new opportunities are being created every day old age pensions and pensions for the blind have been steadily increased by the liberal government but it isnt stopping there its aim is a nationwide plan of contributory pensions which will help everyone to enjoy a comfortable and secure old age auto matically and as a right these are all part of the liberal program of social betterment a program to achieve a national standard of sociai security and human welfare which assures the greatest possible measure of social justice to all canadians make sure the work is carried on vote liberal inserted by national uberal committee 1 in north york jack vote for smith published by north york liberal association ask for it either way both trademarks mean the same thing authorized bottler of cocacola under contract with cocacola ltd uxbridge uxbridge ontario beverages phone 203 seldom seen there must be a china tea pot in your home if not then you will remember your mothers it was a fancy china one that ten chances to one she received as a shower gift it was perched on the sideboard in the diningroom to serve both a decorative and a useful purpose it was the family bank when mother sold her chickens or the geese or when the weekly cream and egg money came sjie donned her spectacles and counted it then with a stub of a pencil fished among the contents of the top drawer in the sideboard she figured it up just to see that the man hadnt made any mistakes for a few minutes there would be some laborious figuring and then satisfied that all was well the pen cil would be replaced from where it was taken the silver would be carefully wrapped up in the bills and all would be placed in the china tea pot that tea pot certainly occupied a prominent place in our lives it rwas the clearing house for mo thers currency when we wanted pennies for those big bullseye can dies on our infrequent trips to the village mother would dole out one apiece from her bank then while father was hitching up the horses she would make out a list of what to get at the store tea sugar spices laces and so on and all would be neatly totalled up with the correct amount of money and an extra ten cents in case the head of the household didnt have change for a plug of tobacco along about tax time the china tea pot was often dumped out on the kitchen table at night when we were doing our homework father kept adding a few dollars from here and there from the jags of wood that he sold in the village and the potatoes and apples and it was carefully totalled up tax time was coming mighty close and they were still short and we in our childish way would begin to worry as to what might happen if we couldnt pay our taxes but somehow mother and the china teaipot always managed it there was sort of a triumphant smile on her face when she dump ed the contents out on the table on tax day and the amount was counted out in everything from ten dollar bills to pennies well paw we made it she would exclaim and he would ruf fle up her hair the way she pre tended she didnt like and he would kiss her on the cbeek and we would all go to school feeling quite important because there was enough to pay the taxes there were lean times for the china tea pot too times when mo ther would have to scrape mighty hard to make up enough for the groceries and when father would say shucks maw never mind the plug of tobacco i can do without at but she would chase him along and smile and say that a hard working man was entitled to one bad habit the china tea pot became scarred from handling too i never knew a cup of tea to be made in it but the corner chipped off the lid and the flowers on the side became just a wee bit tarnished but it still occupied a prominent place history of the cabbage traced back 400 years it can be traced back 4000 years without the slightest effort once it was quite a luxury item confin ed to a short growing season but in todays modern world of speedy transportation and effective stor age it is a yearround vegetable added to its economy is the fact that an ordinary head of cabbage properly prepared can supply your family with an amazing number of healthgiving ingredients it is fil led with vitamins especially vit amin c as well as plenty of min erals and lots of satisfying flavour in the actual cooking it is well to remember that low heat and long cooking which breaks down the sulphur compounds in cabbage is responsible for the strong flavour and odor this common objection is easy to avoid simply quarter or shred the head of cabbage and drop it into rapidly boiling salted water and allow it to cook for ap proximately 10 or 12 minutes you will not only save all the vitamins and minerals by this method but the flavour will be that of a very special vegetable which all the fam ily will enjoy it can be served with the good old favorites such as ham hocks corn beef or salt pork or serve it with cheese sauce or a devilled sauce just add a little prepared mustard a drop of worchestershire sauce salt pepper and cayenne to melted butter and pour over the boiled cabbage have you served pansteamed cabbage lately its easy to prepare melt two tablespoons of butter or bacon drippings in a skillet add shredded cabbage salt slightly and cover tightly cook about 12 min utes stirring occasionally the first commercial telegraph line in canada was set up in 1847 linking j toronto hamilton st catharines niagara falls and buffalo joy beauty salon near cnr permanent waving individual styling razor shaping phone stouffville 98w2 ooooooexsaoooooocx stouffville sand gravel limited are prepared to supply your requirements of crushed gravel sand concrete gravel pit run delivered or at the bin plant phone 125j office phone 370 wocxmboooooooooo auction sale high class furniture masoxrisch piaxo apt six electric washing machine dishes cooking utensils garden equiptnoi west exd maix street stouffville saturday june 18th the property of clifford salmon 4 upholstered tubchairs 1 green i 3 wine modern mahogany buffet sectional 2 bridge lamps music cabine spinet desk walnut finish fern stand walnut and fern largo mirror 31 x 31 large black silver flower vase some fancy chinaware glass curtains blinds some linei mahogany desk new complete witl glass top 2 table lampi chesterfield green wing chair green 2 stools 1 wine 1 green round mahogany coffee table new piano masonhisch make apt size and bench both mahogany quantity of books low plant stane fire place basket screen bedroom suite gibbard walnut twii beds with box springs mattresses vanity dresser chest of drawers 2 bedroom chairs blue walnut end table walnut cedar chest marconi mantle radio 2 blue floor rugs ivory leather hassock flowered bedroom drapes very wide some blankets bedspreads bedroom suite colonial style in maple bed spring mattress night table with drawer large chest of drawers large mirror desk or vanity dresser bedroom chair pair of lined drapes both same material small bedroom clothes tree babys cribb metal 3 hooked rugs corner brackel hooked rug runner vanity bench simmons bed metal spring matt ress night table small rocking chaii bedroom chair blue oak chaii large dresser small dressei small chest of drawers wash stand platform rocket walnut end table camp bed quantity of xmas decorations lights etc quantity of pictures lamps bedside electric picture frame wallbracket pair of bedroom rugs green pair of bedroom rugs mauve stepladder extension ladder 32 electric motor hp battery charger 110 volt 2 small metal tool boxes large wooden tool box ice refrigerator kitchen chairs white enamellea vitchen cupboard 03 by 13 by 12 kitchen table childs high chair electric stove moffat with automat ic oven control 2 serving trays electric toaster large quantity of fiesta chinaware set of glass refrigerator dishes electric sandwich grill cookie trays pie plates cake tins and racks pots pans frying pan tea pots coffee pot dripol- ator glass casseroles childrens toys kindergarten table and chairs model garage large blackboard stuffed animals and games etc large pedal engine large wheel barrow record play er not electric windup train and tracks for same crokinole board new skidboll game quoits quantity books miscellan eous items mans jacket parka size 42 mans ski pants large size electric plate 2burner cereal grinder household scales baby carriage pressure cooker holds 8 no 2 tint small folding carriage verandah chairs 2 bread boxee 2 large painted cupboards quantity of glass sealers crocks wall bracket varnished wall bracket white 2 corner brackets red electric fan garden glidei medicine chest with mirror door 2 pair of boots skates 2 pair of skis peterboro pair of childs skis 2 wicker chairs 2 medium size grass mats patterned large gjass mat chest of drawers humidifier ge card table quantity of music bed traj bedrest bathroom scales quantity of cushions laundry basket hotwater bottles electrolux and attachments mops weighted floor polish diaper pail pair of hairclipper pair of electric curling tongs radio fitted for record player electric record player dropleaf table studio couch wine quantity of curtains ironingboard quebec heater with oven singer sewing machine thor washing machine with ironei attachment clotheshorse block and tackle banner ash sifter hose with ree lawn mower with catcher sprinkler pickaxe mattoch large quantity o assorted garden tools quantity of machinist carpentei tools blow torcl quantity of paint quantity of screwnails nails bolts nuts washers electric switches insulators etc other miscellaneous items too nnm erous to mention salo will be held nndcr cover in caa of rain terms cash sale at 1230 sharp no reserve as property sold muyi turner clerk a s farmer auctioneer sale will be held in lestfon memoria hall irrecardlrs of the weather