the tribune stouffville ont thursday june 9 1949 aa good luck margarine smoother spreading better tasting redeem your coupons at our store fels naptha soap special cake 10c lushus jelly powders new low price pkg 9c salted peanuts fresh lb 35c corn syrup 5lb pail 59c -coffee- try our own blend freshly ground to your requirements a wonderful flavor lb 59c champion cat food cream cookies 2 tins 25c pound 29c ratcliff co v green river mrs r dafoe attended the fun eral of ner sister mrs ina sherrard tena in toronto recently sympathy is extended to mr and mrs e bruce who have received word of the death of mr bruces mother in the old country miss j mountain spent the week end with mrs emily hamilton mrs a hoover was in toronto for the weekend insurance tenders sealed tenders will be received by the undersigned for insurance on the following county buildings and con tents court house gaol county home county home annex and five storehouses tenders close at 1200 noon on june 16th 1949 farther particulars may be obtained from the undersigned wm g manning clerk county of ontario court house whitby ont auction sale high class furniture dairy cattle pigs the property o geo stone lansing hgy 2 miles east of yovge st near oriole friday june 17th 2 holstein heifers 2 yrs old due iu october 3 yr holstein due in oct part jersey hereford fresh jersey fresh calf at side 2 sows due time of sale 3 sows due july 1st 30 chunks 65 lbs 4 chunks 90 lbs litter carrier 2 feed carriers approx 200 ft track with hangers complete with switch pole swivel beatty equip 2 house jacks cockshutt scuffler building 75 x 30 with steel roof leader tractor 194s model complete with hydrolic lift rubber tired wagon hay loader dump rake mower oneway disc case pickup hay straw baler wire tie complete with wisconsin motor this is a late baler used only on one farm and in good con dition like new mounted on rubber mh side delivery rake household furniture stanley upright piano oak axminster rug 10x6x9 rug 8x10x6 3picce chesterfield suite queen anne table mahogany smoker stand 2 fern stands floor lamp table lamp 9piece dining room suite buffet china cabinet table 8 chaiis walnut real good coat tree 2 large mirrors library table 2 rocking chairs radio electric westinghouse mantel clock electric clock bronze clock spinning wheel frigidaire electric kitchen table 4 chairs 2 enamel top tables arm chair stool coleman stove hot plate 2burner toaster food slicer churn food chopper steel bed mattress chair 2 dressers suit case 3 verandah chairs number of other useful articles no reserve property sold terms cash sale at 130 sharp jas smith cleric ken clarke prentice auctioneers v markhamunionville lions club in conjunction with the progressive kennel club of canada 6th international allbreed dog show at crosby memorial rink unionville saturday june 11 this show will include many of the champion dogs of canada and united states proceeds for lions welfare work lucky draw admission 25c aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaf royal flexalum venetian blinds endeeringly beautiful silent in operation easier to clean and keep clean cant corrode will not crack chip or flake onethird the weight rust proof warp proof fire proof perfect closure affords complete pri vacy for further particulars phone b g tunney agent stouffvillo 38j2 62 bloomington the ladies aid held a church cleaning bee pot luck dinner and business meeting on thursday mr and mrs o h tranmer were guests at the marriage of kathleen daughter of mrs matheson and the late dr j j matheson to george m leach in high park presbyter ian church last saturday mr and mrs bilkey spent the weekend in toronto mrs d bennett and mr and mrs e davis went to hamilton on sun- day miss a fockler has taken a posi- tion as hostess at lakeview house jacksons point mrs tarr is visiting with her daughter and soninlaw mr and mrs c lemon mr and mrs h gilbert of ajax were visitors at j k tranmers on sunday skinny men women gain 5 10 15 lbs get ne pep vim vigor wto a thrtlll booy ilmbi nil oui uljr hollow fill up neck no longer scrawny body fom pa- starvcd sickly beanpoto look thousand c glru woaien men woo narer oould gain befort are cow proud of iliapely healthylooking bodies tby thank the apodal vigorbuilding fleahbulldlng tonlo oeuex its tonics stimulants intlforators iron tltamlo bt calcium enrich blood improts appetite and digestion so food cire yon mors strength and nouriinmsnv put flew on ban bonss dont tear getting uo fat slop when yoan galosd los 6 10 16 or 30 lbs 70a used for normal wslfbi costs little new get acquainted sis mly 80s try ramous oitrex tonlo tablets for nsw tjgor and added pounds this very day at all drugflsv vandorf mr and mrs george e richard son left last thursday on a motor trip to halifax ns mrs h swit zer accompanied them and will visit her daughter mrs mcclean at chatham nb misses maude and lou richard son newmarket are staying at the richardson home mr and mrs grant morley and billie were sunday dinner guests of mr and mrs clarence foote and family and supper guests of mr and mrs ewart jennings and diana of king wesley wa met at the home of mrs moddle last wednesday there will be a tea towel shower for the kitchen at the church at the next meeting wedding bells are again faintly heard in our community those attending the wi district annual at queensvihe on monday were mrs f vannostrand mrs a vannostrand mrs f preston mrs g morley and mrs h hilliary june lgth at vandorf hall there will be a ball game between wil low beach and vandorf following this moving pictures by the na tional film board in the hall this evenings entertainment is free but there will be a sale of ice cream and soft drinks the womens institute will hold their monthly meeting at the home of mrs h c powell on wednes day june 15 reports from the district annual will be given roll call sing say or pay current events mrs h sleeth hostesses mrs j wright mrs h white and mrs h sleeth mr and mrs chas scott and family of clarkson spent sunday with mr and mrs wm kingdon and bill mr frank perry areola sask is visiting his uncle mr loy carr mr jim sleeth is in toronto hos pital everybody hopes his stay there will put him on the road to recovery mr and mrs murray smith of stratford visited mr and mrs rolia scott last week mr and mrs arthur starr have purchased the property next to the store belonging to mr george e richardson congratulations to mr and mrs harvey preston on the birth of a son on monday june 6th irouiniiiiaiihihhninmniinuiniiinumiidimuiiiimiaiiiumiimidnhiiiinnaiiiiininhnmimimihniiniiiimiahinnhiiidnmnjiw to aylmer catsup 1 1 oz bot 17 choice tomatoes 28 oz tins 2 for29 shredded wheat 2 pkgs 25 aylmer prune plums 20 oz tins 2 for 25 bee hive syrup 10 lb pail 115 5 lb pail 59 2 lb pail 25 durham corn starch pkg 15 champion dog or cat food 2 tins jelly powders 5 pkgs for hillcrest sweet mixed pickles 16 oz jar 23 jergens carbolic soap carload groceteria blue bird toilet tissue 3 rolls 25 habitant pea soup 28 oz tins 2 for 27 clarks tomato juice 20 oz tins 3 for 25 clarks pork beans 20 oz tins 2 for 25 15oz tins 2 for 19 sun joy choice quality peas 20 oz tins 2 for 19 red pitted cherries good taste 20 oz tin 25 25 25 stouffville ontario john mnthcwson prop i iiiiiiiiiiiiii ii iiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiii gormley we are very sorry to hear that mr harold newns is in east gen eral hospital with a badly crushed and broken foot his many friends in this community wish him a speedy recovery mr and mrs walter henderson spent several days over the week end with mr and mrs h cassel and family at preston they also visited friends and relatives in the fordwich district mr henderson reports excellent crops and a pro gressive spirit among those who moved from this community in re cent years the collector for the red shield appeal of the salvation army mrs- delbert baker is highly pleased to report a total of 10800 has been donated from the gormley area miss carol steckley entertained five girl friends at her birthday party saturday evening mrs w h chapman of aurora is convalescing in the home of her sister mrs geo leary mr and mrs arnold rumble mr and mrs pete craib and ann of vellore had saturday evening sup per with mr and mrs meredith ash and shiela miss velma brillinger returned home from attending college at grantham penna last saturday a number from gormley are at tending the brethren in christ con ference convening in stayner this week mr and mrs cliff smith mr and mrs s c burnes mr carlton burnes mr and mrs arrell burnes of hamilton and miss jean flatt from saskatoon were all visitors in the pelling home on sunday mrs edma brubacher a recent missionary guest speaker here left last wednesday evening from union station toronto enroute back to her mission field in ni geria congratulations to mr and mrs orval heise who were married last thursday mrs w bruce and genevieve at tendee the wedding of mrs bruoes niece in toronto last friday stouffville girls softball team will play under the newly installed floodlights at agincourt on satur day night notice water users take xotice that the use of lawn hose in stouffville and district draw ing water from the local domestic system is permitted for sprinkling purposes between the hours of six and eight in the evening and no longer patrons will please observe this reg ulation during this drought period and avoid a complete cancellation of hose use by order of municipal council i 1 rusneu constable new poultry equipment for sale electric brooders- jamesway warner regal oil brooders jamesway queen premier commander coal brooders jamesway regal a complete stock of feeders and waterers of galvanized and aluminum tor baby chicks boilers and layers see our new automatic pressure waterers to look after your watering problem from baby chicks to layers orders taken for tweedle baby chicks sunray and cafeteria feeds for all requirements in poultry hogs and dairy cattle deliveries made altona feed supplies phone stouffville 61306 tt 100000000 crop loss seen no sign of rain strawberry raspberry tomato honey and hay crops have already suffered severely from the unpre cedented 12day spring droughtand unless rains come quickly the har vest in central ontario may be one of the lowest in years agricultural representatives warned today the weather bureau reports it sees no sign of rain in the immediate fu ture chas hooper president of the york branch of the canadian fed eration of agrioultuire estimates crop loss will soon reach 100000- 000 niagara peninsula strawberry growers report yield has been cut in half as a result the price of strawberries they predict is likely to be highest in several years in prince edward county where the tomato acreage had been re duced a third farmers are plowing under fields of burned and wither ed plants and reseeding in grain one elgin county tomato gardener reported 5000 of 1s000 plants he set out are already lost beekeepers attending the york beekeepers association convention at islington said the drought has already considerably reduced the honey crop and unless rains come there will be no honey this year the church services st james presbyterian church stouffville donald mckillican minister sunday june 12 1949 945 am service christ church anglican rev f herman rector sunday june 12 1949 trinity sunday 200 pm sunday school 230 pm holy communion 4 pm wednesday junior wa sunday school and congregational picnic in the memorial park stouff ville on saturday june 11th all will be welcome we were witnesses of all things which he did acts 1039 stouffville baptist church rev j k pequegnat pastor sunday june 12 1949 1000 aim sunday school 1100 am regular services 730 pm regular service second markham baptist church rev norman rowan pastor sunday june 12 1949 1000 am morning service missionary speaker rev e cham bers missionary offering 730 pm young peoples tuesday 830 pm at the home of mr and mrs h wood 6th concession our prayer praise and fellowship meeting dont say christianity has failed until you have given it a real test united missionary church rev cyril berry minister mount joy sunday june 12 1949 1000 am sunday school j 1100 am worship service 730 pm evangelistic dickson hill sunday june 12 1949 1000 am worship service 1100 am sunday school 730 pm young peoples come and worship united missionary church rev m bricker bethesda the tent meetings gormley sunday june 12 1949 union ss at bethesda tent at 2 pm bahai world faith bahaullah emphasized and estab lished the equality of man and wo man the happiness of mankind will be realized when women and men coordinate and advance equ ally for each is the complement and helpmeet of the other free literature upon request e e barr 95 patterson ave tor- onto 13 lemonville united church sunday june 12 1949 anniversary services 1100 am speaker rev kirkland goodwood ont 730 pm speaker rev thomas markham ont newmarket male quartette at both services stouffville united missionary church rev h s hallman pastor wednesday 8 pm altona prayer meeting thursday 8 pm prayer meeting sunday june 12 1949 1000 am sunday school 1100 am worship 730 pm evangelistic monday june 13 8 pm young peoples emmanuel bible college messengers will present the ser vice you are invited stouffvdlle united church rev douglas davis minister sunday june 12 1949 1000 am sunday school 1100 am morning worship r00 pm evening worship this is our closing sunday even ing service for the summer sea son plan to attend tuesday 4 pm explorers wednesday june 15 the wms are holding their meeting in the park at 245 followed by a picnic supper all the ladles of the church are cordially invited boys interested in attending camp ahshunyoong june 29 to july s register soon with rev d davis information on girls camps is avail able now stouffville christian church minister f h muir quiet minds can not be perplex ed or frightened but go on in for tune or misfortune at their own private pace like a clock during a thunderstorm robert louis stevenson in quietness and confidence shall be your strength isaiah sunday june 12 1949 1000 am sunday school 11 am worship 730 pm service conducted by the men family welcome friday june 10 singing discussion prayer at the home of mr and mrs ralph davis bloomington ringwood christian churches rev g w brown pastor sunday june 12 1949 1100 am bloomington 230 pm ringwood 730 pm altona messages and music by rev ward shantz and students from iniman- uel bible college at the evening service sunday school at 10 am in altona church at 1030 am classes for all ages friday 8 pm bloomington ce bible study bring your bible monday 8 pm ringwood ce prayer meeting wednesday 8 pm altona prayer meeting all are cordially invited to attend these services plan to come melville bethesda and peachs churches rev r t chapin minister sunday june 12 1949 worship services at usual hours peachs i0jxro melville 1130 ajti bethesda 3 pm sunday afternoon is peachs decor ation at 2 pm service in church at 230- rev archie doner speaker peachs wmj3 meets tuesday afternoon june 14th sacred heart rc church uxbridge ontario rev fr v mcgivney priest sunday june 12 1949 masses for june july and august sacred heart uxbridge all sundays at 9 am except last sunday of the month at 11 am immaculate conception port ferry at 11 am except last sunday of tho month at 9 am why does god not stop wars why does god not send rain did you ask him a third world war will come for sure if you do not pray the mother of cod foretold it at fatlma