the tribune stouffvilie ont tuesday april 21 is49 homemade cake readymixed sunday school lesson lesson for april 24th mix chocolate cake in 60 seconds success every tirne with campbells cake mix just aid a cup of milk or water- stir and bake light tender delicious try t today jmpb6ll5 cake mix case implements wynn bros ph 141 unionville we have a full line of new case tractors dischar rows sprinjitooth harrows oneway plows seed drills hammermills trailerwagons threshers combines we also have one reconditioned massey- harris tractor one allischalmers tractor used binders mowers and 2 used pickup case balers for sale we specialize in general overall service ollin tet whosoever doth uot ber cross au eome after me cannot be my disciple luke 1427 the leion as a whole approach to the lesson discipleship necessarily involves subjection to the will of the one who is recognized as master to profess to beii disciple of the lord jesus while living in selfindul gence and indiiference to his ex pressed will is but hypocrisy or selfdeception those who have been saved by his grace are ex pected to live for his glory when christians make the accumulation of wealth or the enjoyment of worldly pleasures their objects in life they dishonor the worthy name whereby they are called christ has left us an example that we should follow his steps his was a lowly life of selfdenial of devotion to the fathers will and of doing good to those in need it is as we imitate him in this that we show ourselves to be disciples in deed and in truth to take up the cross and follow him means death to self and its desires a man carrying a cross in bible times was a man going out to die even as when jesus bore the cross on his way to golgotha so to take up the cross now is to confess that we are identified with him in his re jection by the world and prepared t the future lies at the point of the drill the names of canadas new oil fields have been heard from coast to coast leduc woodbend redwater they are fields discovered in the greatest search for oil in canadas history already they have brought benefits to all canadians and in the west where they are turning back the tide of expensive imports the direct savings are counted in millions but before the fullest benefits can reach everyone even more oil must be found the successes of the past two years have been possible because there were people willing to go on risking millions in the search in spite of repeated disappointments now after the barren years that went before these new fields seem large and they are large but they are far from enough to make canada selfsufficient canada is still dependent on foreign countries for more than 80 per cent of her oil and so her own resources must be developed exploration must be continued more and more wells must be drilled so that markets can be expanded there is not yet enough oil to justify the big investments that will be needed if all canadians are to enjoy the fullest benefits of western resources pipe lines for instance cost a lot to build but over the years they provide lowcost transportahon so necessary to reach out to wider markets the edmontonregina line planned by imperial is but a beginning further discoveries are the only means of breaking through the distance barriers that hem prairie oil with transportation costs the future lies at the point of the drill imperial oil limited if youre interested in facts while i is row estimated the known oil in alberta is roughly oaual to our needs for the next five years actually this oil could net be prodiioeci efficiently in less than 20 years to meet her present oil requirements it has been estimated canada needs reserves of several kiltion barrels imperials 450milo pipe line jncro eircntcn to reaira ts expected to be in operation by the end o next year cost is estimated at between s35 and 43 million it ts a step towards wider mariets- bringing yon oil is a big job and a costly one v i a to die daily cor 1531 to al our own natural desires it is to this we are called not only to believe on him as our saviour but also to suffer for his sake phil 123 such a life of self- re nunciation and of devotion to the will of our master has blessed and eternal result- for it is only as the corn of wheat falls into the ground in death that it brings forth much fruit john 1224 the historical setting the first part of our lesson car ries us back to our lords ministry in galilee before he started on hi- last journey to jerusalem the second part gives us one of his discourses to his disciples as they journeyed slowly on through per- ea toward judea where he va soon to die for our sinshis words as to taking up the cross become full of meaning when we realize how he hid come to his own cru cifixion verse by verse luke 1210 he spake a par able unto them in order to im press upon them the folly of living for wealth and worldly pleasure the lord jesus christ related this story of the rich fool verse 17 he thought within himself when he found he had an abundance of goods this farm er made no effort to use his wealth for the glory of god he thought only of himself and began to make his plans accordingly what good he might have done had he put his increase at the disposal of god himself and used it for spreading his truth and the alleviation of human misery but he thought only of self and so eventually lost everything and his own soul to boot verse is i will pull down my barns and build greater his only thought was to conserve what he had and to add to his holdings as time went on he had no realiza tion of the fact that wealth con stitutes responsibility and that riches are entrusted to one to be used for the glory of god and the blessing of mankind verse 19 i will say to my soul take thine ease eat drink and be merry neither loving de votion to god nor thoughtful con sideration for others had any place in his mind he lived but for selfjgratification verse 20 thou fool this night thy soul shall be required to thee the voice of god broke in upon his selfish and pleasing reflections calling him from time into etern ity perhaps a sudden heart attack or a ruptured blood vessel in the brain put a stop to his godless life and he had to leave all behind him on which he had set his heart verse 21 so is he that layeth up treasure for himself and is not rich toward god vast accumula tions and selfcentered planning cannot ward off the hand of death what folly then to fix ones mind on things of earth and neglect to lay up treasure in heaven chap 1427 whosoever doth not bear his cross cannot be my disciple the disciple of jesus is one who does not count his own life dear unto himself but is pre pared to suffer and to die to lose all that men of the world hold to be dear and worth while if called upon to suffer for christs blessed ake verse 28 which of you counteth the cost following christ entails pain and grief it means selfdenial all the way therefore it is not for anyone to look upon it lightly or carelessly but rather to weigh well what it may mean before committing him self to the path of discipleship verses 29 30 lest hebe not able to finish one who makes great professions but has not seriously considered what it really means to follow christ will soon turn away and become a laughingstock in the eyes of the profane and irreligious verse 31 what king going to make war sitteth not down to weigh carefully the chances against him knowing that it is a fatal mistake to underrate the power and ability of the enemy so a wise king will consult with his military advisers lest acting im- helicopter aids canadian industry a plaything a decade ago the helicopter now is being put to work around the world in canada it fogs northern holiday resorts to kill off pests like black flies in the west the heli copter is used surveying oilladen plains and revealing liquid gold exploroation of marshy lands is simplified the helicop ter lands and pilot and crew can set out seismometers from the pontoons without stepping on to the spongy ground pulsively he make the fatal mis take of starting a conflict that can onlv end in his own shameful de feat verse 32 or else he de- sireth conditions of peace it is far wiser to avert a war than to start one particularly if the agres- spr is not properly prepared to meet his foe so a wise king will send to his enemy an embassage and seek to make peace while there is time verse 33 whosoever for- saketh not all that he hath can not be my disciple christ asks for complete subjection to his will only if he is not lord of all then he is not lord at all he has pur chased us with his precious blcod he deserves our fullest allegiance nothing else will satisfy his lov ing heart the heart of the lessoil the two sections of our lesson are in vivid contrast in the one we see incarnate selfishness and its sad and terrible doom in the other we face christs call to un selfish devotion to him who has purchased us by his death upon the cross he has a right to claim all that we have and are and for us the only lasting joy in life is found in complete subjection to his holy will as expressed in his word eoexoc 30e30e aa for your requirements in baled hay and straw see maple lodge farms phone 4707 stouffville rri e30e 30e30e noi l0fwv a w e e k ly i n for m a i o n s e rv i ce montreal heres a spring ilouseeleaning tip from a reader that i think youll want to try our readerfriend says theres no doubt about it winterfaded curtains respond like magic to tintex dyes why not give your curtains the tintex beauty treatment tintex curtain peach and curtain ecru work like a charm to transform dull curtains to curtains that look like new your home will look like spring with tintexdyed cur tains at every window i ask for allfabric tintex tints and dyes at your favourite drug department or variety store tintex costs only 15c a package and remember when you follow the simple instructions- good results are guaranteed herei soup to please a man served with lots of appetite appeal just try thia re cipe made with heinz con densed vege table soup- meat pie with biscuit topping va lb raw beef diced or 1 cup diced leftover meat 2 tbspns fat 1 10oz can heinz condensed vegetable soup 1 cup water i tspn salt dash cayenne pepper dough for yz standard recipe for baking powder biscuits brown meat in fat if raw meat is used cook thoroughly com bine meat soup water and season ings and pour into a wellgreased casserole 5 x 8vs x 3 pat bis cuit dough to thickness and cut with a 2 biscuit cutter arrange 8 biscuits on top of meat mixture bake in a hot oven h00 deg f for 20 minutes or until biscuits are golden brown serves 2 to 3 yes heinz condensed soups are versatile ami popular four tastelcts two among dieti cians showed an overwhelming preference for heinz soups over other popular brands something new something different but something definitely delicious this chocolate orange frosting is full of the luscious real chocolate flavor the flavor of bakers un sweetened chocolate chocolate orange frosting 2 teaspoons grated orang rind 4 tablespoons butter 2 cups sifted icing sugar hi squares bakers unsweet ened chocolate melted dash of salt 3 tablespoons orange j u i c about combine orange rind and but ter cream well add part of sugar gradually blending after each addition add chocolato and salt and mix well add re maining sugar alternately with orange juice until of right con sistency to spread beat thor oughly after each addition makes enough frosting to cover tops of about 2 dozen cup cakes tops of- two 9lnch lay ers or top and sides 08x6x2- inch cake wise yisc mother is she who encourages email daugh ters interest in the kitchen and what a help the can be jeli0 jelly powders offer a wonderful oppor tunity for such occasions for its so easy to make jcll0 desserts and salads and what a grand assortment of flavours there are for her to choose from jellos teven delicious lockedin flavours strawberry raspberry cherry orange lemon lime and pine apple livery member of the family will enjoy the freshtasting flavour and sparkling perfection of economical jcllo serve it oen ramominimiiiiiinqiiiiiiiiiiiidiiiiiiiniiiaiiiiiinni fast delivery to your door when you order marshalls five star chicks last call for april may phone aurora 238r2 srouffville 123 halcherv at kettleby operated by skyline farms limited pres ray marshall v pres del rooth processing plant at stouftville iiaimununanimmmnmwirffliainwiimuannmnmojm