the tribune stouffville orit- thursday september 30 194s sports news and views formation of intermediate hockey team goes ahead apace buttonvulei softball team cham- ipions of the ilarkham township league will be presented with the imadsen trophy at a dance to bej iheld in the buttonville ha on frij day evening oct 8th doolittle of aurora who saw action in the xorth toronto junior baseball circuit and played during one game in our memorial park this summer wound up the season with a 320 batting average he tied for the leadership in the home run department with eight and led the group with 64 runs batted in m that tricounty baseball group is still in action bolsover and cam- bray playing off for the league championship bolsover took the first game but cambray were away out in front in the second game last week when a freeforall broke out and the game was not completed three memhers of the cambray team mixed it up with some of the bolsover fans to start the fireworks three markham bowlers ed wurm harry stewart and murray wilson were proudly displaying six fine chickens which they won in last weeks trollies tournament at newmarket the local men won three games with a score of 54 for second prize first birds went to frank scotts rink of the runney- mede club toronto with a score of 51 plus 2 some egg prices almost double what farmer gets the price spread between what balsam and mt ziox miss marion gilford of oshawa spent the weekend with miss eileen carson mr and mrs o lehman earl tne farmer gets for ms produce and an1 heen of stoutfviue visited on wnat the consumer pays for them w mr and mrs frank has long been a lively issue mcoulti- ontario just now when there is a jtr and jj good cash market and consumers j fy attended ready to pay almost anything the l morgan evans faaulv on spread is larger than ever in fact at lhe home of mr and so large that the ontario dept of mr v mke at auona agriculture is about to complete mr and mr uoyd b and investigation into the whole quesj of hampton visited sunday vith mr and mrs cecil disney i the anniversary services were well attended on sunday both at lome jones and a family reunion hope to unveil several star when club hit the lee at oshawa in a few weeks installing the tion so lets hope it will have good results even if we have doubts on what it can do according to james barnes writing in the daily star such an jj yjison linvesti gation could produce farj jjydro reaching changes for both the farm mr mrs chas empringham producers and consumers probably toronu spent lhe week end with manager bert bel and assistant j 1e aim at uv0 s mr and mrs joe empringham geo allison have been hard atip ls the p spread too mr and mrs x and work rounding up the nucleus of ans v m 0unter words is some- of uiyton visited sunday one in between profiteering 2 if at the meavovhome intermediate hockev team tji represent stoufiville in the oha the present spread is justified is sunday visitors at the george this winter there a more efficient method of wilson home were mr and mrs marketing that would reduce costs tvgeoo and a number ot mavr whnco ocutt l l ami ulavers whose 01 names are familiar here have already let it be known that they expect to turn out with stouffville for the preliminary workouts at oshawa former junior players who carried the local banner for the last few seasons don campbell j keith jewett with the rumney to the consumers son and daughter also assure farmers of fair prices spread over to per cent xext sunday being worldwide despite the fact that farm income communion sunday the sacrement today is at an alltime high and the of the lords supper will be cele- farmers are better oil than they brated in the mt zion church at than they brated in have been in years if not ever 730 the price they receive for their pro- the and mr and mrs les smith and family of prospect are tax free because they say they decision mr whitehead said an do not eceive pav as salary i interchurch committee now was rev a love of hamilton 0ntp t take similar action also protested there is too much qucen ju hurfwnd prince domination in the income tax de- bernhard sometimes acts as her partment by persons not of the pi w she travels by air protestant faith he said we are i not submitting to this injustice and reared from albino offsprings o unfairness any longer ancient black cattle britains now the resolution adopted asks the almost extinct white cattle government to reconsider its occasionally produce black calves brothers llovd pascoe and several represents 50 per cent ball player gets 1000 from friends residents of the small town of dunedin a mile south of collin- wood ontario are a neighborly lot theyve just helped the dunedin ball team raise one thousand dol lars for one of the players who was injured in a fall several months ago lloyd weatherall a world war ii veteran and a member of the dun edin ball team fell from the roof of his house and fractured a vertebrae members of the ball team spon sored a tournament to raise money for their injured team mate and residents of the village and distrct took such an interest in the whole exmarkham intermediates are likely starters three or four players from uxbridge and clare- moiit are also on the list of prospects while manager bell has not made any announcement yet regarding who is to fill the coaching spot on the team it is known that he has a prospect or two in the negotiation stage what teams in this locality would or less of the final retail price the other 50 per cent goes to the pro cessors wholesalers and retailers take the price of eggs it may not be the best example of the price spread on farm products generally but it illustrates the point particu larly since eggs are finished pro ducts except for grading and pack aging when they leave the farm at this season of the year 75 per cent of the egg trade consists of pullet eggs and according to constitute this years intermediate figures compiled by the marketing roup are only so much guesswork b of the dominion department of agriculture the price of grade xewmarket is known to be con sidering an intermediate entry again this season also whitby markham is dormant so far and no move or meetings have been held to promote a team last years club officials inform us the arena at aurora is under going a change new dressing room floors and refreshment booths have been put in the floor is said to be firstclass for dancing aurora arena is operated by a recreation commission for the town fill out the enclosed blank and mail to ben gayman unionville affair that one thousand dollars was along with your membership dona- raised to aid the injured man tion unionville junior hockey drive name address amount for the support of hockey in unionville and district xame amount donated you are invited to attend an organ ization meeting at highway inn unionville friday oct 1 at s30 pm be sure to visit the stouffville radio electric moffat stove display at markham fair thursday friday saturday sept 30 oct 12 a pullet eggs jumps as much as 28 cents between the farm and the kitchen an increase of 777 per cent this seems like a pretty big spread it is questionable however if the wholesaler or retailer would agree in fact they say their profit margins are small farm losses heavy the farmer receives an average of 3g cents for grade a pullet eggs but this does not mean he receives this price for all the pullet eggs his farm produces eggs which show defects such as blood spots or extremely heavy yolks are dis carded thus lowering his returns to produce the eggs he must pay feed prices which are almost double what they were 10 years ago lay ing mash for example costs him 415 to 110 per cwt against last years price of 315 in 1939 it was around 250 on top of that the cost of opera ting a chicken farm involves fin ancial losses which consumers would never dream about george sherin who runs a chicken farm in woodbridge finds losses extremely heavy when foxes and other animals raid his farm this makes a sizeable inroad on the 3g cents he receives for his pullet eggs what his actual return out of 30 cents would be he says is difficult to determine farmers sell their eggs to grading stations if the current price the egg grading station pays for pullet eggs is say 10 cents the farmer receives four cents less or 30 cents this four cents is the foe the egg- grading station receives for the work it does this includes grading and cand ling of eggs after grading they are placed in cardboard boxes pro vided by the station these cost anywhere from 30 to 50 cents each killers for these cartons run 27 cents per case graders pay haul ing and shipping charges and must maintain spotless and even-temp- eratured rooms according to a typical egg grader hugo abels of woodbridge if he clears a cent a dozen for his work hes lucky cite small profit the grader sells the eggs to the wholesale warehouses at 10 cents per dozen if they are cracked in transit the wholesaler must foot the loss every case of eggs re ceived is gone over for cracks which are removed since the price spread between the wholesale to retail trade runs four to five cents a dozen the loss through cracked eggs runs at a high average of one- half to one cent a dozen joe longchallen of united farm ers cooperative one of the larger wholesale dealers in eggs in the city says that the wholesale mar keting of eggs is highly competitive salesmen must be kept on he road at all times the wholesaler pays delivery charges to retail stores if a wholesaler clears a cent a dozen he says they con sider themselves fortunate the wholesale trade which buys pullet eggs at 10 cents sell them to the retail trade at 45 or maybe 10 cents these prices are current to day the retailers in turn sell them to consumers for around 51 cents or a markup of nine cents how ever according to the dominion department of agriculture some pullets are selling tp consumers to day for as high as co to i cents income tax dept hit by clergy of united church vancouver sept 25 the general council of the united church in conference here yesterday unani mously adopted a resolution protest ing the dominion governments cancellation of income tax exemp tions allowed on homes of protes tant clergymen the exemptions on the use of a home as part of salary payment had been in effect since 191g a t whitehead of toronto legal adviser to the executive of the general council reported he had been advised by ottawa that the exemptions will be cancelled rev j scott leith of regina speaking during the discussion of exemptions said the protestant clergy is getting fed up with the treatmeant it is getting from the income tax department in compari son to roman catholic clergy who a spread of 24 to 28 cents from farmer to consumer retailers in these cases would be clearing 15 cents a dozen or more girls wanted experienced girls on sewing 40 hour week apply to j b home mfg co ltd stouffville ontario homum 8 inch pine bevel siding good quality at 10000 mbm check with us before buying your lumber requirements we can save you money everything you need in stock lots of 1x12 good pine in stock at 17c lineal foot asphalt shingles 210 lbs at 825 square first quality all colours t a wilson lumber co cannington ontario office number 15 after hours number 104 tf miik you ly aklttce your grain with cow chow supplement fall is a tough time to keep up cow condition and milk production yet if you let either one of them get down its even tougher to get them back up again whats the answer feed to keep up both condition and production dont let them go down that calls for a ration with real balance ask us about purina cow chow its built to do the job 1 raise a good calf anb zk calf startewa with cooler nifihts flics swarm inside clean them up with o shot of purinn ddt sprays on the cows on the barn wnlli in the home take home n supply next time you are in why put up with flies when it i to easy to get rid of them did you get your fall wheat seed 595 cornell we have it we are also buyers of clover seeds if you want more milk to ship a in- switch youi yomik calves to purina calf staruna it jikii veiy little milk the first uiymri none at all after that hi us rues tformonthl purina ddt spray for farm buildings and stock cattle 4 things to do to get more eggs 1 feed your birds n mash that has what it takes to produce more eggs we stock and recommend purina laying mash o see that your birds get the extra feed and extragood feed that makes the extra eggs give them a noon feed each day of 3 to 5 lbs per 100 birds 3 purina checkers knock the roundworms out of your birds give them a weeks treatment with purina cliekrton mixed in their mash repeat in 5 or 6 weeks it works purina chekrt0n a make sure your birds are free of lice lousy layers wont lay long check up if you see any signs of lice get after them right away wc stock and recom mend purina roost paint purina lice powder purinas egg laying contest entering your flock doesnt coit you anything adds interest and may win yoo a prize aslc us for your copy of the folder describing contest conditions and prizes come on in its a fair field and no favozsd cold winds are just around the corner is your coal bin filled order today stiver bros stouffvime ontaiuo the store with the checkerboard sign h4hhhh0h0k