the tribune stouffville ont thursday apri 15 194s the stouffville tribune established 1888 member of the canadian weekiy newspaper association and ontario quebec newspapers association member of the audit bureau of circulations paidinadvance circulation as of september 30 2575 issued even thursday at stouffville ontario subscription rates per year in advance n canada 200 in usa s25c a- v nolan son publishers wood from burned forests has also been possible under these new methods notes and comments improved forestry improved methods of forest operations are resulting in considerably less waste of a resource that is no longer regarded as inexhaustible in the conversion of trees into lumber alone not much if any more than onethird of natures raw materials is turned into boards planks and timbers the remainder being tops branches high stumps unmerchantable logs edgings and sawdust the monthly commercial letter issued by the canadian bank of commerce points out that research forest engineer ing and chemistry are steadily lessening this waste and at the same time making more and better forest products available for example one of the most noteworthy developments in canada is a recent project for a pulp mill on the pacific coast to use waste material from lumber and plywood mills operated by one of the major concerns in that region this constructive step in wood utilization will probably lead to similar projects and perhaps eventually bring about a quite widespread integration of forest industries the byproduct of one plant becoming the raw material for another the most recent and perhaps most interesting development is a method for making sponges out of wood pulp right now in a smaller way management of the vivian forest in whitchurch are seeking for new uses for the young pine that are being taken out as a thinning operation up to the present they were sold for pit props but that market is gone because of britains inability to take them as imports other uses for the young pines will be found considerable progress has already been made in the last 15 or 20 years in enlarging and refining forest oper ations new logging methods have been introduced particularly suitable in sections where dense stands of large timber have been partially depleted and which cannot under current conditions be operated profitably with heavy equipment such as logging railways power saws have come into use for felling trees tractors for skidding and trucks for hauling of logs to mills these newer types of operations have not only resulted in economies in over head and labor costs but in making possible the rutting of small and partly defective trees which could not be used profitably under earlier methods moreover relogging of various stands that is cutting of trees left in the woods from previous selective operations and the salvaging of but one language make difference it is interesting to remember that the united states is made up of almost the same nationalities which are trying to get together to make and keep peace in europe in the united states however there is one great advantage only one language in general use while in europe there are barriers everywhere erected by differences of tongue it is to be hoped though that even a language bar in europe will not prevent greater union among the freedom- loving people of that continent different languages are bound to be a barrier to friend ship since when folks cannot readily talk to each other in an understandable tongue they are more likely to be less friendly it is so in canada where the government has given us the french and english against the wishes of many canadians has it made for friendship here daylight saving opinions on daylight saving differ south of the border just as they do in canada with the exception of the populous northern states fast time will be observed only in scattered sections of the united states again this year a survey shows that some 60000000 of that countrys 145000000 population already have or will set their clocks forward the relatively new converts for 1948 include california nevada detroit and other michigan cities and some northern ohio cities including cleveland californians advanced their clocks last month as a power conservation step induced by an intense drought the main opposition to fast time is in the rural areas where activities are regulated to a great extent by the sun urban folks generally welcome fast time because quitting work an hour earlier permits extra outdoor recreation in sunlight and enables one to put in more time looking after gardens lawns and keeping property in a good state of repair there is an in between method that might be adoptedthat would satisfy all parties let the urban dwellers who want fast time determine to go to work an hour earlier and stop work an hour earlier without interfering with the clock such a method could be adopted by a city or town just as changing the clock is adopted at a given date persons who commence work at nine could start at eight and accomplish their daylight evenings just the same then the rural people or farmers could go on with the clocks on standard time and would only have to watch their step when going to town on a shopping expedition all agreed on changeover evidently everybody in the ontario legislature is in agreement on the advisability of changing the niagara power system over to 60 cycle for the entire 72 votes polled by conservative liberal and all other groups favored the measure and the vote was recorded in that way it would seem that the general public are not too well schooled on the issue since a lot of people had not made up their mind for or against the changeover the legislature evidently have very good grounds for the change when there was no opposition to it this knowledge q how can i restore shrunken woollens a by using clean soapsuds as the last rinse squeeze the woollens with the hands instead of rubbing them soda in the rinse water will cause shrinkage q how can i prevent milk from curdling when it is boiled a by stirring a pinch of soda into it q how can i smooth a scuffed place in the leather of a shoe stains also ink stains from linen a one effective method is to hold it over the fumes of a small piece of burning sulphur this should be done immediately do not fail to dampen the linen before igniting the sulphur q how can i treat white lines between the bricks in a fireplace that have become a dirty gray a use a small pointed brush and paint them with black lacquer the fireplace will be modern and cleanlooking when it is finished q how can i remove a stamp a when you discover a piece of j an envelope loose leather on a scuffed shoe do a soak a blotter in water then not tear it off apply a liquid nail l jt ovor tne stamp and hold polish paste it down securely shine for a minute the shoe and the place will never be noticeable q how can 1 take away the cloudy appearance of soup a try dropping the white of an q how can i prevent rubber boots from cracking a rubber boots will not crack and the air will be permitted to circulate freely through them if egg into the soup and when it the boots are held erect with rolls curdles remove it this will clarify jof cardboard when they are not in the soup i use q how can i make the teeth qwhat is a remedy for goldfish whiter when they do not appear as lively a the application of a solution i usual of peroxide of hydrogen diluted a it will often help them if one with onekalf water will be helpful i teaspoonfulof salt is added to each q how can i remove fruit quart of water the guess ox income tax exemptions when finance minister abbott brings down his budget next month youll be getting a tax cut as good perhaps even better as last years average 29 per cent reduction cabinet has pretty well decided the records correspondent was reliably informed that some 200- 000000 of mr abbotts current sur plusrunning between 700000000 and soo000000 will be spent on cutting income tax still in the process of discussion is the method by which this will be done one group in the cabinet supports the recent demands of the potent bishops of quebec for an increase in the exemption levels raising that for single persons from 750 to 1000 and for taxpayers with family dependants from 1500 to 2000 this it has been reported to cabinet by finance and revenue department experts will cost the treasury about 215000000 the guess of this newspaper is no better than your own but here it is the government will cut the tax all along the line if the so- called little fellow were given the benefit by way of raising exemp tions thousands of people would be wiped off the government pay rolls who find employment in attending to the forms and hounding the small payer over the years it would not be popular therefore to lower the exemptions so that a hundred thousand forms would not have to be made out and therefore would not require a huge staff to check them our guess is that the ottawa cabinet will go for the general reduction which will keep the little fellow making out returns and provide employment for a lot of people its amazing to contemplate but it looks that way to us if ottawa fails to allow higher tax- exemptions xow wait and see notice to all cr0wers of beets carrots cabbage and pumpkins for processing in ontario the ontario farm products marketing board has received a request from growers of beets carrots cabbage and pumpkins that the provisions of the ontario vegetable growers marketingforprocessing scheme be amended to include these additional crops a mail vote by ballot of the growers primarily concerned has been arranged so that the board may determine if the growers making this request are fairly representative of all growers marketing these crops for processing a ballot with return envelope has been sent to all growers who sold beets carrots cabbage and pumpkins for processing in 1 947 you are urgently requested to mark your ballots for or against the scheme and to mail them at once in the envelope provided for the purpose vote as you likebut please vote ontario farm products marketing board parliament buildings queens park toronto ontario the editors mail the doggoxe dogs mr editor nothing in last weeks paper pleased me more than the report that the authorities were about to tighten the dog bylaw which has been winkedat all winter people would think it highly improper if their children ran all over other peoples yards and flower beds and dogs artf not given the same consideration as the child so keep the dogs at home xow then having ordered the dogs home what will bp done about those people who sneakem out after dark and let them run over the onions and early lettuce can that be stopped also a dog owner with a heash svxthetic maple svrui causes fuurrv at ottawa ottawa april 9 that tin of maple syrup you bought the other day may be synthetic and no bargain either the agriculture department warns that syrup made of ordinary cane sugar water and artificial maple flavoring has been sold recently for as high as 150 a gal ion they estimate its cost 125 a gallon department regulations require that containers of maple syrup sold outside the province where it it originates must be labelled maple syrup and bear the name and licence number of the packer as a protection against synthetic syrup the department suggested consumers ought to either get the makers name and address or taste the syrup before buying it the seasons output of maple syrup genuine may be better than officials feared at first the season began badly because of mild weather but last weeks frost in the producing areas of quebec help ed prolong the flow of sap quebec produces so per cent of the countrys supply so far about half of a norma crop has been the old home town by stanley rmrrhawe had a cxose cajj another and wed hae to bcs30w ashovel 1 sanchsmdoo better hurftv and iwturn it tothe mcglftrs thbyre coming spclmg soak- obtained the sap run in ontario was poor and farmers in dufferin county put away their pails before the run was over because of the lack of good i l a four nu cease over sap run said aurora tax rate the town of aurora has struck i its 19ts rate for taxes at 51 mills too wet many of them 1m tax rat0 aurora has an assessment of 17sss72 easy to take home see your favorite picture first at the stanley theatre qrtffa ef friday and saturday april 1g 17 sharyn moffetl are red don castle monday and tiicmi-i- april tycoon john wayne loraine day