the tribune stouffville ont thursday octooer 16 1947 make these classified advs your market place live stock leghorn pullets for sale five months old lewis reesor stouff- vilie 0005 articles for sale i ffl register i comin events 200 yearling hens for sale bock and hampshire reasonable r harbinson markham rdricn- mond hill perch eron team horses for sale 6 and 8 years old weighing about 3300 walter baker ph 1003 claremont one holstein cow for sale due oct 23 also part ayrshire cow due last of oct second calf and 1 hereford bull 1 year old verne hoover claremont ph 1504 stock for sale shropshire rams for sale also border puppies and holstein bull s months old alex gray claremont phone 8 r3 ma rkham 3 year old gray sale quiet phone 3012 pips collie months old p dike mare for claremont pups for sale six phone 6215 mrs wood for sale limbs slabs and body wood cut and deliver- friday oct 17 farm unple- ed forfar bros phone stout ville 9212 20tf a bee will be held at the mem orial hall on saturday october is paint spray for sale with hose and gun less motor s20 or ex change for 2 pigs apply c g langridge 5th r r r- 4 stouffville apples for sale snowsgreen- ings spvs delicious mcintosh sweets ami blemish orange ap- plv on salem road 4 miles west of brooklin off no 7 highway phone claremont 5 r23 243 thor washing machine for sale co cycle good condition gt minns 4th concession whit church gormley ont one white enamel kitchen sink for sale with back rolled edge 14x20 centre drain also used white enamel sink 18x20 end drain l weldon phone 1 stouffville ten pigs for sale 8 weeks old also apples for sale 100 per bus ii stjohn phone 1103 stouff ville holsteix cow for sale due in about a week ph 2112 jos brownsberger a variety of winter apples for sale are hand picked or on the tree bring your containers jas peddie ph claremont 41 rl4 12 vaccinated holstein hei fers 6 months old for sale also holstein heifers due 50 pigs 75 to 100 lbs l kahx sox claremont so r2 hound for sale black and tan murra daniels ph 277 35 pullets for sale sussexred rocks for sale eldred king ringwood ph 2808 60 leghorn pullets for sale starting to lay phone 2101 stouff- mcclary cook stove for sale 6 lids warming closet reservoir new grates phone stouffville 4403 apples peewaukes and spies ap ples for sale also 50 hybrid pul lets 6 months old 1 bob calf howard plaxton 1 i miles south of brougham phone pickering 97 rl3 ments horses hay and grain at all veterans who can are asked to lot c con 9 whitchurch 1u miles come out north of stouifville the propertv of w pitman sale at one no re- dancing every saturday evening serve as farm sold l turner in the hall at brougham good music clerk a s farmer auctioneer saturday oct is household furniture dishes glassware cook- eureka colored sextette from utensils garden equipment on vv ai stouffville pres- cornerof second and william st yterjan churcn on wednesday the estate of the late mrs peter oct 29th at s pm rev clarence lehman no reserve terms sawyer and iven hedley will be cash l turner clerk a s present a musical treat for you farmer auctioneer sponsored by touth for christ saturday oct is household moving picture show sponsored furniture highclass including b vandorf institute to be held on piano electric sewing machine pyidav october 24 in the hall at dishes bedding garden tools the property of geo s jefferies m the quality tea salada orange pekoe i friday october 24 in the 1 1 vandorf musical program lucky yonge st almostipsite public and llmch booth school at south end of thornhill admission free village sale at 130 terms cash lost ond found found bag of growing mash near stouffville owner can have same paying expenses ph blake a yake 3703 hay and grain 10 loads good mixed hay for sale 10000 albert r staddon 3rd con goodwood card of thanks quantity northern spy ap ples for sale from sprayed trees bring your bushel baskets ph 2110 r zeller 2wheel trailer for sale dou ble springs box ta ft longgood condition geo middleton baker ave stouffville modern coal and wood range for sale good cheer black and white enamel red trim good con dition ken ward claremont phone 8 r31 ville reg rennie 50 rock pullets for sale five months old arthur paisley ph 4812 stouffville 50 pullets for sale ready to lay orchard grove hatchery stock 150 each w g sanderson ph stouffville 3306 hand washing machine for sale good condition mrs shankel church st stouffville old horses 15 we will pay you 1500 for your old horse at your farm cilvs cambell phone agincourt 18j12 collect agincourt rr2 1tf cars for sale 1939 ford coach good tires good body mechanically very good stouffville motors phone 170 193g ford sedan for sale quire ph 7913 stouffville in- 1942 fargo dump truck with coal sides on dump excellent condition all through priced right stouffville motors phone 170 findlay coal stove for sale medium size in al condition lot 12 con 7 markham ph 5g rl2 markham 12 gauge automatic shot gun for sale in good condition also large quantity of cedar fence rails dawson hare ph 4721 stouffville spy apples for sale walter car ter stouffville ph 6615 apple and pear sauce for sale factory made also some goqd windfall mcintosh cliff winger ph 1509 stouffville apples for sale mcintosh deli cious and snow cliff winger ph 1509 stouffville 242 1935 ciiev for sale fair condition price 150 bruce anderson 2nd street stouffville 1935 studebaker truck stake body good tires good cab good mechanically cheap stouffville motors phone 170 1936 ford sedan for sale good condition good tires and heater ph stouffville 9711 for sale woodworkers power tools nearly new 8 inch bench model saw with an 18x24 tilting table cutting capacity 214 woodworkers lathe 10 swing 36 centres with a full line of accessories jig saw with tilting table and oil bath mechanism 14 inch throat ph 6612 stouffville 1940 chev truck ml ton pick up excellent condition equipped with heater and defroster also stock rack complete earl how- sam uxbridge rr no 3 phone port perry 127 rl4 xorgc coleman and duothermo oil heaters 6395 up beach and mcclary coal or wood ranges 6850 up dairy cows hay and straw taken in trade toronto radio sports 241 yonge st toronto 1937 ford for sale exceptionally good brakes new baloon tires built in radio heater nice appear ance 55000 sanders service station ph 6505 stouffville 1910 international panel truck for sale very good mech anicallv heater fred mason north markham ph 20s keys we are prepared to duplicate all types of keys prompt service stouffville radio electric phone 366 1tf washing machines over hauling and repairing done by experts on any make of mach ine for further particulars ph stouffville 281 bell son apples for sale we are now taking orders for fall and winter apples all well sprayed fruit of highest quality spy mc intosh snow sweet blenhein etc i lennox 201 phone pickering 33ri4 one mile west of pickering village on no 2 highway holstein cows wanted springers and fresh cows blood test need not be consideration duncan spang 6715 or 6016 stouffville wanted cts iabbits cats frogs j h aubab ui flutt 7f jciric wsvxi sk c pieen handpicked spy apples for sale 150 bus bring your con tainers mrs peck ph 9911 stouffville aprician violets for sale blue pink purple mauve mature christmas cactus also new 2500 size pressure cooker for 2000 highboys chest of drawers com bination desk and chest of draw ers tables cedar chest porce lain rolled rim high back kit chen sink and porcelain wash ibasln with taps all cheap six full grown chinchilla rabbits with runs free and quebec heater with pipes good upright piano with bench 100 g miller the ever greens cashel corners clothing for sale gray winter coat for sale full sleeves belted with grey squirrel collar size 14 good as new apply stouffville 1001 girls brown tweed coat for sale size 10 in good condition mrs albert king ph 2s0s ladies dark green winter coat for sale with white fur col lar size small 14 excellent con dition ph stouffville 2020 maxs horsehide jacket for sale like new size 36 bargain apply mrs s g schmidt phone 100 stouffville girls blue wool suit blue tweed fall coat brown winter for sale in excellent condition size 12 and 14 apply box m tri bune office new wool gabardixe suit for sale size 20 blue ph stouff ville 0206 wanted wanted to rent farm 100- 150 acres option of buying john whelan richmond hill rri phone 6r4 no reserve ken clarke pren tice auctioneers monday october 20 horses cattle implements pigs roots at lot 20 on the brock road 2 miles east of goodwood the property of mrs geo brown terms cash a s farmer auc tioneer monday oct 20 auction sale of reg shorthorn cattle riding horses shetland ponies farm stock implements entire house hold furniture hay grain etc on lot 12 con 4 pickering twp property of c m glover terms cash no reserve farm sold large sale starts at 12 noon ken clarke prentice auctioneers tuesday oct 21 auction sale of entire herd of registered jer sey cattle at lot 5 con6 picker ing twp sale at 2 pm sharp property of willis and boyle no reserve sale at 1 pm sharp ken clarke prentice auctioneers tuesday oct 21 farm stock and implements hay grain pigs furniture lot 18 con 7 pickering on brock rd la miles north of brougham the property of r frank hutchings terms cash sale at one no reserve john scott clerk a s farmer auc tioneer wednesday oct 22 farm stock and implements tractor mh 102 on rubber twin power horses cattle pigs west half lot 23 con 7 scott vi mile north ofi leaskdale property of r wes mcknight no reserve as farm sold sale at one terms cash a s farmer auctioneer wednesday oct 22 exten sive auction sale of consigned goods consisting of farm imple ments player piano electric washers household furniture stove radios and other effects no junk in this sale at prentices auction rooms franklin house markham village sale at 130 pm sharp terms cash and no reserve jas smith clerk ken clarke prentice auctioneers thursday oct 23 farm stock and implements guernsey cattle poultry and geese hay and grain at lot 31 con 8 markham iv miles south of ringwood proper ty of h sandiford no reserve terms cash sale at one a s farmer auctioneer thursday oct 23 household furniture near new electric fri- gerator piano real good dining- room suite garden tools etc on euclid ave unionville property belonging to mrs karl heisey sale at 2 pm terms cash no re serve jas smith clerk ken clarke prentice auctioneers friday oct 24 auction sale of farm stock implements hay grain 500 laying pullets etc on lot 6 oon 4 markham township property of e olsen sale at one pm sharp terms cash no re serve ken clarke prentice auctioneers friday oct 24 dairy cattle horses milking machine new farm implements pigshenshay and grain at lot 20 con 2 scar- iboro vi mile west of malvern property of a isaaacson sale at 1 pm terms cash no reserve as owner is giving up farming sellers atkinson auctioneers friday october 24 horses cattle pigs poultry implements at lot 10 con 1 uxbridge at foot of gravel hill a mile east the property of martin mazure sale at 130 lloyd turner clerk a s farmer auctioneer 233 saturday oct 25 auction sale of farm stock implements hay grain poultry furniture etc on lot 13 broken front pickering twp property of l h spragg sale at 1 pm sharp terms cash no reserve farm sold ken clarke prentice auctioneers wednesday oct 29 farm stock implements 1 a ton truck and half ton pickup truck hay grain furniture also 50 acre farm at lot 5 con 2 reach the property of ed howe terms on chattels cash sale at one a s farmer auctioneer wednesday oct 29 auction sale of farm stock tractorfarm implements hay grain fowl furniture ixn lcon 5 picker ing twp property of mrs laura wilson terms cash no reserve sale at 1 pm sharp ken clarke prentice auctioneers thursday oct 30 farm stock implements hav grain furniture etc on lot 23 con 2 north york twp 14 miles of newtonbrook property belonging to sam rerd- man sale at 1 pm no reserve farm sold terms cash ken parke prentice auctioneers thursday oct 30 extensive farm auction tractor on rubber threshing machine stock and furniture at lot 13 oon lseou real estate building for sale 14x18 frame also kindling wood cut stove length also kitchen stove nearly new earl grose mount albert ph 1616 roomed brick house for sale good basement hydro immediate possession 4000 main street markham apply 164w markham alvin byer on premises 233 farm for sale 65 acres on 9th concession of markham about 2 miles south of stouffville land all workable newly overhauled stables stone house hydro in family for many years possession this fall five acres vegetable and poultry farm stouffville 5 miles 50 acres north musselmans lake with barn hydro and frame house about 8 acres maple bush good sandy loam soil other good buys in this locality including town houses willoughby farm agency h moyer agent ph s309 the familv of the late mrs pris- cilla schell wish to thank their friends relatives and neighbors for their kind expressions of sympatic apples wealthv baxter and mc- beautiful floral offerings espe- intosh hand picked for eating dally thanking the women of the cooking and apple butter 50 centsl mbc church for their help at the a bushel bring containers era- home the dav of the funeral est crossland markham 81 r22 232 large scabby potatoes for sale 50 cents feed sack bring your own bags c w reesor ph stouffville 3621 232 mr and mrs frank rowbothaxn wish to publicly express their sin cere thanks to all those who have helped in any way during mrrow- bothams shutin weeks snow apples for sale 125 bus in your own container clean sprayed fruit robt t reesor 4th con pickering 1 miles west of brock road ph picker ing 96 r2 232 baling we are prepared to do vour custom baling standard and pickup edgevale farms stouffville 7906 w timbers sons 20tf tenders wanted tenders will be received up to october 25 1947 for the building of a basement hallway and two story brick addition to unionville public school ss no 10 lowest or any tender not necessarily accept ed plans and specifications may be seen at the office of the architect k noxon 1073 yonge street or the secretary of the school board e appleton unionville ont order now for immediate delivery hard body and limb wood dry soft wood and slabs lageer bros 224 phone 4120 mt albert wanted old worn out horses for slaughtering all horses well cared for and humanly slaughtered prices run from 2000 to 5000 according to size also pick up dead horses and cattle phone markham llr3 phone stouffville 7203 238 or h elson phone uxbridge 95r21 implements for sale two buggies for sale j b ree sor phone 6005 stouffville portable hammer mill and power unit for sale mounted on diamond t truck metro sudeyko phone stouffville 2520 222 i take this opportunity of thank ing my many friends and neighbors for sending flowers fruit and cards during my illness in hospital mrs e reist mr noah baker wishes to ex press his sincere thanks to his many friends and relatives for cards and gifts received on the oc casion of his birthday sept 21 mrs ralph wideman bawiew ave richmond hill wishes to ex press her sincere gratefulness to all her many relatives and friends for the cheerful letters cards flow ers boxes of fruit fancy biscuits cookies and candy also the visitata- tions while in the wellesley hos pital toronto and since i arrived home used surge milking machine for sale 2 unitcomplete john crawford ph aurora 8263 of james w thompson no re serve sale at 1230 a s farmer auctioneer friday oct 31 registered ac credited holstein cattle farm stock implements near new trac tor on rubber on lot 29 con 7 vaughan twp property belong ing to a constable sale at 1 pm terms cash no reserve as pro prietor is giving up farming on account of ill health ken clarke prentice auctioneers friday october 3140 head holstein cattle new tractor full line farm implements hay grain roots at lot 24 con 3 pickering the property of a c diamond sale at twelve a s farmer auctioneer saturday nov 1 property and house with approx 9 acres of land highclass furniture elec tric appliances piano dishes etc this is extra good furniture on lot 7 con 2 scarboro m mile north of highland creek po pro perty of geo bennet sale at 1 pm sharp terms on chattels cash property terms made known day of sale sellers atkinson auctioneers saturday nov 1 household furniture farm implements gar den toos dishes cooking uten sils etc on part lot 26 con 5 vaughan twp property of geo taggart sale at 2 pm sharp terms cash no reserve proper ty sold ken clarke prentice auctioneers tuesday nov 1 holstein cat tle and dairy equipment at kes wick on highway north of new market properly of frank mar- ritt a complete dispersal as owner is going out of the dairy business sale at 1 oclock sharp frank kavanaugh auctioneer wednesday nov 5 tractor on ruber combine threshing mach ine horses cattle pigs etc at ixt 17 con 1 scott 2 miles from mt albert the property of ken scott sale starts 1230 owner retiring a s farmer auction eer saturday nov 8 important auction sale of horses harness farm stock implements high- class furniture dishes glassware etc on part lot 13 con 2 north york twp on old colony road off bayview ave property of fred hurst sale at 130 pm terms cash no reserve proper ty sold ken clarke prentice auctioneers whether its buying or selling your best bet are tribune classified adv columns theyre read in 2 miles from ml albert property nearly 3000 homes every week case 2furrow tractor plow for sale 12 inch fleury bissel 7 foot disc harrow case rubber tired wagon also case sinch and 10 inch hammermill approxi mately 1500 ft 4 ftx6 ft by 716 inch insul brick r b brown your case dealer vandorf ph aurora 81 r5 for sale immediate delivery and installation pressure pumps tanks fittings deep or shallow well electric motors hand pumps electric washer gas engine milking machines gas or electric mcdeer gas engine 112 hp wisconsin air cooled engine clutch or gear reduction type 10 fleurybissell grinder 6 germ electric grinder used md pto manure spreader new international motors w d atkinson new implements on hand 1 all steel wagon 1 13run fertilizer drill 1 springtooth cultivator 1 water pressure pump outfit 17 ft grain binder 2 manure loaders with buck 1 no 21 walking plow 2 no 51 walking plows 1 cement mixer 1 3horse electric grinder 2 10horse grinders 2 riteway milking machines used implements 2 binders 2 mowers 1 kangaroo gang plow 1 masseyharris gang plow also garden tractors asphalt shingles and rolls car batteries oils and grease henry odgen son phone 5402 stouffville massey harris dealers radio appliances complete repair and servicing by expert technician all work fully guaranteed 20tf bell son phone stouffville 281 fresh and springer cows wanted l kahn sons phone claremont 8sr2 21 tf tractor repairs we are equipped to give you prompt service on tractor repairs henry ogden son massey harris dealers 4tf stouffville phone 25402 custom plowing discing and cultivating grant morley phone stouffville 5112 1tf help wanted wanted licensed mechanic hardware clerk also stenogmir her with shorthand and typing give references chas cooper ph 103 or 101 claremont 232 we extend sincere thanks to our friends neighbours relatives and senior womens institute and to rev morton for flowers messages of sympathy and kindness shown during our recent lereavement mr and mrs w a taylor mr blake annis and family ex press their sincerest thanks and deepest appreciation to their many friends for the many kindnesses ex tended to the late mrs annis dur ing her illness and to them in their recent bereavement blake annis and family miscellaneous constipation biliousness in digestion quickly safely relieved with kipps herb tablets 25a 75c at storeys drug store stouffville kipps herb tablets give quick relief for constipation in digestion hilliousness 25c 75c at storeys drug store custom plowing cultivating and wood buzzing a hobson phone 5812 stouffville 214 furniture repair all classes of furniture repaired by experienced mechanic medicene cabinets end tables etc made to order unpainted p jackson church st stouffville phone 2204 16tf cabbage wanted by scarboro dealer to buy cabbage savoy cabbage red cabbage beets and carrots apply the stouffville tribune phone 15301 farm equipment cockshutt stifftooth tractor cul tivator new kid kangaroo gang plow new cockshutt grinders and hammer mills new fairbanksmorse hammer mills new rubber tired wagons new potato digger used woods gilson milk coolers new delaval and conde milking mach ines new gasoline washing machine new electric washing machine 60 cycle new deep and shallow well electric pressure system pump jacks hand and power pumps etc bell son farm equipment dealers ph stouffville 281 wanted dead horses cattle telephone for free pick up telephone stouffville 255 claremont 41r4 markham 43 r3 uxbridge 27 we pay phone chargea gordon young ltd toronto ad3g3